Initiate of The Sevenfold Veil
Initiate of The Sevenfold Veil
Initiate of The Sevenfold Veil
A master of defensive magic, the Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil works with the
innate power of colors. Their properties can be brought forth by the skilled mage,
culminating in the perfection of the prismatic wall or prismatic sphere. The
Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil approaches the prismatic barrier by mastering one by
one its constituent veils or layers. Her skillful wardings can deflect many of the
most perilous attacks enemy spellcasters or monsters can muster, shielding herself
and her companions against harm. Her keen insight into the ultimate secrets of
abjuration also allows her to easily unbind the defenses of others, and in time she
learns the most dreadful of magical attacks: the spectacular and lethal
kaleidoscopic doom.
Initiates of the Sevenfold Veil adventure for much the same reason that wizards do:
to increase their knowledge and understanding. Their warding abilities make them
outstanding spell duelists, so many neutral- and good-aligned NPC initiates devote
their careers to the defeat of evil spellcasters, aiding folk who have no other
defense against a dangerous necromancer or reckless conjurer. Evil NPC initiates
sometimes serve as duelists-for-hire, seeking to entice good wizards into offering
some insult or slight in an effort to challenge the marks to lethal spell duels.
Class Features:
- Hit Die: d4
- Warding: An Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil can create a warding. She can choose
one veil she knows (see below) to raise the warding. A warding lasts for a certain
amount of time as indicated in its description, unless it is dismissed. When she
creates a warding, she can choose one of three types:
Personal: This warding is a sphere that encapsulates the initiate and it moves with
her. Any creature attacking her with a melee weapon or natural attack is subject to
the veil's effect (although creatures using reach weapons are not). The warding
provides concealment to the initiate and lasts for 1 minute per level or until
dismissed. (Note: The creature attacking the Initiate is subject to the veil effect
only on the first attack of the round).
Area: An area warding affects a space of 15 feet in diameter around the Initiate.
Any creature who remains adjacent to the initiate gains the benefit of the
warding's protection, even if part of its body lies outside the sphere. Moving out
of the warding (stepping away from the initiate) is completely safe, but anyone
attempting to enter the warding � even someone who was formerly inside it and left
� becomes subject to the effects of the chosen veil. The warding moves with the
initiate, provides concealment to all within and lasts for 1 minute per level or
until dismissed.
Sight: A sight warding evokes the effects of the veil all around the Initiate.
Every round for its duration a random enemy around the Initiate becomes subject to
the effects of the veil. The warding moves with the initiate, provides concealment
and lasts for 1 minute per level or until dismissed.
- Veils: Every level an Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil can chose a new veil with
whom create the warding she choose. These veils duplicate the layers of a prismatic
wall and are described below. An initiate's caster level for these veils is equal
to her arcane spellcaster level.
Red veil: The first veil an initiate learns is the red veil. A warding imbued with
this veil blocks all nonmagical ranged attacks and missiles. A creature crossing a
red veil takes 20 points of fire damage (Reflex half). A cone of cold spell
destroys a warding with this veil but is negated in the process. A warding with
this veil is the equivalent of a 4th-level spell.
Orange veil: At 2nd level, an initiate learns the secret of the orange veil. A
warding with this veil halts magical ranged attacks, including spells that conjure
missiles (such as Melf's acid arrow) or create rays (such as disintegrate or a
beholder's eye rays) but not spells that do not require a ranged attack (such as
magic missile). A creature crossing an orange veil takes 40 points of acid damage
(Reflex half). A gust of wind spell destroys the veil but is negated in the
process. A warding with this veil is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell.
Yellow veil: An initiate of 3rd level or higher can create a yellow veil. This veil
prevents gases or clouds from entering the warded area, and it prevents fear. In
addition, a character inside a personal or area warding imbued with a yellow veil
has immunity to poison. A creature crossing a yellow veil takes 80 points of
electricity damage (Reflex half). A disintegrate spell destroys the veil but is
negated in the process. A warding with this veil is the equivalent of a 6th-level
Green veil: A 4th-level initiate masters the green veil. This veil stops breath
weapons. A creature crossing a green veil must succeed on a Fortitude save or die;
on a successful save, the creature takes 1d6 points of Constitution damage. This
veil is a poison effect. An orb of acid spell destroys a green veil but is negated
in the process. A warding with this veil is the equivalent of a 6th-level spell.
Blue veil: At 5th level, an initiate learns the blue veil. This veil blocks all
mind-affecting spells and abilities. Any creature crossing a blue veil must succeed
on a Fortitude save or be petrified. A magic missile spell destroys a blue veil but
is negated by it. A warding with this is the equivalent of a 6th-level spell.
Indigo veil: A 6th-level initiate can create the mighty indigo veil. This veil make
spell and spell-like abilities difficult to pass by, increasing the spell
resistance by 60%. Any creature crossing an indigo veil must succeed on a Will save
or become permanently confused, as if by an insanity spell. A Blindness/Deafness
spell destroys an indigo veil but is negated by it. A warding with this veil is the
equivalent of a 7th-level spell.
Violet veil: At 7th level, an initiate masters the seventh and final veil: the
violet veil. This warding renders immune to all magic, elemental and innate
effects. Any creature attempting to pass a violet veil will get stripped of all
magic or innate effects, and living creatures must succeed on a Will save or be
permanently paralyzed. A violet veil is destroyed by a dispel magic spell. A
warding with this veil is the equivalent of an 8th-level spell.
- Double Warding: At 7th level and higher, an initiate add to the last four veils
(green at 7th, blue at 8th, indigo at 9th and violet at 10th) the effects of the
first four veils (red for green, orange for blue, yellow for indigo and green for
violet) both for protection and harmful effects. This is considered as a double
warding, where the less powerful effect is always considered to be "outside", so,
to negate the warding, the outermost veil must be negated before the inner veil can
be negated.
- Kaleidoscopic Doom: At 9th level, an Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil learns the
secret of the awesome kaleidoscopic doom. Once per day she designates one creature
and turns magical effects currently affecting the creature against it. This effect
functions like a targeted greater dispel magic, except that for every spell or
effect negated on the target, the effect of one veil (see above) is visited on the
victim as if the subject had crossed it. The veils created around the victim
proceed through the spectrum from red to violet, with one veil activated per spell
negated. Thus, a creature with three spells negated would be subject to the effects
of the red, orange, and yellow veils. The subject is still entitled to the normal
saving throws allowed by each veil. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th level