Unit 1 Lecture 3

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linear approximation By the end of this section, you’ll be able to

• define a class of linear, probabilistic hy-
two thirds between dog and cow — Remember: our Unit 1 motto is to learn linearities potheses appropriate to a given classifica-
tion task, by: designing features; packaging
flanked by hand-coded nonlinearities:
the coefficients to be learned as a matrix;
linearly combine and selecting a probability model (logistic,
featurize read out
X −−−−−−−→ R2 −−−−−−−−−−→ R1 −−−−−−−→ Y perceptron, SVM, etc).
not learned learned! not learned • compute the loss suffered by a probabilistic
hypothesis on given data
We design the nonlinearities to capture domain knowledge about our data and
goals. Here we’ll design nonlinearities to help model uncertainty over Y . We
can do this by choosing a different read-out function. For example, representing
distributions by objects {3:prob_of_three, 1:prob_of_one}, we could choose:
prediction = {3 : 0.8 if threeness[0]>0. else 0.2,
1 : 0.2 if threeness[0]>0. else 0.8 }

If before we’d have predicted “the label is 3”, we now predict “the label is 3 with
80% chance and 1 with 20% chance”. This hard-coded 80% could suffice.◦ But ← As always, it depends on what specific thing
let’s do better: intuitively, a 3 is more likely when threeness is huge than when we’re trying to do!
threeness is nearly zero. So let’s replace that 80% by some smooth function of
threeness. A popular, theoretically warranted choice is σ(z) = 1/(1 + exp(−z)):◦ ← σ, the logistic or sigmoid function, has lin-
ear log-odds: σ(z)/(1−σ(z)) = exp(z)/1. It
sigma = lambda z : 1./(1.+np.exp(-z))
tends exponentially to the step function. It’s
prediction = {3 : sigma(threeness[0]),
symmetrical: σ(−z) = 1−σ(z). Its derivative
1 : 1.-sigma(threeness[0]) }
concentrates near zero: σ� (z) = σ(z)σ(−z).
Food For Thought: Plot σ(z) by hand.
Given training inputs xi , a hypothesis will have “hunches” about the training
outputs yi . Three hypotheses hthree! , hthree , and hone might, respectively, con-
fidently assert y42 = 3; merely lean toward y42 = 3; and think y42 = 1. If in
reality y42 = 1 then we’d say hone did a good job, hthree a bad job, and hthree!
a very bad job on the 42nd example. So the training set “surprises” different
hypotheses to different degrees. We may seek a hypothesis h� that is minimally
surprised, i.e., usually confidently right and when wrong not confidently so. In
short, by outputting probabilities instead of mere labels, we’ve earned this awe-
some upshot: the machine can automatically calibrate its confidence levels! It’s easy
to imagine how important this calibration is in language, self-driving, etc.
interpreting weights — We note two aspects of the ‘intuitive logic’ of weights.
Just because two features both correlate with a positive label (y = +1) doesn’t
mean both features will have positive weights. In other words, it could be that
the blah-feature correlates with y = +1 in the training set and yet, according to
the best hypothesis for that training set, the bigger a fresh input’s blah feature is,
the less likely its label is to be +1, all else being equal. That last phrase “all else
being equal” is crucial, since it refers to our choice of coordinates. See the figure,
left three panels.
Moreover, transforming coordinates, even linearly, can alter predictions. For
example, if we shear two features together — say, by using cooktime-plus-preptime
and cooktime as features rather than preptime and cooktime as features — this
can impact the decision boundary. Of course, the decision boundary will look
different because we’re in new coordinates; but we mean something more pro-
Figure 10: Relations between feature statis-
found: if we train in old coordinates and then predict a datapoint represented tics and optimal weights. Each of these six
figures shows a different binary classification
task along with a maximum-margin hypothe-
sis. We shade the datapoints that achieve the
margin. — Left: positive weights don’t imply pos-
itive correlation! — Right: presenting the same
information in different coordinates alters predic-

