Bba22 23
Bba22 23
Bba22 23
(Estd. under the Panjab University Act VII of 1947-enacted by the Govt. of India)
General Instructions:
1. Examination in each subject for B.B.A. will be of 3 hours duration.
2. There will be no objective type questions.
3. Students are required to have the knowledge of the developments in the subject up to 6 months
before the examination.
4. Use of non-programmable calculators by the students in the Examination Hall is allowed. The
calculators will not be provided by the University/College to the examinees
5. Tutorial classes will be held for the subjects marked with an asterisk (*). Apart from 5- Regular
periods per week, 1-additional tutorial period shall be required to give practical exposure to the
6. The following categories of the students shall be entitled to take the option of History and culture
of Punjab in lieu of Punjabi as compulsory subject:
(a) Students who have not studied Punjabi up to Class-Xth.
(b) Wards of defence personnel and Central government employee/employees, who are
transferable on all India basis.
(c) Foreigners.
7. 20% marks in each paper will be internal assessment based on the following parameters:
a. Mid-Semester Test : 50%
b. Academic Activity : 30%
(Seminar, Project &Assignment)
c. Attendance : 20%
Note: The question paper of each subject covering the entire course shall be divided into three sections:
Important Note: In all numerical papers the paper setter is required to set numerical questions as
Section A : Four numerical questions out of six questions.
Section B and C : At least two numerical questions out of fourquestions.
Subject Paper Title M.Marks No. of Tutorials
Code lectures Per
Per Week***
** This is a compulsory qualifying paper, which the students have to study in the
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./BBA 1st year (2nd Semester). If the student/s failed to qualify the paper
during the 2nd Semester, he/she/ they be allowed to appear/qualify the same in the 4th or 6th
*** Each unit of BBA will be divided into 2 Groups for the purpose of Tutorials.
phapha J/a Gkr gfjbk
;w?;No gfjbk
e[Zb nze L 50
fET{oh L 45
fJzNoBb n;?;w?NA L 05
;wK L 3 xzN/
1a nkX[fBe gzikph ethnK dhnK u'DthnK eftsktK dk nfXn?B
2a u'DthnK gzikph ejkDhnK dk nfXn?B
3a u'Dt/A gzikph b'yeK dk ;zy/g ihtB s/ ouBk$:'rdkB
1a Bt/A fd;jZd/, ;zgkL vka r[od/t f;zx ftu'A u'DthnK 15 eftsktK, gqekôe L gzikp :{Bhtof;Nh,
gpbhe/ôB fpUo', uzvhrVQ (GkJh tho f;zxF fgzio/ fgnk gzSh, fJbw nwb, e/b'A d/ rb bZrh
t/b, g{oB f;zxFw/ok N[ZNk fijk rhs, gzikp d/ dfonk, gzikp d/ wi{o, XBh okw ukfsqeF ukBD
ih, ;kT[D, ft;kyh dk w/bk, w'jB f;zx F w?A BjhA ofjDk s/o/ froK, nXtkN/, ski wjb ns/
nzfwqsk gqhswF ;[B/j[V/, u/so ns/ oks w/oh ikrdh eftsktK)
2a eEFgqtkj, ;zgkaL g'qa ;[fozdo e[wko dt/ôto ftu'A u'DthnK 6 ejkDhnK, gqekôe L gzikp
:{Bhtof;Nh, gpbhe/ôB fpUo', uzvhrVQ. (nkbQD/ d/ p'N, GZsk, ôhBs nkgk, ;t/o j'D sZe,
ô/oBhnK ns/ r'Jh ejkDhnK)
:{fBN ns/ Ehw
1a Bt/A fd;jZd/ g[;se ftZu'A gq;zr ;fjs ftnkfynk (2 ftu'A 1) 5 nze
2a fe;/ fJZe eftsk dk ;ko iK e/d A oh Gkt (4 ftu'A 1) 5 nze
3a fJe ejkDh dk ;ko (eEkFgqtkj ftu'A) 5 nze
4a fe;/ fJZe eth iK ejkDheko dk ihtB, ouBk ns/ :'rdkB 8 nze
(GkJh tho f;zx, w'jB f;zx, nzfwqsk gqhsw, eosko f;zx d[Zrb, ;zs'y f;zx Xho ns/ e[btzs
f;zx ftoe)
(2 ftu'A 1, fJZe eth ns/ fJZe ejkDheko ftZu'A)
5a b/y L ;wkie, ;fGnkukoe ns/ nkw tkeøh Bkb ;zpzXs (500 ôpdK sZe) 7 nze
6a tke ô[ZXh (10 ftu'A 7) 7 nze
7a seBheh ôpdktbh (10 ftu'A 8) 8 nze
48. Commerce ekwo;, tDi, tgko
49. Commercial Capital tDih g{zih
50. Commodity T[gG'rsk t;s
51. Company ezgBh
52. Competition gqsh:'rsk
53. Corporation fBrw
54. Cost Account bkrs b/yk
55. Cost of Production T[sgkdB dh bkrs
56. Current Account ukb{ yksk
57. Current Liabilities ubzs d/DdkohnK
58. Debenture foD gZso
59. Debt Management foDFgqpzX
60. Deduct eN"sh
61. Deferred Payment ;Efrs G[rskB
62. Deflation w[Zdok ft;chsh
63. Demand for payment ndkfJrh bJh wzr
64. Demonstration Effect gqdoôBh gqGkt
65. Depreciation w[Zb xNkJh
66. Depression nkofEe wzdk
67. Devaluation eoz;h dk ntw{bD
68. Discount Rate eN"sh do
69. Disinvestment ftfBt/ô
70. Dividend bkGFnzô
71. Distribution ftsoD
72. Documentary proof d;skt/ôh ;p{s
73. Double Entry d{jok fJzdoki
74. Draftsman Beôk Bth;
75. Economic Indicator nkofEe ;{ue
76. Entrepreneur T[Zdwh
77. Excise Duty T[sgkdB eo
78. Export Tax fBo:ks eo
79. Expenditure you
80. Fair Trade T[fus tgko
81. Finance ftZs
82. Finance affairs ftZsh wkwb/
83. Financial Penalty ftZsh dzv
84. Fine Paper T[Zsw j[zvh
85. Firm cow
86. Firm Offer gZeh g/ôeô
87. Fiscal Policy ftZsh Bhsh
88. Fiscal Year ftZsh ;kb
89. Fixed Capital ;EkJh g{zih
90. Fixed Costs ;EkJh you/
91. Floatation eoôk ukb{ eoBk
92. Foreign Exchange ftd/ôh w[Zdok
93. Fringe Benefits T[gob/ bkG
94. Glut Gowko
95. Goods Account wkb b/yk
96. Gross Profit e[Zb bkG
97. Hidden Tax b[gs eo
98. Hoarding ôyhokpkôh
99. Holding Company fB:zsoe ezgBh
100. Human Capital wB[Zyh g{zih
2. For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the
marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum
marks of the paper in lieu of internal assessment.
The paper-setter must put note (2) in the question paper.
3. One question from Unit-IV shall be set on the map.
1. Each essay type question would cover about one-third or one-half of a topic detailed in
the syllabus.
2. The distribution of marks for the map question would be as under:
Map : 06 Marks
In case a paper setter chooses to set a question of map on important historical places, the
paper setter will be required to ask the students to mark 6 places on map of 1 mark each
and write explanatory note on any two of 2 marks each.
3. The paper-setter would avoid repetition between different types of question within one
question paper.
Max. Marks : 50
Theory : 45
Internal Assessment : 05
Time : 3 Hours
Objectives: To introduce the students to the history of Punjab region.
Pedagogy: Lectures, library work and discussions.
4. Society and Culture c. 1000 A.D.: Socio-economic life; religious life; education
5. Cultural Reorientation: main features of Bhakti; origin and development of Sufism
6. Society and Culture c. 1500A.D: socio-economic life under the Lodhis; religious beliefs
and practices- Vainavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, Islam.
8. Transformation of Sikhism: martyrdom of Guru Arjan; martyrdom of Guru Tegh
Bahadur; impact.
9. Institution of Khalsa: new baptism; significance
10. Changes in Society: social unrest; emergence of new rulers-rakhi, gurmata, dal khalsa.
11. Society and Culture under Maharaja Ranjit Singh: social mobility; painting and
architecture; literature.
12. MAP: Major Historical Places: Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Sanghol, Ropar, Lahore,
Amritsar, Kiratpur, Anandpur Sahib, Tarn Taran, Machhiwara, Goindwal, Khadur
Suggested Readings:
1. Joshi, L.M (ed.) : History and Culture of the Punjab, Part-I, Publication Bureau,
Punjabi University, Patiala, 1989 (3rd edn.)
2. Joshi, L.M and Singh, : History and Culture of the Punjab, Vol. I, Punjabi University,
Fauja (ed.) Patiala, 1977
3. Prakash, Buddha : Glimpses of Ancient Punjab, P.U., Patiala, 1983
4. Thapar, Romila : A History of India, Vol. I, Penguin Books, 1966
5. Basham, A.L : The Wonder That was India, Rupa Books, Calcutta (18th
6. Sharma, B.N : Life in Northern India, MunshiRam Manohar Lal, Delhi, 1966
7. Singh,Kirpal :History and Culture os the Punjab, Part II(Medieval Period),
Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala 1990(3rd edn.).
