Exakta vx1000 Manual

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EXAKTA VX 1000 posted 12-14-'02

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We are delighted that you have chosen an EXAKTA and we wish you every success with your new camera.

We would like to advise you, however, to read this instruction manual carefully before you start using your
camera. In this way you will obtain the greatest possible service from it, since you will eliminate from the outset
the possibility of operating it incorrectly, and possibly damaging the mechanism. The EXAKTA is a high-
quality precision instrument which can naturally only be expected to answer all your requirements when it is
always handled correctly.

The important operating controls of the EXAKTA VX 1000

1. Knob for opening the camera back with film-
type reminder disc

2. Camera-back lock

3. Shutter-release knob

4. Pivoted shutter-release lock

5. Eyelets for carrying strop or Frame counter

6. Frame counter

7. Catch for interchanging the focusing systems

8. Rapid-wind lever for tensioning shutter and

advancing film

9. Rewind declutching button

10. Small shutter-speed setting knob (for speeds

from 1/30 sec. to 1/1000 sec., T and B)
11. Friction dog of rapid-wind lever

12. Flash contact "X" (primarily for electronic

flash units)

13. Finder Hood

14. Front of Finder Hood

22. Flash contact "FP" (for flashbulbs)
15. Swing-up focusing magnifier
23. Red aligning dot on camera (for changing
16. Handle for swinging the focusing magnifier lenses)

17. Lever for opening the Finder Hood 24. Depth-of-field scale or automatic depth of-
field indicator
18. Large shutter-speed setting knob (for speeds
from 1/8 sec. to 12 seconds and also for delayed 25. Distance-setting (focusing) ring
action at 1/4 sec. to 6 seconds)
26. Aperture-setting ring
19. Film-sensitivity reminder disc
27. Release mechanism for lenses with fully
20. Indicator disc for checking film advance automatic aperture (release knob or release
21. Camera-back hinge
28. Lens

29. Red aligning dot on lens

30. Lens locking lever

31. Flash contact "F" (for flashbulbs)

32. Take-up spool with blue pin

33. Chamber for take-up spool or cassette

34. Film-wind sprocket

35. Film-guide runners

36. Film gate with blind of focal-plane shutter

37. Film-cutting knife

38. Knob of film-cutting knife 42. Non-detachable hinged camera back

39. Rewind crank 43. Exchangeable film-pressure plate

40. Dog of rewind crank 44. Tripod bush

41. Chamber for cassette containing unexposed film 45. Penta Prism

46. Eyepiece of Penta Prism

Preparations for use

The Finder Hood (13) is opened by pressing on the lever

(17). To close the hood, press the front (14) backwards until
it locks. The focusing magnifier (15) can be swung into
either the working or rest position by means of handle (16).
For further information on the use of the Finder Hood see
page 34.

Swing the shutter-release lock (h) out of the way, then

release the shutter either by pressing directly on the shutter-
release knob (3) or indirectly by depressing the release knob
or rocker arm (27) on the lens. When you have finished
taking pictures, swing the shutter-release lock (4) so that it
covers the shutter-release knob (3), making shutter release
impossible, thus avoiding unintentional exposures.

Film loading

Loading and changing the film must not take

place in direct sunlight! The EXAKTA VX
1000 uses standard 35 mm miniature film, in
cassettes of 20 or 36 exposures, to make
negatives 24mm x 36 mm. Perfect film transport
requires faultless film cassettes. Daylight
loading spools should only be inserted in
cassettes made by the same manufacturers.

1. Depress camera-back lock (2) downwards.

Open hinged camera back.
2. Pull out the rewind crank (39) by means of its

3. Insert the cassette containing the unexposed

film in the feed chamber (41). Push the knob of
the rewind crank back into the camera body.
twisting the knob gently in either direction to
engage the dog (40) with the bar in the cassette

4. Remove the take-up spool (32) from the

chamber (33). Push the beginning of the film
under the clamping spring of the take-up spool
and wrap one half turn round the core of the

5. Replace the take-up spool (32) in the film

chamber (33) and turn it slightly in the wind-on
direction so that the friction dog (11) of the
rapid wind lever couples with the bar inside the
spool core and allows the spool to be pushed
right home into the chamber (33).
6. Swing the rapid-wind lever (8) right up to its stop (if
necessary first releasing the shutter). These two processes
may have to be repeated until the teeth of the film-wind
sprocket (34) engage with the perforation holes on both sides
of the film.