in old coordinates, we might get a different prediction than if we train in new

coordinates and then predict a datapoint represented in new coordinates! See
the figure, right three panels: here, the intersection of the two gray lines implic-
itly marks a testing datapoint that experiences such a change of prediction as we
adopt different coordinates. Intuitively, the more stretched out a feature axis is, the
more the learned hypothesis will rely on that feature.
Food For Thought: Understand this paragraph from the point of view of the L2
designing featurizations — We represent our input x as a fixed-length list of numbers so
that we can “do math” to x. For instance, we could represent a 28 × 28 photo by 2
numbers: its overall brightness and its dark part’s width. Or we could represent
it by 784 numbers, one for the brightness at each of the 28 · 28 = 784 many pixels.
Or by 10 numbers that respectively measure the overlap of x’s ink with that of
“representative” photos of the digits 0 through 9.
A way to represent x as a fixed-length list of numbers is a featurization. Each
map from raw inputs to numbers is a feature. Different featurizations make
different patterns easier to learn. We judge a featurization not in a vacuum but
with respect to the kinds of patterns we use it to learn. information easy for the
machine to use (e.g. through apt nonlinearities) and throw away task-irrelevant
information (e.g. by turning 784 pixel brightnesses to 2 meaningful numbers).
Here are two themes in the engineering art of featurization.◦ ← For now, we imagine hand-coding our fea-
Predicates. If domain knowledge suggests some subset S ⊆ X is salient, then tures rather than adapting them to training
data. We’ll later discuss adapted features; sim-
we can define the feature ple examples include thresholding into quan-
tiles based on sorted training data (Is x more
x �→ 1 if x lies in S else 0 than the median training point?), and choosing
coordinate transforms that measure similarity
to landmarks (How far is x from each of these 5
The most important case helps us featurize categorical attributes (e.g. kind-of- “representative” training points?). Deep learning
chess-piece, biological sex, or letter-of-the-alphabet): if an attribute takes K pos- is a fancy example.
sible values, then each value induces a subset of X and thus a feature. These
features assemble into a map X → RK . This one-hot encoding is simple, power-
ful, and common. Likewise, if some attribute is ordered (e.g. X contains geological
strata) then interesting predicates may include thresholds.
Coordinate transforms. Applying our favorite highschool math functions
gives new features tanh(x[0]) − x[1], |x[1]x[0]| exp(−x[2]2 ), · · · from old features
x[0], x[1], · · · . We choose these functions based on domain knowledge; e.g. if
x[0], x[1] represent two spatial positions, then the distance |x[0] − x[1]| may be a
useful feature. One systematic way to include nonlinearities is to include all the
monomials (such as x[0]x[1]2 ) with not too many factors — then linear combina-
tions are polynomials The most important nonlinear coordinate transform uses
all monomial features with 0 or 1 many factors — said plainly, this maps
Figure 11: The bias trick helps us model
‘offset’ decision boundaries. Here, the ori-
x �→ (1, x) gin is the lower right corner closer to the
camera. Our raw inputs x = (x[0], x[1]) are
This is the bias trick. Intuitively, it allows the machine to learn the threshold 2-dimensional; we can imagine them sitting
on the bottom face of the plot (bottom ends
above which three-ishness implies a three.
of the vertical stems). But, within that face,
no line through the origin separates the data
well. By contrast, when we use a featurization
(1, x[0], x[1]), our data lies on the top face of the
plot; now a plane through the origin (shown)
successfully separates the data.

humble models — Let’s modify logistic classification to allow for unknown unknowns. We’ll
do this by allowing a classifier to allot probability mass not only among labels
in Y but also to a special class � that means “no comment” or “alien input”. A
logistic classifier always sets py|x [�|x] = 0, but other probability models may put
nonzero mass on “no comment”. For example, consider:
logistic perceptron svm
py|x [+1|x] ⊕/(� + ⊕) ⊕ · (� ∧ ⊕)/2 ⊕ · (� ∧ ⊕/e)/2 Table 1: Three popular models for binary
classification. Top rows: Modeled chance
py|x [−1|x] �/(� + ⊕) � · (� ∧ ⊕)/2 � · (�/e ∧ ⊕)/2 given x that y = +1, −1, �. We use d = w � · �x,
py|x [�|x] 1 − above = 0 1 − above 1 − above ⊕ = e+d/2 , � = e−d/2 , a ∧ b = min(a, b)
outliers responsive robust robust to save ink. Middle rows: All models re-
inliers sensitive blind sensitive spond to misclassifications. But are they robust
to well-classified outliers? Sensitive to well-
acc bnd good bad good
classified inliers? Bottom rows: For optimiza-
loss name softplus(·) srelu(·) hinge(·) tion, which we’ll discuss later, we list (negative
formula log2 (1 + e(·) ) max(1, ·) + 1 max(1, · + 1) log-probability) losses. An SGD step looks like
update 1/(1 + e+yd ) step(−yd) step(1 − yd)
� t + η · update · y�x
� t+1 = w