8. Singh, Fauja(ed.) :History of the Punjab, Vol.III, Punjabi University, Patiala 1972.
9. Grewal, J.S. :The Sikhs of the Punjab, the New Cambridge History of India,
Orient Longman, Hyderabad,1990.
10. Singh, Khuwant :A History of the Sikhs, vol I: 1469-1839, oxford University Press,.
Delhi, 1991.
11. Chopra, P.N.,Puri, B.N.:A Social, Cu.ltural and Economic History of India, Vol.II,
And Das,M.N. Macmillan, delhi, 1974.
12. Hussain ,Yusuf : Glimpse of Medieval Indian Culture, Asia Publishing
House, Bombay, 1973(rep.).
Note: The following categories of the students shall be entitled to take option of History &
Culture of Punjab in lieu of Punjabi as compulsory subject:
A. That the students who have not studied Punjabi upto class 10th.
B. Ward of / and Defence Personnel and Central Govt. Employee/Employees who are
transferrable on all India basis.
C. Foreigners
Objective: The objective of the paper is to provide broad understanding of basic concepts and
techniques related to the study of human behavior in work-environment and to manage
behavioral aspects of organization.
Individual Behaviour and Interpersonal Behaviour: The Factors Affecting Individual Behaviour,
Models of Individual Behaviour, Transactional Analysis in Interpersonal Behaviour.
Unit II
Work Team and Conflict: Stages of Team Development; Team Norms. Team Cohesiveness;
Social Loafing, Conflict: Types; Sources of Conflict; Resolving conflict.
Organisational Change: Forces for Change; Resistance to Change; Overcoming Resistance to
Suggested readings
Objectives: One can’t imagine any economy without support of IT. There is now hardly any
activity which is done without support of IT. The basic objective of this paper is to provide
fundamental knowledge about IT so that student can better perform in any area of operation and
can even do excel in the field of commerce with IT specialization.
Word Basics:Opening Programs from Start Button Opening Existing Documents, Editing a
Document, Creating a New Document, Undo , Highlighting Shortcuts, Entering and Formatting
Text, Bold, Italic, Underline, Center, Right and Left Aligned, Change Font and Size , Save and
Save As, Print Preview and Printing, Find and Replace, Page Numbers , Headers and Footers,
Changing Margins, Using Preset Tabs, Showing Hidden Characters, Checking Spelling, Finding
Help, Typing a Business Letter, Formatting the Paragraphs, Double-Spacing and Single Spacing,
Moving and Copying Text, Creating a Poster, Using Word Art, Drawing Tools, Clip Art,
Copying a Picture from a File.
Excel Basics: What is a Spreadsheet and why would I use One?, Create a Simple Spreadsheet,
Common ,Definitions: Rows, Columns, and Cell, Formatting a Cell, Demonstration of Advanced
Features (by Instructor), Charts, Graphs, Formulas, Sort, Find, and Filter. Basics of Microsoft
Power Point, how to make power point presentation.
Internet Basics:What’s so great about the Internet?, Basic Navigating inside and between Web
Pages, Copying Text and Graphics from the Web, Bookmarks, Search Engines and how to
perform Searches , How to Evaluate Websites?
E- Business Infrastructure– The Internet – Intranets and Extranets – World Wide Web – Voice
Over IP (VoIP) – The Internet Standards – The HTTP Protocol – Audio and Video Standards –
Managing E- Business Infrastructure – Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture – (SOA)
– New Access Devices – Future of the Internet Infrastructure
Lab Work: Use of Excel spreadsheet, working with worksheet- editing and formatting, using
formulas – statistical, mathematical, logical, Presentation software – making presentation, auto
content wizard, adding text to the slides, power point views, add graphics, inserting videos,
moving slides, animation and sound, design templates etc Internal assessment of 20 marks
shall be based on lab work.
Suggested Readings:
2. Smantha Shurety,: E-Business with Net Commerce, Addison - Wesley, Singapore.
3. Rich, Jason R: Starting an E-Commerce Business, IDG Books, Delhi.
4. Laudon, Kenneth C and Carol Guercio Traver : E-Commerce business. Technology.
Society, Pearson Education, Delhi.
5. Stamper David A, and Thomas L.Case: Business Data Communications, Pearson
Education, New Delhi.
6. Willam Stallings: Business Data Communications, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
Objective: The objective of the paper is to help the students understand the process of business
Planning: Concept, Process and Significance, Types, Relationship between Planning and
Controlling. Decision Making; Concept, Types and Process, Effective Decision, Rationality in
Decision Making, MBO.
Organization: Concept, Process and Significance, Principles, Organization Design and Classical
Theory, Departmentation, Bases, Spanof Control (Classical Theory and Situational Approach),
Delegation of Authority, Principles, Centralization and Decentralization, Line and Staff
Unit II
Leadership: Concept, Difference between Leadership &Management, Theories of Leadership
(Trait Theory, Behavioural Theory, Managerial Grid), Situational Theory, Contemporary Issues
in Leadership (Transformational, Transaction, Charismatic and Visionary Leadership).
NOTE: The question paper will include short case studies in Section – A.
Suggested Readings:
Objective: The primary objective of the paper is to familiarize the students with the basic
accounting principles and techniques of preparing and presenting the accounts for user of
accounting information.
Meaning and Uses of Accounting Information: Objectives and Nature of Accounting, Definition
and Functions of Accounting, Book Keeping and Accounting, Interrelationship of Accounting
with other Disciplines, Branches of Accounting, Limitations of Accounting, Accounting
Equation. Accounting Principles, Accounting Concepts and Conventions, Accounting cycle,
Basics of GST,Journals, Ledger, and Trial Balance.Depreciation Provisions and Reserves.
Final Accounts: Trading, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of a Sole Proprietary
Accounting for Issue and Forfeiture of Shares, Reissue of Shares, Employee Stock Option Plan,
Right Issue and Bonus Share.Accounting for Issue and Redemption of Debenture, Final
Accounts of Companies.
NOTE: Lab classes shall be allotted to learncomputerized accounts. Students shall be expected
to learn creation of vouchers and recording transactions, preparing reports, cash-book, ledger
accounts, trial balance, income statement and balance-sheet by using any one reputed accounting
software package. Evaluation of lab work shall be done separately and shall not be a part of
theory paper of financial accounting. Internal assessment of 20 marks shall be based on this lab
Suggested Readings:
1. Anthony, R.N., and J.S. Reece, ‘‘Accounting Principles’’, Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
2. Monga, J.R., ‘‘Financial Accounting: Concepts and Applications’’, Mayoor Paper Backs,
New Delhi.
3. Shukla, M.C., T.S. Grewal and S.C.Gupta, ‘‘Advanced Accounts’’, Vol-I, S. Chand &
Co., New Delhi.
4. Gupta, R.L. and M. Radhaswamy, ‘‘Advanced Accountancy’’, Vol-I, Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi.
5. Maheshwari, S.N. and. S. K. Maheshwari, ‘‘Financial Accounting’’, Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi.
6. Sehgal, Ashok, and Deepak Sehgal, ‘‘Advanced Accounting’’, Part -I, Taxmann Applied
Services, New Delhi.
7. Tulsian, P.C., ‘‘Advanced Accounting’’, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
Objective: To study the basic concepts of micro and macroeconomics relevant for Business decision
making and helping them to understand the application of economic principles in business management.
Micro vs. Macro Economics
Fundamental Concepts used in Business Decision Making: Opportunity Cost, Marginal
Principle, Incremental Principle Contribution Analysis, Equi Marginal Principle.
Theory of Demand, Law of Demand, Movement Alongvs. Shift in Demand Curve.
Concept of Elasticity of Demand, Types of Elasticity of Demand (Price income and Cross),
Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand.
Measurement of Elasticity of Demand
Demand Forecasting: Need, Objectives and Methods.
Supply: Determinants, Law of Supply and Elasticity of Supply.
Theory of Production: Meaning and Concept of Production, Factors of Production and
Production Function with One Variable Inputs, Production Function and Technological Progress.
Law of Variable Proportions,Returns to a Scale.
Concepts of Cost and Revenue
Types of Cost, Cost Function, Short run and Long run Cost Curves, Economies and
Diseconomies of Scale.
Concept of Total, Average and Marginal Revenue, Relationship between AR and MR and
through Elasticity of Demand.
Market Conditions:
Perfect Competition: Features, Equilibrium of Firm, Equilibrium of Industry, Role of Time
Element in Price Determination.
Monopoly: Features, Equilibrium of Firm/Industry, Price Discrimination and its Types, Peak
load Pricing, Regulation of Monopoly.
Monopolistic Combination: Features, Price-Output Policy of the Firm,Selling Cost:Meaning,
Effects, Equilibrium of Firm with respect to Selling Cost.
Suggested Readings;
1. Dwivedi, D.N., Macro economics, McGraw Hill education.
2. Shapiro, E., Macro economics Analysis, McGraw Hill Education.
3. Thomas F. Dernburg, Macro economics.
4. Dwivedi, D.N. Managerial Economics, 7th Edition, Vikas Publishing House.
5. Salvatore, D.Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, 6th Edition, Oxford
University Press.
