Stain 2
Stain 2
Stain 2
Dental stains is a significant problems faced by people in the present showbiz society. There has been a rapid rise in
people demanding the treatment for tooth discoloration. Thus it becomes a duty for every clinician to possess the
knowledge and skill to manage dental stains according to the patient’s demands. In order to treat the stains, a correct
diagnosis is necessary to differentiate between an intrinsic stain and extrinsic stain that will dictate the management
procedure. Extrinsic stains are easier to remove from the tooth surface, can be managed by prophylaxis and polishing
whilst intrinsic stains are more difficult to manage. Usually bleaching is the most common method to manage intrinsic
stains. This article aims to discuss in detail, the methods to clinically diagnose and manage dental stains.
Key words – Bleaching, Discoloration, Esthetics, Whitening, Stains,
tetracycline, or mild fluorosis. It is also called dentist-home non-vital tooth. In the middle of the 19th century bleaching
bleaching, Nightguard vital bleaching (NGVB), and matrix of non-vital teeth was introduced. Chemicals like oxalic
bleaching. 2,13 acid, Chlorinated lime, chlorine compounds, sodium
peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, or combination of 25%
This technique involves the use of a low concentration of
hydrogen peroxide in 75% ether (pyrozone) were often
bleaching agent (carbamide peroxide 10–20% which is
used. Harlan reportedly used hydrogen peroxide in 1884.
equal to 3.5–6.5% of hydrogen peroxide) that is almost one
Superoxol (30% hydrogen peroxide) was used by Abbot in
tenth of the concentration used by dentist in his clinics. If
1918. Prinz in 1924 recommended the use of heated
carbamide peroxide is being used as a whitening agent,
solutions of sodium perborate and superoxol to clean the
10% of it should be used for 8 hours per day, and if 15–
pulp cavity. The bleaching agents can be activated by using
20% concentration is used, it must be used for 3-4 hours by
Light heat or electric currents to accelerate the bleaching
the patients themselves and the procedure should be
supervised by dentists during recalls. The bleaching gel is
dispensed in a custom-fabricated mouth guard that is worn Some of the most commonly used methods of non-vital
over the teeth at night for 2 weeks at least. Dentist tooth bleaching is walking bleach and modified walking
prescribed home bleaching at present is probably the most bleach, thermocatalytic, and inside/outside bleaching.
widely used technique of tooth whitening.2,10,13
Walking Bleach: - This procedure was first introduced by
Dentist prescribed Home bleaching is simpler, less Salvas. It involves sealing a mixture of sodium perborate
expensive, less complicated, and requires less in-office time and water inside the pulp chamber of the discoloured tooth.
but active patient compliance is mandatory and the This process is repeated at intervals until the desired
technique suffers from high dropout rates and the excessive bleaching result is obtained. It is effective in managing
use by overzealous patients is also possible, which staining due to tetracycline.18
frequently causes thermal sensitivity.10,14,15
Modified Walking Bleach: - Nutting and Poe used 30%
In Office Vital Bleaching hydrogen peroxide instead of just water as in walking
bleach technique to improve the bleaching effectiveness of
In-office vital bleaching or power bleaching was the first
the mixture. Both walking and modified walking tooth
vital bleaching technique. In this technique, high
bleaching technique is commonly used for non-vital tooth
concentration of tooth-whitening agents (usually 25 to 40%
discoloration because of less destructive effect on dental
hydrogen peroxide) is used. The advantage of this
tissue and minimal chair side time.4,18
procedure is that the dentist has absolute control over the
procedure and he can stop it whenever the desired shade of Thermocatalytic Bleaching: - It is the best technique to
tooth is reached. The step involves the isolation of soft bleach non-vital teeth due to effective activation of
tissue with the help of rubber dam and application of hydrogen peroxide on heat application. It combines the
whitening gel on the teeth surface. The peroxide gel is then steps involved in walking bleach along with application of
activated by heat or light for around one hour. Various 30%–35% hydrogen peroxide in the pulp chamber followed
kinds of curing lights are available that can be used to by heat treatment with electric heating devices or specially
activate the bleaching gel or accelerate the whitening effect designed lamps. A heated metal instrument or other
such as halogen curing lights, Plasma arc lamp, Xe–halogen commercial heat applicators can also be used. In some
light, Diode lasers, or Metal halide light. Usually one studies hydrogen peroxide is shown to have caustic effect
appointment is enough to achieve significant result but if and often associated with a risk of external root
not, more sittings are considered to get the optimum resorption.4,18,19
Inside Outside Bleach: - It was first described by
Other techniques are also available like dual activated Settembrini et al in 1997. This is the technique of bleaching
system (Hi Lite) that is both chemically and light activated non-vital root canal treated teeth with carbamide peroxide
system that can reduce the bleaching time. Waiting room gels or hydrogen peroxide at high concentrations (15%–
bleaching technique involves heating 35% Carbamide 35%). The chemical in the form of gel is applied by means
peroxide under running hot water to activate it and then of a bleaching tray on both buccal surface and pulp
putting it in custom made trays and inserting it in patients chamber through the access opening and is placed directly
mouth and the patient is told to sit in the waiting room for on the tooth, which is isolated with rubber dam. Mainly
30 min. Apart from that ultrasonic technology is also being used in case of failure of walking bleach technique. In this
used in the belief that it will create more free oxygen technique, low concentration of bleaching gel is enough to
radicals from the bleaching agent to achieve improved get the optimum shade that adds up to its advantage. The
whitening effect.17 disadvantage of this technique is poor bacterial control that
can lead to failure of endodontic treatment.20
Non Vital Tooth Bleaching
Restorative techniques
It is also called intracoronal bleaching. The tooth must be
endodontically treated prior to starting non-vital bleaching. Composite Resin Restorations: - This technique mainly
There are numerous methods used by a dentist to bleach a masks the staining of the tooth using resin composites. It is