MLE with the perceptron model or svm model minimizes the same thing, but
with srelu(z) = max(0, z) + 1 or hinge(z) = max(0, z + 1) instead of softplus(z).
Two essential properties of softplus are that: (a) it is convex◦ and (b) it upper
bounds the step function. Note that srelu and hinge also enjoy these properties.
Property (a) ensures that the optimization problem is relatively easy — under
mild conditions, gradient descent will find a global minimum. By property (b), ← A function is convex when its graph is bowl-
shaped rather than wriggly. It’s easy to min-
the total loss on a training set upper bounds the rate of erroneous classification imize convex functions by ‘rolling downhill’,
on that training set. So loss is a surrogate for (in)accuracy: if the minimized loss since we’ll never get stuck in a local wrig-
gle. Don’t worry about remembering or un-
is nearly zero, then the training accuracy is nearly 100%.◦ derstanding this word.
So we have a family of related models: logistic, perceptron, and SVM. In ← The perceptron satisfies (b) in a trivial way
Project 1 we’ll find hypotheses optimal with respect to the perceptron and SVM that yields a vacuous bound of 100% on the
error rate.
models (the latter under a historical name of pegasos), but soon we’ll focus
mainly on logistic models, since they fit best with deep learning.
richer outputs: multiple classes — We’ve explored hypotheses fW (x) = readout(W ·
featurize(x)) where W represents the linear-combination step we tune to data.
We began with hard binary classification, wherein we map inputs to definite
labels (say, y = cow or y = dog):

readout(d) = “cow if 0 < d else dog”

We then made this probabilistic using σ. In such soft binary classification we

return (for each given input) a distribution over labels:

readout(d) = “chance σ(d) of cow; chance 1−σ(d) of dog”

Remembering that σ(d) : (1 − σ(d)) are in the ratio exp(d) : 1, we rewrite:

readout(d) = “chance of cow is exp(d)/Zd ; of dog, exp(0)/Zd ”

I hope some of you felt bugged by the above formulas’ asymmetry: W mea-
sures “cow-ishness minus dog-ishness” — why not the other way around? Let’s

describe the same set of hypotheses but in a more symmetrical way. A common
theme in mathematical problem solving is to trade irredundancy for symmetry
(or vice versa). So let’s posit both a Wcow and a Wdog . One measures “cow-
ishness”; the other, “dog-ishness”. They assemble to give W, which is now a
matrix of shape 2×number-of-features. So d is now a list of 2 numbers: dcow and
ddog . Now dcow − ddog plays the role that d used to play.
Then we can do hard classification by:

readout(d) = argmaxy dy

and soft classification by:

readout(d) = “chance of y is exp(dy )/Zd ”

To make probabilities add to one, we divide by Zd = y exp(dy ).
Behold! By rewriting our soft and hard hypotheses for binary classification,
we’ve found formulas that also make sense for more than two classes! The above
readout for soft multi-class classification is called softmax.
richer outputs: beyond classification — By the way, if we’re trying to predict a real-
valued output instead of a binary label — this is called hard one-output regres-
sion — we can simply return d itself as our readout:

readout(d) = d
This is far from the only choice! For example, if we know that the true ys
will always be positive, then readout(d) = exp(d) may make more sense. I’ve
encountered a learning task (about alternating current in power lines) where
what domain knowledge suggested — and what ended up working best — were
trigonometric functions for featurization and readout! There are also many ways
to return a distribution instead of a number. One way to do such soft one-output
regression is to use normal distributions:◦ ← Ask on Piazza about the interesting world of
alternatives and how they influence learning!
readout(d) = “normal distribution with mean d and variance 25”

Or we could allow for different variances by making d two-dimensional and

saying · · · mean d0 and variance exp(d1 ). By now we know how to do multi-
output regression, soft or hard: just promote W to a matrix with more output
Okay, so now we know how to use our methods to predict discrete labels or
real numbers. But what if we want to output structured data like text? A useful
principle is to factor the task of generating such “variable-length” data into many
smaller, simpler predictions, each potentially depending on what’s generated so
far. For example, instead of using W to tell us how to go from (features of) an
image x to a whole string y of characters, we can use W to tell us, based on an
image x together with a partial string y� , either what the next character is OR that
the string should end. So if there are 27 possible characters (letters and space)
then this is a 27 + 1-way classification problem:

(Images × Strings) → R ··· → R28 → DistributionsOn({’a’, · · · , ’z’, ’ ’, STOP})


We could implement this function as some hand-crafted featurization function

from Images × Strings to fixed-length vectors, followed by a learned W, followed
by softmax.
Food For Thought: A “phylogenetic tree” is something that looks like




That is, a tree is either a pair of trees together with a real number OR a species
name. The numbers represent how long ago various clades diverged. Propose
an architecture that, given a list of species, predicts a phylogenetic tree for that
species. Don’t worry about featurization.

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