Ds Resume
Ds Resume
Ds Resume
Email deepayan@isid.ac.in
Web www.isid.ac.in/~deepayan, deepayan.github.io
2000-2006 Ph.D (Statistics), University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Dissertation topic: “On the Analysis of Optical Mapping Data”.
1998-2000 M.Stat with distinction, Indian Statistical Institute
1995-1998 B.Stat (Hons), Indian Statistical Institute
2015-Present Associate Professor, Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit, In-
dian Statistical Institute, Delhi.
2009-2015 Assistant Professor, Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit, In-
dian Statistical Institute, Delhi.
2006-2009 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computational Biology, Public Health
Sciences at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
2009-Present Statistical Inference, Programming and Data Structures, Pattern Recog-
nition, Statistical Computing, Linear Models, Regression Techniques,
Introductory Computer Programming.
2004-2005 Co-instructor for the Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics
(SIBS) program at UW Madison.
2000-2002 Teaching Assistant at UW Madison for Statistics 301 (Introduction to
Statistics), Statistics 849 and 850 (Theory & Application of Regression
& Analysis of Variance I and II ).
Aloke Dey and Deepayan Sarkar. A new family of orthogonal Latin hypercube
designs. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 69(1):58–62, 2017.
Arijit Chakrabarty, Rajat Subhra Hazra and Deepayan Sarkar. From random ma-
trices to long range dependence. Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 5(2),
Aloke Dey and Deepayan Sarkar. A Note on the Construction of Orthogonal Latin
Hypercube Designs. Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 24(3):105–111, 2016.
doi: 10.1002/jcd.21408.
Arijit Chakrabarty, Rajat Subhra Hazra and Deepayan Sarkar. Limiting spectral
distribution for Wigner matrices with dependent entries. Acta Physica Polonica B,
46(9):1637–1652, 2015.
Aditya Gupta, Michael Place, Steven Goldstein, Deepayan Sarkar, Shiguo Zhou,
Konstantinos Potamousis, Jaehyup Kim, Claire Flanagan, Yang Li, Michael A. New-
ton, Natalie S. Callander, Peiman Hematti, Emery H. Bresnick, Jian Ma, Fotis Asi-
makopoulos, and David C. Schwartz. Single-molecule analysis reveals widespread
structural variation in multiple myeloma. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (USA), 112(25):7689–7694, 2015.
Deepayan Sarkar. R Graphics. In Handbook of Statistics 32: Computational Statis-
tics with R, M. B. Rao and C. R. Rao (Editors). Elsevier, Oxford. 2014.
India Project Team of the International Cancer Genome Consortium. Mutational
landscape of gingivo-buccal oral squamous cell carcinoma reveals new recurrently-
mutated genes and molecular subgroups. Nature Communications 4:2873, 2013.
doi: 10.1038/ncomms3873
Muscle Cells: A Potential for Broad Cellular Reprogramming. Developmental Cell,
18(4):662–674, 2010.
Kyongryun Lee, Florian Hahne, Deepayan Sarkar, Robert Gentleman. iFlow: A
Graphical User Interface for Flow Cytometry Tools in Bioconductor. Advances in
Bioinformatics vol. 2009, Article ID 103839, 3 pages, 2009.
Works in Progress
Kaustav Nandy and Deepayan Sarkar. Bayesian Image Reconstruction using Locally
Dependent Gradient Priors and Efficient Sparse Matrix Computations.
Siva Athreya, Deepayan Sarkar, and Steve Tanner. Probability and Statistics with
Examples using R. https://www.isibang.ac.in/~athreya/psweur/
Deepayan Sarkar and Felix Andrews (2022). latticeExtra: Extra Graphical Utilities
Based on Lattice. R package version 0.6-30.
Deepayan Sarkar (2021). lattice: Trellis Graphics for R. R package version 0.20-45.
Deepayan Sarkar and Kaustav Nandy (2020). Interface to OpenCV Image Process-
ing Routines. R package version 0.1-1.
Deepayan Sarkar and Kaustav Nandy (2020). Image Reconstruction Utilities. R
package version 0.1-2.
Deepayan Sarkar (2018). hmmcount: Fitting Hidden Markov Models for Count
Data. R package version 0.1-1.
The 2004 John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award for
“Lattice: A package implementing Trellis Graphics in R”