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School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering

Building and Architectural Engineering

(Building Engineering track)

Thesis: Green Building Project Management

How to develop a framework addressed to construction project managers to facilitate
the integration of green building certifications in the project management process?

Thesis supervisor: Fulvio Re Cecconi

Alix Elisabeth Astrid Burg 913148

Sophia Julia Feriani 917338

A.Y. 2019/2020
We would like to thank the following people for their help in the completion of this final research
project. In the light of the peculiar context of the Covid pandemic of Spring 2020, its elaboration
has been challenging but the support of those people made the process more agreeable.

We would like to warmly thank our thesis supervisor, Prof. Fulvio Re Cecconi, for his support and
help throughout our research process, and for being dedicated and available to answer our
questions and doubts, even remotely.

We would also like to thank the LEED Accredited Professionals, Ms. Letizia Antonini and her
colleague Marta, for their kindness and the time they granted us and especially for the guidance
and technical expertise they provided us on the LEED certification process and LEED credits.

In addition, we wanted to express our gratitude to our master supervisor Prof. Giuliana
Iannaccone, as well as all the other professors from the master programme, for helping us grow
into building engineers during the last two years.

We also would like to extend our thanks to Politecnico di Milano and its staff members, for making
this semester possible through distance working and for their dedication to our education.

Finally, we thank both our families and all the friends we made in Milano for their support and
encouragement and hope they will stay in our lives when our Italian experience comes to an end.
Special thanks to Giovanni for the Italian translation.

Table of contents
Acknowledgements ...........................................................................................................................................................3
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.1 Context of the thesis ................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Problem statement ...................................................................................................................................... 11
1.3 Assumptions .................................................................................................................................................. 11
2 Background .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Construction Project Management ....................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Project Life Cycle ................................................................................................................................ 13
2.1.2 Project Actors ...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.3 Project Management ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.1.4 Project Delivery Systems ................................................................................................................ 18
2.2 Green Building Certification Process ................................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 The LEED Certification..................................................................................................................... 19
2.2.2 The LEED Categories and Objectives ......................................................................................... 20
2.2.3 The LEED Work Plan......................................................................................................................... 21
2.2.4 The LEED Documents ....................................................................................................................... 21
2.3 Integration of LEED and sustainability in project management .............................................. 22
2.3.1 Different needs, different methods ............................................................................................. 22
2.3.2 Integrated Project Delivery System ............................................................................................ 23
2.3.3 LEED Accredited Professional ...................................................................................................... 23
3 State of the art......................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Green Project Management guidelines and advice ........................................................................ 25
3.1.1 Strategic Definition............................................................................................................................ 25
3.1.2 Team Selection and Communication.......................................................................................... 25
3.1.3 Project Design and Documentation ............................................................................................ 26
3.1.4 Project Construction and Contracting ....................................................................................... 26
3.1.5 Commissioning and Closing out ................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Existing frameworks .................................................................................................................................. 27
3.2.1 LEED Project Management Matrix .............................................................................................. 27
3.2.2 LEED-PDRI Framework for Pre-project Planning ................................................................ 28
3.2.3 LEED-FOCAST Integration with Green Project Delivery.................................................... 30
3.2.4 Utilizing Project Management Processes to deliver LEED Certified Projects ........... 31
3.3 Frameworks to integrate LEED in BIM models ............................................................................... 33
3.3.1 BIM and Green BIM ........................................................................................................................... 33
3.3.2 Integration of BIM in LEED certification .................................................................................. 33
3.4 LEED Credits Selection .............................................................................................................................. 35
3.4.1 Based on the priorities ..................................................................................................................... 35

3.4.2 Based on the experience/knowledge of team members ................................................... 35
3.4.3 Based on previous similar projects ............................................................................................ 36
3.5 Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................... 37
4 Framework............................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.1 RASCI matrix .................................................................................................................................................. 38
4.2 Assumptions for the developed framework ..................................................................................... 39
4.3 Method description ..................................................................................................................................... 40
4.3.1 First step: Requirements and Documents ............................................................................... 40
4.3.2 Second step: Risk assessment ....................................................................................................... 42
4.4 Framework development ......................................................................................................................... 46
4.4.1 Integrative process ............................................................................................................................ 46
4.4.2 Location and transportation.......................................................................................................... 46
4.4.3 Sustainable sites ................................................................................................................................. 53
4.4.4 Water efficiency .................................................................................................................................. 58
4.4.5 Energy and atmosphere .................................................................................................................. 63
4.4.6 Materials and resources .................................................................................................................. 72
4.4.7 Indoor environmental quality....................................................................................................... 77
4.4.8 Innovation ............................................................................................................................................. 84
4.4.9 Regional Priority ................................................................................................................................ 85
4.4.10 Summary matrix ................................................................................................................................. 86
5 Discussion ................................................................................................................................................................. 87
5.1 Distribution of responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 87
5.2 Risk assessment ........................................................................................................................................... 91
6 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................ 93
7 Annex .......................................................................................................................................................................... 94
8 References ............................................................................................................................................................. 125

List of figures
Figure 3.1: LEED Project Management matrix from Real Estate Services of the government of the
District of Columbia ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3.2: LEED-PDRI framework for pre-project planning ....................................................................... 29
Figure 3.3: LEED-FOCAST lean methodology ...................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.4: LEED-FOCAST matrix ............................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 3.5: Fig 1 from [32] to explain the process ............................................................................................ 36
Figure 4.1: Visual representation of the RASCI interactions......................................................................... 38
Figure 4.2: Hierarchical organigram of green project actors........................................................................ 39
Figure 4.3: Portion of the RASCI matrix................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 4.4: Colour legend for LEED documentation ......................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.5: Probability intervals and risk grades – 34% risk 2.................................................................... 43
Figure 4.6: Risk assessment example LT C3 option 1 ...................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.7: Risk assessment example LT C3 option 2 ...................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.8: Risk assessment example LT C3 final .............................................................................................. 45
Figure 4.9: EA C5 table from USGBC for points for renewable energy procurement ......................... 69
Figure 4.10: EA C5 table from USGBC for points for carbon offsets procurement .............................. 70
Figure 5.1: Involvement of project actors in credits and prerequisites obtention - bar chart ....... 87
Figure 5.2: Repartition of actors responsible for LEED credits and prerequisites obtention – pie
chart...................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 5.3: Repartition of actors accountable for LEED credits and prerequisites obtention – pie
chart...................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 5.4: Repartition of S, C, I roles in the design team - spider chart .................................................. 89
Figure 5.5: Repartition of S, C, I roles in the construction team - spider chart ..................................... 90

List of tables
Table 2.1: RIBA stages and steps of the lifecycle of a project ....................................................................... 13
Table 2.2: Actors involved in the lifecycle of a project .................................................................................... 14
Table 2.3: Contractual documents for construction projects ....................................................................... 17
Table 2.4: Documents to provide at each step of the project........................................................................ 18
Table 2.5: Comparison of main project delivery systems .............................................................................. 19
Table 2.6: General overview of LEED credits points depending on construction type ...................... 20
Table 2.7: LEED categories and objectives ........................................................................................................... 21
Table 2.8: Project delivery systems’ comparative table.................................................................................. 22
Table 2.9: Integrated Project Delivery strong and weak points .................................................................. 23
Table 3.1: Key owner questions to be addressed at the beginning of the project (based on [6]) . 25
Table 3.2: LEED credits classified according to project stage ...................................................................... 32
Table 4.1: LEED Documents and Requirements MR P2 .................................................................................. 41
Table 4.2: RASCI - method example MR P2 .......................................................................................................... 41
Table 4.3: Total RASCI matrix extract for MR P2 ............................................................................................... 42
Table 4.4: Grades of risk considered ....................................................................................................................... 42
Table 4.5: Risk table example LT C3 ....................................................................................................................... 44
Table 4.6: RASCI IP C1 – Integrative Process ...................................................................................................... 46
Table 4.7: Risk IP C1 – Integrative Process .......................................................................................................... 46
Table 4.8: RASCI LT C1 - LEED for Neighbourhood Development Location .......................................... 46
Table 4.9: Risk LT C1 - LEED for Neighbourhood Development Location .............................................. 46
Table 4.10: RASCI LT C2 – Sensitive Land Protection...................................................................................... 47
Table 4.11: Risk LT C2 – Sensitive Land Protection ......................................................................................... 47
Table 4.12: RASCI LT C3 – High-Priority Site ...................................................................................................... 48
Table 4.13: Risk LT C3 – High-Priority Site .......................................................................................................... 49
Table 4.14: RASCI LT C4 – Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses ........................................................... 49
Table 4.15: Risk LT C4 – Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses ............................................................... 49
Table 4.16: RASCI LT C5 – Access to Quality Transit ....................................................................................... 50
Table 4.17: Risk LT C5 – Access to Quality Transit ........................................................................................... 50
Table 4.18: RASCI LT C6 – Bicycle Facilities ........................................................................................................ 50
Table 4.19: Risk LT C6 – Bicycle Facilities ............................................................................................................ 50
Table 4.20: RASCI LT C7 – Reduced Parking Footprint ................................................................................... 51
Table 4.21: Risk LT C7 – Reduced Parking Footprint ...................................................................................... 51
Table 4.22: RASCI LT C8 – Electric Vehicles......................................................................................................... 52
Table 4.23: Risk LT C8 – Electric Vehicles ............................................................................................................ 52
Table 4.24: RASCI SS P1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention.................................................... 53
Table 4.25: Risk SS P1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention ....................................................... 53
Table 4.26: RACI SS C1 – Site Assessment ............................................................................................................ 53
Table 4.27: Risk SS C1 – Site Assessment.............................................................................................................. 53
Table 4.28: RASCI SS C2 – Protect or Restore Habitat ..................................................................................... 54
Table 4.29: Risk SS C2 – Protect or Restore Habitat ......................................................................................... 54
Table 4.30: RASCI SS C3 – Open Spaces ................................................................................................................. 54
Table 4.31: Risk SS C3 – Open Spaces ..................................................................................................................... 55
Table 4.32: RASCI SS C4 – Rainwater Management .......................................................................................... 55
Table 4.33: Risk SS C4 – Rainwater Management ............................................................................................. 55
Table 4.34: RASCI SS C5 – Heat Island Reduction.............................................................................................. 56
Table 4.35: Risk SS C5 – Heat Island Reduction ................................................................................................. 57
Table 4.36: RASCI SS C6 – Light Pollution Reduction ...................................................................................... 57
Table 4.37: Risk SS C6 – Light Pollution Reduction .......................................................................................... 57
Table 4.38: RASCI WE P1 – Outdoor Water Use Reduction ........................................................................... 58
Table 4.39: Risk WE P1 – Outdoor Water Use Reduction............................................................................... 58
Table 4.40: RASCI WE P2 – Indoor Water Use Reduction .............................................................................. 58
Table 4.41: Risk WE P2 – Indoor Water Use Reduction .................................................................................. 59

Table 4.42: RASCI WE P3 – Building-Level Water Metering ......................................................................... 59
Table 4.43: Risk WE P3 – Building-Level Water Metering ............................................................................. 59
Table 4.44: RASCI WE C1 – Outdoor Water Use Reduction ........................................................................... 59
Table 4.45: Risk WE C1 – Outdoor Water Use Reduction............................................................................... 60
Table 4.46: RASCI WE C2 - Indoor Water Use Reduction ............................................................................... 60
Table 4.47: Risk WE C2 - Indoor Water Use Reduction................................................................................... 61
Table 4.48: RASCI WE C3 – Cooling Tower and Process Water Use .......................................................... 61
Table 4.49: Risk WE C3 – Cooling Tower and Process Water Use .............................................................. 61
Table 4.50: RASCI WE C4 – Water Metering ........................................................................................................ 62
Table 4.51: Risk WE C4 – Water Metering ............................................................................................................ 62
Table 4.52: RASCI EA P1 – Fundamental Commissioning and Verification ............................................ 63
Table 4.53: Risk EA P1 – Fundamental Commissioning and Verification................................................ 63
Table 4.54: RASCI EA P2 – Minimum Energy Performance........................................................................... 64
Table 4.55: Risk EA P2 – Minimum Energy Performance .............................................................................. 64
Table 4.56: RASCI EA P3 – Building-Level Energy Metering......................................................................... 64
Table 4.57: Risk EA P3 – Building-Level Energy Metering ............................................................................ 65
Table 4.58: RASCI EA P4 – Fundamental Refrigerant Management .......................................................... 65
Table 4.59: Risk EA P4 – Fundamental Refrigerant Management .............................................................. 65
Table 4.60: RASCI EA C1 – Enhanced commissioning ..................................................................................... 65
Table 4.61: Risk EA C1 – Enhanced commissioning ......................................................................................... 66
Table 4.62: RASCI EA C2 – Optimize Energy Performance ............................................................................ 67
Table 4.63: Risk EA C2 – Optimize Energy Performance................................................................................ 68
Table 4.64: RASCI EA C3 – Advanced Energy Metering .................................................................................. 68
Table 4.65: Risk EA C3 – Advanced Energy Metering ...................................................................................... 68
Table 4.66: RASCI EA C5 – Renewable Energy.................................................................................................... 69
Table 4.67: Risk EA C5 – Renewable Energy ....................................................................................................... 70
Table 4.68: RASCI EA C6 – Enhanced Refrigerant Management ................................................................. 70
Table 4.69: Risk EA C6 – Enhanced Refrigerant Management ..................................................................... 71
Table 4.70: RASCI MR P1 – Storage and Collection of Recyclables............................................................. 72
Table 4.71: Risk MR P1 – Storage and Collection of Recyclables ................................................................ 72
Table 4.72: RASCI MR P2 – Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning ................ 72
Table 4.73: Risk MR P2 – Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning .................... 72
Table 4.74: RASCI MR C1 – Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction............................................................. 73
Table 4.75: Risk MR C1 – Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction ................................................................ 74
Table 4.76: RASCI MR C2/C3/C4 – Building Product Disclosure and Optimization ........................... 74
Table 4.77: Risk MR C2/C3/C4 – Building Product Disclosure and Optimization ............................... 75
Table 4.78: RASCI MR C5 – Construction and Demolition Waste Management.................................... 75
Table 4.79: Risk MR C5 – Construction and Demolition Waste Management ....................................... 76
Table 4.80: RASCI IEQ P1 – Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance .................................................. 77
Table 4.81: Risk IEQ P1 – Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance ...................................................... 77
Table 4.82: RASCI IEQ P1 – Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control ........................................................ 78
Table 4.83: Risk IEQ P1 – Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control ........................................................... 78
Table 4.84: RASCI IEQ C1 – Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies ........................................................ 78
Table 4.85: Risk IEQ C1 – Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies............................................................ 79
Table 4.86: RASCI IEQ C2 – Low-Emitting Materials........................................................................................ 79
Table 4.87: Risk IEQ C2 – Low-Emitting Materials ........................................................................................... 79
Table 4.88: RASCI IEQ C3 – Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan ................................. 80
Table 4.89: Risk IEQ C3 – Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan ..................................... 80
Table 4.90: RASCI IEQ C4 – Indoor Air Quality Assessment ......................................................................... 80
Table 4.91: Risk IEQ C4 – Indoor Air Quality Assessment ............................................................................. 80
Table 4.92: RASCI IEQ C5 – Thermal comfort ..................................................................................................... 81
Table 4.93: Risk IEQ C5 – Thermal comfort ......................................................................................................... 81
Table 4.94: RASCI IEQ C6 – Interior Lighting ...................................................................................................... 81
Table 4.95: Risk IEQ C6 – Interior Lighting .......................................................................................................... 81

Table 4.96: RASCI IEQ C7 – Daylight ....................................................................................................................... 82
Table 4.97: Risk IEQ C7 – Daylight ........................................................................................................................... 82
Table 4.98: RASCI IEQ C8 – Quality Views ............................................................................................................ 83
Table 4.99: Risk IEQ C8 – Quality Views................................................................................................................ 83
Table 4.100: RASCI IEQ C9 – Acoustic Performance ........................................................................................ 83
Table 4.101: Risk IEQ C9 – Acoustic Performance ............................................................................................ 83
Table 4.102: RASCI IN C1 – Innovation .................................................................................................................. 84
Table 4.103: Risk IN C1 – Innovation...................................................................................................................... 84
Table 4.104: RASCI IN C2 – LEED Accredited Professional ........................................................................... 84
Table 4.105: Risk IN C2 – LEED Accredited Professional ............................................................................... 85
Table 4.106: RASCI RP C1 – Regional Priority .................................................................................................... 85
Table 4.107: Risk RP C1 – Regional Priority ........................................................................................................ 85
Table 4.108: Total RASCI matrix ............................................................................................................................... 86
Table 5.1: Risk assessment matrix – risk likelihood vs possible points ................................................... 91
Table 5.2: Risk assessment matrix for a platinum level .................................................................................. 92
Table 5.3: Risk assessment matrix for a gold level ........................................................................................... 92
Table 5.4: Risk assessment matrix for a silver level ......................................................................................... 92
Table 5.5: Risk assessment matrix for a certified level ................................................................................... 92

In the context of ecological crisis, the construction sector being one of the most polluting in the
world, construction project management needs to address sustainability in a systemic way. There
exist green building certifications that award points for sustainable practices in construction,
which can support this challenge. Nonetheless, the processes to get certified often reveal
themselves to be complicated when implemented, as they are not properly integrated to the
project. Different recommendations and tentative frameworks tackle this issue. This thesis work
focuses on the development of a framework to integrate the LEED certification to the construction
project management process for newly constructed buildings in Italy. The framework in question
aims at identifying, through the making of a RASCI matrix, the responsibilities of the different
usual project actors in completing LEED credits and prerequisites. The matrix is developed by a
thorough analysis of the requirements and necessary documents of each credit/prerequisite
confronted to the usual responsibilities of project actors. In addition, it is completed by a risk
assessment of going overbudget for prerequisites and of not being achieved for credits, based on
both LEED project experience feedback and a literature review. Eventually, the proposed
framework’s final results and initial assumptions are discussed.

Keywords: Green Construction, Project Management, Green Building Certification, LEED, RASCI
Matrix, Responsibilities, Risk Assessment.

Italian version:

In uno scenario di crisi ecologica nel quale il settore dell’edilizia spicca in rappresentanza come
uno tra i più inquinanti, diventa impellente e doveroso che la gestione dei progetti si indirizzi
sistematicamente verso un approccio sostenibile. Ad oggi esistono certificazioni in materia di
bioedilizia che attribuiscono punti per le pratiche virtuose e che possono sostenere la sfida,
tuttavia, l’assenza di un reale sistema che le integri all’interno del progetto, le rende spesso
complicate da implementarsi. Diverse le prese di coscienza e quadri sperimentali che ragionano
su questo fronte. Nasce da queste problematiche il lavoro di tesi che prende in analisi lo sviluppo
di un telaio di riferimento volto all’integrazione della certificazione LEED, considerando il
processo di gestione dei progetti di nuova costruzione sul territorio italiano. Verrà quindi
identificato attraverso lo sviluppo di una matrice RASCI, quelle che sono le responsabilità dei
diversi attori coinvolti nel completamento dei crediti e prerequisiti LEED. La matrice risulta lo
sviluppo postumo ad un’analisi approfondita dei suddetti requisiti, dei documenti necessari per
ogni credito/prerequisito rispetto alle abituali responsabilità degli attori del progetto. Infine, è
coronata da una valutazione del rischio laddove si superi il budget per i prerequisiti e del non
raggiungimento dei crediti, basandosi sui feedback dell’esperienza di progetto LEED e supportati
da una revisione della letteratura in materia. Infine, verranno discussi e trattati i risultati finali
ottenuti così come le ipotesi inizialmente proposte per il telaio.

