Ability Bimillah Proposal Mella (Soon Graduated On August)
Ability Bimillah Proposal Mella (Soon Graduated On August)
Ability Bimillah Proposal Mella (Soon Graduated On August)
first year of Junior High School to the third year of Senior High School.
But nowadays, English is not only teach in Junior High School and Senior
High School but also in the Elementary School. But only some Elementery
make something that the procedure is already in their book but among
these students still ask their teacher about that procedure. In this case,
laziness of reading can make people difficult to find what they looking for.
because of that, they are also difficult to find the main idea, and
understand factual and detail. From those difficulties, the student can
failled answer the question based on reading passage then their score is
low. Thus, the student should improve their reading component skill.
1711040215, FIirdhani Rahmaning Gusti, “An Analysis Of Students’ Literal Reading
Comprehension In Report Text”, Lampung, 2021, Hal 5
Reading is one of the most prominent of English skill besides
ability that has been possessed by the student before he followed Learning
(2011) "Student Ability is a beginning ability that has been own by the
the teacher." Or in other words, the initial ability is prerequisite ability that
a person that makes it possible for him to carry out activity successfully. It
one’s general capability for performing tasks ability is the quality of being
something. 2
Ministry of Education and Culture 2013 the basic competence 2013, the
junior high school of eight grade, learners are expected to comprehend the
reading texts such as; descriptive, narrative, recount text, and others in an
expectation, and then have a low ability in the reading. Language and
language walk together with the development of people. English has been
their own discipline for junior high school students in education today”.
The Measurement of Student Ability in Modern Assesment Systems, Brian Jacob and Jesse
Rothstein, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 30, Number 3, 2016 Page 85-108
reading compenent skill in kinds of text especially in report text. The
students reading ability, for making any differences with the present
causes student don’t understand what they read because they know English
subject. The teacher also doesn’t put too much emphasis on learning
Subject commonly in junior high school eight grade. Let student learn
reading lesson eventhough they speak English most of them they don’t
the subject that teaching three times in a week with duration 2 hours each
meeting. It means that the students have to learn English for 120 minutes
in a week. The researcher interviewed the students and the teacher in this
school and find that some of the students' in reading was relatively low.
The teacher in this school delivered the reading material based on the
curriculum 2013 and explain the material by using some various strategies
students have difficulties in reading such as: The students are difficult to
find the main idea and detail information, because they are not interested
to read the English text. Besides that, the students could not identify kinds
of the text, because each text has different generic structure and language
features. Also, students are not able to identify the meaning of a reading
text, because they lack of vocabulary. Then, the students have not way to
read the English text so that they could not get the meaning of the text.
After that the researcher used report text as the material as a text to know
as follow:
comprehend them.
Furthermore, the researcher limited the problem into “An analysis students’
of students’ ability in reading about vocabulary, factual data, and main idea in
report text.
2. What are the causes of the students’ ability in reading report text?
1. Theorytically
2. Practically
To give information to the next researchers who will conduct the research
1. Student Ability
each student’s ability (including for those who answer all items correctly
or all incorrectly).4
of the measured ability distribution. This is because test items are most
For this reason, the reported ability measure in this framework will
be shrunk more towards the mean for students who score extremely high
2. Report Text
general way. It means report text is the text to describe the way things are
The Measurement of Student Ability in Modern Assesment Systems, Brian Jacob and Jesse
Rothstein, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 30, Number 3, 2016 Page 93-96
in general, with reference to a range of natural and social phenomena in
our environtment. In this research, report text is one of the genres used by
reading text.
A. Theory
1. Concept of reading
Teaching is definition as an interactive process, primarily
involving classroom talk, which takes place between teacher, pupil and
the practice of using text to create meaning. The two key words here are
creating and meaning. Beside that reading becomes a problem for the
students because the purposes of reading and type of the text determine the
specific knowledge, skills and strategies that readers need to apply and
achieve comprehension.
High School, the students are required to understand the text to get the
the sentence or paragraph, but they should understand the message the
52212006,An Amtha, “Kwl Improves Students’ Ability In Reading Of Report Text”, An Amtha,
Sudarsono, Regina, 2017.
Reading is also one of the most important tools for students to gain
English that plays a role in the learning process and become the only way
that helps students to keep contact with English.In additional, the ability to
read the text in any form will bring great advantages to the students.
texts to the reader’s mind, or the process in which students understand and
get the messages from the printed words. The more the students read, the
been seen as a fundamental skill that could assist the student in mastering
Based on Grabe and Stolle, readings are an ability for drawing meaning from
cooperating between brain, eyes movement, then inferring processes that make
some communications between the writer and the reader essential. It means
that the reader makes relation between information in passage then information
2. Reading Comprehension
the text to catch aspects on text and making inference after reading
Each reader has different in reading comprehension. There are the readers
Lems, K., Miller, L. D., &Soro, M. T.Teaching reading to English language learners: Insights
from linguistics.(New York, NY: The Guilford Press.2010), Hal 112
EzgiÇetinkayaÖzdemir, HayatiAkyol. The Development of a Reading Comprehension
Test,Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 7, 2019.
environment. It can be conclude that, there are many things that affect the
Reading can be habit if done many time by simple way. Reading habit is
reading habit there are some aspects based on Gaona et.al such as the first,
attitude towards reading. In this aspect the person reports about attitude and
means the person informs how often they read books in their spare time. The
third is books read. It is about the amount of books that the readers have read in
C. Text
a. Concept of text11
Siahaan and Sinoda said that the texts are meaningful linguistic units in
the context which are written and spoken text. Text refers to some of
Edward G.Summers,Instruments for assessing reading attitude:ariview of research and
bibiloigraphy.Journal of literacy research, Vol.9, 1977
Ryan, A. M., & Patrick, H., The Classroom Social Environment and Changes in Adolescents’
Motivation and Engagement during Middle School., American Educational Research Journal,
SanggamSiahaan and KisnoShinoda.Generic Text Structure.(Yogyakarta: Graha ilmu,2008) Hal
successfully. Text is when this word is put together for communicating any
unit. Text is each communication actions that are completed such as the
speech between friends on the television advertisement, street film, and then
b. Kinds of text
all variants are called as genres. Garot states that there are many text kinds :
(1) Recount
This text for retelling events, then the purpose of text to inform or
(2) Descriptive
(3) Narrative
This text is the story with any complication events, this tries for
in these cases.
(5) Report
This text for describing any ways things are with the reference to
This text for persuading all the listener of the reader that something
in these cases.
(7) Spoof
This text for retelling any events with the humorous twist.
(8) Procedure
sequence steps.12
Peter Knap and Megan Watkins, Genre, text, grammar: technologies for teaching and assesing
writing.(Australia: University of New South Wales. 2005). Hal 29
Barker, Ray, Literacy Connections. (New York : A Catalog Record For This Book Is Available
From The British Library. 2000).p.23.
This text is the text that presents any information about something; It is the
results of systematic analysis. Beside that definition, there are experts who
explaining the other definition of report text. Report is kind of text that is
written in the chronological order then also created in present tense. This report
describes the method things are related to the science, geography, history, and
main discussions.
From all topic opinions, researcher can resume that the generic
Budiono, Steven &Christino, Report Text.page: 6. (on-line) available at https://prezi.com/report-
text/)2014. Accessed on 12nd November 2019
Second, the description describes the thing that would discuss in the detail
a. Using the general noun, that is, an object of the general nature.
linking verb.
f. Using the paragraph with any topic sentences to organize the bundle
CicihNuraeni,”Improving Students‟ Writing Ability In Report Text By Using P.I.E Strategy.”
Available at https://www.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id/library/index.php?
p=show_detail&id=34569&keywords= (Dissertation for Bachelor Degree of IAIMNU Metro,
Lampung, 2016).p.25.
Whether the natural made: planet, rock, sea, transportations,
Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific
of the family Felidae. The word "cat" generally refers to a "cat" that has
been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" such as lions and tigers.
digestive tract. The first premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs on
each side of the mouth that works effectively as a pair of scissors to tear
the meat. Although these features also exist in the Canidae or dog, but
these traits are better developed in cats. Unlike other carnivores, cats eat
almost non vegetable substance. Bears and dogs sometimes eat berries,
roots, or honey as a supplement, while cats only eat meat, usually freshly
killed prey. In captivity, cats can not adapt to a vegetarian diet because
they can not synthesize all the amino acids they need from plant material;
vegetarian meal.
Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC, from
the skeleton of the cat found on the island of Cyprus. The ancient
Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away the rats or other
rodents from the barn where the crops were saved.Currently, the cat is one
of the most popular pet in the world. Cats that his lines are recorded
officially as a cat breeds or pure breed are Persian, Siamese, Manx, and the
sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually bred in official captivity animal. The
number of purebred cat is only 1% of all cats in the world; the rest is a cat
E. Student Ability
Conducting reading class in earlier semester should be avoid. This will
lead to unsuccesful course since the students have not master in their subject fully,
it is better to let the students to cope their subject in English. This is not in
accordance with the learners’ need which should be considered first. The authority
should also consider the time and also the amount of workload of the students. It
is not good to have so many materials but there is not available enough time to
master all the materials. Thus, it is recommended for the teacher to have the most
important parts of the material which meet the students need to be designed in
reading class.
Keenza Abriella, https://www.englishiana.com/2016/02/13-contoh-report-text-bahasa-
inggris.html, 2016/02/28
Nofrika sari, Jurnal Educative Vol. 1 No. 1 “dalam” JURNAL EDUCATIVE: Journal of
Educational Studies, WidyaSyafitri, Vol.3, No.1, Januari-Juni 2018 Hal 37