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Education and Psychology

Higher Education Catalogue

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Welcome to the Pearson
Higher Education
Catalogue for Teacher
Education and Psychology
We believe that Education and Psychology students bring about a positive
change in their communities and at Pearson we want to give them access to
the types of resources that will help them acquire the skills necessary to be the
most relevant and skilled candidates in the workplace.

To this end, we have structured our list of Education and Psychology titles
to help students gain the knowledge they will need in the workplace. This
catalogue features our latest titles; our new interactive eBooks, that will allow
you to engage students through enhanced digital content; as well as Learning
Catalytics, designed to track students’ understanding of concepts in real time.

At Pearson, we are proud of our history of and experience in helping learners

of all ages and stages find their path to a fruitful and fulfilling career.

Because wherever learning flourishes, so do people.

Images by Christof van der Walt

1 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology


Welcome to our world 5 Content and titles 6 Digital solutions 43 Services and support 55
Our Learning Solutions guide 5 Guide to sampling and 8 Moving towards a 44 Lecturer support 57
prescribing textbooks connected future
Pearson support 58
Our Education 9 MyLab and Mastering 45
Implementation support 58
and Psychology titles
MyFoundationsLab 46
Professional development 58
Custom Solutions 42 MyEnglishLab 47

MyLab IT 47

MyVirtualChild 48

Learning Catalytics 49

eBooks 50

Interactive eBooks 51

Online courses 52

CourseConnect 53

Digital Literacy 54
Citizenship Course

Click any item on the Click the section icon on the navigation bar at Click on the left and right arrows
contents page to go the bottom of any page to go to the opening to navigate through the catalogue.
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2 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Welcome to
our world
The world of education is changing more
rapidly than ever before, and these are
exciting times for students and lecturers.
As a learning company, we want to help
people adapt to this changing world,
navigating its challenges and opportunities,
and ultimately making progress in life.

Your partner on the learning journey

Learning isn’t a destination starting and stopping at the
classroom door. It is a never-ending road of discovery, challenges,
inspiration and wonder. For many people, learning is the route to
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in their career. For others, it is simply a passion for discovery.
Learning opens up opportunities and enriches every stage of life.
Supporting people along this path of discovery and inspiration,
Pearson cultivates a love of learning that enables a lifetime
of progress.

3 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Stepping up to the Our authors are respected experts in their fields,
providing trusted content for all our titles and digital
challenge at hand solutions. The expansion of eLearning platforms
Equipping people with the skills they need for complements and reinforces the physical presence of
employment is a global challenge. It is vital for your campuses, providing a dynamic and nurturing
economic success, and it transforms the lives of learning environment in which your students can thrive.
families. At Pearson, our mission is to help people
We would like to partner with you, not only to deliver
make progress in their lives through learning. We 21st century education in the best way possible,
serve students, lecturers and employers worldwide; but also to help your students become successfully
we work at every point of the learning journey, from employed citizens.
pre-school to the workplace. And because we know
that for most of our students, education and training
are a means to an end – a job that supports them and We understand your needs
their families – employability is the ultimate We understand that people have diverse backgrounds
purpose of what we do. and unique ways of learning. That is why we provide
you with specially-designed tools to help equip you
We work with educators and students to continually
and your students in the best possible way. Our
question and improve our content, digital solutions
results-driven approach ensures that lecturers and
and learning services to ensure that our products
students alike can thrive. With a broad range of
have the most positive impact on learning.
content, digital solutions and services, we provide
a supportive and enriching learning ecosystem to
Our commitment facilitate lecturing and help prepare your students
for the workplace, giving them the greatest chance
The students in your class are part of a new generation of success as they embark toward the future.
that values the access that digital tools provide.
They expect their learning tools to be as engaging
and efficient as those they use to communicate. We support you and
It is an approach they will carry into their careers.
your students all the way
We understand the unique needs of lecturers and Designing effective learning tools is only part of the
students in higher education and have designed solution. We ensure that you are able to implement our
adaptable learning solutions to meet those needs. solutions with ease. To this end, we offer a range of
We have over 40 years' experience in the South services, such as assistance during project roll-out and
African Higher Education sector and more than a technical support to help you when the need arises.
century of experience in the global higher education
sector, making us your trusted partner.

