Electrical & Power - CSE
Electrical & Power - CSE
Electrical & Power - CSE
3 — What do you need to know about electrical, power systems
in data centers?
What do you need to know
about electrical, power systems Back to TOC
in data centers?
Will data centers get larger? More efficient? Use less energy? Learn about
the trends here
Bill Kosik, PE, CEM, BEMP, Senior Energy Engineer, DNV, Oak Park, Illinois – Brian Rener,
PE, LEED AP, Principal, Mission Critical Leader, SmithGroup, Chicago, Illinois – Ameya
Soparkar, Market Leader, Mission Critical, Affiliated Engineers Inc., Rockville, Maryland –
Robert Sty, PE, LEED AP, Vice President, HDR Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
What do you need to know about electrical, power systems in data centers?
What are some key differences in electrical, lighting and power systems Back to TOC
you might incorporate in this kind of facility, compared to other projects?
Robert Sty: The amount of power density compared to other project types, the com-
plexity of mission critical, uninterruptible power supply (UPS), standby and associated
codes and standards.
How does your team work with the architect, owner’s rep and other
project team members so the electrical/power systems are flexible and
Robert Sty: Some of the most challenging problems are adding on future phases
while the first phase of the data center is operational. If the original design did not
incorporate methods for installing, testing and commissioning major electrical gear
during the basis of design, then there is a risk of interruption of services during the
construction of the latter phases. This takes coordination and should include all project
stakeholders. Using BIM and virtual reality technologies can assist in the planning of
adding major electrical equipment during operation.
of reliability. This applies to
multiple aspects of build-
THEY’RE NOT JUST POWER EXPERTS. ing structure, maintenance,
As a top global provider of backup power for the data center industry, Cummins has
built the largest dedicated support network. We train teams from around the world as
data center specialists, experts who know how to fine-tune every component of your
Cummins generator sets to your data center’s exact power demands. Cummins data
center specialists work where your data lives, making sure your confidence is always on. Brian Rener: We are look-
Consulting-Specifying Engineer
Cummins Power Generation Interruptible Facility
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Cummins Power Generation
Interruptible Facility
The Cummins Power Generation plant in Fridley, Minnesota
has relied on this integrated power design for decades.
Plant Reduces
Emissions with
Cummins Gas
WHERE: North Davis Sewer District (NDSD) collects and treats
Syracuse, Utah (USA)
wastewater from around 80 square miles in North Utah,
serving approximately 200,000 people. The district owns
SUPPLY: and operates around 100 miles of sewer collection lines
2 x C1100N6C, QSK60G gas generator sets which deliver wastewater to the Syracuse, Utah, treatment
facility, located near the shoreline of the Great Salt Lake.
PURPOSE: The facility has the daily capacity to treat around 34 mil-
Upgrade old generators and provide
lion gallons of wastewater, therefore it requires a reliable
cogeneration solution, meeting the customer’s
detailed specification. power solution.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Reduces Emissions with Cummins Gas Solution
Learn the pros and cons of
centralized and decentralized Back to TOC
generator systems
Centralized, remote and distributed standby generator designs are all
options for power systems. Which one is best?
The primary reason for distributed systems is due to the cost and complexity of central-
ized systems and the lack of capacity in the older generator systems to accommodate new
building additions. Many projects lack the budget to overhaul and upgrade the existing
EES. The primary benefit of decentralized arrangements, other than initial cost to each
building, is both electrical and geographic diversity to prevent single points of failure.
Learn the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized generator systems
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If a natural disaster damages the east side of a building Figure 1: Two 600 kW 4,160 V
standby generators were relocated
or campus, the utility and standby power systems may be
to a remodeled space that was
damaged beyond immediate repair. While the portions sized for a third generator and
of the building or campus served will be without power, larger generators. This system is
planned for expansion to operate
the other areas of the building may still sustain power,
as a centralized location in a remote
allowing for continued operation. This approach is pop- utility plant. Courtesy: IMEG Corp.
ular in mission critical and health care campuses where
evacuation and shutdowns are not acceptable.
For campuses that experience frequent growth and renovation, the distributed con-
figuration can be less expensive due to localized and right-sized electrical distribution 13
Learn the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized generator systems
providing a lower cost to feeders and electrical gear. Because the needs of each build- Back to TOC
ing on a campus may vary, additional savings may be had for systems that do not need
to meet more stringent requirements of Level 1 systems, as defined in NFPA 110: Stan-
dard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems.
For example, a health care campus will likely have Level 1 EES to serve the areas that
are within the International Building Code (IBC) occupancy classification of I-2 (institu-
tional), and may also have IBC occupancy classifications of B (business), A (assembly), S
(storage), etc.
