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Adding Value Through Offshoring

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For the exclusive use of A.

Diaz, 2023.


Illustration by EVA VÁZQUEZ


Adding Value
Through Offshoring

he U.S. sitcom Outsourced is based “You can’t outsource Order Fulfillment.
on an all-too-real premise: An Amer- Our catalog is patriotic knick-knack. If a factory
ican manager named Todd sudden- worker from Wisconsin calls the 800 number to
ly finds his departmental functions buy this and gets a person from another country,
being outsourced to a call center in Mumbai. they’ll flip out. You expect me to walk in there
“Todd, we decided to restructure Order Ful- and tell everyone, ‘I’m sorry, your job has been
fillment.” outsourced’?”
“Restructure how?” “I’ll do it.”
“Offshore the whole department.” “So I’m fired, too?”
(Laughs.) “Good one.” “No, not at all. We need you in India. Some-
“I’m not kidding. Check out this spread- one has to train the new guy.”
sheet. Any American job that’s done on the “What does this new guy get paid?”
phone or online is going overseas. The savings “Half a million… rupees. That’s $11,000 a year
are incredible.” to do your job. As in, eight for the price of one.”

This document isTHIRD
authorized for use2011
QUARTER only by Alejandra
ISSUE 10 Diaz in Int.Business Policy (MGPO 383) taught by Amir Taherizadeh, McGill University from AugIESEinsight
2022 to Jan 2023.
For the exclusive use of A. Diaz, 2023.

In real life as in fiction, the arguments made ing operations overseas, our research shows
by numerous companies to offshore services that offshoring has become a critical component
in the ’90s usually followed this same script. of a business strategy aimed at creating value.
Those years saw offshoring as little more than For those who have not yet made the leap, an
simply moving call centers to countries with understanding of the current state of offshoring
lower labor costs. is essential. First, we explain the factors that
But things have changed. Today’s new gener- have contributed to transforming this business
ation of offshoring increasingly features value- practice. Then, we weigh up the benefits and
added services, such as highly complex software risks, before sharing some of the tools that will
projects or specific R&D functions. Gone are the help you to define a successful international
days of simple cost reduction, which favored the offshoring strategy suited to your organization.
routine use of call centers and overseas software
developers for minor projects. The IT Impetus
Two of Spain’s biggest banking groups, BBVA How did offshoring get to be so popular? Un-
and Santander, exemplify the new and improved doubtedly, the development of information
offshoring trend. technology, fuelled by the Internet, gave rise to
Less than a decade ago, BBVA was running a certain set of functions that could be relocated
its entire back office out of Madrid. Five years more easily, and influenced which business rela-
later, it had relocated these operations, first tionships could be maintained through offshore
to the southern Spanish city of Malaga, before destinations.
outsourcing two-thirds of its operations to low- Information and communications technol-
cost destinations such as Buenos Aires, Mexico ogy (ICT), such as Voice Over IP and telepres-
City and Lima. BBVA is currently doing the same ence, became not only much cheaper, but also,
with its remaining administrative activities in with the advent of more collaborative applica-
the other geographic areas where it operates. tions and cloud computing phenomena, more
Santander has taken a much more radical ap- comprehensive. This enabled companies to car-
proach. Since 2000, the banking group has pro- ry out high value-added activities far from home
gressively transferred software development, with the maximum degree of reliability and effi-
computer centers and business operations to ciency. With digitization, distance ceased to be a
three subsidiaries. These, in turn, were given the problem and, in many ways, disappeared.
freedom to concentrate, outsource or transfer The Telemedicine Clinic is a good case in
part of those activities as they saw fit, but always point. What began life in 2003 as a means to cen-
under the supervision of the banks. At the same tralize diagnostic services performed by hospi-
time, Santander has developed a single, shared tals in Sweden has since expanded to become a
technology platform and common processes, full radiology solutions provider to where public
among which offshoring is just one facet of an hospitals across the European Union are able to
overall operating strategy. subcontract their diagnostic services. A special-
This article is based on studies conducted ist based in Barcelona, for example, can have
by the Offshoring Research Network, which is immediate access to X-rays taken in Sweden,
associated with IESE’s Center for Globalization and on-call specialists in Sydney make sure that
and Strategy. For companies interested in mov- quality readings are provided day or night.
Eventually, offshoring evolved beyond pro-
viding technical support services, to actually be-
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ing a source of new professional expertise in the
form of research and development. Such was the
For decades, offshoring in- their internationalization strate- path taken by General Electric, IBM and Cisco.
volved little more than moving gies in order to incorporate This went hand in hand with the proliferation
call centers to countries with more of these kinds of value- of professional services firms and management
lower labor costs. But things added offshoring processes. consultancies, which specialized in offshoring
have changed. Today’s new In this article, the authors and facilitated these tendencies even further.
generation of offshoring in- discuss the risks and oppor-
creasingly features value-added tunities that managers must From Cost Savings
services, such as highly complex consider when offshoring, and to Head-Hunting
software projects or specific they propose six steps aimed In 2009, the Offshoring Research Network
R&D functions. These changes at creating value rather than surveyed senior executives representing more
are forcing companies to rethink simply reducing costs. than 2,000 companies and 4,300 offshore proj-

