Social Netwoks and Digital Security: July 2019
Social Netwoks and Digital Security: July 2019
Social Netwoks and Digital Security: July 2019
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5 authors, including:
Sehrish Aqeel
King Khalid University
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Abstract — Social networks are of utmost popularity activity socially using electronic medium. By
in current era. People from various age groups are definition, social media is used as a tool to convert
part of them as it attracts the user and totally engage your thought, idea, message or any other kind of
them. As most of the social networks are publically information to particular set of audience or broadly.
available for everyone, digital security is being In social networking, people do engage themselves
compromised due to careless use of it. There arises in some particular network like group, any site or in
number of vulnerabilities of threats which mostly the application and make a kind of network of people to
user is not aware of. These vulnerabilities could be communicate with each other and make relationships
addressed by possible counter measures. This paper is [2].
a comprehensive study on social networks, possible
attacks on digital data and various security measures Social Networking platforms:As it is stated,
that user should definitely adopt to protect his identity social media and social networking are interlinked,
and information on social networks. Answers to so this can be at various platforms with the usage of
general question of “What to share?”, “how much to applications or through simple websites. This is the
share” and “how is being shared?” are being discussed era of mobility. So there exists more than one way to
that will give necessary awareness to the non- approach any social networking tool or social media
professional user to be in social network smartly; in website. Like Facebook can be accessed through
secure and protected environment as before. website, through mobile application using any kind
of computing device such as laptop, desktop
Keywords —social media; digital security; social
computer, mobile, handheld device etc. Also they are
network; privacy; security; network being designed in such a friendly style that it doesn’t
I. INTRODUCTION require any kind of training to use it. It definitely
enhances its usage by all age groups and from diverse
Social networking has become need of today’s background. Following (Fig.2) is the data collected
life. It seems that a person can forget to breath but from representing number of
doesn’t forget to check notifications from various social media in billions from 2010 to 2021(Expected)
social media accounts. This is the way to connect [3] .
various people from different background, cultures,
nationalities, domains, age groups, gender and many
more which seems impossible if not have existence 2020
of social networking. This is giving chance to
socially be close with each other and also find much 2018
more of your interest under the common platform.
[1]. 2016
0 1 2 3 4
Fig.2. Number of Social media users worldwide
Users in billions 0.97 1.22 1.4 1.59 1.91 2.14 2.28 2.46 2.62 2.77 2.9 3.02
recognition, speech recognition and processing. number generation tempering. Replay messages can
Images could be collected from the target and then be generated. It can lead to spoofing, man in middle
use them for various unethical causes that badly and timing attack as well. DoS and sensor input data
affect the privacy of the user as well as poor impact is being targeted the most under MAC layer attack. It
on social circle too. causes bandwidth consumption too to produce
latency. Overall confidentiality, integrity,
Data of each usage of social media is directly
authenticity and network availability is being
related to the vulnerability of threat. That’s the
compromised as result of MAC layer attacks [11].
reason it is really important to know that what are
popular usage among social media and what I is trend Router is a device that works in layer 3 of OSI
in last years. This is represented in following Fig.3. model and its main job is routing. Attacks at routing
layer can affect routing by intrusion of wrong
information of paths and misguiding in packet
forwarding. Attacks at this layer can be denial of
service, denial of node, man in the middle to create
falsified information, spoofing, emerging spam
messages, and attack on reading of sensor input data,
jamming, malware, blackhole, greyhole, wormhole,
replay, timing, unauthorized access and change in
information of data [12]. It main targets at hardware,
software level by either by spoofing or by intrusion
of malicious entity either as a node or as outside
attacker to create wrong information about route,
drop any packet, act of malicious node like the
original node, replay to the old messages, controlling
the routing and effecting the network by any mean.
This can cause consumption of bandwidth,
congestion of data pockets and even could fail the
Fig.3. Data of social media usage (Data is collected from complete network as well as routing is one of the
Research Report 2017 of Com) basic functions of wireless networks [13].
Security is being implemented using three
II. BACKGROUND approaches; using security infrastructure, with
security architecture and with the help of security
Ali Dorri [8] has well-elaborated security of standards. All three measures complement each other
smart homes by taking one mechanism of BLOCK as infrastructure will help to design architecture and
chain that work in IoT. This is a continuation of architecture will have set of standards to implement.
previous work of the authors on Blockchain and IoT. [14] For security infrastructure, concept of PKI exists
For designing BC smart home, complete process is that work with certificate authority CA to implement
being explained in terms of initialization, handing of security. Based on PKI, many security architectures
transactions through miner and shared overlay Three are being adopted by various originations to deal
main demanding aspects of smart homes are with security issues within their scope. ETSI has
discussed; security, privacy and performance that we introduced security for ITS communication using
are also targeting in this paper and implementing it ETS architectural layers [15].
on Social media. For any system to secure it must NHTSA has introduced security architecture
accomplish confidentiality, integrity and availability using basic safety messages and security information
[9]. Block chain is one way to implement security to messages based on bootstrap functions and
secure digital data. In [10], focus is on security of IoT pseudonym functions. This architecture appears
and to implement it, concept of consumer security more secure as compared to others. Without
index is being introduced. This is the work of the standards and protocols, security cannot be
project where requirements have been gathered using implemented at all and more research is proceeding
Study approaches. Four Study methods have been in this area to come up with more secure algorithms,
conducted and for each Study, aim, used standards and practices for network [16]. Support of
methods/design, analysis are well elaborated. This cryptographic algorithm, routing protocol and
introduces new idea to implement any security certification authority together set the security of the
measure on digital data through study approaches, network along with other optional security measures
same as discussed in [10]. like data verification, detection rates, and
MAC layer attack can be at wireless interface, involvement of specific authority, formal group
hardware, software, on sensor input and on formation, and location, architecture and individual
infrastructure. Jamming attack is very common that access rights of a node within the network. So
can cause denial of service. Node targeted flooding whatever security approach is used, focus is to avoid
can happen. Data could be manipulated at sensor attack by targeting vulnerable threats available in the
input to mislead the readings. It can lead to random network and don’t leave any loop hole for the
attacker to intrude in the network and harm it with sensor input and attack on infrastructure. Each attack
his malicious efforts, activities and actions [17]. has further subcategories and is targeting any
particular feature(s) depending upon the user’s
Attacks are categorized into four sections in [18]; vulnerability as mentioned in table below:
vulnerability of attack using wireless interface,
attacks because of hardware or software, attack on
Denial of Service Attacker attacks to make services unavailable for the user.
Distributed Denial of Service Attack like DoS but in distributed way; from different locations.
Using wireless Sybil Using same identity, multiple accounts will be created.
Malware Attacker consumes network bandwidth by sending spam messages.
Man in Middle Middle malicious node has access to the communication in between two
Brute Force Attacker uses trial and error approach to get access to password, identity or
any protected data.
Spoofing & Forgery Injection of wrong emergency warning messages for the user.
GPS Spoofing Attacks to the GPS to mislead the network by wrong locations.
Message change Attacker either drops the packet or changes the contents of the packet.
Using hardware
or software Replay Reply to the old messages to mislead the network.
Timing Play with the time to delay the message so that should be received in the
network when it is no more required.
Attack to sensor Illusion Attack on the sensors to read wrong sensor readings.
Jamming Attacker attacks on radio frequencies to create jam.
Infrastructure unauthorized access Unauthorized access deals with malicious access to any node, service or
attacks network by any mean. During session hijack, attacker takes control of the
session after authentication and controls the session in its own way.
repudiation During Repudiation, event traceability is loosed that leads to denial of node
in the network.