Screening Forms For Waste To Energy PDF

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 1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

Date Submitted for Screening: ______________

Form of Submission: ___ Hard ___ Digital
Project Title:
Project Location:
Project Proponent:
Authorized Representative:
Contact No: Email: Contact Person: _______
EIS Consultant:
Contact No: Email: Contact Person: ______
Project Size:
WtE Capacity Office to Process/Decide ECC application
 ≥ 10 MW but <30 MW or ≥ 380 TPD but < 1,140 TPD EMB Regional Office
 ≥ 30 MW or ≥ 1,140 TPD feedstock EMB Central Office

Date of Technical Scoping:

Venue of Technical Scoping:

Table 1. Checklist of Documentary Requirements

Boxes and blanks in the first column are to be filled-up during scoping and the rest, upon submission of EIS for screening
Acceptable? Screening Officers’
Yes No Remarks
Required EIA Report:
Environmental Impact Statement1
✓ Executive Summary
✓ Project Description
✓ Assessment of Environmental Impacts (including baseline)
✓ Environmental Management Plan
✓ Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) & Emergency
Response Policy and Guidelines
✓ Social Development Plan/Framework (SDP) and IEC
✓ Environmental Compliance Monitoring
✓ Decommissioning / Abandonment /Rehabilitation Policy
✓ Institutional Plan for EMP Implementation including EMF (for
ECP) and EGF Commitments
Proof of Authority over the Project Site
 TCT  Lease Agreement
Deed of Absolute Sale (DOAS)
 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on the Use of Land
 Others:_______________________
Accountability Statements of Preparers & Proponent
Health Risk Assessment (HRA) pursuant to DENR AO 2019-21
(Contents of HRA shall follow the DOH issued IRR of Chapter XX –
Pollution of Environment, of the Code on Sanitation of the
Philippines – PD 856)

ACTION TAKEN: (Please check to indicate corresponding action taken)

 Document accepted; please submit copies
 Document not accepted
O.R. #
___________________________ ____________________________________
Screening Officer Chief, Clearance & Permitting Division (EMB RO) or
Chief, Environmental Impact Assessment (EMB CO)
Screening Office Date:

Please refer to attached checklist of EIS Contents
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 1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

Table 2 EIS Annotated Outline

Sections / Page
Contents Acceptable? REMARKS
Subsections #
Executive Summary (Maximum of 10 pages)
Project Fact Sheet Summary of Project Description
(1 page)
Process Documentation of the process undertaken in the conduct of EIA
Documentation (EIA Team, EIA Study Schedule & Area, description of key EIA
(1 page) Methodologies including sampling and measurement plan,
Scoping and Public Participation)

The EIA Team at the minimum shall include the following


• Air quality expert preferably a registered engineer trained

to conduct air dispersion modelling and assess impacts
of project on air quality.
• Water quality management specialist
• Risk assessment specialist
• Terrestrial ecology expert
• Land/Geology expert
• Socio- environment expert
• Public Health Specialist
EIA Summary • Summary of alternatives considered in terms of siting,
technology selection/operation processes and design
• Concise integrated summary of the main impacts and residual
effects after applying mitigation
• Risks and uncertainties relating to the findings and implications
for decision making
1. Project Description
Include as an introduction, basic information about the project and project proponent
1.1. Project a) Map showing sitio, barangay, municipality, province, region
Location and boundaries, vicinity, proposed buffers surrounding the area and
Area Primary & secondary impact areas

b) Geographic coordinates (shape file data) of project area (use

WGS 84 datum - GPS setting)
c) Describe the vicinity and the accessibility of the project site/area
1.2. Project • Cite and focus on the need for the project as solid waste
Rationale management measures
• Describe the justification for the Project with particular
reference made to the economic and social benefits.
1.3. Project a) Cite criteria used in determining options for facility siting, and
Alternatives technology selection (thermal or biochemical process), and
discuss how the decisions on the preferred options were made.