7. the correctly inserted film runs from the full cassette as

tightly as possible over the film-guide runners (35) into the
somewhat deeper lying film track and over the film-wind
sprocket (34) on to the take-up spool (32).

8. Closing the camera: This should be done by pressing the

back lightly home until an audible click is heard.

9. Expose two blank frames to wind on the fogged leader-

length at the beginning of the film: release and swing the
rapid-wind lever (8) as far as it will go. Once again: release
and swing the rapid-wind lever (8) as far as it will go.
10. Setting frame counter (6). Turn the disc of the frame
counter (6) with the index finger to the left (anti-clockwise),
until, when using a film with 36 exposures the figure "36", or
when using a film with 20 exposures the figure "20" appears in
the center of the window. The EXAKTA VX 1000 is now
ready for action, and the frame counter will indicate after each
exposure the number of unexposed frames still left on the film
in the camera. To check the film transport observe indicator
disc (20): the disc with its black-white mark orates, when the
spool of the film-feeding cassette is revolving.

11. When film is loaded, immediately set the film-type

reminder disc in the back-opening knob (1) and the film-
sensitivity reminder disc (19) as a reminder of the type of film
that is in the camera. Both discs may be turned in either
direction, until the appropriate reference is opposite the red
dot, or, in the case of the film-sensitivity disc, opposite the
black triangle. The film-type symbols have the following
Using a take-up cassette

In place of the take-up spool (32), an empty standard-type

film cassette may be placed in the take-up chamber (33). Take
care to check the condition of this take-up cassette
thoroughly: the core should move easily within the shell of
the cassette and must not jam (if necessary the friction point
of the cassette core may be lubricated by rubbing them with
paraffin wax). When using a take-up cassette proceed as
follows: attach the leader tongue of the film to the core of the
cassette spool, ensuring that the bar in the core of the spool is
on the right as the spool is turned away from the body, and
insert the cassette so that the friction dog (11) of the rapid-
wind lever (8) engages with the bar in the core of the spool.
Then check that the film is pulled taut between the two
cassettes, and is lying correctly between the guides, against
the register rails in the deeper channel.

It is not necessary to trim the beginning of the film

specially. Any shape of leader can be used with the take-up
spool of the EXAKTA VX 1000, either the narrow tongue
provided on standard commercial cassettes, or, even better,
a straight cut-across end as obtained when cutting lengths
of film from bulk rolls. When employing a take-up cassette
the film must be trimmed to suit the core of the cassette

For changing film, refer to page 41.

Operating the shutter

1. The shutter is tensioned and the film wound on by

operating the rapid-wind lever (8). This lever should always
be swung right up to its stop, and will then spring back of its
own accord. (The fast returning lever should be restrained
gently with the thumb.) The tensioning of the shutter and the
transportation of the film ore coupled (avoiding
unintentional double exposures and blank frames). It is
impossible to release the shutter before it has been fully
tensioned and the film wound on. Never force the rapid-
wind lever back from any intermediate point in its travel.

Should the lever not spring back automatically when the

camera is empty, the back (42) should be opened and the
film-wind sprocket(34) turned a little towards the exposed-
film chamber (33). The rapid-wind lever (8) should be
gently nudged during this operation.

2. The reflex image in the viewfinder (Finder Hood, Penta

Prism or Lens Magnifier) will be visible even after the
shutter has been released. (Instant return mirror.) The red
warning signal in the reflex image indicates that the camera
is not yet ready for action, and that the rapid-wind lever (8)
must be wound before the shutter is ready for release (see
illustration: reflex image seen through Penta Prism).

3. Shutter speeds from 1/1000 sec. to 1/30 sec. can safely be

employed without the use of a tripod. For exposure times of
1/8 sec. and longer, including delayed action exposures, the
camera should be firmly supported (on a table, against a
wall) or on a tripod. The tripod socket (44) is situated
underneath the EXAKTA VX 1000.
For all exposure times of 1/8 sec. or longer, or exposures
using the delayed action, lenses having automatic diaphragms
should be set to manual in order to avoid premature opening
of the aperture. When using the Domiplan 2.8/50 lens, a cable
release with a long plunger and time-exposure lock, or the
special locking knob (available as an accessory) should be
employed for the release rocker. For more information
regarding this, see the detailed description of lenses on pages

Cable releases (with long plunger) may be screwed into the

shutter release knob (3) on the camera or into the release
mechanism on the lens (27). This is particularly important
when using shutter speeds of 1/8 second and slower, and
virtually indispensable when employing the B setting. See
page 21.

