Calculation of Power Required by Air Compressor and Power
Calculation of Power Required by Air Compressor and Power
Calculation of Power Required by Air Compressor and Power
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Appendix 3
0.11 293
= 1.9 kg s 1 K 2 bar 1
Mass flow factor (A3.2)
Note that the pressure units are in bar, i.e., the same as in the chart given in Figure 12.4,
Chapter 12. The chart can now be used to determine the speed and efficiency of the
compressor, that is, the intercept of a horizontal line drawn from pressure ratio =3 and
a vertical line starting from the x‐axis at a mass flow factor =1.9. The result will be very
close to the 600 rotor speed factor line and the 0.7 ‘efficiency contour’. Thus, the rotor
speed can be taken to be:
Fuel Cell Systems Explained, Third Edition. Andrew L. Dicks and David A. J. Rand.
© 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
10.1002/9781118706992.app3, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [12/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
412 Appendix 3: Calculation of Power Required by Air Compressor and Power Recoverable by Turbine in Fuel‐Cell Exhaust
The efficiency of the compressor and the mass flow rate are used to find the t emperature
rise and the compressor power. The former is obtained from equation (12.6), Chapter 12,
T 30.286 1 155 K (A3.4)
Since the entry temperature is 20°C, the exit temperature is therefore 175°C. Note that
if the system is a PEMFC, cooling will be necessary. Alternatively, if it is a PAFC, then
the compressor would enable the fuel gas to be preheated.
The power required for the compressor can be determined from equation (12.10),
Chapter 12:
Power 1004 30.286 1 0.11 17.1 kW (A3.5)
This is the power for the compressor without considering any mechanical losses in
the bearings and driveshafts. The electric motor also will not be 100% efficient — a
reasonable estimate of its power would be about 20 kW. It is important to note the
●● The 20 kW of electrical power will have to be provided by the 100‐kW fuel cell, i.e., by
consuming 20% of its output. This parasitic load is a major problem when running
systems at pressure; its importance for PEMFCs is discussed in Section 4.7.2,
Chapter 4.
●● In this worked example, the assumption is that the air is not humidified, i.e., it has a
low water content. As pointed out in Section 4.4, Chapter 4, the inlet of a PEMFC is
sometimes humidified. This action alters both the specific heat capacity and the ratio
of the heat capacities, γ, and will influence the performance of the compressor.
Humidification, if required, is usually undertaken after compression because the air
is hotter at this stage.
0.11 363
Mass flow factor 0.75 kg s 1
K1/2 bar 1 (A3.6)
10.1002/9781118706992.app3, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [12/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Appendix 3: Calculation of Power Required by Air Compressor and Power Recoverable by Turbine in Fuel‐Cell Exhaust 413
The speed and efficiency of the turbine can be determined from the performance
chart given in Figure 12.8, Chapter 12. The intercept on the chart between 0.75 on the
x‐axis and 2.8 on the pressure ratio axis is close to the rotor speed factor line of 5000,
and in the efficiency region of 0.7 or 70%. Consequently, the required rotor speed is
predicted to be:
T1 P2
Power C P
1 m (12.10)
C P1
The exit gas is not normal air; it has less oxygen and a changed specific heat capacity.
For engines, standard values are 1150 J kg−1 K−1 for CP and 1.33 for γ. In the case of a fuel
cell, the change in gas composition is not so great, and a value of 1100 J kg−1 K−1 will be
used for CP and 1.33 for γ. The constant (γ − 1/γ) thus becomes 0.275. The temperature
T1 is 363 K, so equation (12.10) becomes:
Power available 100 0.7 363 1 0.11 7.6 kW (A3.8)
The minus sign indicates that power is given out by the turbine. This power is a useful
addition to the 100 kW of electrical output of the fuel cell, but note that it provides less
than half of the power required to drive the compressor, as calculated above.
Furthermore, this example is the best possible result — turbine efficiencies will usually
be somewhat lower than the 0.7 assumed here. As can be seen from the turbine
performance chart in Figure 12.9, Chapter 12, much of the operating region is at
greatly lower efficiency.