Generic – Brand Classification/ Mechanism of Side effects/ Nursing Consideration Patient teaching
name Indication Action Adverse Reaction
Generic name: Indication: Blocks CNS: dizziness, Assess BP (lying, sitting, Emphasize the importance of
vasoconstrictor anxiety, standing) and pulse continuing to take as directed, even
Losartan Alone or with and aldosterone- depression, periodically during therapy. if feeling well. Take missed doses
other agents in producing effects fatigue, headache, Notify health care as soon as remembered if not
Brand name: the management of angiotensin II insomnia, professional of significant almost time for next dose; do not
Cozaar of hypertension. at receptor are weakness. changes. double doses. Instruct patient to
Treatment of sites, including take medication at the same time
diabetic vascular smooth CV: hypotension, Monitor frequency of each day. Warn patient not to
nephropathy in muscle and the chest pain, prescription refills to discontinue therapy unless directed
patients with adrenal glands. edema, determine adherence. by health care professional.
type 2 diabetes tachycardia.
and Therapeutic Assess patient for signs of Caution patient to avoid salt
hypertension. Effects: Lowering Derm: rashes. angioedema (dyspnea, substitutes containing potassium or
of BP. Slowed facial swelling). May rarely food containing high levels of
Classification: progression of EENT: nasal cause angioedema. potassium or sodium unless
diabetic congestion, directed by health care professional.
Therapeutic: nephropathy. pharyngitis, HF: Monitor daily weight See Appendix K.
antihypertensives rhinitis, sinusitis. and assess patient routinely
for resolution of fluid Caution patient to avoid sudden
Pharmacologic: GI: abdominal overload (peripheral edema, changes in position to decrease
angiotensin II pain, diarrhea, rales/crackles, dyspnea, orthostatic hypotension. Use of
receptor drug-induced weight gain, jugular venous alcohol, standing for long periods,
antagonist hepatitis, distention). exercising, and hot weather may
dyspepsia, increase orthostatic hypotension.
nausea, vomiting. Lab Test Considerations:
Monitor renal function and May cause dizziness. Caution
GU: impaired electrolyte levels patient to avoid driving or other
renal function. periodically. Serum activities requiring alertness until
potassium, BUN, and serum response to medication is known.
F and E: creatinine may beq.
hyperkalemia. Instruct patient to notify health care
May cause AST, ALT, and professional of all Rx or OTC
MS: arthralgia, serum bilirubin medications, vitamins, or herbal
back pain, (candesartan and products being taken and consult
myalgia. olmesartan only). health care professional before
taking any new medications,
Misc: May causequric acid, especially NSAIDs and cough,
ANGIOEDEMA slightpin hemoglobin and cold, or allergy remedies.
hematocrit, neutropenia,
and thrombocytopenia. Instruct patient to notify health care
Potential Nursing professional of medication regimen
Diagnoses Risk for injury prior to treatment or surgery.
(Adverse Reactions)
Noncompliance Instruct patient to notify health care
(Patient/Family Teaching) professional immediately if
swelling of face, eyes, lips, or
Do not confuse Benicar tongue occurs, or if difficulty
with Mevacor. Do not swallowing or breathing occurs.
confuse Diovan with
Zyban. Advise women with reproductive
potential to use contraception and
Correct volume depletion, notify health care professional if
if possible, prior to pregnancy is suspected or planned,
initiation of therapy. or if breast feeding. If pregnancy is
detected, discontinue medication as
PO: May be administered soon as possible.
without regard to meals.
Losartan Emphasize the importance of
follow-up exams to evaluate
PO: For patients with effectiveness of medication.
difficulty swallowing
tablets, pharmacist can Hypertension: Encourage patient to
compound oral suspension; comply with additional
stable for 4 wk if interventions for hypertension
refrigerated. Shake (weight reduction, low-sodium diet,
suspension before each use. discontinuation of smoking,
moderation of alcohol consumption,
regular exercise, stress
management). Medication controls
but does not cure hypertension.
