Leica r4s
Leica r4s
Leica r4s
thtsTRt JcTloN\
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We know you will enjoy using your new
Leica camera and wish you success.
mike Digitally signed by mike butkus
DN: cn=mike butkus,
o=orphancameras, ou=29,
Brlef description
1 Automatic frame counter
2 Controlwindow for film transport
3 Lever for rapid shutter wind and film transport 10 LED (Light Emmiting Diode) for self-timer
4 Release button with thread for cable release 11 Locking button for exposure correction
5 Shutter speed ring 12 LED for battery test
6 Program selector 13 Locking button for ISO (ASA/DIN) setting of
7 Viewing window lor the set program the exposure meter, battery test knob (C)
8 Accessory shoe with centre and control contact 14 Folding rewind crank
9 Does not apply to LEICA R 4 s 15 Film-speed setting ring
Pick up the film cartridge as illustrated Transport the film through one frame with
above. The emulsion side points to the the rapid transport lever so that it will be
viewer. Push the end of the film obliquely taut in the film guide and the film cartridge
from above into one of the slots of the mouth is not proud.
take-up spool. Ensure that the end of the
film is fully gripped by at least one lug and
protrudes under the next lug.
Fully pull up the rewind crank and insert
the film cartridge in the empty film
cartridge chamber. Now push in the
rewind crank. The edge of the film must be lmportant.
paralleltothe film guide and the sprockets Load the film in the shade of one's body; it
of the transport drum must engage in the is possible for light to enter the film
perforation holes of the film when the cartridge when exposed directly to sun-
rapid transport lever is operated. light.
Close the camera by snapping the camera The film has been correctly inserted and is
back shut. Release the shutter. Transport transported when a bright field becomes
the film through one frame and again visible in the controlwindow (2) in front of
release the shutter. Transport the film the rapid transport lever; it advances
once again. The camera is now ready for towards the front edge of the window with
operation. The film counter (1) points at 1. each exposure.
It counts forward to "36". For the various It is also possible to observe the rewinding
lengths of film the numbers "20", "24",and process (page 14) in the control window
"36" are marked in red. (2); the white field becomes smaller and
then disappears just before the film is
withdrawn from the take-up spool.
Do not forget:
lf the speed dialwas set to "X" while load-
ing the film, it must now be re-set.
Rewinding and taking out the film Switching on the exposure system
When the f ilm has been exposed to the last The exposure system of the LEICA R 4 s
frame the rapid transport lever can no is switched on with slight pressure of the
longer be operated. Before the film is release button (4) or pressure of the lock-
removed from the camera it must be ing button on the program selector (6).
rewound into its cartridge. Press the The LED displays intheviewfinder light up.
rewind release button (31) on the under-
side of the camera body, turn out the
rewind crank and rotate it clockwise (in
the direction of the arrow) until the film is
pulled out of the take-up spool after slight
resistance has been overcome. Open the
camera body by pulling up the rewind
crank and take out the film cartridge.
LEITZ largefield integrating LEaTZ se lective measu rement
measurement This method is used whenever great
Most photographic subjects are com- brightness differences occur in the entire
posed of details of varied brightness. The subject and a certain detail is to be ex-
reflection of such ordinary subjects cor- posed accurately.
responds to that of a mean grey value of Since the measuring field in the view-
18o/o, for which every exposure meter is finder is outlined by the large central
calibrated. circle, the important image detail is
As a rule the details of varied brightness measured exactly. The measuring field is
are equally distributed throughout the the same size for all lenses and all focus-
entire field. Here the program with large- ing screens and, therefore, becomes
field integrating measurement $ (see clearly visible in the vieMinder.