This document is authorized for use only by Alejandra Diaz in Int.Business Policy (MGPO 383) taught by Amir Taherizadeh,
ISSUEMcGill University
10 THIRD from Aug
20112022 to Jan 2023.
For the exclusive use of A. Diaz, 2023.

While executives continue to cite “labor cost savings,”

others say they value the benefits of access to qualified
personnel and the greater organizational flexibility
that offshoring brings.

ects in four continents. While these executives with value creation processes. As our analysis
continued to cite “labor cost savings” as the shows, improving the quality of skilled workers
top advantage of offshoring, the survey also worldwide will encourage product develop-
turned up significant numbers of executives ment offshoring, as opposed to just offshoring
who valued, for instance, the benefits of access lower value activities.
to qualified personnel or greater organizational This shift has been partly driven by emerg-
flexibility (see Exhibit 1). ing countries making a firm commitment to
There are two main reasons behind this. invest in education and infrastructure. Several
First, many have come to the realization that studies, including the one by the Offshoring Re-
“labor cost savings” cannot serve as the only search Network, reveal explosive growth in the
source of competitive advantage, as there will number of engineering and computer science
always be someone who can do it cheaper. graduates, especially in the two major offshor-
Also, what’s happening is that, thanks to ing destinations of India and China. No wonder
better education, the supply of skilled labor in the U.S. administration is concerned, as reflect-
offshore destinations has improved significant- ed by President Obama’s pledge in 2010 for the
ly over the years. This means that these workers United States to “produce eight million more
are able to take on and carry out new business college graduates by 2020, because America
tasks requiring high levels of knowledge. has to have the highest share of graduates com-
Our research corroborates the develop- pared to every other nation.”
ment of talent and knowledge as a critical ele- This growth in the availability of skilled
ment in offshoring strategies – a development labor has led to the emergence of clusters spe-
that reinforces the association of offshoring cialized in offshoring activities, like investment
banks in Mumbai or call centers in Bangalore.
The phenomenon is not restricted to the Asian
ABOUT THE AUTHORS giants. There are now IT-associated clusters in
Latin America, too, from Guadalajara, Mexico,
Joan Enric Ricart is a profes- the Kellogg Graduate School of to Recife, Brazil, and Córdoba, Argentina.
sor of economics and strategic Management, a Ph.D. in indus- Having clusters concentrated together in
management at IESE, where he trial engineering from the Te- one area makes it easier for companies and
holds the Carl Schroeder Chair chnical University of Catalonia universities to exchange ideas and people,
of Strategic Management. He (UPC) and a Ph.D. in business with universities tending to become the main
was the founding president administration and economics recruitment centers. Clusters can also gener-
of the European Academy of from the Autonomous Univer- ate pools of talent with specific capabilities,
Management and is currently sity of Barcelona (UAB). making these offshore destinations even more
president of the Strategic attractive.
Management Society and vice Pablo Agnese is a senior But the picture is not entirely perfect. Some
president of the Iberoamerican lecturer in the Economics of these regions have suffered significant infla-
Academy of Management. He Department at Pompeu Fabra tion as well as high turnover of labor.
is the author of award-winning University, Barcelona. He
books, studies and teaching also collaborates on research Benefits Not Without Risks
materials on strategic mana- projects at IESE and at IZA, The positive effects of offshoring on the pro-
gement, corporate governan- the Institute for the Study of ductivity of companies and – by extension – the
ce, organizational design, the Labor, in Bonn, Germany. His economy, are well-documented (see “An Argu-
economics of organizations, research interests include ment Blown Out of Proportion”).
business models and offs- international labor economics One study of 450 U.S. industries found that,
horing. He holds a Ph.D. in and the effects of offshoring between 1992 and 2000, offshoring succeeded
managerial economics from on labor markets. in boosting productivity by as much as 10 per-

This document isTHIRD
authorized for use2011
QUARTER only by Alejandra
ISSUE 10 Diaz in Int.Business Policy (MGPO 383) taught by Amir Taherizadeh, McGill University from AugIESEinsight
2022 to Jan 2023.
For the exclusive use of A. Diaz, 2023.

