Report Jingle

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We have something to say So, here is the last one, Feasibility

Please lend us your ears A study that analyzes

It's not a waste of time The ability to complete a project

Just do your best and cope up And make it successfully.

Quantitative research

It has different types

Across fields or disciplines

Let's start with descriptive

It's a method that describes the

phenomena~ being studied

The next is Correlational

Determines the relations

Among two or more variables

Experimental method

It includes true and quasi-experiments

And manipulates, one or more

Independent or grouping variables.

Everyone else in the room can hear it

Including us and you ohhh

Here is the fourth one, Historical Re~search

Employed by, researchers interested in

Reporting events occurred in the pa~st

Market research, any organized effort

To gather data of target market

Also includes social and opinion research

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