Style 2020
Style 2020
Style 2020
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of prenatal and postnatal imaging modalities for
Received 20 January 2020 evaluation and management of congenital lung malformations (CLMs).
Accepted 25 January 2020 Methods: A retrospective review was performed of all fetuses evaluated for a CLM between December 2001 and
Available online xxxx January 2018. Pre and postnatal imaging findings, operative treatment, and patient outcomes were collected.
Patients were included in analysis if they had fetal imaging (US and/or fetal MRI), a postnatal chest CT, and sur-
Key words:
gical pathology.
Congenital lung malformation
Results: Over the study period, we identified 157 patients with prenatal imaging that also had a follow-up with
Chest CT postnatal chest CT at a median age of 2.1 [1.4, 3.2] months. Of these, 75% (n = 117) had surgical resection. Diag-
Fetal MRI nostic accuracy (DA) for localization of unilobar lesions was 100% for pre- and postnatal imaging and 97% vs 98%
Fetal imaging for multilobar disease, respectively. On comparison for identification of aberrant vasculature and pathology pre-
diction, pre- and postnatal imaging DAs were similar. However, postnatal CT had the highest specificity for diag-
nosing lesions overall (p b 0.05).
Conclusion: Prenatal imaging provides valuable information for counseling and possible fetal intervention. How-
ever, this study suggests that postnatal CT scan continues to provide important information for preoperative
counseling and surgical management.
Type of study: Retrospective study.
Level of evidence: Level IV.
© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The diagnosis and imaging of congenital lung malformations available at many institutions for evaluation of CLMs. Enhancement in
(CLMs), which represent a spectrum of developmental abnormalities ultrasound imaging quality aided by MRI has improved the ability to
of the pulmonary vasculature, bronchial tree, or foregut [1,2], have not only diagnose but to further characterize lung lesions [2,6]. Using
evolved since first reported by Ch'In and Tang in 1949 [3]. Historically, these modalities, specific features can be used to determine high risk
these lesions were typically diagnosed postnatally and classified by ap- lesions and predict pathologic variants, including bronchopulmonary
pearance on chest x-ray; but with the advent of computed topography sequestrations, bronchogenic cysts, bronchial atresia, and congenital
(CT), chest CT scans quickly became the gold standard of imaging for pulmonary airway malformations (CPAMs), with increasing accuracy
CLMs. Currently, prenatal imaging and diagnosis have evolved and the to aid in postnatal care and management [7,8]. In this patient popula-
use of fetal ultrasound (US) has increased the incidence of diagnosis of tion, rarely is fetal or early neonatal intervention required; thus, the
thoracic fetal malformations, with CLMs now commonly diagnosed vast majority will be reevaluated as infants with a CT scan to further de-
between 18 and 20 weeks of gestation [4,5]. fine the lesion and assess for elective operative intervention.
With the continued advances of maternal–fetal medicine, prenatal Given the improvement in prenatal evaluation and imaging qual-
imaging, including fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is now ity, particularly with the incorporation of fetal MRI, use of prenatal
imaging begs the question of whether CT remains necessary to accu-
rately diagnose and determine postnatal operative management of
⁎ Corresponding author at: Texas Children's Fetal Center, 6701 Fannin Street, Houston,
TX 77030. Tel.: +1 832 822 3147. CLMs. Specifically, with the current concerns of radiation dosage in
E-mail address: (T.C. Lee). the pediatric population, the use of ionizing radiation should only
0022-3468/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: C.C. Style, A.R. Mehollin-Ray, M.A. Verla, et al., Accuracy of prenatal and postnatal imaging for management of congenital
lung malformations, Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
2 C.C. Style et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
be performed when absolutely necessary to provide clinical informa- 1.5. Statistical analyses
tion to aid in medical decision making. There have been a number of
studies that have demonstrated the increased incidence of leukemia Diagnostic imaging accuracy of lesion location, type, and presence of
and central nervous system tumors when associated with ionizing a blood supply was tested between the prenatal imaging, postnatal im-
radiation in the pediatric population [9,10]. The hypothesis for this aging and surgical pathology. The postnatal surgical findings and
study was that CT scan in the postnatal period continues to be neces- pathology results were considered the definitive diagnosis. Estimates
sary to provide imaging information for surgical decision making. of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV), and
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated and conducted accord-
prenatal and postnatal imaging modalities for evaluation and man- ing to the standards for reporting diagnostic accuracy study guidelines
agement of CLMs. [12]. Confidence intervals were generated using receiver operator
characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Student's t-test, chi-square and
1. Methods Mann–Whitney U test were used for comparisons based on variable
type and distribution, and results are presented as the median value
1.1. Data collection and interquartile range or mean and standard deviation. A p-value of
b 0.05 and 95% CI were considered significant. All statistical analysis
Permission for this study was obtained from the Baylor College of was performed using IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM
Medicine Institutional Review Board (H-40178). A retrospective re- SPSS version 25, NY, USA).