1 Introduction
1.1 Context of the thesis
The construction sector accounts for over a third of final energy use and approximately 30% of
global carbon emissions, according to WBCSD [1]. These numbers are bound to increase if this
impact is not addressed, as a rapid population growth [2] and urbanisation of the world [3] is
generating a consequent increase in housing need. This need for new buildings and
infrastructures implies economical, societal and environmental consequences.

In addition to this societal aspect, the ever-growing amount of proof demonstrating the
construction sector’s impact on climate change raises the question of what the construction
industry can do to solve, or at least to mitigate, its effects. The United Nations presented the 17
Sustainable Development goals [4] in 2016, a plan of action to achieve a better and more
sustainable future for all, including the clauses 7-Affordable and Clean Energy, 12-Responsible
Consumption and Production and 13-Climate Action, where the construction field can have a
substantial influence.

Incorporating strategies to construct more sustainable buildings is a turning point to participate

to the global effort in combatting global warming. In this context has emerged the concept of
Sustainable Construction and Green Buildings, defines as “a building that, in its design, construction
or operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive impacts, on our
climate and natural environment. Green buildings preserve precious natural resources and
improve our quality of life.” by World Green Building Council [5].

To help that effort, institutions have taken it upon themselves to provide builders with a way to
implement green practices in the construction process and have developed Green Building
Certifications aimed at guiding to mitigate the impact of buildings on the natural environment
through sustainable design. There exist several ones, the main being the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) in the United States and the Building Research Establishment
Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) in the United Kingdom.

Pursuing a green building certification has several benefits, not only to the environment, but also
to the owner as it increases the attractivity of the building on the real estate market and can reduce
its operating costs, while providing a better quality of life to the building occupants [6].
Nonetheless, it also adds conceptual and technical complexity to the construction project
management process, and its implementation can be tedious and complicated.

1.2 Problem statement

The problem addressed in this thesis can be posed as the following question.

How to develop a framework addressed to construction project managers to facilitate the

integration of green building certifications in the project management process?

1.3 Assumptions
In this thesis work, it will be considered that the LEED green building certification guarantees the
resource and energy efficiency of the project in question as it is the most widely used. The question
whether LEED certified building are indeed more efficient than non-certified building will not be
addressed. The latest version to date of LEED (4.1) was considered. Consequently, the terms Green
Building and Sustainable Building will be used to refer to LEED certified buildings.

Regarding the construction management process, the project life-cycle model from the Royal
British Institute of Architecture (RIBA) [7] will be considered and used to develop the proposed

2 Background
2.1 Construction Project Management
EN 16310 [8] defines project management as a “professional service that applies (application)
methods, tools, techniques and competences to the overall planning, coordination and control of
a project life cycle, from inception to completion, aimed at meeting a client's requirements in order
to produce a functionally and financially viable project that will be completed on time within
authorised cost and to the required quality standards”. In the context of the construction sector,
the focus of the project will be buildings which are defined in the same standard as: “construction
work that has the provision of shelter for its occupants or contents as one of its main purposes;
usually partially or totally enclosed and designed to stand permanently in one place.”

2.1.1 Project Life Cycle

This thesis work will be based on the project lifecycle model from the RIBA [7], that offers a
detailed plan of work of a construction project, with clear distinct steps throughout the lifecycle,
presented in the following table.

Stage Step Description

Definition of the right strategic decisions to
0 Strategic Definition
Briefing process where client requirements are
1 Preparation and Brief
considered more in detail
2 Concept Design Proposal of the Architectural Concept
3 Developed Design Testing and validation of Step 2
Preparation of all the information required to
4 Technical Design
manufacture and construct the building
Construction 5 Construction Manufacturing and Construction of the building
Handover 6 Handover and Close out Rectification of any defects
In use 7 In use The building is used, operated and maintained
Table 2.1: RIBA stages and steps of the lifecycle of a project

There exist other formats from different institutes, that demonstrate some variations while
keeping the same main steps and leading all the same to the completion of the project. The findings
of this work can be adapted to other frameworks of project lifecycle.

2.1.2 Project Actors

A construction project involves many different actors in its process, presented in the following
table, based again on the RIBA plan of work [7].

Teams Actors
Project manager
Client team Cost consultant
Health and safety advisor
Commissioning authority
Lead designer
Interior designer
Landscape designer
Structural engineer
Design team Mechanical engineer
Plumbing engineer
Electrical engineer
Façade engineer
Acoustical engineer
Sustainability engineer
General contractor/Construction manager
Mechanical sub-contractor
Construction team
Electrical sub-contractor
Logistics team
National/Local authorities
Environmental bodies
Local communities
Utilities companies
Table 2.2: Actors involved in the lifecycle of a project

It is to be noted that this list is not exhaustive, and that some actors might not be present,
depending on whether the project requires their expertise.

Client team

Client The client is an entity, individual or organisation commissioning

and funding the project, directly or indirectly. They can take many
forms depending on the size and type of project.
For the sake of simplicity, ‘client’ will refer to the client and all of
his legal and technical advisors (legal team, financial team, client
representative, construction advisor, etc.).

Project manager The project manager is appointed by the client to coordinate the
engineering, procurement and construction phases of the project.
Further details are provided in section §2.1.3.

Cost consultant Cost consultant refers to a quantity surveyor, accountant or

another professional that provides estimates and advises
regarding the cost of construction works.

Health and safety advisor Health and safety advisors are responsible for ensuring that risks
in the worksite are controlled and that organisations are
successfully meeting safety standards. They undertake risk
assessments and site inspections to ensure that procedures and
policies are properly implemented.

Design team

Lead designer They lead the design team and are responsible for coordinating
the inputs and information from each team member.

Architect Consultant responsible for developing the overall design, from

eliciting the brief to full design documentation and
construction supervision.

Interior designer Their responsibilities include visualizing and sketching design

plans as per client goals, selecting products and materials,
determining costs and inspecting finishing of the construction

Landscape designer They plan, design and manage open spaces and aim to provide
aesthetically pleasing urban and rural environments.

Structural engineer Consultant that designs, assesses and inspects structures to

ensure they are efficient and stable. They also provide site
surveys, geotechnical investigations, ground improvement
studies, etc.

Mechanical engineer The mechanical engineer is responsible for the design,

assessment and inspection of the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation
and Air Conditioning) systems, and piping and plumbing of the

Electrical engineer The electrical engineer is responsible for the design,

assessment and inspection of the electrical network of the

Facade engineer Consultant designing the façades of buildings, so they are

structurally and thermally sound. They are responsible for light

Acoustical engineer An acoustical engineer helps to design, assess, manage and

control sound and vibrations in the built environment.

Sustainability engineer Sustainability engineers deliver sustainable and low-energy

design projects, execute lifecycle assessments and energy

Construction Team

General contractor/ The General contractor is an organisation that carries out the
Construction manager construction work and is responsible for planning, managing
and coordinating the project.
Depending on the size of the project, a single contractor may be
able to undertake and complete all the construction works
themselves or not. When there is not one general contractor, a
construction manager can be appointed. The construction
manager also has an advisor role to the client if appointed at an
early stage.

Mechanical sub-contractor Mechanical sub-contractors are in charge of heating and
cooling systems, refrigeration, piping, and plumbing, whether
for production, installation, or ongoing maintenance and

Electrical sub-contractor Electrical sub-contractors are in charge of electrical systems

and network installation, maintenance and repair on site.

Logistics The logistics team does the planning, implementing and

controlling of supply chain resources, from the point of origin
to the point of destination. They are responsible for, amongst
other things, the resource assessment, sourcing and
procurement, materials handling and waste management.


A stakeholder is any person, team or organization involved or affected by the project in question.
There exist the direct and indirect stakeholders. The direct ones gather the members of the project
team previously described, along with building users. Indirect stakeholders can be governmental
authorities, local communities, special interest bodies, or any group that is affected by the project
and can have an impact on its completion.
Both categories of stakeholders can either have a positive or negative impact on the project, and
have different levels of legitimacy and acting power, whether it is financially, legally or socially. If
they have concerns about the project outcome, or interests not aligned with project objectives,
they can oppose and become a threat, as well as they can represent potential opportunities if they
can identify their benefits from the project. Stakeholders should thus be identified, and their
management and involvement need to be addressed for the success of the project.

2.1.3 Project Management

To coordinate the overall project, project managers are appointed by the owner, designer or
contractor. They are responsible for carrying out the project, including coordinating the
engineering, procurement and construction phases.

Most of the project manager’s work consists in organizing and interacting with the other team
members to identify problems that arise along the project and find solutions to those problems.
They are to lead the project team to ensure a good-quality project within initial constraints (given
in terms of scope, time and money). The main expected tasks can be summarized as planning,
organizing, staffing, directing and controlling [9] and eventually develop a Project Management
Plan, that “refines the scope, creates the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), schedules activities,
establishes budgets, defines quality requirements, develops communication plans, allocates
resources, and identifies potential risks.” [10]

To be able to guaranty the health and safety of the building users, several contractual approvals
must be obtained to launch the construction process. The following table gathers the usual
contractual documents according to the British Institution of Civil Engineering endorsed website
of Designing Buildings [11], though more may be needed depending on the size and the context of
the project:

- Application for payment
- Architect's instruction / contract administrator's instruction
- Bill of quantities
- Building log book
- Building owner's manual / operation and maintenance manual
- Building users guide
- Certificate of making good defects / certificate of making good
- Collateral warranty
- Construction phase plan
- Contract sum analysis
- Contractors master programme
- Contractors proposals
- Default payment notice
- Contract drawings
- Design documents
- Employers requirements
- Final account
- Final certificate
- Health and safety file
- Information release schedule
- Insurance
- Interim certificate
- Joint fire code
- Method statement
- Pay less notice
- Payment notice
- Practical completion certificate / substantial completion certificate
- Preliminaries
- Risk assessment
- Schedule of defects
- Schedule of work
- Site waste management plan
- Specification
Table 2.3: Contractual documents for construction projects

The RIBA framework also includes a list of documents to be produced by the end of each step of a

Step Documents
Strategic - Client Requirements
Definition - Business Case
- Project Brief
- Feasibility Studies
- Site Information
Preparation - Project Budget
and Brief - Project Programme
- Procurement Strategy
- Responsibility Matrix
- Information Requirements

- Project Brief Derogations

- Signed Off Stage report
Concept Design - Project Strategies
- Outline Specifications
- Cost Plan
- Signed off Stage Report
- Project Strategies
- Updated Outline Specification
- Updated Cost Plan
- Planning Application
- Manufacturing Information
- Construction Information
- Final Specifications
- Residual Project Strategies
- Building Regulations Application
- Building Manual including Health and Safety File and Fire Safety
- Practical Completion certificate including Defects List
- Asset Information
- Feedback on Project Performance
Handover and
- Final Certificate
Close out
- Feedback from light touch Post Occupancy Evaluation
- Feedback from Post Occupancy Evaluation
In use - Updated Building Manual including Health and Safety File and Fire Safety
Information as necessary
Table 2.4: Documents to provide at each step of the project

2.1.4 Project Delivery Systems

The main project delivery systems in construction are as follows [6]:

• Design-bid-build, or hard-bid,
• Construction management at risk, or negotiated work,
• Design-build, or design construct.

The table 2.5 on the next page provides a summary of the different systems’ main characteristics,
based on [6].

System Hard-bid System Construction Management at Risk Design Build

Reduce potential sources

Efficient construction management to
Main Objective Low-cost delivery
guaranty a maximal price
of conflict between design
and construction teams
Ideally, both the design and
construction team are selected early
The design team is
selected by the owner
The design team is selected by the One entity (designer-
owner builder) forges a single
contract with the owner to
Organisation of The general contractor is The contractor (called construction
selected by a bidding provide for architectural
actors process where the owner
manager) negotiates a fee for
/engineering design
management services with the owner
hires the lowest bidder services and construction
Sub-contractors are Sub-contractors are selected through a services
selected by the general bidding process, based on their
contractor with a similar capability and the quality of their
bidding process work

Single source

The design team

produces all the Construction documents are produced
necessary documents to by a collective effort to meet the The single team produces
Documentation the creation of the owner’s requirements, schedule and the documents
building on behalf of the budget

Table 2.5: Comparison of main project delivery systems

The most widely used system for classic construction projects is the hard-bid delivery system, and
in the following work, traditional construction will refer to a hard-bid system.

2.2 Green Building Certification Process

2.2.1 The LEED Certification

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is an American green building rating
system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USBGC). It is a 3rd party certification program
that relies on a system of points, awarded for green building strategies that are classified in
“credits”. By earning points, the project can reach different rating levels:

- 40 to 49 points to be certified,
- 50 to 59 point for a Silver rating,
- 60 to 79 points for a Gold rating,
- from 80 points, a Platinum rating.

Six rating system are available:

- Building Design + Construction (the one this thesis work will focus on),
- Interior Design + Construction,
- Operations + Maintenance,
- Residential,

- Cities and Communities,
- Recertification.

The following table shows the scoreboard of Building Design + Construction [12] giving a global
overview of the most critical ones (Energy and Atmosphere in first place and the Location and
Transportation and Material and Resources in second place in most cases):

New Data Warehouses &
LEED Categories construction
and Schools Retail
Distribution Hospitality Healthcare
Shell Centers

Integrative Process 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Location and
16 20 15 16 16 16 16 9
Sustainability Sites 10 11 12 10 10 10 10 9
Water Efficiency 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11
Energy and
33 33 31 33 33 33 33 35
Material and
13 14 13 13 13 13 13 19
Environmental 16 5 16 15 16 16 16 16
Innovation 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Regional Priority 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Total 110 105 110 110 110 110 110 110
Table 2.6: General overview of LEED credits points depending on construction type

For some categories, there are some mandatory prerequisites to obtain before starting to gain
points with credits. The process is done by point-scoring the credits that the project validated. In
the LEED system, the sum of the credits is called the “LEED scorecard”.

This thesis work will focus on the “New Construction” of LEED BC+D as it is the most generic sub-
group in the construction sector.

2.2.2 The LEED Categories and Objectives

LEED explains the environmental impact of each of its categories, in order to instil clients to the
positive impacts of sustainable choices [12].

LEED Categories Abbreviation Intent
To support high-performance, cost-effective project outcomes
Integrative Process IP through an early analysis of the interrelationships among
To avoid development on inappropriate sites.
Location and To reduce vehicle distance travelled.
Transportation To enhance liveability and improve human health by
encouraging daily physical activity.
To reduce pollution from construction activities by controlling
Sustainability Sites SS soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, and airborne dust.
Water Efficiency WE To reduce outdoor water consumption
To support the design, construction, and eventual operation of a
Energy and Atmosphere EA project that meets the owner’s project requirements for energy,
water, indoor environmental quality, and durability.
To reduce the waste that is generated by building occupants and
Material and Resources MR hauled to and disposed of in landfills.
To contribute to the comfort and well-being of building
Indoor Environmental
IEQ occupants by establishing minimum standards for indoor air
Quality quality (IAQ).
To encourage projects to achieve exceptional or innovative
Innovation IN performance.
To provide an incentive for the achievement of credits that
Regional Priority RP address geographically specific environmental, social equity,
and public health priorities.
Table 2.7: LEED categories and objectives

2.2.3 The LEED Work Plan

To obtain a LEED certification, it is recommended to follow a specific work plan (BD + C) [13]:

• Step 1: Initiate discovery phase,

• Step 2: Select a LEED rating system (among 21),
• Step 3: Check Minimum Program Requirements,
• Step 4: Establish Project Goals (by prioritizing strategies with the project context),
• Step 5: Define LEED Project Scope,
• Step 6: Develop LEED scorecard (and therefore the certification level to target: Certified,
Siler Gold or Platinum),
• Step 7: Continue Discovery Phase (additional research),
• Step 8: Continue iterative process,
• Step 9: Assign roles and responsibilities (one primary leader and the delegation of
responsibility is recommended),
• Step 10: Develop consistent documentation (all along the project lifecycle and by
collecting data regularly),
• Step 11: Perform quality assurance review and submit for certification.

2.2.4 The LEED Documents

The tenth step of the recommended work plan to get certified aims at producing LEED
documentation for the project. This step proves to the certifying organisation the implementation
of sustainable practices in the project and therefore is of crucial importance but also the most
tedious task.

Since 2010, LEED went paperless in the submission of required documents as the USGBC
developed the platform “LEED Online” (www.leedonline.com). The LEED manager is expected to
upload the corresponding documents and fill out the forms when they are required (depending

on the credit). In the annex, a list of all the documents for the credits concerning New Construction
of LEED Building and Construction rating system is presented.

2.3 Integration of LEED and sustainability in project management

Integrating LEED into a construction project can add complexity at many different levels, as
demonstrated by the mains steps and the number of documents needed to obtain the certification.

2.3.1 Different needs, different methods

The natural inclination would be to keep the traditional project management system and include
sustainability as an extra complexity level. However, this strategy has been proven ineffective,
time-consuming and costly through experience. “Green building is better regarded as a process
rather than a product” [14] meaning that the whole construction process must integrate
sustainable practices to be efficient.

The following table based on Charles J. Kibert [6] aims at highlighting advantages and drawbacks
of the different delivery systems and rate their LEED-compatibility.

System Hard-bid Construction Management at Risk Design Build

CM can provide preconstruction services Improves communication

to facilitate efficient and effective design among project team
process members
Client satisfaction is a major concern of Likely to reduce typical
the CM, as project outcome can get him design construction
future projects conflicts
Offers in theory the
Advantages lowest cost
Prevents physical conflict among systems,
Speeds the project to
missing information, and other products
of miscommunication
Reduces frequency and intensity of Provides a lower price
conflicts for the owner
Improves overall project
Does not encourage good
Conflicts often arise
Usual tension between design team and
Drawbacks between parties
construction manager still exists
Late design changes,
lawsuits, etc. can result in
a higher total cost
Low Possible Possible
with LEED
Table 2.8: Project delivery systems’ comparative table

Traditional construction mostly uses a hard-bid system, if not for the general contractor, for
subcontractors' selection. The adversarial nature of this system makes it difficult to implement on
a green project [6]. Green projects are complex and require intense initial planning and
collaboration to achieve sustainability within budget and schedule, hence adjustments to the
traditional project management process are needed to integrate LEED certification early in the
project’s life cycle. Doing so reduces the risk of reworking major aspects of the project to
implement “green” considerations later, causing additional costs.

Both construction management at risk and design-build represent better options for the
integration of LEED, but neither will provide 100% of integration if the definition of project team
and phasing is not transformed [15].

