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Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 4, No.

4, November 2014 170

Autonomous Maintenance: A Case Study on Assela

Malt Factory
Melesse Wakjira Workineh and Ananth Shalvapulle Iyengar

Abstract reported in this paper and a clear implementation steps are

also provided for an Ethiopian process industry framework.
Purpose: M/S Assela Malt Factory (AMF) is the pioneer in Keywords--- Assela Malt Factory, Boiler Plant,
malt supply to the breweries throughout the Ethiopia. The Autonomous Plant, Maintenance Plan
boiler plant faces machines failures, and rate of failures is
increasing year after year, which affect the production cost.
The important problems of the boiler plant are machine
breakdown, machine idle, production loss, too much
maintenance man hour, high maintenance expenses, and plant
capacity loss. Objective of the research is productivity
improvement through identification of problems in machines
I N the study of manufacturing engineering and industrial
production, total productive maintenance (TPM), is used to
improve production and reduce the cost of production. TPM is
and the improvement of efficiency, employee’s attitude and a concept aimed at significantly increasing the production in a
culture of work.Quality in maintenance and the associated manufacturing plant, while keeping the machine maintenance
product quality is aimed to be enhanced by application of costs low. TPM also ensures high employee job satisfaction
Autonomous Maintenance (AM) and set maintenance plan for and customer satisfaction. TPM identifies sixteen types of
the plant. losses, which fall under the categories of equipment, people,
material and safety and suggests improvements in different
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study proceeded with practices in operation of the factory and machines. These
observation, data collection, related literature review; operational practices are also called pillars of TPM. These
document analysis, interview, and giving training for the pillars are autonomous maintenance, focused maintenance,
operators to embark upon 5S implementation at boiler house. planned maintenance, quality maintenance, education and
A three steps approach for maintenance and improvement of training, office TPM, development management and safety,
the machine were implemented. First to set the cleaning health and environment.
procedure for the machine and work place, inspection and
check for the cause of breakdown and initiate corrective Several factors are responsible for the increased cost and
action by maintenance, and final to assign the standard plan time delays on the shop floor. A quick look at the literature
for maintenance. clearly states the reasons for such delays. Among these
reasons, machine maintenance is the primary cause of delays,
Findings and Originality/Value: This plan has resulted in lower customer satisfaction and poor quality of products. The
remarkable improvements in maximum effectiveness of losses due to these factors can cause equipment losses and
equipment, tidier workplace and morally boosted employees. plant losses. Originally equipment losses were categorized
This project was completed within 18 months and results of into six major types, equipment failure, setup and adjustment,
research are following conclusion. Breakdown was decreased idling and minor stoppages, reduced speed, defects in process,
about 46.38% per month. Average capacities were increased and reduced yield. [1], [2]Additionally, plant losses can be of
about 8.75% per month. Production capacities were increased eight important kinds namely, shutdown, production
about 4.85% per month. Machine idle was decreased about adjustment, equipment failure, process failure, normal
8.01per month. Maintenance man-hours were decreased about production loss, abnormal production loss, quality defects, and
22.93% per month. Maintenance expense was decreased from reprocessing. [3]These plant losses were further expanded to
begin start the project about 64.42%. sixteen types to include human effectiveness losses such as
Originality/Value: Ethiopian manufacturing industries management losses, motion losses, arrangement losses, loss
needs a grass root level improvement. Implementation of 5S, due to lack of automated systems and monitoring and
TPM, and AM forms the basis for a clear path for growth and adjustment losses. [4]
sustainability. The key success factors are identified and Case studies reported in literature show a coherent set of
improvement techniques are necessary to bring about changes
Melesse Wakjira Workineh, Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering in the plant. Improvements in overall equipment effectiveness
Department, Adama Science and Technology University, Adama City, (OEE) and TPM can reduce the equipment losses. Methods
Ethiopia. like statistical process control (SPC), and automated process
Ananth Shalvapulle Iyengar, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and
Vehicle Engineering Department, Adama Science and Technology University, control (APC) can lead to an introduction of integrated process
Adama City, Ethiopia. control (IPC) that can improve the quality of product and
reduce plant losses. [5], [6]A new algorithm was reported that
DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.10364