Siting: Alternative project locations including factors significant to

the selection such as perception of affected communities with
regards to project, ancestral domain issues, land classification,
Technology Selection: Discuss factors significant to technology
selection in consideration to project’s adverse impacts to

Likewise contextualize the determination of preliminary options in

terms of project site factors significant to the selection such as
supply sustainability and susceptibility to:
• Liquefaction, Ground Shaking, Ground Rupture, Earthquake
induced Landslides Volcanic eruptions, tsunami (PHIVOLCS )
• Rain-induced landslide and flooding (MGB)
• Storm surge, and flooding as well as extreme climatologic
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 1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

Sections / Page
Contents Acceptable? REMARKS
Subsections #
conditions (PAGASA)
b.)Summarize and discuss comparison of environmental impacts
of each alternative for facility siting and technology selection
c)Discuss the consequences of not proceeding with the project or
no project option
1.4. Project a) General layout of facilities;
Components b) Maps showing in particular, the location and boundaries of
project area including its support facilities (ie. municipal waste
storage, wastes segregation facilities area, ash disposal
facility), and proposed project buffers
c) Identification and descriptions of major components such as
specifications, capacity, number and safety features. Major
components of WtE (thermal process) includes:
1. Combustor/oxidation chamber
2. Boiler
3. Turbine
d) Identification and description of support facilities (eg. waste
segregation facilities, wastes storage area, fuel handling
system) and infrastructure requirements such as water supply,
storm water drainage, sewerage, telecommunications, safety
devices/emergency facilities, and similar facilities
e) Identification and description of pollution control devices and
waste management system:

Air Pollution Control Facility, for
1. PM (Particulates), any of the following or any combination
✓ Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)
✓ Baghouse Filter
✓ Fabric Filter with Teflon Membrane
✓ Multicyclone
✓ Gas and Particulate absorption tank equipped with
filter medium
Provision of series of wet scrubber and/or Limestone slurry
injection in the flue gas to control SOx emission
Air and temperature control, flue gas recirculation or provision
of catalytic converter to control NOx emission

Description shall include discussion on the percentage of

efficiency per stage of control facility and the final emission in the
stack for 100% compliance in RA 8749.

All average values of Dioxin and Furans measured over sampling

period of a minimum of six (6) hours and a maximum of eight (8)
hours must not exceed the limit value of 0.1 nanogram toxic
equivalents per normal cubic meter (ng-TEQ/NCM). Likewise,
NOx, SOx and Particulates should not exceed emission
standards set forth in DAO 2000-81.

Other Waste Management Facility

Provision of Ash Disposal Facility (ADF) for bottom ash
and fly ash generated. The ADF must be lined with an
HDPE of 1.5 mm thickness and leachate generated shall
be treated to centralized wastewater treatment facility
(WTF). The ADF should have enclosure / containment

All sources of leachate (ie. from waste storage area, waste

preparation area, ADF) should be provided with collection system
leading to the centralized wastewater treatment facility.

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Sections / Page
Contents Acceptable? REMARKS
Subsections #
The proponent shall ensure that the discharge from the
centralized WTF shall conform with the effluent standards for the
following parameters: Temperature, pH, COD, TSS, BOD5, Fecal
Coliform, Ammonia, Nitrate, Phosphate, Oil and grease,
3.1. Process/ a) Description of the technology to be used in waste to energy
Technology project
o Process Flow Sheet (showing material and energy balance
including waste streams)
o Storage Protocol (e.g. municipal solid waste handling and
o Heating Value of Feedstock (Ultimate and proximate
analyses of the municipal solid waste as fuel that will be used
and the corresponding evaluation)
b) Description of facilities (ie. boiler, combustion/oxidation
chamber, turbine and pollution control facilities, etc.) It should
include the rated capacity, actual capacity (net and gross),
Volume of waste to be processed, specifications and number
of facilities to be used, efficiency of the facilities.
c) Description of Facilities Operations (e.g. waste segregation
facility operations, temperature of combustion chamber and
stack, operating hours, expected emission at stack)
d) Description of maintenance and monitoring of facility
(description and installation of CEMS, monitoring wells and
other monitoring devices/equipment)
3.2. Project Size a) Total power generating capacity in Megawatts (MW) and Tons
per day feedstock

b) Total Project Area in square meters (m2) or hectares (has)

