Unit 2 Lecture 5

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featurization By the end of this section, you’ll be able to

• tailor a hypothesis class by designing fea-

designing featurizations — Remember: our motto in Units 1 and 2 is to learn linear maps tures that reflect domain knowledge
• recognize the geometric patterns that com-
flanked by hand-coded nonlinearities. That is, we consider hypotheses of this format: mon nonlinear featurizations help express

featurize linearly combine read out

X −−−−−−−→ R#features −−−−−−−−−−→ R#outputs −−−−−−−→ Y
not learned learned! not learned

In this section and the next we’ll design those non-learned functions — the fea-
turizers and readouts, respectively — to construct a hypothesis class H suitable
given our domain knowledge and our goals. In this section, we’ll discuss how
the design of features determines the patterns that the machine is able to express;
feature design can thus make or break an ML project.
A way to represent x as a fixed-length list of numbers is a featurization. Each
map from raw inputs to numbers is a feature. Different featurizations make
different patterns easier to learn. We judge a featurization not in a vacuum but
with respect to the kinds of patterns we use it to learn. information easy for the
machine to use (e.g. through apt nonlinearities) and throw away task-irrelevant
information (e.g. by turning 784 pixel darknesses to 2 meaningful numbers).
Here are two themes in the engineering art of featurization.◦ ← For now, we imagine hand-coding our fea-
tures rather than adapting them to training
predicates — If domain knowledge suggests some subset S ⊆ X is salient, then we can data. We’ll later discuss adapted features; sim-
define the feature ple examples include thresholding into quan-
tiles based on sorted training data (Is x more
x �→ 1 if x lies in S else 0
than the median training point?), and choosing
coordinate transforms that measure similarity
The most important case helps us featurize categorical attributes (e.g. kind-of-
to landmarks (How far is x from each of these 5
chess-piece, biological sex, or letter-of-the-alphabet): if an attribute takes K pos- “representative” training points?). Deep learning
sible values, then each value induces a subset of X and thus a feature. These is a fancy example.

features assemble into a map X → RK . This one-hot encoding is simple, power-

ful, and common. Likewise, if some attribute is ordered (e.g. X contains geological
strata) then interesting predicates may include thresholds.
coordinate transforms — Applying our favorite highschool math functions gives new fea-
tures tanh(x[0]) − x[1], |x[1]x[0]| exp(−x[2]2 ), · · · from old features x[0], x[1], · · · .
We choose these functions based on domain knowledge; e.g. if x[0], x[1] represent
two spatial positions, then the distance |x[0] − x[1]| may be a useful feature. One
systematic way to include nonlinearities is to include all the monomials (such as
x[0]x[1]2 ) with not too many factors — then linear combinations are polynomials.
The most important nonlinear coordinate transform uses all monomial features
with 0 or 1 many factors — said plainly, this maps
Figure 13: The bias trick helps us model ‘off-
set’ decision boundaries. Here, the origin is
x �→ (1, x)
the lower right corner closer to the camera.
Our raw inputs x = (x[0], x[1]) are 2-D; we can
This is the bias trick. Intuitively, it allows the machine to learn the threshold
imagine them sitting on the bottom face of the
above which three-ishness implies a three. plot (bottom ends of the vertical stems). But,
This bias trick is non-linear in that it shifts the origin. Fancier non-linearities within that face, no line through the origin sep-
arates the data well. By contrast, when we use
enrich our vocabulary of hypotheses in fancier ways. Take a look these de- a featurization (1, x[0], x[1]), our data lies on the
cision boundaries using a degree-2 monomial feature (left) and (right) a non- top face of the plot; now a plane through the
origin (shown) successfully separates the data.
polynomial ‘black hole’ feature for two cartoon datasets:

Figure 14: Fancier nonlinearities help us

model curvy patterns using linear weights.
Left: Using a quadratic feature (and the bias
trick, too) we can learn to classify points in
X = R1 by whether they are in some interval
gray region. We don’t know the interval be-
forehand, but fortunately, different linear deci-
sion boundaries (black lines) in feature-space
give rise to all possible intervals! We may opti-
mize as usual to find the best interval.
Right: No line through X = R2 separates our
raw data. But a (black) hyperplane does sep-
arate our featurized data. We are thus able to
learn a hypothesis that predicts the blue label
for xs inside the gray region. Intuitively, the
‘black hole’ feature measures whether an input
x is nearby a certain point in X .
Food For Thought: Our ‘black hole’ decision
boundary actually has two parts, one finite and
one infinite. The infinite part is slightly ‘off-
screen’. Sketch the full situation out!
Say X = R2 has as its two raw features the latitude of low-orbit satellite and
the latitude of a ground-based receiver, measured in degrees-from-the-equator.
So the satellite is in earth’s north or southern hemisphere and likewise for the re-
ceiver. We believe that whether or not the two objects are in the same hemisphere
— call this situation ‘visible’ — is highly relevant to our ultimate prediction task.
Food For Thought: For practice, we’ll first try to classify xs by visibility. Define a
degree-2 monomial feature ϕ : X → R1 whose sign (±1) tells us whether x is
visible.◦ Can direct linear use of x, even with the bias trick, predict the same? ← Thus, degree-2 monomials help model 2-way
In reality we’re interested in a more complex binary classification task on X . For interactions between features.
this we choose as features all monomials of degrees 0, 1, 2 to get ϕ : X → R6 .◦ ← Food For Thought: ϕ maps to R6 , i.e., we have
Food For Thought: Qualitatively describe which input-output rules h : X → exactly 6 monomials. Verify this!
{+1, −1} we can express. For instance, which of these rules in the margin◦ can ← Rule A “+1 exactly when the satellite is be-
we express? (Formally, we can ‘express’ h if h(x) = sign(w · ϕ(x)) for some w.) tween the Tropics of Cancer and of Capricorn”
Rule B “+1 exactly when satellite and receiver
are at the same latitude, up to 3◦ of error”
Rule C “+1 exactly when both objects are
above the Arctic Circle”
interpreting weights — The features we design ultimately get used according to a weight
vector. So we stand to gain from deeper understanding of what weights ‘mean’.
Here we’ll discuss three aspects of the ‘intuitive logic’ of weights.
First, weights are not correlations. A feature may correlate with a positive
label (say, y = +1) yet fail to have a positive weight. That is: the blah-feature
could correlate with y = +1 in the training set and yet, according to the best
hypothesis for that training set, the bigger a fresh input’s blah feature is, the less
likely its label is to be +1, all else being equal. That last phrase “all else being
equal” is crucial, since it refers to our choice of coordinates.
In Figure 15’s center-left panel, the weight for brightness is negative even
though both features positively correlate with blue! This is because brightness
correlates even better with the error of soley-width-based prediction. So the op-
timal hypothesis, intuitively, uses the brightness as a ‘correction’ to width. This
contrasts with the top-left panel, where the both correlations are still positive and
both weights are positive. Intuitively, the optimal hypothesis here reduces noise
by averaging a solely-brightness-based prediction with a solely-width-based one.
Second, representing the same information two different ways can alter pre-
dictions. A featurization doesn’t just supply raw data: it also suggests to the
machine which patterns are possible and, among those, which are plausible.
The bias trick and other nonlinear coordinate transforms illustrate this. But Figure 15: Relations between feature statis-
tics and optimal weights. Each panel shows
even linear, origin-preserving coordinate-transforms can alter predictions. For ex- a different 2D binary classification task and
ample, if we shear two features together — say, by using {preptime-plus-cooktime a maximum-margin hypothesis. We shade
and cooktime} as features rather than {preptime and cooktime} — this can im- margin-achieving points. To save ink we re-
fer to the vertical and horizontal features as
pact the decision boundary. Of course, the decision boundary will look different brightness and width; but you should be more
because we’re in new coordinates; but we mean something more profound: if imaginative. Left: positive weights are consistent
with positive, negative, or zero correlation! Right:
we train in old coordinates and then predict a datapoint represented in old coor- presenting the same information in different coordi-
dinates, we might get a different prediction than if we train in new coordinates nates (here, all 2D) alters predictions!
and then predict a datapoint represented in new coordinates! See the right three Food For Thought: Think of classification tasks
(and feature-pairs) that could plausibly give
panels: the intersection of the two gray lines implicitly marks a testing point for rise to the data depicted in each panel.
which we predict different labels as we change coordinates. Intuitively, the more
stretched out a feature axis is, the more the learned hypothesis will rely on that feature.◦ ← Food For Thought: Explain the preceding intu-
Third, features interact. It’s useful to think about ‘the goodness’ of individual ition in terms of the L2 regularizer.
features, but it’s but it’s also good to realize that the reality is messier: a feature’s
predictive usefulness depends on which other features are present!
That is, a whole can be more (or less!) than the sum of its parts: the usefulness
of a set of features ain’t ‘additive’ the way the weight of a set of books is. Here’s
a simple example: let’s flip two fair coins. We want to predict whether they
ended up the same or not. Knowing the value of just the first coin is totally
useless to prediction! Same with the value of just the second coin. BUT the two
coins together help us predict 100% correctly.◦ Likewise, in the bottom-left panel ← Food For Thought: Find an analogue of the
the width is independent of the class label but not conditionally-independent-given- coins story where the whole is less than the
sum of its parts, predictivity-wise.
brightness. It’s this that explains why we can’t just compute the correlation of
each feature with the predictand and then call it day.

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