How to write:
Handwriting- the mechanism of writing
Correct sentences/ grammar
Paragraphs linked together
Ideas developed together clearly in paragraphs
Functional writing
Involves a reader- one who reads the writing
The reader has to be kept in mind while the writing takes place
Writer/students have to internalize the reader as they write
Anticipate how their writing will be read, understood and
Taking on the role of reader while writing
o Training on the role of the reader while writing
Categories of writing:
o Transactional
o Expressive
o Poetic
Argumentative writing:
Purpose is to argue something logically
A form of discourse in which the writer or speaker presents a
pattern of reasoning, reinforced by detailed evidence and
refutation of challenging claims, that tries to persuade an
audience to accept the claim.
- White and Billings in: The well-crafted argument- A
guide and reader (2008)
Working outline
Skeleton/blueprint of the project
Continually revised
An overall view of the project/paper/assignment
Outline- the logical progression of your argument
Thesis statement:
An answer to a question or a problem
Thesis statement- unified, coherent whole by framing a thesis
statement for your paper
A single sentence that formulates both your topic and your
point of view
Thesis statement is the answer to the central question or
problem you have raised
Helps you to see where you are heading and to remain on your
Two factors to shape a thesis statement:
Purpose: what purpose will you try to achieve in the paper?
Describe? Explain? Argue? Persuade?
Audience: Is you reader a specialist in the subject? Is someone
likely to agree or disagree with you?
Final outline of the paper:
Delete irrelevant material
Structuring for the paper
Organizing principles- chronology, cause, and effects, process,
deductive logic (general to the specific), inductive logic (specific
to general)
How to develop your paper:
To define, classify or analyze something
To use descriptive details or give examples
To compare or contrast one thing or give examples
To argue for a certain point of view
Use of quotations:
Effective in research papers/projects
Use selectively
Quote only words, phrases, line or passages that are
particularly interesting or relevant
As brief as possible
Must be reproduced in the original sources exactly
Can be paraphrased- original- quote only fragments
Italicized titles:
Name of the books, plays, poems published as books
Examples: To Kill a Mockingbird,1960
It is a wonderful life (film)
Time (magazine)
Titles in quotation marks:
Use quotation marks for the title of articles, essays, stories and
poems published within larger works
Chapters of book
Pages in websites
Unpublished work such as lectures and speeches
E.g.: Kubia khan
How to quote prose presentation:
Citing print publication:
A book by a single author:
Franke, Darmon. Modernist subject: British literary history
1863-1924. Columbus: Ohio state UP, 2008. Print
Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. London: Penguin random
house, 1960. Print
A book by two or more authors:
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams.
The Craft of Research, 2nd end. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2003. Print.
More than three authors:
Plag, Ingo et.al. Introduction to English linguistics Berlin
mouton, 2007, Print
An article in a scholarly journal:
Piper, Andrew. “Rethinking the Print Object: The Book of
Everything”. PMLA 121.1 (2006): 124-38. Print
An article in a magazine
Wood, Jason. “Spellbound”. Sight and Sound Dec. 2005: 28-30.
How to quote prose quotation:
If a prose quotation runs no more than four lines, out it in
quotation marks and incorporate it into the text
o E.g.: “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times”,
wrote Charles dickens of the eighteenth century
You can quote just a word or phrase as part of your sentence
o E.g.: For Charles Dickens, the eighteenth century was both
“the best of times and the worst of times”
A work in an anthology:
Name of the editor, translator or complier of the book
Page number of the cited piece
E.g.: Allende, Isabel “Toads Mouth”. Rans. Margaret Sayers
Peden. A Hammock beneath the Mangoes: Stones from Latin
America. Ed. Thomas Colchie. New York: Plume, 1992, 83-88
An article in a reference book:
Encyclopedia article
Dictionary entry
If the article is signed, give the author’s name first. If it is
unsigned, give the title first
Example: “American dream”. Who’s who in America.62nd ed.
