Yang Dan 2012 (Neuromodulation of Brain States)
Yang Dan 2012 (Neuromodulation of Brain States)
Yang Dan 2012 (Neuromodulation of Brain States)
Switches between different behavioral states of the animal are associated with prominent changes in global
brain activity, between sleep and wakefulness or from inattentive to vigilant states. What mechanisms control
brain states, and what are the functions of the different states? Here we summarize current understanding of
the key neural circuits involved in regulating brain states, with a particular emphasis on the subcortical neuro-
modulatory systems. At the functional level, arousal and attention can greatly enhance sensory processing,
whereas sleep and quiet wakefulness may facilitate learning and memory. Several new techniques developed
over the past decade promise great advances in our understanding of the neural control and function of
different brain states.
Introduction lated with the network activity (Crochet and Petersen, 2006;
In our complex and changing environment, animals constantly Li et al., 2009; Okun et al., 2010; Poulet and Petersen, 2008;
switch between different behavioral states. The most conspic- Steriade et al., 1993b) (Figure 1). For example, during NREM
uous changes occur at the sleep-wake transitions, and effective sleep and under certain anesthesia, the EEG and LFP show
neural control of these transitions is critical for the fitness and pronounced slow oscillations (<1 Hz). In individual cells, these
survival of the animal (Mahowald and Schenck, 2005). Sleep oscillations manifest as alternating UP and DOWN states of the
can be further divided into two distinct types: rapid eye move- membrane potential (Steriade et al., 2001), with the UP state
ment (REM) sleep with vivid dreams and non-REM (NREM) sleep characterized by a barrage of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic
with dull or lack of sensation (Hobson, 2005). During wakeful- inputs, and the DOWN state with deep hyperpolarization and
ness, animals must also dynamically adjust their behavioral little synaptic activity (Figure 1C).
states, switching rapidly from quiet, inattentive to aroused, vigi- There are two fundamental questions concerning brain states:
lant states upon task demand. what mechanisms control brain states and what is the function of
These switches of behavioral states are accompanied by each state. Lesion studies have identified multiple brain regions
obvious changes in the global pattern of neural activity in many important for regulating brain states, including those in the brain-
brain areas, which can be measured electrophysiologically stem, hypothalamus, and the basal forebrain/preoptic area, but
(Gervasoni et al., 2004). In 1924, the German psychiatrist Hans the specific role of each region and the underlying synaptic
Berger first measured the voltage difference between two elec- circuits are not yet well understood. The striking state-depen-
trodes placed on the scalp of a human subject (Berger, 1929), dent changes of ensemble neuronal activity observed in many
which later became known as the electroencephalogram brain areas suggest that different brain states are associated
(EEG). He found that the pattern of EEG changes dramatically with distinct functions, but definitive evidence for some of these
with the behavioral state of the subject. When the subject is functions is still lacking. In this Review, we summarize our
awake, the EEG is fast and low voltage, and as the subject falls current understanding of these issues and propose future
asleep, the EEG changes progressively into high-voltage slow studies using newly developed techniques.
patterns. We now know that the high-amplitude slow EEG
activity reflects the synchronous alternation between firing and Neural Control of Wakefulness and Sleep
inactivity of a large population of neurons (Steriade et al., Wakefulness and sleep can be well distinguished by measuring
1993a), thus the corresponding brain states are referred to as both EEG and electromyogram (EMG). During wakefulness, the
‘‘synchronized states.’’ The desynchronized states (with low- EEG is generally desynchronized, and the EMG indicates high
voltage fast EEG) are often referred to as the ‘‘activated states’’ muscle tone. During NREM sleep, the skeletal muscle EMG
because of their association with behavioral activation. activity is reduced, and the EEG is dominated by slow (<1 Hz)
Another commonly used measure of population neural activity and delta (1–4 Hz) oscillations. Interestingly, during REM sleep,
is the local field potential (LFP), the low-frequency (<200 Hz) the EEG shows a desynchronized pattern that is similar to the
voltage fluctuations recorded by inserting the electrodes into awake state. However, the EMG indicates an almost complete
brain tissues. The LFP mainly reflects the excitatory and inhibi- loss of muscle tone, thus allowing a clear-cut distinction from
tory synaptic processes, and compared to EEG it measures the awake state.