6. Peterson, L. and Jain Managerial Eco., 4th Edition, Pearson Education.
7. A. Kontsoyianis; Modern Micro-Economics.
8. M. Adhikary ; Business Economics.
BBA121A : phapha J/a Gkr gfjbk
;w?;No d{ik
e[Zb nze L 50
fET{oh L 45
fJzNoBb n;?;w?NA L 05
;wK L 3 xzN¶
1a nkX[fBe gzikp ethnK dhnK u'DthnK eftsktK dk nfXn?B
2a u'DthnK gzikph ejkDhnK dk nfXn?B
3a u'Dt/A gzikph b/yeK dk ;zy/g ihtB s/ ouBk$:'rdkB
1a Bt/A fd;jZd/ , ;zgkaL vka r[od/t f;zx ftu'A u'DthnK 15 eftsktK,
gqekôe L gzikp :{Bhtof;Nh gpbhe/ôB fpUo', uzvhrVQ.
(pktk pbtzsF s/ok fJe fdb j? iK d', soZeh, Xosh wksk, gqhsw f;zx ;øhoF gKXh d{o frnk,
fe; gk;/ tZb <, po;ks j? Bk, jfoGiB f;zxF sz{ pVh wk;{w J/A, ;/i ;[ykbh, ngqwkfDe, fôt
e[wkoF ezfvnkbh E'oQ, :kd, Xowh pkpbk, ;[oihs gksoF j[D xoK Bz{ gosDk, e[M fejk sK
ns/ õsK dh T[vhe eftsktK)
2a eEkFgqtkj, ;zgkL gq'a ;[fozdo e[wko dt/ôto ftu'A u'DthnK 6 ejkDhnK, gqekôe L gzikp
:{Bhtof;Nh gpbhe/ôB fpUo', uzvhrVQ.
(;ZrhFc[Zb, epoK s'A f;ftnK Bz{, w'jFfwZNh, fJZehth ;dh, ;oø dk dkBt ns/ dod ftS'V/ dk
jkb ejkDhnK)
:{fBN ns/ Ehw
1a Bt/A fd;jZd/ g[;se ftZu'A gq;zr ;fjs ftnkfynk (2 ftu'A 1) 5 nze
2a fe;/ fJZe eftsk dk ;ko iK e/d A oh Gkt (4 ftu'A 1) 5 nze
3a fJe ejkDh dk ;ko (eEkFgqtkj ftZu'A) 5 nze
;w?;No d{ik
Business Vocabulary
37. Over Head Cost pZMh bkrs
38. Partnership fjZ;/dkoh, ;KMhdkoh
39. Payable Accounts d/D:'r b/y/
40. Preference Shares soihjh fjZ;/
41. Premium gqhwhnw
42. Price Control ehws fB:zsoD
43. Production T[sgkdB
44. Profit Margin bkG nzô
45. Proprietor ;zgsh wkbe
46. Quasi Negotiable Instrument noX ftZeoh:'r j[zvh
47. Quotation w[Zb ;{uh
48. Rate of Exchange tNKdok do
49. Ready Delivery fsnko wkb
50. Real Wages tk;sfte wid{oh
51. Rebate S'N, eN"sh
52. Recession nkofEe wzdh dk d"o
53. Receivable Accounts b?D:'r b/y/
54. Redemption of Mortgage ofjD S[vkT[Dk
55. Receipts and Payment Account gqkgsh ns/ ndkfJrh b/yk
56. Rent feokfJnk
57. Rent Account brkB b/yk, feokfJnk b/yk
58. Reserve Price okythA ehws
59. Revenue nkwdB
60. Sales Tax ftZeoh eo
61. Sales Transfer Order ftZeoh fJzsekb j[ew
62. Security Bond iwkBsBkwk
63. Service Goods ;/tk t;sK
64. Shares ô/no, fjZ;/
65. Share Capital ô/no g{zih
66. Share Holder fjZ;/dko
67. Share Market ô/no pkiko
68. Short Bills nbgekbh j[zvhnK
69. Slump wzdk
70. Sole Proprietorship J/eb wkbeh
71. Speculation ;ZNk nB[wkB
72. Statutory Company ekB{zB nXhB ;Ekfgs ezgBh
73. Stipulated fBôfus ehsk
74. Stock Gzvko, ;Nke
75. Stock Exchange ô/no pkiko
76. Subsidiary Company ;jkfJe ezgBh
77. Surety ôkwB
78. Tariff do ;{uh
79. Tax Exemption eo S'N
80. Tax Base eo nkXko
81. Tax Evasion eo u'oh
82. Tax Equity eo ;wBhsh
83. Tender N?vA o
84. Tender money N?vA o dh oew
85. Terms of Payment G[rskB dhnK ôosK
86. Terms of Trade tgko dhnK ôosK
87. Trademark wkoek
88. Transactions ;"d/, b?D d/D
89. Transfer Book fJzsekb yksk
90. Under Value xZN w[ZbnzeD
91. Unproductive Expenditure nD-T[gikT{ you
92. Unproductive Labour nD-T[gikT{ feos
93. Validity Period gqwkfDs fwnkd
94. Vertical Integration ;wo{g ;zxNB
95. Wages wid{oh
96. Wages Account T[ios b/yk
97. Wage Goods wid{oh t;sK
98. Wage Book T[ios tjh
99. Wharf age T[sokJh
100. Write Off tZN/ yks/ gkT[Dk
101. Working Capital ubzs g{zih
102. Yield T[gi
103. Zero Rate of Interest ftnki dhôho' do
2. For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the
marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum
marks of the paper in lieu of internal assessment.
1. Each essay type question would cover about one-third or one-half of a topic detailed in
the syllabus.
2. The distribution of marks for the map question would be as under:
Map : 06 Marks
Explanatory Note : 04 Marks
In case a paper setter chooses to set a question of map on important historical places, the
paper setter will be required to ask the students to mark 6 places on map of 1 mark each
and write explanatory note on any two of 2 marks each.
3. The paper-setter would avoid repetition between different types of question within one
question paper.
Max. Marks : 50
Theory : 45
Internal Assessment : 05
Time : 3 Hours
Objectives: To introduce the students to the history of Punjab region in modern times.
Pedagogy: Lectures, library work and discussions.
9. Struggle for Freedom: activities of revolutionaries - Babbar Akalis, Naujawan Bharat
Sabha; participation in mass movements – non co-operation, civil disobedience, Quit
Measures of Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis
Index Numbers: Meaning and Importance, Methods of Construction of Index Numbers:
Weighted and Unweighted; Simple Aggregative Method, Simple Average of Price Relatives
Method, Weighted Index Method: Laspeyres Method, Paasches Method and Fisher’s Ideal
Method including Time and Factor Reversal Tests, Consumer Price Index.
Time Series Analysis: Components, Estimation of Trends (Graphical Method, Semi Average
Method, Moving Averages Method and Method of Least Squares), Seasonal Variation.
Suggested Readings:
1. Sundaresan and Jayaseelan - An Introduction to Business Mathematics and Statistical
2. Dr. A K Arte & R V Prabhakar: A textbook of Business Mathematics.
3. Sanchethi and Kapoor, Business Mathematics.
4. Gupta S.P. - Statistical Methods
5. Navaneethan P. - Business Mathematics
6. Statistics - R.S.N. Pillai, Mrs. Bhagavathi
7. P.R. Vittal - Business Mathematics and Statistics.
Marginal Efficiency of Capital: Meaning, Determinants, Theory of Secular Stagnation.
Investment: Meaning, Types, Factors Affecting Investment, Importance of Investment.
Multiplier: Meaning, Keynesian Income or Investment Multiplier, Leakages, Uses, Limitations
of Multiplier.
Government Policies: Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy.
Inflation: Meaning, Types, Causes, Effects, Measures to control it.
Suggested Readings:
1.Shapiro. E Macroeconomic analysis Galotia publications, New Delhi.
2.Eugene Diulio Macro economics, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hills, Publishing
Col. Ltd, New Delhi.
3.Dornbusch R, Fisher, S and Startz, R Macro Economics, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hills Publishing
Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
4.Ackley,G. Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, Macmillan, New York
6.Dennis, Geoffrey EJ Monetary Economics, Longman Ltd, London and New York.
7.Khan, MY Indian Financial Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Objective: The objective of the paper is to impart basic knowledge of the important business
The Indian Contract Act, 1972:Contract- Meaning, Characteristics and Kinds, Essentials of a
Valid Contract- Offer and Acceptance, Consideration, Contractual Capacity, Free Consent,
Legality of Objectives. Void Agreements, Discharge of Contract- Modes of Discharge including
Breach and its Remedies.
Special Contracts: Contingent Contracts, Quasi- Contracts, Contract of Indemnity and
Guarantee, Contract of Bailment, Contract of Agency.
The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1932: Contract of Sale, Meaning and difference between Sale and
Agreement to Sell, Conditions andWarranties, Transfer of Ownership in Goods including Sale by
Non- Owners, Performance of Contract of Sale, Unpaid Seller- Meaning and Rights of An
Unpaid Seller against the Goods and the Buyer
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Introduction, Objectives Commencement &
Application, Definitions, Salient Features, Grievance Redressal Machinery.
