RotechBooster Solution 1646973256
RotechBooster Solution 1646973256
RotechBooster Solution 1646973256
Process gas centrifugal compressors are typically equipped with dry gas
seals to prevent gas from escaping between the stationary compressor
body and the rotating shaft. Compressors are normally shut down when
high seal leakage occurs, indicating a seal failure. Shutting down on high
seal leakage helps with meeting safety and environmental requirements
and avoid further equipment damage. Consequently, dry gas seals were
designed to fulfill the industry stringent safety and reliability.
A vital production component
Centrifugal process gas compressors are vital
components in the oil production and refinement
supply chain, examples are CO2 re-injection,
wet gas, hydrogen recycle and refrigeration
compressors. Compressors are also used for
natural gas processing, storage, transportation
and even in the natural gas liquification process
when transporting by ship.
Understanding Dry Gas Seal design
The key elements within a Dry Gas Seal are sor case. The compressor shaft is exposed This means the rotating seat and stationary
the seal faces and secondary sealing ele- to axial movement caused by different face have no contact during operation. The
ments. A shaft sleeve, which is fixed to the loads and case expansion from heat and lift off is mainly influenced by two differen-
compressor shaft, holds the rotating seat. pressure or vibrations. Compensation for tial pressures over the faces or by circum-
The rotating seat is sealed against the shaft axial movements is achieved by allowing the ferential speed.
sleeve with a secondary sealing element, non-rotating face to move along the balance
which is a special O-ring or PTFE filled sleeve (sleeve below the non-rotating face). The seal can lift off at a certain differential
sealing device. The non-rotating face is sealed against the pressure, a certain speed or a combination of
balance sleeve with a dynamic sealing ele- speed and differential pressure, depending
The rotating seat has integrated gas grooves ment (O-ring or PTFE filled sealing device), on the specific operating conditions, such as
to generate an aerodynamic lift off and pro- which slides on the balance sleeve. gas type, and detailed seal design.
vide gas film stiffness during operation. The
non-rotating elements are a combination When pressure is applied to the seal or the
of the seal housing, which is fixed to the compressor is rotating, the applied forces
compressor casing, and the non-rotating will hold the seal faces together and maintain
seal face. the appropriate gap of 3 to 5 μ. When these
conditions are not present, springs are
The stationary elements are designed to required to hold the seal faces together. To
compensate for axial movements of the avoid any wear on the sealing faces, Dry Gas
compressor rotor in relation to the compres- Seals are designed to lift off when operated.
Tandem Dry Gas Seal (EagleBurgmann DGS) Tandem Dry Gas Seal with intermediate labyrinth (EagleBurgmann DGS)
rimary seal gas AP
rimary seal gas
supply supply
B Primary vent B Primary vent
S S econdary vent C S econdary seal
eparation seal gas supply
gas supply S S econdary vent
eparation seal
P rocess side
DGS Tandem The most common gas seal arrangements used in the industry for compressors are tandem arrangements,
© EagleBurgmann
or tandem with intermediate labyrinth arrangements, which will be used as basis for this white paper.
Tandem seals consist of two sets of sealing faces. The set closest to the process gas is known as the primary seal.
The second set on the bearing side of the seal is known as the secondary seal. The secondary seal is a backup seal
in case the primary seal fails.
White Paper: Compressors: How to avoid Dry Gas Seal failure during operation and pressurized hold. 2
Contamination of Dry Gas Seals
From discharge
From discharge or a higher
or a higher stage
stage of the compressor
of the compressor Dry Gas Seal with
clean gas supply installed
White Paper: Compressors: How to avoid Dry Gas Seal failure during operation and pressurized hold. 3
Contaminated seal area behind the Contaminated dynamic sealing element Contaminated seal face
stationary face
White Paper: Compressors: How to avoid Dry Gas Seal failure during operation and pressurized hold. 4
Contamination by liquids Apart from the Joule-Thompson effect, Seal failure due to liquids
the environment also influences the seal If liquids enter the gap between the rotating
When a compressor is hot during normal gas temperature. Ambient temperatures seat and stationary face, this creates high
operation, the operating temperature ensures can cool exposed supply lines, which will shearing forces which generate heat. The
the gaseous state is retained for most appli- drop the temperature of the gas and change generated heat leads to gap instability,
cations. So, the gas remains gaseous when the gas conditions. causing contact between the rotating seat
the seal gas flows from the discharge tap and stationary face, damaging the seal faces
through the seal gas system into the primary Gas compositions counts, too and resulting in a seal failure.
