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Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of

EARF for the 2022 CAF

This chapter focuses on understanding the general aspects and familiarization of
the tools, various software, and standard coding convention used for the conduct of
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA
Delineation for the Development of Enumeration Area Reference File (EARF) for the 2022
Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (2022 CAF) activity. The discussion in this chapter is
necessary in order to successfully execute the various phases of this undertaking.
Starting from the general concept of GIS to the importance of QGIS for the pre-
processing phase, followed by use of QField and Android Tablet for field data collection
activities, and the set standard for evaluation using the PSA-GIS structure—the topics
under this chapter will serve as a guide to further familiarize the personnel directly
involved in this activity.


What is GIS?

A GIS (geographic information system) is an organized collection of hardware,

software, and procedures designed to support the capture, management,
manipulation, analysis, modeling, and display of spatially referenced data for solving
complex planning and management problems. The main objective of GIS is to add
value to spatial data by allowing it to be organized and viewed efficiently, by integrating
them with other data, by analysis, and by creation of new data.

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Five Components of GIS

Basic Types of Representation

a. Vector data – Real world entities represented by a set of coordinates with

associated attributes (point, line, and polygon).
b. Raster data – Real world entities represented by a set of cells in a grid pattern
with associated attributes (pixels).

Other GIS Definitions

a. Spatial data – Data that can be linked in geographic space to some feature on
a map. It has both a spatial (where) and an attribute (what) component.
b. Feature – A single entity that comprises part of a landscape which can be
represented as a point, line or polygon.
c. Attribute – A characteristic of a feature that contains a measurement or value
for the feature – a column in a data file.

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Similar to other GIS software, Quantum Geographic Information System

(QGIS) is a cross-platform free and open source GIS application that provides data
viewing, editing, and analysis capabilities.

QGIS allows users to create maps with many layers using different map
projections. Maps can be assembled in different formats and for different uses.
QGIS allows maps to be composed of raster or vector layers. Typical for this kind
of software, the vector data is stored as either point, line, or polygon-feature.
Different kinds of raster images are supported and the software can perform geo-
referencing of images. Newer versions of the software starting from QGIS 3.0 had
incorporated more complex automated workflow capability for more efficient

For the updating activity, QGIS Version 3.4.7 — Madeira will be used.

1. QGIS Features

The QGIS Interface

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a. Menu Bar – The Menu provides access to various QGIS features.

b. Tool Bar – The Toolbar provides access to most of the same functions as
the menus, plus additional tools for interacting with the map.

c. Side Toolbar – It provides shortcut access to create and load a new layer.

d. Layer Panel – It is also called map legend, lists all the layers in the project
and helps manage layer visibility. A layer can be selected and dragged up
or down.
e. Map Canvas – The Map Canvas shows the composed overlaid layers and
allows interaction with map and layers.

f. Status Bar – It shows information about the current map. It also allows to
adjust the map scale, map rotation, and see the map coordinates and

2. QGIS Basic Function

Project Menu

New Project – If you want to clear your session and start a

new Project.

Open Project – This menu option will prompt you to open the
existing project if changes have been made since it was
opened or last saved.

Project Save or Project Save As – The state of your QGIS

session is considered a project. QGIS works on one project at
a time.

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Edit Menu

• The Undo and Redo tools allow you to undo or redo vector
editing operations.

• To delete an entire polygon, select first the polygon using the regular
Select Feature tool.

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• Use the Delete Selected tool to delete the features.

• Cut Features tool on the digitizing toolbar can also be used to delete
features. This effectively deletes the feature but also places it on a “spatial

• Use the Paste Features tool to put it back, giving you a one-level undo

• Add Point Feature , Add Line Feature or Add Polygon

Feature icons on the toolbar will put the QGIS cursor in digitizing

➢ For points, digitize first the geometry, then enter its attributes and
click OK.

➢ For lines and polygons, keep on left-clicking for each additional

feature. When you have finished adding feature, right-click anywhere
on the map area to confirm you have finished entering the geometry
of that feature, then enter its attributes and click OK.

• Move Feature icon on the toolbar enables you to move existing

features. Long click and drag the features to the desired location.

• Vertex Tool provides manipulation capabilities of feature vertices.

• Selecting vertices: You can select vertices by clicking on them one at a

time, by clicking on an edge to select the vertices at both ends, or by clicking
and dragging a rectangle around some vertices. When a vertex is selected,
its color changes to blue.