4 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Our Learning Solutions guide
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Our trusted and effective learning solutions – a blend ur

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5 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

and titles

6 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Content and titles
for a brighter
Because we believe in unlocking the potential
in every student, we only work with respected
educators and practitioners to author our
books and support material. Our authors
know and understand the South African
Higher Education curricula, which helps
them to create our industry-leading content
that guides university students on their
learning path towards success.

To ensure that our content improves students’ skills and inspires

critical, creative and independent thinking, we believe in relevant
and engaging learning. We thoroughly research students’ learning
needs and shape our learning and teaching resources around their
needs in order to maximise their learning potential.

7 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Guide to sampling and
prescribing textbooks
With more than 60 000 international titles and a Prescribing a textbook
growing list of more than 200 local titles, we are
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8 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Titles available

Navigating Information Literacy 11 Themes in South African Education 19 Making Inclusive Education Work 27
Fifth Edition First Edition in Classrooms
First Edition
The Adolescent 12 Handbook for Grade R Teaching 20
Fourth Edition Fifth Edition Opening the Doors of Learning: Changing 28
Schools in South Africa
Teaching–Learning Dynamics 13 Introducing English as First Additional 21
Fifth Edition Language in the Early Years People Leadership in Education 29
First Edition First Edition
Leadership Matters: School leadership 14
and management cases Alternative Access to Higher Education 22 Research-led Teacher Education 30
First Edition First Edition
Becoming a Teacher 15
Second Edition Cracking the Code to Education Analysis 23
First Edition
Being a Teacher: A Book of Cases 16
First Edition Creating Effective Schools 24
First Edition
Innovative Assessment Practice 17
First Edition Financial Management and Leadership 25
in Schools
Including the Excluded 18 First Edition
Educating the Vulnerable in the 21st Century
Learning Conversations: The Value 26
First Edition
of Interactive Learning
First Edition

9 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Titles available

African Perspectives on Adult Learning series Psychology

Developing Programmes for Adult Learners 32 Introduction to Psychology 38
in Africa Fresh Perspectives

Foundations of Adult Education in Africa 33 Handbook of Youth Counselling 39

Second Edition
Management of Adult Education 34
Organisations in Africa Personology 40
From Individual to Ecosystem
The Social Context of Adult Learning in Africa 35 Fifth Edition

The Psychology of Adult Learning in Africa 36 Psychology – An Exploration Global and 41

Southern African Perspectives
Research Methods for Adult Educators 37
in Africa

10 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Navigating Information Literacy N AV I G AT I N G NEW

Fifth Edition Navigating Information Literacy is the perfect tool to help guide students through
the 21st Century information world. The book, now in its fifth edition, has been
updated to cover the information literacy skills and topics needed to study and work.
In these environments, being information literate is no longer a special skill; it is an
everyday skill we all need.

This book builds student awareness of information literacy, and provides clear
instruction on how to learn the skills required to fully function in the information
knowledge economy.

Areas covered include information sources and resources; constructing a search

query; searching the web, databases and online journals; organising and retrieving

Navigating Information Literacy is the perfect Navigating Information Literacy is also available
digital information; ethical and fair use of materials; referencing techniques;
evaluating information and sources; and documenting information and creating new

tool to help guide students through the as a fully interactive eBook. This eBook is a digitally
Key features include:

interactive educational experience that allows users

• Easy and accessible language

21st century information world. The book,

• A new, engaging design so students can work through the text in a logical
and practical way
to engage with the book’s content in a broad and
• Full-colour screenshots and other illustrative examples to provide students with a

now in its fifth edition, has been updated

real-world ‘feel’

exciting way. There are 15 interactive digital assets

• Critical thinking activities such as Try it Yourself, Read This, Watch This and Example
boxes to stimulate further interest, reinforce skills and break down otherwise

to cover the information literacy skills and that allow users to practise and review content learned.
abstract concepts
• Chapter openers with clearly stated learner outcomes
• A list of key terms at the beginning of every chapter introducing important to

topics needed to study and work. In these

know terminology and concepts.
Navigating Information Literacy is also available as a fully interactive ePUB.

Contents This ePUB is a digitally interactive educational experience that allows users to engage T H E O B OT H MA • E R I C A CO S I J N • I N A F O U R I E • C E C I L I A P E N Z H O R N

environments, being information literate

with the book’s content in a broad and exciting way. People learn by seeing, hearing,

touching and experimenting. Our interactive ePUB brings together all these learning
preferences. This includes some short animations to help put content into context. It
Chapter 1: Introducing information literacy
is no longer a special skill; it is an everyday
also includes a number of practice and review interactive activities.