cent. Another study, of 35,000 British produc- and Russia (mainly Moscow). In recent years,
tion plants over a three-year period, estimated however, some of these cities have become less
that increasing offshoring activities by 10 per- attractive in terms of labor costs and infrastruc-
cent saw a corresponding 0.37 percent rise in ture, as they have been inundated with demand.
total-factor productivity. Meanwhile, a study New offshoring destinations have emerged,
of 83 Japanese industries found that, between with unique selling points of their own.
1980 and 2005, a 1 percent rise in offshoring re- Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, for
sulted in an improvement in total-factor pro- example, have focused on internationality,
ductivity of between 0.5 percent and 2 percent. state-of-the-art infrastructure, a stable and
Other studies, however, underscore the qualified workforce, low taxes and five-star at-
risks of offshoring, such as the problems as- tractions. Cape Town, South Africa, stresses its
sociated with limiting the number of offshore highly qualified workforce, strong insurance
destinations. A 2009 McKinsey survey found and professional services sectors, alongside
that 70 percent of offshore centers, whether its well-developed telecommunications net-
company-owned or outsourced, were concen- work. Morocco specializes in customer service
trated in just three countries: India, China and and back-office functions for many French and
the Philippines. Spanish companies, since many of its workers
The risks of such concentration include un- speak both languages. Vietnam boasts a large
stable currencies and wages, intense competi- number of math graduates who also speak Eng-
tion for employees and regulatory limits – none lish, French, German or Russian.
of which compensate for the lower labor cost Given the expanding choice of destinations,
advantage. Certainly, the emergence of clus- managers who consider offshoring will need to
ters in other parts of the world will undoubt- compile lists of locations and weigh their suit-
edly help to mitigate such risks through a wider ability based on the following criteria: costs,
geographic distribution of activities. availability of skilled labor, local or regional
The Offshoring Research Network study market potential, quality of infrastructure, the
highlights the primary risks perceived by se- country’s risk profile, and the political and busi-
nior management, and how their perceptions ness environment.
changed from 2007 to 2009 (see Exhibit 2). Of
particular note are the changes in how manag- Finding the Right Strategy
ers rank data security and the quality of the Are managers fully aware of what they face in
services provided. This should come as little implementing offshoring strategies? Until now,
surprise, since the financial crisis that erupted services offshoring has followed the traditional
during this period made these issues of para- strategy applied to industrial processes – that
mount importance for company survival. is, identifying any repetitive and nonstrategic
processes that can be relocated to geographic
Destinations à la Carte areas with lower labor costs.
Most services offshoring used to go primarily to Experience shows that this approach is not
India (Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi and Mum- enough. To make offshoring decisions, one
bai), Eastern Europe (Prague and Budapest) must have a clear strategy of activity assign-
ment for different locations. This requires a
systemic view of the changes in the business
EXHIBIT 1 model.
More Than Cost Savings
In line with IESE Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat’s



Labor Costs 92 84 78 82 78 86
Other Costs 74 68 70 66 74 56
Access to Talent 67 65 61 55 53 63
Growth Strategy 56 69 69 64 74 62
Organizational Flexibility 70 53 77 70 85 64
SOURCE: “Taking Offshoring to the Next Level.” The 2009 Offshoring Research Network Corporate Client Survey Report.

This document is authorized for use only by Alejandra Diaz in Int.Business Policy (MGPO 383) taught by Amir Taherizadeh,
ISSUEMcGill University
10 THIRD from Aug
20112022 to Jan 2023.
For the exclusive use of A. Diaz, 2023.