Selection of exposure times from 1/1000 sec. to/3o sec.

(without delayed action)
Lift the small shutter-speed setting knob (10), turn it in the
direction of the arrow until the desired speed value is
opposite the setting dot on the central disc and then allow the
knob (10) to spring back. This operation may be performed
either before or after tensioning the shutter.

The figures represent fractions of seconds: for example 30 =

1/30 sec, 125 = 1/125 sec. Intermediate speeds cannot be set.
Shutter speeds from 1/8 sec. to 12 sec. (without delayed action)

Read also the instructions of page 18! Tension the shutter. Set
the small shutter-speed setting knob (10) to T or B. Turn the
large shutter-speed setting knob (18) in a clockwise direction
until it stops; this tensions the speed-regulating mechanism.
Then lift the outer ring of the shutter-speed setting knob (18)
turn it until the yellow mark is opposite the desired black
speed value and then let the outer ring spring back. The small
figures 8, 4 and 2 signify fractions of seconds, e. g. 1/8 1/4 and
1/2 sec. The larger figures from I to 12 represent whole
seconds (3 seconds Is represented by a dot). After a fairly
brief exposure (e. g. '/s sec.) has been used, the speed-
regulating mechanism will be only slightly run down; despite
this, it should always be wound right up by turning the knob
as far as it will go.

Time exposures of any desired length (without delayed


Read also the instructions on page 18! Select T or B on the

small shutter speed knob (10) by lifting the knob and
rotating it in the direction of the arrow until the required
setting (B or T) is opposite the red dot on the center disc.
Then allow the knob (10) to spring back.

B: the shutter will remain open so long as pressure is

maintained upon the shutter-release knob (3) or on the
release mechanism of the lens. T: the shutter will open when
the release knob (3) or the release mechanism on the lens is
operated and will close again upon a second pressure. The B
and T settings are very important for taking night and indoor
Setting of shutter speeds from 1/1000 sec. to 1/30 sec.
(using the delayed action)
Refer to the instructions on page 18! Tension the shutter.
Select the desired shutter speed on the small shutter-speed
knob (10), e. g. 1/125 sec.

Rotate the large shutter-speed knob (18) clockwise as far as it

will go, and set it to any of the red figures as described on
page 20.

Red figures represent delayed-action exposures with which the

shutter opens approximately 12 seconds after pressing the

Selection of shutter speeds from 1/4 to 6 seconds, using the

delayed action
Refer to the instructions on page18. Tension the shutter. Set
the small shutter- speed setting knob (10) to T or B. Turn the
large shutter-speed setting knob (18) as far as it will go in a
clockwise direction, as described on page 20, and select the
desired red exposure time, e. g. 1/2 sec.

The smaller figures 4 and 2 represent fractions of seconds,

i.e. 1/4 sec. and 1/2 sec., large figures from 1 to 6 represent
whole seconds. (The dot 3 seconds.)

Red figures represent delayed-action exposures with which the

shutter opens approximately 12 seconds after pressing the
Intentional double exposures

With the EXAKTA VX 1000, it is not possible for

unintentional double exposures to occur. It is, however,
possible to take double exposures on purpose (e. g. for trick
photography). After the first exposure, the shutter can be re-
tensioned without winding on the film as follows: turn the
small shutter-speed setting knob (10) as far as it will travel in
the direction of the arrow, without lifting it; the knob should
be held to prevent it from springing back.

Operating the lens

1. The aperture value (f/No) is selected by means of the

aperture-setting ring (26). Turn this ring until the desired
f/No on the aperture scale is opposite the mark. For
instructions on operating the diaphragm mechanism, see
the sections dealing with the various lenses on page 28
onwards. The smaller aperture numbers e. g. f 2, 2.8, 4,
indicate relatively large diaphragm openings: permit brief
exposures, but give only shallow depth of field. The larger
aperture numbers. e.g. 16, 22, indicate relatively small
diaphragm openings requiring longer exposure but giving
great depth of field. Further information on the depth of
field will be found on page 27
2. The lens is focused by turning the distance-setting ring
(25) and observing the definition of the reflex image in the
viewfinder. The lower values on the distance scale indicate
meters, whilst the larger values above them represent feet. All
distances are measured from the back of the camera to the
subject. When the image of the subject in the reflex
viewfinder attains us sharpest definition, then the correct
camera-subject distance in feet or meters will be in line with
the red setting mark. For further information on using the
Fresnel lens (with micro-prism field) see page 38.