Chapter 2: Information sources and resources

skill we all need. YO U R I N F O R M AT I O N S O C I E T Y S U R V I VA L T O O L K I T

Chapter 3: Libraries and portals https://za.pearson.com

This book builds student awareness of information Chapter 4: The search query
literacy, and provides clear instruction on how to learn Chapter 5: Searching the web
the skills required to fully function in the information Chapter 6: Searching databases and online journals
knowledge economy. Chapter 7: Organising and retrieving
Chapter 8: Ethical and fair use
Features Print ISBN: 9781776101818
Chapter 9: Referencing ePUB ISBN: 9781776101634
• Easy and accessible language Chapter 10: Evaluating
• A new, engaging design so students can work Authors:
Chapter 11: Documenting information and creating Theo Bothma, Erica Cosijn,
through the text in a logical and practical way
Ina Fourie, Cecilia Penzhorn
• Full-colour screenshots and other illustrative
examples to provide students with a real-world ‘feel’ Copyright: 2017
Extent: 272 pp.
• Critical thinking activities such as Try it Yourself,
Read This, Watch This and Example boxes to
stimulate further interest, reinforce skills and
break down otherwise abstract concepts
• Chapter openers with clearly stated
learner outcomes
• A list of key terms at the beginning of every
chapter introducing important to know terminology
and concepts

11 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

The Adolescent
Fourth Edition

The Adolescent, now in its fourth edition, • An animation explaining how to use the
examines adolescent development. interactive ePUB
• 30 short videos of adolescents talking about what it’s
Framed by discussions on the risks and
like to be an adolescent.
vulnerabilities adolescents face and their
• These experiences are mapped to the content
protective resources to negotiate these in the book in a video matrix at the beginning.
deficits, the book covers the developmental • They can also be accessed in the relevant
guidelines of adolescents’ lives. locations in the book itself.
• 4 interactive e-learning assets that allow users
This fourth edition of The Adolescent includes a variety to review and practise the content in a safe and
of videos, websites, scenarios and activities that can engaging way.
be accessed with QR codes and Study on the Go.
As such, this book is an indispensible text for all those Contents
who deal with adolescents – educators, education
students, educational psychologists, counsellors, 1. Happy teen or juvenile delinquent? Risks and resources
in adolescence
social workers, health workers, teachers, parents
and youth workers. 2. The physical development of the adolescent Print ISBN: 9781775953487
3. The cognitive development of the adolescent ePDF ISBN: 9781177595649
ePUB features 4. The social development of the adolescent eBook ISBN: 9781776101092 (Interactive ePUB)
5. The emotional, moral and spiritual development
The ePUB of The Adolescent creates a digitally of the adolescent
interactive experience that allows students to Eldrie Gouws
6. The adolescent in transition
engage with the book’s content in a broad and Copyright: 2015
7. Developmental challenges of the adolescent
exciting way. People learn by seeing, hearing, Extent: 312 pp.
8. Social concerns in adolescence
touching and experimenting. The interactive ePUB
9. Teaching, learning and motivation
brings together all these learning preferences
offering the student a complete learning experience. 10. Pathways to South African adolescent resilience
In addition to the content in the print book,
this ePUB includes exciting features.

12 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Teaching–Learning Dynamics
Fifth Edition

