NREL Wind Diesel Power System Basics

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Wind/Diesel Power Systems Basics

and Examples

E. Ian Baring-Gould
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Remote Power Systems
Renewable based power system can be
used to supply a wide range of energy
needs including:

• Dedicated use: Water pumping/ice making.

• House systems: Power systems for individual
homes, buildings, and load centers.
• Community Power Systems: Power systems
for a whole community and can include
conventional generation, renewable
technologies and storage technologies.
• Community hybrid systems
• Wind/Diesel systems
Community Scale Hybrid Systems
• Takes advantage of local renewable resources when
available in place of diesel produced energy
• Centrally located power plants that distribute AC power to
the connected homes.
• Components of wind, PV, biomass, batteries and
conventional generators
• Use of batteries when appropriate to store renewable
energy for use at night or low renewable times
• Generator used as backup or secondary power supply
• Incorporate larger or multiple generation units to improve
operation performance and benefit from quantities of
scale benefits
• Relatively mature market, understood technology
Hybrid (Wind, PV, Diesel, Storage)
Community System
Wind Turbine

Guyed Lattice Tower

Turbine Disconnect

PV Charge
Turbine Controller

DC Source Center PV Array


Battery Bank Inverter or

DC Loads AC Loads bi-directional converter
Lime Village, Alaska

Small community in
central Alaska using a
solar – diesel hybrid
power system as part of
an AEA / Sandia National
Laboratory PV technology
demonstration project
– Average daily load peak of
about 15 kW
– Successful technology
– Currently under monitoring • 12 kW Solar Array (Siemens & BP)
to assess economics and • 24 kW power converter
operational characteristics • 530 Ahr lead Acid battery bank
• 2 diesel engines
Wind-Diesel Power Systems
• Designed to reduce the consumption of diesel
– Pits cost of wind power against cost of diesel power
– Reduces diesel storage needs
– Reduced environmental impact; fuel transport & emissions
• Used for larger systems with demands over ~ 100 kW
peak load up to many MW
• Based on an AC bus configurations using wind turbines
and diesel engines
• Batteries, if used, store power to cover short lulls in wind
• Large potential, varying degrees of maturity with fewer
• Obviously requires a good wind resource to be
What’s the Challenge Behind Wind
Diesel Power Systems?
By their nature renewable energy is stochastic
(uncontrolled) and it varies with the resource.
We like our power very constant and controlled
- 60 Hz, 120 V – for our TV’s, lights,
Turning the variable energy in the wind into
constant, consistent energy we can use can
be a difficult task – the more energy from the
wind, the more complex the task
Wind-Diesel Penetration
One of the critical design factors is how much energy is
coming from the wind – called wind penetration – as this
helps determine the level of system complexity
Wind Power Output (kW)
Instantane ous Penetratio n
Primary Electrical Load (kW)
– Used to understand control requirements
– Reactive power needs, voltage and frequency regulation

Wind Energy Produced (kWh)

Average Penetratio n
Primary Energy Demand (kWh)
– Generally calculated on monthly or annual basis
– Total energy savings
– Loading on the diesel engines
– Spinning reserve losses/efficiencies
AC Based Hybrid System
• Low penetration systems - Wind acts as a
negative load, very little control or integration of wind
turbines into the power system is needed .
• Mid penetration systems - Wind becomes a
major part of the power system but diesel engines
still provide much of the system power control.
Additional components and limited supervisory
control required to assist diesels in maintaining power
• High penetration systems - Completely
integrated power system with advanced control.
Diesel generators shut off when not needed. Limited
operational control of system by plant staff.
System Penetration
Operating Characteristics Peak Annual
Instantaneous Average

 Diesel(s) run full-time

 Wind power reduces net load on diesel
Low < 50% < 20%
 All wind energy goes to primary load
 No supervisory control system
 Diesel(s) run full-time
 At high wind power levels, secondary loads dispatched to
20% –
Medium ensure sufficient diesel loading or wind generation is 50% – 100%
 Requires relatively simple control system
 Diesel(s) may be shut down during high wind availability
 Auxiliary components required to regulate voltage and 100% - 50% –
frequency 400% 150%
 Requires sophisticated control system

These are really three different systems which

should be considered differently
Note: People play loose with the definitions
Diesel Only Power System