• Adding vertices: To add a vertex, simply double click near an edge and a
new vertex will appear on the edge near to the cursor. Note that the vertex
will appear on the edge, not at the cursor position; therefore, it should be
moved, if necessary.

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• Deleting vertices: After selecting vertices for deletion, click the Delete key.

• Moving vertices: Select all the vertices you want to move. Click on a
selected vertex or edge and drag in the direction you wish to move. All the
selected vertices will move together. If snapping is enabled, the whole
selection can jump to the nearest vertex or line.

• Delete Part tool allows you to delete parts from multi-features. It will
not delete the last part of the feature; this last part will stay untouched.

• Split Features icon on the toolbar allows you to draw a line across the
feature you want to split.

• Split Part icon splits the parts of a multi-part feature so that the
number of parts is increased. Just draw a line across the part you want to

• Merge Selected Features tool allows you to merge features that

have common boundaries. A new dialog will allow you to choose which
value to choose between each selected feature or select a function to use
for each column.

View Menu

Before editing a layer, you should zoom in to your area of interest. This
action avoids waiting while all the vertex markers are rendered across the entire

Apart from using the Pan , Zoom-in and Zoom-out icons

on the toolbar with the mouse, navigating can also be done with the mouse
wheel, spacebar and the arrow keys.

While digitizing, you can press the mouse wheel to pan inside of the
main window, and you can roll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the
map. For zooming, place the mouse cursor inside the map area and roll it
forward (away from you) to zoom in and backwards (towards you) to zoom out.
The mouse cursor position will be the center of the zoomed area of interest.

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Panning the map during digitizing is possible with the arrow keys. Place
the mouse cursor inside the map area and click on the right arrow key to pan
east, left arrow key to pan west, up arrow key to pan north, and down arrow
key to pan south.

You can also use the space bar to temporarily cause mouse movements
to pan the map. The PgUp and PgDown keys on your keyboard will cause the
map display to zoom in or out without interrupting your digitizing session.

The QGIS Toolbar provides several tools to select features in the map

canvas. To select one or several features, just click on and select your

• Select Feature(s)

• Select Features by Polygon

• Select Features by Freehand

• Select Features by Radius

• To deselect all selected features, click on Deselect features

from all layers.

• Identify Features tool allows you to interact with the map

canvas and get information on features in a pop-up window.

• Zoom Full allows the user to view the extent of all layers in
the map canvas.

• Zoom to Layer allows the user to view the extent of the layer.

• Zoom to Selection zoom allows the user to view the extent of

the selected features.

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• Zoom Last allows you to go back to your previous zoom.

Layer Menu

To create layer or a new shapefile layer, from the Menu Bar, click
Layer, choose Create Layer, and then choose New Shapefile Layer. Another

way to create a layer is by clicking New Shapefile Layer icon on the Tool
Bar. The New Shapefile Layer dialog box will be displayed. Choose the
Geometry type (point, line, or polygon) and the CRS (Coordinate

Reference System) of the layer to be created. In the CRS Selector ,

search for WGS 84 and select EPSG:4326 – WGS 84.

To complete the creation of the new shapefile layer, add the necessary
attribute fields (column). Specify the name and type in the New Field section and
then click on the Add to Fields List button. The ‘id’ column is added as default
but can be removed, if not needed.

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Click OK to finish creating the new layer. The Add Vector Layer allows
the user to load shapefiles in the QGIS project.

Attribute Table

Open Attribute Table allows the user to open the attribute table for a
vector layer. The attribute table displays features of a selected layer. Each row
in the table represents one map feature, and each column contains a particular
piece of information about the feature. Features in the table can be searched,
selected, moved, or even edited.

Each selected row in the attribute table displays the attributes of a

selected feature in the layer. If the set of features selected in the main window
is changed, the selection is also updated in the attribute table. Likewise, if the
set of rows selected in the attribute table is changed, the set of features
selected in the main window will be updated.

Rows can be selected by clicking on the row number on the left side of
the row. Multiple rows can be marked by holding the Ctrl key. A continuous
selection can be made by holding the Shift key and clicking on several row
headers on the left side of the rows. All rows between the current cursor
position and the clicked row are selected. Moving the cursor position in the
attribute table, by clicking a cell in the table, does not change the row selection.
Changing the selection in the main canvas does not move the cursor position
in the attribute table.