activity from a more local brain area (Kajikawa and Schroeder, Identification of the brain areas controlling sleep and wakeful-
2011; Katzner et al., 2009; Xing et al., 2009). Network activity ness began with the work of Constantin von Economo, a Roma-
can also be inferred from intracellular recordings, since mem- nian neurologist who studied patients with encephalitis. He
brane potential fluctuations in individual cells are strongly corre- found that lesions in the brainstem and posterior hypothalamus
Figure 1. Different Methods for Monitoring
Brain States
(A) Schematic showing the recording configura-
tion for simultaneous measurement of EEG, LFP,
and single-cell membrane potential in the S1
barrel cortex. A pyramidal neuron in layer 2/3 was
(B) EEG, LFP, and whole-cell recordings show
large-amplitude, low-frequency activity during
quiet wakefulness and synchronous state change
during whisking (figures adapted and reproduced
with permission from Poulet and Petersen, 2008).
(C) Synchronized (left) and desynchronized (right)
brain states observed with simultaneous whole-
cell patch-clamp recording from a visual cortical
neuron and LFP recording 2 mm from the patch
electrode. Figures reproduced from Li et al. (2009).
Figure 2. Schematic Diagram Showing the
Key Circuits Involved in Regulating Brain
Sagittal view of mouse brain. Arrows indicate major
pathways connecting the brain areas. Red arrows,
pathway inducing cortical desynchronization;
blue arrows, pathway inducing cortical synchroni-
zation; black arrows, pathway that mediates both
synchronization and desynchronization; light red
arrows, possible pathway for desynchronization;
light blue arrow, possible pathway for synchroni-
zation. Each cell type was schematically illustrated
by colored dots in each brain area.
Figure 3. Effect of Basal Forebrain
Stimulation on Multiunit Activity in the Visual
(A) Schematic illustration of experimental setup.
(B) Time-frequency analysis of LFP before and
after basal forebrain stimulation from an example
experiment, averaged over 30 trials. Amplitude is
color coded. Vertical lines indicate the period of
basal forebrain stimulation.
(C) Multiunit spike rate (color coded) in response to
the natural movie stimulation recorded by a multi-
channel silicon probe plotted against cortical
depth. Bottom: the responses to ten trials of visual
stimuli before (control) and 0–5 s after basal fore-
brain (BF) stimulation. Basal forebrain stimulation
decreased correlation between cortical neurons
and increased response reliability during visual
stimulation (adapted and reproduced from Goard
and Dan, 2009).
1 mV
that cells with different sleep-wake activity patterns may also cortical spindles (Halassa et al., 2011). On the other hand,
express distinct molecular markers (Duque et al., 2000). Since increasing the tonic activity of thalamocortical neurons by local
a large number of Cre driver mouse lines targeting different application of a cholinergic agonist can desynchronize the
subtypes of GABAergic neurons have now become available cortical area receiving their input (Hirata and Castro-Alamancos,
(Taniguchi et al., 2011), a promising approach is to make a tar- 2010). In brain slices, electrical or chemical stimulation of the
geted recording from each cell type to determine their sleep- thalamus can effectively trigger cortical UP states (Rigas and
wake activity patterns. Optogenetic manipulation of their activity Castro-Alamancos, 2007) (Figures 5A and 5B), and in vivo
in a bidirectional manner (Chow et al., 2010; Deisseroth, 2011), optogenetic activation of thalamocortical neurons during quiet
which has been achieved in various neuronal circuits, can further wakefulness leads to desynchronized cortical activity normally
establish the causal role of these neurons in brain state regula- observed in an aroused state (Poulet et al., 2012). Surprisingly,
tion (Figure 4). Moreover, recent advances in viral tracing tech- extensive lesion in the thalamus does not prevent cortical
niques (Wickersham et al., 2007) may greatly facilitate the desynchronization measured by EEG (Buzsáki et al., 1988; Fuller
dissection of synaptic connectivity among the various neuronal et al., 2011) or intracellular recording from cortical neurons
subtypes. (Constantinople and Bruno, 2011). These experiments suggest
Thalamus and Cortex that while an intact thalamus is not required for cortical activa-
The thalamus is the gateway of sensory inputs to the cortex, tion, perturbation of thalamic activity is often sufficient to alter
and it receives massive cortical feedback. The thalamocortical the cortical state.
