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Different methods to obtain the I–V curve of PV modules: A review

Conference Paper  in  Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference · May 2008
DOI: 10.1109/PVSC.2008.4922578 · Source: IEEE Xplore

113 22,494

5 authors, including:

E. Duran Michel Piliougine

Universidad de Huelva Università degli Studi di Salerno


M. Sidrach-de-Cardona J.A. Galan

University of Malaga Universidad de Huelva


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E. Durán , M. Piliougine , M. Sidrach-de-Cardona , J. Galán , J.M. Andújar
Department of Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Automatics - University of Huelva (Spain).
Tlf: +34 959 217655, Fax: +34 959 217348, e-mail: {aranda, jgalan, andujar}
Department of Applied Physics II - University of Málaga (Spain).
Tlf: +34 952132772/22, Fax: +34 952131450, e-mail: {michel, msidrach}

ABSTRACT A. Variable resistor.

In order to characterize photovoltaic devices a procedure

to measure I-V curves is required. The main methods
used to perform this task are reviewed. It is shown that at
least six distinct methods have been reported in the
literature with many variations in implementation. A
detailed comparison taking into account typical
parameters for measuring systems is accomplished. This
paper could be used as a reference for future work on
photovoltaic module characterization.
Fig. 1. Variable resistor scheme.
Keywords: Photovoltaic module measurements, I-V curve
tracers. The simplest way to measure the I-V curve of a module is
to use a variable resistor R as it is shown in Fig. 1. The
value of R will be varied in steps from zero to infinity in
INTRODUCTION order to capture the points of the I-V curve from short
circuit to open circuit, by measuring the voltage and the
The efficiency of a photovoltaic device is defined as the current in each step. This method is only applicable to
maximum power generated Pm divided by the product of low-power modules since resistors for higher power are
the input irradiance and its area. This conversion hardly available. Load resistors are not recommended for
efficiency depends on many factors, such as irradiation photovoltaic module characterization because Isc is never
and temperature. The manufacture processes usually exactly reached and the reverse bias characteristics
cause differences in electrical parameters, even in cells of cannot be determined. However, the use of load resistors
the same type. Moreover, if the losses due to cell to evaluate the performance of a solar module can
connections in a module are taken into account, it is provide an inexpensive way of approximating its
difficult to find two identical photovoltaic modules. performance. In [1], the load resistor is increased
Therefore, only the experimental measurement of the I-V manually in steps. In each step, the voltage and the
curve allows us to know with precision the electrical current (actually the voltage across a shunt resistor) are
parameters of a photovoltaic device. This measure sensed using a pair of handed digital multimeter. It is
provides very relevant information for the design, reported in [2] that manual change of the load resistor
installation and maintenance of PV systems. Given the makes the process very slow, so solar radiation and
large number of methods for I-V measurement, a survey thermal conditions could be changed during the
of them would be very beneficial to researchers in PV measurement. The system presented in [3] and [4]
systems. We compiled over 26 papers reporting a employs a set of resistors as load. An array of relays,
categorization. The paper concludes with a discussion of controlled by a computer card, is used to select the
the different methods based on their flexibility, fidelity and combination of resistors to achieve a specific resistive
costs. A table that summarizes the major characteristics load. The resistors are chosen to obtain a good spread of
of the methods is also provided. points around the “knee” of the curve. Two A/D channels
of the computer card are used in order to measure each
I-V pair. With this approach, manual operation over the
DIFFERENT METHODS resistor is avoided and the acquisition time is improved.

The basic principle to measure the I-V curve is based on B. Capacitive load.
the control of the current supplied by the photovoltaic
module between the zero current point (Voc) to the short The second measuring method is based on biasing the
circuit point (Isc). There are different methods to perform module by a large capacitor; which is charged while the
this task. former moves from short circuit to open circuit. A
schematic circuit using this principle is shown is Fig. 2.