The other occupancy types may be able to have a Level 2 EES as defined by NFPA 110
or may only require emergency loads as defined by NFPA 70: National Electrical Code
(NEC) Article 700 and would not fall under Article 517 or NFPA 99: Health Care Facili-
ties Code, which both govern health care designs.
Providing different levels for EES serving different buildings on a campus may also
allow for different fuel types and storage amounts. In this example, the Level 1 EES
would likely consist of diesel standby generator sets with on-site storage sufficient for
96 hours of operation (with or without refueling during the 96 hours).
A Level 2 EES for a smaller medical office building may be a single natural gas standby gen-
erator with a local temporary connection cabinet. Buildings that do not need an EES at all
could get by with battery backup of emergency and egress lighting and fire alarm systems.
When consulting with a campus, one simple question to ask the client is if the building
can be evacuated at any time, without hesitation. If the answer is yes, then it’s likely the
Learn the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized generator systems
Back to TOC
backup power requirements can be less stringent when Figure 2: Four 600 kW 480/277
V diesel generators located in a
compared to areas that cannot be evacuated.
central utility plant serving 4,000
A paralleling gear in an adjacent
There are, however, negative aspects of a distributed or room. Courtesy: IMEG Corp.
Additionally, if one generator is taken out of operation for maintenance, the other Back to TOC
generator sets on campus are not able to back feed, requiring temporary connections.
NEC Article 700.3(F) recognizes the vulnerability of a single generator and requires
installed, temporary connection capability that can be avoided with paralleled genera-
tors of adequate size.
Decentralized generator systems also spread out the equipment causing additional
maintenance hassles and increased footprints. Fuel storage is required for each, fuel
treatment is required for each, battery systems are multiplied and testing is multiplied.
Each generator location needs to be coordinated with outside air intakes for the heat-
ing, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system and noise concerns within the cam-
pus and adjacent properties.
Back to TOC
Large buildings or campus arrangements are subject to voltage drop concerns when
distributed across the space, therefore, one of the first decisions the team should
consider is the distribution voltage for both the normal and standby systems. In the
U.S., typical building service voltages are 208/120 V for smaller buildings and 480/277
V for larger buildings (with stepdown transformers for 208/120 V loads). The centralized
generator system can distribute at the building service voltage or at higher voltages to
reduce wire size, which will aid with costing and voltage drop.
A centralized and remote location can improve the exterior aesthetics of the various
buildings served by removing exterior enclosures from the areas around each building.
Freeing up space around buildings allows for more flexibility for future expansions and
alleviates concerns with noise and exhaust emissions near buildings.
The ability to parallel standby generator sets together is the strongest argument for cen-
tralized generator systems. The size and quantity of standby generator sets required to
achieve N+1 sizing can be less than decentralized. Let’s work through an example:
Learn the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized generator systems
Total emergency load is 1,825 kW. Assume the generator sizing calculations (for volt-
age dip and frequency dip) require a generator sized for 2,400 kW, minimum. A central-
ized system can achieve N+1 with two 2,500-kW or three 1,250-kW standby generators.
For a decentralized generator system to achieve N+1, each building would need a pair
of generators, bringing the campus total to at least six.
When determining the number of generators to parallel to serve the total campus
load, the designer then needs to evaluate several factors, such as type of building,
loads served, how they interact with the generator that creates voltage dip and how
long they can sustain being without power before the EES is online.
For instance, in a Level 1 system that feeds a health care occupancy, the engineer must
determine the loads required to connect within 10 seconds or the sum of the critical
and life safety branches. This load is what drives the smallest engine size allowed. Let’s
revisit the example, this time with the load broken out by essential branches, as de-
fined by NFPA 99 Article 517.
• Building A has 20 kW of life safety branch load, 175 kW of critical branch load and
355 kW of equipment branch load.
Learn the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized generator systems
• Building B has 10 kW of life safety branch load, 75 kW of critical branch load and Back to TOC
290 kW of equipment branch load.
• Building C has 35 kW of life safety branch load, 350 kW of critical branch load and
515 kW of equipment branch load
Now we can see that we have 665 kW of load that needs to be online within 10 sec-
onds and after running generator sizing calculations, we may find that the minimum
generator size needed is 900 kW, making 1,000 kW (or 1,250 kW in our example) the
preferred choice for each generator. Next, the designer needs to determine the avail-
able growth that this minimum size allows. If the campus is expected to double in size
over the next 20 years, then the recommended minimum generator size needs to in-
crease accordingly.
The team needs to determine how the centralized generators and associated equip-
ment will be protected. Keeping the paralleling controls and distribution switchgear
inside conditioned (and access controlled) buildings is preferred. While generators
may be in exterior enclosures and generators can feature onboard paralleling controls
to reduce the footprint of the distribution, electronics always prefer a conditioned en-
vironment with low dust, humidity and a moderate temperature range.