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Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 4, No. 4, November 2014 171

enables the estimation of the mean effective process time t (e) the equipment life cycle), personnel (labor efficiencies and
and the coefficient of variation c (e) of a multiple machine increased productivity by improving visibility into operations
workstation from real data in a semiconductor industry. [7]The and empowering operators), (increased productivity by
results reported from the simulation further corroborate the identifying bottlenecks), and quality (increase rate of quality
essential points about OEE, TPM and automation and and reduce scrap). [10]It is important to understand the causal
systematic improvements required in the plant. The factors for such effectiveness losses. Only by eliminating the
effectiveness and implementation of the TPM program for an causes can a sustainable improvement in effectiveness be
electronics manufacturing company has also been studied and achieved. The causal factors for the loss of effectiveness may
reported with similar outcomes. [8]Recently, a case study be categorized as:

reported show remarkable improvement in OEE through

A single causal factor for the effectiveness loss.
lowering the number of fugai (breakdown) in a tool room
organization. [9] An OEE solution can enable manufacturers Multiple two or more causal factors combined result

in the effectiveness loss.
to achieve world-class status. More specifically it can provide
benefits in four key areas; equipment (reduced equipment Complex the interaction between two or more causal
downtime and maintenance cost, plus better management of factors results in the effectiveness loss

Effective Losses in the plant

Causal factor

Multiple but simple Multiple and interlinked

Causal factors Causal factors (complex)

Figure 1: Categories of Causal Factors for Loss of Effectiveness

bolts. The solution to these common problems will be
II. AUTONOMOUS MAINTENANCE available with the operator because he is in constant
Autonomous maintenance (AM) is one of the pillars of interaction with the machine.Operator equipment maintenance
TPM. It follows a structured approach to machine and process is about training operators to care for equipment at the source
maintenance, which increases the skill levels of personnel to so as to ensure that basic equipment conditions (no looseness,
understand, manage and improve their equipment and no contamination, perfect lubrication) are established and
processes. The operators' role is changed from being reactive maintained. This allows the successful implementation of
during machine breakdown to a more proactive in machine planned preventive and predictive maintenance to be
maintenance. This facilitates a smoother process flow; achieve administered by the maintenance department. AM improves
optimal conditions for production of high quality end-product corporate business results and creates pleasant and productive
without delays. The autonomous maintenance also eliminates workplace by changing the way people think about and work
minor equipment shutdowns and faster recovery from a with equipment throughout the factory. AM is one of the most
machine breakdown. important basic building blocks maintenance program.
To understand the importance of AM, we need to look at The first stage of operator’s training starts when the he /
maintenance procedure followed in the early parts of 20th she observe the activities of maintenance personnel. Operators
century. Huge plants were already established after the should work closely together with the maintenance personnel,
industrial revolution, and maintenance was done by dedicated, and they can do this in three ways:
highly skilled employees. The machine operators were • They can alert maintenance people.
expected to wait for the maintenance personnel to rectify • They can provide excellent information.
• They can perform routine maintenance.
minor breakdowns while they were around the equipment all
of the time. This leads to unnecessary delays and reduction in
AM is a critical first step of TPM and operators must be
productivity. A drastic change had to be brought about by
trained to close the information gap between them and the
allowing the machine operators to maintain their machines.
maintenance staff, making it easier for both to work as one
The operators have to first identify insufficient lubrication, air
leaks, increased machine vibrations because of lose nuts and

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Steps for AM Implementation Last two steps are designed to upgrade autonomous
The steps of AM can broadly categorized into three main maintenance and improvement activities by standardizing
activities, systems and methods. The ultimate goal of these steps is a
robust organization and culture in which every workplace is
1. Training and education, full of self-management.
2. Teamwork,
3. Housekeeping and employee involvement. [11] Step 1: Performing an initial cleaning and inspection
The commitment of top management to smoothen the In a functional production plant the AM starts with the
autonomous maintenance activity should not be existing list of daily and weekly inspection tasks. First, a
underestimated. cleaning procedure for each work station and the whole
Specifically, the AM activities can be divided into seven production line is setup. The maintenance work is helped by
stages as shown below the maintenance personnel. Effort is made toeliminate dust
and dirt from the main body of the equipment.Common minor
1. Conduct initial cleaning and inspection defects and breakdown causes areexposed to the maintenance
2. Eliminate sources of contamination and inaccessible personnel. Care is taken to reach the inaccessible places for
areas cleaning and contamination sources are reduced or eliminated.
3. Develop and test provisional cleaning, Unnecessary and seldom used items are placed in suitable
4. Inspection and lubrication up to standards, places and simplify the equipment operation area. The AM
5. Conduct general inspections autonomously, initial clean is part of the early AM training and is performed
6. Workplace organization and housekeeping, and by a small team that includes the operators, maintenance
7. Fully implement the autonomous maintenance personnel, the area production supervisor, and others with a
program. [8] vested interest in performance of the production area. A
The above seven steps are implemented to progressively qualified AM trainer should act as facilitator for the initial
increase operator’s knowledge, participation and responsibility clean activity. [5]
for their equipment. The steps start with the initial cleaning
and progresses towards full self-management. Steps 1 to 3 Performing the initial cleaning and inspection eliminates
place priority on abolishing environments that cause sources of contamination, clears some of the inaccessible
accelerated deterioration, reversing deterioration and areas. It gives a planned approach to test provisional cleaning,
establishing and maintaining basic equipment conditions. The and inspection procedure. Operators learn to conduct general
goals of these steps are to get operators interested in their inspections autonomously, workplace organization and
equipment and help them shake off their self-image as mere housekeeping. It paves way for the full implementation the
button pushers or switch flickers. autonomous maintenance program. To indicate the value of
initial cleaning under implementing AM program,the
In steps 4 and 5, operators are taught about inspection following picture shows clearly the role of initial cleaning in
procedures. The goals of these steps are to reduce failures and AM.
develop operators who thoroughly understand their equipment.