3.3. Development Phases to be described in terms identifying specific activities (w/
Plan, special attention on those with significant environmental impacts
Description of as well as climate change adaptation options relevant to the
Project Phases project and project activities) and corresponding projected
and implementation timeframes:
Corresponding • Pre-construction Gantt Chart (e.g. planning, acquisition of
Timeframes rights to use land, permits from LGU and other concerned
agencies (DOE/ERC – if electricity will be transferred to the grid,
DOST – Environmental Technology Verification Protocol (ETVP)
for post ECC condition, etc.)
• Construction Gantt Chart , e.g.
o land/site clearing including excavation works
o transport of construction materials
o construction of waste to energy facilities (ie. WtE
infrastructure requirements, waste receiving area,
waste storage area, installation of boiler, turbine and
other pollution control, temporary housing facilities for
workers with provision of sanitary facilities (e.g.
septic/storage tank) in compliance to Sanitation Code
of the Philippines). It shall include number of workers to
determine number of portalets to be used during
construction. At least one (1) portalet for 10 workers
shall be observed.
• Operation Gantt Chart (e.g. start-up, commissioning, full
operation of various project components, maintenance and

Efficiency of operation in terms of conversion of solid waste

materials converted to energy (MW) shall be discussed in the
operation phase.

• Decommissioning/Abandonment/Rehabilitation
- projected life of the project and alternatives for the future use
of the project area which should be consistent with long term
zoning and land use development plan of the municipality;

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Sections / Page
Contents Acceptable? REMARKS
Subsections #
- Abandonment Plan (general) to include management plan for
the projected cumulative/long term project impacts such as
remediation of contaminated soil and water resources, land
restoration, proper dismantling/abandonment of facilities/
equipment and other necessary activities
3.4. Manpower Tabulate (in matrix form) the following per project phase (pre-
construction, construction, operation and maintenance):
• Manpower requirements;
• Expertise/skills needed;
• Nature & estimated number of jobs available for men and
women, (if sited in IP ancestral land, include IPs in manpower
• Scheme for sourcing locally from host and neighboring LGUs

Project Development Phases Number of Manpower Requirements

From Host LGUs From Neighboring
Men Women Men Women
Skills needed (ie. Admin
Officer, Accountant)
Skills needed (ie. plumber,
carpenter, welder etc.)
Skills needed (ie. engineer,
safety officer)

3.5. Project Cost Indicative Project Investment Cost (Philippine Peso)

2. Assessment of Environmental Impacts

See Table 3 for the checklist of key environmental impacts which shall be subjected to
assessment. The assessment shall done using the prescribed approach/method and
in relation to the corresponding baseline characterization in the primary and secondary
impact areas (as determined using the Guidelines in Annex 2-2 of the Revised Procedural
Manual (RPM) for DAO 2003-30 or succeeding issuances). The sampling and measurement
plan used shall be discussed. Likewise, the assessment should be done for the
various phases of development (i.e. pre-construction, construction and operation) and
should consider climate change projections and disaster risks based on existing
natural hazard information. For all maps, include overlays of project area footprint,
show sensitive/critical receptors and sampling points for baseline data (indicate
geographical coordinates). In conclusion, the residual and cumulative impacts shall be
3. Environmental Management Plan

Appropriate mitigation/management measures should be specified for each of the

identified key impacts (Table 3) including appropriate climate change adaptation and
disaster risk reduction measures/options shall likewise be thoroughly discussed. The
impact management plan should be summarized using at the minimum, the format in
Annex 2-17 of RPM for DAO 2003-30

Dioxins and Furans shall be included as parameters to be monitored during

operation phase pursuant to DAO 2019-21, subject to guidelines of DENR.