The table can be sorted by any column, by clicking on the column

header. A small arrow indicates the sort order (downward pointing means
descending values from the top row down while upward pointing means
ascending values from the top row down).

For a simple search by attributes on only one column, choose the

Column filter from the menu in the bottom left corner. Select the field (column)
on which the search should be performed from the dropdown menu and hit the
Apply button. Then, only the matching features are shown in the attribute table.

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Other toolbars at the top of the attribute table window provide the
following functionality:

• Toggle Editing Mode (Ctrl+E)

Start all editing sessions by choosing this toolbar. This can be found in the
context menu after right clicking on a given layer. Alternatively, you can use
the Toggle Editing button from the digitizing toolbar to start or stop the
editing mode. Once the layer is in edit mode, markers will appear at the
vertices, and additional tool buttons on the editing toolbar become available.

• Save Edits (Ctrl+S)

• Deselect All (Ctrl+Shift+A

• Invert Selection (Ctrl+R)

• Copy Selected Rows to Clipboard (Ctrl+C)

• Zoom Map to The Selected Rows (Ctrl+J)

• Pan Map to The Selected Rows (Ctrl+P)

• Delete Selected Features (Delete key)

• Open Field Calculator (Ctrl+I)

• Save Layer Edits

It will save all edits made in a shapefile layer.

• Current Edits

This tool is active when in editing mode.

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• Remove Layer

It is used to remove layer in the QGIS by selecting the layer to be


• Layer Labeling Options

It is used to display the labels of each feature in a layer.

• Layer Properties

It allows you to change the display settings of the layer.

Settings Menu

Some basic options for QGIS can be selected using the Options dialog
box. The Options dialog box can be accessed by selecting the Settings Tab
in the Menu Bar > Options dialog box will open > Choose Digitizing in the
left side panel.

Before editing vertices, set a snapping tolerance and search radius to a

value that allows an optimal editing of the vector layer geometries.

NOTE: It is recommended to set these parameters at 0.0001 meters.

Snapping tolerance is the distance that QGIS uses to search for the
closest vertex and/or segment you are trying to connect to when you set a new
vertex or move an existing vertex. If you are not within the snapping tolerance,
QGIS will leave the vertex where you released the mouse button, instead of
snapping it to an existing vertex and/or segment. The snapping tolerance
setting affects all tools that work with tolerance.

Graphical Modeler / Model Builder

In GIS, there is not just one operation in data analysis, but rather a chain
of operations to process the data. The Graphical Modeler or Model Builder

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allows the QGIS user to perform multiple operations using a single process.
This modeler has a simple interface for an easier navigation. The modeler
works in a way where the output generated from one operation will be used as
an input for the following defined operation. This will produce one final output
after the modeler was ran unless it was done by batch. Thus, the execution is
convenient in the workflow especially if there are several inputs to be used to
process the data.


QField is an application that allows the collection of field data with the use of
an Android device. It is an open-source project fully compatible with the QGIS desktop
allowing a QGIS-based project to be loaded for a more efficient fieldwork.

This data gathering and management application is based on QGIS making the
project to appear the same way as it does on the desktop. It has a simple interface.
Only the tasks required to be performed on the field are available. The preparation
and configuration of a project is done via QGIS permitting its users to work on the
ground more effectively.

For the updating activity, QField Version 1.10 — Uluru will be used during the
conduct of field validation.

1. QField Basic Functions

a. Open Project - It allows a project to be loaded on the map canvas.

b. Browse Mode - It allows visualization and query of the geospatial project

loaded in the QField. This is also the default mode once a project is displayed
on the screen.

c. Digitize Mode - It allows digitization of new features and editing an already

created feature.

d. GPS - When enabled, it will track the GPS position of the user’s device
current location.

NOTE: Make sure that the GPS/Location of the Android Tablet is also
turned ON.

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e. Editing Saved Features - It is used when editing the attribute form of the
selected feature.