System Controller 100


Diesel Gensets 60



0 6 12 18 24



Village Load
Low Penetration wind/diesel system

Wind Turbine 100

Diesel Gensets 80




0 6 12 18 24


System Controller

Village Load
Kotzebue, Alaska
• Community of over 3000 located above the
Artic Circle
• 11 MW installed capacity diesel power
• 2 MW peak load with 700kW minimum load
• 915 kW wind farm comprised of 15, Entegrity
e50, 50kW; 1 remanufactured V17 65kW;
and one NW 100/19, 100kW wind turbine
• Generated ~667,580 kWh from wind
last year – saving ~45,500 gal of
diesel fuel
• High turbine availability due to
strong technical capabilities of the
Kotzebue Electric Association
• Turbine curtailment used to control
at times of high wind output
Low Penetration
• Generally easy integration with existing diesel
system, little or no diesel modifications
• Diesel engines provide all frequency, voltage
and reactive power control requierments
• Switch gear would need to be modified to add
turbines and turbine control software installed
• Modest fuel savings of up to ~20% possible.
• System support requirements.
o Wind turbine maintenance.
o No change in staffing or potential increase
Medium Penetration W/D System
Selawik, Alaska
• Small community in Northern
• ~830 permanent residents
• Power system operated by the
Alaska Village Electric Cooperative
• Average load around 330 kW
• 4 Entegrity e15, 50 kW turbines
• Dump load used to help support
system control
• Turbines installed as part of a
complete diesel plant retrofit
• Initial reduced wind performance 4 50kW wind turbines sit above the
due to a number of issues – low community of Selawik, AK
wind resource, system integration
issues, and turbine maintenance
Toksook Bay, Alaska
• Small community in western Alaska with a population of ~560
• Power system operated by the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative
• Average load just under 300 kW
• 3 NW100kW turbines and community heating dump loads
• Installed in the fall and winter of 2005/2006
• Just over 20% average wind penetration with much higher
instantaneous penetration
• Almost 630,000 kW of wind generated last year

Wind turbines and Toksook Bay

Medium Pen W/D Principles
– Wind acts as a negative load on diesels
– Diesel(s) are expected to operate at all times and provide main
system stability control
– Will need devices to help control system frequency, eliminate
excess energy and provide VAR support
– Lead diesel have advanced control capabilities
– Secondary diesels may be shut off when not needed, reduces
diesel operating hours and fuel use.
– In high peak wind periods, primary diesel runs at low loading
and/or thermal loads used to set minimum loading
– Diesels may operate outside of their “standard” operating region,
not critical but may require more maintenance
High Penetration without storage
Operation without Storage
All diesel engines are

allowed to shut off 80

when the energy

from the wind 60

turbines power is 40

larger than the load

by some specified 20

margin 0
0 6 12 18 24


• System frequency maintained by controlled dump and Red = Diesel

dispatchable loads Blue = Load
• System voltage and reactive power is maintained by Green = Windpower
synchronous condensers or other conditioning devices
• Active control of turbine output helps reduce variability
St. Paul, Alaska
• Island in the middle of the Bering Sea
• Airport and industrial facility, currently expanding
to serve local municipality of St. Paul
• 1 Vestas, 225 kW turbines installed in 1999, with
two more installed in 07 for municipal expansion
• Current peak load around 200kW
• Waste energy used for heating
• Tanadgusix Corporation (TDX) Power

Wind turbine has been used to operate

the TDX airport facility, in many cases
with all diesels turned off
High Penetration with Storage
Operation with Short Term Storage
300 All diesel engines are
Wind allowed to shut off
Load when the energy from
100 the wind turbines is
Power, kW

greater than the load
-50 1 14 27 40 53 66 79 92 105 118 131 144 157 170 183 196
• Short term storage (up to a
portion of an hour) is used
Battery power (Charging is negative) to fill short gaps in wind
-250 energy or to start diesel
Time, minutes when required.
250 • Power converter, flywheel
Diesel power, kW

150 and/or controlled loads
used to maintain system
0 voltage, frequency and
1 19 37 55 73 91 109 127 145 163 181 199 reactive power
Time, minutes requirements
Wales, Alaska
• Remote community in Northern Alaska with
a population ~150
• 70kW average load with 2 AOC 15/50 wind
• Short term battery storage with rotary
• Resistive loads used for heating and hot
• Operation with all diesels turned off
• System has had many problems associated
with system complexity, maintenance and
confidence of the local population to
operate with all diesel engines off line
The community of
• Operated by Alaska Village Electric
Wales Alaska in
Cooperative with the implementation
summer and winter
assistance of Kotzebue Electric Association
and NREL
High Penetration W/D Principles
– Use of wind allows all diesel engines to shut down
during mid to high wind periods, reducing fuel
consumption and operation hours
– Other hardware used to maintain system voltage,
frequency, and reactive power requirements
– System controller continually monitors power
system and dispatched equipment as needed to
maintain system integrity
– Very technology dependent system architecture that
required automated operation
– Should include a fail safe operation strategy so if
components are not working, the diesel engines can
be operated to provide power
Systems and Components
• Hybrid power systems are made up of
separate pieces of equipment that are
brought together to form a cohesive power
• Configuration and component size depend on
the load and resource available at site
• Controlling the power systems is a
complicated question, both logically and
technically, especially as system penetration
• Designers must understand the different
components and their use
Dispatchable Generators
• Generators that can be
turned on with short
– Diesel, Gas, Natural
Gas, Bio-gas
• Usually require a lot of
maintenance 40 kW Diesel Generator
• Role depends on
system design. 10 kW Diesel
Generator w/
• Wide range of old and
Fuel tank
new technology
• Wide range of control
Wind Turbines for Hybrids
• Range in size from
300W to 750kW
• Large AC turbines for
diesel plants
• Small turbines
designed for remote Entegrety e15
generally DC but also
AC being developed
• Self erecting or tilt up
towers common
• Installed cost $3-6/W
with production from Bergey XL10
Northwind 19/100 $0.10-0.20/kWh
• Applicable for small,
remote applications
• Installation cost of
~$10/W, LCC of
• Low maintenance
requirements PV on Active Tracker
• Quite accepted
• Not used commonly in
large applications but
there are some
Micro and Run of River Hydro
• Applicable for areas
with a dependable
• Lower head systems
• Run of river up to 50kW
• Generally larger Micro Hydro
infrastructure cost facility
at remote ranch