2.3.2 Integrated Project Delivery System

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) developed the concept of Integrated Project Delivery
(IPD), a relatively new (mid-1990s) project delivery system that relies on several other recent
concepts like integrated process, lean construction, and BIM, to mention a few [6]. They provide
the following definition; “an approach that integrates people, systems, business structures and
practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights of all participants
to optimize project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency
through all phases of design, fabrication, and construction.” IPD is at the source of a collaborative
culture for the project, essential element of a good project, and especially for green project. Indeed,
“integrated processes are being acknowledged and encouraged in sustainable ratings systems
such as LEED.” [16]

IPD contracts consist of at least 3 parties; the owner, architect/engineer and the contractor sign a
relational contract. Subcontractors can also be included in an integrated form of agreement or
triparty collaborative agreement. Relational contracts are the key document in IPD because they
define the relationships among all parties to the project. They have incentive clauses such that any
potential savings are shared among IPD team members and with the owner. To that end, incentive
pools can be created and consolidate team cohesion [6].

The following table highlights the strong and weak points of the IPD, based on [6], [16], [17]:

Strong points Weak points

Encourages good communication and Upfront investment required early in the
removes ‘silo’ effects project
Reinforces team spirit during preconstruction Reduction of return on preconstruction spend
phase if the construction phase is delayed
Financial alignment of design and Without adequate time and complexity,
construction savings might not be available to cover initial
The financial performance is based on overall No firm fixed cap on cost at the start for the
project outcome owner
Collaborative approach possible in new ways
for complex projects
Table 2.9: Integrated Project Delivery strong and weak points

With a high emphasis on collaboration, IPD appears as a highly compatible approach with green
building delivery. Furthermore, with the development of both lean construction and BIM for green
buildings, IPD has a strong advantage as it allows the implementation of new collaborative
methods [16]. Using such technologies, IPD has the potential to deliver green buildings at a similar
if not lower cost than the one of a conventional building [6].

2.3.3 LEED Accredited Professional

In practice, a way to consider the integration of LEED to the project is the appointment of LEED
Accredited Professionals (LEED AP). The USGBC offers the opportunity to professionals
interacting with the design, construction or operation of buildings as part of their regular job
function to get accredited. The accreditation testifies of a deep knowledge in green building

USGBC developed a LEED credit dedicated to the appointment of a LEED AP. This allows the
project team to hire a LEED endorsed professional, that can act as a reference for the credit
obtention process and guide the team towards their LEED objectives.

Usually, there are two LEED AP appointed; one part of the design team, and one part of the
construction team. The client can also appoint their own LEED AP. Considering the close
collaboration between the client and the design team, their LEED APs usually are one single

The LEED AP of the design team is responsible for design LEED credits, and will be referred to as
LEED AP D. The LEED AP of the general contractor, LEED AP GC, is in charge of construction credits.

3 State of the art
3.1 Green Project Management guidelines and advice
3.1.1 Strategic Definition

As a starting point, Kibert [6] identifies owner issues in green buildings that should be addressed
and settled prior to any other preliminary analyses. Considering LEED certification as the
determining green building criteria, the following table has been made to summarise those key

Questions Corresponding task

Does the owner want the building to be a Identification of benefits and marketability of
certified green building? certification

What level of certification is desired? Setting of sustainability goals and LEED

credits selection

What is the level of green building experience Identification of team qualifications needed to
required for the team? achieve the desired level of certification

What level of capital investment, beyond that Determination whether lower operational
required for conventional construction, will costs are worth the additional capital
the owner provide to make the facility a high- investment
performance green building?

Table 3.1: Key owner questions to be addressed at the beginning of the project (based on [6])

If the project pursues a LEED certification, then defining priorities in terms of sustainability from
the beginning will ensure that they are integrated to the project [18]. LEED offers a large set of
credits to the owner, and the choice of target credits is crucial and has a strong influence on the
lifecycle of the project and its cost. Once selected, credits must be fulfilled throughout the project
to get the desired score. An inappropriate credits selection, due to lack of knowledge or
experience, can lead to increased amount of time, money and labour dedicated to achieving them
[19]. In the 4th part of state of the art, different methods to choose appropriate credits will be

3.1.2 Team Selection and Communication

Once the level of certification and the credits have been selected, the project team shall be
selected. It should include an experienced green building project manager, as well as the usual
other actors [6]. Nonetheless, when sustainability aspects of a project lay on the shoulders of a
single individual, productivity decreases. The accredited professional responsible for the green
building certification can be perceived by the rest of the team as the person that requests
documentation during the project, and thus become perceived as more of a burden than a help
[20]. Team members end up feeling no ownership of the green building and misunderstandings
and miscommunication issues can arise. The integration of sustainability objectives for the whole
team is thus of utmost importance for the success of the project [18]. The team should be
assembled as early as possible in the project’s life cycle, to involve all actors and put them on an
equal footing regarding sustainability.

Another threat to the project in the case of multidisciplinary teams is the so called ‘Silo Effect’, or
lack of effective communication between different experts involved leading to teams working

separately and independently. Adding green building certification requirements to the project will
further accentuate this effect if not integrated correctly [18]. Good communication and
coordination from the start of the design phase is important to avoid waste of time and labour. To
enable this efficient communication, the incorporation of a charrette is recommended. The
National Charette Institute (NCI) defines a charrette as a “collaborative planning process that
harnesses the talents and energies of all interested parties to create and support a buildable smart
growth plan.”

It consists in a multi-day workshop, where all parties brainstorm to create a joint vision for the
project providing a guideline for future decision, set goals and priorities, and define a feasible plan,
including the next steps to be taken. It should include all project actors and stakeholders to
develop a cohesive team and real partnership [18]. If everyone feels included and listened to, the
project is less likely to face opposition once the design is completed.

The project manager is responsible for initiating this process, setting a framework and rules for
communication and teamwork, as well as making sure information is addressed to all, clear and
frequent. The use of collaborative software and platforms is recommended, though it may require
initial training. The implementation of newsletters, open website or other can also help [18], [20].

3.1.3 Project Design and Documentation

In the early design phase (Preparation and Brief when following the RIBA framework), the project
manager must produce the initial project budget and schedule estimation. When working with a
charrette, this process can be much faster than in a traditional construction, as the project
manager has access to charrette documents giving guidelines and can rely on other specialized
team members to improve the accuracy and fasten the delivery time of construction documents
[6], [18]–[21].

The building permit obtention is also affected by the incorporation of the charrette, that speeds
the process as the design is more likely to comply already with local, state and federal
development regulations. The team is also more aware of possible incentives available for green

Another major problem for LEED implementation to management process is the lack of
knowledge of green practices. Untrained actors unfamiliar with the required documentation find
its completion burdensome [22]. The web-based platform LEED-online has been introduced by
USGBC in 2010 to facilitate documents’ submission and help with the overall process. However,
some users describe it as difficult to work with [23]. It requires the user to input a large amount
of data (see Annex XX). Proper training for LEED-online or the implementation or an efficient
information management system could be of great help to facilitate the process [20].

3.1.4 Project Construction and Contracting

In the case of traditional construction, the fragmentation of accountability can cause some doubts
on the use of contract savings and quality of sub-contractors as the main objective is to have the
lowest cost [18]. Contractors wishing to achieve sustainability goals perceive it as adding
additional costs, requirements, and risks [22]and usually add premiums to cost estimates to cover
for those risks.

In the case of the integrated team for green construction, the contractor already understands the
owner’s vision and has been active in the construction documents’ completion. Mutual trust
allows the owner to resort to open book contracting for contractor and sub-contractors, that
decreases the required time for the bid and negotiation phase and increases the chance of

attracting higher quality professionals. Contract negotiations will nonetheless still include an
assurance to protect all parties [18].

The construction phase is long and has a strong impact on the environment. It is expected from
contractor and sub-contractors to apply some green procedures, in addition to conventional ones,
bearing in mind the objective to minimise disturbance to the natural environment [14]. To do so,
continual communication and training is essential [18]. Workers must be aware of sustainable
construction and reduce waste [14]. On-site meetings should be conducted to provide sustainable
construction education and training sessions on green buildings. The organisation of conference
calls and other distance training sessions can be used to supplement to on-site training [18].

Such initiatives are also useful to stimulate interest in the LEED process [20] and trigger
motivation. Indeed, the level of education and the perception of green process is also crucial, as
appreciation of what the certification means and what it can do for a project [20]. To maintain
motivation, a system of bonuses provided for staff if the building is green mark certified [14] or
rewards and recognition for work groups that complete work ahead of schedule, within cost
constraints and desired level of green standards [18] can be implemented.

Innovation and use of new materials and techniques being part of sustainability objectives,
contractors may end up being pressurized into the green process without being familiar with it,
fearing to lose competitive advantage [22]. Considering that green technologies are usually more
complex and different from conventional technologies [24], the contractor can also be more
reluctant to leave his comfort zone [14]. In both cases, there is bound to be some friction within
the team and incremental costs due to incompetence of non-specialized workers [20]. Again,
education about why those innovative materials and techniques are introduced can help to
address this problem.

Green construction is about planning and scheduling to fulfil project requirements with high
efficiency and low interruption [14]. For the construction phase, this implies an attention paid to
make a streamlined use of construction equipment on site.

3.1.5 Commissioning and Closing out

The commissioning in the case of a green building is more complicated than for a conventional
project, and transmission of information on the operation and maintenance of the building
systems is important. This can be carried out by the creation of a users’ manual and/or training of
the client [14].

3.2 Existing frameworks

In order to assist project managers and teams seeking to get green building certifications while
avoiding the many issues detailed in the previous part, there exists some frameworks that will be
presented in this section.

3.2.1 LEED Project Management Matrix

The Department of Real Estate Services of the government of the District of Columbia [25]
developed the following matrix in order to guide project managers pursuing LEED. It is based on
the version 2 of LEED.

Figure 3.1: LEED Project Management matrix from Real Estate Services of the government of the District of Columbia

This table gives a general overview of the expected tasks and responsibilities of the project team,
the Office Project Management (OPM) if present and the LEED Coordinator at each stage of the
project’s life cycle. Nonetheless, the matrix does not go into specific detail of the different credits
and the corresponding work, nor in the concrete repartition of the responsibilities inside of the
project team.

3.2.2 LEED-PDRI Framework for Pre-project Planning

The LEED-PDRI framework [21] is based on the fundamental role of pre-project planning in the
building project management process that ensures delivery and performance of construction
projects, especially in the case of green buildings. It relies on the use of LEED in pre-project
planning of sustainable construction through the development of a matrix combining LEED and
Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI).

The PDRI, developed by the Construction Industry Institute (CII), is a scope definition tool
consisting in a weighted matrix with scope definition elements grouped into categories and
further summarized into main sections. This index allows for the quantification of the
completeness of the project’s scope definition. At most, the PDRI reaches 1000 points, and a lower
score represents a more complete scope definition.

There are two distinct steps to the framework. In a first time each LEED credit is analysed to
determine the sustainable requirements and when, during pre-project planning, the appropriate
decisions need to be made. These decisions are presented in a matrix to determine the
relationship between LEED and PDRI-buildings decisions. In a second time, the scope definition is

explained in detail for section II: basis of design of PDRI-buildings. This section has been chosen
for detailing, due to its significance in PDRI-buildings scores and green building design decisions.
Section II accounts for 42.8% of the 1000 points of PDRI-buildings.

The following table illustrates the proposed framework. LEED related decisions corresponding to
PDRI-buildings and pre-project planning, as well as in the execution phase are marked with an

Figure 3.2: LEED-PDRI framework for pre-project planning

The tables have been shortened in this section but are presented in detail for the LEED category
“Sustainable sites” in the Table 3 and Table 4 of [21].

This framework has several strong points such as increased clarity and a project scope in proper
alignment with business drivers. A detailed scope definition facilitates a smooth transition from
planning to design and construction and allows the project managers to set adequate cost and

schedule baselines and helps ascertain procurement requirements. However, this type of
framework helps the project manager to plan but does not gives insights on ways to check
practices during the construction phase. Ways to integrate LEED requirements in other stages of
the building project management process need to be investigated.

3.2.3 LEED-FOCAST Integration with Green Project Delivery

The LEED-FOCAST integration implementation methodology [15] relies on the IPD approach. It is
an iterative lean process that improves the work of the different project actors during the project’s
entire lifecycle. The methodology consists of:

- The creation of a FOCAST matrix by the LEED consultant in the pre-design phase where
each participant expresses their inclination for each credit,
- The organisation of a design charette,
- The identification of products or services that do not add value to the building using the
two previous inputs,
- A “closed-loop” process of “Plan-Do-Check-Act” is activated in order to continuously
improve the output of the actors by analysing how the design, construction, maintenance
and operation can be optimised.

The following figure summarises the recommended process.

Figure 3.3: LEED-FOCAST lean methodology

The LEED-FOCAST matrix is for the use of the LEED consultant to identify responsibilities of the
actors in the different project stages., by the use of the initials F-facility manager, O-owner, C-
contractor, A-architect, S-speciality consultants, T-trade contractors. The following figure shows
a portion of the matrix.

Figure 3.4: LEED-FOCAST matrix

The proposed framework offers a holistic view of the involvement and actors needed for the
different project tasks. Its early implementation in the project fosters effective communications
and interactions. Nonetheless this framework could be complemented with additional
information on distribution of individual responsibilities.

3.2.4 Utilizing Project Management Processes to deliver LEED Certified Projects

The framework proposed in [10] gives recommendations on when to consider each credit in the
different stages of the project and recommends project management practices. The project
manager should establish a RACI Matrix, at the beginning of the project, to inform participants of
the importance of their role in the obtention of each credit. This project management tool used in
other engineering sectors appoints a:

- (R) Responsible: will have to complete the task, but they can be assisted,
- (A) Accountable: is the expert that will have the answer to any question related to the
credit and approve the work (they can also be R),
- (C) Consult: has insight on the credits and can help if needed,
- (I) Inform: must be kept up to date with the progress of this credit (passive role).

It is important to assign a responsible actor for each credit for accountability reasons and so that
it is not discarded.

The following table details the recommended order of obtention of the credits for a previous
version of LEED.

Stage Category Credits
Credit 1 Site Selection
Credit 2 Development Density and Community Connectivity
Credit 3 Brownfield Redevelopment
SS Credits 4.1
Alternative Transportation
through 4.4
Credits 5.1 and
Site Development
Pre-design 5.2
EA Credit 2 Onsite Renewable Energy
Credits 1.1 and
MR 1.2
Building Reuse
ID Credit 2 LEED AP
Credits 1.1
RP through 1.4
Regional Priorities
Prerequisite 1 Construction Pollution Prevention
Credit 6.1 Storm Water Design
SS Credit 6.2 Quality and Quantity Control
Credit 7 Heat Island Effect – Non-Roof or Roof
Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction
Prerequisite 1 Water Use Reduction -20% Reduction
Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping
Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies
Credit 3 Water Use Reduction -Above 20%
Prerequisite 1 Fundamental Commissioning
Prerequisite 2 Minimum Energy Performance
Prerequisite 3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management
Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance
Credit 3 Enhanced Commissioning
Credit 4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management
Credit 5 Measurement and Verification
Credit 6 Green Power
Prerequisite 1 Storage and Collection of Recyclables
Credit 3 Materials Reuse
Credit 4, Recycled Content
Credit 5 Regional Materials
Credit 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials
Credit 7 Certified Wood
Prerequisite 1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
Prerequisite 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
Credit 1 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring
Credit 2 Increased Ventilation
Credits 4.1
Low-Emitting Materials
through 4.4
EQ Credit 5 Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control
Credits 6.1 and
Controllability of Systems
Credits 7.1 and
Thermal Comfort
Credits 8.1 and
Daylighting and Views
Credits 1.1
ID through 1.5
Innovation in Design
MR Credit 1 Construction Waste Management
Construction Credits 3.1 and
EQ 3.2
Construction IAQ Management Plans
Table 3.2: LEED credits classified according to project stage

3.3 Frameworks to integrate LEED in BIM models
Accomplishing LEED certification is not only a matter of performance requirements but also
documentation to provide at all stages of a project in order to properly review it. Building
Information Modelling (BIM) technologies have been emerging in the last decades as a solution to
modernize the construction sector by using intelligent tools to facilitate the extraction and sharing
of all sorts of information, which fosters good communication between team members. It has been
put forward to help green building certifications’ assessment process.

3.3.1 BIM and Green BIM

ISO 19650-1 [26] defines BIM as: “use of a shared digital representation of a built asset to facilitate
design, construction and operation processes to form a reliable basis for decisions. Built assets
include, but are not limited to, buildings, bridges, roads, process plants.” BIM is the computer
software combination of a 3D geometry with building information, such as elevations or plans, but
also spreadsheets with amount of materials needed, cost estimation, etc. The most widely used
BIM software is Revit from Autodesk.

Green BIM is the “use of BIM tools to help achieve sustainability and/or improved building
performance objectives” [27]. Its potential to help the sustainable effort is mostly untapped for
now. The construction sector being slow to change, the two relatively new concepts of BIM and
green construction are still in the process of being integrated into the regular practices of
construction companies. Using BIM software to help the green building certification process is one
of the new uses to explore.

3.3.2 Integration of BIM in LEED certification

Project initiation is the best stage for sustainability choices to be made [28] as a late integration
will be more complex. BIM tools, thanks to their multi-level information management, can help
the decision-making in the following domains:

- Building orientation,
- Building massing (form and envelope),
- Daylighting analysis,
- Water harvesting,
- Energy modelling including renewable energy,
- Sustainable materials,
- Site and logistics management.

BIM software (such as Revit or IES VE) can be used in order to earn LEED credits by providing
quickly updated documentation for 17 LEED credits and 2 prerequisites, contributing up to a total
of 38 points. Credits selection process can also be facilitated with the use of BIM.

From a more practical point of view, [23] is offering an actionable strategy to make a bridge
between LEED credits and the way they are calculated, using a BIM tool like Revit. The original
Revit model has a set of general parameters but does not provide all the required information for
LEED assessment. Nevertheless, it allows users’ add-ins to improve its offer, such as shared
parameters. They can be used to respond to LEED credits requirements and facilitate data
extraction; each shared parameter created inside the Revit model is then linked to a LEED

In the case of quantitative data, extraction from the model is easily automated. For instance, the
vegetated area (parameter) in square meters in the site’s topography (element) can be linked to

the LEED credit 5.2: Site Development – Maximize Open Space. The data already exists in the
model, and just needs to be found and presented to the user in a quick and easy way.

For more qualitative data, such as the origin of the material used, or the construction of a waste
management plant, there is a need of intervention from the designer during the design phase. This
can be done through the manual input of the origin of the materials during material definition,
placing the waste management facility on the map around the location, etc. Then, an algorithm is
put in place to check whether the LEED credit can be validated, using this information. To do so,
the credit is interpreted in a logic string of actions (for example, a flow chart) and created as a
sequence of information towards credit validation, and eventually the algorithm is developed and

Furthermore, the algorithm will operate only if the pre-requirements are already met. If they are
met, then the program will run to look for all the credits associated in that LEED category. This
method assumes that the BIM model for the building is complete with all the information needed
for LEED assessment (components, properties and LEED parameters and elements). The Revit
Application Programme Interface (API) installed via an add-in in Revit then takes the role of
collecting the right data for LEED assessment and a programme takes responsibility of showing
the results in an easy way for the Revit user (report card and final score).

