Eee PVSC 33
Eee PVSC 33
Eee PVSC 33
Conference Paper in Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference · May 2008
DOI: 10.1109/PVSC.2008.4922578 · Source: IEEE Xplore
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E. Durán , M. Piliougine , M. Sidrach-de-Cardona , J. Galán , J.M. Andújar
Department of Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Automatics - University of Huelva (Spain).
Tlf: +34 959 217655, Fax: +34 959 217348, e-mail: {aranda, jgalan, andujar}
Department of Applied Physics II - University of Málaga (Spain).
Tlf: +34 952132772/22, Fax: +34 952131450, e-mail: {michel, msidrach}
The basic principle to measure the I-V curve is based on B. Capacitive load.
the control of the current supplied by the photovoltaic
module between the zero current point (Voc) to the short The second measuring method is based on biasing the
circuit point (Isc). There are different methods to perform module by a large capacitor; which is charged while the
this task. former moves from short circuit to open circuit. A
schematic circuit using this principle is shown is Fig. 2.
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