2. Opening the Uploaded QGIS Project in QField

a. Tap the QField icon on the Home screen of the Android Tablet to open
and run the application.
b. Open a project to view the map of the assigned area. Tap the Open local
project > Internal storage > PSA-GIS > ppmm folder where the necessary
project file for the fieldwork is stored.

pp – Provincial Code
mm – Municipality Code

NOTE: Wait a few seconds for the project to display on the screen.

c. Once the map is displayed, if necessary, Pan and Zoom the area of
assignment (bgy/ea). Pinch out to zoom-in or pinch in to zoom-out the map.
Another way is to use the zoom in and zoom out button on the right side of the

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d. Select the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) on the upper left corner of
the screen to display the layers of the map.

(Notice that the Digitize icon is greyed-out since the current mode is in
Browse Mode.)

e. To show or hide the map legend of a layer, tap and long hold a layer then tick
or untick the check box for Expand legend item. The number inside the square
brackets indicate the feature count for the selected layer.

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f. To show or hide layers on the map canvas, tap and hold the layer then tick or
untick the check box for the Show on map.

(Notice that the layer when hidden is greyed-out.)

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g. Select Zoom to layer to automatically zoom in to the whole area covered by

the selected layer in the map canvas.

h. Tap the Back icon to return to the map canvas.

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3. Adding Features

a. Go to Menu and select the corresponding layer of the feature type (point,
polygon, or line) that will be added. The selected layer is highlighted in light

b. Switch to Digitize Mode and return to the map canvas.

c. If necessary, pan and zoom the map to locate where the vertex/point of the
feature will be positioned. The Crosshair cursor stays at the center of the map
canvas as the map is being navigated.

NOTE: Take caution when adding a feature. If the feature has

already been saved, it CANNOT BE DELETED.

• To add a point feature:

i. Tap the Plus icon .

ii. The Attribute Form appears. Fill out the form with the information of the
feature that is to be created.
iii. After completing the form, select the Check mark on the upper left
corner of the form to save the feature. Select the Trash bin icon on the
upper right corner to discard the feature.

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4. Editing Features in QField

a. Go to Menu options then change the mode to Digitize Mode . Zoom to the
feature to be edited and select it. The Identification List will then be displayed.

b. Select the specific feature in the table. The Attribute form will appear on the

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(Notice that multiple features are highlighted in the map canvas which are
also shown in the Identification List. This happens when there are several
items on the selected location – either the features are situated close to one
another or the layers are overlapping. Once a feature is picked on the list,
it will be highlighted in light red on the map canvas.)

c. If necessary, zoom in more so that the feature is visible enough to make

changes in its geometry.

• If the attribute values of any feature type need changes:

i. Tap the Edit Feature icon on the upper right of the form.
ii. Make necessary changes on the attribute of the selected feature.
iii. Tap Check mark on the left side of the form to save the change/s made.
Otherwise, tap Cross mark on the right to delete or unsave the

• If the point feature needs to be moved:

i. Make sure to switch to Digitize Mode .

ii. From the Attribute Form of the selected feature, tap the Geometry
Editor icon . The Vertex Tool is activated by default.

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iii. If necessary, select the feature again on the map canvas. The
Crosshair points directly on the feature.
iv. Tap the three dots (lined horizontally) icon at the lower right corner
of the screen.
v. Pan and navigate to the area where the feature needs to be transferred.
The Crosshair moves along as you navigate the map canvas.
vi. Tap the Vertex Tool icon to move the feature, then tap the Check
icon to complete and save the changes. Tap to return the
Crosshair to where the feature was located if change has not been
completed/saved yet. Select Stop Editing button on the upper left of the
screen to deactivate Vertex Tool.

• If the vertex of a line feature needs adjustments:

NOTE: The process of editing a vertex of a line is similar to editing

a vertex of a polygon.

i. Zoom in to the area and pick the line feature that needs to be edited.
The Identification List shows up.

ii. Make sure to switch to Digitize mode. From the Identification List, select
the target feature. The Attribute Form appears. Choose the Geometry
Editor . The Vertex Tool is the default editor tool.

iii. Use the or arrows until the Crosshair is right on the vertex to
be adjusted.

iv. Pan the map until the Crosshair is in the position where the vertex will
be transferred. Select Check button to finish editing.

• To add a vertex on an existing line feature:

NOTE: The process of adding a vertex to a line is similar to adding a

vertex to a polygon.