For instance, to get the credit 4.1: Alternative Transportation – Public Transportation Access, the
building needs to have a certain number of public transportation stations of various types in a
radius lesser than a given distance (to mimic the possibility of the occupants to walk comfortably
to a public transportation station).

The following process is operated inside the Revit model:

- Bus stops, rail stations, bus rapid transit stations, ferry terminals (as elements in the Revit
model) are searched around the building,
- If the algorithm finds one, the distance between the entrance door and the public
transportation station is measured (since all objects have X, Y, Z coordinates in the 3D
space). If that distance is under a threshold, the algorithm keeps track of that information,
- The algorithm continue until the credit is reached or the distance with the closest station
is so big that it does not meet the requirement of the LEED criterion,
- The public transport stations that meets the distance requirements are then counted and
the credit is calculated,
- Finally, the algorithm generates a report, readable for a non-programmer designer and
gives the number of points the building got for that category.

As seen, a BIM software like Revit can be modified to adapt to LEED certification set of credits but
more generally, to any green building certification. However, Green BIM requires an integrated
design approach which can require effort to implement in a highly complex system like a
construction project [27]. For now, the Green BIM approach has been technology-centric, but
there remain issues in the organization and the implementation of new strategies to construct in
the established sector of construction. The challenges that arise when talking about Green BIM,
on top the usual ones in construction projects, are:

- Adoption and interoperability of different BIM software by the different actors (the IFC
format was supposed to be a solution for the interoperability of the files but it does not
hold its promises and is not reliable in practice),
- Sophistication of the model and literacy of the team members,
- Inherent fragmentation in the overall supply chain,
- Cost of certifications and of BIM software licences.

Moreover, not all tasks of LEED can be BIM compatible [27], [28] so BIM tools might not be the
universal solution it claims to be.

3.4 LEED Credits Selection

The sixth step of the recommended work plan offered by LEED is the development of the LEED
scorecard and as a result, the certification level to target (Certified, Siler Gold or Platinum). Three
different strategies are emerging when choosing the credits to pursue in a green construction
project in the context of a LEED NC (DB + C) certification:

- Based on the priorities of the project [29], [30],

- Based on the experience/knowledge of team members on green buildings [19],
- Based on previous similar projects that were “green building” certified [31], [32].

3.4.1 Based on the priorities

The first strategy [29] develops a tool to be used in the Feasibility Studies stage where it is possible

- Select the option that drives the project

- Examine the LEED credits from an owner’s and Architect/Engineer perspective

The tool gathers information from most stakeholders, to have the most accurate results, in order
to have as an output the optimal set of LEED credits, based on each participant’s weight influence
and the priorities of the project (cost, architectural aesthetics, life cycle, certifications, etc). [30]
suggests a method that could be associated with this to reach the best alternative considering the
criteria weights.

3.4.2 Based on the experience/knowledge of team members

Since tackling a green building project is complex, the second strategy [19] helps to choose the
credits to utilize the effort of the architect, engineers and consultants in the most efficient way
possible from the start of the project.

This paper identifies the following pre-requisites for a successful green building:

- Educated or experienced team members/subcontractors in green building projects,

- Early involvement of key participants in the project.

Therefore, their method considers in a quantitative way the education/experience and the
perceived value weight of each team member as an input to select the right credits for a specific
project. These attributes are evaluated with a questionnaire and the resulting data is processed to
give a mathematical representation of the capabilities and responsibilities of all team members.
The output is a checklist for each credit:

- “YES” meaning what the team is comfortable (they have the experience/knowledge and
are involved at the right moment),
- “MAYBE” meaning that either the team is not that comfortable so need some extra
qualifications or better involvement, or that the technology is not available in that specific
context (example: material unavailable). For those credits, the project manager will need
to decide whether the credit will still be included in the scorecard or it shall be let go off.
- “NO” meaning that the key team members are not at all capable to deliver the output
required to get a specific credit and there is no point in putting money and time into
getting that credit.

The credits are then selected accordingly. By using this questionnaire at the beginning of the
project, the project manager can have a tool to help decision-making when it comes to the
capabilities of its team and to not put money and time into credits that are bound to fail. For credits
on the edge of not making the cut, the project manager can decide to hire an expert to consolidate
that green building characteristic and not bottleneck the project delivery process. For instance, if
the energy performance credit barely reaches the “YES” status, an energy modelling expert can be
brought on board in the project.

This method highlights the fact that green building project is as good as the
knowledge/experience and involvement of the team members. In this thesis work, it will be
assumed that the team is perfectly experienced in all the credits of the LEED, and that this aspect
is not a threat to the project. In effect, the team may not have all the appropriate qualifications,
but this thesis will provide guidance for all the credits that are in the reach of the project.

3.4.3 Based on previous similar projects

The third strategy [32] relies on the fact that since each new project brings new challenges, a
database of case studies would be helpful for a LEED manager in order to have an overview of the
technologies used and the credits obtained by similar projects. The model follows four steps:

- Retrieve: Given a target problem (or a new case), retrieve from the case base to get the
most relevant and similar cases. Usually, a case consists of a problem description and its
solution. Reuse information from the retrieved cases to map the solution,
- Reuse: Map the solution from the retrieved cases to the target problem and provide a
proposed solution. This may involve adapting the solution, as needed, to fit the new
- Revise: Test the proposed solution in the real world (or in a simulation) and, if necessary,
revise in order to have the confirmed solution,
- Retain: After the solution has been successfully adapted to the target problem, store the
resulting outcome as a new case in the case base.

Figure 3.5: Fig 1 from [32] to explain the process

This model is not perfect and has around an 80% success rate for different levels of certification,
but it is useful to the team to have a prediction of the points that similar projects have earned. A
weakness of this method though is that the database must be very big, varied and accurate to
provide usable results. New technologies and techniques might not have the time to be included
in the database so the manager must have a critical eye and update the database when reviewing
the output of this method.

The same authors also developed a model in another paper [31] to analyse LEED credits
achievement thanks to a database so that the managers will have an understanding from the
beginning on the difficulty to achieve those credits. The achievement of individual LEED credits in

previous projects gives the manager an insight into how they will proceed and the hurdles to

For each credit, the Percentage Average Score (PAS) is defined as the ratio between the average
score over 1000 cases over the full score. A high PAS suggests that the credit is quite easy to get:
easy validation of associated standard, documentation easy to provide, technology readily
available, etc. However, this index does not inform on the cost of the credit.

The accomplishment of the credit depending on the level of certification gotten at the end can also
give insight to the manager for the selection of the credits. Demanding credits in terms of costs
and effort (for example: reuse of material) can appear as difficult in a lot of projects, especially if
the decision to pursue these credits is taken late, so they are usually chosen for high achieving
projects (Gold or Platinum) or if they are well included in the nature of the project from the
beginning. That information can help the manager in the choice of the credits since other projects’
experiences are more realistic than the expectations of the client and of an inexperienced design

Eventually, the probability that two credits are related was analysed. If the team decides to target
a certain credit, it will be useful to know the effort required to gain a related credit. However, this
information is mainly useful for high-achieving projects.

3.5 Conclusions
It appears that a strategic definition from the start of the project, accompanied with a charrette,
and an efficient communication during the whole project are key factors to a successful green
building project. Since green buildings are a novelty, a learning curve must be surmounted by all
actors of the construction project with education and gaining experience. All those
recommendations found in many documents will be taken into account for the development of
our own framework.

Different frameworks have been analysed, and it arose that they are focusing either too much on
the first stages of the project or on the credits, with little consideration of the project management
aspect of carry out those credits. The proposed framework of this thesis will provide to all actors
guidance on where and when their expertise is necessary and what their contribution brings to
the documentation process and achievement of a specific credit.

There exists an opportunity for BIM to facilitate and automate the LEED credit assessment, that is
if the BIM model is perfectly done and complete. Therefore, the modeller needs to know precisely
what to model in order to get results reflecting reality. Companies see the potential of the use of
BIM for green construction and seem willing to engage in adequate practices. This thesis will not
address the BIM aspect of the framework.

Before starting the project management of the LEED project, choosing the appropriate credits to
pursue is fundamental in order not to waste time, labour and money. Many papers explore
methods to choose the credits; according to the team’s skills in green buildings, similar projects,
BIM or the priorities of the stakeholders. More pre-studies can be made for the selection of specific
sub-categories (materials, energy, envelope, etc) to confirm the targeting of certain credits. This
thesis work will cover all the LEED credits so that the team members can choose the ones they
deem relevant to incorporate into the project.

4 Framework
This section aims at the implementation of a framework for project managers’ use to facilitate the
integration of the LEED certification process in the project management one.

4.1 RASCI matrix

To provide guidance in the process of LEED assessment a RASCI, an alternate version of a RACI
matrix, is considered. This classic project management tool is a double-entry responsibility
assignment matrix, that aims at defining the participation of the different actors in the completion
of various tasks and documents. RASCI is an acronym and stands for:

• Responsible: who is realizing the task or deliverable and is responsible for getting the work
done or for decision-making (R should be only one person if possible),
• Accountable: authoritative and answerable one, who will be questioned by higher
authorities and will face direct consequences in case of failure of the tasks (only one A
must be selected for each task to avoid any decisional conflicts),
• Support: is a resource allocated to R, and will help completing the task,
• Consulted: will provide information useful to completing the task or deliverable, and will
be in a two-way communication with R,
• Informed: who need to be kept informed of progress and decisions as they are directly
affected by the task, but do not need to be formally consulted, as not contributing directly
to the task or decision,

Figure 4.1: Visual representation of the RASCI interactions

The two entries that will be used as a basis for the matrix are the LEED credits horizontally and
the project actors vertically. It is to be noted that in the matrix each type of actor gets one column
but depending on the size of the project, one column can represent from one person up to a big

4.2 Assumptions for the developed framework
The actors considered are the ones detailed in the Table 2.2 of the section Background and
correspond to the ones affected by the LEED certification process. As mentioned before, this list
is not exhaustive and some actors may be added or left out, depending on the size and scope of
the project.

A commissioning authority has been added to the client team for the sake of Energy and
Atmosphere Prerequisite 1 Fundamental Commissioning and Verification and Credit 1 Enhanced
Commissioning. Two LEED APs have also been considered, as Innovation Credit 2 LEED Accredited
Professional rewards points for LEED AP appointment.

In the developed framework, when not explicitly mentioned in the RASCI matrix, the client will be
marked as “in the loop” with I*, for they must be informed and approve the decisions of the design
and construction teams.

The following chart shows the considered authority relationships between the different actors,
and their organisation.

Figure 4.2: Hierarchical organigram of green project actors

This organisation relies on the appointment of a project manager, though for an optimal green
project delivery, it has been seen in the State of the Art chapter that an early integration of all main
actors is recommended through the implementation of a charette at the beginning of the project
for instance.

The credits considered are the credits for LEED v4.1 BD+C New Construction, of which the
requirements are detailed in the annex.

For the analysis, it was considered a European project, located in Italy, following European and
national codes. Consequently, it is to be noted that the Energy and Atmosphere Credit 4: Grid
Harmonization is relevant only in the United States and will thus be left out during the analysis.

4.3 Method description
The method used to develop the proposed framework is:

1. Each credit/prerequisite is considered, and its intent and requirements are analysed,
along with the supporting documentation (Annex A); The expected tasks are compared to
the responsibilities of the different project actors and linked to them subsequently. The
letters R, A, S, C and I are accordingly assigned.
2. The risk of not reaching a credit or going overbudget for a prerequisite is assessed and
impact is quantified based on information from the interview with the two LEED APs,
Letizia Antonini and her colleague Marta, the Reference Guide for Building Design and
Construction [13] and from a complementary literature review.

The following table shows a portion of the matrix that will be developed, and the full matrix is
readable in Figure 108.

Client Team Design Team Construction team Stakeholders

Environmental protection agency

Waste management companies
National/Local authorities
Mechanical subcontractor
Health and safety advisor

Commissioning authority

Products manufacturers
Electrical subcontractor

Local recycling facilities

Sustainability engineer

Environmental Bodies
Mechanical engineer
Landscape designer

Acoustical engineer
Structural engineer

Utilities Companies
Envelope engineer
Electrical engineer

General contractor

Local communities
Interior designer
Project manager

Cost consultant

Lead designer

Logistics team

# points


LEED Credits
IP C1 Integrative Process 1 1 A S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
C1 LEED for Neighborhood Development Location 16 5 C I R A S I
C2 Sensitive Land Protection 1 3 I* I R A S I I C C
C3 High-Priority Site 2 3 C I C R A S I C C C S
C4 Surrounding Density and Diverse Users 5 3 I* I R A S I C
C5 Access to Quality Transit 5 3 I* I R A S C
C6 Bicycle Facilities 1 3 I* I R A S I I C
C7 Reduced Parking Footprint 1 1 I* I R A S I C I
C8 Electric Vehicles 1 4 I* I R A S C I C I
Figure 4.3: Portion of the RASCI matrix

4.3.1 First step: Requirements and Documents

In the first step of the method, the intent, requirements and needed documentation of the analysed
credit is presented in the form of a table. A colour code is used for the documentation:

To upload as file in LEED Online

To input directly on LEED Online

Figure 4.4: Colour legend for LEED documentation

Then, comparing actors’ responsibilities and the LEED credit table of annex A, a responsibility
summary table is made. Eventually, the results from each credit analysis are gathered in the final
RASCI matrix.

For example, let’s explain the Materials and Resources Prerequisite 2 - Construction and
Demolition Waste Management Planning. Here is the table explaining the requirements and the
documents to provide in order to achieve the prerequisite:

Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning
Prerequisite 2
To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities
by recovering, reusing, and recycling materials.
Develop and implement a construction and demolition waste management plan:
Establish waste diversion goals for the project by identifying at least five materials (both
structural and non-structural) targeted for diversion.
Materials and Resources

Specify whether materials will be separated or comingled and describe the diversion
strategies planned for the project. Describe where the material will be taken and how the
Requirements recycling facility will process the material including expected diversion rates for each
material stream.
Provide a final report detailing all major waste streams generated, including disposal and
diversion rates. Alternative daily cover (ADC) does not qualify as material diverted from
disposal. Include materials destined for ADC in the calculations as waste. Land-clearing debris is
not considered construction, demolition, or renovation waste that can contribute to waste
General information about construction waste
Construction and demolition waste management plan. The plan must outline at least 5 materials
targeted for diversion. Specify whether materials will be separated or commingled and describe
Documents the diversion strategies planned for the project. Describe where the material will be taken and,
for those materials sent for recycling, how the recycling facility will process the material
including expected diversion rates. Indicate any commingled recycling facilities used that have
third party verification of recycling rates.
Table 4.1: LEED Documents and Requirements MR P2

Using those requirements and documents, the following table explaining the involvement of all
the actors in the completion of this specific credit was created and the letters R, A, S, C and I

Actor Involvement
is responsible for the completion of LEED construction
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A General contractor
construction phase
is responsible for the making of construction and demolition
S Logistics team
waste management plan
are consulted for disposal and diversion rates, and for the waste-
Waste management companies
C to-energy
Local recycling facilities are consulted for the recycling of materials
I Project Manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.2: RASCI - method example MR P2

Once it is done, the results are input in the general RACSI matrix that summarises the

Client Team Design Team Stakeholders

General contractor/Construction manager

LEED AP of the Client/Design team

Environmental protection agency

Waste management companies
LEED AP of General contractor

National/Local authorities
Mechanical subcontractor
Health and safety advisor
Commissioning authority

Products manufacturers
Electrical subcontractor

Local recycling facilities

Sustainability engineer

Environmental Bodies
Mechanical engineer
Landscape designer

Acoustical engineer
Structural engineer

Utilities Companies
Local communities
Electrical engineer
Envelope engineer
Interior designer
Project manager
Cost Consultant

Logistics team
Lead designer

I* I A R S C C

Table 4.3: Total RASCI matrix extract for MR P2

4.3.2 Second step: Risk assessment

The risk assessment has two distinct steps. First, an interview of the two LEED APs, Letizia
Antonini and her colleague Marta, was conducted; each credit was discussed and potential threats
to its completion were analysed. In this report, information coming from this interview will be
followed by [AP]. In a second time, a complementary literature review was conducted.

The risk analysed is different based on whether a prerequisite or a credit is analysed;

- For a prerequisite, the risk of going overbudget to fulfil it is considered,
- For a credit, the risk of not achieving it is considered.

Five grades of risk are considered from 1 to 5 (5 being a high risk). The following table shows the
colour code adopted to represent the level of risk. These grades have been translated into
probability ranges considering a linear increase for the grades.

Grades of risk
1 Low risk [0;20%[
2 Relatively low risk [20%;40%[
3 Medium risk [40%;60%[
4 Relatively high risk [60%;80%[
5 High risk [80%;100%]
Table 4.4: Grades of risk considered

As some credits have multiple points to be awarded, that can depend on paths and options
considered for their obtention, grades of risk were assigned in detail for the different ways to
achieve the credit in question. In the end, the global risk of the credit is calculated considering the
individual grades and number of points represented by the different paths.

This is incorporated in the global level of risk through a weighted average:

∑𝑖 𝑝(𝑥𝑖 ) ∙ 𝑛𝑖
𝑝(𝑋) =
∑𝑖 𝑛𝑖


𝑋 is the event “the credit is not achieved”,

𝑝(𝑋) is the probability of the event 𝑋,
𝑥𝑖 is the event “the option or path 𝑖 is not achieved”,
𝑝(𝑥𝑖 ) is the probability of the event 𝑥𝑖 ,
𝑛𝑖 is the number of points that can be awarded to the option or path 𝑖.

For a prerequisite, considering that the risk regards the possible event of “going overbudget” and
that the different options to fulfil are not awarded points, a simple average is considered.

𝑖=1 𝑝(𝑦𝑖 )
𝑝(𝑌) =


𝑌 is the event “the prerequisite goes overbudget”,

𝑝(𝑌) is the probability of the event 𝑌,
𝑦𝑖 is the event “the option or path 𝑖 creates extra unaccounted costs”,
𝑝(𝑦𝑖 ) is the probability of the event 𝑥𝑖 ,
𝑁 is the total number of paths and options.

In practice, the weighted average and simple average are applied to the boundaries of the interval
for each risk grade, to calculate an interval of risk for the credit or prerequisite considered. Then,
the average of the calculated interval is placed as on the following figure and the risk grade is
attributed accordingly.


Figure 4.5: Probability intervals and risk grades – 34% risk 2

The risk grades are attributed using, as mentioned before, the information from the [AP] interview
and complementary documentation, and correspond to:
- The 𝑝(𝑥𝑖 )/𝑝(𝑦𝑖 ) if the credit/prerequisite has different options and/or paths,
- The 𝑝(𝑋)/𝑝(𝑌) if the credit/prerequisite has a unique path.