seal cavity and through the seal – dropping Since gases can be made up of different
in pressure and temperature from discharge components, they can change the critical If a failure does not occur during operation
pressure down to atmospheric pressure. temperature (dew point) of a gas. For gas with the liquid contamination, the seal will
pipelines with methane as the major com- fail at the next subsequent start due to
Examples of applications where the gas ponent, there are also heavier hydrocarbons increased shear forces.
always remains gaseous are pure ethylene or within the gas which can dramatically
propylene compressors, as these gases con- change the critical temperature (dew point). Dew point analysis to meet the needs
densate at very low temperatures. For other Many seals fail because of liquids in the gas
applications, such as wet gas pipeline, when Typical natural gas pipeline gas composition during normal or transient conditions. This
the gas flows through the seal gas system is usually the result of not considering the
and seal it forms liquids. These liquids are gas dew point - not completing a dew point
detrimental to the gas seal. Component % mol analysis – or an inaccurate gas composition
is used to complete a dew point analysis.
Influence of pressure and temperature Methane 89.415 Both can result in liquid forming in the seal
When a gas drops in pressure it will change Ethane 7.0
gas and a system design that does not meet
in temperature. This is known as the the needs of a dry gas seal.
Propane 1.095
Joule-Thompson effect. Control valves
and orifices to manage pressure and flow N-butane 0.121
in a seal gas system will change the tempe- I-butane 0.094
rature of the gas. The seal gas also drops in
N-pentane 0.018
pressure as it flows between the seal faces, Even small variations in
changing the temperature of the gas. For I-pentane 0.025 gas composition make the
most gases this is a lower temperature, Hexane+ 0.006 difference whether a gas
which will move the gas conditions and pos- Nitrogen 0.80 remains gaseous or forms
sibly cross the critical temperature line (dew liquids.
CO2 1.424
line) and turn it into a vapor (dual phase).
Temperature [°C]
Comparison between dew point for gas compositions with and without C6+ components
(Calculated safe decompression works without C6+, but not with C6+ components)
White Paper: Compressors: How to avoid Dry Gas Seal failure during operation and pressurized hold. 5
Preventing liquids in the seals: Contamination during
Four steps to identify and provide the correct pressurized stand still
seal gas supply system conditions
Due to environmental concerns it is more
difficult to vent compressors to the atmos-
1 Gas composition
The first step is an accurate gas composition analysis, which
phere. If compressors are stopped after a
certain period they will be depressurized,
identifies all components in the respective seal gas supplies. sending the gas to flare or atmosphere,
Most analyses do not include information on components higher than resulting in emissions penalties or fines.
C5 or C6, which won‘t provide an accurate analysis. Respective gases Some situations can also require a pres-
include any gas composition changes over time, changes due to surized compressor which ensures a quick
upset process conditions, or alternate seal gas sources. response to demand. Having a gas seal fail
The challenge with obtaining an accurate gas compositions is on a restarted compressor while supporting
process engineers are not concerned with trace components higher demands does not result in reliable pro-
than C5 or C6, so they are left out when a composition is provided. duction, profits or reduced environmental
Some procedures also dry the gas sample before completing the ana- concerns.
lysis, which eliminates components that change to a liquid phase and
affect the seal operation. Another concern is when the process gas is Essential: Clean quality gas for the
used as seal gas and the composition changes over time. Even minor primary seal
changes in the gas composition significantly change a seal phase As identified above, particles in seal gas or
envelope. It is therefore essential to use an accurate and complete primary seal cavity, or liquids that form in a
gas composition for establishing the correct phase envelope. seal gas are root causes for most seal failures.