When focusing the reflex image use the maximum aperture of

the lens (i. e. smallest f/No) to obtain the most brilliant
image, and then stop down just before the exposure. It is not
necessary to take the camera from your eye, since all the
lenses are equipped with fully-automatic spring or pressure
diaphragms. For more detailed information see the
descriptions of the lenses on page 28 onwards.

Reading off the depth of field

When the depth of field is great, objects at widely varying

distances from the camera will form a sharp image. The
precise extent of this sharp zone will be indicated (after
focusing) by the depth-of-field scale (24) on the lens: on
either side of the red distance-setting mark you can read off
from the distance scale where the depth of-field zone begins
and ends for any specific aperture setting. If the relevant
f/No. on one side of the central distance-setting mark is in
line with the infinity symbol (--) or even beyond it, then the
depth of field will extend right up to infinity. On the right
are two examples and a photograph demonstrating large
depth of field.

Above: Distance setting 2 meters (6 1/2 ft), aperture f 5.6 =

depth of field extends from 1.7 m (5 1/2 ft) to 2.5 m (8/2 ft)

Below: Distance setting 4 meters (13 ft), aperture f 16 =

depth of field extends from 2 meters (6/2 ft) to infinity (00)

The Pancolar 2/50 mm lens from Jena has an automatic

depth-of-field indicator; see page 31.
Fully-automatic pressure diaphragm on
Focusing for infra-red pictures (Use a digital Domiplan 2.8/50 lens: Always open the
camera) diaphragm fully for focusing. Pre-select the
required smaller aperture (larger f/No) by
When using infra-red film, first focus the reflex image turning the aperture setting ring (26);
normally, then note the distance indicated by the red intermediate settings between the marked f/
setting mark (either in feet or meters, or the infinity numbers can also be selected. By
symbol), and turn the focusing ring to set this distance depressing the release rocker (27), the lens
against the red dot (infra-red setting mark) which is will stop down automatically; when the
either to the right or the left of the normal setting pressure on the rocker is relaxed, the
mark. By doing this the image produced by the diaphragm re-opens automatically. The
invisible infra-red rays, which lies at greater distance release rocker should therefore be held
from the lens than the image formed by visible light, down until the shutter has closed. To check
will be brought into sharp focus in the film plane of the depth of field when focusing, the
the camera and consequently will appear sharp in the release rocker (27) may be depressed part
negative. way so that the diaphragm closes down
without releasing the shutter.

In order to avoid premature opening to the aperture,

for longer exposures, both when using the large
shutter-speed setting knob (18) and when employing
the B and T settings on the small speed-setting knob
(10), and also for all delayed-action exposures, either
of the following procedures should be adopted: Screw
a cable release with a long plunger and time-exposure
lock into the release rocker. In this way pressure can
be maintained on the release rocker or body-shutter
release for any desired period without having to keep
ones finger constantly on the release (also eliminating
camera shake).

Alternatively, a special locking knob (available as an

accessory) can be screwed into the release rocker; by
propping up the lower part of the rocker the automatic
diaphragm mechanism will be disengaged. The lens is
then stopped-down (i. e. a numerically-larger aperture
value is selected) by turning the aperture-setting ring.
The lens opening will remain stopped down according
to the extent to which the ring is rotated.
Fully automatic spring diaphragm on T 2.8/50 from Jena and Pancolar 2/50 lenses from Jena

Engage the automatic diaphragm mechanism by pushing

the release knob (27) on the lens towards the camera
together with it5 mount and turn it to the right (viewed
from the front of the camera). To disengage the automatic
diaphragm, press the release knob (27) together with its
mount towards the camera and turn it to the left (again
looking from the front). When the automatic mechanism
is disengaged (= manual diaphragm setting), the
diaphragm will remain stopped down to the selected f/No
(this is Important when using slow shutter speeds and
delayed-action exposures). When the automatic
mechanism is engaged, the diaphragm should be fully
opened for focusing. Select the required smaller aperture
(larger f/number) by turning the aperture-setting ring
(26), which can also be set to intermediate stops. By
depressing the lens-release knob (27) the diaphragm is
stopped down automatically; by letting go of the release
knob (27) the diaphragm re-opens automatically.

