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Background of the study

Eggs are one of the most consumed foods in the Philippines. These are products

commonly used as ingredients to produce inexpensive high-quality food items that many Filipino

families eat just like sweet and savory dishes. Furthermore,eggs are nutrient rich with high

protein composition and omega-3 fatty acids.Consequently, the high consumption of eggs

results in the increase of eggshell waste production. Eggshell waste holds so much potential in

becoming a valuable resource.The application of proper waste management gives way to the

economic transition of several tons of eggshell waste in order to generate new values out of

them. The Inability to utilize these waste resources prompts eggshell wastes to be part of the

environment leading to its degradation as it cannot be completely discarded. This study will be

undertaken to lessen this occurrence. According to Abdulrahman et al. (2014), recycling

eggshells improves the ecosphere by reducing the amount of greenhouse gasses generated,

which will ultimately hurt and pose risks to both humans and the environment.

By recycling, reusing, and directing wastes like eggshell to be used as a useful

commodity like organic fertilizer that will contribute to the community, agricultural waste can be

better managed. This will help to address the problem of poor waste management and disposal

on human health and the environment. However, due to low productivity, limited product

diversity, high product costs, and a lack of government assistance, agriculture's relative

contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been dropping. Agriculture is still a crucial

source of livelihood for the Philippine economy (Medina et al.,2019).Moreover, the rising number

of mouths to feed also causes the increase in the demand for high crop yield which

consequently prompts Filipino farmers to resort to the usage of chemical fertilizers, pesticides
and growth regulators in their crop production strategies. However, this chemical-based farming

can negatively affect the soil fertility, food quality, human and animal health, and consequently,

the environment. Eggshells contain an abundance of calcium and other microelements(e.g. iron,

manganese, and zinc) that can be used almost the same as lime, which functions for

moderating soil activity while providing nutrients for plants (Pleasant,2013). In the Philippines,

soil and nutrient management work hand in hand in attaining sustainable vegetable production,

thus, eggshell waste as fertilizer has a tremendous potential to increase growth and yield of

crops. Okra, also known as Abelmoschus esculentus, is one of the oldest vegetables and the

sole member of the Malvacae family to be eaten as food. It is a tropical plant that thrives in hot

climes and is a strong source of calcium, iron, and the vitamin C, A, and B complex.

Agriculture that is sustainable and good for the environment is increasingly reliant on

organic farming. In order to develop a useful alternative fertilizer that helps decrease the need

for chemical fertilizers that contribute to environmental pollution, harden the soil, and

consequently lower its fertility, this study will be carried out. As a result, this study will be

conducted to develop an organic fertilizer that is safe for the environment and successful in

raising soil fertility and plant productivity.


This study aimed to evaluate the use of eggshell powder and eggshell tea as fertilizers.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following:

1. What is the effect of eggshell powder on the growth of red okra in terms of:

a. Growth height

b. Number of leaves

c. Growth rated

d. Yield

2. What is the effect of eggshell tea on the growth of red okra in terms of:

a. Growth height

b. Number of leaves

c. Growth rate

d. Yield

3. What is the effect of eggshell powder combined with eggshell tea the growth of red okra

in terms of:

a. Growth height

b. Number of leaves

c. Growth rate

d. Yield

4. Is there a difference on the effect of eggshell powder, eggshell tea, and the combination

of two eggshell methods on the growth of red okra in terms of:

a. Growth height

b. Number of leaves

c. Growth rate

d. Yield

The study focused on the use of eggshell powder, eggshell tea, and combined eggshell

methods as fertilizers on plants. It was only limited to potted red okra plants within a duration of

1 month at Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon. Treatments were applied on the plants a month after

its germination. Treatment of the three methods was conducted once every week for 1 month.

The plants were observed according to its growth height, number of leaves, growth rate, and

yield. Soil analysis that is used to determine the nutrient content, composition, and other

characteristics of soil such as acidity was not included in the study. The conduct of the study

was from the months of January 2021 to February 2021.


The study provided information on the use of eggshell powder, eggshell tea, and

combined eggshell methods on plants as fertilizers which can be used by people as inexpensive

sources of alternative organic fertilizers for plants. The result of the study can also develop a

new pattern in agriculture that can contribute to the use of eco- friendly materials and reduce

food waste that can potentially pollute the environment. This will also reduce the cost of the

manufacturer and generate revenue for egg producers, instead of being a financial drain on

their business thus, optimizing the eggshell's utility. It will also minimize and benefit the space

taken up by eggshells in the deposits and trash bins

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