Practical Work: How to file an application under Consumer Protection Act
NOTE:Short case laws to be included in section A
Suggested Readings:
1. Kucchal, M.C., “Business Law”, Vikas Publishing, House (P) Ltd., New Delhi,.
2. Singh, Avtar, “The Principles of Mercantile Law”, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.
3. Maheshwari & Maheshwari, “Business Law”, National Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Kapoor, N. D., “Business Law”, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
5. “Information Technology Rules 2000 & Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal Rules
6. 2000 with Information Technology Act 2000” Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd., New
7. Painttal, D., “Law of Information Technology” Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd., New
Career Development: Public speaking and presentation skills, group discussion, types of group
discussions, tips for successful participation in GD, job interviews and it’s types, preparation and
do’s and don’ts for an interview, Resume writing and job application.
Team Building and Negotiation Skills: Team development, conflict resolution and team
behaviours, concepts and guidelines for successful negotiation, leadership skills, trends in
leadership style.
Work Culture, Ethics and Stress Management: Meaning and learning organizational culture,
work environment and ethics, sources of stress and ways to cope up with stress, need and
importance of capacity building, zones of learning and strategies for capacity building.
Non-Verbal Communication:Work Place Etiquettes: Personal appearance, posture and
gestures, facial expressions, conduct at the work place, telephone and email etiquettes.
NOTE: The question paper will include short case studies in Section – A.
Suggested Readings:
1. Chauhan, Gajendra Singh & Sharma, Sangeeta. “Soft Skills: An integrated approach to
maximise personality”. (2016)
2. Mitra, Barun K. “Personality Development and Soft Skills”. (2014)
3. Gallagher, Kevin. “Skills Development for Business and Management Students”. (2012)
4. Cheema, D S. “Personality Development (Mastering Soft Skills)”. (2007)
Objective: To acquaint students with concepts of cost and management accounting and their
application in managerial decision making.
Unit I
Origin, Concept, Nature and Scope of Management Accounting, Distinction between
Management Accounting and Financial Accounting. Nature, Importance and Limitations of
Financial Statements
Tools of Financial Analysis: Trend Analysis, Common Size Financial Statements and
Comparative Financial Statements,
Ratio Analysis, Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statements Analysis
Unit II
Cost concepts, classification of costs, Absorption and Marginal Costing. Cost Volume Profit
Analysis: Marginal Cost Statement/Equation; P/V ratio; Break Even Point (BEP), Break Even
Chart; Margin of Safety; Decisions relating to Key Factor, Price fixation, Export Order, Make or
Buy, Deletion or Addition to Product/Services, Sell or Process Further.
Suggested Readings:
* Total duration of the whole paper(Consisting of four parts) shall be of 2 hours, carrying
100 marks in whole, divided into the rations of 40:20:20:20
Note: The syllabus has 15 topics to be covered in 20 hour lectures in total, with 2 lectures in
each topic from 2 to 11 and one each for the topics 1 and 12 to 15.
1. Environment Concept:
Introduction, concept of biosphere – lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere; Natural resources –
their need and types; Principles and scope of Ecology; concepts of ecosystem, population,
community, biotic interactions, biomes, ecological succession.
2. Atmosphere:
Parts of atmosphere, components of air; pollution, pollutants, their sources, permissible limits,
risks and possible control measures.
3. Hydrosphere:
Types of aquatic systems; Major sources (including ground water) and uses of water, problems
of the hydrosphere, fresh water shortage; pollution and pollutants of water, permissible limits,
risks and possible control measures.
4. Lithosphere:
Earth crust, soil – a life support system, its texture, types, components, pollution and pollutants,
reasons of soil erosion and possible control measures.
5. Forests:
Concept of forests and plantations, types of vegetation and forests, factors governing vegetation,
role of trees and forests in environment, various forestry programmes of the Govt. of India,
Urban Forests, ChipkoAndolan.
6. Conservation of Environment:
The concepts of conservation and sustainable development, why to conserve, aims and
objectives of conservation, policies of conservation; conservation of life support systems – soil,
water , air, wildlife, forests.
8. Indoor Environment:
Pollutants and contaminants of the in-house environment; problems of the environment linked to
urban and rural lifestyles; possible adulterants of the food; uses and harms of plastics and
polythene; hazardous chemicals, solvents and cosmetics.
9. Global Environmental Issues:
Global concern, creation of UNEP; Conventions on climate change, Convention on biodiversity;
Stratospheric ozone depletion, dangers associated and possible solutions.
11. Biodiversity:
What is biodiversity, levels and types of biodiversity, importance of biodiversity, causes of its
loss, how to check its loss; Hotspot zones of the world and India, Biodiversity Act, 2002.
Population growth and family welfare programme, Human Health. HIV-AIDS.Human Rights.
Depending on the available facility in the college, a visit to vermicomposting units or any
other such non-polluting eco-friendly site or planting/caring of vegetation/trees could be
Examination Pattern:
A qualifying paper of 40 marks comprising of forty multiple choice questions (with one correct
and three incorrect alternatives and no deduction for wrong answer or un-attempted question),
and of 1 hour duration.
The students have to obtain 33% marks to qualify the paper. The marks are not added / included
in the final mark sheet.
• Sixty multiple choice questions (with one correct and three incorrect alternatives and no
deduction for wrong or un-attempted questions).
• The paper shall have two units: Unit I (Environment) and Unit II (Road Safety).
• Unit II shall comprise of 20 questions with minimum of 1 question from each topics 1 to
10. The entire syllabus of Unit II is to be covered in 10 hours.
• All the questions are to be attempted.
• Qualifying Marks 33 per cent
• The paper setter is requested to set the questions strictly according to the syllabus.
Suggested Readings
The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 (2010), Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New
Road Safety Signage and Signs (2011), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
Government of India.
Unit – III
1. Concept and Types of Violence: Meaning and Definition of violence; Types of Violence
against women – domestic violence, sexual violence (including rape), sexual harassment,
emotional/psychological violence; Types of Violence against children – physical violence,
sexual violence, verbal and emotional abuse, neglect & abandonment.
2. Protective Provisions of IPC on Domestic Violence & Sexual Violence against Women:
Dowry Death – Section 304B;
Rape – Sections 375, 376(1), 376A, 376B, 376C, 376D and 376E;
Cruelty – Section 498A;
Insult to Modesty – The Indian Penal Code does not define the word eve-teasing; there are three
sections which deal with crime of eve-teasing. These are Sections, 294, 354 and 509of Indian
Penal Code. Section 509 of the Indian penal code defines (Word, gesture or act intended to insult
the modesty of a woman), Section 294 – (Obscene acts and songs) and Section 354 (Assault or
criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty);
Hurt & Grievous Hurt Provisions – Sections 319 to 326;
Acid Attacks – Sections 326A and 326B;
Female Infanticide – Section 312, Section 313 of Indian Penal Code (Causing miscarriage
without women’s consent) and section 314;
Sexual Harassment – For providing protection to working women against sexual harassment, a
new section 354 A is added; 354 B (Assault or use of criminal force to women with intent to
disrobe); 354 C Voyeurism; 354 D (Stalking). All these provisions are added in IPC to protect
women against acts of violence through Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013; Human
Trafficking and Forced Prostitution- Sections 370 and 370A
3.1 Provisions of Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence Act 2005 – Definition,
Powers of the Magistrate and Protection Officers, Protection order, Residence order, Monetary
relief, Custody order and Compensatory order.
3.2 The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
Act, 2013 – Definition, Internal Complaint Committee, Local Complaint Committee, Procedure
adopted by Committee for punishing accused.
4. Protective Provisions of IPC regarding Sexual Violence against Children:
Section 293(sale etc. of obscene objects to young persons); 294 (obscene acts & songs); 305
(abetment of suicide of child); 315 to 317 (act causing death after birth of a child etc.); 361
(kidnapping from lawful guardianship); 362 (abduction); 363 (punishment for kidnapping); 363A
(kidnapping or maiming a minor for purposing of begging); 364A (kidnapping for ransom etc.);
366 (kidnapping etc. to compel woman for marriage etc.); 366A (procuration of minor girl for
illicit forced intercourse); 366B (importation of girl from foreign country); 367
(kidnapping/abduction in order to subject person to grievous hurt, slavery etc.); 369 (kidnapping
adductive child under 10 year with intent to steal from its person); 372 & 373 (selling & buying
minor for purposes of prostitution etc.).
4.1 The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012: An overview of the POCSO,
relevant legal provisions and guidelines for the protection of children against sexual offences
along with punishments; role of doctors, psychologists & mental experts as per rules of POCSO.
Unit III of the paper dealing with Violence against Women and Children is of 20 Marks.
It shall have 20 multiple-choice questions (with one correct and three incorrect choice options
and no deduction of marks for wrong or un-attempted questions). Minimum two questions from
each topic must be covered.
All the questions are to be attempted Qualifying Marks 33 percent
Duration of Examination 30 Minutes
The Paper Setter is requested to set the questions strictly according to the syllabus.
The entire syllabus of Unit III is to be covered in ten hours in total, with each lecture of
one-hour duration.
The purpose behind imparting teaching-learning instructions is to create basic
understanding of the contents of the Unit III among the students.