view was performed of a prospectively collected dataset of all fetuses
evaluated for a congenital lung malformation between July 2001 and
2. Results
January 2018 at our institution. Prenatal imaging findings, postnatal
imaging findings, operative treatment, and lung lesion pathology
2.1. Clinical and demographic data
were collected. Prenatal data included maternal and fetal demo-
graphics, gestational age at diagnosis, gestational age at birth, and
A total of 242 fetuses were evaluated prenatally. Of these, 157 neo-
birth weight. Imaging features from ultrasound and ultrafast fetal
nates were inborn, underwent a fetal center evaluation with additional
magnetic resonance imaging included lesion location, lesion size in-
prenatal imaging and had at a postnatal follow-up. Left-sided CLMs
cluding the congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM)–
accounted for 59% (n = 93/157) of the population with 48% of the
volume ratio (CVR) measurements, sonographic appearance (solid
male sex (n = 76/157, Table 1). Mean age at diagnosis and fetal center
vs cystic), presence of an anomalous systemic blood supply, medias-
referral was 21.4 ± 4.2 weeks of gestation. Of the 157 evaluated, the
tinal shift, findings of other anomalies, and fetal symptoms including
majority (86%, n = 135) were classified as low risk lesions (defined as
polyhydramnios, fetal hydrops, or cardiac failure. CVR was calculated
CVR b 1.6) with a median CVR of 0.7 [0.25, 1.2]. On postnatal follow-
as previously described [11].
up, children had a chest CT scan at a median age of 2.1 [1.4, 3.2] months.
Based on the evaluation and surgeon recommendation, 117 went on to
1.2. Inclusion criteria
have surgical resection with definitive pathology results. Seven lesions
were no longer visible on CT scan, and 33 are continuing to be observed.
The clinical data of neonates with a diagnosis of a left- or right-sided
Overall cohort survival was 100%.
lung lesion were reviewed. Patient data were included in this study if
they were evaluated and found to have a lung lesion in the fetal period,
and inborn at our institution with at least one year of postnatal follow- 2.2. Comparison of fetal and postnatal imaging in the CLM cohort
up. Patients that did not undergo a postnatal chest CT and have surgical
pathology were tallied but excluded from statistical analysis. 2.2.1. Prenatal imaging
All patients evaluated underwent fetal US and the majority
1.3. Prenatal imaging data (90%, n = 141/157) underwent a subsequent fetal MRI to further char-
acterize the lesion. Mean age at fetal MRI was 26.4 ± 4.7 weeks, with
All infants were diagnosed via ultrasonography and underwent a 75% (n = 106/141) occurring in the second trimester and 25% (n =
subsequent fetal MRI. Ultrasound and fetal MRIs were interpreted by 35/141) occurring in the third trimester. Of the patients who had a sur-
pediatric radiologists trained in fetal imaging at the time of the study. gical resection and pathologic specimen, 46% (n = 54/117) of fetuses
Ultrasound and ultrafast fetal MRI techniques were performed as previ- were found to have a systemic blood supply on US, in comparison to
ously described [8]. The data were retrieved from the final imaging re- 39% (n = 46/117) on MRI in which eight vessels were unable to be de-
port. Data from US and fetal MRI were combined for prediction of final finitively identified solely by MRI. Most (n = 80) were characterized as
pathology and management. a cystic lesion (macro and/or micro), while 32% were identified as solid
lesion. Based on prenatal imaging characteristics, pathology was varied
1.4. Postnatal imaging and management with 54% being either bronchial atresia or CPAM (n = 63), 39%
bronchopulmonary sequestrations (n = 46), 5% congenital lobar em-
For infants with CLM, a postnatal chest CT scan is routinely obtained physema (n = 6), and two bronchogenic cysts (1%).