loop, composed of the highly interconnected thalamocortical, Cortical neurons can also exert strong influences on global
thalamic reticular, and cortical neurons, plays a pivotal role in brain state. Slow oscillations during NREM sleep originate in
setting the global brain state and controlling the flow of sensory the cortex (Sanchez-Vives and McCormick, 2000; Steriade
information (Castro-Alamancos, 2004b; Sherman, 2005). The et al., 1993b), and cortico-cortical connections are necessary
thalamus also receives strong inputs from the ascending acti- for synchronizing the oscillations across brain areas (Amzica
vating system and basal forebrain (Bickford et al., 1994; Levey and Steriade, 1995). In brain slices, low-intensity cortical stimu-
et al., 1987; Manning et al., 1996), and it serves as a major lation can trigger UP state, while high-intensity stimulation
pathway through which the neuromodulatory inputs regulate suppresses UP state (Rigas and Castro-Alamancos, 2007). Inter-
cortical function. estingly, in anesthetized rat, high-frequency burst firing of
The thalamic neurons exhibit distinct modes of firing in a single cortical neuron is sufficient to induce a global brain state
different brain states, with tonic spiking during alertness and transition, either from a synchronized to desynchronized state or
rhythmic bursting during NREM sleep or drowsiness (Bezdud- vice versa (Li et al., 2009) (Figures 5C and 5D). Based on two-
naya et al., 2006; McCormick and Bal, 1997; Sherman, 2005; photon calcium imaging, burst of a single pyramidal neuron
Stoelzel et al., 2009). Thalamic activity can directly influence was estimated to activate 14 nearby excitatory neurons and
cortical state. Delta and spindle oscillations observed in the 3–9 somatostatin-positive GABAergic interneurons (Kwan and
cortex during drowsiness/sleep are both generated in the Dan, 2012) (Figure 5E). It would be interesting to find out whether
thalamus, by the intrinsic biophysical properties of thalamocort- the brain state switches triggered by single neuron burst in vivo is
ical and thalamic reticular neurons (McCormick and Pape, 1990) related to the bidirectional effects of cortical stimulation on the
and through their synaptic interactions (McCormick and Bal, occurrence of UP states in slices (Rigas and Castro-Alamancos,
1997). Even during wakefulness, a brief activation of the thalamic 2007) (Figure 5B). Cortical neurons are also highly intercon-
reticular nucleus is sufficient to evoke thalamic bursts and nected with thalamic neurons, and those from the prefrontal
cortex provide strong descending inputs to the neuromodulatory synchronized, as measured by both LFP (Bezdudnaya et al.,
circuits in the basal forebrain (Golmayo et al., 2003; Sarter et al., 2006; Niell and Stryker, 2010) and intracellular recordings
2005; Zaborszky et al., 1997) and brainstem (Jodo and Aston- (Crochet and Petersen, 2006; Okun et al., 2010; Poulet and
Jones, 1997). Thus, the brain state switch triggered by single- Petersen, 2008) (Figures 1A and 1B). In addition to the general
neuron stimulation could also be mediated by the activation of arousal, selective attention to specific stimuli is also associated
thalamic neurons or the neuromodulatory circuits. with changes in ensemble cortical activity, although at a more
In addition to the areas reviewed above, which are core local level. Attention to visual stimuli within the receptive fields
components of the neural machinery controlling sleep and of recorded neurons is accompanied by decreases in the low-
wake states, many other brain structures also play modulatory frequency LFP activity (Fries et al., 2001; Khayat et al., 2010),
roles. For example, sleep is strongly regulated by the circadian and it can cause either increase or decrease in gamma activity
rhythms, which are controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (30–80 Hz), depending on the cortical area (Chalk et al., 2010;
(SCN) in the hypothalamus. Dissecting the synaptic pathways Fries et al., 2001).