Teaching–Learning Dynamics is a leader in way. People learn by seeing, hearing, touching and
the field of teacher education textbooks experimenting. The interactive ePUB brings together
all these learning preferences offering the student a
that has been used by student teachers and complete learning experience. In addition to the content
beginner teachers across South Africa for in the print book, this ePUB includes exciting features.
over 20 years. • An animation explaining how to use the
interactive ePUB
The new fifth edition has updated content to:
• 31 podcast recordings of four South African
• bring it in line with the Curriculum Assessment
teachers. These recordings provide a powerful
Policy Statements (CAPS) and other recent South
reflection on what it’s really like in the
African curriculum policy changes
South African classroom.
• include a new chapter on the theoretical
• 7 interactive eLearning assets that allow users
foundations of teaching and learning
to review and practise the content in a safe and
• include a chapter on using media in the classroom. engaging way
This book now uses a more reader-friendly design and • 3 interactive videos that connect real-life scenarios
format, including key terms and definitions for each with theory from the book
Print ISBN: 9781775959977
chapter, note boxes in the margins and QR codes linking
Contents ePDF ISBN: 9781776101764
readers to useful online videos and resources. The aim
eBook ISBN: 9781775957119
of this book is to support and empower both students 1. Theoretical foundations
and teachers with as many practical resources as 2. Participative teaching Editors:
possible, including lesson plans, assessment tools, lesson 3. Curriculum Monica Jacobs, Ntombizolile Vakalisa,
transcripts, case studies and more. It also supports
4. Aims and objectives Nqabomzi Gawe
lecturers with a range of additional resources including
5. Context analysis
multiple-choice questions, short answer questions and a Copyright: 2016
range of PowerPoint@slides with activities to encourage 6. Learning content
Extent: 462 pp.
student participation and engagement. 7. Teacher-directed methods
8. Learner-centred methods
ePUB features 9. Media in the classroom
10. Assessment
The ePUB of Teaching-Learning Dynamics creates a
digitally interactive experience that allows students to 11. Curriculum implementation
engage with the book’s content in a broad and exciting 12. Classroom management
13. Problem areas in schools

13 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Leadership Matters: School leadership
and management cases
First Edition
Leadership Matters: School leadership and management Contents
cases, is aimed at university students studying towards Case-based teaching: An introduction
their first degree in education. Case-based and
problem-based learning is at the core of this book, 1. Managing a square peg (traditional culture) in a round
with the content centering around leadership theories hole (Western culture)
'in context’. Students are exposed to authentic problem 2. I’m a professional: don’t treat me like a child!
contexts that stimulate learner interest, challenge 3. School hijacking: Consequences for stakeholders
assumptions and situate learning. The book is aimed 4. The role of middle managers in school
at students who are doing pre-service and in-service 5. A beginner teacher’s apprehensive initiation
training. In addition, it is a practical resource for 6. Blindness in a different form
practitioners who would like to continuously improve 7. Can I get it right?
their learning and knowledge. 8. Caught in the act
9. Data at Leratong Secondary School
Features 10. Duty of care
• Narrative and descriptive instances are provided 11. Either you have it or you don’t
to show the complexities that teachers encounter 12. School-based violence
in the classroom. 13. Heading Mabaleni Secondary School
Print ISBN: 9781776101887
• All cases are grounded in and relevant to the local 14. Hell hath no fury like a man scorned ePDF ISBN: 9780636207318
South African context. 15. It does not matter anymore …
16. Managing the tensions Editors:
• The methodology of using cases in teaching and
Lloyd Conley, Raj Mestry,
learning is provided in the introductory chapter. 17. Money often costs too much
Kay Merseth, Owen Stuurman
• A comprehensive table shows how the cases in the 18. Moral bankruptcy leads to corruption
book can be used to explore a variety of pertinent 19. Not you again! Copyright: 2017
school management and leadership themes. 20. Give them a chance … Extent: 176 pp.
21. The chronic underperformance of Mofolo Secondary School

14 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Becoming a Teacher
Second Edition

Using teaching scenarios, this book • touch parts of the book to find out more
highlights the complex journey a novice • watch content, as well as read it
teacher has to undertake to become a • play with the interactive learning objects that are
competent practitioner in the face of the built into the text
daily intricacies and messiness of teaching. • opportunities to check understanding and to reflect
Scenarios expose teacher education students on the content using interactive test-yourself
activities at the end of every chapter
to the realities of the classroom.
• two interactive, scenario-based activities that allow
This expanded second edition explores the multiple roles the user to safely practise what they have learned in
of the teacher and can be used to good effect to train a real-life situation
students to become engaged and excellent teachers. • a narrated whiteboard animation of a common,
yet challenging, dilemma faced by a teacher is
Features also featured.
• Scenarios, Think about it boxes, opportunities
for reflection
• A toolkit for first year students and teachers entering 1. The teacher as reflective practitioner
Print ISBN: 9781775950196
the profession 2. The teacher as a caring professional
ePDF ISBN: 9781775955665
3. The teacher as an educational theorist eBook ISBN: 9781775950202 (Interactive ePUB)
• Updated to include implications brought about
by CAPS 4. The teacher as a curriculum interpreter, designer and
implementer Editors:
• A multilingual glossary of relevant terms in Sarah Gravett, Josef de Beer, Elize du Plessis
5. The teacher as a mediator of learning
four languages
6. The teacher as assessor Copyright: 2015
• Lecturer resources available 7. The teacher as a classroom manager Extent: 416 pp.
8. The teacher as a user of media
ePUB features
9. The teacher in service of society
This book is now also available as an interactive eBook 10. The teacher as an agent of inclusivity
providing many practice opportunities that enable the 11. The teacher as an agent of transformation
following functions: 12. The teacher as a researcher
• add notes and highlight text
• search and navigate through the book by searching
for key words or just clicking on the Table of Contents

