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Physics of Nanoparticles
◼ Introduction
◼ Nanoparticles
◼ Properties of nanoparticles (optical, electrical,
magnetic, structural, mechanical)
◼ Brief discussion of different methods of synthesis of
◼ Synthesis of colloids
◼ Growth of nanoparticles
◼ Synthesis of metal nanoparticles by colloidal route
◼ Applications of nanotechnology

What is ‘nano’?

2) Definition Nano…….
‘Nano’ : A Greek word for Dwarfs
which means smaller things.

“Nano” = one BILLIONTH

2) Definition What is nanoscale ?

“Nano” = one BILLIONTH
1 Meter Scale

100 Parts → One part = 100 cm

1000 parts → One part = 1 mm
100000000 parts → One part = 1 nm
1 nm = 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter

2) Definition How Small is the nanoscale?

How small is the Nanoscale ?

Fullerenes C60

12,756 Km 22 cm 0.7 nm

1.27 × 107 m 0.22 m 0.7 × 10-9 m

10 millions times 1 billion times

smaller smaller
2) Definition What is nanotechnology ?
Nanotechnology is………………
Creation of Functional Materials, Devices
& Systems
Control of Nanoscale Materials
(1 to 100 nm)
Novel Properties & Phenomenon
All Length Scales !
2) Definition Is nanotechnology is new ?
Lycurgus cup:
It appears green
in reflected light,
but appears red
when light is
incident from
inside, and is
through the

2) Definition Michel Faraday !!!

below ~ 100 nm!

(M. Faraday1857)!


What is big deal ?

Smaller things like atoms behave
differently than the same stuff
behaves when it is bigger.
i.e., Size controls the
equation !!
2) Definition Nanoparticles
◼ These are the particles having dimensions less
than 100 nm.

Properties of nanoparticles can be uniquely

different from properties of materials in
bigger bulk forms.

2) Definition Why ???

As numbers of chunks increases,
surface area increases !

More area to work

More Research !!!

2) Definition Explanation
1 2 4 40


2) Definition Nanoscale size effects

Properties of Nanoparticles
3) Properties 1) Optical Property
Optical property

3) Properties Optical Property

Optical property

◼ The colour of nanoparticles are

different from colour of bulk

3) Properties Example
Exa.: When nanoparticles of gold are
formed, they give bright red colour
instead of yellow as it appears in bulk

3) Properties Mie’s formula

Mie’s formula
When a beam of light of intensity Io &
wavelength λ passes through a medium,
then, the transmitted intensity is given by

I = I e -x
μ = extinction coefficient depends upon no of
particles in medium,
= (N/V) CExt where N is number & V is
volume of particles, CExt is extinction
x = Thickness of material x

When light is passed through the medium ,a fraction is absorbed and the part
is scattered hence the extinction cross section is the sum of absorption
extinction and scattered extinction cross section.
The scattering coefficient the light depends on wavelength λ and the
absorption coefficient depends inversely on the volume of colloidal particles
i.e. 1/V.
3) Properties Electrical property
Electrical properties

3) Properties Bulk electrical property

Bulk Material



3) Properties Nano electrical property

Electrical properties of Nano material:
1) IV graph for +2e-
nanoparticles +1e- e/C
is as shown in figure e/2C
( known as Coulomb
staircase). Coulomb
Blockade V

2) Electrons are transferred

when the voltage is ±e/2C.
(E = e/2C is electrostatic
energy of capacitor)
3) The zero current region is
known as Coulomb

3) Properties Structural property

Structural properties

3) Properties Structural property

Structural properties
• Nanostructures are not just fragments
of bulk materials, they are different in
bonds, bond strength & hence having
different lattice parameters.
• They do not have the same
structure or atomic
arrangement as a bulk.
3) Properties Structural property ..Exa

3) Properties Structural property ..Exa

Mechanical Properties

3) Properties Mechanical property

Mechanical Properties
◼ Properties like elasticity, hardness,
ductility, depends upon composition
and the bonds between the atoms.
◼ The presence of impurities and
imperfections in the crystalline form
change these properties.
◼ For nano material, the material tends
to form a single crystal, which are
highly pure and free of imperfections.

3) Properties Mechanical property …Exa

Exa.: For bulk material, the hardness increases
linearly with the grain size. But in nano the hardness
increases linearly with decrease of the particle size.

3) Properties Magnetic property

Magnetic Properties

3) Properties Magnetic property

Magnetic Properties

1. In bulk material, magnetism is due to

magnetic moments.
2. At nanoscale, material behaves as single
domain. The single domain doesn't
show coercivity or hysteresis. These
type of particles are known as
superparamagnetic particles.