p.22].should be chosen. The programs with selective measure-
1-ent are called @ and @ (see pp. 24 and
Example for a "*" correction
With very bright subjects, such as snow-
scapes, or the beach, the exposure meter,
owing to the greater reflection of the light,
will indicate a shutter speed which is too
high and therefore produces under-
exposure. Consequently the shutter
speed must be reduced, for instance from
1/125 to 1/60 sec. with the "*1 " correc-
Example of a"-" correction
With very dark subjects which reflect little
light the exposure meter will indicate a
Exposure correction (override) shutter speed which is too slow and there-
Exposure meters are calibrated for a mean fore produces overexposure. Conse-
grey value corresponding to the bright- quently the shutter speed must therefore
ness of an ordinary photographic subject. be increased, for instance from 1/15 to
lf the subject of which a reading is taken 1/30 sec. through the "-1" correction.
To set the correction a locking button (1 1)
does not meet these requirements, a is pressed and the scale (16) set to the
suitable exposure correction must be
applied. Exposure corrections are used desired value with the lever next to it. Half
particularly with largefield integrating exposure values up to +/-2 can be set and
measurements. clamped. At the end values of the ISO
With selective measurement, a represen-
(ASA/DIN) scale, exposure corrections
tative detail of average grey value can be can be set only within limitations.
selected from the entire subjectfora read- When the camera is switched on, the
ing through the smaller and precisely symbolp will blink in the bottom left-hand
defined measuring field. corner of the vieMinder when a correction
has been set.
Sensitivity of the exposure meter
The measuring range with integrating
measurement is 0.25 cdlmz to 63 000
cd/mz att/1.4. In exposure values (EV): at
ISO 1 O0/21o from +1 to +19, ort/1.4/1 sec
to t/22/rAooo sec. The measuring range
with selective measurement is 1 cd/mz to t)',
63 000 cd/mz at f /1.4. In exposure values
(EV): at ISO 100/21o from +3 to +19, or
t/1.4/1/q sec to t/22/l/tooo sec.
Measurement with the working aperture Values below the measuring range
The 35 mm PA-CURTAGON-R ll4, the The measuring range of the camera used
long-focal-length lensesfrom 400 mm, the for correct exposures is linear. When in
focusing bellows-R, the extender-R 2xtor very poor light this range is not reached,
the LEIGAFLEX SL/SL 2 and the 3-part these conditions no longer apply and an
ring combination have no automatic accurate exposure can no longer be
diaphragm or no coupling for it. Here the determined. The measuring values indi-
exposure must be measured through the cated in the viewfinder will lead to wrong
lens aperture used, i.e. through the work- results. A warning signal is therefore given
ing aperture. Here the lens aperture is by a constant lighting up of the override
adjusted to regulate the amount of light symbolp.
reaching the measuring cell of the LEICA In the transitional range the symbol might
R4s. blink.
Long-time range Because as a rule high-speed films and
The working range of the exposure meter high-speed lenses are used in poor light-
of the LEICA R 4 s depends on the measur- ing conditions this will hardly impose limi-
ing sensitivity of the photo diode, the film tations. Even when the lens is stopped
speed setting, and the speed of the lens. down 3 stops (with ISO 100/21"1 the
The highest shutter speed measured or shutter speed will still be determined auto-
determined is 1/1000 sec, the slowest matically (although itwillnot be indicated).
about 8 sec. Minor deviations in the auto- Needless to say measurements can also
matic long-time range from about 2 sec be carried out at full aperture, the shutter
and longer can be ignored in practice. speed measured converted for a different
In the viewfinder the shutter speeds aperture value, and the exposure made at
from 1/1000 sec to "1 sec or longer" are the "B" setting.
displayed. In addition an indication is For slow films the following values are pro-
given by the override symbol V when duced in the same conditions:
the measuring range is not being reached, ISO 50/18o:2 sec
i.e. if a correct exposure is impossible. ISO 251150:4 sec
ISO 12/120: 8 sec
Here the indication is "1 sec and longer".