Pressure on the release knob (27) should not be relaxed until

the shutter has closed. To check the depth of field whilst
focusing, depress the lens-release knob (27) just far enough
to stop down the lens as required without releasing the
shutter, In order to ensure that the shutter-release knob (3)
on the camera body is always depressed far enough to
trigger the shutter, the setscrew on the release mechanism of
the lens should be adjusted to the required length with a
screwdriver. A cable release with a long plunger can be
screwed into the lens-release knob (27).

Automatic depth-of-field indicator on the Pancolar 2/50

lens: After setting the aperture and distance, follow the
appropriate black/white bands from the two movable black
markers to the distance scale, upon which the depth-of-field
range can be read off. Example: aperture setting f 8, distance
5 meters (17ft) = depth of field from barely 3 meters (10 ft)
to over 15 meters (actually 23 meters or 76 feet).
3. Changing the lens (28) (select automatic on all lenses
from Jena): depress the locking lever (30) towards the lens,
then turn the lens to the left until the two red dots (23 and
29) are in line, and lift the lens out towards the front. To
insert a lens proceed in the reverse sequence: line up the red
dots, and turn the lens to the right until it locks. All special-
purpose lenses can be used, with focal lengths ranging from
the shortest to the longest.
Using the Finder Hood

The reflex image in the Finder Hood (11) of the

EXAKTA VX 1000 may be used both for
selecting or framing the subject, and also for
focusing and checking the depth of field, by
provisionally stopping down the lens. Generally,
a large enough image for normal view finding
purposes will be obtained when using the
standard ground-glass screen or the Fresnel
screen; for critical focusing, however, we
recommend the additional use of the Focusing
Magnifier. The pivoted Focusing Magnifier (15)
will spring into its working position when the the camera must be held close to the eye. When
Finder Hood is opened, but can be folded back taking vertical pictures with the Finder Hood it
out of the way by operating the handle (16); see is possible to shoot at right angles. This is
also page 6. Refer to page 38 for instructions on particularly useful for working inconspicuously
the use of the Fresnel screen. Normally, the since the photographer can remain in
EXAKTA VX1000 is held at chest or shoulder concealment.
level. When the pivoted supplementary
Focusing Magnifier (15) is also used.
(The Penta Prism makes it possible to take vertical pictures with a direct line of vision and also
provides a laterally-correct and upright viewfinder image.) The image on the ground-glass screen of
the Finder Hood (13) can also be observed from below when the camera is held above the head. This
will prove very useful when taking pictures over walls or over the heads of crowds. Users who
normally wear spectacles should use their close-up (reading) glasses for focusing with the Finder
Hood. For interchanging the Finder Hood. see page 39.

Using the Penta Prism

The Penta Prism serves the same purpose as the

Finder Hood, with the exception, that the reflex
image on the ground-glass screen will invariably
be upright and laterally-correct no matter
whether the camera is held horizontally or
vertically; this is particularly useful when taking
pictures of moving subjects, since the image in
the viewfinder will move in the same direction For normal upright and horizontal exposures the
as the subject itself. With very rapidly-moving EXAKTA VX 1000 should be held with the
subjects the camera can thus be "panned" by right hand and focused with the thumb and
swinging it gently in the direction of motion of index finger. The left hand should give
the subject (as for example, with racing cars). additional support, the left index finger being
When employing the Penta Prism (45) the used for releasing the shutter. The reverse
camera should always be held at eye level. handling is possible for horizontal exposures: to
Viewing the reflex image through the eyepiece prevent camera shake when using the EXAKTA
(46) may be effected with either eye. VX 1000, press the back of the camera against
the forehead. Photographers who normally wear
should use their distance glasses for focusing with the Penta Prism. Refer to page 38 for instructions
on the use of the Fresnel screen. -- For fitting and removing the Penta Prism see page 39. An
invaluable accessory for use with the Penta Prism is the flexible eyepiece cup: this is fitted on to the
eyepiece (46) of the Penta Prism and shields it from distracting stray light. It is also helpful for
spectacle-wearers since vision-correction lenses made by ones optician can be inserted into the
revolving mount, making it possible to focus without wearing glasses.

