ACM SigChi
ACM SigChi
ACM SigChi
Extended Abstract†
Gorge Gubbiotti Pam Malagò Steve Fin
Istituto Officina dei Materiali Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze
P.O. Box 1212 P.O. Box 6221 P.O. Box 5000
Italy Italy Italy
Figure 1: MOKE hysteresis loop for the bi-component Py/Co dots array measured along the dots long axis.
bitmap image of the basic unit of the bi-component dots c) The spectrum is computed directly in the frequency
was created from the SEM image of Fig. 1, and used as domain, d) The mode degeneracy is successfully solved, e)
input for the simulations. Periodic boundary conditions The spatial profiles of the spin-wave modes are directly
have been applied to account for the chain arrangement of determined as eigenvectors and, finally, f) The differential
the Py/Co dots in the investigated sample. scattering cross-section can be calculated accurately from
2.4.2 Micromagnetic. For each micromagnetic cell the the eigenvectors associated to each spin-wave mode. This
reduced magnetization takes the form where the is a clear indication that both the Py and Co sub-elements
magnetization (saturation magnetization) in the k-th cell; are in a single domain state where Py and Co
note that the saturation magnetization now depends on magnetizations are all oriented with their magnetic
the ferromagnetic material through the index k. Hence, in moment along the chain and field direction. At point
a polar reference frame (H 372 Oe) of the hysteresis loop, where the plateau is
observed in the M-H loop, the dark and bright spots of the
(𝑥 + 𝑎)𝑛 = ∑ ( ) 𝑥 𝑘 𝑎𝑛−𝑘 Py dots are reversed with respect to those of Co,
𝑘 )
𝑘=0 accounting for an antiparallel relative alignment of
where 𝐾 is the azimuthal (polar) angle of the magnetization.
magnetization (the time dependence is omitted). The
second derivatives of the energy density depend on the 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
micromagnetic cell indexes, and through them on the 3.1 Magnetization Curves and MFM
material index corresponding either to Py or Co. The
expressions of Eext, Eexch, Edmg and Eani are the same as the
ones of the single-component system apart from the The major hysteresis loop measured by MOKE, plotted in
explicit dependence of the magnetic parameters on the Fig. 1, displays a two-step switching process due to the
given ferromagnetic material. Note that, unlike the bi- distinct magnetization reversal of the Py and Co sub-
component system studied in Ref. 1, in the system studied elements, characterized by a different coercivity. As the
here the inter-dot exchange contribution is set equal to field is reduced from positive saturation (upper branch of
zero, because in each unit cell the two elliptical dots are the M-H loop), a 100% remanence is attained. On reversing
separated. Moreover, the uniaxial anisotropy energy the applied field, one observes a drop of the magnetization
density of Co is neglected. (between −240 and −370 Oe), proportional to the Py
It is possible to write the following periodicity rule magnetization fraction within each bi-component unit
valid for the dynamic magnetization 𝛿𝑚(𝑟) of each (about 36%) in good agreement with experimental result
collective mode, a version of the Bloch theorem, viz. Note (about 40%).
that, exchange contribution is set equal to zero, because in To directly visualize the evolution of the magnetization
each unit cell the two elliptical dots are separated. in the Py and Co subunits of our bi-component dots
Moreover, the uniaxial anisotropy energy density of Co is during the reversal process, we performed a field-
neglected Table 1. dependent MFM analysis whose main results are reported
in Fig. 2. At large positive field (H 800 Oe, not shown
−𝑏 ± √𝑏 2 − 4𝑎𝑐
𝑥= (2) here) and at remanence ( point of the hysteresis loop of
2𝑎 Fig. 1), the structures are characterized by a strong dipolar
Therefore one can observe either an in-phase (acoustic) contrast due to the stray fields emanated from both the Py
or an out-of-phase (optical) character of the modes, with and Co dots.
We would like to mention that the DMM presents
several advantages with respect to OOMMF for calculating
the spectrum of magnetic eigenmodes for the following
reasons: a) There is no need to excite the system by any
magnetic field pulse, b) A single calculation llows to
determine the frequencies
Non-English Frequency Comments Figure 2: MFM images of the bi-component Py/Co dots for
or Math different values of the applied magnetic field which are
Ø 1 in 1,000 For Swedish names indicated by greek letters along both the major and minor
$ 4 in 5 Used in business hysteresis loop.
WOODSTOCK’97, July 2016, El Paso, Texas USA G. Gubbiotti et al.
Magnetic Normal Modes of Bi-Component Permalloy Structures WOODSTOCK’97, July 2016, El Paso, Texas USA
WOODSTOCK’97, July 2016, El Paso, Texas USA G. Gubbiotti et al.