The risks considered mainly concern [33]:

- Energy saving uncertainty,
- Complex procedures to obtain approvals,
- Shortage of funds,
- Unclear requirements of owners,
- Poor communication among project’s actors,
- Technical issues,
- Lack of availability of green material and equipment,
- Lack of experience,
- Poor design.

For example, for the credit LT C3 – High Priority Site, the risk is assessed as follows:

High Priority Site 2 3.00

Option 1. High Priority Site 1 3.00
Path 1. Economically Disadvantaged Community Location 1 3.00
LT C3 Path 2. Brownfield Remediation 1 3.00
Option 2. Equitable Development 1 3.00
Path 1. Equity & Community Benefits 1 2.00
Path 2. Affordable Housing in Residential or Mixed-Use Projects 1 3.00
Table 4.5: Risk table example LT C3

In a first time, considering the risk level attributed to each path of option 1, the lower and upper
interval boundaries of option 1 are calculated with a weighted average:
𝑝(𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ1𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 )∙𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ1 +𝑝(𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ2𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 )∙𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ2 𝑝(𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ1𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 )∙𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ1 +𝑝(𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ2𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 )∙𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ2
𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 ) =
𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ1 +𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ2
and 𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 ) = 𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ1 +𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ2

0.4 ∙ 1 + 0.4 ∙ 1 0.6 ∙ 1 + 0.6 ∙ 1

𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 ) = = 40% and 𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 ) = = 60%
1+1 1+1

𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 ) + 𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 ) 40% + 60%

= = 50%
2 2

Considering the average of 50% and the following graph, the risk assessed is medium.


Figure 4.6: Risk assessment example LT C3 option 1

Similarly, option 2 is assessed a medium grade of risk.

0.2 ∙ 1 + 0.4 ∙ 1 0.4 ∙ 1 + 0.6 ∙ 1

𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛2𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 ) = = 30% and 𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 ) = = 50%
1+1 1+1

𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 ) + 𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 ) 30% + 50%

= = 40%
2 2


Figure 4.7: Risk assessment example LT C3 option 2

Ultimately, the risk grade of the whole credit is assessed following the same procedure.

𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1𝑙𝑜𝑤/𝑢𝑝 ) ∙ 𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1 + 𝑝(𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛2𝑙𝑜𝑤/𝑢𝑝 ) ∙ 𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛2

𝑝(𝐿𝑇 𝐶3) = ∈ [35%; 45%[
𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛1 + 𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛2

The average being of 40%, the final grade of risk is medium for the credit.


Figure 4.8: Risk assessment example LT C3 final

It is to be noted that due to its specificity of being achieved only if specific credits are achieved,
the risk grade of RP C1 - Regional Priority is taken equal to the highest of the grades of the credits
in the list as it will be the limiting credit.

4.4 Framework development
4.4.1 Integrative process

Credit 1 - Integrative Process

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion

A Client sets the LEED level objective and approves the letter
writes the letter and works on supporting documentation for the
Project manager
Exemplary Performance option if pursued
S All the other team members
must agree and sign the letter and the ambitions mentioned
and key stakeholders
Table 4.6: RASCI IP C1 – Integrative Process

This credit consists in the implementation of a charrette and usually does not represent a
challenge [AP]. The credit has been assigned a low risk of not being achieved.

LEED Credits pts Risk

IP C1 Integrative Process 1 1
Table 4.7: Risk IP C1 – Integrative Process

4.4.2 Location and transportation

Credit 1 - LEED for Neighbourhood Development Location

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
helps to the production of a vicinity plan containing the boundaries
S Architect of the current project as well as the project boundaries of the
qualifying LEED for Neighbourhood Development certified plan
C Client is consulted for project information
Project Manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.8: RASCI LT C1 - LEED for Neighbourhood Development Location

This credit is described as a “rigorous and complex” process in [34], a guide for LEED for
Neighbourhood Development Location from the Natural Resources Defence Council. It is thus
often not pursued [AP]. The credit has been assigned a high risk of not being achieved.

LEED Credits pts Risk

LT C1 LEED for Neighborhood Development Location 16 5
Table 4.9: Risk LT C1 - LEED for Neighbourhood Development Location

Credit 2 - Sensitive Land Protection

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
helps to the production of a site map showing project boundaries,
S Architect development footprint, sensitive areas, etc. (in the case of option
grant access to the necessary documents and archives on previous
development of the site (in the case of option 1) and flood hazard
National/Local authorities
maps, water bodies and wetlands maps and prime farmland maps
C (in the case of option 2)
provide information on species or ecological communities listed as
Environmental bodies threatened, possibly extinct, imperilled, or endangered that might
be present in the site area considered (in the case of option 2)
Project Manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
needs to be informed of potential sensitive areas on the site (in the
I Landscape designer
case of option 1)
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.10: RASCI LT C2 – Sensitive Land Protection

The completion of this credit is strongly affected by and dependent of site features [AP]. There are
two distinct options through which the credit can be achieved.

Option 1. Previously Developed Land: this option requires that the site is located on previously
developed land and the supporting documentation. The credit completion is not complicated, but
relies on the sharing of information with stakeholders, hence it has been assigned a medium level
of risk of not being achieved.

Option 2. Avoidance of Sensitive Land: this option requires that the site is located avoiding
sensitive lands and a description of how this was verified. It also relies on the sharing of
information between actors and stakeholders, but the process is not complicated. To account for
the uncertainty on site features, the credit has been assigned a medium level of risk of not being

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is medium.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Sensitive Land Protection 1 3
LT C2 Option 1. Previously Developed Land 1 3
Option 2. Avoidance of Sensitive Land 1 3
Table 4.11: Risk LT C2 – Sensitive Land Protection

Credit 3 - High-Priority Site

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
Architect produces the vicinity map (option 1 path 1)
S Environmental protection performs site tests and remediation of brownfield (option 1 path
agency 2)
grant access to the necessary documents and information on
economic status in the area around the site (in the case of option 1
National/Local authorities
path 1) and on soil/groundwater contaminants existing on project
site and remediations (in the case of option 1 path 2)
develop and implement an equity plan and help in the description
C Local communities and major
of the demonstrated community benefits (in the case of option 2
path 1)
agrees on affordable rental rates for dwelling units to be
maintained for at least 15 years (in the case of option 2 path 2)
Cost consultant consulted to agree on a viable strategy
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.12: RASCI LT C3 – High-Priority Site

As for LT C2, the completion of this credit is highly site location and site features dependant [AP].
There are two distinct options through which the credit can be achieved, each option having two

Option 1. High Priority Site:

• Path 1. Economically Disadvantaged Community Location: the collection of the census
tract that are public and a study of the surrounding of the site are easily available, so the
procedure is not complicated.
• Path 2. Brownfield Remediation: since brownfield remediation is mandatory in Italy (N.
582—18/11/1996) by law, if the site is considered as a brownfield, there is no risk of not
reaching the requirements of this path.

For the two paths and to account for the uncertainty on site features, the credit has been assigned
a medium level of risk of not being achieved.

Option 2. Equitable Development:

• Path 1. Equity and Community Benefits: a summary of community engagement activities
and benefits need to be written but require good coordination and communication. A
relatively low risk of not being achieved is assigned to the path.
• Path 2. Affordable Housing in Residential or Mixed-Use Projects: a binding agreement
from the responsible developer that the affordable rental rates for the required number
of units will be maintained for at least 15 years, starting from the date of unit occupancy.
This path highly depends on the type of project built, the intentions of the client and the
city’s authorities. To account for the uncertainty on the client and the city, the credit has
been assigned a medium level of risk of not being achieved.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is medium.

LEED Credits pts Risk
High-Priority Site 2 3
Option 1. High Priority Site 1 3
Path 1. Economically Disadvantaged Community Location 1 3
LT C3 Path 2. Brownfield Remediation 1 3
Option 2. Equitable Development 1 3
Path 1. Equity & Community Benefits 1 2
Path 2. Affordable Housing in Residential or Mixed-Use Projects 1 3
Table 4.13: Risk LT C3 – High-Priority Site

Credit 4 - Surrounding Density and Diverse Users

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
helps to the production of an area map showing the project site,
the surrounding area and a 400m offset from the project boundary
S Architect highlighting buildings used for density calculations (in the case of
option 1) and an area map showing the project site, use locations
and walking routes to each use (in the case of option 2)
grant access to the necessary information and documents on
C National/Local authorities density of the surrounding area (in the case of option 1) and on use
locations (in the case of option 2)
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.14: RASCI LT C4 – Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses

As the previous credit, this one depends a lot on site location. There are two cumulative options
for the credit completion, both having two distinct paths.

Option 1. Surrounding Density: depending on the density of the surrounding area, the option is
easily achieved in urban areas but difficult in less dense areas. As a result, a medium risk of not
achieving the credit is assigned for the more restrictive option (3 points) and a relatively low for
the less restrictive option (2 points).

Option 2. Diverse Uses: similarly to option 1, the completion of this option is dependent on the
density of the surrounding areas and more specifically of the proximity of stores, restaurants, etc.
As a result, a medium risk of not achieving the credit is assigned for the more restrictive option
(2 points) and a relatively low risk for the less restrictive option (1 point).

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is medium.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Surrounding Density and Diverse Users 5 3
2 2
Option 1. Surrounding density
LT C4 3 3
1 2
Option 2. Diverse uses
2 3
Table 4.15: Risk LT C4 – Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses

Credit 5 - Access to Quality Transit

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
helps to the production of a map indicating project location, and
S Architect transit stops, routes serving them and walking routes between the
stops and the location
grant access to information on planned stops and stations and
C National/Local authorities
their progress status
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.16: RASCI LT C5 – Access to Quality Transit

In Italy, the two only cities able to reach points in this credit are Milan and Rome [AP]. The
requirements and documentation to provide are not inherently complex but since the credit is
very dependent of the transit offer around the site, it has been assigned a medium level of risk of
not being achieved.

LEED Credits pts Risk

LT C5 Access to Quality Transit 5 3
Table 4.17: Risk LT C5 – Access to Quality Transit

Credit 6 - Bicycle Facilities

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
designs the project to have a functional entry within the
appropriate walking distance from a bicycling network and bicycle
S Architect storage
integrates the necessary infrastructures (showers, changing
rooms) to the project
grant access to information on planned bicycle networks and their
C National/Local authorities
progress status
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I Mechanical engineer needs to be informed of the need of additional showers
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.18: RASCI LT C6 – Bicycle Facilities

This credit depends a lot on the site and the client strategy [AP]. Its completion is not inherently
complicated (vicinity maps production, adapting of entry placement, addition of showers and bike
storage, etc.), but can be limited by space available for bike storage in the case of high
occupancy/frequentation projects. Considering the site-dependent nature of this credit, it has
been assigned a medium risk of not being achieved.

LEED Credits pts Risk

LT C6 Bicycle Facilities 1 3
Table 4.19: Risk LT C6 – Bicycle Facilities

Credit 7 - Reduced Parking Footprint

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
makes the site or vicinity map including project boundaries, and
parking used by building occupants (in the case of options 1 and
S Architect
2), and in addition, parking dedicated to carshare vehicles and
distance from project boundary (in the case of option 3)
is consulted for parking fees and daily cost of municipal public
C National/Local authorities
transit (in the case of option 4)
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
I can be informed of opportunities of car sharing (in the case of
Local communities
option 3)
Table 4.20: RASCI LT C7 – Reduced Parking Footprint

This credit can depend on the client strategy [AP]. There are four distinct options through which
the credit can be achieved.

Option 1. No Off-Street Parking: this option requires not to design any off-street parking, to
identify parking used by building occupants and provide the total parking capacity and project
boundary. None of those tasks represent a challenge to credit completion. This option has been
assigned a low risk of not achieving.

Option 2. Reduce Parking: this option requires to design a parking with reduced capacity and the
same documents as option 1. This option is not inherently difficult because the designer simply
needs to reduce of 30% below the base ratio recommended by the Parking Consultant Council.
This option has been assigned a low risk of not achieving.

Option 3. Carshare: this option requires the dedication of a certain number of parking spots for
care sharing vehicles and supporting documentation. If this option is pursued, a certain
percentage of already designed parking spots should be for carshare and their implementation
compared to a classic parking spot is a bit more demanding. Therefore, this option has been
assigned a relatively low risk of not being achieved.

Option 4. Unbundling Parking: this option requires the setting of parking fees and its comparison
with the cost of municipal public transit. This option has been assigned a low risk of not being

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is low.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Reduced Parking Footprint 1 1
Option 1. No Off-Street Parking 1 1
LT C7 Option 2. Reduce Parking 1 1
Option 3. Carshare 1 2
Option 4. Unbundling Parking 1 1
Table 4.21: Risk LT C7 – Reduced Parking Footprint

Credit 8 - Electric Vehicles

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
S Architect designs the installations for electrical vehicles on site
helps in the design of the charging infrastructures and ensures
Electrical engineer
access to electricity
C provides manufacturer information, construction documents,
Electrical sub-contractor
specifications, etc.
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
I can be informed of the presence of electric vehicles charging
Local communities
stations if parking access is granted to local communities
Table 4.22: RASCI LT C8 – Electric Vehicles

This credit depends on the number of parking spots in the project [AP]. There are two distinct
options through which the credit can be achieved.

Option 1. Electric Vehicle Charging: the percentage of electric vehicles needed for the credit
depends on the parking size. If the parking space is small, the option is easily reached, otherwise,
the completion of this option is difficult. Considering the site-dependent nature of this credit, it
has been assigned a medium risk of not being achieved.

Option 2. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: the same comments as option 1 can be written
for option 2. However, the installation of the infrastructure is more difficult and less common, so
it has been assigned a relatively high risk of not being achieved.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively high.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Electric Vehicles 1 4
LT C8 Option 1. Electric Vehicle Charging 1 3
Option 2. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure 1 4
Table 4.23: Risk LT C8 – Electric Vehicles

4.4.3 Sustainable sites

Prerequisite 1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP GC is responsible for LEED construction credits completion
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A construction phase
General contractor
S organises the construction site to comply with regulations
C Structural engineer surveys the site for erosion and sedimentation control
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.24: RASCI SS P1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Two options are available for this prerequisite following either American or equivalent local
standards and codes, so the options were analysed together.

The requirements of this prerequisite are already mandatory in Italy so there is no difficulty to
achieve it [AP]. Moreover, implementing it is low cost. The prerequisite is assigned a low risk of
going overbudget.

LEED Credits pts Risk

SS P1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention - 1
Table 4.25: Risk SS P1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Credit 1 – Site Assessment

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
performs the site survey of the site (topology, hydrology, climate and
Structural engineer
S soils)
Landscape designer performs the site survey of the site (vegetation and species)
National/local authorities provide information on transportation around the site, human health
C Local communities effects and urban characteristics of the site
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I Architect needs to be informed to complement the building design
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.26: RACI SS C1 – Site Assessment

This credit is easy to achieve but requires a lot of information and site surveys as well as good
communication between the actors is needed to achieve it [AP]. The credit is assigned a relatively
low risk of not being achieved.

LEED Credits pts Risk

SS C1 Site Assessment 1 2
Table 4.27: Risk SS C1 – Site Assessment

Credit 2 – Protect or Restore Habitat

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
Landscape designer elaborates a protection/restoring plan (option 1)
Cost consultant develops a financial support plan (option 2)
provides information on topology, hydrology, climate and soils
Structural engineer
thanks to a site assessment (option 1)
C Environmental bodies provide information on projects they support
Client chooses the organisations to support
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor anticipates the potential restauration (option 1)
Table 4.28: RASCI SS C2 – Protect or Restore Habitat

For this credit, the project needs to preserve and protect from all development and construction
activity 40% of the greenfield area on the site. In addition, two distinct options are possible:

Option 1. On-site restoration: depending on the initial state and size of the site, its completion can
be expensive since at least 25% of the site must be restored. To translate the uncertainty linked
to the site, a medium risk of not being achieved was assigned.

Option 2. Financial support: for this option, the client needs to give financial support to
conservation organisations of a minimum amount depending on the size of the site in addition to
the initial requirement. For small sites, the client can anticipate this in the project budget but for
larger sites, the amount of money to forward can be viewed as deterrent. hence this option has
been assigned a medium risk of not being achieved.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is medium.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Protect or Restore Habitat 2 3
SS C2 Option 1. On-site restoration 2 3
Option 2. Financial support 1 3
Table 4.29: Risk SS C2 – Protect or Restore Habitat

Credit 3 – Open Spaces

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
S Landscape designer elaborates an open space plan
Architect is consulted for building integration in the open space
C National/local authorities provide information on the urban makeup of the site
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Local communities needs to be informed of the new spaces that will be created
Table 4.30: RASCI SS C3 – Open Spaces

This credit strongly depends on the surrounding area and requires at least 30% total site area of
open space. In urban areas, such as Milan, this credit is very hard to achieve and unlikely to be
pursued [AP]. For sites in less dense areas, the creation of an open space meeting the credit
requirement is less challenging. Nonetheless, the completion of SS Credit 2 – Protect or Restore
Habitat is needed to achieve the credit, hence a medium risk of not being achieved is assigned.

LEED Credits pts Risk

SS C3 Open Space 1 3
Table 4.31: Risk SS C3 – Open Spaces

Credit 4 – Rainwater Management

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
designs permanent infiltration and collection features and assists
Mechanical engineer
to vegetated roof design
S Mechanical sub-contractor installs of the rainwater management system
Landscape designer designs passive solutions using native or adapted plants
Architect optimises building design for the chosen strategy
Logistics team is in charge of rainwater management equipment procurement
C Structural engineer
is consulted to make the rainwater management systems
structurally sound and consider them in the structural analysis
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.32: RASCI SS C4 – Rainwater Management

The Invarianza idraulica e idrologica of the Lombardy region (regolamento regionale n. 7 del 2017)
requires cities in the region to limit the quantity of rainwater flowing into their sewage system.
The requirements of this credit are therefore already integrated in the design of new Italian

Two options are available for this credit: zero and non-zero lot line projects. A zero-lot-line
property is a building that comes to the very edge of the property line on at least one side. In each
option, points are awarded when certain percentiles of rainfall retained are reached. As those
thresholds have been adapted for zero and non-zero lot line to be of equivalent effect on the
rainwater management, the risk of those two options can be assessed together.

Since rainwater management is already a requirement in the region and the difficulty lays in the
amount of surface to cover [AP], a relatively low risk of not achieving this credit is assigned.

LEED Credits pts Risk

SS C4 Rainwater Management 3 2
Table 4.33: Risk SS C4 – Rainwater Management

Credit 5 – Heat Island Reduction

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
chooses the heat island reduction strategy to adopt and integrates it in the
S design of the building
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
provide documentation or realise lab tests in case of absence of documents
Landscape designer is consulted in the case of vegetated areas (option 1)
C is consulted to make the rainwater management systems structurally
Structural engineer
sound and consider them in the structure analysis
Logistics team is in charge of the heat island reduction materials procurement
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
I needs to be informed in order to have an up-to-date energy model at all
Sustainability engineer
Table 4.34: RASCI SS C5 – Heat Island Reduction

There are two options that can be cumulated to achieve this credit, and both depend on the site.