In practice this is of hardly any signi-
When the f/1.4 lens is used the slowest ficance, because as a rule long time expo-
shutter speed to be measured or deter- sures are made from atripod. Whetherthe
mined is: film is exposed for 2,3, 4, or B seconds is
ISO 800/30o: 1/8 sec practical ly immaterial.
ISO 400/270 :1/4 sec The exposure is correct as long as the
ISO 200/24' :1/2 sec override symbol V in the viewfinder of
lSO100/21o:1sec the LEICA R 4 s does not light up.
Choice of programs The following programs can be chosen:
The programs are set by pressure of the El automaticshutterspeed controlwith
locking button and simultaneous sliding of LEITZ largefield integrati ng
the program selector (6). As the locking measurement
button is being pressed the camera is
switched on. The chosen program is dis- O automatic shutter speed controlwith
played in the bottom left-hand corner of LEffZ selective measu rement
the viewfinder window. In addition, the
program setting can be read at any time in
@ manual setting of shutter speed and
lens aperture with LEITZ selective
the viewing window (7) next to the shutter measurement
speed ring.
The program selector must engage in the
chosen position. lt can be reset only after
the locking button has been pressed.
Shutter speed ring
With the @ program the shutter speeds
are set with the shutter speed ring. lt
engages at all the indicated values. The
shutter speeds from 1/1000 to 1 sec are
determined electronically. Intermediate
values cannot be set.
In the S and @ programs the shutter
speed ring may be set for any desired
value except "X", "100" and "8". Allshutter
speeds between 1/1000 and 8 sec are
determined continuously and displayed
on the right in the vievvfinderwindow upto
1 sec by LEDs. lf 2 diodes light up simul-
taneously, the values produced are inter- "8" and "100" (: 1/100 seC) Can be uSed
mediate. without batteries.
The use of electronic flash units requires At "X", "8" and "100" the exposure is not
the "X" setting. At "8" the shutter remains measured even when the button cells are
open as long as the release button is being inserted. This is indicated in the viewfinder
pressed. by the lighting up of the upper triangular
Slightly more resistance isto be overcome LED.
between "X" and "B" when compared to
the other values, so as to avoid acciden-
tally setting one of the mechanical shutter
tr automatic shutter-speed control The shutter speed is automatically deter-
with LEITZ largefield integrating mined according to the existing bright-
measurement. ness. The shutter speed ring may be set at
Preselect the desired lens aperture any value between 1/1000 and 1 sec, but
not at "X", "100" or "B".
This program is universally useful, since
experience has shown that in 90% of all
cases the largefield integrating measure-
ment is correct and dependable. The
range of applications includes land-
scapes, monuments, individial groups
(also see page 16). The lens opening is
selected by means of the aperture dia-
phragm ring (23).
The shutter-speed ring be set at anyvalue
between 1/1000 and 1 sec, but not at "X",
"100" and "8".
1) Preselect aperture, switch on the
camera by pressing the locking
button on the program selector or
touching the release button and line
up the subject. Set the shutter speed
indicated by the red LED on the
shutter-speed ring. Intermediate
values cannot be set. lf two LEDs light
up during the determination of the
shutter speed, the aperture should
be opened or closed by half a value.
2l Preselect the shutter speed by rotat-
ing the shutter-speed ring engaging it
at full values. Line up the subject and
(! manual setting with LEITZ selective adjust the lens aperture with the
measurement. camera switched on until the shutter
Set shutter speed and lens aperture speed indicated by red LEDs on the
manually. right in the viev'rfinder frame agrees
with the preselected shutter speed.
In certain exposure situations the switch-
ing-off of the automatic exposure control
is desirable. Shutter speed and aperture
are set manually in steps.
The exposure value, i.e. the shutter speed/
aperture combination must be determined
before the exposure. There is a choic e of 2
Viewfinder displays:
The program setting is visible in the
bottom left-hand corner in the vieMinder
with the preselected aperture bottom
centre. The shutter-speed scale is visible
on the right in the viewfinder frame. The
LEDs indicate the measured shutter rt )
The viewfinder as a composition and The illustration opposite shows all the
control centre displays simultaneously.
