Lab 8

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Leighton Williams 1902815

Date: 28/10/22
Title of Experiment: Extraction of Orange Oil from orange peel
Aim: To calculate cruel oil yield extracted from orange peel
 The peel was removed from an orange, it was noticed that was the peel is bent, small
droplets of water and oil were squeezed from it. The peel was grated finely using at
grater. The weight of the grated peel was recorded. A separatory funnel was half filled
with the grated peel and swirled for a few minutes with 20ml of dichloromethane. The
extract was run off into a conical flask. The process was repeated with two further 20 ml
portions of solvent and the extracts were combined and dried with anhydrous sodium
 The solution was filtered through fluted filter paper into a pre weighed conical flask. Put
conical flask in water bath at 400 C. Determine the yield of crude orange oil used based
on the amount of orange peel used.
Leighton Williams 1902815

Data Sheet:
Weight of the grated peel = 17.55g
Weight of Conical flask = 107.71g
Weight of Conical flask after partially drying = 103.28g

Yield = (W1*100)/W2
= (4.43*100)/17.55
= 443/17.55
= 25.24%

Sources of Error:
 Some of the orange peel the was grated wasn’t transferred to the separating funnel
 The crude oil wasn’t accurate because it wasn’t fully dried
 Anhydrous Sodium Sulphate wasn’t added since it would affect the weight of the
crude oil.
Leighton Williams 1902815


1. Explain why terpenoids and steroids are classified as lipids.

They are classified as lipids because they are hydrophobic and insoluble in water. Even
though they don't chemically resemble the traditional lipid structure.

2. Explain the isoprene rule.

The isoprene rule dictates how isoprene units are joined together in a head to tail
configuration. The tail of the first molecule joins the head of the second molecule to form
a larger unit. The simplest example is myrcene. This substance is used as an intermediate
in the manufacture of flavor and fragrance chemicals.

From the experiment conducted, the yield obtained was 25.24%. This value however is not very
accurate due to the lab containing many sources of error, which includes : Some of the orange
peel the was grated wasn’t transferred to the separating funnel, the crude oil wasn’t accurate
because it wasn’t fully dried and finally, anhydrous sodium sulphate wasn’t added since it would
affect the weight of the crude oil.

The yield of crude oil from a portion of grated orange peel was calculated.

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