➢ Add a vertex along a segment

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i. Make sure to switch to Digitize mode. Select the Geometry Editor

icon in the Attribute Form of the target feature.
ii. If necessary, tap either or arrow so that the Crosshair
jumps to either end of the vertices of the line feature.
iii. Select the Plus icon . The Crosshair now moves in between the
two vertices along a segment of the line.
iv. If necessary, tap Left or Right arrow again until the Crosshair is
situated along the segment where a new vertex will be inserted.
v. Pan the map to where the vertex will be placed.
vi. Choose the Check button to finish adding a vertex.

➢ Add a vertex at the start/end of the line

i. Make sure to switch to Digitize mode. Select the Geometry Editor

icon in the Attribute Form of the target feature.
ii. Tap either or arrow so that the Crosshair jumps to one of
the end vertices of the line feature.
iii. Select the Plus icon . The Crosshair now moves in between the
two vertices along a segment of the line.
iv. Tap Left or Right arrow again so that the Crosshair is at the end
vertex of the line again.
v. Pan the map to the target area where the new vertex will be placed.
vi. Select the Plus icon again.
vii. Repeat steps iv-vi until desired path is achieved.
viii. Choose the Check button to finish adding a vertex.

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A tablet computer, commonly shortened to tablet, is a thin, flat mobile computer

with a touch screen display, which is usually in color, processing circuitry, and a
rechargeable battery in a single device. Some tablets are equipped with sensors,
including digital cameras, a microphone, and an accelerometer, so that images on
screens are always displayed upright. The touch screen display uses the recognition of
finger or stylus gestures to replace the mouse, track pad and keyboard used in laptops.

Tablets are typically larger than smart phones or personal digital assistants with
screens 7 inches (18 cm) or larger, measured diagonally. However much of a tablet's
functionality resembles that of a modern smart phone, like having a virtual keyboard or
running a dedicated 'mobile' operating system.

Since the inception of the tablet computer technology, its popularity has expanded.
A wide variety of models are available in the market. One of the popular brands is the
Samsung Galaxy Tab.

This chapter presents the use of tablet computer as a tool in geotagging building
structures. It also discusses the parts and functions of the Samsung Galaxy Tab A with
S Pen. It also includes procedures on how to operate the gadget/device and how to collect
data of the building structures. All personnel involved in the geotagging operation are
required to read this chapter before operating the device.

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GETTING STARTED (How to operate)

Samsung Galaxy Tab A

The Samsung Galaxy Tab A is a 9.7-inch Android-based tablet computer produced

and marketed by Samsung Electronics. It belongs to the new high-end "A" line of the
cross between the Samsung Galaxy Tab and Samsung Galaxy A series, which also
includes an 8.0-inch model, the Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0. It was announced in March
2015, and subsequently released on 1 May 2015.

The actual available capacity of the internal memory is less than the specified
capacity because the operating system and default applications occupy part of the
memory. The available capacity may change when you upgrade the device.
You will be issued a Samsung Galaxy Tab A with S Pen (stylus), data cable charger and
headset for the duration of the mapping activity. Learn the mobile device hardware,
assembly procedures, and how to get started using the new device. The Samsung Galaxy
Tab A with S Pen is shown below.

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The Basic Parts and Functions



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Set Up Your Device

Turning the Device On

To turn the device on:
► Press and hold the Power key until the device turns on.
Turning the Device Off
1. Press and hold the Power/Lock key until the device vibrates and the Device
options menu displays.
2. Tap Power Off , and confirm if prompted

Restart the Device

If your device stops responding to taps or finger gestures and you are unable
to turn it off, you can restart your device.

► Press and hold the Power key and the Volume down key at the
same time for more than seven seconds.

Initial Set Up
The first time you turn your device on, a Welcome screen is displayed. It
guides you through the basics of setting up your device.Follow the prompts to
choose a default language, connect to a Wi-Fi® network, set up accounts, choose
location services, learn about your device’s features, and more.

NOTE: Voice Assistant provides voice prompts and descriptions of items on

the screen to improve accessibility. During setup, you can enable or disable
Voice Assistant by pressing the Home key quickly three times.

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The S Pen

The S Pen is a stylus that assists you in performing different functions. Switch between
touch and pen input by using the S Pen button. The S Pen stores inside your device for
convenient access. To remove the S Pen from your device, access the S Pen by using
the clickable notch on the end of the S Pen located at the lower right bottom of the device.

The Apps displays all applications installed on your device, both preloaded and
downloaded apps. You can uninstall, disable, or hide apps from view.