UEK 50kW
flow turbine
Hybrid System Power Converters
• Convert energy from DC to AC
and back
Trace Tech • Some units contain power system
100 kW control
• Solid state or rotary systems
• Solid state range in size from 1kW
Wales AK 156 to 300kW
kW rotary
• Rotary systems built to size
depending on needs
• Combined with batteries for

Xantrax 4kW
• Many types
– Lead Acid (deep cycle
and shallow cycle)
– NiCad
• Two uses/sizing:
– Store energy to cover
long periods
– Store power to cover
short periods
• Requires periodic
• Sensitive to environment
• Life dependent on use
and the environment
Other Active Power Control
• Allows active control of
grid stability
• Allows access to small
amounts of instantaneous
Low load diesels - power
operate down to
below 10% rated • Generally modular
power while
maintaining control
• Spinning losses
Flywheels -
provide short
over voltage and • Long research history,
term energy very short operational
storage while experience
fluctuations in
wind and load
Power Smoothing and Conditioning

• Help to control voltage

and balance active and
reactive power needs
on the grid
• Primarily used when all
diesel engines have
been shut off Controlled dump loads,
synchronous condensers, and
• My provide limited grid conditioners to control
“storage” system voltage, frequency and
reactive power
• Has a standing loss Grid
System Controls and
Switch Gear
• The controller makes everything work
• Generally have central switch
gear/controller and then individual
controllers for each component
• Operates at very high speed to
monitor system stability while
allowing general component control
• Can reduce staffing costs while
increasing system performance
• Controllers are not created equal –
just because they say something is
“wind ready” does not mean that it is
Monitoring and
Remote Access
• Remote access allows
oversight of system
• Enables real time
system interrogation
and troubleshooting
even when off site
• With expert analysis
system reduces
maintenance and
down time
• Small incremental cost
Issues faced in implementing Alaskan
Wind/Diesel Projects
• High cost: Power in rural areas is always expensive,
but many elements drive up the cost of wind in rural
– Shipping and stranded installation equipment (Cranes)
– Turbine foundations in melting permafrost
– Cost of doing business in rural Alaska
• Community development project: Requires all levels
of community support – people, leadership, and
existing power company.
– Projects in several communities have been held up to do
internal community politics and power struggles.
– Provides a general community wide benefit with a generally
long return on investment
Issues faced in implementing Alaskan
Wind/Diesel Projects – Continued

• New Technology: Wind-diesel technologies are

relatively new, implementation in rural areas can be
operationally challenging
– Power system in Wales has seen extended down time due
to control system and community social problems
– The first wind turbine in St Paul was down for months waiting
for contracted maintenance to be completed
– Ice, snow, and very cold temperatures can impact
performance and life of equipment
– Although some turbines in Alaska are operating at very high
availability, there is a lack of a long term track record
2008 International Wind / Diesel
April 23rd to 27th, 2008
Hotel Alyeska in Girdwood, AK
Pre-conference Worshops: Wednesday
Workshop: Thursday & Friday
Power System Tours: Saturday & Sunday
Sponsors Supporters

For more information or to help sponsor visit:
• There are a lot of options / configuration of hybrid power systems
using local renewable resources to reduce the dependence on
imported fuels for rural electricity generation.
• Its not only the cost of imported fuels that need to be considered -
the cost of fuel storage, transportation, and potential
environmental impact should be assessed as well.
• Options for larger communities include advanced diesels and
control, locally derived bio-fuels & renewable technologies.
• Projects should be implemented with the support of the whole
community and as part of energy education/efficiency campaigns.
• Several very successful wind-diesel projects have been
implemented in artic areas, but every project is not successful
• Social sustainability issues dominate over technical ones
• Its never as easy as it seems
Renewable power systems, specifically wind-diesel, can be
implemented successfully in artic areas

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