Include table of impacts/measures as part of this Chapter (Attachment 1)

Project Potential Mitigating Efficiency/Performance

Activities Impacts Measures of Mitigating Measures

4. Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) & Emergency Response Policy and Guidelines

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Sections / Page
Contents Acceptable? REMARKS
Subsections #

The level of coverage and type of document required shall first be determined based on
Annex 2-7e of RPM for DAO 2003-30.

See Table 4 for details

5. Social Development Plan/Framework (SDP) and IEC Framework

5.1 Social Community development or livelihood programs/activities,

Development projected beneficiaries, partner institutions, timeframe of
Program (SDP) implementation as well as source and amount allotted per
activity/component (See Annex 2-18 of RPM for DAO 2003-30)
5.2.Information and Target sector, key messages, scheme/strategy/methods,
Education Information medium, timelines and frequency, cost (See Annex 2-
Campaign 19 of RPM for DAO 2003-30)
6. Environmental Compliance Monitoring

6.1.Self-Monitoring The monitoring plan shall be summarized using Annex 2-20 of

Plan RPM for DAO 2003-30 or succeeding issuances as template.

6.2 Environmental •
Discussion on the necessity of putting up an EGF. If deemed
Guarantee and necessary, present a proposed amount of EGF indicating the
Monitoring Fund basis for the estimate (per guidelines in annex 3-6 of RPM for
Commitments DAO 2003-30)
• Discussion on Establishment of MMT for ECP (DAO 2017-15)
and corresponding EMF
7. Decommissioning / Abandonment /Rehabilitation Policy

Statement on Proponent’s policies to implement the abandonment plan described in

Item 1.7 and to formulate and submit procedures for Rehabilitation/
Decommissioning/Abandonment within a timeframe specified in the ECC.

8. Institutional Plan for EMP Implementation including EGF Commitments

Present the organizational scheme of the proponent including line of command and
reporting procedures as well as manpower complement and relationships with other
operating departments. The basis of the proposed amount of EGF shall be discussed
in this section in relation to compliance with existing guidelines.

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Table 3. Key Environmental Impacts to be included in the Assessment and Formulation of Management and Monitoring Plan to be reflected in the EIS
During scoping: Unless otherwise specified as agreed during scoping, all items listed are required. Write specific instructions ( if any) on the ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page
blanks/spaces provided numbers should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Baseline Data Parameter Requirements Conditions Analysis Plan Plan
Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓
I. Land
1.1 Land Use and Classification
1.1.1 Impact in terms of Description & Map showing the project area in relation to Assessment of the compatibility
compatibility with existing land use existing land use. of the proposed project vis-a-vis
1.1.2 Impact on compatibility with Identify ECA where the project is located or near the project actual land use and the approved
classification as an area. comprehensive land use
Environmentally Critical Area plan/zoning classification
(ECA) Identify areas vulnerable/susceptible to natural hazards where
the project is located or near the project area (include map/s).
1.1.3 Impact in existing land Identify areas in or near the project area which are under Identify and assess project
tenure issue/s CARP or with CADC / CADT / CALC/ CALT where the project impact in terms of land tenure
is located or near the project area and corresponding existing issues (e.g. informal settlers, IPs
issues area etc.)
1.1.4 Impairment of visual Visually significant landforms/ landscape/structures (if any) Identify and assess impact of the
aesthetics that can be potentially impacted by the project project on these visually
1.1.5 Land pollution due to
improper storage of wastes
1.2 Geology/ Geomorphology
1.2.1 Inducement of landslides Slope and Elevation/ Topographic Map Identify and assess project
due to change in surface impact in terms of the changes in
land form/ topography/ hazard maps (NAMRIA, NDRRMC, MGB, PHIVOLCS, surface

