Gec Elec3 - M1 01
Gec Elec3 - M1 01
Gec Elec3 - M1 01
Gender identity
• refers to one’s personal experience of gender or social relations
• determines how oneself in relation to gender and sexuality
• a person could identify himself or herself as masculine or feminine
Gender expressions
• determines how one expresses sexuality through the actions or manner of
presenting oneself
• Lesbian, Gay, transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual
• describes distinct groups outside of heteronormativity who are usually
defined by their SOGIE
• notion that being heterosexual, or the attraction to the opposite sex, is the
standard for correctness
• describes people who have sexual and romantic feelings mostly for the
opposite gender: Men who are attracted to women, and women who are
attracted to men
• describes people who have sexual and romantic feelings for the same
gender: Men who are attracted to men, and women who are attracted to
• someone whose gender identity corresponds with his or her biological sex
• A person can be a homosexual and at the same time a cisgender (identify with the
gender they were assigned to at birth because of their sex)
• pertains to women who are attracted to other women
• refers to men who are attracted to other men
• can also be used as an umbrella term for homosexuality
Bisexual or “bi”
• denotes people who are attracted to both genders.
• refers to someone whose assigned sex at birth does not represent his or her gender
• refers to a person who is born with a combination of male and female biological traits
Gender Equality
• recognition of the state that all human beings are free to enjoy equal
conditions and fulfill their human potential to contribute to the state
and society