Remote buildings, such as a CUP that house the generator sets, fuel polishing systems,
day tanks, engine controllers and associated electrical distribution should take future
expansion into consideration. The layout of the generators, for example, should al-
low for additional units or accommodate replacement with larger units as the campus
grows. This requires a larger footprint or at least the planning for building expansion,
Learn the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized generator systems
Centralized systems
are not without their
challenges. Initial
costs can be higher
when a greenfield
campus is initially con-
structed because the
central system needs
to be sized (or scalable) for all projected campus Figure 3: Two 2 MW 13.2 kV diesel
generators in outdoor walk-in enclosures
growth. It is also common for centralized systems to provide campus backup of utility feeds
be a retrofit solution for an existing campus looking serving a central utility plant. The
to expand further. generators serve 15 kV-class metal-clad
switchgear with operable breakers for
automatic operation with loss of utility.
In addition, feeder routes must be carefully coordi- Courtesy: IMEG Corp.
nated with other utilities and future expansion plans.
The routing could be underground duct banks, routing through utility tunnels or a
combination thereof, but the pathway should be separated from normal utility pathway
to prevent a single excavator or event from damaging both normal utility and emer-
gency services.
Underground duct banks are also subject to ground water ingress and the need for
periodic maintenance holes (due to wire spool length limitations) means that designers
Learn the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized generator systems
should consider methods of providing adequate drainage of conduit and maintenance Back to TOC
holes. Drainage systems may include connection to stormwater drainage or pumping
An advantage to having a lower emission EPA Tier standard allows for load curtail-
ment, which can provide financial savings through agreements with the local utility.
These generators are typically independent of emergency standby generators; how-
ever, we can consider an arrangement in which large, standby generators operating at
the utility service voltage can provide both essential standby and utility backup power.
When using campus backup generators for emergency backup, there are several as-
pects to be aware of when doing this. There are several reasons why it is not accept-
able to simply rely on the campus backup generator to provide the essential electrical
branch for each building.
• Two sources of power within a patient care area, where required by NFPA 99, is not
Learn the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized generator systems
• Transfer switches are still required in each building, for each required branch. Back to TOC
• Branch segregation required within NEC Article 700, 701 and 702 (or NEC 517) are
still required at the branch circuit level.
• Each building will need transformers if the generator voltage is different from the
building voltage. These transformers are separate from the incoming service trans-
formers. This is commonly accomplished using unit substations when the generator
voltage is 5 or 15 kV, but can occur with traditional exterior or interior step-down
Richard Vedvik
Richard Vedvik is a senior electrical engineer and acoustics engineer at IMEG Corp.
Vedvik has experience in the health care, education, commercial and government sec-
tors. He is a member of the Consulting-Specifying Engineer editorial advisory board.
Discover Galaxy VS 3-Phase UPS | Schneider Electric
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Discover Galaxy VS 3-Phase UPS
Thanks to patented technologies, this UPS delivers up to
97% efficiency in double conversion mode and up to 99% in
ECOnversion mode, equivalent to 66% higher energy savings. It’s
compatible with Galaxy Lithium-ion battery cabinets which have
a longer battery lifetime and higher temperature tolerance than
classic battery solutions. With its robust modular design, superior
performance, scalability, and Live Swap options, Galaxy VS is the
ideal backbone for your critical infrastructure.
Driving Climate- A s the digital landscape continues to expand and tech-
nologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence
(AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) become more preva-
Positive lent, the demand for data is expected to surge further. Over
the next five years, the data center market is expected to
Data Centers
segments such as manufacturing, oil & gas, and semicon-
ductor are undergoing a digital transformation that requires
data continuity. However, the energy-intensive infrastructure
A Sustainable
nessing poses a significant challenge.
vironmental impact and enhance the efficiency of data centers and industries glob- Back to TOC
ally. An April 2022 Forrester Consulting study surveyed 1,033 global sustainability
decision-makers at data center colocation providers to explore sustainability efforts
in the industry. Colocation providers are in a unique position to improve sustain-
ability at their sites. Their scale allows them to implement sustainable technologies
and practices more efficiently, spreading the cost and effort across a larger custom-
er base. However, the study found that most of these organizations are still early in
their sustainability journey, as many have a goal to achieve sustainable operations,
but they still need a concrete plan to reach it. In fact, despite the generally positive
attitudes toward adopting sustainability practices, only 33% of organizations have
indicated that they possess a strategic sustainability plan in place. The same goes for
commercial and industrial segments. Take the oil & gas segment, for example. Op-
erations decarbonization is a must. A study by IHS Markit estimated that oil and gas
operations achieved energy efficiency improvements of only 10% from 2015 to 2020.