Option 1. Nonroof and Roof: in Italy, the decree of 26/06/2015 (in the allegato 1 part 2.3
paragraph 3) makes it mandatory to use high solar reflectance (SR) materials for roofs, with solar
reflectance of at least 0.65 for flat roofs and 0.30 for pitched roofs. LEED does not use SR but SRI
(solar reflectance index), the initial SRI thresholds are 82 for low-sloped roofs and 39 for steep-
sloped roofs. As indicated in [35], most common materials for roofs satisfying the Italian decree
also satisfy the LEED requirements, so the high-reflectance roof solution is often the solution
chosen to get this credit [AP].

Moreover, the cost of the strategy followed depends on the chosen materials [AP]. For example,
light-coloured TPO membranes are cheap and widely available. For some other materials,
regulations compliant testing can be needed and result in extra costs. The following testing
standards should be considered:

• For Solar Reflectance: ASTM C1549 – Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar
• For Thermal Emittance: ASTM E408 – Standard Test Method for Total Normal Emittance
of Surfaces Using Inspection-Meter Techniques
• For Solar Reflectance Index: ASTM E 1980 – Standard Practice for Calculating Solar
Reflectance Index of Horizontal and Low-Sloped Opaque Surfaces

A relatively low risk is therefore assigned to this option of the credit.

Option 2. Parking under Cover: similarly to option 1, the lack of proper documentation can make
the completion of the option difficult. However, as not all projects include parking spaces, a
medium risk of not being achieved is assigned to the option.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively low.

LEED Credits pts Risk
Heat Island Reduction 2 2
SS C5 Option 1. Nonroof and Roof 2 2
Option 2. Parking Under Cover 1 3
Table 4.35: Risk SS C5 – Heat Island Reduction

Credit 6 – Light Pollution Reduction

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
Architect realises site plans
Interior designer chooses the luminaires
consulted so that the luminaires are optimised for the landscape
Landscape designer
C design
Logistics team is in charge of luminaires procurement
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Electrical sub-contractor is informed of the luminaire schedule
Table 4.36: RASCI SS C6 – Light Pollution Reduction

This credit method depends on the type of luminaires used (uplight and light trespass), and for
each, two distinct options can be chosen to assess light pollution reduction:

• Option 1. BUG rating method

• Option 2. Calculation method
Both methods are of equivalent difficulty and guaranty the same number of points, hence the risk
is assessed as a global risk.

In Italy, there are regional laws against light pollution (L.R. 5 ottobre 2015, N.31 for Lombardy),
so designers are conscious of this aspect of the project when designing the building. Moreover, the
only obstacle can be the cost of the luminaires for both options.

This credit is therefore easily achieved and a low risk of not being achieved is assigned.

LEED Credits pts Risk

SS C6 Light Pollution Reduction 1 1
Table 4.37: Risk SS C6 – Light Pollution Reduction

4.4.4 Water efficiency

Prerequisite 1 - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
S Landscape designer
performs the plant/water survey (option 1) or draws the site plans
that shows the landscape zones (option 2)
needs to be informed to anticipate the irrigation implementation
Mechanical sub-contractor
(option 2)
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.38: RASCI WE P1 – Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Two distinct options exist for this prerequisite:

Option 1. No irrigation required: providing native plants is enough to get the option [AP] so it was
assigned a low risk of going overbudget.

Option 2. Reduced irrigation: the project must reduce by at least 30% the landscape water needs,
compared to a calculated baseline. It can be achieved through good plant species selection and an
efficient irrigation system. Reaching that goal is easily: “careful plant selection and design can
reduced the water from 20 to 50%” [36] so a low risk of going overbudget was assigned to this

Overall, the risk of the prerequisite not going overbudget is low.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Outdoor Water Use Reduction - 1
WE P1 Option 1. No irrigation required - 1
Option 2. Reduced irrigation - 1
Table 4.39: Risk WE P1 – Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Prerequisite 2 - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase

S Mechanical engineer supports with the indoor water needs calculations

Interior designer chooses of the appliances
Architect optimises the building for reduction of indoor water consumption
C Logistics team is in charge of the equipment procurement
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.40: RASCI WE P2 – Indoor Water Use Reduction

To reach this prerequisite, at least a 20% reduction of cumulated water consumption from the
calculated baseline must be achieved. This reduction can be obtained through flow fixtures and
fittings installation, as well as appliances and equipment compliant with water efficiency
European Union A+++ label. The fixtures are readily available and cheap, and equipment has a
price range a bit higher than usual equipment, so a relatively low risk of going overbudget was
assigned to this prerequisite.

LEED Credits pts Risk

WE P2 Indoor Water Use Reduction - 2
Table 4.41: Risk WE P2 – Indoor Water Use Reduction

Prerequisite 3 - Building-Level Water Metering

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
Mechanical sub-contractor installs the water metering systems
S Logistics team is in charge of water meters procurement
commits to monitor and share water usage data during a period of
is consulted to include the water metering system in the plumbing
C Mechanical engineer
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.42: RASCI WE P3 – Building-Level Water Metering

Installing a water meter is very easy and cheap [AP], so the risk of not reaching the prerequisite
is associated with the fact that the client will not share the data in the next 5 years. This has no
effect on the cost of this prerequisite which was thus assigned a low risk of going overbudget.

LEED Credits pts Risk

WE P3 Building-Level Water Metering - 1
Table 4.43: Risk WE P3 – Building-Level Water Metering

Credit 1 - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
S Landscape designer
performs the plant/water survey (option 1) or draws the site plans
that shows the landscape zones (option 2)
needs to be informed to anticipate the irrigation implementation
Mechanical sub-contractor
(option 2)
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.44: RASCI WE C1 – Outdoor Water Use Reduction

The options for this credit are the same as the ones from the WE Prerequisite 1 – Outdoor Water
Use Reduction.

Option 1. No irrigation required: as for the prerequisite, this option is assigned a low risk of not

Option 2. Reduced Irrigation: this option rewards 1 point for a 50% reduction of irrigation
compared to the calculated baseline, and 2 for a 100% reduction. As seen in the corresponding
prerequisite, up to 50% of water reduction can be reached through smart plant selection. Further
reduction may be achieved using combination of efficient systems, alternative water sources, and
smart scheduling technologies. Such solutions can get expensive to implement [AP]. The following
risk grades are therefore assigned:

• 50% reduction: low risk,

• 100% reduction: relatively low risk.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is low.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Outdoor Water Use Reduction 2 1
Option 1. No irrigation required 2 1
WE C1 Option 2. Reduced irrigation 2 2
50% reduction 1 1
100% reduction 2 2
Table 4.45: Risk WE C1 – Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Credit 2 - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase

S Mechanical engineer supports with the indoor water needs calculations

Interior designer chooses of the appliances
Architect optimises the building for reduction of indoor water consumption
C Logistics team is in charge of the equipment procurement
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.46: RASCI WE C2 - Indoor Water Use Reduction

This credit uses the corresponding prerequisite as a baseline (20% reduction of the cumulated
water consumption). The higher the reduction, the more points are obtained. To translate the
increasing difficulty of getting points, the following risks have been assigned, still considering that
the fixtures and fittings are cheap:
• 1-2 points (up to 30% reduction): low risk. [37] shows that even in the previous version
of LEED with the highest threshold being 30% reduction, almost all projects managed to
reach this goal,
• 3-4 points (up to 40% reduction): relatively low risk,
• 5-6 point (up to 50% reduction): medium risk.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively low.

LEED Credits pts Risk
Indoor Water Use Reduction 6 2
Up to 30% reduction 1-2 1
OR Up to 40% reduction 3-4 2
Up to 50% reduction 5-6 3
Table 4.47: Risk WE C2 - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Credit 3 - Cooling Tower and Process Water Use

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
performs the measurements of the maximum concentrations for
Mechanical engineer parameters in condenser water, the relevant calculations (option 1
and 3) and the plan drawing (option 2 and 3)
S Mechanical sub-contractor
maintains and does the water treatment of the cooling tower
(option 1)
Logistics team is in charge of the water subsystem procurement (option 3)
provide information and documentation on recycled alternative
National/local authorities
water percentage used in the district cooling systems (option 3)
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.48: RASCI WE C3 – Cooling Tower and Process Water Use

Three distinct options are possible for this credit. However, this credit is rarely pursued in Italy
as it is very complex and often not worth it [AP]. The site either has a cooling tower system and
the requirements are too stringent, or it does not have a cooling tower, but does not satisfy the
criteria set to get the points. Therefore, the credit is assigned a high risk of not being achieved.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is high.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Cooling Tower and Process Water Use 2 5
Option 1. Cooling Tower Water Use 1-2 5
OR Option 2. No Cooling Tower 2 5
Option 3. Process Water Use 1-2 5
Table 4.49: Risk WE C3 – Cooling Tower and Process Water Use

Credit 4 - Water Metering

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
analyses the results and identifies opportunities for additional
Mechanical engineer
S water savings
Mechanical sub-contractor installs the submeters
Logistics team is in charge of water submeter procurement
Landscape designer is consulted to know if an irrigation system is needed
is consulted to know the day-to-day equipment connected to the
C Interior designer
water network (dishwasher, clothes washer, pools, etc)
Architect sets the building layout and can adapt his design for metering
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the metering
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.50: RASCI WE C4 – Water Metering

For the completion of this credit, installation of permanent meters for two or more water
subsystems from a list is needed. Submeters are cheap and easy to implement [AP], though
problems can arise and make their installation difficult if the size of the building is significant
and/or if the building layout does not consider their implementation. The credit is assigned a
medium risk of not being achieved.

LEED Credits pts Risk

WE C4 Water Metering 1 3
Table 4.51: Risk WE C4 – Water Metering

4.4.5 Energy and atmosphere

Prerequisite 1 - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP GC is responsible for LEED construction credits completion
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A General contractor
construction phase
Commissioning authority does the commissioning process and produces the required documents
is responsible for the appointment of a commissioning authority, that
S can be a qualified employee of the client if the project is small, or an
independent consultant, and the completion of the commissioning
process scope
Project manager
are consulted for the development of the owner project's requirements
Cost consultant
Lead designer
C Sustainability engineer are consulted for the development of the basis of design and provide
Mechanical engineer information on their respective expertise
Electrical engineer
Envelope engineer
Table 4.52: RASCI EA P1 – Fundamental Commissioning and Verification

This prerequisite represents a major cost of the LEED certification process [AP]. The
commissioning authority has lots of tasks and must visit the site every month. As there is no
unified method for the commissioning, there can be a lot of checks and tests carried out, that can
result in extra costs. This prerequisite has thus been assigned a high risk of going overbudget.

LEED Credits pts Risk

EA P1 Fundamental Commissioning and Verification - 5
Table 4.53: Risk EA P1 – Fundamental Commissioning and Verification

Prerequisite 2 -Minimum Energy Performance

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
S Sustainability engineer
analyses the energy efficiency of the building and its systems
through energy modelling
Interior designer
Envelope engineer provide inputs for the energy simulation

C Electrical engineer
Mechanical engineer
Utilities companies provide utility tariffs for the energy simulation
is consulted for the implementation of renewable energies on-
Electrical sub-contractor
site (PV-panels, etc)
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.54: RASCI EA P2 – Minimum Energy Performance

This prerequisite represents also a major cost of the LEED certification process [AP]. The energy
modelling performed must be compliant with ASHRAE and requires specific software with such
features. The licences are expensive and robust software experience is essential for the
prerequisite’s completion, and these costs must be addressed for they can be significant. It is
possible to anticipate them and consider them in the initial budget, hence this prerequisite has
been assigned a medium risk of going overbudget.

LEED Credits pts Risk

EA P2 Minimum Energy Performance - 3
Table 4.55: Risk EA P2 – Minimum Energy Performance

Prerequisite 3 - Building-Level Energy Metering

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
Mechanical sub-contractor installs energy metering systems for the mechanical systems
Electrical sub-contractor installs energy metering systems for the electrical systems
S Logistics team is in charge of energy meters procurement
commits to monitor and share energy usage data during a
period of 5 years
C Mechanical engineer
are consulted to include the metering system in their designs
Electrical engineer
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the metering
I needs to be informed to anticipate the metering
General contractor
implementation in the construction phase
Table 4.56: RASCI EA P3 – Building-Level Energy Metering

This prerequisite requires the implementation of total building energy metering. The meters
installation is not complicated and cheap [AP], so the risk of not reaching the prerequisite is
associated with the fact that the client will not share the data in the next 5 years. This has no effect
on the cost of this prerequisite which was thus assigned a low risk of going overbudget.

LEED Credits pts Risk

EA P3 Building-Level Energy Metering - 1
Table 4.57: Risk EA P3 – Building-Level Energy Metering

Prerequisite 4 - Fundamental Refrigerant Management

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
commits to the sharing of energy use data with USGBC for a
certain period
Mechanical engineer
choose the HVAC&R equipment
Mechanical sub-contractor
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.58: RASCI EA P4 – Fundamental Refrigerant Management

This prerequisite requires not to use CFC based refrigerants in HVAC&R systems, which is
mandatory in Italy since 1994 with the Montreal Protocol. This prerequisite has thus been
assigned a low risk of going overbudget.

LEED Credits pts Risk

EA P4 Fundamental Refrigerant Management - 1
Table 4.59: Risk EA P4 – Fundamental Refrigerant Management

Credit 1 - Enhanced Commissioning

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP GC is responsible for the LEED construction credits completion
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A General contractor
construction phase
S Commissioning authority carries out the commissioning plan
Project manager
Mechanical engineer
Electrical engineer
C Envelope engineer
provide the relevant information to the commissioning authority
Mechanical sub-contractor
Electrical sub-contractor
is responsible for the appointment of a commissioning authority
I Client and should be kept up to date for the systems manual and
occupants training plan
Table 4.60: RASCI EA C1 – Enhanced commissioning

There are two cumulative options through which the credit can be achieved, of which the first one
has two distinct paths.

Option 1. Enhanced Systems Commissioning:

• Path 1: Enhanced Commissioning: this path requires a complete commissioning with
reviewed contractor submittals and verification of inclusion of systems manual and
occupant training in construction documents, of systems manual updates and delivery, of
training of occupants and operators, of seasonal testing results, development of schedule
for revision of building operations before the arrival of tenants and commissioning plan.
The listed tasks are numerous, time consuming, require diligence and involvement from
the Commissioning Authority and can result in a high cost but the tasks are not inherently
complicated. This path has been assigned a relatively low risk of not being achieved.
• Path 2: Enhanced and Monitoring-Based Commissioning: this path requires achieving path
1 and developing monitoring-based procedures to assess performance of energy and
water consuming systems, to be included in the commissioning plan. This path has been
assigned a medium risk of not being achieved.

Option 2. Building Enclosure Commissioning: this option requires the commissioning of the
building envelope, for which expensive testing procedures, such as blower door test or
thermographic test, must be conducted, in addition to demanding commissioning documentation.
For small buildings, it is easier to have control over the envelope commissioning process, but for
bigger ones, it can become quite complex [AP]. This option thus has been assigned a medium risk
of not being achieved.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is medium.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Enhanced Commissioning 6 3
Option 1. Enhanced Systems Commissioning 4 3
EA C1 Path 1: Enhanced Commissioning 3 2
Path 2: Enhanced and Monitoring-Based Commissioning 4 3
Option 2. Building Enclosure Commissioning 2 3
Table 4.61: Risk EA C1 – Enhanced commissioning

Credit 2 - Optimize Energy Performance

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
S Sustainability engineer
analyses the energy efficiency of the building and its systems
through energy modelling
Interior designer
Envelope engineer provide inputs for the energy simulation

C Electrical engineer
Mechanical engineer
Utilities companies provide utility tariffs for the energy simulation
is consulted for the implementation of renewable energies on-
Electrical sub-contractor
site (PV-panels, etc)
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
I General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.62: RASCI EA C2 – Optimize Energy Performance

This credit has the highest number of points reachable (18 points) and is one of the most complete
credit, as it is the principal intent of the LEED certification to reduce building energy consumption.
The credit requires the analysis of efficiency measures during the design process and the use of
the results for design decision making, through an energy simulation of efficiency opportunities,
past energy simulation analyses for similar buildings, or published data from analyses for similar
buildings. There are 3 options through which points can be earned in this credit.

Option 1. Energy Performance Compliance (1-18 points): in this option, a Performance Cost Index
(PCI) below the PCItarget is needed. The calculation of the PCI depends on the building use, and a
percentage improvement using metrics of cost and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. For each
energy source serving the building, the GHG emission factors must be identical for the Baseline
and Proposed building models. LEED points are calculated based on the project percent
improvement PCI below the PCItarget using metrics of cost and GHG emissions.

Option 2. Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide (1-6 points): for this
option, the project must meet the Scope requirements of the applicable AEDGs and implement and
document compliance with the applicable recommendations and standards in Chapter 4, Design
Strategies and Recommendations by Climate Zone, for the appropriate ASHRAE 50% Advanced
Energy Design Guide and climate zone (building envelope, interior and exterior lighting, plug
loads, HVAC efficiency and control requirements).

Option 3. Systems Optimization (1-4 points): for this option, projects must use the ASHRAE 90.1-
2016 Prescriptive compliance path in EA Prerequisite 1 - Minimum Energy Performance and must
not have more than 2,000 square feet of data centre space, laboratory space, or manufacturing
space and should demonstrate an improvement beyond ASHRAE standards for daylight controls,
building envelope, interior and exterior lighting, equipment and appliances, HVAC and service
water heating equipment efficiency.

The success of this credit depends a lot on the type of envelope considered and the person
performing the simulation [AP]. Nonetheless, regarding energy performance and energy
optimisation, European standards are more demanding than ASHRAE standards requirements.

Usually in Italy, at least 8 points are obtained in this credit [AP]. For this reason, the risk has been
assessed considering 8 points as having a low risk of not being reached. Then it is used as a
reference point and risk grades have been equally distributed as follows:
• 9-10 points: low risk
• 11-12 points: relatively low risk
• 13-14: medium risk
• 15-16: relatively high risk
• 17-18: high risk

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is medium.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Optimize Energy Performance 18 3
Up to 10 points 1-10 1
Up to 12 points 11-12 2
OR Up to 14 points 13-14 3
Up to 16 points 15-16 4
Up to 18 points 17-18 5
Table 4.63: Risk EA C2 – Optimize Energy Performance

Credit 3 - Advanced Energy Metering

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
Mechanical sub-contractor installs energy metering systems for the mechanical systems
S Electrical sub-contractor installs energy metering systems for the electrical systems
Logistic teams is in charge of energy meters procurement
C Architect consulted to adapt building layout to make meters accessible
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the metering
Mechanical engineer
needs to be informed of energy metering results
Electrical engineer
I needs to be informed to share metering data for 5 years with
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.64: RASCI EA C3 – Advanced Energy Metering

This credit requires the implementation of energy metering for all energy sources in the building,
for each output. Depending on the building layout/function and organisation of the building
systems, the metering can become expensive. For instance, in the case of office buildings, this
credit usually is quite easy because outputs are limited. Considering these uncertainties, the credit
has been assigned a medium risk of not being reached.