15 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Being a Teacher: A Book of Cases
First Edition

Student teachers can gain insight into Contents

what happens in the classroom and Introduction
the school through the medium of case 1. ‘You have crossed the line!’
2. ‘There is a professional boundary, and you, young man,
studies. The technique of analysing case
have overstepped it!
studies can become a very rich resource. 3. ‘My dog bit me’
It enables students to explore the nuances 4. ‘School sucks’
and realities of what teaching is really 5. Falling in love with my Science teacher
6. Kidnapping the professional boundary
about. This book can be successfully used
7. ‘Not in my school!’
as a training package alongside Becoming 8. If only she were a miracle worker
a Teacher, but can be used to follow the 9. Being responsible for the boy#…
case study approach on its own or with 10. Boys and girls
other teacher training textbooks. 11. ‘I have failed Veronica. I have failed as a teacher.’
12. ‘What’s the point?’
13. Tsegi’s dilemma
Under the guidance of master case study formulator,
14. ‘I’m not a bad person. I don’t want people to think Print ISBN: 9781775786047
Kay Merser from Harvard University, the authors and
I am a bad person.’ ePDF ISBN: 9781775950646
editors collaborated to present a valuable tools to equip
15. ‘Your good results come at a cost’
student teachers for practice. Editors:
16. School practicum: Beverley and Mrs Venter
17. ‘How can I teach such a crowd?’ Sarah Gravett, Kay Merser, Josef de Beer
Features 18. ‘Follow the road of least resistance’ Copyright: 2014
• Case studies that cover a variety of subject 19. The ceiling Extent: 118 pp.
and learning levels 20. ‘If it’s digital, it must be a good lesson, mustn’t it?
• Creative use of simulation of the classroom 21. The deepening divide
environment 22. 'Not one of you deserves to be called a teacher!’
23. 'Am I the only one in this class who still reads properly?’
• Truly South African material by South African
24. Who’s the victim?
25. What’s the verdict – guilty of not guilty
26. ‘Leave me alone!’
27. ‘But ma’am, can’t we do it our way first?’
28. ‘Teachers are both the objects and the agents of reform'
The use of cases: A reflection for the DVD

16 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Innovative Assessment Practice
First Edition

Innovative Assessment Practice is a research-based Features

scholarly book written for higher education researchers
and lecturers. It is also a resource for those interested • Innovative ideas will inspire researchers and
in the diverse nature of assessment. Through the teachers to use research-based assessment
scholarship of teaching and learning assessment, practices in teaching and learning.
researchers from South Africa and across the globe • Authentic examples from a variety of community
investigate their own assessment practice with student settings provide a range of rich content.
teachers learning about how to teach in the early years of • South African and global perspectives provide
formal schooling (Foundation Phase). The book consists a balanced view of assessment in the early years
of seven chapters, each with its unique focus on the of schooling.
Scholarship of Assessment as part of the comprehensive
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Contents
By challenging the traditional approaches to assessment, 1. Towards the scholarship of assessment: a poster
the authors of this book argue that it is important for presentation assessment project by final year
student teachers to experience innovative assessment student teachers
practices to develop the skills and attitudes needed 2. Portfolios as a developmental assessment tool
to become responsible assessors. The international for prospective Foundation Phase teachers –
ePDF ISBN: 9781928226994
collaboration of scholars is a unique feature of A reflective analysis
the book setting it as an example for books in this 3. Opportunities for formative assessment in teacher Authors:
category. In addition, as an eBook it offers a modern education for the early years JC (Ina) Joubert (editor), with Rinelle Evans,
method to engage with the content and many links to Marie Botha, Nkidi Phatudi, Judy van Heerden,
4. The case of the case study
useful websites offering further resources for readers. Annelie Botha, Hasina Banu Ebrahim,
5. Authentic assessment in early childhood teacher Teresa Harris, Ann Farrell,
education: a case of generating intercultural Ndileni Mudzielwana, Rhonda Bondie
understandings of displaced children and families
6. Assessment practices and student learning: Copyright: 2016
a case study of student teachers in South African
Extent: 462 pp.
7. 21st Century learner-centred assessments
in teacher preparation