The energy stored must possess the following key characteristics: Back to TOC
• Adequate Power Level: The energy storage system should be capable of deliv-
ering power at a level equivalent to that of the UPS itself, ensuring that the entire
load is supplied with sufficient power.
• Backup Time: Typically, UPSs need to provide backup power for approximately
ten minutes. This duration should be tailored to meet the specific requirements of
the supported loads, considering any alternative power sources, such as an engine
generator set for longer backup durations.
Several energy storage technologies are currently available for UPS applications, each
with its own strengths and considerations. These technologies include:
• Batteries: Different types of batteries can be employed for energy storage, such
as lithium-ion, sealed lead-acid, vented lead-acid, and nickel-cadmium. Each
battery type offers unique characteristics and trade-offs that should be carefully
evaluated based on the specific needs and constraints of the UPS system.
• Ultracapacitors: These devices provide rapid energy discharge and recharge ca-
pabilities, making them suitable for quick power delivery applications. Ultracapaci-
tors offer advantages in terms of high power density and long operational lifespan.
Driving Climate-Positive Innovation in Data Centers and Industries
Back to TOC
• Flywheels: Flywheel-based energy storage solutions can be used in UPS systems.
Traditional flywheels operate at low speeds (1500 rpm) and are often combined
with engine generator sets for extended backup durations. Alternatively, medi-
um-speed (7000 rpm) or high-speed (30 to 100,000 rpm) flywheels can be utilized to
meet specific UPS requirements.
Driving Climate-Positive Innovation in Data Centers and Industries
Back to TOC
Choosing the Right Battery for The table below compares the different
solutions in terms of their capacity to meet the
UPS Applications energy-storage requirements of static UPSs.
When selecting the appropriate battery for
Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), several options are available. Sealed lead-acid
batteries have been widely used in UPS systems. They offer various advantages, such
as maintenance-free operation, easy implementation, and compatibility with different
types of rooms, including computer rooms and technical spaces not specifically de-
signed for batteries.
Nickel-cadmium batteries have also been employed in UPS applications. However, their Back to TOC
usage has become less common compared to other battery types due to their higher
cost and the emergence of more advanced alternatives like lithium-ion batteries.
2) Required backup time: Determine the necessary backup time based on the
application’s specific needs, considering factors like system shutdown procedures
and the duration of power-system failures.
The selection of the most suitable battery type depends on the unique requirements of
each application. It’s essential to consider the specific requirements of different appli-
cations when determining the appropriate backup time:
Driving Climate-Positive Innovation in Data Centers and Industries
• For computer systems: The backup time should allow for necessary file-saving Back to TOC
and system-shutdown procedures to ensure a controlled computer system shut-
down. The computer department usually determines the required backup time
based on their needs.
• For industrial processes: The backup-time calculation should consider the econom-
ic cost of process interruption and the time required for restarting the operations.
• For applications requiring long backup times: Engine generator sets can be
used in conjunction with batteries for backup times exceeding 30 minutes to one
hour. This combination should be carefully evaluated to optimize the generator
rating and ensure proper operation.
By carefully considering the advantages and limitations of different battery types and
tailoring the backup time to specific requirements, data centers can select the most
suitable UPS solution that ensures reliable power backup during critical situations.
One of the standout advantages of the Galaxy Li-ion battery solution is its ability to Back to TOC
double battery life. By operating at higher temperatures, these lithium-ion batteries
significantly reduce cooling requirements, resulting in a lower total cost of ownership
while simultaneously reducing the data center’s overall carbon footprint. With extend-
ed battery life and reduced maintenance, businesses can experience more significant
cost savings and enhanced operational efficiency.
The included battery management system provides a new level of visibility, predictabili-
ty, and manageability for the battery system. Embedded monitoring at the cell, module,
and cabinet-level ensures comprehensive insight into battery health, enabling predictive
maintenance and minimizing the risk of unexpected failures. The modular and touch-safe
design of the Galaxy Li-ion battery solution simplifies maintenance procedures, promot-
ing increased safety during servicing. With built-in fuse protection at the battery cell and
cabinet level, businesses can confidently carry out maintenance tasks.
Furthermore, the Galaxy Li-ion battery solution seamlessly integrates with EcoStrux-
ure Power Monitoring Expert (PME) for Backup Power Monitoring. This integration
offers real-time visibility into energy storage availability, allowing businesses to analyze
historical data, monitor alarms, and create proactive maintenance plans.
Driving Climate-Positive Innovation in Data Centers and Industries
EcoDataCenter takes pride in its social and environmental responsibility when estab-
lishing new data centers by offering both colocation services and high-performance
computing. EcoDataCenter is working to change how data centers are conceived and
built, pushing highly sustainable and efficient designs.