Ahuja, Ram (1998), Violence against Women, New Delhi: Rawat Publication
NRHM, Child Abuse, A Guidebook for the Media on Sexual Violence against Children The
Indian Penal Code (Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. New Delhi).
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,
UNO, United Nations Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children, adapted for
Children and Young People
3. All the questions are to be attempted
Note: The teaching hours for the Unit IV will be 10 hours
Suggested readings
1. Kapoor T (1985) Drug epidemic among Indian Youth. New Delhi: Mittal Pub
2. Modi, Ishwar and Modi, Shalini (1997) Drugs: addiction and prevention, Jaipur: Rawat
3. World drug Report 2019, Booklet 1, Executive summary, United Nations Office of
drug and crime
4. Bansal R and Kumar A (2020) Drug abuse, addiction and recovery
(i) There will be one paper of 45 marks. 5 marks are reserved for the Internal
Assessment . Total is 50.
(ii) The paper shall consist of Two Units. Unit I will be text specific and Unit II shall
deal with different aspects of communication and language learning skills.
(iii) For Unit I, the prescribed text is Ten Mighty Pens, ed., K.A. Kalia (Oxford
University Press), The relevant sections, however, are as follows:
(iv) For Unit II, there is no prescribed text, only suggested reading, listed towards the
end. Unit II shall consist of the following sub-units:
Writing Skills: All types of Business letters, tender notices, auction notices, public notices;
memos and advertisements relating to sales/marketing.
Testing Scheme:
The examination paper shall be divided into two sections, corresponding to two units already
proposed in thesyllabus. The distribution of questions and marks in Section I shall be as follows:
Q. 1. It shall consist of 4 question/answers (not exceeding 100-120 words) out of 5 marks
which a student will be expected to attempt any 2. This question shall be
based upon the prescribed text Ten Mighty Pens.
Q. 2. It shall consist of two long question/answers (not exceeding 300-350 words) 10 Marks
out of which a student will be expected to attempt only one. This question
shall have internal choice and will be based upon the prescribed text Ten
Mighty Pens.
Note: The questions 1& 2 should be so designed as to cover all the chapters prescribed.
Q. 3. It shall consist of an Unseen Passage for Comprehension (not more than 300 5 Marks
words), with minimum five questions at the end. These questions should be
designed in such a way that we are able to test a student's comprehension
ability, language/ presentation skills and vocabulary etc.
Q. 4. It shall exclusively be a test of vocabulary, but designed strictly on the lines 5 Marks
of various exercises given at the end of each chapter in the prescribed text.
The candidate shall be given six words in one column and asked to match
them with words/meanings in the next column.
Q. 5. This question shall test a students' ability to write business letter of various 5 Marks
kinds (in not more than 250 words). There will be Internal Choice in the
Q.7. Two short questions to test the students' understanding of various aspects of 5 Marks
business communication.
Suggested Reading:
Objective: To make the students to understand the concept of operations Research and its
applications in managerial decisions.
Operations Research: Meaning, Significance and Scope.
Introduction to Linear Programming, Formulation of Linear Programming—Problems, Graphical
Method,Simplex Method.
Transportation Problem, Assignment Problem.
Network analysis – PERT/CPM (including crashing)
Game Theory:Two Persons Zero Sum Games, Pure Strategies, Mixed Strategies, Dominance,
Introduction to Frequency Problems, Classification of Sequencing Problems, Processing in Job
through Two Machines.
Practical Work:
Project Report in following Areas: Use of linear Programming in Industry and use of PERT and
CPM in business organizations
Suggested Readings:
1. Operations Research for Management: M.P. Gupta & J. K. Sharma, Mayoor Paperbacks, Delhi
2. Operations Research : P.K. Gupta & D.S. Hira, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi
4. Operations Research : C.K. Mustafi, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Frederick Hiller, Gerald Lieberman
Introduction to Marketing: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Marketing, Marketing Philosophies,
Marketing Process, Marketing Mix.
Marketing Research: Meaning, Importance and MarketingResearch Process
Consumer Buying Behaviour: Factors influencing Buying Behaviour, Buying Decision Process.
Market Segmentation: Levels and Patterns of Market Segmentation, Major Segmentation
Variables for Consumer Markets, Concepts of Market Targeting and Positioning.
Product Planning and Market Strategies: Product Life Cycle, New Product Development
Process, Product Classification, Concept of Branding, Packaging and Labeling.
Pricing Decision: Pricing Policies and Strategies
Distribution Decisions: Channel Design Decisions, Major Channel Alternatives, Channels
Management Decision, Causes and Managing Channel Conflict, Physical Distribution.
Promotion Decisions: Communication Process. Promotion Tools: Advertising, Sales Promotions,
Public Relations, Personal Selling.
Emerging Trends and Issues in Marketing: Concepts of Direct Marketing, Digital
Marketing,Green Marketing, Retail Marketing and Customer Relationship Marketing.
NOTE: The question paper will include short case studies in Section – A.
Suggested Readings:
1. Czinkota, M.R. and Kotabe.M.,Marketing Management, Vikas Publishing, New Delhi.
2. Kotler, P., Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation & Control,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. Perreault, W.D. and Jerome, E.M.., Basic Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delh.
4. Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S., Marketing Management: Planning, Control,
MacMillan Press, New Delhi.
5. Zikmund, A., Marketing, Thomson Learning, Mumbai.
Objective: The paper aims at making students to understand basic concepts of economics of
money and banking.
Suggested readings
1. Baye, Jansen : Money Banking & Financial Mkts. An Economics approach AITBs Publisher,
New Delhi.
2. Bhalla, V.K.: Investment Management– Security Analysis & portfolio Management. S Chand
& Co. Ltd.
3. Khanna, Perminder : Advanced Study in Money and Banking; Theory & Policy, Relevance
in Indian Economy, Atlantic Publisher, New Delhi.
4. Kulkarni, G : Modern Monetry theory Macmilan, New Delhi.
Objective: The objective of the paper is to impart basic knowledge of the provisions of the
Companies Act 2013 with relevant case laws.
Company: Meaning and Definition, Characteristics. Concept of Lifting of Corporate Veil, Kinds
of Companies- Private, Public, One Person Company, LLP, Government Companies, Statutory
Companies, Registered, Limited and Unlimited.
Formation of Company: Promotion, Incorporation, Capital Subscription, Pre-Incorporation
Contract and Provisional Contracts.
Memorandum of Association- Definition, Clauses and Procedure for Alteration, Doctrine of
Ultra -Vires. Articles of Association – Definition, Contents, Procedure for Alteration. Doctrine
of Indoor Management, Constructive Notice, Distinction between Memorandum and Articles of
Association Prospectus – Contents, Statement in Lieu of Prospectus,Types, Liabilities for
Share Capital: Kinds of Shares, Book Building Process, Information Memorandum,
Dematerialization of Shares, ASBA System, Transfer & Transmission of Shares.
Company Management: Directors, Managing Director, Appointment, Qualification, Rights,
Responsibilities and Liabilities, Disqualification of Directors.
Meetings: Requisites, Statutory, Annual, Extra ordinary and Board Meetings, Resolutions,
Suggested Readings:
1. Kannal, S., & V.S. Sowrirajan, “Company Law Procedure”, Taxman’s Allied Services (P)
Ltd., New Delhi,.
2. Kapoor, G.K., “Corporate Laws & Secretarial Practice”, Premier Book Company, New
3. Datey, V.S., “Students Guide to Corporate Laws”, Taxman’s Allied Services (P), Ltd.,
New Delhi.
4. “Mannual of Companies Act, Corporate Laws and SEBI Guidelines”, Bharat Law House,
New Delhi.
5. “Bharat’s Companies Act”, Bharat Law House, New Delhi.
6. “Bharat’s Company Rule and Forms”, Bharat Law House, New Delhi..
7. Singh, Avtar., “Company Law”, Eastern Book Company Luchnow.
8. Kuchhal, M.C., “Modern Indian Company Law”, Shree Mahavir Book Depot, Delhi.or latest
Objective: The objective of the paper is to impart basic knowledge of the provisions of direct tax
laws in India.
Introduction, Definitions: Assessee, Concept of Income, Types of Income, Assessment Year &
Previous Year, Agricultural Income & its Assessment. Residential Status&Tax Liability (Basis
of Charge), Exempted Incomes.
Income from Profits and Gains of Business and Profession including Depreciation, Capital
Gains, Income from other Sources.
Note:The paper setter will consider the changes up to 30th September of relevant year.
Practical Work:
Suggested Readings:
1. Income Tax Law and Pracice - Dr. Vinod K. Singhania & Dr. Monica Singhania.
(Taxmann Publications, New Delhi)
2. Income Tax Law and Accounts – Dr. H. C. Mehrotra & Dr. S.P. Goyal (Sahitya Bhawan
Publications, Agra)
3. Income Tax – Dr. Garish Ahuja & Dr. Ravi Gupta (Bharat Publications, New Delhi)
(i) There will be one paper of 45 marks.5 marks are reserved for the Internal Assessment.
Total is 50.
(ii) The paper shall consist of Two Units. Unit I will be text specific and Unit II shall deal
with different aspects of communication and language learning skills.
(iii) For Unit I, the prescribed text is Ten Mighty Pens Issues ed. K.A. Kalia (Oxford
University Press).