Lack of engagement
in the treatment plan is
Reinforce the a common reason for
importance of failure of
adhering to treatment antihypertensive
regimen and keeping therapy. Therefore,
follow-up ongoing evaluation for
appointments. client participation is
critical to successful
treatment. When client
understands causative
factors and
consequences of
intervention and is
motivated to achieve
health, the client
typically participates
in treatment
Monitoring BP at
home is reassuring to
Instruct and clients because it
demonstrate BP self- provides visual
monitoring technique. feedback to determine
Evaluate client’s treatment outcomes
hearing, visual acuity, and helps promote
manual dexterity, and early detection of
coordination. deleterious changes.
schedule to fit client’s
Help client develop a personal habits may
simple, convenient make it easier to get in
schedule for taking the habit of including
medications. antihypertensives in
Adequate information
Explain prescribed and understanding
medications along about side effects can
with their rationale, enhance client’s
dosage, expected and commitment to the
adverse side effects, treatment plan. For
and particular traits, instance, mood
such as the following: changes, initial weight
gain, and dry mouth
are common and often
subside with time
Scheduling doses
Diuretics: early in the day
Take daily or larger minimizes nighttime
dose in the early urination.
Primary indicator of
Weigh self on a effectiveness of
regular schedule and diuretic therapy. The
record. Avoid or limit combined vasodilating
alcohol intake. effect of alcohol and
the volumedepleting
effect of a diuretic
greatly increase the
risk of orthostatic
Dehydration can
Notify physician if develop rapidly if
unable to tolerate food intake is poor, and
or fluid. client continues to
take a diuretic.
Measures reduce
Rise slowly from a potential for
lying to standing orthostatic
position, sitting for a hypotension
few minutes before associated with the
standing. Sleep with use of vasodilators
the head slightly and diuretics.
elevated. Suggest
frequent position
changes and leg
exercises when lying
Prevents vasodilation
Recommend avoiding with potential for
hot baths, steam dangerous side effects
rooms, and saunas, of syncope and
especially with hypotension.
concomitant use of
alcoholic beverages.
Any drug that contains
Instruct client to a sympathetic nervous
consult healthcare stimulant may
provider before taking increase BP or
other prescription or counteract effects of
over-the-counter antihypertensive
(OTC) medications. medications.
A moderately low-salt
Help client identify diet may be sufficient
sources of sodium to control mild
intake, such as table hypertension or reduce
salt, salty snacks, or eliminate the need
processed meats and for drug therapy to
cheeses, sauerkraut, control BP.
sauces, canned soups
and vegetables, baking
soda, baking powder,
and monosodium
glutamate. Emphasize
the importance of
reading ingredient
labels of foods and
OTC drugs.
Omega-3 fatty acids in
Encourage foods rich fish tend to relax
in essential fatty acids, artery walls, reducing
such as salmon, cod, blood pressure. They
mackerel, and tuna. also make blood
thinner and less likely
to clot.
Besides helping to
Encourage client to lower BP, aerobic
establish a regular activity aids in toning
exercise program, the cardiovascular
incorporating aerobic system. Isometric
exercise within client’s exercise can increase
capabilities. Stress the serum catecholamine
importance of levels, further
avoiding isometric elevating BP.
Nasal capillaries may
Demonstrate rupture as a result of
application of ice pack excessive vascular
to the back of the neck pressure. Cold
and pressure over the temperature and
distal third of the nose, pressure constrict
and recommend that capillaries to slow or
client lean head halt bleeding. Leaning
forward if nosebleed forward reduces the
occurs. amount of blood that
is swallowed.
Community resources,
Provide information such as the American
regarding community Heart Association,
resources, and support “coronary clubs,” stop
client in making smoking clinics,
lifestyle changes. alcohol or drug
Initiate referrals, as rehabilitation, weight-
indicated. loss programs, stress
management classes,
and counseling
services may be
helpful in client’s
efforts to initiate and
maintain lifestyle
If the client goal was not met, briefly describe why and what step would be taken next:
If the client's goal is not met, it is necessary to immediately notify the doctors in order to obtain a doctor's order for new treatment and
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