It started with recognizing the need for an ultra-low carbon footprint data center to pow-
er its HPC colocation services in Falun, Sweden. Leveraging the Nordics’ cooler climate
and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower, EcoDataCenter aims
to become a leading data center operator in the region within the next five years.
To make that happen, EcoDataCenter partnered with Schneider Electric to use its
EcoStruxure architecture to create its greenest and most forward-thinking data center
yet. EcoDataCenter’s use of EcoStruxure has led it to have four Galaxy VX UPSs with a
capacity of 1250kW each, providing reliable backup power at an impressive efficiency
rate of 99% when running in ECOnversion mode.
sites and the support of 20,000+ system integrators and developers, EcoStruxure con- Back to TOC
nects and manages more than 1.6 million assets.
By embracing Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure for Cloud & Service Providers solution,
EcoDataCenter seamlessly integrates hardware, software, and monitoring systems. This
open architecture platform provides comprehensive analytics and services, facilitat-
ing informed decision-making and optimal operational efficiency. EcoDataCenter now
benefits from connected sensors and meter data, which generate detailed reports on
operational efficiency and sustainability performance.
The resulting data center boasts an impressively low seasonal design power usage
effectiveness (PUE) value of 1.15. In 2022, data center managers reported an average
annual PUE ratio of 1.55. PUE is a metric used to assess the energy efficiency of a
data center. It represents the ratio of the total amount of power consumed by the data
center (including IT equipment, cooling systems, lighting, etc.) to the power consumed
by the IT equipment alone.
EcoDataCenter’s PUE of 1.15 indicates a high level of energy efficiency; for every unit
of power consumed by the IT equipment, only an additional 0.15 units of power are
used for cooling, lighting, and other non-IT functions. This is achieved through re-
dundancy measures and using Schneider Electric’s efficient cooling systems, such as
CRAH units operating at an energy efficiency rating (EER) of 132 in normal operation
taCenter to contribute energy back to the local grid and solidify its position as one of Back to TOC
the most sustainable data centers in the Nordics.
As part of a unique energy ecosystem, the data center collaborates with a local bio-
fuel facility and pellet mill, repurposing surplus low-grade waste heat. By storing and
utilizing this heat during colder months, the facility reduces its reliance on fossil fuels
for heating pellet production. EcoDataCenter actively offsets the energy system’s
need for oil and gas by capturing and redirecting heat from server rooms to Falu En-
ergy and Water.
EcoDataCenter’s mission revolves around climate-positive solutions that benefit their Back to TOC
clients, the surrounding communities, and the environment. Beyond efficiency and reli-
ability, EcoDataCenter’s partnership with Schneider Electric extends to making sustain-
able contributions to the community. The data center actively gives back and reinforc-
es its commitment to climate positivity by providing job opportunities and supporting
the local energy circle.
Through innovative design, well-tested technical systems, and the power of EcoStruxu-
re, EcoDataCenter and Schneider Electric have successfully created an environmentally
conscious data center that sets new standards for efficiency and sustainability while
benefiting both customers and the local community.
employs sophisticated monitoring systems that track various parameters, including en- Back to TOC
ergy consumption, temperature, and airflow. This data-driven approach enables them
to identify potential inefficiencies and implement targeted improvements, leading to
significant energy savings and reduced environmental impact.
Addressing the environmental impact of data centers and industrial facilities requires a
holistic approach encompassing energy storage technologies, battery monitoring sys-
tems, and sustainable operational practices. With continuous advancements and adop-
tion of these solutions, these industries can make significant strides toward a more
sustainable and resilient future.
Your questions answered: What
to consider when designing a Back to TOC
T his course on Sept. 15, 2022, titled “What to consider when designing a paralleling
power system” provided electrical engineers with an overview of power systems
and covers the elements to consider for designing generator paralleling systems, auto-
matic transfer switches, withstand/closing ratings, grounding and protection.
Several questions were left open, and they’re answered here by Hassan Obeid, Senior
Global Technical Advisor – Energy Management Solutions, Cummins Power Generation
Yes, we have a few examples where we have implemented generator sets, battery en-
ergy storage system and solar.
Yes, they can. All the generators will take their share of the load based on percentages.
The larger the generator, the more load it takes. The generators onboard controller
does that on a millisecond timescale.
Your questions answered: What to consider when designing a paralleling
Can you parallel generators from different manufacture via autonomous Back to TOC
paralleling or do you have to use min controller?
Yes, that is possible. It is also possible to add the Cummins paralleling controller on
top of other controls to minimize the number of controllers. It is also important to con-
sider the winding pitch of the alternators.
With Onboard Paralleling with generator set mounted breakers using a common col-
lector bus, what is the best practice for generator maintenance? Should a disconnect
be provided to isolate the generator from the collector bus? Should both gensets be
shut down if work is being performed on the circuit breaker?