Inspect Restore Improve Pride in

Clean equipment equipment performance operation

Figure 2: The effects of good Initial Cleaning in Autonomous Maintenance [12]

Initial cleaning is the most difficult job for operators, inspection with high standards. As the team begins to clean
compared to other tasks in AM. But its role in complete they will identify defects. It can be wear and tear in
implementation of AM is the highest. During the initial equipment, loose or lost nuts and bolts due to vibrations,
cleaning by the operators a great impact on the equipment lubricant leakages or dirt and dust on machine parts which
performance and productivity can be observed. hide the parts to be inspected.
Step 2: Establishing counter measures for the causes and The causes of such defects or problems should be found
effects of dirt and dust. and countermeasures should be applied. The defects can be
The counter measures for the cause and effect of dirt and divided into two different categories, the first kind of defects
dust in the working environment can be identified by the are those which can be corrected by the operators themselves,
operators and eliminated based on their experience. AM tags while the second kind of defects are those which can only be
are developed and colour coded as red and white to mark any corrected by maintenance personnel. Using tag cards can be a
abnormality in the equipment to the maintenance personnel in good idea for the second kind of defects. Operators are
the absence of the operator. These AM tags are shown on instructed to tag the location of each abnormality as it is
Figure 3 that can be used between operators of different shifts spotted, using a card that shows when it was found, the
or with the maintenance personnel. The key part in this step is operator who found it and nature of the problem. This enables
not to clean for the sake of cleaning, but to clean for everyone to see what the machine status is and share and learn

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from the maintenance activities. Use white tags for problems out of both individual operator’s hands and that of
that operators can handle and red tags for ones that the maintenance personnel and introduces them to autonomous
maintenance department will handle. Tagging takes problems maintenance circles and involves everyone.

AMF (AM) tag

White tag

Equipment code _____________________

Equipment name _____________________
Found by _______________________________________________
Date and time___________________________________________
Description of problem________________________________________
NOTE: Attach this tag to the equipment

AMF (AM) tag

RED tag

Equipment code _____________________

Equipment name _____________________
Found by _______________________________________________
Date and time___________________________________________
Description of problem________________________________________
NOTE: Attach this tag to the equipment

Figure 3: Red and White Tags Used for Marking the Abnormalities in Equipment
Step 3: Establishing cleaning and routine maintenance involved the maintenance strategy invariably will be
standards (checklist) corrective maintenance. In fact there is three maintenance
The list of cleaning and routine maintenance steps should strategies such as corrective, proactive and aggressive; AM for
be reviewed by the TPM team and new cleaning and instance is categorized under aggressive maintenance strategy.
maintenance standards should be set. These steps should AM is focussed heavily on internal resources through total
include countermeasures for root causes of defects and participation from all levels of employees. It ensures certain
cleaning routine of dusty parts. Formulate work standards that objectives and goals set by top management can be attained.
help in maintaining cleaning, lubrication and tightening levels However, the effort to put AM as a continuous improvement
with minimal time and effort. This gradually produces the program certainly needs proper planning and execution.
autonomous maintenance thinking in the operator’s daily Therefore, training and education have become one of the
routine. It also clearly demarcates the responsibilities and important stages in autonomous maintenance. Training and
capabilities of operators and the maintenance personnel. promotion in AM is conducted by the introduction of the
program and sustaining the maintenance with high standards.
Step 4: Conducting a standards and inspection training The objective of AM training and education is not only to
Top management takes the decision to implement explain AM elements and pillars but also to raise morale and
maintenance program to reduce equipment breakdown and soften resistance to change. A campaign to promote
stoppages in the production line. If the operator is not directly enthusiasm for AM implementation is organized where