1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

terrain/slope PAGASA) landform/topography/terrain/slope
including existing hazard as
Regional/General Geological Map maybe aggravated by climate
change as projected by PAGASA
Identify and assess project
impact in terms of the changes in
sub-surface geology and
inducement of landslides, to the
environment including the
possibility of aggravating existing
natural hazards

Discuss and assess the impacts

of geologic hazards and planned

Project Name: ________________________________________________ Page 7 of 14


During scoping: Unless otherwise specified as agreed during scoping, all items listed are required. Write specific instructions ( if any) on the ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page
blanks/spaces provided numbers should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Baseline Data Parameter Requirements Conditions Analysis Plan Plan
Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓
earthworks on the project
1.3 Pedology
1.3.1 Potential soil erosion • Summary of Soil Investigation Report on soil type and Describe capability of the land to
quality accommodate the proposed
• Soil map showing soil types, sampling stations, development
topography, streams, built-up areas, and planned project
• Water erodibility potential
• Riverbank stability
1.3.2 Change in soil quality/fertility Laboratory results on soil sample analysis for N, P, K, pH, Assess the impact of the project
due to improper collection of organic matter, micronutrients and trace metals e. g. Pb, Hg, activities on soil quality and
generated ash, leachate and As, Cd, Cr hexavalent fertility
potential leak of fuel oil
1.4 Terrestrial Ecology
1.4.1 Loss of vegetation and • Map showing land cover; sampling sites; location of Quadrat sampling for flora to
habitat due to site clearing observed important, endangered, and keystone species; cover all land cover types (please
ecologically sensitive sites; planned land development works show locations in a map);
• Flora and fauna species inventory or survey report to cover Use of mist nets, traps, transect
species listing, abundance, richness, dominance, diversity,
walk for fauna
evenness, ecological status, and uses;
• Historical occurrences of pest infestation, forest/grass fire Identify and assess project
and/or similar incidences impact in terms of vegetation

1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

1.4.2 Threat to existence and/or Summary of endemicity / conservation status removal, loss of habitat, threat to
loss of important local species existence and/or loss of important
1.4.3Threat to abundance, • Summary of abundance, frequency and distribution local species, threat to
frequency and distribution of abundance, frequency and
important species
• Economic importance and uses of significant flora and
distribution of important species
and hindrance to wildlife access.
1.4.4 Hindrance to wildlife access Survey map in relation to the project site
Discuss the loss of carbon sink
due to loss of vegetation.

Number of trees to be planted

shall be computed to off-set
carbon sink loss.

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During scoping: Unless otherwise specified as agreed during scoping, all items listed are required. Write specific instructions ( if any) on the ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page
blanks/spaces provided numbers should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Baseline Data Parameter Requirements Conditions Analysis Plan Plan
Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓
Note: Per existing DENR - FMB
regulations, replacement of trees
shall follow the following ratio:
1:50 (50 trees for 1planted tree
cut), and 1:100 (100 trees for 1
naturally growing tree cut)
2.1 Water Quality
2.1.1 Degradation of groundwater Physico-Chemical characterization of ambient water : Identify and assess project
quality due to leachate from
ash disposal facility
✓ Temperature impact in terms of degradation of
groundwater and surface water.
✓ pH Use DENR standard methods
✓ COD and procedures for sampling and
2.1.2 Degradation of surface water
quality due to improper ✓ BOD5
handling of municipal solid
waste during
✓ Fecal Coliform
transport/delivery (nearest ✓ Ammonia
body of water 1km radius ✓ Nitrate
from the project site)
✓ Phosphate
✓ Oil and grease
✓ Surfactants

1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

sampling site map
o At least two sampling stations both for groundwater
and surface water (downstream and upstream).
2.2 Freshwater/Marine Ecology
2.2.1 Potential loss of species and • Summary of endemicity / conservation status Identify and assess project
habitat due to water quality impact in terms of threats to
• Abundance of ecologically and economically important
existence/and or loss of species
species Presence of pollution indicator species;
and include discussions on
• sampling site map overall impact to freshwater
ecology in a long term.