between these structures and the core components described Role of Neuromodulatory Systems
above will be essential for understanding how sleep-wake tran- The subcortical neuromodulatory circuits involved in sleep-wake
sitions are regulated by both internal and environmental factors. control also play important roles in the regulation of arousal and
attention, and malfunctioning of these circuits causes a variety of
Mechanisms for Arousal and Attention cognitive impairments. Both the monoaminergic and cholinergic
Wakefulness is not a unitary brain state, and the ensemble neural neurons in the brainstem and basal forebrain receive inputs from
activity exhibits clear changes at different levels of vigilance. the prefrontal cortex (Berridge, 2008; Jodo and Aston-Jones,
When the animal is drowsy or quietly resting, there is consider- 1997; Sarter et al., 2005), a key circuit exerting cognitive control
able delta-band activity in EEG and LFP, although the power is of behavior (Miller and Cohen, 2001) (Figure 6). The activity of
generally lower than that during NREM sleep. When the animal these neurons could thus be modulated in a task-dependent
is in an aroused/attentive state (e.g., actively engaged in sensory manner. For example, while the monkey performs a visual
processing or motor tasks), the cortical activity is highly de- discrimination task, the noradrenergic neurons in the LC exhibit
Figure 6. Schematic Diagram Showing
Potential Pathways for Attentional
Modulation of Sensory Processing
Arrows indicate major pathways connecting brain
areas. Red arrows, top-down connections from
prefrontal cortex to sensory areas; blue arrows,
projections from prefrontal cortex to brainstem
and basal forebrain neuromodulatory centers;
green arrows, projections from neuromodulatory
centers to the cortex.
While selective attention is typically associated with firing rate activity during NREM sleep (Dworak et al., 2010). However, the
increase of the relevant neurons, behavioral arousal or task cause for this energy surge may not be a simple reduction of
engagement in general does not always lead to enhanced neuronal activity. We know that during NREM sleep many
responses. In the barrel cortex, behavioral arousal or engage- neurons remain highly active, and the difference from the awake
ment in the learning of a new task was found to suppress state resides more in the spatiotemporal pattern than in the over-
whisker-evoked responses (Castro-Alamancos, 2004a; Castro- all level of neural activity.
Alamancos and Oldford, 2002). Similarly, smaller responses to Another idea that is gaining traction in recent years is that
brief tactile stimuli were observed in the rat during exploratory sleep is critical for learning and memory (Diekelmann and
whisker movement than during quiet immobility (Fanselow and Born, 2010; Maquet, 2001; Stickgold, 2005). Several studies
Nicolelis, 1999). In the auditory cortex, neuronal response to on human subjects have shown that sleep shortly after practicing
a sound stimulus was also lower when the rat was engaged in visual discrimination (Gais et al., 2000; Stickgold et al., 2000) or
an auditory task than when the stimulus was perceived passively motor skills (Fischer et al., 2002; Walker et al., 2002) can signifi-
(Otazu et al., 2009). These studies suggest that while selective cantly enhance the practice-induced improvement in task
attention can preferentially enhance the responses to the performance. Both NREM and REM sleep states seem to
attended stimuli, a general increase in vigilance may in fact contribute to this enhancement, but an equal period of wakeful-
reduce the overall response in order to accentuate representa- ness after practice has little effect. Task practicing is also found
tion of the relevant stimulus (Atiani et al., 2009). to affect brain activity during subsequent sleep. For example,
In contrast to the findings above, a study in mouse visual after training on a visuomotor task, the brain region activated
