SSRN Id3945118 PDF
SSRN Id3945118 PDF
SSRN Id3945118 PDF
In a continuous production line, most of the machinery requires maintenance to ensure that they are working properly since
the breakdown in one machine stops the whole production line. Therefore, preventive maintenance is always scheduled to
ensure that machine parts are replaced and maintained. During replacement, production is at halt and thus the production output
is decreased. An effective scheduling of maintenance can help to reduce downtime and reduce the number of schedule
maintenance. This case study investigated how the use of usage-based preventive maintenance in place of periodic preventive
maintenance can help to optimize maintenance further by; reducing maintenance cost, extending lifetime of an equipment and
reducing the overall production cost. To perform the optimization, the t-test hypothesis was formulated upon the reception of
the actual production data. The hypothesis was used to investigate if the actual production is same or different from the design
potential production capacity. The results and findings showed that the actual production was different from the expected
design potential thus the alternative hypothesis is not rejected. The efficiency test was found to be 79% showing that the
maintenance set for the system is under-utilized which caused over-maintenance of equipment. Under-utilization attributed
majorly to the periodic maintenance applied even at low input of tea leaves to the factory. The results showed that optimized
usage-based preventive maintenance can be used to save up to 10 scheduled maintenance per year. Reduction in numbers of
maintenance directly reduce maintenance cost, hence, minimization in overall production cost. From the results, this study
lays a basis to optimize production in any organization by optimization through minimization of input resources and
maximization of outputs. The optimization strategy of maintenance applies to both product and service organizations.
Keywords: CTC black tea processing; Preventive maintenance; Usage-based preventive maintenance; Optimization;
Efficiency; saved maintenances
Peer-review under responsibility of the Programme Chair of the 10th International Conference on
Through-life Engineering Services.
and maintenance data of KTDA Chebut factory and Spain, Hernandez-Chover et al found out that the
showed clearly how optimization on existing maintenance costs represent on average 11 % of the
preventive maintenance can be of significance on the total operational costs. In Greece, Tsagarakis et al
economy of the tea factory. The study is focused at compared the maintenance costs of different
optimization of maintenance cost using usage-based activated sludge wastewater treatment technologies
preventive maintenance in place of periodic reporting mean values that range from 6 to 9% of the
maintenance being practice in the company. overall annual Operation Management costs [9].
Preventive maintenance tasks usually come with
2. Literature Review a cost and are very vital and necessary to ensure that
the equipment is operating properly and minimize
Maintenance, repair and overhaul or operations the risks inherent to possible breakages and
(MRO) are normally referred to as the functions of downtime [10]. The absence of optimal preventive
maintenance [3], are what makes up maintenance the maintenance always tends to increase the costs set
very important component of any production. aside for repairs and is evident as many
Historically, maintenance was not a great operation managements report from different kinds of
with great importance in the past when production infrastructure such as bridges, roads, rail networks
was done in small scale. According to Ben Niebel, or water facilities, as they encounter various
author of Engineering Maintenance Management problems [11].
(Industrial Engineering), stated that in 1969 The rising costs allocated for repairs and
maintenance was 1-17% of total workforce [4]. breakdowns [12], may decrease machine
However, as advances occurs in technology more productivity as well as entail environmental and
types of machinery were made available, and the social risks. In this case, therefore, preventive
need for maintenance personnel increased. maintenance, activities planned to maintain the
Though maintenance departments are not directly equipment or machinery in optimal conditions, is
related to production, they can still have a profound needed to reduce unexpected breakages and reduce
effect on the quality and cost of production [5]. the cost of repairs and maintenance [13].
Maintenance is really developing and using it to
reduce downtime, breakages and risk will not be 3. Methodology
enough in the currently competitive economy where
cost effective organization is highly demanded. The In order to achieve the objective of this study, the
organization may be working smoothly because of relevant data was collected from the case study
preventive maintenance but yet the cost of input on company. Data was obtained from daily records of
maintenance can be very high. Optimization of production in log books and company production
preventive maintenance of a system is necessary databases.
now to an existing maintenance strategy in order to This study applied the statistical tools in Minitab
realize more reduction in cost of maintenance and and excel to analyze and check if the machine usage
repairs thus reducing total production cost. limit compared to actual production gave significant
difference which can be relevant to make adjustment
2.1. Cost of maintenance
towards reduction of production cost. Analysis
involved the raw data from production line for daily
Economic aspect has not been of more concern in
production on weekly time period before the routine
technology growth in the past as it is in the current
market and economy.
Some of the important equations used in the
Maintenance cost being a component of
analysis part of this research were; T-test formula
production cost, thus, equals certain percentage of
and efficiency formula.
the total cost and varies depending on level of
optimization and event technology applied. It is
3.1. T-test formula
known that maintenance costs of waste water
treatment plant can reach up to 25 % of total
The t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in
operational costs. For example, in United States,
which the test statistic follows a Student's t-
Biehl and Inman study shows that this percentage
distribution under the null hypothesis.
could represent the 15 % of the total operation cost
The t-test was used to determine if there is a
[6]. In Turkey, waste water study of Turkmenler and
significant difference between the design
Aslan indicates that maintenance costs represent
comfortable capability of production line and the
approximately the 10 % of total operational costs
actual production in the line.
[7]. In some European countries similar values are
found, for instance, in Germany, these costs can 𝐱̄ – 𝛍
range between 15 % and 25 % [8]. Similarly, in T value t= (1)
𝐬 / √𝐧
3.2. Efficiency formula
Efficiency is the ability to avoid wasting
materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in doing
something or in producing a desired result. In a more 28000 32000 36000 40000 44000 48000 52000
general sense, it is the ability to do things well,
successfully, and without waste [14]. Fig.1. Histogram of sample data and normal curve
Null hypothesis represented the assumption that Green tea daily average =
the actual production had no difference from the
potential of the production line. = 39651kg per day computed using the yearly
While, raw data
Alternative hypothesis represented the Also,
assumption that the actual production was different ∑𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑎
from the potential of the production line. = 39615kg
Performing the test at 95% confidence limit =39615kg per day computed from monthly
Degree of freedom n-1 =12-1=11. grouped data.
Solution: Solution
x̄ – μ
= -7.54 Efficiency= ∗ 100%
s / √n 4771 / √12
= 79.23% from monthly grouped data
t – Value = -7.54
The absolute t value = 7.54. 60000
Critical t value at 95% confidence interval =2.2. 50000
Therefore, 40000
Absolute t value > critical value 30000
= 7.54>2.2 thus, null hypothesis is rejected. 20000
The rejection of the null hypothesis, shows that 10000
the system of production, is not fully utilizing the 0
potential capability as design. daily potential daily actual
capacity production
4.4. Efficiency
Fig.4. Daily potential vs. actual production
From equation (2).
Generally efficiency can be calculated by: 20000000
Efficiency= ∗ 100% (2)
4.4.1. Economic Efficiency 10000000