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During scoping: Unless otherwise specified as agreed during scoping, all items listed are required. Write specific instructions ( if any) on the ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page
blanks/spaces provided numbers should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Baseline Data Parameter Requirements Conditions Analysis Plan Plan
Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓
3.1 Meteorology/ Climatology
3.1.1 Impact on local micro-climate Monthly average rainfall and temperature of the area; Identify and assess project
e.g. local temperature (for Climatological normals/extremes; Wind rose diagrams; impact in terms of change in the
thermal process only) Frequency of Tropical cyclones local micro- climate change. Also
discuss effects of climate change
using PAGASA medium to long
term projections
3.1.2 Contribution in terms of Data on Greenhouse gasses (i.e. carbon dioxide, nitrous Estimate projected greenhouse
greenhouse gas emissions oxide) gases (GHG) (i.e. carbon dioxide,
nitrous oxide) using IPCC
guidelines; include mitigation
and/or sequestration program to
off-set GHG emissions.
3.2 Air Quality (& Noise)
3.2.1 Degradation of air quality Characterization of ambient air quality: Use DENR standard methods
✓ TSP and procedures for sampling and
✓ PM10
✓ SOx Identification and assessment of
impact of the project to the
✓ NOx identified parameters including
Sampling site map odor
o At least two sampling stations (upwind and

1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

3.2.2 Increase in ambient noise Characterization of ambient noise level Use DENR standard methods
level and procedures for sampling and
Sampling site map measurement.
o At least two sampling stations (upwind and
downwind) Identify all potential source of
increase noise level in
construction and operation phase
4.1 Displacement of settler/s Demographic data of impact area: Identify and assess project
- Number of households and household size impacts on demography of
Displacement/ disturbance of - Land area, affected communities. Use
properties - Population, assessment in the formulation of
- Population density /growth SDP/IEC
Change/conflict in land - gender and age profile,
ownership - literacy rate, profile of educational attainment Assess availability of alternative

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During scoping: Unless otherwise specified as agreed during scoping, all items listed are required. Write specific instructions ( if any) on the ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page
blanks/spaces provided numbers should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Baseline Data Parameter Requirements Conditions Analysis Plan Plan
Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓
- Settlements map public access and housing
Change/conflict Right of way options for displaced settlers
Census of population / property that will be displaced /
disturbed For project with displacement/
disturbance of properties/settlers,
Housing ownership profile / availability of housing/ number of change/conflict in land ownership
informal settlers and change/conflict right of way,
formulate resettlement framework
plan or RAP
4.2 In-migration Identify and assess project
impact due to in-migration
Proliferation of informal settlers patterns including proliferation of
informal settlers
4.3 Cultural/Lifestyle change Demographic data on Indigenous People (if any) and existing Identity and assess project
(especially on Indigenous People, Culture/Lifestyle that may be significantly affected impact in terms of
if any) Culture/Lifestyle that may be
affected and/or introduced
4.4 Impacts on physical cultural Inventory and description of the value/importance of physical Identify and assess all potential
resources cultural resources: Movable or immovable objects, sites, project impacts on physical
structures, groups of structures, and natural features and cultural resources in an
landscapes that have archaeological, paleontologic, historical, integrated manner, and identify
architectural, religious, aesthetic, or other cultural and address risks in
significance. terms of institutional capacity and
• Physical cultural resources may be located in urban or commitment in managing

1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

rural settings and may be above or below ground or under environmental impacts
water. Their (especially in terms of
cultural interest may be at the local, provincial, national, or compliance with applicable
international level. government/regulatory
• Among the official sources of information are the National requirements).
Museum (NM), National Historical Commission of the
Philippines (NHCP), National Commission for Culture and Include proposed protocols in
Arts (NCAA) and the Local Government Units (LGUs) in the case of chance finds and (if
project area. necessary)
proposed mitigation measures
such as site protection and other
procedures and technologies to
counteract negative impacts.
4.5 Threat to public health and Availability of public services in terms of: health resources Identify and assess specific