Access Applications
1. From a Home Screen tap Apps
2. Tap an application's icon to launch it.
3. To return to the main Home Screen, press the Home key.

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My Files

To access files stored on your device.

1. From a Home screen, tap Apps> My Files.

2. Files stored in the device are organized into the following groups:
File Groups
Files stored in the device are organized into the following groups

Recent files: View recently accessed files.

Category: Files are grouped in the following categories

Images: View image files

Documents: View document files

Download history: View all apps and files that have

been downloaded to the device.

Local Storage: View folders and files in their storage locations.

Device Storage: View folders and files located on the


SD Card: View folders and files located on your SD card.

This will only appear if you have an SD card
in the device.

Cloud Storage: Contains shortcuts to FTP servers or other cloud

storage locations that you have added

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Google Drive: Sign in to view folders and files located in your

Google Drive account.

Viewing files in My Files:

1. From a Home screen, tap Apps> My Files

2. Tap a category to view the relevant files or folders.
3. Tap a file or folder to open it

Category Options
After tapping on a category, the following options are available:
• SEARCH: Search for a file in the selected category
• VIEW AS: Change the appearance of the files or foldres.
• MORE: Tap for the following options:
▪ Edit: Select files or folders
▪ Create folder: Group files together in a folder
▪ Add Shortcut: Add a shortcut to the main My Files Screen
▪ Share: Select fies to share
▪ Sort by: Change the sort order of the files.
Options for Selected Files and Folders
Tap MORE > Edit, select a file or folder, and then use one of these functions:
• DELETE: Delete files or folders
• MORE: Select one of the following options:
▪ Move: Move files or folders to another folders
▪ Copy: Copy files or folders to another folder
▪ Rename: Rename a file or folder. This option only appears when
just one file or folder is selected.
▪ Add shortcut on Home screen: Add a shortcut on the Home
▪ Compress: Create a zip folder containing the selected files. This
option only appears in Local Storage categories. A selected zip

Chapter 5 Familiarization | 77
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

folder has the additional options of Extract and Extract to

current folder.
▪ Details: View details of the selected file/s or folder/s

Displays Settings
Display options and features, including screen brightness, screen timeout delay.
Adjust the screen brightness to suit your surroundings or personal
preference. You may also want to adjust screen brightness to conserve battery

1. From a Home screen, tap Apps> Settings >Display.

2. Tap Brightness for options:
• Tap Auto to allow the device to adjust brightness automatically.
• To set a custom brightness level, clear the Automatic brightness
check mark and drag the Brightness slider.

NOTE: You can also control Brightness from the Notification panel. Drag down the
Status Bar at the top of the screen to find the Brightness options.

Set the Screen Timeout Delay. Choose how long the display screen
remains lit after you tap the screen or press any key.

1. From a Home screen, tap Apps> Settings >Display.

2. Tap Screen timeout, and then choose a time period.
Storage Settings

Viewing and Managing the Device Memory.

1. From a Home screen, tap Apps> Settings

2. Tap Storage
• The Device memory displays Total space and Available space.

78 | Chapter 5 Familiarization
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

• The amounts of memory used by Applications, Pictures,

Downloads, Cached data and Miscellaneous files are also
To increase available memory:
1. Tap Cached data to clear all cached data for all apps. Tap DELETE to
2. Tap Miscellaneous files, select unnecessary files (or tap SELECT
ALL) and tap DELETE.

Points to Remember
Listed below are pointers that you should keep in mind while using the device:
1. Make sure that the device is fully charge before going to fieldwork.
2. Case and Screen Protector. These will take care of your device by preventing
it from being subject to knocks and scratches. These would help to keep its
appearance longer and may also protect it from some internal damage should
you accidentally knock or drop it.
3. Avoid exposing the tablet to too much heat.
4. Clean your device regularly. Use dry tissue paper or alcohol wipes to clean the
tablet exterior surfaces. Do not use water or other cleaners that may
inadvertently add moisture to your device.
5. Do not let the device be soaked in water.
6. Keep the screen as dim as you can stand it, and close Apps when you are
done with them so they don’t run in the background.
7. Pump down the volume. Mobile devices have weak speakers, so be careful
pushing your Android’s volume levels too high. Distortion ramps up rapidly in
the upper volume ranges, and it’s easy to blow a device’s speakers.
8. Turn off the tablet at the end of your fieldwork for the day.
9. When charging your device, set it to Airplane Mode so it will charge faster.
10. Always use genuine charger and accessories. Cheaper ones that are not
compatible or made for going with your brand can harm the tablet or lessen its