978-1-4244-1641-7/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

voltage, and consequently the flow of current supplied by
the module. When this method is used to trace the I-V
curve of the module, the MOSFET must operate in its
three modes of operation (cut-off, active and ohmic
region). As a result, most of the power delivered by the
module will have to be dissipated by this device, which
limits its application to medium power. In [7], a simple
electronic load based on a MOSFET is proposed to
Fig. 2. Capacitive load scheme. achieve the I-V curve of panels by quickly scanning the
load. Its advantage is the fast variation of the equivalent
At the beginning of the measurement the capacitor is load resistance of the MOSFET. The linear MOSFET is
short-circuited and when the S3 switch is opened and the driven by a low frequency scan signal with a large enough
S1 is closed its loading starts. As the charge of the amplitude to cover the complete range of panel
capacitor increases, current drops and voltage rises. characteristic. Several MOSFETs can be operated in
When the charge is completed, the current supplied by parallel to handle higher output current from an array with
the module becomes zero and the open circuit condition several PV panels. The output voltage and current are
is achieved. Instead of beginning in short circuit, we could sensed using a potential divider and a sensing resistor
start with S2 closed, so the capacitor would be initially respectively. The outputs are fed to an oscilloscope for
charged to negative voltage and the I-V curve would cross displaying the curve. Isc and Voc are obtained using two
the current axis in order to get Isc. To obtain a reliable I-V peak detectors and voltage and current signals are
curve with the capacitor method, high quality capacitors multiplied using a multiplier to get the instantaneous
(low Equivalent Series Resistance) with small losses are power, thus a third peak detector can be used to capture
required. In addition, the three switches must be activated the Pm value. The authors of [8] introduce a system for
with the appropriate sequence, and the prior discharge of monitoring the performance of PV solar plants, including
the capacitor is needed to start a new measurement. As I-V curves, which are obtained in a short time to prevent
the I-V curve reproduction is not cyclic, a direct cloud interference during outdoor measurements. The
visualization or a partial reproduction of the curve is not electronic load is constituted by several transistors in
possible. In [5], the voltage and current are monitored by cascade. By reducing gradually the transistor base
means of a computer card. The measurement starts when current, the PV generator moves from the short-circuit
the card sends a trigger signal to the switch that connects point to the open-circuit voltage status. A data acquisition
the capacitor to the cell. The authors of [6] describe a card with high-speed A/D converter is used for measuring
portable capacitive load based on insulated gate bipolar the current and voltage, while the operating point
transistors (IGBTs), for PV arrays under real operating changes. The innovation of this circuit is that the scan of
conditions. The switches are implemented using IGBTs the I-V curve is controlled through a current ramp, instead
and the capacitor is performed with a parallel of using a voltage ramp. In [9] is presented a circuit to
arrangement of capacitors and resistors. The author of [2] measure I-V curves of PV multi-junction cells (those that
reports that the capacitor size must be directly have more that one junction in order to capture more
proportional to the Isc and indirectly proportional to Voc. photons). An n-channel MOSFET transistor and an
Furthermore, the higher the speed of the measuring operational amplifier are combined to create the voltage
system, the smaller will be the size of the required controlled current sink. For each current setting a
capacitor. Accordingly, the paper presents a capacitance differential amplifier is used to read the voltage across the
calculation chart, which enables selecting the correct solar cell, sweeping this one through several points along
capacitance for measuring the I-V characteristics by a its characteristic curve. Data gathered for each curve
computerized data acquisition system. includes solar cell temperature, solar angle and time.

D. Bipolar Power Amplifier.

C. Electronic load.

Fig. 3. Electronic load scheme.

The electronic load method (Fig. 3) uses a transistor

(usually a MOSFET) as load; the resistance between
drain and source is modulated through the gate-source Fig. 4. Bipolar power amplifier scheme.