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During scoping: Unless otherwise specified as agreed during scoping, all items listed are required. Write specific instructions ( if any) on the ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page
blanks/spaces provided numbers should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Baseline Data Parameter Requirements Conditions Analysis Plan Plan
Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓
safety (Government and Private) threats to public health and safety
due to project impacts.
Statistical data / information related to public services:
• Morbidity and mortality rates (infants and adults - 5-year Analysis of the aggravation as a
trend) result of project implementation
of the existing diseases profile.
• Common diseases in the area including endemic diseases;
• Environmental Health and Sanitation Profile Relate discussions on air quality.
4.6 Generation of Local Socioeconomic data: Identify and assess local benefits
Benefits from the project • Main sources of Income of the project in terms of
• Employment rate/profile enhancement of employment and
Enhancement of • Sources of livelihood livelihood opportunities
employment and livelihood • Poverty incidence
opportunities • Commercial establishments and activities
• Banking and financial institutions
Increased business
opportunities and associated
economic activities

Increased revenue of LGUs

4.7 Traffic congestion Road network/ systems Assess the traffic impact of
transfer of municipal solid waste
Existing transportation/ traffic situation to project site in consideration of

1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

traffic situation in the area
including congestion based on
existing capacity of road system

Table 4. Environmental Risk Assessment to be included in EIS

During scoping: Check (✓) required/applicable items; items with ✓ are automatically required; write specific instructions (if any) on ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page
the blanks/spaces provided. numbers should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Level of Coverage & CONTENTS OF ERA AS PART OF EIS Remarks/ Monitoring
Type of Risks For the identified safety risks in column 1 Specific Scoping Instruction/s Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓
Level of Coverage:
Refer to Annex 2-7e of the RPM For EIS, check type of report to be submitted prior to
for DAO 2003-30 Operation:
 Quantitative Risk Assessment(QRA)

Project Name: ________________________________________________ Page 12 of 14


During scoping: Check (✓) required/applicable items; items with ✓ are automatically required; write specific instructions (if any) on ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page
the blanks/spaces provided. numbers should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Level of Coverage & CONTENTS OF ERA AS PART OF EIS Remarks/ Monitoring
Type of Risks For the identified safety risks in column 1 Specific Scoping Instruction/s Page ✓ Page ✓ Page ✓

 Level 2 (QRA  Hazard Operability (HAZOP)

 Level1
(Emergency Plan
based on hazard
 Risk Screening

Safety Risks Type:  Description of conditions, events and

circumstances which could be significant in
✓ Fire bringing about identified safety risks
✓ Explosion
 Description & assessment of the possible accident
scenarios posing risk to the environment
 Description of the hazards, both immediate (acute
effects) and delayed (chronic effects) for man and
the environment posed by the release of toxic
substance, as applicable
 The safety policy and emergency preparedness
guidelines consistent with the regulatory
requirements. Emergency Preparedness should
also consider natural hazards to the infrastructures
and facilities.
✓ Physical Risks 

1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

Description of conditions, events and “trigger”
(Failure of Structure w/c which could be significant in bringing about
could endanger life, identified physical risks
property and/or the
environment)  Description & assessment of the possible
accident scenarios posing risk to the environment
 Description of the hazards both immediate (acute
effects) and delayed (chronic effects) for man and
the environment posed by the failure of structure,
as applicable

Noted by: Signature Signature

Review Committee Members EMB Representatives
1. 1.

Project Name: ________________________________________________ Page 13 of 14


2. 2.
3. Project Proponent:
Resource Person Project Preparer/Consultant:

1st 2nd 3rd ___ th Screening

Project Name: ________________________________________________ Page 14 of 14

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