within the two months of life at an outpatient follow-up visit. All CT
scan data used were interpreted by a trained pediatric radiologist. Re-
section was offered to all children who were symptomatic owing to Table 1
the lung malformation. For the children with an asymptomatic lesion, Cohort demographics characteristics.
indications for resection were the presence of an anomalous arterial Left lung CLM 59% (93/157)
blood supply (leading to aortopulmonary shunt), a lesion that involved Right lung CLM 41% (63/157)
a significant portion of a lung lobe (generally N 40%), and lesions that Male 48% (76/157)
showed increasing size or imaging characteristics concerning for possi- Female 52% (82/157)
Gestational Age at Diagnosis (weeks) 21.4 ± 4.2
ble malignancy. If the lesion appeared to be a segmental bronchial atre-
Gestational age at MRI, weeks 26.4 ± 4.7
sia and occupied less than 20% of the lobe, families were counseled with Median age at postnatal CT scan [interquartile range] 2.1 [1.4, 3.2]
the option of observation. All children represented in this cohort Elective Resection 75% (117/157)
underwent elective resection with surgical pathology. Survival 100%
Please cite this article as: C.C. Style, A.R. Mehollin-Ray, M.A. Verla, et al., Accuracy of prenatal and postnatal imaging for management of congenital
lung malformations, Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
C.C. Style et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
2.2.2. Postnatal imaging imaging, CT scan continues to have a slightly higher concordance to
In comparison, of those with a persistent lesion on postnatal CT scan, post-surgical pathology.
50 (43%) were found to have a systemic arterial supply. Sequestrations Our study highlights the increasing accuracy of prenatal ultrasound
accounted for 45% of lesion (n = 53), followed by bronchial atresia or and MRI particularly when combined to accurately predict both the
CPAM at 55% (n = 65, Fig. 1). The primary location of the lesion (side size and pathology of the lesion. In the initial diagnostic period prena-
and lobe) was accurately diagnosed both prenatally and postnatally tally, size is arguably the more important feature given that larger
(100% accuracy); however, in 7% (n = 8), CT scan delineated additional lesions often cause lung compression, severe cardiomediastinal shift,
lobar involvement, also noted with surgical pathology (98% diagnostic and fetal hydrops which may result in fetal or early postnatal interven-
accuracy for multilobar disease on CT scan). tion. The routine use of advanced imaging is controversial with CLMs;
and while not all lung lesions will necessitate additional imaging, it is
2.2.3. Diagnostic accuracy often difficult to correlate final pathology and outcome prediction by
Diagnostic accuracy (DA) was evaluated for both fetal imaging and ultrasound alone [14]. For this reason, magnetic resonance imaging
postnatal CT compared to final pathology for the 117 patients that (MRI) is used as adjunct imaging. MRI enables quantification of the
underwent elective resection (See Table 2). US & fetal MRI had similar congenital lesion size, total fetal lung volumes (to assess pulmonary hy-
accuracy for detecting the presence of a systemic vessel when compared poplasia), and cardiomediastinal shift [15–17]. This can be very advan-
to postnatal CT. Using McNemar chi-square analysis to analyze the dif- tageous when paired with a US providing exquisite anatomic and
ference in diagnostic outcomes, postnatal CT had the highest sensitivity pathologic detail. Of particular importance in lung masses, compressed
compared to prenatal imaging for diagnosing lesions overall (93% vs lung can still be viewed on MRI allowing for visualization of distinct
83%, p b 0.01). When looking at congenital lobar emphysema, CT scan the lobar anatomy.
had a 100% PPV versus 60% with Fetal MRI/Fetal US. Although the diagnostic accuracy is indeed high when evaluating pre-
natal imaging, in this study CT scan had a slightly higher concordance to
3. Discussion post-surgical pathology. Data are limited comparing imaging techniques;
however, recently a similar study from Mon et al. was the first to evaluate
Imaging quality in both fetal ultrasound and MRI has drastically the diagnostic accuracy of prenatal imaging and postnatal CT in compari-
improved in the past several decades, and several studies have shown son to final pathology [18]. Their study evaluated ultrasound and MRI sep-
increasing diagnostic accuracy utilizing either modality for prediction arately, and found that CT was superior in predicting histology and the
of postnatal outcomes and pathology [6,8,13]. In spite of this, there is a presence of aberrant vasculature to both US and MRI alone. We also
paucity of data evaluating a comparison of prenatal imaging versus found that, while detecting the presence of a systemic vessel was similar,
postnatal imaging, particularly in comparison to the gold standard of CT scan had a slightly higher sensitivity and positive predictive value for
imaging for lung lesions, CT scans. This question is of particular rele- histologic type than prenatal imaging. Furthermore, we know that the
vance with the data concerning CT scan ionizing radiation and develop- natural history of a lung lesion is varied and may change over time. Le-
ment of leukemia and central nervous system tumors in the pediatric sions tend to grow rapidly between 18 and 26 weeks of gestation, but
population. In a perfect world, it would be desirable to limit any postna- will often shrink in mid-to-late gestation resulting in the disappearance
tal CT imaging if the information from the prenatal imaging was accu- of lesions [4,19] . In this study, there were 7 patients who had regression
rate and sufficient. In this study, we sought to evaluate the diagnostic of their lung lesion, thereby necessitating no further surgical manage-
accuracy of prenatal imaging (US/MRI) and a postnatal CT using final ment. Additionally, lesions may also continue to grow postnatally and,
pathology as the gold standard to determine if prenatal imaging alone while rare, there is the b1% of malignancy for all CLMs [20,21]. Taking
can or should be used for operative planning/counseling in the early these into consideration, we would continue to recommend use of post-
infant setting. We found that although the diagnostic accuracy is indeed natal CT for patient counseling and operative planning, as limited use
high when evaluating prenatal imaging and similar to postnatal can be safe and continues to be an effective method of evaluation.
50 50 49
3 4
BA/CPAM Sequestration CLE
Fig. 1. Comparison of imaging of cystic vs solid lesions predicted pathology to final pathology. BA/CPAM=Bronchial Atresia/Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation; CLE=Congenital
Lobar Emphysema.
Please cite this article as: C.C. Style, A.R. Mehollin-Ray, M.A. Verla, et al., Accuracy of prenatal and postnatal imaging for management of congenital
lung malformations, Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
4 C.C. Style et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 2
Diagnostic accuracy of prenatal US, fetal MRI, and postnatal CT in infants with CLMs.
US/Fetal MRI⁎ Lesion Location (Left vs Right) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Presence of Systemic Vessel 89% 88% 90% 87% 90%
Bronchial Atresia & CPAMs 88% 94% 82% 83% 94%
Bronchopulmonary Sequestration 90% 87% 92% 89% 91%
Congenital lobar emphysema 97% 75% 98% 60% 99%
Postnatal CT Lesion Location (Left vs Right) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Presence of Systemic Vessel 89% 88% 91% 91% 85%
Bronchial Atresia & CPAMs 94% 96% 92% 92% 96%
Bronchopulmonary Sequestration 87% 90% 88% 90% 88%
Congenital lobar emphysema 99% 75% 100% 100% 99%
⁎ US/MRI were performed and interpreted as paired imaging; MRI=magnetic resonance imaging; CT=computed topography; BPS=bronchopulmonary sequestration (intra- and
extralobar), and CLE=congenital lobar emphysema; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value.
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Please cite this article as: C.C. Style, A.R. Mehollin-Ray, M.A. Verla, et al., Accuracy of prenatal and postnatal imaging for management of congenital
lung malformations, Journal of Pediatric Surgery,