3) Properties Magnetic property

3) Properties Synthesis
Synthesis of
4) Methods of Synthesis Classification

Physical Chemical Biological Hybrid

Colloids, sol-gel, L-B Using biomembranes, DNA, Electrochemical,

films, Inverse micelles enzymes and micro organisms Chemical vapour deposition,
Particle arresting in glass or
zeolites or polymers,
Micro emulsion-zeolite

Mechanical Vapour deposition

High enrgy ball milling, melt Physical vapour deposition, Laser

mixing ablation, Sputter deposition, electric arc
deposition, ion implantation

4) Methods of Synthesis Mechanical method

Mechanical Synthesis of nanoparticles

4) Methods of Synthesis Mechanical method

Ball mill

Simplest method
to make Powdered form
of nanoparticles.

1) Put steel balls along with bulk

material (2:1 ratio).
2) Rotate axis to get smaller grain
sized particles.
3) Use liquid nitrogen to dissipate
the heat generated

4) Methods of Synthesis Physics of ball mill

Physics Of Planetary
Mill : motion

Due to rotation of axis,

material is forced to the
walls & pressed against
the walls due to
centrifugal force. Central axis

But due to motion of

container around its own
axis , material is forced to Spin motion
other region of the
Axis of container
4) Methods of Synthesis Animation
4) Methods of Synthesis Physical vapour deposition method
Physical vapour deposition

4) Methods of Synthesis Physical vapour deposition method

Physical vapor deposition

◼ Material to be synthesized
kept in heated crucible,
◼ Cold finger consisting
liquid nitrogen,
◼ Scraper to scrap
condensed nanoparticles,
◼ Funnel to collect
◼ Inlet for reactive gas and
◼ Pump to create vacuum.

4) Methods of Synthesis Physical vapour deposition method

Physical vapour deposition
◼ The evaporated atoms &
clusters tend to form
bigger particles by Cold finger
◼ These particles condense
on the cold finger.
◼ While moving from
source to cold finger, the
particles grow, hence
distance between source to Material for
cold fingers will decide Evaporation
the particle size. (Metal Oxide) Inert gas
◼ The size, shape and phase of
particles depend on the gas Vacuum
pressure inside the chamber. pump

4) Methods of Synthesis Physical vapour deposition method

4) Methods of Synthesis Chemical method
Chemical methods

Gas Product

Colloids (the nanoparticles in aqueous medium)

4) Methods of Synthesis Colloids
These are clusters of material containing 107
It is a mixture with properties between those of
solution & fine suspension.
It has different sizes in the form of rods, tubes,
plates, etc. in the range 1nm to 100 nm.

4) Methods of Synthesis
Chemical (Colloidal) Synthesis of

4) Methods of Synthesis Colloidal method

Synthesis of colloidal particles
Apparatus :
◼ Glass reactor for
chemical reaction, three
Inlets for gas (argon or
nitrogen), reactants &
thermometer, pH meter,
teflon coated magnetic
needle, etc.
◼ The product can be suitably
◼ The reaction is usually carried
out under inert atmosphere like
argon or nitrogen gas so as to
avoid any uncontrolled oxidation
of the products.
◼ The Teflon coated magnetic
needle is also provided to stir the
reactants during the reaction.
4) Methods of Synthesis Colloidal method
Exa.: Synthesis of Gold nanoparticles by colloidal
Chloroauric acid + Trisodium citrate Gold Nanoparticle +Other product

The Gold nanoparticles are formed by nucleation & condensation.

Au Au+ + e- C6H5O7- C6H5O7-
Au+ + e-
Nucleation C6H5O7-
Condensation Surface C6H5O7-


4) Methods of Synthesis La-mer diagram

Growth of nanoparticles
LaMer diagram:
& Growth Behaviour)
As concentration increases,
at Co, nucleus formation Cn
begins. Co
At concentration Co, Solute
nucleation begins. Cs
After saturation, No new
nuclei can be formed.
After nucleation growth of
nanoparticles begins. Saturation Nucleation Growth


4) Methods of Synthesis Biological method

Biological Synthesis

4) Methods of Synthesis Biological method

Biological route

4) Methods of Synthesis Growth

Types of Growth of

5) Growth Aggregation
(number of separate things brought
Aggregation also reduces free energy
& may also take place during growth.

The Ostwald ripening & Aggregation are competing

5) Growth Ostwald Ripening
Ostwald ripening
To make or become ripe

5) Growth Ostwald Ripening

Ostwald ripening
To make or become ripe :
Since the larger particles have lower
surface energy, hence they are more
stable & grow at the expanse of smaller
particles.This growth is known as
Ostwald ripening .