globalization theories, we consider three types The experience of the companies studied
of strategies that yield different business mod- shows that it isn’t necessary to “go all out” when
els: aggregation, adaptation and arbitrage. embarking on a strategy of global scale. Instead,
They usually come two at a time; rarely all it’s enough to focus on one or two strategies, at
three at once. most. It should be remembered that the opti-
Aggregation means exploiting economies of mal strategy depends not only on conditions in
scale through the use of regional business units the market or sector, but also on the company’s
offering a standardized product or service. position relative to its competitors.
Here, the purpose of offshoring is to centralize Managers also need to consider whether a
the activities in a specific geographic region to strategy based on activity offshoring is the most
gain efficiencies through economies of scale. appropriate when it comes time to take action.
Adaptation, on the other hand, seeks to Other options might be more suitable to the
compete through personalized dealings with company’s situation and market conditions.
the customer at the local level. Unless the loca- Productive resources – labor services, know-
tions share many traits, it is very hard to think of how, raw materials – allotted to arbitrage, for
offshoring processes designed according to the example, could be used for other purposes,
framework of this type of global strategy. such as tasks related to adaptation or aggrega-
Arbitrage involves exploiting the differenc- tion strategies.
es that may arise between countries where the Thus, the final decision of whether or not
different business units are located. Most off- to go for offshoring must take into account the
shoring processes are associated with this last company’s comparative advantages.
strategy. The goal is to take advantage of other
economies with lower wages and, as recent re- An Advanced Offshoring Model
search indicates, the possibility of competing The case of Santander illustrates some of the
for talent at a global level. salient aspects of offshoring processes.
What happens when your existing strategy The banking group has concentrated most
is incompatible with offshoring – that is, when of its software development activities in its
your business model is not flexible enough to subsidiary, Isban. With this centralization in a
integrate it? This is a question that should make single unit, and all banks sharing the same tech-
managers reconsider the pros and cons of the nology platform, the group reaps enormous
drive toward offshoring at all costs. benefits from aggregation.
Meanwhile, Santander leaves control of the
Choose Your Strategy Wisely management of these processes to those banks
Implementing all three of the previously men- that have a manager for operations and technol-
tioned strategies often results in friction or ogy. This enables total adaptation to the idio-
imbalances between them, or between the syncrasies of each context.
business models involved. Sometimes offshor- Furthermore, by operating this way in
ing strategies will force changes in the current all the countries where the group is present,
orientation that can be very hard to assume, es- Santander can move its software factories to
pecially if the process involves changes to the locations that provide the maximum benefits
long-term business model. of arbitrage.
Ultimately, with this model, Santander ob-
tains benefits from each of the key aspects of its
EXHIBIT 2 international strategy. It gains flexibility and
Risks to Consider resilience, making the group better able to re-



Service Quality 70 56 54 53 35 46 51 65
Data Security 72 47 43 36 33 31 43 59
Loss of Control 45 44 44 42 34 33 43 44
High Turnover 42 42 47 33 17 42 41 39
Cultural Differences 37 50 47 32 28 26 32 40
SOURCE: “Taking Offshoring to the Next Level.” The 2009 Offshoring Research Network Corporate Client Survey Report.

This document isTHIRD
authorized for use2011
QUARTER only by Alejandra
ISSUE 10 Diaz in Int.Business Policy (MGPO 383) taught by Amir Taherizadeh, McGill University from AugIESEinsight
2022 to Jan 2023.
For the exclusive use of A. Diaz, 2023.

An Argument Blown Out of Proportion

The impact of offshoring on employment in countries of origin is neither
as significant nor as lasting as some would portray.

The argument that offshoring leads to IMPACT ON EMPLOYMENT

serious job losses has found sympathizers LESS THAN BELIEVED
in the media and certain political spheres. The impact of offshoring on labor mar-
There is no shortage of voices advocating a kets in the economies of origin is neither
return to tighter regulation and protectio- significant nor lasting. With few excep-
nism. But many of these fears are unfoun- tions, the research agrees that any negative
ded, and taking the measures some call for consequences are nil or negligible. Despite
would bring results diametrically opposed the recent crisis, Forrester stands by its
to the desired ones. estimates that, by 2015, the United States
will have exported about 3.3 million service
HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY, MORE DEMAND jobs – far from the alarming 40 million
The greater efficiency and productivity predicted in other reports.
obtained through offshoring exerts down-
ward pressure on domestic prices, which, RELEASED RESOURCES
over time, raises demand for goods and BRING LONG-TERM GAINS
services, and thus, for labor. How? By being Alarmist figures pale further against em-
more productive, companies can offer ployment projections of the U.S. Bureau of
lower prices, which stimulates demand Labor Statistics, which foresees the creation
for their products and services, thereby of 160 million jobs for the same year, 2015.
boosting domestic job demand. This line While some workers may be affected in the
of reasoning is supported by Mary Amiti short term, as jobs they used to perform
and Shang-Jin Wei, who, in a 2006 study of go overseas, the new resources that are
U.S. industries, noted sufficient consequent freed as a result of offshoring opens up new
growth in demand to offset any negative opportunities for employees and emplo-
effects. More recent research by Pablo yers alike. In the long run, labor markets in
Agnese on the offshoring experiences of the economies of origin find themselves
Japan found very probable gains in employ- performing new activities or entering whole
ment and productivity for local firms. new sectors.