Focusing with the Fresnel screen

The EXAKTA VX 1000 may optionally be supplied with a

Fresnel screen. With this screen, focusing is mainly performed
using the centrally placed matt ring without the fresnel line
structure. To increase the accuracy of focusing, a microprism is
centered in this ring. The extra brilliant image visible in this
patterned field serves for focusing in the same way as the image
on the ground-glass screen, except that with the microprism,
incorrect focusing will result in an image which is blurred to a
greater degree. The lens will be correctly focused when the
image in the microprism is at its sharpest. It is, however,
absolutely essential to focus with a large aperture, as with
apertures off 5.6 and smaller, the image in the microprism field
will appear relatively sharp, even with the lens incorrectly
focused. This, of course, will lead to unsatisfactory results. For
extreme close-ups of magnifications greater than 1:1, and
photomicrography, the microprism cannot be used.
Interchanging of the focusing systems

The focusing systems of the EXAKTA VX 1000 (Finder Hood,

Penta Prism, Lens Magnifier, see last page) are interchangeable.
The Finder Hood (13) must be closed when the Finder Hood
insert is being removed from the camera. When any of the
viewfinder inserts are being removed from the camera, the
viewfinder-retaining catch (7) must be pressed downwards, and
the Finder Hood, Penta Prism or Lens Magnifier withdrawn
upwards without tilting. On replacing a viewfinder unit, it must be
inserted squarely and vertically, and be pressed downwards until
it clicks into position. Never use force.

Exchanging the focusing screen or Fresnel screen

The focusing screen or the Fresnel screen of the viewfinder

systems of the EXAKTA VX 1000 are interchangeable, so that,
if desired, the ground-glass screen, the Fresnel screen, the
ground-glass screen with field framing, one of the special
focusing screens or the flat ground-glass screen (see last page)
may be used. When fitting or removing a focusing screen or
Fresnel screen from the Finder Hood insert, the Finder Hood
(13) must be closed Remove the viewfinder insert as described
on page 39. The focusing screen or Fresnel screen should be
gripped by the long sides, and withdrawn from the viewfinder.

-- To refit the focusing screen, Fresnel screen or flat ground-

glass screen it should again be held by the long sides and
pushed in between the securing springs of the viewfinder
system. Never touch the matt surface of any screen. (With the
Finder Hood insert, the Finder Hood must first be closed.)
Changing the film

If the frame counter (6) has been correctly set when loading the
film, then after the 20th or 36th exposure, the number 36 will
appear in the frame-counter window. It may be possible to
expose one or two further frames before the film can no longer
be transported.

Should the rapid-wind lever (8) stop before reaching the end of
its forward travel, then depress the rewind-release button (9), at
the same time winding the rapid-wind lever (8) fully. It should
now return to its rest position. When using a take-up spool (32),
the film should now be rewound back into its cassette:

1. Depress the rewind button (9) and secure the rapid-wind

lever (8) with a light pressure in the slot of the rewind button,
so that it stays in the rewinding position. (The next time that the
rapid-wind lever (8) is wound, the rewind button (9) will spring
back into its normal position, and the camera would then again
be ready for forward transportation of the film.)

2. Hold the camera in the left hand. Swing out the rewind
crank, and with the right hand turn it evenly and slowly in a
clockwise direction, until it is felt that it turns more easily. The
film has now been rewound. (If the film is rewound at too great
a speed, static electricity will cause discharge marks to appear
on the negatives.) If the film is being correctly rewound, the
indicator disc (20) will show this by revolving also.
3. Open the camera back. Withdraw the rewind
crank (39) by means of its knob, and remove the Withdraw the knob (38) about 1 3/4 inches from
cassette of exposed film from the camera. the camera body. Then press the knob (38),
Depress the knob on the rewind crank to push it returning it to its rest position. Wind on, and
back into the camera. When an empty film expose two blank frames, in ord. to draw the end
cassette is used in place of a take-up spool, of the film across into the take-up cassette. The
rewinding is not necessary. As soon as the end of film-cutting knife (37) should also be employed
the film is reached (when the rapid-wind lever in the manner described above whenever it is
(8) can no longer be operated, see page 41), cut desired to remove a take-up spool containing a
off the film on the feed side of the film gate (36) partially exposed film from the camera.
by means of the built-in film-cutting knife (37):

Flash Photography

The EXAKTA VXI000 has three connections for flash

synchronizing: Outlet X (12) for open flash technique with
electronic flash units and flashbulbs. Outlet FP (22) and F
(31) are for the use of flashbulbs. The synchronizing cord
of standard and electronic flashguns should be connected to
the appropriate socket as indicated in the table. The shutter
must always be tensioned before connecting a flashgun.
Should a flashbulb fail to fire, e. g. through poor contact in
the circuit, the shutter must be in the released position
before the bulb is removed. Do not insert a new bulb until
the shutter has been re-tensioned.