cortex showed that the neuronal responses to drifting grating during the training is specifically reactivated during REM sleep
stimuli are much higher when the mouse was behaviorally active (Maquet et al., 2000). Learning of a motor adaptation task can
(running) than inactive (standing still) (Niell and Stryker, 2010). cause a local increase in slow- and delta-wave EEG activity
One factor that may contribute to the discrepancy among these during NREM sleep, and the degree of increase is correlated
experiments is the use of transient (e.g., a brief sound or tactile with the performance improvement after sleep (Huber et al.,
stimulus) versus sustained (e.g., drifting gratings) sensory 2004). To evaluate the role of synchronized slow brain activity
stimuli, which evoke different degrees of neuronal adaptation per se in learning and memory, Marshall et al. (2006) applied
(Harris and Thiele, 2011), as strong adaptation is observed transcranial slow oscillating potential (<1 Hz) to human subjects
primarily in behaviorally inactive states (Castro-Alamancos, during NREM sleep. The stimulation, which increased both
2004a). More importantly, the modulation of sensory responses NREM sleep and slow-wave EEG activity, enhanced the reten-
by different behaviors—selective attention to a single stimulus, tion of declarative memory, indicating a direct contribution of
nonselective increase in vigilance, and general behavioral slow-wave activity to memory consolidation.
arousal (e.g., running)—may be mediated by different mecha- How does the neuronal activity during sleep contribute to
nisms, involving partially overlapping but nonidentical sets of memory consolidation? An important clue came from the studies
neuromodulatory inputs. Testing this hypothesis will require of spike sequence replay. Multielectrode recordings in the rat
simultaneous measurement of activity of both the neuromodu- hippocampus have shown that sequential firing among a group
latory systems and the sensory neurons under the different of neurons observed during active exploration recurs spontane-
behavioral paradigms. Optogenetic manipulation of each ously during subsequent sleep (Lee and Wilson, 2002; Louie and
neuromodulatory system (Figures 4C and 4D) will also reveal Wilson, 2001; Nádasdy et al., 1999; Skaggs and McNaughton,
its impact on the activity of sensory neurons within each behav- 1996; Wilson and McNaughton, 1994). Similar replay was also
ioral context. observed in the neocortex (Euston et al., 2007; Ji and Wilson,
2007; Ribeiro et al., 2004). During NREM sleep, the temporal
Function of Sleep and Quiet Wakefulness order of spiking among the neurons is preserved in each replay,
While it is well accepted that the aroused, attentive states are but the sequences occur at a faster time scale than that during
favorable for sensory processing, what are the functions of the active exploration. As a result, the different neurons fire within
synchronized brain states? In particular, why is sleep so a few milliseconds of each other. A widely observed form of
universal in the animal kingdom (Cirelli and Tononi, 2008), given synaptic plasticity in both the hippocampus and neocortex is
that the loss of responsiveness to environmental stimuli makes spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), in which presynaptic
the animal more vulnerable to predator attacks? spiking within tens of milliseconds before postsynaptic spiking
Function of Sleep induces long-term potentiation, whereas spikes in the reverse
The importance of sleep can be appreciated from the severe order result in depression (Dan and Poo, 2004). The time-
effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive functions and general compressed spike sequence replay observed during NREM
health. Prolonged total sleep deprivation is known to be lethal sleep is thus well suited for the induction of long-term circuit
in flies (Shaw et al., 2002) and rats (Rechtschaffen and Berg- modifications through STDP.