The viewfinder of the LEICA R 4 s is the The display in the bottom left-hand corner
centre for the composition and control of in the viewfinder frame indicates override
all important items of information: and the limit of the measuring range, tothe
Sharpness, picture area and perspective right of it is the display of the program
can be easily assessed, the field for the setting. In the bottom centre the pre-
selective exposure measurement can be selected lens aperture is faded in.
clearly distinguished. The viewfinder On the right of the vieMinder frame the
covers 92olo of the film format, the viewfin- shutter speed scale is visible; to the left of
der magnification is 0.85 with the 50 mm it the line of LEDs with warning display for
lens in the camera at the infinity position. overexposure at thetop and awarning dis-
play "1 sec or longer" i.e. underexposure
All the necessary values are displayed in (together with symbolV)will show up at
the viewfinder corresponding to the the bottom. The square LEDs indicate the
program setting. The LED displays light up danger of camera shake.
when the locking button on the program A circle in the centre of the viewfinder indi-
selector or the release button is being cates the field for the LEITZ selective
pressed. measurement. The illustration shows the
To prevent confusion in the viewfinder, universal focusing screen.
only those items of information are indi-
cated with the various programs that are
necessary (see pp.22 to 27).
Focusing with the universal focusing A ring with a rectangular-prism screen
screen surrounds the central split wedge. lt
Normally the LEICA R 4 s is supplied with serves for the focusing of objects with
the universal focusing screen, which is weak contours. The out-of-focus position
bright, contrasty, and can be used univer- is clearly indicated by flickering. The outer
sally for the most frequent photographic boundary of this ring indicates the outline
situations. of the field for LEITZ selective measure-
The image is focused by rotation of the ment.
distance setting ring (21) on the lens. The surrounding field consists of matt
When the image is out of focus, the edges triangular prisms, which produce a
and lines of the object are mutually dis- groundglass screen effect. Here the image
placed in the horizontal split wedge of the is focused above allwith long-focal-length
viewfinder. lenses and in the near-focusing range.
/*3 /i\
% \17 -@- I
4 5
Interchangeable focusing screens Special tasks call for tailor-made systems
ln addition to the universal screen four for rapid and accurate work. This is why
other focusing screens are available for four additionalfocusing screens are avail-
the LEICA R 4 s. They are supllied singly in able for the LEICA R 4 s: the uniform
a container with tweezers for interchange groundglass screen (No. 2l for the
and a dust brush. extreme close-up range and very long-
focal-length lenses. The microprism
screen (No. 3) for undisturbed assess-
mentof the pictorial composition. The uni-
lmportant form groundglass screen with grid divi-
Exchange all focusing screens only with sion (No. 4) for architectural photography
their appropriate tweezers (see instruc- and reproductions. The clear glass plate
tions "lnterchangeable focusing (No. 5) for scientific photography such as
screens"). Do not touch them with your photomicrography and astronomical
fingers. photography.
Corrections lenses Here we recommend the use of a correc-
For the full utilization of the potentialities tion lens. The LEITZ correction lenses are
and of the outstanding performance of the available in the following * and - dioptre
LEICA R lenses the viewfinder image must values (spherical):
be seen at optimum sharpness. 0.5-1.0-1.5-2.0-3.0
Whether the camera is used with or with-
out spectacles, it must be possible to see Eyecup
objects at 1 m distance in sharp focus. The flexible eyecup (Code No. 14257)
Failing this the measuring edge of the split shields the eye from stray light. Also, the
image rangefinder cannot appear in sharp viewfinder image appears considerably
focus and good contrast in the vieMinder. more brillant and can be viewed more
This precludes precision focusing. clearly.
