Storyboarding 2022
Storyboarding 2022
Storyboarding 2022
Preparation Materials
Make storyboard handouts Papa Bear’s Page Fright by Wade Bradford
Preread story Slides
Can You Guess My Name by Judy Sierra
Storyboard handouts
Koo Koo Ranga Roo – Sugoi Niji
Learning Objectives
Students will respond through drawing while listening to a story.
Students will practice identifying the important details in a story.
Overview of Lesson
A language arts lesson meant to highlight the different forms that stories can take and how we can
show the same story in different ways. By listening to an oral telling of a fairy tale, students will be
tasked with creating a storyboard of that story. This will build the skill of identifying what the
important details of the story are. This lesson is also meant to strengthen students self-efficacy in
reading, by understanding that pictures can tell a story in the same and different ways that written text
5 min Setting
For language arts today, I’ve got a fun activity that
I’m excited for us all to try.
When we go over our rules for quiet reading time,
one of the things that we sometimes look at is ways
you can read a story. Who can tell me what they are?
-read the word, read the pictures, retell the story
Often, when we think about a story, we think of the Who knows the rules?
words that make up a story, especially when we get
into bigger stories. But stories can also be told
through pictures, and that’s what we are going to try
What is a storyboard?
People use this to plan out stories in books, plays,
movies, really anywhere.
Table of Contents
Read lesson objectives.
Rising Action
12 min Action 1
Open Document Camera
Show handout, we’re going to be reading a story
from Japan called Oniroku, write out title and name.
Draw random picture. Now, when I storyboard, I
don’t draw every single thing that I hear, because I
would need way more boxes for that, and way more
time. I just draw the important or the descriptive.
I’m going to read the story twice, so don’t worry if
you miss something, you’ll get a chance to hear it
Send students to desks.
We really have to practice out listening skills for this.
Read Oniroku (55) story one time through, pausing
at end of third page. Ask for quiet hands to predict Go over steps again once at
what they think is going to happen next. desks.
Finish story.
5 min Action 2
Read story again to let students fill in the things they
missed the first time.
Give some time to finish their drawings.
6 min If finished they can try to write some of what is
Hand in papers to blue table.
Gather students at carpet.
5-10 Summary
min I hope you all liked our story, and I’m excited to
look through what you all drew. Does anyone want
to describe one of the things they drew?
What kind of things did they
Moral draw? Can they describe
Story can also be pictures. them similarly to the book?
Thank our special guests, line up for gym.