mann, 2002), although some of the harmful effects may be attrib- In addition to the neuronal activity representing exploratory
utable to the stress induced by the experimental methods of experience, sensory-evoked responses can also reverberate in
deprivation. Specifically, one function of sleep may be energy brain circuits. Voltage-sensitive dye imaging showed that in the
conservation or brain recuperation (Siegel, 2005). A recent study visual cortex of anesthetized rats, both spontaneous and visually
showed that the ATP concentration surges in the first few hours evoked activity manifest as propagating waves. Repeated visual
of sleep, and the level of surge is correlated with the EEG delta stimulation caused an increase in the number of spontaneous
waves that resemble the stimulus-evoked waves (Han et al., firing of these neurons similar to that evoked by the moving
2008), reminiscent of the notion of reverberation proposed by spot. Interestingly, in awake animals, this cue-triggered recall
Lorente de No (1938) and Hebb (1949). Although in this experi- of spike sequence was observed during a synchronized quiet
ment the reverberatory activity was found under anesthesia, wakeful state, but not in a desynchronized active state (Xu
the prevalence of spontaneous waves propagating across large et al., 2012), reminiscent of the hippocampal replay during quiet
cortical areas is similar to that during NREM sleep. Since corre- immobility (Diba and Buzsáki, 2007; Foster and Wilson, 2006;
lated activation of a large number of neurons is conducive to Karlsson and Frank, 2009).
long-term synaptic modifications (Bi and Poo, 2001; Weliky, Together, these studies suggest that while the desynchron-
2000), the synchronized brain states may be particularly suited ized brain state favors faithful representation of sensory inputs,
for circuit modification through memory reactivation. the synchronized state may be more suited for either sponta-
There is also direct evidence that sleep can facilitate activity- neous or cue-triggered reactivation of previous experience.
dependent synaptic modification. For example, a well-estab- Optimal control of behavior depends on the integration of current
lished model for experience-dependent circuit refinement during sensory information with predictions based on prior experience.
early development is ocular dominance plasticity, in which The relative weights of sensory and memory signals may be
monocular deprivation of visual inputs can cause a drastic shift adjusted by changing the brain states through neuromodulatory
in the relative strengths of inputs from the two eyes to the visual inputs (Yu and Dayan, 2005).
cortex. Studies have shown that sleep significantly enhances the
effect of monocular deprivation (Frank et al., 2001), and the Concluding Remarks
degree of enhancement is correlated with the amount of Studies over the last century have led to tremendous progress in
NREM sleep. At the synaptic level, some studies found net our understanding of the neural control and functions of different
synaptic strengthening during wakefulness and depression states. Many key structures regulating brain states have been
during sleep (Vyazovskiy et al., 2008). This led to the suggestion identified by measuring the effects of their disruption, and the
that while the potentiation of specific synapses encoding awake firing patterns of those neurons under different brain states
experience leads to an imbalance of synaptic strength, a global have been characterized. A major new challenge is to dissect
depression of all synapses during sleep serves to restore the microcircuitry within each structure and the long-range
the balance. This overall depression may also increase the connections between them. These efforts will be greatly facili-
signal-to-noise ratio of the memory by leaving only the most tated by the newly developed optogenetic and circuit tracing
important connections intact. Furthermore, synaptic plasticity tools. Functionally, the effects of vigilance and attention on
is strongly influenced by neuromodulators (Pawlak et al., 2010; sensory processing have been studied extensively through
Rasmusson, 2000). A recent study showed that the firing rates electrophysiological experiments in awake behaving animals.
of LC noradrenergic neurons are increased during NREM sleep There is also accumulating evidence for the importance of
after learning (Eschenko and Sara, 2008), which could in turn synchronized brain states in learning and memory. Future
enhance synaptic plasticity and facilitate memory consolidation studies combining the recording and selective manipulation of
(Sara, 2009). the reactivated memory traces should provide a definitive test
Quiet Wakefulness of this hypothesis.
Although spike sequence replay was initially discovered during
sleep, recent studies have shown that it also occurs during ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
wakefulness, especially during quiet immobility or consumma-
tory behaviors (Diba and Buzsáki, 2007; Foster and Wilson, We thank L. Pinto and D. Bliss for helpful discussions and comments on the
2006; Karlsson and Frank, 2009). In both sleep and awake manuscript.
states, the replay events occur during sharp wave ripples in
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