17 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Including the Excluded
Educating the Vulnerable in the 21st Century
First Edition
With more than half of South Africa’s school population Contents
falling into the category of ‘vulnerable’, those who teach
1. Education for all
or intend to teach are likely to encounter vulnerable
2. An inclusive approach to promoting wellness for learners
learners. Questions teachers and student teachers in both mainstream and prison schools
could ask themselves are: 3. Language in education
• What implications are there for teachers attempting 4. Reading for all
to give all learners in their classes a meaningful 5. School science learners at risk: Inaccessibility and
education? inequity issues
6. The use of Information and Communication Technology
• How do teachers manage with learners of
to promote digital literacy for vulnerable youths
very different abilities in the same class?
7. An introduction to teaching learners with intellectual
• How do non-specialist teachers teach learners with impairment
mental and physical challenges? 8. Intervention strategies for learners with intellectual
This textbook will be an invaluable resource for the 9. Raising and educating children with disabilities
experienced and prospective teachers alike. It offers a 10. Accommodating sexually abused learners
range of tried and tested methods and tips by experts. 11. The role of the teacher in promoting academic ePrint ISBN: 9781775952992
Additionally, the information in the book is supported by and emotional wellness amongst orphans ePDF ISBN: 9781776101771
modern theory that invites new insights and perception. 12. Supporting teachers of refugee children
13. Bullying of vulnerable children: An increasing form
This book includes case studies, extensive teacher tips, of school violence M Magano and U Ramnarain
as well as audio summaries directly from the authors. 14. Educating children in poverty Copyright: 2015
15. The support of learners in prisons Extent: 428 pp.
16. Understanding and addressing occupational stress among
school teachers
17. Reasonable accommodation for learners with disabilities
18. Music education for vulnerable children
19. Adult learners’ experiences in correctional services
20. Developing creativity in learners through fine art and crafts
21. Disability as social discourse: Who is disabled?

18 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Themes in South African Education
First Edition

To reflect the dramatic transformation education Contents

has undergone since 1994, this book provides a
1. The value of comparative education to educational research
comprehensive and detailed picture of the structure
and practice
of the education system. Various topics are discussed
2. Doing research in comparative education
against the background of the historical development
of education in the light of particular contexts and 3. A cursory history of education provision in South Africa
international trends. The book is recommended for 4. Values and ideologies in education
policy makers, researchers and specialists in the field 5. Education and theories of development
of comparative education. 6. The South African Education System
7. Curriculum futures in South Africa
Features 8. Inclusive education in South African context
9. The provision of early childhood education
• Grounded in a strong research focus
10. Theories, policies and practices of parent involvement
• Comprehensive collection of perspective on critical in education
dilemmas in the South African education landscape 11. Language policy and linguistic realities in South African
• Local context is viewed against the backdrop of schooling
international education systems 12. Teacher education in South Africa
Print ISBN: 9780796224804
Eleanor Lemmer, Noleen van Wyk
Copyright: 2010
Extent: 288 pp.

19 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Handbook for Grade R Teaching NEW EDITION
Fifth Edition

This comprehensive textbook for the Contents

reception year and foundation phase for 1. Planning to teach
teacher education students and teachers 2. Development and the Grade R learner
is based on The Reception Year, previously 3. Assessment: Getting to know the Grade R learner
4. Developing inclusive Grade R classrooms
published by Heinemann. The focus
5. Movement and motor development
throughout this book is on how the child
6. Visual arts
needs to explore the world through play. 7. Music and movement
The book follows an integrated approach 8. Emergent literacy: Listening and speaking
that will support the learner in terms of 9. Emergent reading and phonemic awareness
intellectual, physical, emotional, perceptual 10. Writing and spelling
11. Fundamental concepts in emergent numeracy
and language development.