LEED Credits pts Risk

EA C3 Advanced Energy Metering 1 3
Table 4.65: Risk EA C3 – Advanced Energy Metering

Credit 5 - Renewable Energy

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
Mechanical sub-contractor
S support the implementation of on-site renewable energies (tier 1)
Electrical sub-contractor
Utilities companies support for the use of off-site renewable energies (tier 2 to 5)
C Cost consultant consulted to choose the different tiers pursued
Mechanical engineer informed on energy source to be used for mechanical systems
Electrical engineer informed on energy source to be used for electrical network
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.66: RASCI EA C5 – Renewable Energy

This credit requires the use of on-site energy systems, procurement of renewable energy from off-
site sources and/or the offset of the greenhouse gas emissions from all or a portion of the
building’s annual energy use.
Renewable energy procurement can be done through the following tiers:
• Tier 1. On-site renewable energy generation
• Tiers 2 and 3. Off-site renewable energy generation produced by a generation asset built
within the last 5 years or contracted to be operational within one year of building
• Tiers 4 and 5. Off-site renewable energy that is Green-e certified or equivalent or produced
by a generation asset meeting Green-e's certification or equivalent criteria for eligible

For all tiers, renewable energy must be contracted, owned or leased for a period of time between
1 and 15 years. Carbon offsets must be contracted for at least 15 years. The following tables
provide the possible points that can be obtained for this credit.

Figure 4.9: EA C5 table from USGBC for points for renewable energy procurement

Figure 4.10: EA C5 table from USGBC for points for carbon offsets procurement

In Italy, electricity generated from renewable energy sources is promoted through VAT and real
estate tax deductions. All new or refurbished buildings must integrate renewable energy sources,
with an additional 10% to the obligation level for public buildings. Grid operators are obliged to
give priority dispatch to electricity from renewable sources (in Italy called the Renewable Energy
Ministerial Decree). There exists an “ecobonus” for the installation of photovoltaic panels for the
use of water heater (2019 Budget Law, Article 1, Paragraph 67(a)).

The credit is thus not an intrinsically complicated one, and as points increase with the percentages
reached in renewable energy sources, the level of risk was attributed depending on the points as

• 1-2 points: low risk,

• 3-4 points: relatively low risk,
• 5-EP points: medium risk.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively low.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Renewable Energy 5 2
1 to 2 points 1-2 1
AND/OR 3 to 4 points 3-4 2
5 points or Exemplary Performance 5-EP 3
Table 4.67: Risk EA C5 – Renewable Energy

Credit 6 - Enhanced Refrigerant Management

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
designs the mechanical systems, which impact refrigerant
Mechanical engineer
S choice, and supports the documentation process
installs the mechanical systems, and performs leak testing of
Mechanical sub-contractor
commercial refrigeration systems
C Logistics team consulted for refrigerant procurement
needs to be informed to check if the strategy adopted is within
Cost consultant
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee refrigerant management
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.68: RASCI EA C6 – Enhanced Refrigerant Management

There are two distinct options to achieve this credit.

Option 1. No refrigerants or low-impact refrigerants: this option requires the use of no or low-
impact refrigerant, which is mandatory in Italy since 1994 with the Montreal Protocol, hence this
option has a low risk of not being reached.

Option 2. Calculation of refrigerant impact: the complexity of this option depends on the type of
mechanical systems and building size (quantity of refrigerant), hence a medium risk of not being
achieved has been assigned.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively low.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Enhanced Refrigerant Management 1 2
EA C6 Option 1. No refrigerants or low-impact refrigerants 1 1
Option 2. Calculation of refrigerant impact 1 3
Table 4.69: Risk EA C6 – Enhanced Refrigerant Management

4.4.6 Materials and resources

Prerequisite 1 - Storage and Collection of Recyclables

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
S Architect
supports for the design and sizing of the recycling storage areas of
the project and provides the corresponding floor plans
Interior designer collaborate so that the storage area does not clash with the rest of
C Landscape designer the design
need to be informed to prepare the safe disposal of the recycled
Waste management companies
I Project Manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Client needs to be informed of the storage and collection of recyclables
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.70: RASCI MR P1 – Storage and Collection of Recyclables

This prerequisite does not have any cost [AP] hence it has been assigned a low risk of going

LEED Credits pts Risk

MR P1 Storage and collection of Recyclables - 1
Table 4.71: Risk MR P1 – Storage and Collection of Recyclables

Prerequisite 2 - Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning

Actor Involvement
is responsible for the completion of LEED construction
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A General contractor
construction phase
is responsible for the making of construction and demolition
S Logistics team
waste management plan
are consulted for disposal and diversion rates, and for the waste-
Waste management companies
C to-energy
Local recycling facilities are consulted for the recycling of materials
I Project Manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.72: RASCI MR P2 – Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning

The general contractor saves money when achieving this prerequisite, hence it has been
assigned a low risk of going overbudget.

LEED Credits pts Risk

MR P2 Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning - 1
Table 4.73: Risk MR P2 – Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning

Credit 1 - Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP GC responsible for the completion of LEED construction credits
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A General contractor
construction phase
S Sustainability engineer provides a whole building life cycle assessment (in the case of option 4)
is consulted for the sourcing and procurement of re-used or salvaged
Logistics team
materials from off site or on site (in the case of option 3)
C consulted for the estimation of structurally hazardous portions of
Structural engineer historic buildings and development of strategies to mitigate negative
effects on the rest of the building (in the case of option 1)
needs to be informed of historic building demolition (in the case of
National/Local authorities option 1) and control criteria for abandoned/blighted buildings (in the
I case of option 2)
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.74: RASCI MR C1 – Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction

There are four distinct options that can be considered for this credit’s obtention.

The options 1. Historic Building Reuse and 2. Renovation of Abandoned or Blighted only require
maintaining a certain percentage of the existing building and the corresponding documentation
which is an easy process. Nonetheless, the completion of these options depends on the initial state
of the building, and whether the parts that are considered to be kept are structurally sound. These
options have thus been assigned a medium risk of not being achieved, to represent this

Option 3. Building and Material Reuse: this option provides 3 paths:

• Path 1: Maintain A Combination of Structural and Non-Structural Elements,
• Path 2: Maintain Existing Walls, Floors and Roofs,
• Path 3: Maintain Interior Non-structural Elements (that can be combined with path 2).

It has been considered a medium risk for reuse of 50% for all paths as it is strongly dependent on
initial building and building components state. This was translated to:
• Path 1: 2 points - relatively low risk, 3 points - medium risk, 4 points - relatively high
• Path 2: 1 point - relatively low risk, 2 points - medium risk, 3 points - relatively high
• Path 3: 1 point - relatively low risk.

Option 4. Whole-Building Life-Cycle Assessment: this option has 4 paths with increasing number
of points and increasing reduction percentage compared with a baseline building in at least 3 out
of 6 impact categories:
• Path 1: Conduct a life cycle assessment of the project’s structure and enclosure
• Path 2: path 1 + at least 5% reduction
• Path 3: path 1 + at least 10% reduction
• Path 4: path 3 + incorporate building reuse and/or salvage materials into the project’s
structure and enclosure for the proposed design + at least 20% reduction for global
warming potential + at least 10% reduction in 2 additional impact categories

Based on the path chosen, this credit can end up costing a lot [AP]. The risk has been assessed
based on the risk of the path 1, assessed as low risk of not being achieved as it consists in a life

cycle assessment, which is costly but not inherently risky. Each extra requirement adds one more
level of risk to the path. Consequently:
• Path 1: low risk,
• Path 2: relatively low risk,
• Path 3: medium risk,
• Path 4: relatively high risk.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is medium.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction 5 3
Option 1. Historic building reuse 5 3
Option 2. Renovation of abandoned or blighted building 5 3
Option 3. Building and material reuse 1-4 3
2 2
Path 1: Maintain A Combination Of Structural And Non-Structural
3 3
4 4
1 2
OR Path 2: Maintain Existing Walls, Floors and Roofs 2 3
3 4
AND/OR Path 3: Maintain Interior Non-structural Elements 1 1
Option 4. Whole building life-cycle assessment 1-4 3
Path 1 1 1
Path 2 1 2
Path 3 1 3
Path 4 1 4
Table 4.75: Risk MR C1 – Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction

Credit 2/3/4 - Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Environmental Product

Declarations / Sourcing Raw Materials / Material Ingredients

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP GC is responsible for the completion of LEED construction credits
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A General contractor
construction phase
supports for the sourcing and procurement of the specific products
S Logistics team
for credit compliance
are consulted to check availability and feasibility of product
Products manufacturers
C obtention
Cost consultant is consulted to check if the strategy adopted is within budget
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the construction phase
Table 4.76: RASCI MR C2/C3/C4 – Building Product Disclosure and Optimization

The credits 2, 3 and 4 of Materials and Resources tackle the disclosure and optimisation of
building products and require the use of materials of which the environmental impact has been
demonstrated by the manufacturer. These products are often expensive and can sometimes be
challenging to find in Italy therefore LEED AP can have to resort to delivery from other countries
to pursue these credits [AP]. In the case of Environmental Product Declarations, it is a bit easier,
but it remains complicated.

The level of risk has been assessed considering that the main difficulty is finding the
corresponding products as follows:
• Credit 2: relatively high risk for both 1 and 2 points,
• Credits 3 and 4: high risk for both 1 and 2 points.

Overall, the risk of the credits not being achieved is relatively high for C2 and high for C3 and C4.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Environmental Product
2 4
Option 1. Environmental product declaration (EPD) 1 4
Option 2. Multi-attribute optimization 1 4
C3 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing Raw Materials 2 5
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients 2 5
C4 Option 1. Material Ingredient Reporting 1 5
Option 2: Material Ingredient Optimization 1 5
Table 4.77: Risk MR C2/C3/C4 – Building Product Disclosure and Optimization

Credit 5 - Construction and Demolition Waste Management

Actor Involvement
is responsible for the completion of LEED construction
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A General contractor
construction phase
is responsible for the making of construction and demolition
S Logistics team
waste management plan
are consulted for disposal and diversion rates, and for the waste-
Waste management companies
C to-energy
Local recycling facilities are consulted for the recycling of materials
I Project Manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.78: RASCI MR C5 – Construction and Demolition Waste Management

This credit is the extension of MR Prerequisite 2 - Construction and Demolition Waste Management
Planning, and can be achieved through two distinct options, the first having 4 distinct paths.

Option 1. Diversion: it requires the diversion of certain percentages of construction and

demolition materials.
• The first two paths demand a 50% reduction that can be performed either diverting
through at least 2 materials streams or through an offsite certified sorting facility and are
awarded 1 point when completed.
• The remaining paths require a 75% reduction through either 3 materials streams or
through an offsite certified sorting facility and one more materials stream and are
awarded 2 points when completed.

Usually in Italy, about 90% of diversion is reached [AP], hence option 1 has been assessed an
overall low risk of not being reached.

Option 2. Reduction of Total Waste Material: it also requires the salvage or recycling of at least
75% in addition to the reduction of waste generation from new construction activities to be less
than 36kg/m². Considering that the average composition of waste generated on site is mostly
concrete and ceramic materials [38], which represent for new residential and new non-residential
construction between 17.8 and 32.9 kg/m² and between 18.3 and 40.1 kg/m², respectively for a

reinforced concrete structure. Considering this, that additional requirement adds a little more
complexity and this option has been assigned a relatively low level of risk.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively low.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Construction and Demolition Waste Management 2 2
Option 1. Diversion 2 1
Path 1. Divert 50% and Two Material Streams 1 1
Path 2. Divert 50% using Certified Commingled Recycling Facility 1 1
AND/OR OR Path 3. Divert 75% and Three Material Streams 2 1
Path 4. Divert 75% using Certified Commingled Recycling Facility and One
2 1
More Material Stream
Option 2. Reduction of total waste material 2 2
Table 4.79: Risk MR C5 – Construction and Demolition Waste Management

4.4.7 Indoor environmental quality

Prerequisite 1 – Minimum indoor air quality performance

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
Mechanical engineer supports with the IAQ calculations and the monitoring
S Mechanical sub-contractor assists the mechanical engineer
Sustainability engineer realises the ventilation modelling
Logistics team is in charge of the monitoring devices procurement
is consulted to reduce the HVAC system's impact on acoustic
C Acoustical engineer comfort of the occupants (related to the credit 9 of Indoor
Environmental Quality)
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.80: RASCI IEQ P1 – Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

Since the ASHRAE requirements and their ISO equivalent are quite stringent [AP], this
prerequisite is already quite demanding in terms of Indoor Air Quality performance. Two
complementary paths exist for this prerequisite:
• Path 1. Mechanically ventilated spaces: the criteria to meet this path are difficult and, in
addition, a monitoring of the mechanical ventilation system is mandatory so a relatively
high risk of going overbudget is given to this path
• Path 2. Naturally ventilated spaces: similarly to path 1, criteria to meet path 2 are difficult
and a monitoring is required (additional requirements exist for historical buildings) so a
relatively high risk of going overbudget is also given to this path.

Overall, the prerequisite has a relatively high risk of going overbudget.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance - 4
IEQ P1 Path 1. Mechanically Ventilated Spaces - 4
Path 2. Naturally Ventilated Spaces - 4
Table 4.81: Risk IEQ P1 – Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

Prerequisite 2 - Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
S Client defines the smoking policy
Architect maps the designated smoking and non-smoking areas
Project manager helps the client develop an initial strategic brief
is qualified to execute the differential air pressure test reports (for
Mechanical engineer
residential units)
C assist the mechanical engineer in the differential air pressure test (for
Mechanical sub-contractor
residential units)
Interior designer chooses the door schedule (for residential units)
Local communities are informed of the smoking policy
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.82: RASCI IEQ P1 – Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

The requirements of the prerequisite are already mandatory in Italy (Legge 16 gennaio 2003, n.3)
therefore a low risk of going overbudget is assigned to the prerequisite.

LEED Credits pts Risk

IEQ P2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control - 1
Table 4.83: Risk IEQ P1 – Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

Credit 1 - Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for the LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
LEED AP GC makes sure the credit is achieved at the construction phase
Mechanical engineer supports with the IAQ calculations and the monitoring
S Mechanical sub-contractor assists the mechanical engineer
Sustainability engineer realises the ventilation modelling
Logistics team is in charge of the monitoring devices procurement
is consulted to reduce the HVAC system's impact on acoustic
C Acoustical engineer comfort of the occupants (related to the credit 9 of Indoor
Environmental Quality)
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
General contractor needs to be informed to anticipate the construction phase
Table 4.84: RASCI IEQ C1 – Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies

Additional requirements are demanded for the obtention of this credit compared to the
corresponding prerequisite (IEQ P1 - Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance) depending on the
strategy pursued (mechanical, natural or mixed ventilation). The complexity of the process is
therefore similar, if not superior, to the prerequisite. Two cumulative options are available to get
the 2 points:

• Option 1. Enhanced IAQ Strategies: floor plans, documentation and schedules are
required. A relatively high risk of not being achieved is assigned to this option.
• Option 2. Additional Enhanced IAQ Strategies: more requirements are necessary and
require modelling of the IAQ output. A high risk of not being achieved is assigned to this

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is high.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies 2 5
IEQ C1 Option 1. Enhanced IAQ Strategies 1 4
Option 2. Additional Enhanced IAQ Strategies 1 5
Table 4.85: Risk IEQ C1 – Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies

Credit 2 - Low-Emitting Materials

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP GC is responsible for LEED construction credits completion
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A General contractor
makes sure that the chosen materials are available, respect the
S Logistics team
requirements and the corresponding documentation
provide documentation or realise lab tests in case of absence of
Products manufacturers
is consulted for architectural finishes and furniture low-emitting
Interior designer
C materials
Acoustical engineer is consulted for acoustic board low-emitting materials
Envelope engineer is consulted for thermal board low-emitting materials
Architect is consulted for the rest of the low-emitting materials
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.86: RASCI IEQ C2 – Low-Emitting Materials

At least 2 type of low-emitting materials must be included in the building to have 1 point and by
adding more types of low-emitting materials, the number of point increases (up to a maximum of
3 points).

Each material of the building interior is monitored by the general contractor, but some materials
are more easily checked than others [AP]. For example, even common construction materials
(such as sealant, wood products, fire protection, etc.) do not have the information required to
validate the credit. Laboratory tests are therefore necessary to prove the low-emitting nature of
the material selected and can be expensive.

A relatively low risk of not being achieved is assigned to this credit

LEED Credits pts Risk

IEQ C2 Low-Emitting Materials 3 2
Table 4.87: Risk IEQ C2 – Low-Emitting Materials

Credit 3 - Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP GC is responsible for LEED construction credits completion

A General contractor needs to approve the strategy and plan the construction accordingly
comes up with a strategy to minimize the IAQ problems associated
Health and Safety adviser with the construction and is responsible for the well-being of the
S construction workers
Logistics team provides the equipment to guarantee the IAQ

C Mechanical engineer helps to put in place the IAQ plan during construction
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Sub-contractors are informed of the IAQ measures to protect them and their workers
I needs to be informed and to inform the design team of the IAQ
Lead designer
measures when the go on site
Table 4.88: RASCI IEQ C3 – Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan

To fulfil this credit, all ducts must be sealed and monitored weekly [AP]. This credit creates extra
costs for the general contractor but is not inherently difficult to realise so a relatively low risk of
not being achieved is assigned to this credit.

LEED Credits pts Risk

IEQ C3 Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1 2
Table 4.89: Risk IEQ C3 – Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan

Credit 4 - Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP GC is responsible for LEED construction credits completion
A General contractor oversees the post-construction quality assessments
Mechanical engineer is responsible for monitoring the IAQ after construction ends
Mechanical sub-contractor assists the mechanical engineer in the IAQ assessment

I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the post-construction phase

Table 4.90: RASCI IEQ C4 – Indoor Air Quality Assessment

After construction, 2 options exist to assess the indoor air quality:

• Option 1. Flush-out: it depends on the amount of air volume the system can provide, and
it is the option usually done, a medium risk is assigned.
• Option 2. Air testing: IAQ testing can be performed but in Italy, those tests are very
expensive [AP] so a relatively high risk of not being achieved is assigned to this option.
Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively high.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Indoor Air Quality Assessment 2 4
IEQ C4 Option 1. Flush-out 1 3
Option 2. Air testing 1-2 4
Table 4.91: Risk IEQ C4 – Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Credit 5 - Thermal Comfort

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
S Mechanical engineer performs the thermal calculations and supporting documentation
Architect optimises the building layout for thermal comfort
C Envelope engineer optimises the envelope to the thermal requirements
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.92: RASCI IEQ C5 – Thermal comfort

To complete this credit, thermal comfort needs to be modelled using UNI EN ISO 7730:2006
(Ergonomia degli ambienti termici - Determinazione analitica e interpretazione del benessere
termico mediante il calcolo degli indici PMV e PPD e dei criteri di benessere termico locale) when
the building is in Italy. The licences are expensive and robust software experience is essential for
the credit’s completion, and these costs must be addressed for they can be significant. It is possible
to anticipate them and consider them in the initial budget, hence this credit has been assigned a
relatively low risk of being achieved.