act to adverse conditions, as well as better able these tasks is correct, the results are extremely
to challenge its main competitors. positive, as has been the case for Santander.
Admittedly, this three-pronged strategy is
rare and seems to work only in companies with Six Steps to Follow
large infrastructure and vast experience. Even Formulating an appropriate strategy is tricky,
then, implementation is not easy, and requires and following generic advice can lead to disas-
three critical elements. ter. Instead, we offer you a sequence of specific
First, there needs to be a common trans- steps that can help to guide managers.
action platform flexible enough to serve the
needs of each bank, while at the same time be- 1. THINK BIG PICTURE , NOT ITEM BY ITEM .
ing uniform enough to achieve the benefits of ing that’s not linked to the overall strategy can
aggregation. be a one-way ticket to failure. In the search for
Second, there needs to be a complex sys- the best capabilities at the best price, a com-
tem of governance that balances efficiency pany must adapt both its global strategy and
improvements, acceptable risks and the qual- its organization.
ity of services.
Third, there needs to be an unequivocal de- 2. DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO OUTSOURCE AND HOW.
sire to serve the client banks. Defining a global strategy requires deciding
Yet if the functioning and coordination of which activities or processes are suitable for

This document is authorized for use only by Alejandra Diaz in Int.Business Policy (MGPO 383) taught by Amir Taherizadeh,
ISSUEMcGill University
10 THIRD from Aug
20112022 to Jan 2023.
For the exclusive use of A. Diaz, 2023.

It isn’t necessary to “go all out.” The optimal strategy

depends not only on conditions in the market or
sector, but also on the company’s position relative to
its competitors.

offshoring, how – through subsidiaries or out- evolution and adaptation of firms to the tech-
sourcing – and where. Study the complexity or nological revolution. But companies shouldn’t
simplicity of your processes and services, and underestimate the risks. Prudence may be the
the interdependencies between them, to iden- most useful tool in your approach to offshoring
tify the most outsourceable. You should also – even more so in times of crisis.
take into consideration issues such as whether
these processes require some sort of presence
or physical proximity, or specific company ex-
pertise. You will need to review this analysis
from time to time, since studies show that these
situations are changeable.
take into account variables such as labor costs, Q Ricart, J.E. (ed.), P. Agnese, N. Pisani and A.
availability of talent, market potential, quality Adegbesan. Offshoring in the Global Economy:
of infrastructure, acceptable risks and the envi- Management Practices and Welfare Implications.
ronment of each destination. Madrid: BBVA Foundation, 2011.

4. ADAPT YOUR ORGANIZATION TO THE NEW REALITY. Q Ricart, J.E., M. Bakardjieva and M.S. Rosatti.
According to our studies, in most companies, “Grupo Santander: Technology and Operations
adapting business processes to the new reality in a Global Bank.” SM-1573-E, IESE Center for
entails a long learning curve. Therefore, it pays Globalization and Strategy, 2011.
to make the transition with the help of a special-
ized company. Q Manning, S., J.E. Ricart, M.S. Rosatti and
A.Y. Lewin. “From Blind Spots to Hotspots:
5. DEVELOP LOCAL TALENT. Another organizational How Knowledge Services Clusters Develop
difficulty is learning how to attract, manage and and Attract Foreign Investment.” Journal of
develop talent in the destination countries. International Management 16, no. 4 (2010): 369-
Again, this task is easier if you hire the services 82.
of an experienced, specialized provider in the
chosen country, as BBVA did. If you opt for full Q Mesøy, T., B. Maitra and M. Daub. “Rethinking
outsourcing, it is important that you create the Model for Offshoring Services.” McKinsey
some way of incorporating their know-how, Quarterly, September 2009.
otherwise you run the risk of these operations
being held hostage by the local talent. Q Adegbesan, A. and J.E. Ricart. “The Offshoring
of High-Value Services and the Globalization of
6. GOVERN YOUR OFFSHORED BUSINESS. Finally, the Capability Sourcing.” SMN-670-E, IESE Center
company needs to develop management mech- for Globalization and Strategy, June 2009.
anisms to oversee activities in different parts of
the world, often with different suppliers. The Q “Taking Offshoring to the Next Level.” The 2009
development of sound governance capabilities Offshoring Research Network Corporate Client
is vital. Survey Report.

Activity offshoring is evolving rapidly to- Q Ghemawat, P. Redefining Global Strategy:

ward ever-higher levels of complexity. The Crossing Borders in a World Where Differences
sequence from labor costs to skilled person- Still Matter. Boston: Harvard Business School
nel to value creation illustrates the continuous Publishing, 2007.

This document isTHIRD
authorized for use2011
QUARTER only by Alejandra
ISSUE 10 Diaz in Int.Business Policy (MGPO 383) taught by Amir Taherizadeh, McGill University from AugIESEinsight
2022 to Jan 2023.

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