In line with the foundation phase guidelines, the book

has been written to include those areas that teachers
grapple with, such as emergent literacy, reading and Print ISBN: 9781775783299
writing, emergent numeracy, movement, music and ePDF ISBN: 9781775950547
visual arts, assessment and inclusivity.
Reda Davin
• Hands-on, practical focus Copyright: 2013
Extent: 208 pp.
• Classroom tips and advice for teachers
• Highlights the importance of learning through
play in Grade R
• QR codes with additional resources, activities
and readings

20 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Introducing English as First Additional
Language in the Early Years
First Edition
This book is designed for English First Features
Additional language student teachers • Classroom tips for teachers
and in-service teachers. It addresses EFAL • Uniquely geared to the South African context
teaching in both urban and rural contexts. • Guidelines for assessment practices
Practical examples with case studies are
• Contains activities, scenarios and case studies
used to portray issues that reflect the
• QR codes and Study on the GO with additional
everyday challenges teachers meet in resources and assessment activities
mediating learning and making sure that
learners use English proficiently. Issues Contents
deemed important for facilitating English 1. Introducing English First Additional Language (EFAL)
as First Additional Language are covered, as language of learning and teaching in South Africa
2. South African contexts for learning and teaching
such as the importance of mother tongue
3. Language acquisition and language learning
in learning a second language, theories 4. Theories of second language acquisition
of second language development and 5. Methodologies on EFAL teaching and learning Print ISBN: 9781775780533
acquisition and methodologies for 6. Vocabulary teaching and learning: Developing the ePDF ISBN: 9781775959892
teaching First Additional Language. understanding and proficiency of EFAL
7. Creating opportunities for developing listening and Authors:
speaking skills through a print rich environment Nkidi Phatudi (editor), Geeta Motilal,
Student teachers and practicing teachers can explore Ina Joubert, Pinky Makoe, Thabile Mbatha,
8. Teaching reading and writing to EFAL learners
examples of trialled approaches on how to introduce Lynn Greeff, Kay Lowe
9. Assessment of English as First Additional Language (FAL)
English to contexts where the teacher is the only source
of the language, as the learners don’t encounter the 10. Parents make a difference to learning language and literacy Copyright: 2015
language in their daily lives. Extent: 264 pp.

21 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Alternative Access to Higher Education
First Edition

Based on the empirical work of Contents

acknowledged experts in alternative access 1. Alternative access to university: past, present and future
and Foundation provisioning in South Africa, 2. Access, success and curriculum: Aspects of their organic
and using the University of KwaZulu-Natal
3. The context of access and foundation provisioning in
as a case study, this book shifts the gaze, South Africa
placing under scrutiny the allied question of 4. The significance of structure, culture and agency
institutional (under-) preparedness. in supporting and developing student learning at
South African universities
Some of the main questions the authors ask in the 5. Access, equity and quality in higher education
book are: 6. Accessing the efficacy of access programmes at UKZN
7. Humanities access: Interrogating the cycles of
• Is the policy framework underpinning the post- curricular change
secondary sector sufficiently coherent to offer
8. Critical Reflections on Management Studies Access
viable alternative access?
9. Science Access: Theoretical framework and educational
• Have universities transformed their curricula and discourse
institutional cultures to meet the demands of 10. Science Access: an appraisal of graduation and through
rapidly changing student body? Print ISBN: 9781775784975
put rates
• Has the increase in enrolments at universities 11. Exploring access as dialogue in an education and Editors:
resulted in a corresponding increase in development certificate programme Rubby Dhunpath, Renuka Vithal
graduations? 12. Access to higher education through open distance
Copyright: 2012
learning (ODL)
This book makes compelling reading, for higher Extent: 280 pp.
13. On teaching reading for epistemological access
education policy makers, academics, researchers,
funders and for all committed to a responsive and
responsible higher education system.

22 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Cracking the Code to Education Analysis
First Edition