Use of electronic flash units (open flash technique)

The synchronizing cord should be connected to the X contact

(12) and the shutter set to 1/60 second or slower. When using
electronic flash-guns without storage condensers, designed for
mains operation only, the shutter must be set to 1/8 second. The
effective exposure time, however, is the duration of the flash,
and not the t i me that the shutter remains open.
Use of long- burning flashbulbs (full synchronization)

Conned the cable from the flashgun to the FP contact (22) and
select the shutter speed according to the table. With full
synchronization, this will be the effective exposure time.

Flashbulb Chart

Use of fast-burning flashbulbs(open flash


Connect the cable of the flashgun to the F

contact (31) and set the shutter to 1/30 second.
The effective exposure time will be determined
by the duration of the flash, and not by the
shutter speed.

Use of all types of flashbulbs (open flash


Connect the cable of the flashgun to the X

contact, and set the shutter to 1/8 second or
longer. The effective exposure time will be
determined by the duration of the flash, and not
by the shutter speed.
Care of the camera and lenses

Always keep the camera in its ever-ready case with the lens (or lens cap) and viewfinder unit in position;
alternatively it may be kept wrapped in a fluff-free cloth. All parts which are easily accessible from the outside
should be kept clean and dusted with a soft brush. This applies particularly to the film-guide runners (35), the
film-wind sprocket (34), the film chambers (33 and 41) and also the camera back (42) including the pressure
plate (43).

The reflex mirror should only be dusted when absolutely necessary, using a clean soft brush without applying
any pressure; do not allow the brush to touch the lightly-greased metal surround of the mirror. Protect the
camera against moisture, dust, wind-borne sand, etc. Under no circumstances allow the camera to be pointed at
the sun unless the lens Is covered by a lens cap! Never touch the glass surfaces of the lenses. the focusing
magnifier (or the eyepiece of the Penta Prism or the mirror) with the fingers. These glass surfaces should be
cleaned when necessary only with an extremely soft piece of wash-leather or a soft, fluff-free linen cloth. It is
highly inadvisable to attempt to interfere with the mechanism of the camera; repairs should be undertaken only
by authorized servicing agencies. Should you want further information, we shall be pleased to send you any
special leaflets. Kindly let us know your particular interests. We would also recommend the following book
"EXAKTA Manual" by Werner Wurst (Fountain Press, London). Available from photographic dealers.


Miniature Bellows Attachment Autocouple

Accessories increase the versatility of the Extension Release, for close-ups "Vielzweck"
EXAKTA VX 1000 and are for some (Multi-Purpose) equipment for close-ups,
applications indispensable. The following are reproductions and macrophotography, etc.,
available: consisting of the following parts:

Finder Hood Swing Angle Attachment Large Bellows

Attachment Transparency Copying Attachment
Penta Prism
Copying Stand and Repro Unit (with Lighting
Fresnel Screen with Microprism grid equipment, if required)

Ground-glass Screen with Field Framing T 2.8/50 Special lens from Jena, in sunk mount

Eyepiece cup for Penta Prism Lens Reversal Ring Adapter Ring for using
photomicrographic lenses
Ever-Ready Case
Lens Magnifier insert with Top Lens Flat
Lens Hood with screw-in mount Ground-glass Screen Special Focusing Screens
Macro-Micro Photometer Ringflash Units RB 1
Giant release button, to enlarge the release and RB 2 Kolpofot
Endoscope Attachment and Overrunning Switch
Accessory shoe Unit

Special locking knob (for Domiplan 2.8/50 lens) Spectroscope Adapter Ring with sleeve Adapter
Bayonet rings and tubes, as well as Two-in-one for Astrophotography Microscope Attachment
ring, for close-ups

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