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This method involves a simple circuit that allows the
current and voltage in the module can be reversed, and
therefore it is possible to measure the dark I-V curves of
the module. Its scheme is based on a traditional class-B
power amplifier (Fig. 4). It uses two BJTs transistors as
load, for forward and reverse current respectively. The
bipolar transistors must operate in its three modes of
operation (cut-off, active and saturation region). As a
result, most of the power delivered by the module will
have to be dissipated by those devices, which limits its
application to medium power. In [10], a PC controlled test
setup is presented. It is orientated to measure the I-V
characteristics of large-area solar cells under an artificial
light source, which simulates the solar radiation. The Fig. 6. I-V characteristic in 1st, 2nd and 4th quadrant.
measurement is done in an automated way by employing
standard GPIB instruments interfaced to a PC. High test With S1 and S4 closed and V(t) higher than the open
current needed by the large area solar cell is provided by circuit voltage of PV module under test, the PV operating
a bipolar power amplifier driven by a function generator, point is shifted into the fourth quadrant. With S1 and S4
which performs a stepped voltage at its output. An closed and V(t) minor than Voc, the PV operating point is
application controls the function generator to start from a shifted into the first quadrant. Finally, if S2 and S3 are
minimum bias voltage and step up in increments, until the closed, the PV voltage V is forced to -V(t) and the PV
maximum bias or a maximum safe current value is operating point is shifted into the second quadrant. It is
reached. The voltage and current at each step are sensed shown in Fig. 6. This type of load is intrinsically
taking advantage of the separate voltmeter and ammeter expensive. Furthermore, four-quadrant power supplies
inputs of a digital multimeter. In [5] (also referenced in that work over 1 kW. are hardly available, so this method
section II.B), a very similar circuit is presented to bias is not applicable to measure a whole PV generator. In [1],
voltage of a cell, but instead of using a function generator, a system to measure I-V curves using variable bipolar
a D/A card plays the role of control circuit. operational power supply with four-quadrant capability is
presented (this paper is also referenced in section II.A)
E. Four-quadrant power supply. The procedure consists in varying the voltage on the
power supply manually in steps. The voltage across the
A four-quadrant power supply is a system capable of solar cell is measured using a digital multimeter and with
delivering as well as dissipating power; in other words, it another one current is sensed (with the help of a shunt
can source or sink current with bipolar (positive or resistor). Also the reverse bias characteristics can be
negative) voltage. It can be used as an adjustable load for determined. A variable power supply is also useful in
other power supplies or other equipment. For a rapidly measuring the short-circuit current or the current at
photovoltaic module the main interest is to get the I-V a given voltage. The authors of [11] describe a
curve in the first quadrant. But, the exploration of the methodology for the determination of I-V characteristic
points lying in the second and fourth quadrant may be an curves of photovoltaic modules under diverse conditions.
important diagnostic tool in order to detect possible But, in this case, the voltage sweep of the power supply is
mismatching in PV module operation; as one or more controlled automatically by a computer. The voltage and
partially shadowed cell when they are connected in series. current are measured simultaneously by two digital
multimeters connected to a computer via GPIB. The
computer retrieves the acquired data, and the main
electrical parameters are determined. In [12], a
concentration photovoltaic cell characterization facility is
described. The PV cells are illuminated with a solar
parabolic concentrator and a set of shutters allows control
the PV cell exposition time obtaining a train of flashes
over the cell but using solar radiation. Synchronized with
the shutters is a set of instruments that measures the I-V
curves so all the points of the curve can be found in
Fig. 5. Four-Quadrant power supply scheme. successive radiation flashes. The sweep is controlled by a
waveform generator that is able to generate a
A four-quadrant power supply can be seen as a power pre-programmed analogue voltage ramp that is amplified
supply V(t), which output can be varied by a reference by the power supply. Two channels (current and voltage)
input signal or programmed to sweep a range of values. of a power analyzer are used as a high speed and
The circuit shown in Fig. 5 is a functional view of the simultaneous data acquisition of the curve. In [13] the
four-quadrant power supply. A schematic circuit for a curves are also measured using the same principle. The
four-quadrant power supply is more complex and is temperature and irradiance of the module are recorded at
beyond the scope of this review. the beginning and end of each experiment, rejecting