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banners, signs, flags and notice boards that bear AM slogans AMF can be broadly divided into main section and general
are created in order to have a positive effect on the operator’s utilities section. These two divisions together have seven
environment. Autonomous maintenance requires teamwork plants as listed below:

from various departments such as production and maintenance

Machine tower and silo (main plant)
to work closely to eliminate any potential breakdowns and

stoppages through total commitment. The training should Steeping plant (main plant)

emphasize on standards of inspection for example the visual Germination plant (main plant)

inspection of major parts, modification of equipment to aid Kiln plant (main plant)

inspection, finding and fixing minor defects. Inspection Cooling plant (General utilities)

manuals should be developed and followed for the training. Water treatment plant (General utilities)
Boiler Plant (General utilities)
Step 5: Carrying out an autonomous equipment inspection
Boiler Plant
Cleaning, lubrication and inspection standards should be
practiced to maintain optimal equipment conditions. A review AMF boiler is a horizontal, multi tubular and two pass
of equipment and human factor should be carried out to fix packaged type boiler that uses furnace oil as fuel. There are
problems. 147 tubes in first pass and 143 tubes in second pass.
Combustion of fuel takes place in furnace, hot gases flows
Step 6: Organization and standardization of the workplace through boiler tube and water is contained in shell. Heat
Improve work effectiveness, product quality and safety transfer takes place from hot gases to water/steam.
through work place organization and housekeeping. Set and Evaporative capacity of boiler is 10,000 kg/hr. The water
practice control standards for raw material, work in progress, from the supply is found to have temporary hardness that can
tools and spare parts. be softened by addition of certain chemicals. The feed water to
the boiler is first softened by the water softener equipment.
Step 7: Continuous improvement of policies, standards and
equipment There are two steam generating boiler plants in the factory,
each works in shifts as per the requirements of batch
Pinpoint the weaknesses in equipment and give
processing of malt in the kiln plant. The steam production of
suggestions in meetings to improve them to simplify the
each boiler (nominal) 6 to 7 tons per hour, design pressure 10
operations and increase reliability.
bar, feed water temperature (maximum) 180 C, combustion
efficiency 80%. Boiler plant is typically operational for 17
hours for one kiln box, and average amount of malt product
The history of preparing malt in Ethiopia was started in 70,000 kg. Kiln temperature level requirements vary with
1974 at St. George Brewery; AMF was established in 1984 time. The initial 9 hours need low temperature, following 4
with the aim of supplying malt to local breweries. AMF is hours the kiln plant is at medium temperature, and final 3
located in south-eastern part of the Ethiopia 162 km from the hours kiln is maintained at high temperature. The furnace of
capital city Addis Ababa and 7 km from Assela town. The the boiler can be categorized into three main components
production of malt over the years has increased by 22%. In namely, control and safety mechanism, rotary cup atomizer
total it has 223 employees (184 male and 39 female) from and ignition of furnace.
which 104 workers (103 male and 1 female) are working in
production department and 119 workers (81 male, 38 female)
are supportive staff.

Figure 4: Schematic of Rotary Cup Atomizer and the Steam Generator Body (picture credit: AALBORG industries)

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The Choice of Boiler Plant Focused improvement is aimed at zero losses, both
functional and function reduction. Maximizing equipment
Boiler plant was selected for the autonomous maintenance
effectiveness requires the complete elimination of failures,
study for these reasons.
defects, and factors causing failures; in other words, the
1. The boiler plant is a general utility and downtime of wastes and losses incurred in equipment operation. [2]A
this plant directly affects the malt production critical TPM paradigm shift is the core belief of focused
2. Constant maintenance is necessary for the continuous improvement. [14]This can be summarized as follows:

operation of the plant.
Old paradigm new equipment is the best it will ever
3. The boiler plant is one of the main contributors for
• New paradigm new equipment is the worst it will
product quality and customer satisfaction.
Some of the main problems associated with the boiler plant
are listed below: ever be.
The more we operate and maintain a piece of equipment,
1. Negligence of continuous follow-up and care causes the more we learn about it. We use this knowledge to
consumption of additional fuel. continuously improve our maintenance plan and the
2. Boiler malfunction reduces the quality of product and productivity of the machine. We would only choose to replace
can reduce customer satisfaction. a machine should its technology become obsolete, not because
3. Leakage of furnace oil from intake causes water it has deteriorated into a poorly performing machine. The
pollution in the plant vicinity. Environmental studies proper implementation of focused improvement
in literature indicate that one liter of furnace oil methodologies yield short term and long term improvements
pollutes one million liters of water. [13] in equipment capacity, equipment availability, and production
4. Inadequate handling and operation of water softener cycle time. [15] Focused improvement has been, and still is
makes the water to remain in a state of permanent the primary methodology for productivity improvement in the
hardness. These factors create accumulation of rust manufacture of microchip devices. Overall Equipment
and dissolved oxygen that causes corrosion and Effectiveness (OEE) is the key metric of focused
reduces the life of boiler. improvement.
5. The accumulation of rust, corrosion and scale
formation inside the tube can reduce normal heat Specific Steps taken for Improvement at AMF
transfer that increases fuel consumption adding to the Four levels of planning and implementation were aimed at
cost of malt production. AMF, these are listed below:
6. In extreme cases rust and salt deposition can result in
Level 1
7. The autonomous maintenance study also focused on Create awareness; Recognize deterioration and improve
the furnace rotary cup atomizer due to its high down equipment to prevent it:
time. A schematic of the furnace atomizer is shown in • AM awareness was created through banners, posters,
figure 4. streamers and flyers throughout the plant especially

in the production lines.
IV. AUTONOMOUS MAINTENANCE APPROACH Watch for and discover abnormalities in equipment

At AMF, autonomous maintenance was implemented by operation and components.
working on the Focused improvement pillar of the TPM Understand the importance of proper lubrication and

procedure. lubrication methods.
Understand the importance of cleaning, inspection
Focused Improvement Pillar (Kobetsu Kaizen)

and proper cleaning methods.
Focused improvement includes all activities that maximize Understand the problem of contamination and the
the overall equipment effectiveness and processes. It achieves ability to make localized improvements.
these by thorough elimination of losses and improvement of
performance. The objective of focused improvement is to Level 2
make sure the equipment’s daily performance is the same as Understand equipment structure and functions:

the performance on its best day. [3] The fact is machines do
virtually 100 percent of the product manufacturing work. The Understand what to look for when checking

only thing we people do, whether we’re operators, technicians, mechanisms for normal operations.
engineers, or managers, is to tend to the needs of the machines Clean and inspect to maintain equipment

in one way or another. The better our machines run, more is performance.

the productivity of our shop floor and more will be the success Understand criteria for judging abnormalities.
our business. [14] The driving concept behind losses may be Confidently judge when equipment needs to be shut

either a functional loss (inability of equipment to execute a off.
required function) or a function reduction (reduced capability Some ability to perform breakdown diagnosis.
without complete loss of a required function).

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Level 3 • Interrupt the impulse line of the air pressure flow

Understand causes of equipment induced- quality defects: indicator and the air pressure control device at the
• •

Physically analyze problem related- phenomena.

Check fuel shut-off device.
Understand the relationship between characteristics Check easy movement and tightness of the safety

of quality and the equipment.

shut-off device upstream of the burner.
Understand tolerance ranges for static and dynamic Check gas ignitions control device and intermediate

precision and how to measure such precision.

venting respectively.
Understand causal factors behind defects.

Operate main cut-out.

Level 4 Check ignition device.

Perform routine repair on equipment: Check pre- purge ventilation.

• Be able to replace parts.

Check flame detector by blacking out the flame

• Understand life expectancy of parts. •


• Be able to deduce causes of breakdown.

Examine combustion quality.
Weekly Check List for Work Stations

Daily checklist for boiler equipment was made for
employees working with the boiler plant. Along with the daily Check the joint of the pipe lines, if it has any defects

check list weekly checklist and emergency checklist were or not?
prepared. These are shown here for completeness. Clean the around of the pipe lines, ensure that there

Observe/check the switching points of the water level are no leakages on the floor.

Take the filters out and clean it.

Observe the switching points of the temperature or Clean the track of the furnace fuel lines and burner


pressure regulator respectively.
Check easy movement of the burner control (control Check the steam pipe, ensure that is not defected.

elements for air and fuel). Weekly Checklist for Boiler Equipment

Check combustion air fan, ignition and/or ventilation
In case of steam boiler which can be switched from

fan for easy turning and power transmission (V-belt).
high to low pressure, the limiters must be checked at
Check tightness of control device and/or intermediate least during each operating period, however at least

venting. weekly in case of low pressure operation.