Yes, providing a disconnect switch to isolate the generator set for maintenance is one
of the items to consider. Please refer to this white paper: “Design considerations for
generator set mounted paralleling breakers.”
As a rule of thumb, lean burn generator sets should be loaded about 60%. Lean burn
generator sets react slower than diesel when to comes to load removal for example.
Your questions answered: What to consider when designing a paralleling
• NEC 700.6 (D) and 701.6 (D) requires Ground Fault Indication (GFI) at the emergency
Ground fault sensing depends on being able to sense ground fault current. To accu-
rately sense ground fault current, it must return to its source on a known path relative
to ground fault current transformers (CTs). In basic emergency standby systems there
are two rules to follow to meet these requirements:
• There can only be one neutral/ground connection on any neutral bus at one time.
• Ground fault sensors (the CTs) must be downstream (or on the load side) of the
bonding connection.
To meet both rules when connected to either the normal or the emergency source, the
neutral must be switched using a 4-pole transfer switch
The synchronizer in the paralleling controller must match the phase angle of the two
sources by adjusting the fuel to the engine. Therefore, the onboard paralleling control-
ler matches phase, voltage and frequency. 40
Your questions answered: What to consider when designing a paralleling
With an ATS having a WCR-100,000 A and time duration of 0.05 sec, is Back to TOC
it possible to adjust the short time protection of the upstream UL 489
breaker to 50,000 A and 0.3 sec time duration since 50,000 A is lower
than the WCR of the ATS?
The short time element S in LSI trip units in UL 489 breakers doesn’t allow you to go to
that time setting of 0.3 sec. The max will not allow you to go beyond the instantaneous.
The instantaneous is always on and cannot be disabled. Only LVPCB (Low Voltage Power
Circuit Breakers) UL 1066 allows you to adjust that to go up to 0.5 sec for the short-time
S, which in that case you need to specify a short-time WCR for the transfer switch.
The neutral from the generator sets should be brought back to the distribution board
and there should be one neutral to ground pond at the gear with a CT for ground fault.
Manually initiated by the operator, automatically executed by the onboard paralleling Back to TOC
control for the maximum safety and reliability
It can be done and it has been. We need to think about the winding pitch of the alter-
nators (2/3rd or 5/6th), managing which generator closes its paralleling breaker to the
bus and then manage load share (real and reactive) across the units.
Why can’t you install a single HRG on the common neutral bus of paral-
leled generators? The question applies to LV (480 V) system.
In LV (480 VAC) applications the loads need that neutral from the generators and there-
fore the neutral is brought back to the distribution board. In the distribution board, the
bond between the neutral and ground is established along with CTs around that bond
that feed into the ground fault relay.
As a rule of thumb, the fault current is about 8 to 10 times the rated current. This is a
very conservative estimate.
Your questions answered: What to consider when designing a paralleling
(kW*1,000)/( √3*V*p.f.*Xd)
Xd: alternator per unit subtransient reactance based on the generator set rating
What controls are available for loading and unloading for retransfer to grid?
All we need to control is engine fuel and field excitation. For a single generator/single
utility Cummins paralleling controller can handle all of that. Base load/peak-shave, ex-
tended paralleling and ramping the load on/off the utility. For multiple generator sets
with a utility, Cummins also offers it is synchronizer that precisely matches the genera-
tor set control to achieve all that was described.
Hassan Obeid
Hassan Obeid is a global technical advisor for systems and controls — critical protec-
tion at Cummins Power Generation, focusing on technical vision, business strategy and
solving a wide range of complex problems.
Five more reasons generators fail
when you need them the most Back to TOC
E ngineers tend to focus on prescriptive design solutions for mission critical and life
safety generator applications. Often the guiding concept is that adding capac-
ity and complexity to the design helps ensure reliability. However, the devil is in the
details. Real-world generator system reliability is often dictated by seemingly simple,
mundane items that are often overlooked.
It’s reasonable to expect that a properly installed generator will function perfectly on
Day One, but it should also be noted that its useful service life will often extend well
beyond 25 years. In addition, that generator is only one component of a larger emer-
gency power supply system. Failure of any individual part of that system could compro-
mise the overall performance and reliability of that system. Given that extended ser-
vice life, the logical question for any engineer is, what parts of that system will become
vulnerable as the system ages and how can the associated risks be mitigated?
NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems is the most applicable
standard in this regard. NFPA 110 addresses installation, testing and (most importantly)
ongoing maintenance requirements for the EPSS. The issues that are examined in this
article echo those identified within NFPA 110 and consist mostly of simple items that
have outsized consequences if not properly addressed.
Here are five common reasons why generators fail, with additional information avail-
able in the previous issue:
Five more reasons generators fail when you need them the most
Five more reasons generators fail when you need them the most
• Generators at the top of tall buildings, where elevators are the primary means of Back to TOC
access, can become nearly inaccessible for emergency repairs if the elevators fail.
• Even if the generator is located above grade, if fuel tanks and associated transfer
pumps are in a basement, flooding may still cause an EPSS failure.
• In extremely cold regions, it may not be possible to maintain diesel fuel tempera-
ture above cloud point if stored outdoors. Cloud point is the temperature at which
wax crystals precipitate in the fuel. This wax precipitation can cause fuel filter plug-
ging and generator failure.
Batteries are electrochemical energy storage devices. Anything that affects the chemi-
cal reactions that happen within that battery will impact affect its functionality. Unfortu-
nately, the adverse conditions under which most operate (vibration, improper charging,
Five more reasons generators fail when you need them the most
Temperature compensated battery charging is critical in maximizing battery life. NFPA Back to TOC
110 section requires this capability for Level 1 (life safety) EPSSs. Batteries op-
erate optimally in ambient temperatures (68°F to 77°F). Deviations from this optimum
temperature directly impact the speed of chemical reactions that take place during
battery charging and discharging.
Even with proper charging, batteries have a finite life expectancy. As such, NFPA 110
appendix section A5. recommends that batteries:
• Be tested semi-annually.
tor’s runtime may be limited to only weekly/monthly testing purposes. However, many Back to TOC
EPSS applications require 24 hours or more of on-site fuel supply. In those situations, it
may take years for a generator system to burn through a full tank of fuel.
The primary problem with this is that diesel fuel is not maintenance-free. As fuel ages,
it will oxidize through mechanisms similar to how animal fats become rancid. Partially
filled tanks can also attract water through condensation and promote microbial growth.
The resulting water, wax, varnish and sludge can clog fuel filters and cause engine
Modern diesel engines are manufactured to much tighter tolerances and have preci-
sion components such as high-pressure common rail fuel injectors. As such, modern
engines are much more sensitive to fuel contamination. Most manufacturers have min-
imum specifications for fuel cleanliness based on ISO 4406. ISO 4406 defines contam-
ination by a coding system that quantities the number of particles for difference sizes
ranges within a milliliter sample.
The particle sizes referenced in this standard are not visible to the naked eye. If you
can see contaminants or discoloration of the fuel (offroad diesel for generators is typi-
cally translucent red in color), chances are that fuel quality is less than what the manu-
facturer allows. If the fuel is contaminated, the fuel filters are the last line of defense for
the fuel injection system. The filter’s ability to remove contaminants (efficiency, or num-
ber of particles retained by filter versus what is passed through) is in high +98% range.
For larger engines with high fuel consumption, significant amount of contamination
can still pass through the filter and cause damage over time.
Five more reasons generators fail when you need them the most
Ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel typically only has a storage life of 6 to 12 months. The re- Back to TOC
duced sulfur levels, while good for reducing harmful engine emissions, are less effec-
tive at controlling microbial growth. It is recommended where fuel is stored for extend-
ed periods of time (more than 12 months) that the fuel be periodically pumped out and
replaced with fresh fuel.
Current biodiesel blends potentially have an even shorter storage life, though devel-
opment of hydrotreated vegetable oil biodiesel fuels may address that issue. HVO
complying with European Standard EN 15940 is a further refined biodiesel feedstock
that has improved oxidation stability and is less prone to bacteria growth, making it
better suited to long-term storage such as in generator applications. It is expected
that as carbon neutrality requirements increase, use of HVO biodiesel will become
more pervasive.
If the fuel cannot be replaced at regular intervals, there are some options that may ex-
tend fuel life. Fuel polishing systems can be installed on fuel tanks to filter out contam-
inates. Although not officially recognized by generator manufacturers, fuel additives
and biocides can also help. NFPA 110 appendix section A5.5.3 specifically mentions
concerns with oversizing fuel tanks and even goes as far as suggesting that multiple
smaller tanks instead of a single large may be preferable from a fuel management
standpoint. Appendix section A. also recommends that tanks be kept cooler and
relatively full to slow fuel degradation.
adding a second remote annunciator in the engineers’ office or similar supervised loca- Back to TOC
tion with knowledgeable personnel can go a long way in addressing this. With older gen-
erators, adding an additional annunciator could be a significant undertaking. Often, they
used dedicated conductors for each and every annunciator alarm point which resulted
in a complicated spaghetti mess of wiring. However, most modern generators use RS485
serial cabling, which dramatically simplifies wiring requirements and associated costs.