(iv) For Unit II, there is no prescribed text, only suggested reading, listed
towards the end. Unit II shallconsist of the following sub-units:
Writing Skills: This section shall focus on business précis-writing, curriculum vitae; short formal
reports (not exceeding 200 words).
Modern Forms of Communication: Here special emphasis shall be given to teaching the format
of e-mails, Fax Messages, Audio-Visual Aids, Power-Point Presentations andNon-Verbal
Testing Scheme: The examination paper shall be divided into two sections, corresponding to
two unitsalready proposed in the syllabus. The distribution of questions and marks in Section I
shall be as follows:
Section I (It is text-based and corresponds to Unit I in the syllabus)
Note: The questions 1& 2 should be so designed as to cover all the chapters prescribed.
Q.4. It shall exclusively be a test of vocabulary, but designed strictly on the 5 marks
lines of various exercises given at the end of each chapter in the
prescribed text. The candidate shall be given six words in one
column and asked to match them with words/meanings in the next
Q.5. The students shall be asked to write a short survey report on a situation, 10 marks
incident, business problem, or the possibility of starting a new
commercial venture (in about 150-200 words). The students shall be
given an internal choice in this question.
Q.6. This will test the students' ability to write a Précis. A passage of about 5 marks
200 words shall be given and the students shall have to write a précis of
about 70 words (including the title).
Objective: The objective of the paper is to familiarize the students with principles and practices
of financial management.
Financial Management: Meaning, Scope and Objectives of Financial Management, Time Value
of Money- Compounding Techniques and Discounting Techniques, Risk and Return.
Capital Budgeting: Meaning, Types, Process, Techniques of Capital Budgeting - Payback Period
Method, Accounting Rate of Return, Net Present Value (NPV) Net Terminal Value Method,
Internal rate of Return (IRR), Profitability Index.
Cost of Capital: Determination of Cost of Capital, Components of Cost of Capital, Computation
of Cost of Debt, Equity Capital, Preference Share Capital and Retained Earnings, Weighted
Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and Marginal Cost of Capital.
Capital Structure, Meaning, Types of Leverage, Determinants of Capital Structure. EBIT-EPS
Working Capital Management: Meaning, Types, Factors Affecting Working Capitals, Working
Capital Planning and Management. Working Capital Forecasting, Methods of Estimating
Working Capital.
Dividend Policy- Relevance and Irrelevance Theories.
Suggested Readings:
1. J C Van Horne, “Financial Management and Policy”, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India
2. J C Van Horne, J W Wachowicz, Jr. “Fundamentals of Financial Management”, Prentice
Hall of India
3. Prasanna Chandra, “Financial Management’ Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Khan and Jain, “Financial Management- Text and Problems”, Tata McGraw Hill’
5. R A Brealey and S C Myers, “Principles of Corporate Finance”, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. I M Pandey, “Financial Management”, Vikas Publishing House.
Sampling Design and Sampling Procedure. Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors. Data Analysis
and Interpretation. Hypothesis Testing-t-Test, Chi-Square Test, Test ofMean andProportion,
Report Writing. Role of Computers in Research.
Suggested Readings:
Objective: The objective of the paper is to familiarize the students with the different aspects of
managing human resource in the organization.
Human Resource Management: Introduction, Meaning and Definitions, Brief History, Nature,
Functions, Importance and Limitations of HRM. Challenges faced by Modern HR Managers.
Human Resource Planning: Introduction, Definitions, Features, Need for HR Planning,
Objectives, Process, Factors affecting HR Planning, Types, Benefits, Problems in HR planning
and Suggestions for Making HR Planning Effective, Succession Planning.
Recruitment, Selection, Training and Development.
Placement and Induction, Transfers and Promotions.
HR Department and Policies – Organisational Design of HR Department, Composition,
Functions, HRM Environment.
HR Information System – Meaning, Need, Objectives, Process, Designing of HRIS,
Computerized HRIS, Personnel Inventory.
HR Records– Meaning, Purpose, Essentials of Good Record Keeping, Significance, Description.
HR Research – Objectives, Kinds and Techniques.
HR & Audit – Objectives, Need, Process, Types and Approaches.
NOTE: The question paper will include short case studies in Section - A
Suggested readings:
1. Dessler, Personnel Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India.
2. D A DeCenzo and S P Robbins, Personnel/ Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall
of India.
3. M S Saiyadain, Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw.
4. VSP Rao, Human Resource Management, Excel Books.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to help the students to acquire the knowledge of tax
laws and apply these laws in planning in India.
Unit I
Tax structure in India, Direct and Indirect Taxes, Deemed Incomes and Clubbing of Incomes
(Aggregation of Incomes), Set-Off and Carry Forward of Losses, Deductions to be made in
Computing the Gross Total Income and Assessment of Individual.
Unit II
Overview of Goods and Services Tax, Implementation of GST, Reasons for GST introduction,
Pros and cons of GST,Registration procedure under GST, CGST/ SGST Act, 2017,Classes of
officers under GST, their appointment and powers; Levy and collection of CGST/ SGST;
Composition Levy scheme;Time and value of supply.
IGST Act, 2017: Definitions, Supplies in the course of inter-State trade or commerce, Supplies in
the course of intra-State trade or commerce, Levy and collection of IGST, power to grant
exemption from tax, place of supply under IGST; Input tax credit;Returns under GST;Refund of
tax; offences and penalties.
Suggested Readings:
1. Income Tax Law and Pracice - Dr. Vinod K. Singhania & Dr. Monica Singhania.
(Taxmann Publications, New Delhi)
2. Income Tax Law and Accounts – Dr. H. C. Mehrotra & Dr. S.P. Goyal (Sahitya Bhawan
Publications, Agra)
3. Income Tax – Dr. Garish Ahuja & Dr. Ravi Gupta (Bharat Publications, New Delhi)
4. The Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 of Ministry of Law and Justice
(Legislative Department) 12th April, 2017) published in The Gazette of India dated 12th
April, 2017.
5. Taxmann’s GST Ready Reckoner Updated till 18th June, 2017.
6. Taxmann’s GST Manual-Enforced w.e.f. 1.7.2017.
7. GST Ready Reckoner by CA Kesha R Garg, Bharat Law House, Delhi.
8. Goods and Services Tax in India -----Notifications by Government of India
9. Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act 2017
Objective: The objective of this paper is to provide fundamental knowledge to the students
about E-Commerce so that they can better perform in any area of operation and can excel in the
field of commerce with IT specialization.
Electronic Commerce Framework, History, Basics and Tools of E-Commerce, Comparison of
Web-based with Traditional Business; Growth of E-Commerce – Present and potential. E-
Business : Meaning, Importance, Models Based on the Relationships of Transacting Parties
(B2B, B2C, C2C and C2B ), Present Status of E-Commerce in India, Regulatory Aspects of E-
Changing Structure of Organisation – The Impact of E-Commerce on Various Business Sectors
such as Entertainment, Education, Health Services, Publishing and Financial Services.
SocioEconomic Impacts of E-Commerce. Electronic Payment System: Types of Payment System
— E-Cash and Currency Servers, ECheques, Credit Cards, Smart Cards, Electronic Purses and
Debit Cards. Electronic Data Interchange, Digital Signatures, Cryptography, Interoperatibility
and Intercompatibility
Suggested Readings:
1. Diwan, Prag and Sushil Sharma: Electronic Commerce, A Manager’s Guide to E,Business
Vanity Books International, Delhi.
2. Kalakota, Ravi and Shinston Andrew B: Frontiers of Eletronic Commerce, Addision Wesley.
3. Minoli and Minoli: Web Commerce Technology Handbook, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. Schneider, Gray P.: Electronic Commerce, Course Technology, Delhi.
Objectives:The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the principles and
practices being followed in the insurance sector. The students will also learn risk management
process and applications.
Insurance: Concept, Nature of Insurance, Functions of Insurance, Importance of Insurance,
Principles of Insurance Contract-Features of Life and Non-life Insurance. Insurance and IRDA:
IRDA Act 1999, Provisions, Duties, Powers and Functions of IRDA.
Risk and risk management process - Concept of risk,risk vs. Uncertainty, types of risks, risk
identificationevaluation.Risk management objectives-selecting and implementing risk
management techniques. Commercial risk management applications–property–liability–
commercial property insurance different policies and contracts–business liability and risk
management insurance–workers' compensation and risk financing.
Suggested Readings:
1.Black K. Jr., Skipper. H. D. Jr, “Life and Health Insurance”,Pearson Education.
2.Palande P.S., Shah R.S. and Lunawat M.L., “Insurance in India”, Response Books,Sage
Publications Ltd.
3.Gupta, P.K., “Insurance and Risk Management”, Himalaya Publishing House,New Delhi.
4.Holyoake J. &Weiper B., “Insurance”, CIB Publications, Delhi.
5.Ganguly A., “Insurance Management”, New Age Publications, New Delhi.
6.Rejda, George E: “Principles of Risk Management and Insurance”, Pearson Education India.
7.Heins W., “Risk Management and Insurance”, McGraw Hill Pub.
Unit – I
Indian Financial System – Meaning, Importance, Functions and Structure (Overview of
Financial Markets, Financial Institutions, Financial Instruments and Financial Services)
Money Market– Structure of Indian Money Market (Organized, Co-operative and Unorganized
Sectors); Instruments of Money Market – Call/Notice/term Money, Repurchase Agreements, T-
Bills, Commercial Bills, Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposits and Money Market Mutual
Funds; and Discount and Finance House of India.