Fu*iu* rs
Eyepiece blanking Multiple exposures
The silicon photo diode of the exposure Make the first exposure. Press the rewind
meter of the LEICA R 4 s is in the bottom button (31). Operate the rapid transport
space of the camera where it is protected lever. The already exposed film can now
against light. This is why light entering be exposed once again.
through the viewfinder eyepiece can At the end of its travel the rapid transport
affect the measuring result only in lever automatical ly switches off the rewi nd
extreme cases, for instance when the user button. lf further exposures on the same
does not look through the viewfinder when frame are desired, the rewind button must
taking photographs from a tripod and be pressed again before each operation of
direct sunlight or powerful spotlights the transport lever.
enter the eyepiece from the rear. For multiple exposures with the MOTOR-
A switch (27l as arranged on the left of the WINDER or MOTOR-DRIVE see instruc-
eyepiece window; turning it anticlockwise tions for these accessories.
closes the eyepiece. When the stop is
swung in, a white dot will appear in the
eyepiece. 33
3.1 Flash units with hot shoe are connect-
ed to the "X" flash contact in the acces-
sory shoe.
3.2 As an alternative, allflash units may be
connected via the contact (24\ for cable
connection on the left hand front of the
camera by means of a synchronised
3.3 Using a multiple plug (available
through your dealer) several flash units -
or flash units together with databack may
be connected via "X"-contact.
3.4 Gontact for cable connection and hot
shoe may not be used with two flash units
Flash synchronisation simultaneously.
The LEICA R 4 s accepts all commercially 4. For manual operation the flash
available electronic flash units with synchronisation will function at exposure
standardized flash contacts (coaxial times of 1/60 sec and at position "B".
plugs) or with hot shoe. When used in automatic mode, this
1. Flash synchronisation functions for all applies only when modern thyrister-
camera program modes. charged flash units are employed.
2. The lens diaphragm must be set 5. When the camera batteries have lost
manually to the required value for f lash ex- their charge, flash photography may be
posure, regardless of the program select- continued by setting the shutter ring to
ed. "100".
3. For pictures using electronic flash 6. Flash bulbs are likewise connected via
units the shutter ring is usually set to "X" the contact (241or the hot shoe. The table
(1/100 sec); this setting effectively on the next page provides information on
switches off all programs. the exposure times for the synchroni-
sation of flash bulbs.
X, 100 (%oo)
Electronic flash 'l - l/ao, B
AG3 1*16o,B
o PF5
€f xJrl 5
-o M3
o GE5
lJ. PF 60
FP 26
PF6 1 - 1/ts, B
xM6 operates independently of the setting of
PF 45 the shutter ring except for "X", "8" or
PF 1OO "100".
Flash readiness is indicated by the blink-
M2 1*7eo,B ing triangular LED in the top right-hand
corner of the viewfinder of the LEICA R 4 s.
In the absence of flash readiness or when
Automatic switch-over to "X" the unit has been switched off, the camera
The accessory shoe of the LEICA R 4 s has automatically returns to the selected pro-
an additional control contact for system- gram.
compatible flash units. These are otfered
by various manufacturers and automati-
cally control the switch-over to "X" as
soon as the unit has been recycled. This is
effective for all program modes and
Depth-of-field lever Depth-of-field scale of the lenses
The LEICA R 4 s measures the exposure at The depth-of-field scale indicates the
full lens aperture. When the depth-of-field range of the depth of field for the object
lever (19) is operated the lens aperture distance set on the lens.
closes to the preselected value and lf, for instance, the 50 mm SUMMICRON-R
permits assessment of the sharpness/ f/2 lens has been focused on 5 m, the
unsharpness range. This is particularly depth of field will extend from 3 to about
useful with close-up subjects. 20 m when the lens has been stopped
down tot/11. lf it has been stopped down
only to f/4, sharpness will extend from 4 to
lmportant about I m.
During exposure measurement the lever Our depth-ofjield table (No. 1 10-57)
must not be pressed; this would produce contains detailed information about the
wrong exposure values. depth of field at all focal lengths.
Automatic spring-back diaPhragm Design of the LEICA R lenses
LEICA R lenses have spring-back dia- All LEICA R lenses share the external
phragms. This means that the viewfinder design, i.e. the arrangement of the
image is always - i.e. before and after the rotatable aperture preselection ring (23),
exposure - seen atfullaperture and there- the fixed ring with depth-ofJield indication
fore at maximum viewfinder brightness. (221, and the distance setting ring (21) is
Shortly before the exposure or when the the same. The left hand therefore soon
depth of field lever is depressed the lens becomes accustomed to quick and
diapgragm closes to the preselected reliable operation with all focal length.
See "Measurement with working aper-
ture", page 18 for the following lenses:
35 mm PA-CURTAGON'-R f/4, 400 mm
TELff-R f/6.8, 5OO MM MR.TELYT-R f/8,
560 mm TELYT-R f/6.8 and 800 mm
TELYT-S f/6.3.
Holding the camera correctly Simply turn the camera for upright pic-
To ensure steady 3-point support the right tures. The hands remain in the same posi-
hand grips the camera. The index finger tion as for horizontal pictures, ready to
rests on the release button, the thumb on transport the film and for focusing.
the rapid transport lever. The left hand
supports the lens from below.
The filters are first inserted in the lens
hood and in this combination attached to
the lens ^(does not apply to the 19 mm
ELMARfT'-R t/2.8'). Rotating devices are
fitted to the 24 mm and the 28 mm
ELMARIT-R t/2.8 and the 35 mm PA-
CURTAGON-R f/4 lenses.
Both screw-in filters and series filters can
be used with LEICA R lenses with built-on
extensible lens hood.
To attach series filters, available acces-
sory adapters are necessary.
Screw-in filters are preferable. This
applies particularly to circularly polarising
filters because of simple handling. With
lenses with detachable lens hood the use
of series filters is recommended. Here the
lens hood also functions as a filter adap-
The use of filters
When the exposure is measured through
the lens, the reduction of the light intensity
is generally automatically allowed for. But
the various films have ditferent sensitivi-
ties in thevarious regions of the spectrum.
Deviations from the measured value can
therefore occur with dense and extreme
Thus, orange filters for instance as a rule
call for an extension by one aperture
value, red filters on average by about 2
values. A generally valid figure cannot be
quoted, because the red sensitivity of
black-and-white films varies widely. Hints for the use of existing LEICA R
Through the circularly polarizing filters we lenses and LEIGA R accessories
supply for our lenses measurement and All lenses and the accessories of the
setting can be carried out as for normal LEICA R 3/R 3-MOT range can be used on
filters both with integrating and with selec- the LEICA R4s without modification.
tive exposure measurement. We do not Lenses and accessories for LEICAFLEX@
recommend linearly polarizing filters. models (without control cam) should not
Measurement through such filters be inserted in the LEICA R 4 s; it could
produces strong deviations, because the damage the camera body.
highly effective multiple coating of the It can be fitted with such a cam (see
semitransparent main mirror acts like a illustration) at any time for use of the
strong polarizer. This applies to both the LEICA R exposure measuring methods.
extinction and the transmission position The functions of modified lenses and
of the polarizing filter. accessories on all LEICAFLEX models
remain unrestricted.
Hints for the care of the LEICA R 4 s and
its lenses
It is best to remove dust and fluff on the
mirror carefully with a soft, dry sable
brush, from which grease is repeatedly
removed with ether before and during
cleaning. Forthe cleaning operation itself,
the brush must be absolutely dry.
Take care not to damage the focusing
screen mechanically, for instance with the
mount of the brush.
Do not blow into the mirror chamber,
because this may introduce dust into the
interior of the camera.