2008. Print
“Japan”. The encyclopedia Americana.2004 ed. Print
Hermeneutic- reading for interpretation
Reading for information/understanding
BOOK to read
Mind to read
Two possible relations between mind and book
There is a book and mind to read
If you understand, you may have gained information, but you
could not have increased understanding
Second alternative- you do not understand the book perfectly
Book has more to say than you understand
Terry eagle- renowned literary critic- how to read literature
Take the book to someone else who you think can read better
than you
Get a commentary on the book
Without external help one needs to work on the book
Operate on the symbols
Lift yourself from the state of understanding less to
understanding more- HIGH SKILLED READING
How to make use of acts and scenes- how to read Shakespeare
Get into the graphic symbols of the text- how to operate
Views on reading:
When we read something, we understand it at three levels:
Literal response to the graphic symbols/signals
Reader recognises the author’s meaning
Reader’s own personal experiences and judgement influence
his response to the text
Reading the lines, reading between the lines, and reading
beyond the lines
Listening skills:
Input level, processing level, output level
Focus on words used, focus on references
A structure is any conceptual system that has three properties:
Wholeness- the system function as a whole
Transformation- system is not static but capable of change;
new units can enter the system, through the rules of the
Self-regulation- you add elements to the system, but you
cannot change the basic structure of the system no matter
what you add to it
Saussure’s structural theory of language provides insights and
Content in a poem, film, play of novel is dependent upon the
form in which the themes are expressed
The effect a passage/poem/a film/a play or a novel is a result of
an effective combination of elements that have been arranged
in a particular way.
Saussure proposed that the link between the word/sound (signifier)
and concept (signified) is based on the difference between sounds
and our ability to distinguish between them, the relationship
between sounds (a relationship of difference) and is purely arbitrary
(where the sound/word does not describe the object, but is assumed
to do so by convention and repeated usage)
Following are the two insights presented by Saussure:
No content without form
Content is a function of form
It is possible to uncover the basic principles of organization or
grammar of a film or a poem
Grammar is the structure of any art forms; follow specific rules
that function like language, based on opposition, differences
and relationality
Culture/language- has underlying organization or structure
where different elements are combined to generate meaning
Desire| search| aim
Auxiliary support
Index- abstract- feel- experience
Body pain- fever- doctor
Waiting for Godot by
Fluidity of language- breaks- conventional- norms of language
Meaning- not relevant- situation
Represent the situation
Disconnected thoughts- disconnected words- full sentences
No logical order to thoughts
No proper plot form- topic- disconnected
Metaphor- cannot form a proper form for your existence- existential
crisis- irrational way of progress
Far away from reality
- Language is absurd
Deforming the normal way of expression
Play has nothing to do with existence- it has to do with language-
that’s why author put Vladimir to deform language- mock at English
Address human problems with language- it has the capacity to
represent reality
English – frequently used in India but Indian English- used to
represent the culture of India? – no as English will not be enough to
capture the reality of India
Deform the normal language- linguistic analysis- help of literature
Purpose of language-
Questions the validity of formal language
Rejects- conventional form
No realistic set
Doll’s house- properly organized set, here- none
No logical reasoning in the language
Violation of plot order
Intrinsic- getting into the text and deciphering the properties of the
Extrinsic- contexts
Intrinsic approach:
Communication has its own variations and discourse- one set of
communication- aesthetic process
Meaningful experience of a person
Purpose of reading a poem is not to understand the formal
properties of language- an artist, poem, dancer, painter, judge-
artists- creative thinker/novelist have an idea or experience or an
imagined experience that they wish to communicate
Deliberately taking help from time and space- artist gives us a means
of communication- chooses a means of doing it- embody or
communicate a message
Formal linguistic devices used by this poet-
experience the meaning of the poem
4 elements:
1. Time
2. Space
3. Motive- encourage physical intimacy
4. Representation of stereotypical man’s and woman’s voice
Cannot see a female character but can see a reference- how he has
approached female consciousness- read it from a feminist
perspective- collect the words used and match it with all the 4
elements – carpe diem- how you must get to know about the time
and space relationship with one’s own body
Also- Request for physical intimacy and request for love- life after
death- Christian notion
Get into that space of time- will not conquer
Repeated images and symbols- properties of literary devices- makes
the experience a part of consciousness or senses- attempts to fetch
our consciousness- create a strange consciousness- evoke sensibility
Subjective concept in grammar
Relationship between space and time- created a sense of time and
space with the help of images
Whole poem is a proposition made by a stereotypical male to a
stereotypical female with difference of opinion- cannot get any reply
from the female- philosophical configuration of time- cannot
understand the value of it without referring the time and space
relationship- why is she not replying to his requests- seen from the
perspective of feminists
World- part of space
Sit down- space for lover to come and interact
Crime- see the way to go forward
John Donne- sunrising- stop time because he is not getting enough
time to be with his lover
Not an abstract kind of worship- objective presentation
sun- embodiment of time- without sun- time would not be seen- by
which man measures time