Chapter 5 Familiarization | 79
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

11. For optimum battery performance once a month, let your battery drain
completely before recharging.
12. Never let the tablet leave your sight. Avoid lending it to others, even if done
under your supervision, as accidents can and will happen once in a while.
13. Return the tablet in good condition to the PSO-GIS Unit. You will be held liable
for the damage and/or loss of the unit.



The post-processed GIS-based maps used during the conduct of 2020 Census of
Population and Housing (2020 CPH) are required to adhere to a standard coding
convention in order to systematically integrate ground objects on the maps, layer
names, and geographic codes. For this endeavor, the Philippine Statistics Authority
developed and implemented the PSA-GIS standard coding convention to ascertain
the uniformity of symbol, name, and code usage in the maps. All personnel hired or
directly involved in the Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-
Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of Enumeration Area
Reference File (EARF) for the 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (2022 CAF)
activity are expected to observe the proper use of these established symbols upon the
processing and updating of maps through the QGIS software.
This section illustrates the PSA-GIS Standard Coding Convention, attribute table
structure, map legends, and other cartographic symbols used in mapping activities.

80 | Chapter 5 Familiarization
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

The PSA-GIS Standard Coding Convention

1. MUNICIPALITY Area ppmm_bgy ppmmbbb000000 1003 By Barangay
Protected Area Area ppmm_bgy ppmmbbb000000 1009
2. MUNICIPALITY Area ppmm_ea ppmmbbbeeeeee 1004 x x x x By EA
(ea boundary) x
3. Lake/Streams 1005

4. Fish Pond Area ppmm_area ppmmbbb 1006

5. Sitio Boundary 1007

6. Farm Boundary 1008

7. Block Boundary Area ppmm_block ppmmbbbeeeeee 1010

8. Economic Area Area ppmm_ecoa ppmmbbbnnn 1011
9. Provincial/ 2001
National Road

10. Municipal Road Line ppmm_road ppmm000 2002

11. Barangay Roads 2003

12. Alleys 2004

13. Proposed Road 2005

14. Trail 2010

15. Railroads Line ppmm_railroads ppmm000 2006

16. River/Creek 2007
Line ppmm_river ppmm000
17. Irrigation/Canal 2008
18. Bridge Line ppmm_bridge ppmm000 2009

Chapter 5 Familiarization | 81
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

19. Municipal Hall ppmm_landmarks ppmmbbb 3002

20. Barangay Hall 3003

21. Govt Bldg./Office Point ppmm_landmarks ppmmbbb 3004

22. School 3005

23. Church 3006

24. Mosque 3007

25. Market 3008

26. Pier or Wharf 3009

27. Lighthouse 3010

28. Airport 3011

29. Forest 3012

30. Mountain or Hill 3013

31. Cemetery 3014

32. Artesian Well 3015

33. Ricefield 3016

34. Cornfield 3017

35. Coconut 3018

36. Tobacco 3019

82 | Chapter 5 Familiarization
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

37. Swamp/Marshs 3020

38. Pharmacy Store Point ppmm_landmarks ppmmbbb 3021

39. Grocery/ 3022

Department Store
40. Sugarcane 3024
41. Banana Plantation 3025

42. Pineapple 3026

43. Abaca Plantation 3027

44. Golf Course 3028

45. Hospital 3029

46. Health Center 3030

47. Park/Plaza 3031

48. Basketball Court 3032

49. Gasoline Station 3033

50. Police Station 3034

51. Cell Tower 3035

52. Other Landmarks 9999

pp – Provincial Code
mm – Municipality Code
bbb – Barangay Code
eeeeee – Enumeration Area (EA) Code
kk – Block Number

Chapter 5 Familiarization | 83
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