Also, many generator owners perform monthly tests consisting of running the gener-
ator under no-load for 30 minutes. Running a diesel generator excessively with little
or no load can result in wet-stacking. Wet-stacking occurs when cylinder pressure and
temperature does not reach a sufficiently high level, resulting in incomplete fuel com-
bustion. As a result, deposits form within the cylinders and a black, oily liquid may
ooze from exhaust pipe joints. This can lead to reduced power output and accelerated
engine wear. Most manufacturers will recommend that diesel generator be run at a
minimum of 30% load for 30 minutes for every four hours of light load operation. This
will burn off deposits and minimize the chance of wet-stacking.
John Yoon
John Yoon, PE, LEED AP ID+C; is lead electrical engineer at McGuire Engineers, Chi-
cago. He is a member of the Consulting-Specifying Engineer editorial advisory board.
Electrical acceptance testing
collaboration leads to improved Back to TOC
project delivery
Collaboration between the system integrator, contractor and acceptance
testing agency is critical to creating efficiencies while maintaining quality
assurance in a data center’s electrical system
Taking this initial step verifies that manufactured devices are free from defects, operat-
ing as designed and intended and installed correctly as specified. It is important that
acceptance testing be performed by a third-party testing firm that is unbiased and
independent in its evaluation and findings.
Electrical acceptance testing collaboration leads to improved project delivery
• Incorrect wiring.
• Improper grounding.
Electrical acceptance testing collaboration leads to improved project delivery
Acceptance testing also avoids unnecessary expenses for data centers. Finding system
and component anomalies during acceptance testing — while equipment is still un-
der warranty and in a controlled environment — is critical. Determining and correcting
deficiencies before startup can save an owner capital and maintenance expenses by
preventing costly outages, equipment repairs and potential safety issues.
With the increased demand and the need to bring these data centers online faster that
model has evolved. It is important to note, however that the quality assurance, testing
and commissioning aspects of the project must always remain the goal without com-
promises being made.
Electrical acceptance testing collaboration leads to improved project delivery
The electrical contractor can be installing system components while the integrator is
assembling the remaining portions of the power system distribution equipment. These
components can be tested as they are connected off-site, significantly reducing time
on-site. This time savings provides an improvement to the overall construction sched-
ule that benefits all parties involved.
It is important to note that acceptance testing will still need to be conducted at the fi-
nal on-site location to ensure no damage occurred during shipping or final installation.
This multistep approach will help save time overall as the testing firm can uncover any
issues and make corrections off-site, leading to fewer issues being found on-site.
Acceptance testing is best performed by the same independent firm working with the
integrator at its location as well as with the electrical contractor during installation on-
site. Keeping a consistent partner makes for smoother transitions, increased efficien-
cies, standard processes and procedures, communication improvements, etc.
Using qualified technicians who can implement industry-recognized testing methods Back to TOC
and procedures will help ensure the quality and consistency of testing at the data cen-
ter and off-site.
Equipment tested at the system integrator’s site can include skid-mounted systems in
outdoor enclosures. Each skid includes medium- and low-voltage equipment such as
circuit breakers, trip units, protective relays, wiring, metering, instrument transformers,
panelboards, batteries, etc. The integrator also includes their own system for power,
lighting and heating, ventilation and air conditioning controls.
The electrical contractor can be wiring the loads at the data center and be ready and
waiting for the skids of low- and medium-voltage switchboard and/or switchgear as-
semblies to arrive. Testing at the data center includes electrical contractor-installed
equipment fed from the skids, such as busways, circuit breakers, bus plugs, discon-
nects, grounding, etc.
Tests are often conducted concurrently at the site while integrator testing is underway.
Testing on equipment from the skids that cannot be performed at the integrator in-
cludes items such as interconnect wiring, grounding and complete system functional
testing. These are completed at the data center to close out the on-site testing.
Electrical acceptance testing collaboration leads to improved project delivery
• Independence from the manufacturer to ensure an unbiased, thorough assessment Back to TOC
of equipment.
• Ability to accurately interpret test results to determine best course of action for
each unique customer environment.
• Size of the firm and ability to staff with qualified professionals to deliver the project
on time and within budget.
• Awareness of all safety standards to ensure safe work practices and require less
• Ability to perform new and innovative testing services to ensure a complete evalua-
tion and comprehensive recommendations.
Electrical acceptance testing collaboration leads to improved project delivery
• Ability for the same company to be used at the system integrator as well as the Back to TOC
physical test site.
The above criteria are important when identifying an independent testing company
that can become a trusted adviser to help to extend system life, reduce downtime and
improve the safety surrounding equipment.
Electrical systems are among a data center’s most critical assets and they can have a
big impact on the bottom line. In data centers that power the online economy 24/7,
even a brief disruption can cost millions of dollars. Their production and management
costs are high and failures almost always lead to catastrophic losses.
Eric Nation
Eric Nation is general manager at High Voltage Maintenance (HVM).
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