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curves in which these magnitudes vary significantly. In the complete sweep of the voltage and the current, is
[14] the voltage of the power supply is controlled by a D/A applied to analyze and monitor failures in photovoltaic
converter of a computer card. Current is measured as a modules. The system proposed is based in automatic
voltage drop on one of the set of seven resistors, each generation of I-V curves using a System Acquisition Data
using separate input of the A/D of the same computer used also in order to sense temperature and irradiance.
card. The resistors are changed automatically using Meteorological measurements are very useful in order to
binary output signals of the card, in function of the current analyze the performance of the modules and to detect
range of the module to measure. any failure or anomaly in their operation. In [21], a circuit
model to emulate the I-V behaviour of a PV field is
F. DC-DC Converter. described. This circuit model is based on a DC-DC Buck
converter. The DC-DC converter, suitably driven, can
accurately describe the current-voltage characteristic of a
PV array. A new solar cell power supply system is
presented in [22], in which the Boost type bidirectional
DC-DC converter and the simple control circuit are
employed with a small monitor solar cell. Also, a power
efficiency comparison between the new solar cell power
supply system and a conventional one is made
theoretically and experimentally. In [23]-[25], a Boost
bidirectional DC-DC converter is used in order to measure
the actual evolution of the I-V characteristic curves of
photovoltaic generators. These I-V curves are used later
to emulate these generators to test photovoltaic inverters.
Fig. 7. DC-DC converter scheme. A 15-kW prototype is designed and built. With the
proposed device, the optimal configuration and
The ability of DC-DC converters to emulate a resistor has performance of photovoltaic modules and generators, as
been studied and analyzed in several applications. This well as the operation of photovoltaic inverters can be
property of the DC-DC converters of acting as resistor thoroughly analyzed under real atmospheric conditions. A
emulators has been applied to obtain I-V curves of solar high-performance controllable DC load based in Buck
modules. The three basic converter configurations (Buck converter with input filter is introduced in [26]. The load
converter, Boost converter and Buck-Boost converter) are features simple structure, low cost and fast response. The
similar to a DC transformer both in Continuous load can be used to test and evaluate single fuel cells,
Conduction Mode (CCM) and in Discontinuous fuel cell stacks or solar arrays. The load can be
Conduction Mode (DCM). In a dc transformer the programmed to produce the complete polarization curve
relationship of transformation can be controlled of fuel cells and fuel cell stacks, as well as I-V
electronically by changing the duty cycle of the converter characteristic of solar arrays. The programmable dc load
in the range [0,1]. Fig. 7 shows the scheme to can be used to emulate a variable-resistor,
characterize a module by means of a DC-DC converter variable-current load or variable-power load. The load can
with duty cycle sweep, Ri is the emulated resistor on the also be used to emulate an arbitrary dc load profile. The
terminals of the module. Based on this scheme, in performance of the proposed controllable dc load has
[15]-[16], an automatic system to trace I-V curves is been analyzed and simulated. The limitation of the
proposed. Its methodology, based on the use of different proposed controllable dc load lies in its inability to
DC-DC converters is presented. In [17], different emulate active dc loads featuring power reversal, such as
topologies of DC-DC converters oriented to the measuring variable-speed drives capable of regenerative braking.
of I-V curves have been analyzed. Theory demonstrates
that Buck-Boost-Derived structures are the only ones that
allow a complete sweep of the curve. Buck structures do DISCUSSION
not allow tracing the points of the curve that are close to
Isc, whereas Boost structures cannot reach the points near In order to emphasize the properties of the different
to Voc. When SEPIC (Single-Ended Primary Inductance methods presented, a detailed comparison is
Converter) and Cuk structures are used, the reproduction accomplished. The comparison is carried out with the
of the I-V curve is achieved with less ripple. Experimental following fundamental parameters for measuring systems:
results show that these topologies are optimal for this
application. A drawback of DC-DC converters is the A. Flexibility.
current ripple by the inductor due to the switching
technique (this problem is not present in other methods). The flexibility is an important factor of comparison and
Nevertheless, some techniques have been developed to plays an important role in order to select one the
reduce the ripple, such as: coupled inductors [18] and methods. As a result, DC-DC converter allows configuring
interleaved DC-DC converters [19]. Both papers discuss the speed and direction of the sweep. By modifying the
the use of such techniques to obtain the I-V curve of solar duty cycle, specific zones of the I-V curve can be partially
modules. In [20], this methodology, which can carry out reached. It can be operated continuously around the