LEED Credits pts Risk

IEQ C5 Thermal Comfort 1 2
Table 4.93: Risk IEQ C5 – Thermal comfort

Credit 6 - Interior Lighting

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
chooses the appropriate lighting control and quality while keeping
Interior designer
in mind the occupants' comfort
S Logistics team
makes sure that the chosen equipments are available and respect
the requirements
Products manufacturers provide the documentation
is informed for the design the electrical lighting network and
Electrical engineer
control units
I Electrical sub-contractor is informed to anticipate the lighting installation
Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.94: RASCI IEQ C6 – Interior Lighting

To complete this credit, the lighting must be chosen in a strategic way for option 1. (Lighting
control) and for option 2. (Lighting quality) but since lightings are low cost and readily available,
a low risk of not being achieved is assigned.

LEED Credits pts Risk

IEQ C6 Interior Lighting 2 1
Table 4.95: Risk IEQ C6 – Interior Lighting

Credit 7 – Daylight

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
S Envelope engineer performs the daylight calculations, simulations and measurements
Architect optimises the building layout for daylight comfort
C Interior designer optimises the interior design for daylight comfort
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.96: RASCI IEQ C7 – Daylight

To complete this credit, a glare control strategy resorting to shading systems must be put in place
and in addition, three distinct options are possible:

Option 1. Simulation - Spatial Daylight Autonomy and Annual Sunlight Exposure: annual computer
simulations for sDA300/50% and ASE1000,250 (as defined in IES LM-83-12) are performed for each
regularly occupied space. ASE1000,250 must be higher than 10%. The higher is the minimum average
sDA300/50% for the regularly occupied floor area, the more points are awarded (1 point for 40%, 2
points for 55% and 3 points for 75%).

Option 2. Simulation - Illuminance Calculations: computer simulations are performed for

illuminance at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on a clear-sky day at the equinox for each regularly occupied
space. Illuminance must be between 300 lux and 3000 lux at both 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Points are
awarded according to the percentage of regularly occupied floor area reaching this goal (1 point
for 55%, 2 points for 75% and 3 points for 90%).

For the two first options, Italy having a high solar exposure, the building is most likely to meet
those criteria easily, but the daylight analysis results will mostly depend on the architectural
building layout. For both options, a low risk is assigned to the 1-point threshold, relatively low
risk for the 2 points threshold and a medium risk for the 3 points threshold.

Option 3. Measurement: unlike option 2, illuminance is measured in the real building instead of
performing a daylight simulation. The same thresholds as option 2 are considered. As a result, the
same distribution of risks as the previous option is given to option 3.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively low.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Daylight 3 2
1 1
Option 1. Simulation: Spatial Daylight Autonomy and Annual Sunlight
2 2
3 3
1 1
IEQ C7 Option 2. Simulation: Illuminance Calculations 2 2
3 3
1 1
Option 3. Measurement 2 2
3 3
Table 4.97: Risk IEQ C7 – Daylight

Credit 8 - Quality Views

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
is the construction team leader that approves all aspects of the
A Lead designer
Envelope engineer performs the quality views calculations
optimises the building for quality views and draws the plans,
S sections and elevations
Interior designer optimises the interior design for quality views
Landscape designer adapts their design to provide a quality view to the occupants
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.98: RASCI IEQ C8 – Quality Views

The quality of the view depends on the site and has no cost associated to it. Because of the
impossibility to predict the exact location and field of view of the site, a medium risk of not being
achieved is assigned.

LEED Credits pts Risk

IEQ C8 Quality Views 1 3
Table 4.99: Risk IEQ C8 – Quality Views

Credit 9 - Acoustic Performance

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion

A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
performs the acoustical calculations, measurement and
S Acoustical engineer
Architect is consulted for information on the building layout
Interior designer is consulted for information on interior design materials
C Envelope engineer is consulted for information on the envelope
Mechanical engineer is consulted for information on the HVAC systems (option 1)
I Project manager needs to be informed to oversee the project
Table 4.100: RASCI IEQ C9 – Acoustic Performance

To complete this credit, the acoustic performances need to be modelled, calculated and measured
for the three following options:
• For option 1. HVAC background noise,
• For option 2. Sound transmission,
• For option 3. Reverberation time requirements.

The risk of not being achieved resides in the price of the licence of the software to model the
acoustic performance, the competence of the modeller/acoustical engineer and if the actual
measurements on-site meet the requirements set. A medium risk is assigned.

LEED Credits pts Risk

IEQ C9 Acoustic Performance 1 3
Table 4.101: Risk IEQ C9 – Acoustic Performance

4.4.8 Innovation

Credit 1 – Innovation

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D is responsible for LEED design credits completion
A Lead designer is the design team leader that approves all aspects of the design
offers possible strategies at the beginning of the project to the design team
S Sustainability engineer
and then analyses their feasibility
Rest of the design team
are consulted to come up with ideas and feasibility expertise that are not
Project manager
C General contractor
covered by the LEED certification

Cost consultant needs to be consulted to check if the strategies adopted are within budget
I Client needs to be informed to check if the strategies adopted are within budget
Table 4.102: RASCI IN C1 – Innovation

To achieve all five innovation points, a project team must achieve at least one pilot credit, at least
one innovation credit and no more than two exemplary performance credits.

Option 1. Innovation: an innovative strategy not already present in LEED green building rating
system must be implemented. The accomplishment of this option depends on the project and the
creativity of the project team so a medium risk of not being achieved is assigned to the credit.

Option 2. Pilot: green education is usually chosen [AP] because it requires only to put information
on the green aspects of the building design and give tenants guidelines to reduce their
consumption of water and/or energy. The option was assigned a low risk of not being achieved.

Option 3. Additional strategies: in addition to meeting the requirements of the 2 options above,
exemplary performances must be achieved by the project. This option depends on the selection
and achievement of exemplary performances of other credits so a medium risk of not being
achieved is assigned to the credit.

Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively low

LEED Credits pts Risk

Innovation 5 2
Option 1. Innovation 4 3
AND/OR Option 2. Pilot 4 1
Option 3. Additional Strategies 2 3
Table 4.103: Risk IN C1 – Innovation

Credit 2 – LEED Accredited Professional

Actor Involvement
Client and general contractor appoint their respective LEED AP
I Project manager needs to be informed of the new team members
Table 4.104: RASCI IN C2 – LEED Accredited Professional

Hiring a LEED AP does not represent a risk to the project, so a low risk of not being achieved is
assigned to this credit

LEED Credits pts Risk
IN C2 LEED Accredited Professional 1 1
Table 4.105: Risk IN C2 – LEED Accredited Professional

4.4.9 Regional Priority

Credit 1 – Regional Priority

The credit Regional priority is unique, in the sense that it is earned by the completion of a list of
other LEED credits. Depending on the region of the world where the project is located, there is a
list of credits that are considered a priority, and the Regional priority credit encourages their

Considering Italy, the following list for Milan is considered:

• Location and Transportation, Credit 2: Sensitive Land Protection, 1 point
• Location and Transportation, Credit 7: Reduced Parking Footprint, 1 point
• Location and Transportation, Credit 8: Electric Vehicles, 1 point
• Sustainable Sites, Credit 6: Light Pollution Reduction, 1 point
• Water Efficiency, Credit 1: Outdoor Water Use Reduction, at least 1 point
• Indoor Environmental Quality, Credit 7: Daylight, at least 1 point
Whereas in Rome, the following credits must be earned to get the Regional Priority credit:
• Location and Transportation, Credit 2: Sensitive land protection, 1point
• Location and Transportation, Credit 7: Reduced parking footprint, 1 point
• Location and Transportation, Credit 8: Electric vehicles, 1 point
• Sustainable Sites, Credit 2: Protect or restore habitat, 2 points
• Sustainable Sites, Credit 4: Rainwater management, at least 2 points
• Indoor Environmental Quality, Credit 9: Acoustic performance, 1 point
Considering this specificity of the credit, the following table was obtained:

Actor Involvement
R LEED AP D/GC are responsible for LEED credit completion

A Client chooses the credits to be pursued

I Project manager is informed of the credit selection

Table 4.106: RASCI RP C1 – Regional Priority

For the risk a weighted average of the 6 credits of the regional priorities of Milano is calculated.
Overall, the risk of the credit not being achieved is relatively high.

LEED Credits pts Risk

Regional priority 4 4
LT C2 - Sensitive Land Protection - 3
LT C7 - Reduced Parking Footprint - 1
RP C1 LT C8 - Electric Vehicles - 4
SS C6 - Light Pollution Reduction - 1
WE C1 - Outdoor Water Use Reduction - 1
IEQ C7 - Daylight - 2
Table 4.107: Risk RP C1 – Regional Priority

4.4.10 Summary matrix

The following table summarises the attribution of the letters explained the previous sub-chapters.

Table 4.108: Total RASCI matrix

5 Discussion
5.1 Distribution of responsibilities
Statistical analyses on the distribution of responsibilities in the RASCI matrix have been
performed, and the results are presented in the following.

First, the number of times each actor is involved in a credit or prerequisite obtention, regardless
of the weight of their implication (R, A S, C or I), has been plotted as a bar chart.

Figure 5.1: Involvement of project actors in credits and prerequisites obtention - bar chart

It is to be noted that the credit EA C4 – Grid Harmonization was not considered in the analysis.

Several statements can be made regarding the obtained results. First, the client is present for all
the credits, as it has been considered that they need to approve all the choices made, for they pay
for the deployed strategies. The project manager is also involved in all credits as it was considered
that they need to oversee the project as a whole. Those two actors are hence very present in the
developed framework, even if not actively participating to all the credits and prerequisites’
completion. It can also be seen that the general contractor is involved in a lot of credits, and the
lead designer too in a lesser amount.

In order to further understand the results obtained, pie charts for responsible and accountable
actors were made and are presented in the following.

Figure 5.2: Repartition of actors responsible for LEED credits and Figure 5.3: Repartition of actors accountable for LEED credits
prerequisites obtention – pie chart and prerequisites obtention – pie chart

It can be observed that the distributions of R and A responsibilities are uneven.

In terms of R actors, the LEED AP of the client and design team and the LEED AP of the general
contractor are the two main ones, as they are responsible for the completion of the LEED credits.
The client and general contractor appear in the graph because they are only responsible for the
appointment of the two LEED APs in the IN C2 – LEED Accredited Professional.

When comparing figure 5.2 and figure 5.3, similarities in percentages of responsibility of
construction team professionals and design team professionals in A and R actors can be pointed

Indeed, the client, lead designer and general contractor are always the A actors for the credits, as
accountability was hierarchically attributed to the leader of the team where the R actor belongs.
The only credits where the client is accountable are for three special credits: IP C1 - Integrative
process, IN C2 - LEED Accredited Professional and RP C1 - Regional priority credits.

The design credits represent the majority of the credits, as testifies the high percentages reached
by the design team members as R and A actors. Nonetheless, looking back at figure 5.1, the general
contractor appears more involved than the lead designer. This reflects the fact that design related
credits can require the practical knowledge from the construction team, in addition to the design
team’s participation. There is also the effect of keeping the general contractor informed, for credits
of Sustainable Sites for instance, so that he can anticipate construction in accordance with site

As for the other types of responsibilities (Supports, Consulted and Informed), the following spider
chart shows their distribution among the design team members (excluding the lead designer).

Figure 5.4: Repartition of S, C, I roles in the design team - spider chart

The designers and engineers are the actors that support the completion of design LEED credits
and prerequisites. They can also monitor the completion of the construction LEED credits and
prerequisites, so they are quite involved in the LEED certification process.
The most involved actor of the design team appears to be the architect, almost as much as a
support to the LEED AP D than as a consultant for design decisions. As they set the building design,
it is representative of their impact on sustainable aspects project. It is to be noted from figure 5.1
that they are also more involved in the LEED certification process than constructions team
members that are not the general contractor and their LEED AP. Indeed, the focus of LEED being
energy performance optimization, as highlighted by the 18 points that can be awarded to EA C2 –
Optimize Energy Performance, smart and sensible project design is of utmost importance.
Mechanical and electrical engineers are also quite sought for their respective expertise. The
mechanical engineer supports the LEED AP D in a consequent number of credits and prerequisite
and is also quite often consulted. This again expresses the cornerstone aspect of energy
performance, that is very much linked to the performance of building systems. Their expertise is
crucial to limit the building’s carbon footprint.
The landscape designer mostly supports the LEED AP D regarding the optimisation of water usage
through smart landscape design. They are also essential to offer a better quality of life to the
occupants in the surrounding environment of the building.

The structural engineer mainly intervenes in site surveys conducted for some credits and is
informed when a credit can affect the structure’s permanent and non-permanent loads. The
structural stability guaranteeing the safety of building occupant, and thus being non-negotiable,
this aspect of the building has little to no room for improvement from a sustainability point of

Both the interior designer and envelope engineer actively contribute to the energy performance
of the building, through their design choices. The design of the envelope engineer has a strong

impact on heating, cooling and lighting needs of the tenants, hence is this actor is often consulted
for the LEED credits completion to account for and analyse through energy modelling their design.
The interior designer chooses materials and day-to-day life equipment of the tenants, that will
impact overall energy consumption of the building, hence is often consulted for LEED.

The acoustical engineer is strongly involved for the dedicated credit IEQ C9 – Acoustic
Performance. They are also consulted when the HVAC system must be chosen since the
background noise of the machinery can be detrimental to the acoustical comfort of the occupants.
They intervene also in the IEQ C2 - Low Emitting Materials for the choice of the acoustic panels.

The sustainability is in charge of the energy modelling, of which the results are very important to
identify non-sustainable or inefficient sustainability design choices. They also perform life cycle
analyses to assess global building impact on its environment, a core concern of LEED.

An equivalent chart was plotted for the actors of the construction team.

Figure 5.5: Repartition of S, C, I roles in the construction team - spider chart

The logistics team appears to be the most involved actor of the construction team, when A and R
actors are not considered, as shown in figure 5.1. The figure 5.5 highlights the team’s important
involvement in support to the LEED AP. Indeed, another main focus of LEED is the reduction of
the global environmental impact of the building, hence the sustainable sourcing and procurement
of materials as well as sensible construction and demolition waste management. These
sustainable practices are carried out by the logistic teams.

The mechanical and electrical sub-contractors observe similar trends in their distribution of S
responsibility as the mechanical and electrical engineers but are much less consulted. This reflects
the stronger influence of design in the LEED certification process.

5.2 Risk assessment
Depending on the LEED certification level pursued by the project team, risk is more or less
tolerated. As a reminder, a project reaches:

• A Certified level from 40 to 49 points,

• A Silver level from 50 to 59 points,
• A Gold level from 60 to 79 points,
• A Platinum level over 80 points.

To analyse the effect of risk on the developed framework, risk assessment matrices are created.

A risk assessment matrix reflects the level of acceptability of credit risk depending on the credit
impact on the certification’s score. In other words, they are visual tools indicating which credits are
recommended to be pursued or not from a return on investment point of view. The prerequisites are
not considered in this analysis since they do not earn any points.

A colour code is used to convey different levels of risk acceptability:

• Green: represents an acceptable level of risk, to which the client is willing to commit,
• Orange: represents a tolerable level of risk, that will require mitigation effort or external
• Red: represents a dissuasive level of risk, that places the credit’s completion on hold.

The following shows the obtained results, based on the obtention of a Platinum level. The colours
have been assigned considering the amount of points to be reached for the desired level of

Ranges of points
Total 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18
Low 6 0 0 0 0 0
Relatively low 9 3 0 0 0 0

Medium 9 4 0 0 0 1
Relatively high 3 1 0 0 0 0
High 4 0 0 0 0 1
Table 5.1: Risk assessment matrix – risk likelihood vs possible points

The cells of the table are filled with the cumulated number of LEED credits with a certain risk
grade that can earn a specific number of points. For example, there are 9 medium risk credits
that can earn 1 to 3 points.
For the different levels of certification, the colours of the cells were attributed so that the sum of
the green cells weighted by their corresponding number of points meet the lower threshold of the
level certification. The orange cells were coloured so that the cumulated weighted sum reaches
the upper threshold of the certification level. The rest was coloured red.
The table 5.1 can also been shown as follows in a more detailed way, in terms of points.

Platinium Number of points possible
Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 18
Low 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Relatively low 4 2 3 0 2 1 0 0

Medium 7 2 0 0 3 1 0 1
Relatively high 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
High 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0
Table 5.2: Risk assessment matrix for a platinum level

The green cells correspond to credits for which the risk is accounted for and considered
acceptable in the certification strategy. They should be completed to reach the desired level. It is
to be noted that this matrix represents an option considering that the maximum number of points
in each pursued credit is aimed for.
The next tables show examples of risk assessment matrices for the other certification levels, made
using the same assumptions:

Gold Number of points possible

Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 18
Low 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Relatively low 4 2 3 0 2 1 0 0

Medium 7 2 0 0 3 1 0 1
Relatively high 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
High 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0
Table 5.3: Risk assessment matrix for a gold level

Silver Number of points possible

Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 18
Low 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Relatively low 4 2 3 0 2 1 0 0

Medium 7 2 0 0 3 1 0 1
Relatively high 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
High 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0
Table 5.4: Risk assessment matrix for a silver level

Certified Number of points possible

Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 18
Low 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Relatively low 4 2 3 0 2 1 0 0

Medium 7 2 0 0 3 1 0 1
Relatively high 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
High 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0
Table 5.5: Risk assessment matrix for a certified level

The higher the targeted certification level, the higher levels of risk are accepted by the project
team. This can be seen in a more visual way by the translation of the orange line towards the
bottom right corner when increasing the number of points aimed.

6 Conclusion
In a complicated ecological context of the construction industry, sustainable buildings and green
construction are evermore important issues. As they are quite recent and still not mastered by
many construction professionals, this thesis work was aimed to develop a framework integrating
green considerations to the project management process.

In order to design this framework, several assumptions were made, the most significant one being
considering green buildings and LEED certified buildings equivalent. This equivalence is a much-
discussed issue. Indeed, the requirements described in the credits can end up not being aligned
with the sustainability objectives in practice. Furthermore, in order to set a frame, an Italian
context was chosen for the project, both in terms of location and legislations. European and Italian
norms differ from American ones and, as it has been seen in the chapter 4 of this thesis, some
credits or prerequisites’ requirements do not make as much sense in Europe as they might in

The framework developed in this thesis is a RASCI matrix aimed at highlighting the roles of usual
project actors in the process of LEED certification and is completed by a risk assessment of not
being reached for credits and of going overbudget for prerequisites. The overall distribution of
responsibilities appears in accordance with the relative importance of actors in the certification
process. Though, it is to be noted that a non-exhaustive list of project actors was considered, and
that the framework shall be adapted to fit the expected roles to the actual actors present in the
actual project. Another point that needs to be paid attention to is that the proposed risk
assessment reflects the uncertainty that exists on the site location and features and does not take
into account the client’s strategy. For a real project, credits are often pursued when they make
sense, for instance the credit LT C5 – Access to Quality Transit will be pursued in a city where there
indeed is access to quality transit. The work presented should therefore be considered in its
academic and theoretical context.

A possible way to enlarge the scope and the validity of the framework, is to adapt it to different
Europeans certifications for comparison. As mentioned in the State of the Art, the integration of
BIM represents a real opportunity that is not reflected in the proposed framework and further
investigations on this dimension could be carried out.

7 Annex

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