Capital Market– Indian Capital Market; Capital Market Instruments; Primary Market (New
Issue Market and Listing of Securities); Secondary Market with special reference to Stock
Exchanges and their functioning; Indian Clearing Corporation Ltd. and Role of Securities and
Exchange Board of India.
Unit - II
Suggested Readings:
1. Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Institutions by Clifford Gomez – Prentice
Hall of India.
2. Financial Services by M.Y.Khan – Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Financial Services and Markets by Dr.PunithavathyPandian – Vikas Publishing House.
4. Management of Financial Services by V.K.Bhalla – Anmol Publications.
5. Financial Institutions and Markets by L.M.Bhole – Tata McGraw Hill.
Objectives: The main objective of the course is to acquaint the students with various
environmental factors that create a profound impact on the business organization. It would also
make the students capable of analyzing and understanding the implications of different
macroeconomic policies implemented by the Government.
Unit- I
Theoretical Framework of Business Environment: Concept, Significance and Nature of
Business Environment; Elements of Environment- Internal, External, Micro and Macro;
Interaction Matrix between various Environmental Factors.
Political & Legal Environment: Key Elements of Political Environment, Relationship between
Business and Government, Economic Role of Government.
Unit- II
International Organizations: WTO- Its Objectives, principles, organizational structure and
functioning. An overview of– UNCTAD, World Bank and IMF.
Trends in India’s Foreign Trade- volume, composition and direction of trade. Balance of
payment crisis, EXIM Policy
Suggested Readings:
1. Cherunilam, Francis;Business Environment- Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House.
2. Aswathappa, K.;Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Fernando, A.C.;Business Environment, Pearson Education.
4. Dutt&Sundaram;Indian Economy, S. Chand& Sons.
5.Paul, Justin; Business Environment–Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hills Pvt.Ltd.
6. Adhikary, M; Economic Environment of Business, Sultan Chand & Sons.
Objective: To familiarize the budding entrepreneurs with the competencies and qualities of
successful entrepreneurs and to help learners understand various issues involved in setting up a
private enterprise and develop required entrepreneurial skills in economic development.
Concept of Entrepreneurship: The evolution of the concept of entrepreneurship, John Kao’s
Model on Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur’s role, task and personality, types of entrepreneurship,
Importance of entrepreneurship, developing creativity and understanding innovation, stimulating
creativity; Organizational actions that enhance/hinder creativity, Managerial responsibilities,
Creative Teams; Sources of Innovation in Business; Managing Organizations for Innovation and
Positive Creativity.
Developing Successful Business Ideas: Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas, Entry
strategies: New product, Franchising, Buying an existing firm, Franchising;
advantages/disadvantages of franchising; types of franchise arrangements; franchise evaluation
checklist, Feasibility Analysis : Marketing,Technical and Financial Feasibility analysis, Industry
and Competitor Analysis, Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability, Writing a
Business Plan, Developing an Effective Business Model
Unit II
Moving from an Idea to a New Venture: Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation,
Building a New-Venture Team, Leadership; Corporate Entrepreneurship, Social
Entrepreneurship, Strategic planning for business; Steps in strategic planning, Forms of
ownership – Sole proprietorship; partnership; limited liability partnership and corporation form
of ownership; advantages/disadvantages.
Feasibility Studies – Technical, Financial, Economic, Social, Legal and Managerial
Project Appraisal Techniques
Financing entrepreneurial ventures; Managing growth; Valuation of a new company;
Harvesting and Exit Strategies; Arrangement of funds; Traditional sources of financing, Loan
syndication, Consortium finance, role played by commercial banks, appraisal of loan
applications by financial institutions, Alternate Source of Funding: Venture capital, Angel
Investment, Crowd Funding, Boot Strapping, Business Incubators, Government grants and
Suggested Readings:
9. Boston: Pearson Agrawal, R. and Mehra, Y. S. (2017). Project Appraisal
andManagement. New Delhi. Taxmann Publications [Ch 10]
Objective: The course of Consumer Behaviour aims at enabling students to understand the
process of consumer behaviour, issues and dimensions, various internal and external factors that
influence consumer behaviour and to apply this understanding to the development of marketing
Unit I
Consumer Behaviour: Nature, characteristics, Scope, Relevance & Application; Importance of
consumer behaviour in marketing decisions; Consumer Vs Industrial Buying Behaviour
Suggested Readings:
Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the student with the concepts which are
helpful in developing a sound sales and distribution policy and in organizing and managing sales
force and marketing channels.
NOTE: The question paper will include short case studies in Section – A.
Suggested Readings:
1. Sales Management. Text and cases, Krishna K. Havaldar, V M Cavale, McGraw Hill.
2. Sales and Distribution Management, Tapan K. Panda, Sunil Sahadev. Oxford University
3. Sales and Distribution Management. Text and cases. With SAP Applications. An Indian
Perspective. Dr. S L Gupta. Excel Books.
4. Sales Management. Joseph F. Hair, Rolph E. Anderson, Rajiv Mehta, Barry J. Babin,
Cengage Learning.
5. Salesmanship and Publicity. Rustom S Davar, Sohrab R Davar, Nusli R Davar. Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
Unit - I
Unit - II
Practical Work: Understand and analyze the published financial reports of any listed company
in India.
Suggested Readings:
1. Rao M.: Financial Statement Analysis and Reporting, PHI Learning Pvt ltd
2. Mukherjee A. & M. Hanif: Corporate Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Maheshwari S.N & S.K. Maheshwari: Corporate Accounting, Vikas Publication
4. Shah P.: Basic Financial Accounting for Management, Oxford University Press
5. Foster, George Financial Statement Analysis, 2nd ed., Pearson Education Pvt Ltd
Investment – Meaning, Nature, Objectives and Process; Investment Avenues; Investment vs.
Gambling; Investment vs. Speculation.
Technical Analysis – Theoretical Framework; Charts- Candlestick Chart, Line Chart and Open
High Low Close Chart; Overlays- Support, Resistance and Trend Line; Market Indicators-
Advance Decline Index, Absolute Breadth Index and Traders’ Index, Price Indicators- Relative
Strength Index, Average Directional Index and Momentum, and Volume Indicators- On Balance
Unit - II
Suggested Readings:
1. Investment Management by V.K.Bhalla – S. Chand Publishing
2. Investment Management by Preeti Singh – Himalaya Publishing.
3. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management by Dr.PunithavathyPandian – Vikas
Publishing House.
4. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management by Fischer and Jordan – Pearson
5. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management by Prasanna Chandra – Tata McGraw
INTRODUCTION: Organizational Development- Definition, Characteristics, Evolution,
Process, Benefits and Limitations, Values, Assumptions and Beliefs in OD.
OD MODELS: Kurt Lewin and Burke – Litwin models of Organizational Change, Systems
Theory, Participation and Empowerment, Teams and Team Work.
OD PROCESS: The Six Box Model, Third wave consulting, Phases of OD Programs, Change
Management Models, The Generic Parallel Learning Structure Intervention Process, Steps to
Transforming an Organization.
Systems, High Performance work systems.
NOTE: The question paper will include short case studies in Section – A.
Objectives: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the different aspects of
Industrial Relations and the relating labour laws
Factories Act: Objectives, Definitions, Health, Safety, Welfare, Working hours of adults,
Employment of women, child labour, leave with wages
Trade Unions Act, 1926: Introduction, Objectives, Provisions regarding Registration of Trade
Union, Cancellation of Trade Union, Duties, Liabilities, Rights& Privileges of a Registered
Trade Union.
Payment of Wages Act, 1936: Introduction, Scope, Objectives, Definitions, Rules of payment
of wages and deductions from wage.
Minimum Wages Act, 1948: Meaning of ‘wage’ under the Act, Procedure for fixing Minimum
Wage, Obligation of employer to pay Minimum Wage, Authorities and Remedies under the Act.
1. Dr. C.B. Mamoria and Dr. Satish Mamoria, Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya
2. P. Venkataramana, Industrial Relations, APH Pub. Corp.
3. T.N. Chabbra and R.K. Suri, Industrial Relations – Concepts & Issues, DhanpatRai&
4. ArunMonappa, Industrial Relations, Tata McGraw Hill
5. S C Srivastava, Industrial Relations and Labor Laws, Vikas Publishing House
6. P.R.N.Sinha, InduBala Sinha &SeemaPriyadarshiniShekhar, Industrial Relations, Trade
Unions, and Labor Legislation, Pearson Publishing House
7. B.D.Singh, Industrial Relations and Labor Laws, Excel Books
Objectives: The course structure gives an insight into the strategic planning process done by
organizations. The student is required to learn basics of that how a strategy is formed and finally
implemented by organizations.
Definition, nature scope and importance of strategy and strategic management. Strategic
decision-making. Process of strategic management and levels at which strategy operates.
Defining strategic intent: Vision, Mission, Business definition, Goals and Objectives.
Strategic Analysis and choice-Corporate level analysis (BCG, GE Nine-cell, McKinsey’s 7-S
Framework).Industry level analysis, Porter’s five forces model.