To prevent these failures from occurring
it is essential to ensure a clean and quality
seal gas for the primary seal. This main-
White Paper: Compressors: How to avoid Dry Gas Seal failure during operation and pressurized hold. 6
Process gas flow during
Process gas flow during pressurized stand still pressurized stand still
Seal gas supply:
Outside source versus circulating system
An outside source can be used, but the same
analysis must be completed on an accurate
composition of this gas.
A concern with using an outside source is
that gas volume is added to the compressor/
process. This increases the pressure in
the compressor/process. As the pressure
builds in the system, the gas must be vented
PDIT to maintain the clean flow of gas to the gas
seal. Due to stricter environmental regula-
tions this is becoming more difficult to do.
2 3 4 5 6
1 2 Cooler
LIC 4 Filter unit
LCV 5 Heating
6 RoTechBooster
7 G as OUT -
to primary seal
gas supply
White Paper: Compressors: How to avoid Dry Gas Seal failure during operation and pressurized hold. 7
Reliable booster: If low or no seal gas flow
Seal gas movement is one of the most important requirements for ensuring dry gas
seal reliability: circulating gas from the compressor through conditioning and into the
seal cavity. During normal operation the difference between compressor discharge and
sealing pressure is enough to produce the required flow. Conditions such as compressor
pressurization and standstill, produce low or no seal gas flow. A reliable seal gas booster
is the ideal solution for producing flow during these situations.
Air driven booster – The position of the spool is controlled by a The drawbacks
Why it’s only second best pilot system and spring and poppet valves. These systems are complex not only for the
Air-driven piston pumps are currently being The poppet valves control pressurization booster itself but also for the system required
used for this application, but they have pro- and depressurization of the pilot system. to ensure it operates the controls for the drive
ven unreliable, especially when required to The spool movement is also assisted by gas, over pressure protection and monitors
operate for long periods of time or when not a spring to move the spool when the pilot the wear of seals. With the many wear parts
sized correctly; a typical limit is 50 cycles / system is unpressurized. When the piston and additional equipment to operate the unit,
minute for reasonable life. pushes against the poppet valve on right it becomes a very costly system and has
hand end of the cylinder, the pilot system many reliability concerns.
The air driven boosters are positive displace- is pressurized and the shuttle valve spool
ment piston type boosters, and the one used is moved to the left, allowing air pressure Dirt and debris in the shuttle valve, poor
as an example will provide 1 : 1.78 pressure to enter the drive cylinder and move the quality or excessive cycling of poppet valves,
ratios. They incorporate many moving parts piston to the left. ice buildup in the shuttle valve spool, poor
in the booster to operate the unit. There are quality air and many other issues have
poppet valves, shuttle valves, check valves, When the piston hits the poppet valve on the prevented these types of boosters from
piston rod and pistons that all have seals and left-hand side, the pressure is vented from operating reliably.
wearing parts. These require maintenance the pilot system and the spring assists in
and affect the reliability of the unit. moving the spool to the right. This will vent Due to these reliability issues, air driven
the pressure in the cylinder on the right and boosters have not performed well and are
The principle operation of the booster uses pressurize the cylinder on the left. As the not the best option for long periods of
air as the drive media. It is supplied through a piston moves back and forth, check valves continuous operation.
shuttle valve to apply pressure on one or the on the process end open and close to draw
other end of the piston. The position of the pressure in from the suction on one side of
shuttle valve spool is controlled by pressure the piston and push process gas out on the
and determines which end of the piston is other side of the piston. This produces the
applied with pressure. seal gas flow.
6 1 2 3 4 5 7 1 Process piston
2 Piston rod
open open 3 Drive piston
closed closed 4 Shuttle valve
5 Spool
6 Check valve
7 Poppet valve
A Drive gas IN
B Drive gas OUT
closed 5 C Process gas IN
C C closed
open open D Process gas OUT
White Paper: Compressors: How to avoid Dry Gas Seal failure during operation and pressurized hold. 8
Centrifugal booster –
Provides highest reliability
To ensure reliable operation of gas
seals and compressors during standstill
conditions, a reliable device to circulate
the seal gas must be used. As rotating
equipment is generally much more
reliable than reciprocating equipment,
the best booster design will be a centri-
fugal type.