LEICA M lenses on the LEICA R 4 s A camera lens acts as a burning glass
All the lenses of the LEICA M range when it is pointed into direct sunlight. The
suitable for use on the VISOFLEX@ attach- camera should therefore be protected by
ment can also be used on the LEICA R 4 s. means of the lens cap, orshould be kept in
The operating conditions, for instance the everready case and placed in the
camera distance and achieveable object shade. In addition to its type designation
area sizes, will then be the same as when each lens has its individual Serial No.
these M lenses are used on the VISOFLEX. Please make a note of this as well as that of
A specialadapter (Code No. 1 41671forms your camera, which you find on the base-
the bridge between the two LElTzsystems plate of your LEICA R 4 s. This may be very
of 35 mm photography. These lenses have important in case of loss.
no autodiaphragm. The exposure is
measured at the working aperture (see
page 18).
Dust on the externalsurfaces of the lenses Camera cases
lf is removed with a soft sable brush, or a Two everready cases, one with a standard
I clean, dry, soft piece of cotton used care- and one with a large front, are available for
fully. Special spectacle cleaning tissue is the LEICA R 4 s. The front is detachable
not recommended. This is impregnated after the press stud on the back of the
with chemicals which may attack the case has been pushed up for unlocking.
glasses of the camera lens. (The glass The two versions of everready case can be
used for spectacles is of a composition used with the following lenses:
different to that of optical glasses for high-
quality camera lenses).
Standard Everready case
In unfavourable conditions, for instance everready case with large front
by the seaside, in subtropical regions, Code No. 1 4 569 Code No. 1 4 568
etc., a colourless UVa filter protects the 16 mm f/2.8 yes
19 mm f/2.8 without lens hood
front lensagainst external inf luences such 21 mm t/4 without lens hood without lens hood
as seawater spray and sand. An additional 24 mm l/2.8 without lens hood yes
colourless and opticallyf lat glass plate, i.e. 28 mm I/2.8 without lens hood yes
35 mm f/2 yes 1) yes
a filter, can, however, cause undesirable 35 mm f/2.8 yes 2) yes
reflections at certain angles of incidence 35 mm PA without lens hood yes
50 f/1.4yes yes
of the light, especially in contre jour light 50
mm f/2 yes yes
and high contrast. The lens hood protects 60 mmf/2.8 yes
the lens also against accidental finger- 80
f/2 yes
marks and raindrops. 90 mmf/2.8 yes
l* 1) Form No.2791417
2) Form No. 2928901
Interchangeable lenses range of lenses extends from the fisheye
The LEICA R system offers the basis for to the zoom lens, from the distortion-free
optimum adaptation to any photographic 15 mm ultra-wide angle to the 800 mm
task or situation. The comprehensive telephoto lens.
Enlarger Camera spare parts 1
A top-quality camera such as the LEICA R Camera body cover 14 103
calls for top-quality reproduction equip- Carrying strap 14258
ment. Flash contact cover 14314
For enlarging we supply a well-tried top Universal focusing screen 14303
quality unit with automatic focusing, the
FOCOMAT' V35, a pure 35 mm enlarger. Focusing screens
Uniform groundglass screen 14304
Projectors Microprism screen 14305
A comprehensive range of projectors Uniform groundglass screen
satisfies every requirement and meets with griddivision 14 306
every purpose of projection. They offer Clear-glass plate with crosslines 14307
maximum operating convenience and
versatile possibilities of extention. Suitability for use in the tropics
The outstanding common feature of all Before prolonged journeys in sub-tropical
Leitz projectors is optimum optical per- regions our Tech nical Service offers treat-
formance combined with traditional Leitz ment of the camera and lenses with f ungi-
precision. cides, which largely protect the equip-
ment against fungal attack.
The major plus-points of LEITZ
TRINOVID's are their superior optics.
Manufactured from the same high-grade
optical glass as the world renowned Leica
lenses, tlrey exhibit highest optical perfor-
mance, tremendous resolution and top
image brilliance. The image retains
plasticity even under poor lighting condi-