978-1-4244-1641-7/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

maximum power point of the photovoltaic module under E. Direct Display.
test. With a four-quadrant power supply, a partial
reproduction of the I-V curve also is possible, but requires The direct display provides the opportunity for a quickly
a complex programming of v(t) signal. The methods first test of the module. But not all methods allow a direct
based on electronic load also show high flexibility, but the display. I-V curve reproduction is not cyclic for variable
reproduction of points around the MPP requires excessive resistor and capacitive load methods, and therefore, a
power dissipation, especially with high-power generators, direct display or a partial reproduction of a curve is not
since the transistors operate in their linear zone. In the possible.
capacitive load method, the I-V curve reproduction is not
cyclic, so a direct visualization or a partial reproduction of F. Cost.
the I-V curve is not possible.
Usually a good cost evaluation can be made by knowing
B. Modularity. what includes the data acquisition system, the analog or
digital technique used, whether it requires software and
It is very important to allow several configurations. The programming, and the number of sensors. Eliminating
method based in DC-DC converter allows making an current and voltage sensors the costs drop considerably.
expansion of the system by just connecting DC-DC The capacitive load method requires speed of acquisition
converter in parallel. Both the capacitive load and the and memory storage within the instrument, resulting in
electronic load methods present difficulties when the high cost. Perhaps, the best way to evaluate all methods
power of array under test increases. The principal design in terms of cost is taking into account all the previous
concern is speed for the first one and power dissipation features as a complete set. Thus, method based in
for the second. In the case of four-quadrant power supply, DC-DC converter is less expensive because it is flexible,
modularity only is possible with some manufacturers, modular and reliable. Furthermore, it provides high-power
which provides a way to combine several supplies density and allows a direct display of the I-V curve. Table
allowing their control like it would be one supply, meaning 1 summarizes the properties for each method. Note that
a great increase in costs. the method based on DC-DC converter exhibits features
that makes it preferable in order to measure the I-V curve
C. Fidelity. of photovoltaic modules.

It is hard to evaluate which method is more reliable

because this feature is largely dependent on the data CONCLUSIONS
acquisition system. However, with method based in
DC-DC converter, high fidelity is achieved even for a high In this paper, several methods to obtain the I-V of
speed sweep. An exhaustive analysis of the reviewed photovoltaic modules reported in the literature are
methods reveals that it is difficult to reproduce the exact discussed and analyzed. The results of the discussion
point of zero voltage (Isc). Four-quadrant power supply and the comparative table should serve as a useful guide
method only needs an interpolation around zero volts. In to select the most convenient method for a specific PV
capacitor method also interpolation can be applied, but system.
only if a prior negative charge is imposed. With variable
resistor method and electronic load method only an
extrapolation is possible. ACKNOLEDGEMENTS

D. Fast Response. We acknowledge the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y

Ciencia” (grant no. ENE07-67248) and “Junta de
A fast response is particularly interesting because it Andalucía” (grant no. P07-RNM-02504) for financial
ensures that all points of the curve have been obtained support.
with the same climatic conditions. It is also important the
possibility to configure the sweep speed, since that
increases the flexibility and reliability of the system.

Flexibility Modularity Fidelity Fast Response Direct Display Cost

Variable Resistor Medium Medium Medium Low No Low
Capacitive Load Low Low Medium Low No High
Electronic Load High High Medium Medium Yes High
Bipolar Power Amplifier High High High Medium Yes High
4-Quadrant Power Supply Low Low High High Yes High
DC-DC Converter High High High High Yes Low

Table 1. Characteristics of the different methods.

978-1-4244-1641-7/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

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978-1-4244-1641-7/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

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