Chapter3 UEE PYQ
Chapter3 UEE PYQ
Chapter3 UEE PYQ
3 State two advantages and two disadvantages of: 1) Group drive and 2) Individual drive 1 W14
3 Describe any six factors governing selection of a motor for a particular application. 7 W14
3 State the factors to be considered for selection of shape and size of the car of elevator. 9 W14
3 What is electric braking? State the advantages of electric braking. Compare Rheostatic and Regenerative braking. 12 W14
3 (i) Suggest suitable electric drive for following applica on: 1) Paper mills, 2) Stone crusher, 3) Tex le mills and 4) Electric trac on. 15 W14
3 Define electric drive. List at least four advantages of electric drive. 36 S15
3 State any six requirements of ideal braking system. 39 S15
3 State the advantages and disadvantages of electric braking over mechanical braking. 40 S15
3 Describe in brief the size and shape of elevator car. 42 S15
3 State the factors governing selection of electric drive. 47 S15
3 Define load equalisation for electric motors. Explain how it is obtained for electric motors. 49 S15
3 Describe the concept of load cycle with their graphical representation. i) Continuous loading ii) Short time loading iii) Long time (intermittent) loading iv) Continuous operation with short time loading. 51 S15
3 Compare a group drive and an individual drive. 67 W15
3 What is electrical braking ? Explain regenerative braking for D.C. series motor. 71 W15
3 What is load equalization? Explain with neat diagram and graphs, the process of the load equalization. 76 W15
3 What are the different safety and protective devices used in elevators? Also state functions of each device. 87 W15
3 Define electric drive. State advantages and disadvantages of electric drive. 110 S16
3 Define group drive and individual drive. State the advantages and disadvantages of each drive. 113 S16
3 Compare electric braking over mechanical braking. 117 S16
3 Define: i) Continuous rating ii) Continuous maximum rating iii) Short time rating. 121 S16
3 Classify electric elevators on the basis of : i) Service ii) Capacity iii) Speed iv) Power unit. 121 S16
3 State and explain any four factors governing the selection of electric drive. 152 W16
3 Explain how Rheostatic Braking is achieved in case of : 1) DC series motor 2) 3 phase Induction motor. 156 W16
3 Compare Group Drive and Individual drive on the following parameters :1) Definition 2) Installation cost 3) Appearance 4) Safety and flexibility. 159 W16
3 Give any four ideal requirements of elevators 162 W16
3 State the factors to be considered for selection of shape and size of elevator. 163 W16
3 State the factors governing selection of electric motors. 186 S17
3 Define electrical braking. State its types electrical braking Explain regenerative braking for D.C. series motor. 190 S17
3 State four advantages of electrical braking over mechanical braking. 192 S17
3 Explain the requirements of elevator motor. State with reason best suitable motor for elevator. 196 S17
3 State any four factors to be considered while selecting electric drives (motor) for a particular application. 219 W17
3 State four advantages and four disadvantages of electrical braking over mechanical braking. 226 W17
3 State the factors to be considered for selection of shape and size of the car of the elevator. 232 W17
3 Draw graphical representation of load cycle : (i) Continuous loading (ii) Short time loading (iii) Long time (intermittent) loading (iv) Continuous operation with short time loading 232 W17
3 Compare individual and group drive on any four points. 235 W17
3 Why noise of motor is produced? How it can be reduced? 236 W17
3 Define electric drive. List at least four advantages of electric drive. 254 S18
3 Suggest suitable electric drive for following application :(i) Paper mills (ii) Stone crusher (iii) Textile mill and (iv) Electric traction 255 S18
3 Describe any six factors governing selection of a motor for a particular application. 257 S18
3 State the factors to be considered for selection of shape and size of the car of elevator. 258 S18
3 Define load equalisation for electric motors. Explain how it is obtained for electric motors. 258 S18
3 Define : (i) Continuous loading, (ii) Short time loading, (iii) Long time (intermittent) loading, (iv) Continuous operation with short time loading 259 S18
3 (i) State advantages and disadvantages of electric braking over mechanical braking. 264 S18
3 Enlist any two functions of bearings. State and explain the types of bearings. 296 W18
3 With the help of neat figure, describe the regenerative braking for D.C. shunt motor. 301 W18
3 What is group drive? State its four disadvantages. 303 W18
With proper justification suggest suitable enclosures to be used for electric drives in following locations of industries.
3 (i) Chemical plant (non-explosive) (ii) General industrial installation (non-explosive) (iii) Mines or others hazardous locations (iv) General outdoor installation. 311 W18
3 Define Electric drive. State the two advantages associated with electric drives. 328 S19
3 State any four factors governing selection of a motor for particular application. 338 S19
3 (i) Give any four ideal requirements of elevators. 339 S19
3 (ii) State the factors to be considered for selection of shape and size of elevators. 340 S19
3 State the meaning of load equalization. How is it done 356 S19
3 State types of mechanical power transmission system. 365 S19
3 State the two functions and types of enclosures provided to machine. 367 S19
3 Enlist the various types of electric drives used in Industry. S22
3 Recommend relevant motor for the following application with justification. (i) Rolling mill drives (ii) Air compressor S22
3 Explain with neat sketch, Rheostatic braking for D.C. series motor. S22
3 Enumerate the factors governing selection of Electric drives for a particular service / application. S22
Select the type of enclosures for the electric drives used in following places with justification.
3 (i) Drives used in petroleum station / chemical plants. (ii) Electric drives used in damp situation (iii) Electric drives used in coal handling plants. S22
3 Give one application each of any two types of bearings SA22
3 List four drives used for transmission of mechanical power. Write one application of each. SA22
3 For an elevator, state - i) Function ii) Any two types iii) Any two motor* used iv) Any two applications SA22
3 Explain with neat nkclcrh rheostatic breaking for DC series motor. SA22
3 State the factors on which size of motor selection depends. Define standard ruling of motor as per IS , Draw load cycles for any two types of loading. SA22
3 Differentiate gnmip drive and individual drive on - Principle, power required, coni, speed safety, mauiTciuuicc. power los*. application (any sw points) SA22
3 State any two advantages and two disadvantages of individual drive. W22
3 i) State the purpose of enclosure ii ) Recommended suiiahlo lype of enclosure for the following application: ft Coal mines 2) Chemical industries W22
3 Explain wiih necessary circuit diagram rheostatic braking applied to D.C series motor W22
State the types of elevator bused on
1) Speed 2 ) Capacity State any two functions of elevator
3 ii) State any three safety and protective devices and their function used in elevator. W22