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Anton Angelo B.


The Prelims in second semester is already done and we discussed lots of topic wherein all of it can
help us as a future educator. But the one topic that I really like is chapter 2, we discussed about
Authentic assessment meaning, Phases, characteristics and practices. In this lesson I learned a lot like
what are the phases of assessment. Assessment is the process of gathering data or information of the
students which a big part of the teaching and learning process. There are five phases of assessment
first is Identify the learning outcome, second is determine criteria and acceptable evidences of
performance, third Implement supporting learning experiences and instructional activities, fourth is
implement assessment strategies and lastly evaluate result to determine attainment of outcome and
ensure continuous improvement. This five phases of Authentic assessment is the is the step by step
process on how to assess the students or learners. This phases cannot be jumbled during the
assessment process because this is the very crucial part wherein we can determine if the students or
learners learned and has the skills that they need. Also we can determine is they are improving or not
and lastly if the learning process is not successful we can implement different strategies to be able for
them to understand. The authentic assessment is the assessment where students are asked to
perform real-world task that demonstrate meaningful application of what they have learned because
21st century learning focuses on how learners prepare for the real life scenarios not only today but
also in the future that is why they need to develop different type of skills.

My realization as a future teacher is that authentic assessment is one of the best or useful tools for
teachers in integrating in their teaching. Teacher teach students to perform task the are same in the
real world scenarios to be able for them to be prepared or succeed in life in the future. There is a lots
of 21st century skills that the students need to develop and that is the reason why teachers today are
the facilitators of learning and the students is the dispenser. I also realized that learning is not just
about intellectual but the most important is the skills and the ability to perform task that are related
to real word situations. But even though the authentic assessment is the best, traditional assessment
is also important for the learners and the students and both of them can is a huge part of the
successful teaching and learning process between the students and the teachers.

As I observed today on how teachers teach is that they are all not the same, others are already
revolutionized their way of teacher and others a in the Traditional way of teaching. Some of them are
digital literate and others are not and I am not against that but the very best important is that the
teacher can give the proper and right set of skills and learning of the students.

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