5) Growth Self assembly

Self Assembly process

5) Growth Applications

6) Application Applications
Electronics Sports/Toys



Display Panels
Space Vehicles

Consumer Goods
1)Nanotechnology in Electronics
Nanotechnology in Electronics

6) Application Applications
1 GB…20 yrs before an……..now
6) Application Applications
6) Application Applications
Flat Panel Displays

developed this
Quick Response
Liquid Powder
Display, a
flexible digital
screen, using
6) Application Applications
Intelligent/ Smart Materials

Other potential applications include

intelligent materials that can sense external
stimuli and adapt to changes in the
Smart materials can potentially sense disturbances or trigger physical
reactions in the body far beyond current human performance limits.

6) Application Applications

In these TVs, nanotubes shoot

electrons at a screen to create
a picture. Functionally, they
are similar to traditional CRT
(cathode-ray tube) televisions,
which still provide the best
picture, but are slim, like LCD
(liquid crystal display) or
plasma televisions.

6) Application Applications
Electronics Applications

Nanoelectronics: Nano peapods:

SWNT transistors memory devices

6) Application Applications
2) Nanotechnology in agriculture

6) Application Applications
Antimicrobial Packaging:
◼ Edible food films made
with cinnamon or
oregano oil, or nano
particles of zinc,
calcium other materials
that kill bacteria.
◼ Nano-fibers made from
lobster shells or organic
corn are both
antimicrobial and
6) Application Applications
Agriculture – better materials for agricultural implements

better seeds, control of fertilizers & pesticide

to get improved yield
Food – preservation, testing the quality

6) Application Applications
3) Nanotechnology in Automobile

6) Application Applications
Nanotechnology in Automobile

6) Application
Nano-particles, wires, tubes ,rods etc …….
Carbon nanotubes Nano-scale metal
based alloys - oxide ceramic
automobile frames catalysts -
- paint

composites - Nano-catalysts and
membrane technologies -
electrostatic painting, fuel cells
6) Application Applications
2012 global market estimated at $200 billion


•Power Grid

•Battery Replacement
Copyright 1996-2002 by Batteries Digest

© 2003 by Glenn Fishbine

6) Application Applications
Nano Clays

6) Application Applications

With 15,342 atoms, this parallel-shaft speed reducer

gear is one of the largest nanomechanical devices ever
modeled in atomic detail.

4) Nanotechnology in Consumer Goods

6) Application Applications
6) Application Applications
6) Application Applications
Cosmetic Industry … particles of ZnO and TiO2

6) Application Applications
Cosmetic Industry … particles of ZnO and TiO2

Sunscreen - Many sunscreens contain

nanoparticles of zinc oxide or titanium

6) Application Applications
Shampoo :
in shampoo
encapsulate active
ingredients and
carry them
deeper into hair
6) Application Applications
6) Application Applications
Silver Nanotechnologies in Bed Sheets and

6) Application
Lighter and stronger materials will be of immense use
to aircraft manufacturers, leading to increased

6) Application Applications
5) Nanotechnology in Medical Field

6) Application
Medical Nanotechnology or Nanomedicine

Nanomedicine is the application of

nanotechnology in medicine, including to
cure diseases and repair damaged tissues
such as bone, muscle, and nerve

Key Goals for Nanomedicine

− To develop cure for traditionally incurable diseases (e.g.
cancer) through the utilization of nanotechnology
− To provide more effective cure with fewer side effects by
means of targeted drug delivery systems
6) Application Applications
Antibacterial Clothes:
◼ Silver
nanoparticles in
cloth give
◼ They can be used
as dressing on
6) Application Applications
◼ Nano Drug Delivery :
◼ Pills need to go through a long process of digestion in
order to be implemented by the body.
◼ Therefore, scientists believe that structures such as
nanotubes could be used someday in delivering drug
◼ Their minute size allows quick and easy movement inside
the body, as opposed to their slow pill counterparts.

6) Application Applications
6) Application
Artificial Heart Valves
silicon carbide is a
candidate material
for artificial heart
valves primarily
because of its low
weight, high
strength and
6) Application Applications
6) Application Applications
Recycling of batteries:
The use of batteries with higher energy content or the use of rechargeable
batteries using nanomaterials could be helpful for the battery disposal problem.

6) Application Applications
◼ Improved fuel economy: Addition of
nanoparticles to diesel fuel improves fuel
economy by reducing the degradation of fuel.

6) Application
Do bulk !!!

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