Check ignition device.
In Case of Emergency
• • Switch off main cut-out.
Check pre- pump ventilation.

• • Cut off fuel supply.

Check flame detection unit.

• • In case of water shortage water shortage and damage

Examine combustion quality.

Purge water level gauge.

• Release boiler pressure and report to the supervisor

Check temperature or pressure limiter for changes of to the boiler do not refill boiler.

the set values (test keys).

Operate draining and desalting device. respectively to the local boiler authority.
Examine feed water and boiler water by means of

Check boiler water monitoring devices for infiltration Calculations on OEE of the boiler plant for January, 2011:

of foreign substances by means of the test key.
Other tests and maintenance to be performed at Mechanical breakdown =44 hrs. and 40 min
Electrical breakdown =22 hrs. and 30 min

regular intervals:

Check boiler valves for tightness. Electronics breakdown =7 hrs.
Check feeding and recirculation device by alternate Total breakdown =74 hrs. and 10 min

operation. Setup and other conditions =7 hrs. and 30 min
Check tightness and easy movements of fuel tank, Total loss =81 hrs. and 40 min

fuel lines as well as mountings.
Total good hours =720 hrs.

Check fuel pressure indicator.
Net loss (Total good hours - Total loss) =720 hrs. – 81 hrs.

Examine combustion chamber and flue gas passes.
and 40 min = 638 hrs. and 20 min.

Check vent safety valves.
Check water level limiter by lowering the water level Availability

(LWL). ��� ���� 638.2
Control of the temperature and pressure indicators � � × 100 = × 100 = 88.64%
����� ���� ℎ���� 720

via, precision thermometer respectively manometer. Defected steam = total breakdown X steam produced per hour
Close and open the flue gas tap in order to check the
limit switch.

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Percentage of quality steam produced Consumption of furnace oil, per batch = 5550 Liters
Total steam produced − defected steam 7200 − 741
= Consumption of furnace oil, per month = 210316 Liters
Total steam produced 7200
= 89.71% Overall Equipment Effectiveness:

Performance rate: Management loss = 90 hours Availability × performance rate × Quality rate × 100
Startup loss = 15 hours. 0.8864 × 0.8355 × 0.8971 × 100 = 66.44%
Net loss −(management loss +startup loss ) OEE less than 85% indicates improvements are required
Performance rate: urgently. [10]
Net loss
638.20 − (90 + 15)
= 83.55%

Table 1: OEE Calculations for the Select Months during the Project
Month Total loss (hrs:mins) Availability (%) Performance rate (%) OEE (%)
January 2011 81:40 88.64 83.55 66.44
February 2011 64:41 90.99 83.97 70.35
March 2011 62:48 92 84.02 70.80
April 2012 56:29 92.13 84.17 72.31
May 2012 42:40 94.06 84.49 75.60
June 2012 23:55 97.74 84.91 80.23
Table 2: This Table is in not Compatible for Double Column Format
Description Units Before AM application After AM application Change (%) Remarks
Breakdown Hours / month 186.39 99.94 46.38 Decrease
Average capacity Tons / month 2185.12 2394.57 8.75 Increase
Prod. capability Tons /month 2100.10 2207.05 4.85 Increase
Machine idle Hours/month 54.00 58.70 8.01 Increase
Maintenance cost USD / month 520 185 64.42 Decrease
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ISSN 2277-5056 | © 2014 Bonfring

Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 4, No. 4, November 2014 178

Melesse Wakjira Workineh was born in July 1975, at

NegelleBorena, Ethiopia. He received his Bachelors in
Manufacturing Technology from Bahirdar University,
Engineering Faculty, Ethiopia. He has received Masters
of Science from Adama Science and Technology,
Ethiopia. He has worked in Assela TVET College,
AthletKenenisa Polytechnic College, and Adama
Science and Technology University. He has published
his research in Global Journal of Researches in Engineering.
Dr. Ananth Shalvapulle. Iyengar was born in
November, 1979 at Bangalore, India. He received his
Bachelors of Engineering from Bangalore University,
Masters of Science from The University of Texas at El
Paso, and Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). He has
worked as Research Associate at CWRU, Associate
Professor at Mangalore Institute of Technology and
Engineering, and Team Lead (predictive engineering) at
Axiom Consulting, Bangalore. He is presently working as Assistant Professor
at Adama Science and Technology University. He has 3 journal publications
and 6 conference publications.

ISSN 2277-5056 | © 2014 Bonfring

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