Strategy implementation: Resource allocation, Projects and Procedural issues. Organisation
structure and systems in strategy implementation.
Strategic control and operational Control. Organisational systems and Techniques of strategic
NOTE: The question paper will include short case studies in Section – A.
Suggested Readings:
1. William J Gluek&Jauch G&J, Business Policy & Strategic Management, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Kazmi, Business Policy & Strategic Management, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Thomson & Strickland, Strategic Management: Concept &Cases , Tata McGraw Hill
4. Ghemawat, Strategy &The Business Landscape, Pearson Education Asia
5. Johnson & Scholes, Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall India
6. Pearce & Robinson, Strategic Management, AITBS
Objectives: This course aims to impart knowledge regarding production and operation
management tools, techniques and processes and familiarize students how to take managerial
decisions with respect to production function.
Unit I
Unit- II
Suggested readings:
1. Nair, Production & Operation Management, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Adam & Ebert, Production & Operation Management, Prentice Hall India
3. Krajewski&Ritzman, Operations Management Pearson
4. Buffa&Sarin, Modern Production/Operations Management, John Wiley
5. Muhleman,Production and Operations Management, Pearson Education.
6. B.Mahadevan,Operations Management, Theory and Practical, Pearson Education.
7. Kachru, Upender,Production and Operation Management, Excel Books.
8. Chary, S.N and Paneerselvam R., Production and Operations Management,McGraw Hill Ed
9. Stevenson, W. J, Operations Management, McGraw Hill Education.
10. Gaither, Norman and Frazier, G., Operations Management, Cengage Learning.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students with the importance of ethics
in business and understanding of issues related to corporate social responsibility and corporate
Unit 1
Business Ethics: Meaning and Concept, Principles of Business Ethics, Characteristics of Ethical
Organisations, Theories of Business Ethics, Globalization and Business Ethics, Stakeholder’s
Protection, Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. Ethical Issues in Indian Business.
Unit 2
Corporate Governance: Introduction of corporate governance, the role and purpose of the
corporation and governance, Theoretical aspects of corporate governance, Agency theory and
separation of ownership and control, Global corporate governance models, OECD principles,
Cadbury Committee Report, Role of SEBI, Corporate Governance Reforms and Initiatives in
India, Corporate Governance rating.
NOTE: The question paper will include short case studies in Section – A.
Suggested Readings:
1. J.P. Sharma, Corporate Governance, Business Ethics & CSR, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., Nee
2. Bob Tricker, Corporate Governance – Principles, Policies and Practice (Indian Edition),
Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
3. Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Business Ethics, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
4. Daniel Albuquerque, Business Ethics, Principles and Practices (Indian Edition), Oxford
University Press, New Delhi
5. D Getta Rani and R K Mishra, Corporate Governance – Theory and Practice, Excel
Books, New Delhi.
6. Christine A Mallin, Corporate Governance (Indian Edition), Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
7. Fr. Floriano C. Roa, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Rexestore.
8. O. C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrell, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making &
Cases, Cengagae Learning
9. Michael Blowfield, Alan Murray, Corporate Responsibility – A Critical Introduction,
Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
The projects have to be submitted during 6thSemester. Projects have to be submitted in duplicate.
For conducting research, a structured and scientific approach should be followed by students.
Apart from introduction chapter, research project should have chapters related to review of
literature (in brief), research methodology, data analysis and interpretation and summary and
Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of the basic principles of
advertising management, nature, purpose & complex constructions in the planning and execution
of a successful advertising program and to develop an interest of the brand concept and the
operational aspects of managing a brand. The course will expose student to issues in brand
management, faced by firms operating in competitive markets.
Advertising & Advertising Management: Introduction, scope, need & importance; types &
classification of advertisement, advertising & the promotion mix, Role of advertising in Social &
Economic development, Ethics in Indian advertising.
Media planning & Scheduling: broadcast & non-broadcast media; Key factors influencing
media planning; setting media objectives, media decisions; media class, media vehicle & media
option; Scheduling: flighting, pulsing & continuous; developing media strategies, evaluation of
different media and media selection, media buying, measuring advertising effectiveness
Brands and Brand Management: concept, nature, importance, brand evolution, brand life
cycle, brand v/s generics, associating feelings with a brand; branding challenges and
opportunities; Brand Identity: conceiving, planning and executing (Aaker model); Brand
Loyalty: concept and measures of brand loyalty
Brand Equity: concept and measures of brand equity, cost, price and consumer based methods,
sustaining brand equity
Brand Personality: concept, measures and formulation of brand personality; Brand Image Vs
Brand Personality
Brand Positioning: Concept, repositioning, Celebrity Endorsement, Brand Extension,
Differential Advantage, Strategies for Competitive Advantage, Brand Pyramid.
Suggested Readings:
8. Advertising Theory & Practice by Sandage, Fryburger, Ratroll Longman Group
Objectives: The objective of the course is to develop marketing competencies in retailing and
retail consulting. The course is designed to prepare students for positions in the retail sector or
positions in the retail divisions of consulting companies. Besides learning more about retailing
and retail consulting, the course is designed to foster the development of the student’s critical
and creative thinking skills.
Unit I
Introduction to Retailing: Definition, Characteristics, emerging trends in retailing, Evolution of
retailing in India, Factors behind the change of Indian retail industry. Retail Formats: Retail
institutions by ownership, Retail institutions by Store-Based Strategy Mix, Web, Non-store
based, and other forms of Non-traditional Retailing.
Suggested Readings:
1. Berman & Evarv: Retail Management, Prentice Hall.
2. Gibson G Vedamani: Retail Management: Functional principles & practices, Jaico
Publishing House.
3. Cullen & Newman: Retailing – Environment & Operations, Cengage Learning EMEA
4. Bajaj, Tuli & Srivastava: Retail Management- Oxford University Publications
5. Harjit Singh: Retail Management, S. Chand Publication.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to provide knowledge to the students about the
various components of the cost and techniques of cost control.
Introduction: Nature, Scope and Advantages of Cost Accounting, Installation of Costing system,
Difference between Cost and Financial accounting, Classification of Costs, Material Cost :
Purchase, Storage and Control of Material, stock levels, Inventory Control Techniques. Methods
of Pricing Material Issues
Labour: Meaning and Components of Labour Cost. Concept, Accounting and Control of Idle
Time and overtime. Methods of Wage Payment and Incentive Plans, Labour Turunover
Suggested Readings:
OBJECTIVE: This Course aims at enabling the students to understand various financial
management concepts and to apply financial management theories and techniques for strategic
decision making and informed analysis. It aims at enabling students to manage basic corporate
finance transactions besides investing more profitably and operate more efficiently.
Introduction to Strategic Financial Management, Interface of Financial Policy and Strategic
Management, Significant references for Strategic Financial Management. Strategic Business
Unit, Financing Choices and Decisions: Differences in Financing of Venture Firm, Mature
Companies and Firms in High Growth Stage, Deal Structuring and Pricing, IPOs and their
Under-pricing. Asset -stripping. Theories of Capital Structure, Leverages, Investment Appraisal
Techniques, Capital Rationing.
6. Grinblatt, Mark and Titman, Sheridan, Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, Tata
McGraw Hill.
7. Jakhotiya, Dr.Girish: Strategic Financial Management, Vikas Publishing
8. Kaplan, Robert S., and Cooper, Robin: Cost & effect: Using integrated cost systems to
drive profitability and performance, Harvard BusinessPress.
Objectives: The objective of this course is to help the students gain conceptual understanding of
Human resource planning and performance management within an organization.
Unit- I
Human Resource Planning: Meaning, Features, Factors affecting HRP, Objectives, importance,
Human resource planning process: HRP Process, techniques of demand and supply
forecasting, Problems in HRP and suggestions to effective HRP.
Career Planning and Development: Meaning, objectives, individual career planning, elements
of career management programme, career stages, benefits and limitations.
Unit- II
Suggested Readings:
1. Human Resource Planning: The Indian Dynamic by Sujata Mangaraj and Pratima
Jaiswal, Mahamaya Publishing House
2. Human Resource Planning by Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya, Excel Books
3. The hand Book of Human Resource Planning by Gordon McBeath, Blackwell Publishers
4. Performance Management by A. S. Kohli and T. Deb, Oxford University Press
5. Performance Management: Key strategies and practical guidelines by Michael
Armstrong, Kogan Page
6. Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler and BijuVarkkey, Pearson
7. Strategic Human Resource Management by TanujaAgarwala, Oxford University Press
8. Human Resource Management: An experiential approach by H John Bernardin, McGraw
9. Human Resource Management: Text and cases by V.S.P. Rao, Excel Books
Note: Latest edition of text book must be used.
Objectives: The objective of this course is to help the students understand basics of managing
compensation systems of an organization and understand its application.
Unit I
Job Evaluation: meaning, features, importance and methods, job evaluation and performance
Unit II
Components of pay: basic pay, dearness allowance, Incentive plans: features, individual, group
incentive plans, profit sharing schemes, Employee Stock Ownership.
Fringe benefits: need, objectives, types of fringe benefits, retirement benefits: provident fund,
gratuity and pension.
Executive Compensation: meaning, components, and strategies: skill based pay, competency
based pay, broad banding and variable pay system, new trends in compensation management.
Suggested Readings: