Torts and Damages Notes
Torts and Damages Notes
Torts and Damages Notes
Reformation of instrument
Elcano v. Hill
Quantum of evidence
- Court expanded the scope of Quasi-delict
Criminal - proof beyond reasonable doubt
- It refers to voluntary, intentional, negligent act whether punishable by
Civil - preponderance of evidence
- Dual character of negligence because it is both civil and criminal
The origin of Torts
- Quasi delict includes acts which are intentional and voluntary
- Common law concept
- Art. 2176 - “fault/negligence” - voluntary and intentional
- Legal system in the Philippines: Predominantly civil with some
- Is the acquittal of the accused a bar for the filing of a quasi delict? No.
influences of colony ??
Because of Art. 2177
- A separate civil action lies against the offender in a criminal act,
whether or not he is criminally prosecuted and found guilty or
acquired, provided that the offended party is not allowed, if he is
actually charged also criminally, to recover damages on both scores,
Art. 104. What is included in civil liability. – The civil liability established in
and would be entitled in such eventuality only to the bigger award of
Articles 100, 101, 102, and 103 of this Code includes:
the two, assuming the awards made in the two cases vary.
1. Restitution;
2. Reparation of the damage caused;
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- Doctrines: (1) dual character of negligence; (2) double recovery is not - Two appeals: on the part of accused: both criminal and civil aspect of
allowed; (3) without any basis, quasi delict covers not only negligent the case
act, but also intentional and voluntary act. - These two appeals are independent from each other, so they can
proceed simultaneously.
Virata v. Ochoa - Occena is entitled to moral damages
- No litis pendentia or forum shopping
- Look at the cause of action *QUASI-DELICT
- Aggrieved parties in negligence cases may choose between an action - Has substantivity and individuality
under the RPC or for quasi-delict under Art. 2176 of the NCC BUT MAY - Quasi-delict has its own rules
NOT RECOVER TWICE for the same negligent act under Art. 2177 of the
NCC. Pacis v. Morales
- The Court held that Art. 2176 covers not only acts not punishable by Vicarious liability - primary and direct
law but also acts criminal in character, whether intentional and - Liability of the employer himself (Art. 2180 - diligence in selection and
voluntary or negligence. supervision) - will only apply if there is Er-Ee relationship
- Complaint was quasi-delict - complaint for Jerome
Banal v. Tadeo - Even though there was no Er-Ee relationship, facts reveal that Morales
- B.P. 22 does not provide any civil liability is still negligent.
- Generally, the basis of civil liability arising from crime is the - Degree of diligence required that a gun store owner must observe -
fundamental postulate of our law that “Every man criminally liable is extraordinary diligence
also civilly liable.” Every crime gives rise to a penal or criminal action - Depends upon the risk involve or nature of the obligation
for the punishment of the guilty party, and also to civil action for the - Extra precaution - extraordinary diligence
restitution of the thing, repair of the damage, and indemnification for - As long as the defendant is negligent, you may ask for damages.
the losses.
- The payee of the check is entitled to receive the payment of money for Degree of Diligence
which the worthless check was issued. Having been caused the 1. Ordinary - diligence of a good father of a family
damage, she is entitled to recompense. Thus, the petitioner’s 2. Extraordinary
intervention in the prosecution of Criminal Cases 40909 to 40913 is
justified not only for the protection of her interests but also in the Degree of Negligence
interest of the speedy and inexpensive administration of justice 1. Slight negligence - failure to
mandated by the Constitution. 2. Ordinary negligence - failure to exercise ordinary diligence
3. Gross negligence - wanton disregard of the rights of others
Occena v. Icamina
- The kinds of appeal in cases of conviction Casupanan v. Laroya
- Filed a criminal complaint for grave oral defamation before the MCTC - Whether an accused in a criminal case may file a case on quasi-delict
- Convicted of slight oral defamation - pay a fine of 50 pesos
- SC: discussion about appeals; civil aspect is not final
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- Forum-shopping - filing of multiplicity of suits wherein there are same - Accused is acquitted for demurrer of evidence, trial court may not
parties and same cause of action in order to obtain a favorable - Unless the offended party waives the civil action or reserves the right
judgment. to institute it separately or institutes the civil action prior to the
- General rule: Theory of Implied institution criminal action, there are two actions involved in a criminal case. The
- Exception: Reservation, waiver, first is the criminal action for the punishment of the offender. The
- Suspension of the civil action parties are the People of the Philippines as the plaintiff and the accused
- Independent civil actions are not affected by reservations - In a criminal action, the private complainant is merely a witness for the
- Ex delicto is only affected by waiver State on the criminal aspect of the action. The second is the civil action
- 2 reasons why an accused in a criminal case is allowed to file a arising from the delict. The private complainant is the plaintiff and the
complaint for quasi-delict accused is the defendant.
- Presumption of innocence
- The offended party can file two separate suits for the same act or Safeguard Security Agency v. Tangco
omission. The first is a criminal case where the civil action to recover - Conviction is a condition sine qua non
civil liability ex delicto is deemed instituted, and the other a civil case - The civil action was not derived from the criminal liability of Pajarillo
for quasi-delict – without violating the rule on non-forum shopping. but one based on quasi-delict which is separate and distinct from the
The two cases can proceed simultaneously and independently of each civil liability arising from crime. The liability of the employer under Art.
other. The commencement or prosecution of the criminal action will 2180 is direct and immediate.
not suspend the civil action for quasi-delict. The only limitation is that - Sec. 1, Rule 111. When a criminal action is instituted, the civil action for
the offended party cannot recover damages twice for the same act or the recovery of civil liability is impliedly instituted with the criminal
omission of the defendant. action, unless the offended party waives the civil action, reserves his
right to institute it separately or institutes the civil action prior to the
EXCEPTIONS: Presumption – matter of substantive law; there is a law or rule NEGLIGENCE OF PROFESSIONALS
stating that presumption MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE
Two types of presumption: 1. Duty
1. Conclusive – respondeat superior 2. Breach
2. Disputable (Art. 2184-2185) 3. Injury
4. Proximate causation
Art. 2184 v. Art. 2185
2184 – no violation but found guilty within 2 months preceding accident NEGLIGENCE OF ATTORNEYS
2185 – no record but he was committing a traffic violation at the time of
Art. 2188 One of the elements of quasi-delicts - proximate cause
The fault or negligence must be the proximate cause of the damage or injury.
Ong v. Metropolitan Water District
Proximate cause – that cause, which, in natural and continuous sequence,
Marikina Auto Line v. People unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, produces the injury, and without
which the result would not have occurred.
o That cause of the cause of the cause of the cause of the evil cause
o Defined as the dominant or immediate or efficient cause that sets the
“the thing speaks for itself”
other in motion
o Need not be the sole cause, or the direct cause, or the one which is
On Vicarious Liability: The doctrine is also called the doctrine of “imputed
nearest in time or place to the result.
negligence” in Anglo-American tort law. In Anglo-American law, vicarious
liability consists mainly of the liability of the employer for the tort conduct
Concurrence of efficient cause is where several causes, except those arising
of the employee committed in the performance of the latter’s assigned task.
from the plaintiff’s own acts, combined to produce injuries.
o Each wrongdoer is responsible for the entire result and is liable as
Requisites: though his acts were the sole cause of the injury.
The presumption of negligence on the part of the employer was either in the Conditions under Art. 2184:
selection or supervision of employees. The owner of the vehicle must be inside the vehicle.
- The owner must have reasonable opportunity to observe the
TWO ASPECTS OF PRESUMPTION negligent acts of the driver and direct him to desist therefrom
o In selection, the employer is required to examine the prospective but failed to do so. The owner is not liable for sudden acts of
employees as to their qualifications, experience and service records. negligence.
o In supervision, the employer must formulate standard operating - The act complained of must be continued in the presence of
procedures, monitor their implementation and impose disciplinary the owner for such a length of time that he, by acquiescence,
measures for breaches thereof. makes his driver’s act his own.
- It is not applicable if the vehicle is driven without the owner’s
The employer failed to exercise diligence in supervision of employees. knowledge and consent and by a person not employed by him
- Supreme Court: In proving diligence in supervision, the employer must (e.g. carnapping, unauthorized use of vehicle).
present documentary evidence, not just testimonies (e.g. certifications,
sample of company’s code of conduct, accounts or records of Registered Owner Rule:
disciplinary proceedings) - The registered owner of a motor vehicle is solidarily liable for the
- Thus, employer is vicariously liable. injuries caused by the negligence of the driver, despite the fact that the
vehicle was already subject to an unregistered deed of sale.
Can the parents, guardians or employers ask for reimbursement? YES. - The aim of motor vehicle registration is to identify the owner so that If
Art. 2181. Whoever pays for the damage caused by his dependents or any accident happens, responsibility can be fixed on a definite
employees may recover from the latter what he has paid or delivered in individual.
satisfaction of the claim. - However, the unauthorized use of vehicle or carnapping are valid
defenses (same as VL of owner of vehicle).
The parents, guardians and employers are held solidarily liable only for - If the owner sold the vehicle, he is still liable if the buyer has not
purposes of enforcement of liability. registered the vehicle. The remedy of the registered owner is the file a
third party complaint impleading the buyer.
o Different from employer; di kailangan na may employer-employee E. VICARIOUS LIABILITY OF THE STATE
relationship Basis?
o In VL of employer, the employer need not be inside the vehicle. - The government is not liable for the negligent acts of its regular officers
o Different from registered owner rule and employees in the performance of their ordinary functions.
Globe Mackay Cable v. CA The article gave an adequate legal remedy for the countless gaps in the statutes
The right of the employer to dismiss an employee should not be confused with and untold numbers of moral wrongs which are impossible for human foresight
the manner in which the right is exercised. If the dismissal is done abusively, to provide.
then the employer is liable for damages.
Law v. Morality?
University of the East v. Jader The article did not obliterate the boundary between law and morality.
An educational institution is liable for damages for delayed relay of information At any rate, every good law draws its breath of life from morals, from those
to a student that he failed the course. Schools and professors cannot just take principles which are written with words of fire in the conscience of man.
students for granted and be indifferent to them.
- A public utility corporation cannot effect disconnection of service to a A married man who succeeded in winning the affection of a woman to the
delinquent customer without prior written notice. The prematurity of extent of having illicit relations with her committed an injury to the latter’s
the action is indicative of intent to cause additional mental or moral family in a manner contrary to morals and good customs. (Pe v. Pe)
- A lessor cannot arbitrarily evict a tenant who failed to pay rents. No Breach of Promise of Marriage?
man is authorized to take the law into his own hands and enforce his Heart Balm suit lend itself more readily to abuse by designing women and
right with threats or violence. unscrupulous men.
The breach is not an actionable wrong unless the woman is a victim of moral
Article 20. Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or negligently causes seduction.
damage to another, shall indemnify the latter for the same. - This is not an actionable wrong
- The article provides a general sanction for illegal acts
- Crimes v. Torts o The fraudulent promise to marry made the woman surrender her
virtue to a man on the sincere belief that he would keep the promise
Art. 28. Unfair competition in agricultural, commercial or industrial enterprises Art. 32. Any public officer or employee, or any private individual, who directly or
or in labor through the use of force, intimidation, deceit, machination or any indirectly obstructs, defeats, violates or in any manner impedes or impairs any
other unjust, oppressive or highhanded method shall give rise to a right of of the following rights and liberties of another person shall be liable to the
action by the person who thereby suffers damage. latter for damages:
In any of the cases referred to in this article, whether or not the defendant’s act
Art. 29. When the accused in a criminal prosecution is acquitted on the ground or omission constitutes a criminal offense, the aggrieved party has a right to
that his guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for commence an entirely separate and distinct civil action for damages, and for
damages for the same act or omission may be instituted. Such action requires other relief.
only a preponderance of evidence. Upon motion of the defendant, the court
may require the plaintiff to file a bond to answer for damages in case the The responsibility herein set forth is not demandable from a judge unless his act
complaint should be found to be malicious. or omission constitutes a violation of the Penal Code or other penal statute.
- Malicious prosecution applies only to criminal cases
- Disbarment cases, same as criminal cases. o The constitutional and legal safeguards must be observed. The article
provides a sanction to the deeply cherished rights and freedom
Quantum of Evidence enshrined in the Constitution.
o The defendant may be any person, who directly or indirectly,
I. Guilt beyond reasonable doubt – criminal cases obstructs, defeats, violates, impedes or impairs the rights and liberties
II. Clear and convincing evidence – Application for bail; of another.
III. Preponderance of Evidence – civil cases o It is not necessary that the defendant acted with malice or bad faith.
a. Greater weight of evidence o Judges are excluded from liability unless their acts or omissions
b. Probability of truth constitute a violation of the penal statute.
IV. Substantial evidence – administrative cases (labor, actions pending o Deportation? Cancellation of Passport?
before quasi-judicial agencies)
V. Preliminary Investigation – evidence that the respondent is probably Art. 33. In cases of defamation, fraud, and physical injuries a civil action for
guilty of the crime. damages, entirely separate and distinct from the criminal action, may be
brought by the injured party. Such civil action shall proceed independently of
Art. 30. When a separate civil action is brought to demand civil liability arising the criminal prosecution and shall require only a preponderance of evidence.
from a criminal offense, and no criminal proceedings are instituted during the
pendency of the civil case, a preponderance of evidence shall likewise be
sufficient to prove the act complained of.
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Art. 34. When a member of a city or municipal police force refuses or fails to o Manufacturers or processors liable to the consumers although no
render aid or protection to any person in case of danger to life or property, such contractual relationship exists between them.
peace officer shall be subsidiarily responsible therefor. The civil action herein o The liability is based on the principle that one who sends goods
recognized shall be independent of any criminal proceedings, and a out into the channels of trade for use of others is responsible for
preponderance of evidence shall suffice to support such action. the injury caused by a defect in the product.
o It does not cover instances where the product does not measure
IV. STRICT LIABILITY TORTS up to the buyer’s expectations. (bad bargains)
o The doctrine relates only to defective and unreasonable
o The defendant is liable for damages even without fault. Hence, there is dangerous products. It does not make the manufacturers or
no need to prove negligence. processors an insurer or liable for any harm under any
o This covers lawful acts or desirable activities with possibility to harm circumstances.
others or to create abnormal risks dangerous to society.
o The law applies to Filipino or foreign manufacturer, produces and any
Possessor of Animals
importer, independent of fault, for damages caused to consumers by
Art. 2183. The possessor of an animal or whoever may make use of the
defects resulting from design, manufacture, construction, assembly,
same is responsible for the damage which it may cause, although it may
erection, formulas and handling and making up, presentation or
escape or be lost. This responsibility shall cease only in case the damage
packing of their products, as well as for the insufficient or inadequate
should come from force majeure or from the fault of the person who has
information on the use and hazards thereof. (Art. 97)
suffered damage.
o This provision renders either the owner or possessor of the animal
Defective Product
liable for damages. It covers both vicious and tame animals, even if it
o A product is defective when it does not offer the safety rightfully
should escape or be lost.
expected of it taking these relevant circumstances: (a) presentation of
o The liability is not based on negligence but on the principle that he who
product; (b) use and hazards reasonable expected of it; (c) the time it
possesses animals for his utility, pleasure or service must answer for
was put into circulation.
the damage.
o A product is not considered defective because another better quality
o Defenses: force majeure or plaintiff’s own negligence.
product has been placed in the market.
Unnecessary Injury
Against a Public Nuisance
o A private person or a public official extrajudicially abating a nuisance
Criminal action (RPC or local ordinance);
shall be liable for damages:
Civil Action; or
If he causes unnecessary injury; or
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If an alleged nuisance is later declared by the courts to o Every successive owner or possessor of property who fails or refuses to
be not a real nuisance. (Art. 707) abate a nuisance in that property started by a former owner or
possessor is liable therefor in the same manner as the one who
Easement against Nuisance created it. (Art. 696)
Art. 682. Every building or piece of land is subject to the easement which o The law does not regard the original ownership of the nuisance
prohibits the proprietor or possessor from committing nuisance through noise,
jarring, offensive odor, smoke, heat, dust, water, glare and other causes. Cases
Iloilo Cold Storage v. Municipal Council
Art. 683. Subject to zoning, health, police and other laws and regulations, - Facts: ABC Corp. constructed an ice plant but nearby residents
factories and shops may be maintained provided the least possible annoyance complained of that the smoke from the plant was injurious to their
is caused to the neighborhood. health and comfort. Later, the municipal council passed a resolution
requiring ABC Corp. to raise the smokestacks within a month or else
o The law intended to prohibit the proprietor or possessor of a building the establishment will be closed. ABC Corp. instituted an action to
or land from committing nuisance through noise, jarring, offensive enjoin the carrying out of the resolution.
odor, smoke, heat, dust, water, glare and other causes. - Ruling: Municipal councils have the power to declare and abate
o Yet, it can hardly be considered an easement which is defined as an nuisances but they do not have the power to find as a fact that a
encumbrance imposed upon an immovable belonging to a different particular thing is a nuisance when such thing is not a nuisance per
owner (Art. 613). se. Nor can they authorize the extrajudicial destruction of such thing.
These must be determined in the ordinary courts of law.
Easement v. Nuisance - Here, the ice factory is not a nuisance per se. It is a legitimate
o An easement is a real right while the prohibition does not create a real industry, beneficial to the people, and conducive to their health and
right but is a limitation upon the owner’s right to use his lands or comfort. If it be a nuisance due to the manner of its operation, that
buildings. question cannot be determined by a mere resolution of the board.
o The prohibition is based on the maxim sic utere tuo ut alienum non There must be a fair and impartial hearing before a judicial tribunal.
ladeas (so use your own as not to injure another’s property) and is not
consistent with the definition of easements.
*What if bumili ka ng bahay? Tapos yung bahay is on the verge of collapsing.
Tapos sinampahan ka ng civil action, baka raw pag may magsigarilyo dyan
masunog na or tumumba na? Pwede mo bang defense na “kabibili ko lang nyan, Salao v. Santos
di ko naman alam na nuisance yan”? Eventually, nag collapse na and may na - The SC ruled that the summary abatement of smoked fish factories is
aksidente. If tenant ka lang, and not the owner, pwede ka ba kasuhan for void there having been no hearing in court despite the passage of an
damages? Yes. (Art. 696) ordinance regulating the operation of such business.