The Attribute Table Structure

1. ppmm_bgy geocode String 13 Municipal layer
name String 50 delineated by
code String 4 barangay
lgu String 1
For denr and lgu
denr String 1
1 – if derived
from DENR/LGU,
blank – if not
bgy String 1 derived from
2. ppmm_ea2019 geocode String 13
name String 50 Municipal layer
code String 4 delineated by EA
geo2022 String 13
floating String 1 For floating field;
BGY_GEO String 13 1 – if coastal
blank – if inland
3. ppmm_ea2022 geocode String 13
name String 50 Municipal layer
code String 4 delineated by EA
geo2022 String 13
floating String 1 For floating field;
BGY_GEO String 13 1 – if coastal
blank – if inland
4. ppmm_block geocode String 13
name String 50
code String 4
geo2019 String 13
floating String 1
BGY_GEO String 13
BGY_NAME String 50
BLOCK_GEO String 15
5. ppmm_ecoa geocode String 10
ecoasn String 3 For valid_ind
ecoatype String 2 field;
name String 100 1 – if Verified
address String 150 blank – if not
code String 4 Verified
valid_ind Result of String 1
Field Data
remarks Field Data String 150
6. ppmm_area geocode String 7
name String 50

84 | Chapter 5 Familiarization
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

code String 4
7. ppmm_road geocode String 7
name String 50
code String 4
lanes String 2
8. ppmm_river geocode String 7
name String 50
code String 4
9. ppmm_bridge geocode String 7
name String 50
code String 4
10. ppmm_bndry geocode String 13
case String 254 For valid_ind
valid_ind String 1 field;
remarks String 254 1 – if Verified –
valid_ind2 Result of String 1 True
Field Data 2 – if Verfied –
Collection False
remarks2 Field Data String 254
Collection For valid_ind2
Remarks field
1 – if True
2 – if False
11. ppmm_eabndry geocode String 13
case String 1
valid_ind String 1
remarks String 1
12. ppmm_landmark geocode String 7
name String 50
code String 4
13. ppmm_PSU BSN String 4
nnn_bldgstrcutures Address String 100
(2017 shapefile name of Bldg Name String 50
geo-tagged building Bldg Type String 50
structures) Bldg Form String 50
No of Flr String 2
Roof Type String 50
ppmmbbbeeeeee_bldgst Wall Type String 50
ructures Popcen BSN String 4
(2018 shapefile name of HH Head String 50
geo-tagged building
IS Ind String 2
Remarks String 100
Bldg Image String 254
(2019 shapefile name of
geo-tagged building

14. ppmm_bldg_point BSN String 4

Address String 100 For update field;
Bldg Name String 50
Bldg Type String 50

Chapter 5 Familiarization | 85
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

Bldg Form String 50 1 – New Building

No of Flr String 2 (7000-series
Roof Type String 50 BSN)
Wall Type String 50 2–
Popcen BSN String 4 Destroyed/Demo
HH Head String 50 lished
IS Ind String 2 3 – Transferred
Remarks String 100 to Another
Bldg Image String 254 Barangay
Geoid String 7
For valid_ind
Geocode String 13
GeoBSN String 4
1 – Verified –
coord String 50
update 2021 Post- String 1
2 – Verified –
valid_ind Result of String 1
For update_2
1 – Renovated
comments Field String 254 2 – Out of Scope
update_2 Status of String 1
During 2021
comments_2 Field Data String 254

86 | Chapter 5 Familiarization
Geotagging of Missing Building Points from Processed Post-Census Maps and EA Delineation for the Development of
EARF for the 2022 CAF

Map Legends and Other Cartographic Symbols Used

Legend Symbol Description

Barangay Boundary *Green dash line
*Bounded to one or more Enumeration
Area (EA)

EA Boundary *Red dash line

*All of the blocks under an EA are
bounded by this symbol.
Block Boundary *Blue marked line

Barangay Name Poblacion *Indicates the name of the barangay

*Green colored name
*Located in the middle of the map
EA Name EA001000 *Indicates the EA number
*Red colored name
*Located in the middle of the map
Block Number *Indicates the block number
*Blue colored number
*Located in the middle of a block map
*Depends on the number of created
blocks it may be numbered from 00 to
99 (maximum).
Geotagged Points *Yellow colored mark
*for EA map this can be seen in yellow
dot only

*Yellow colored mark

*for block maps this can be seen on the
roof of the building with BSN number
beside the dot.
Building Serial Number *Yellow colored number
(BSN) 0001 *Consists of four (4) digit number that is
unique in every EA (ex. 0001).

Chapter 5 Familiarization | 87

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