Adequate seal gas flow – anytime
3 The equipment used for circulating seal
4 gas is used not only for standby conditions
5 but anytime there is insufficient pressure
across the compressor to deliver adequate
Operation principle seal gas flow. When the correct circulation
rotating type booster unit is provided, the compressor can be
placed in a pressurized hold for a nearly
1.1 Inner rotor
unlimited period of time. Continued supply
1.2 O uter rotor
1.3 Can of clean dry gas to the gas seals will ensure
2 Motor the ideal conditions for the gas seal and
3 Bearing cartridge
4 Impeller guarantee a trouble-free start or restart
5 Pressure housing of your compressor.
White Paper: Compressors: How to avoid Dry Gas Seal failure during operation and pressurized hold. 9
Example Pipeline Application
Piston booster versus RoTechBooster Required Booster
Piston type boosters are ideal for genera- ••Piston booster: three required
ting a pressure increase, which allows in Based on the example application
line installation with pressure reduction seal size and operating condition,
elements such as pressure control valves, the seal gas flow for each seal is
flow control valves or orifices. Although more than the capacity of one
these units generate more than sufficient piston booster. Providing the
pressure boost, they are limited in their recommended flow for two
capacity to produce flow. Therefore seals, requires three boosters
they do not always deliver the necessary operating at 70 cycles a minute
flow for achieving the minimum velocity and consuming 132.5 Nm³/h
across the process labyrinth. Achieving (78 SCFM) of compressed air.
the necessary velocity across the process Boosters producing high pressure
labyrinth requires two or even more of ratios consume even more air to
these units; therefore, more compressed produce the required flow.
air volume. Concessions when using
this booster type are accepting lower ••RoTechBooster: one required EagleBurgmann: RoTechBooster
velocities or higher air consumption with Only one RoTechBooster is required RoTechBooster designs use 5 to 20 horse-
multiple units. to produce the seal gas flow with as power electric motors; as long as power is
low as 3.4 kW power consumption, available the booster has the available
Below is information providing an idea which is depending on booster resources to operate. To minimize required
about the piston booster requirements model and integration into the seal horsepower a RoTechBooster is installed
for a pipeline application example: gas system. parallel to the pressure reduction elements.
The impeller design generates high flows
to ensure the required velocity across the
Shaft size: 150 mm (5.9“)
process side labyrinth. This minimizes the
Pressure: 70 barg (1,015 PSIG) head required to generate flow through a
Temperature: 23 °C (73.4 °F) system therefore minimizing the horsepower
Required flow for 5 m/s (16.4 ft/s) at twice the
labyrinth clearance: 389 Nm3/h (229 SCFM) With a variable frequency drive, the speed is
adjusted to manage flow and head require-
Output of piston booster at 90 cycles/min.:
332 Nm3/h (196 SCFM) ments, efficiently delivering seal gas to the
primary seal and maintaining sufficient
Drive air required for one unit: 62.6 Nm3/h
(36.8 SCFM) velocity across the process labyrinth.
White Paper: Compressors: How to avoid Dry Gas Seal failure during operation and pressurized hold. 10
Contamination is the leading cause for dry gas seal failures. As identified
in this article, if process gas or inadequately conditioned seal gas is
provided to a dry gas seal, it will affect the seal reliability. To prevent this
from occurring requires an accurate gas analysis, correct conditioning
components and seal gas flow whenever pressure is present in the
compressor. When a compressor is in pressurized standby, using an
alternative gas can require venting of gas pressure and leads to
environmental concerns.
Advantages of RoTechBooster
The RoTechBooster ensures abundant, reliable,
and consistent seal gas flow, through fluctuating
operating conditions; thus, clean and dry gas is
supplied to the gas seal in every situation.
03.20 | © 2020 EagleBurgmann Germany GmbH & Co. KG All rights reserved. Photos: EagleBurgmann / shutterstock
input as an API 692 committee
member to develop a standard
for dry gas seals and systems.