“The vast interworld (of education studies Features

and analysis) is where this book goes, the • Provides a unique view of the world
worlds between strict rigidity and pure flow, • Beautifully illustrated with provocative
between military precision and magical line drawings
enchantment. The first eight questions in • Provides the building blocks for further
Cracking the Code in Education Analysis open complex analysis
out these basic levers of education and Contents
show you how they work and what your
1. What is the relationship between everyday experience
choices are, the last two questions broaden and specialised knowledge?
the focus to how different levels of the 2. What are the different types of knowledge
specialisation and how do they relate?
education system work and how education
3. What happens inside a specialisation and is it open
systems develop over time.” or closed?
4. What is selection and is it open or closed?
In an accessible style that enables the reader to
5. What is sequencing and is it open or closed?
approach education analysis with a sense of "the Print ISBN: 9781775784791
6. What is pacing and is it open or closed?
divine and", the author weaves an introductory text ePDF ISBN: 9781775950615
that draws on Classics, through the Renaissance to 7. What is evaluation and is it open or closed?
8. What are the relationships between students and the Author:
modern education systems. He invites theorists with
teacher and are they open or closed? Wayne Hugo
him on this journey that include the likes of Plato,
Aristotle, Montessori, Alberty, Engelmann, Sugata 9. What are the different levels of the educational system Copyright: 2013
Mitra, Elliot Eisner, Beeby, John Hattie and Bernstein. and how do they relate? Extent: 280 pp.
10. How do education systems develop in time?
Visually rich with illustrated material from the iChing 11. Case Study The South African Education System from
to Dürer, the book includes examples from a wide Apartheid to 2011
variety of education systems, such as Singapore, 12. Postscript
Japan, Finland, Brazil, the Czech Republic and South 13. References
Africa. For students, parents, teachers, academics, 14. Endnotes
policy makers or interested observers Cracking the
Code in Education Analysis is an important resource
that will provide the tools to begin dissecting
education from policy to practice.

23 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Creating Effective Schools
First Edition

This book is a culmination of six years Features

of work and is a result of a longitudinal • Provides new theoretical frameworks through
study, the National School Effectiveness which one can interpret schooling and improve
Study, that collected and analysed relevant its effects on learners
school and home background data from • Extensively illustrated with graphs and diagrams
• Kindles the debate on schooling and complexities
300 primary schools selected from all
within the South African landscape
provinces except Gauteng.
Both the book and the study are a reflection of the 1. Context, theory, design
maturity of education research and a growing appetite
2. Learner performance in the NSES
for empirical evidence in South Africa. Key observations
3. Modelling educational achievement
from the research have found their way into the policy-
making processes of both the central and provincial 4. School leadership and management
spheres of government, in particular the Department of 5. The language of teaching and learning in South African
Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, the Planning schools
Commission, and the Department of Basic Education. 6. Writing matters: The neglect of writing in South African
Print ISBN: 9781775787068
The methodology used in the study is grounded in 7. Writing and learning mathematics Authors:
a mix of theories that have been used over time to 8. Teacher knowledge and professional habitus Christo F Pienaar, Eileen B Raymond (editors),
establish factors responsible for quality education. 9. Learner age and performance N Taylor, S van der Berg and T Mabogoane
The book carries useful lessons for every stakeholder 10. Where to go from here? From fact to act Copyright: 2013
in the education sector, including practising teachers, Extent: 328 pp.
researchers and policy makers.

24 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Financial Management
and Leadership in Schools
First Edition
This book has been designed for teachers Contents
and school principals whose contribution 1. Orientation to school-based financial management
to the transformation of education hinges and leadership
2. Decentralisation policy: Towards school-based financial
on effective school management and
decision making and accountability
leadership. In an effectively managed 3. Providing strategic direction for effective financial leadership
school, human, physical and financial 4. School fees and "no-fee schools"
resources are managed in an integrated 5. Procurement: Applying international best practices
way according to the policies of the school, 6. Project management in education: Bringing the school
community on board
as well as the principles and values of the
7. Asset management and value for money
country and its legal framework. 8. Using information technology in school: financial decisions
made easy
Features 9. Budgeting, internal control and risk management
• Focus on the financial implications inherent
in change management
• Case studies approach Print ISBN: 9781775782131
ePDF ISBN: 9781775950585
• Discussion points for further reflection
and assessment Authors:
RJ (Nico) Botha (editor), Branwen Challens,
Pierre du Plessis, Nylon Marishane,Pam Miller,
Hennie Steyn, Charl Wolhuter
Copyright: 2013
Extent: 228 pp.

25 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Learning Conversations:
The Value of Interactive Learning
First Edition
Contrary to traditional perceptions of Contents
learning in which the teacher does all the 1. Conversations: We cannot live without them
talking and learners sit quietly at their 2. Guidelines for using and selecting conversation types
desks, this book promotes learning as an 3. Conversation facilitation guides
4. Beyond the learning conversations: How to go on
interactive activity. Through conversations,
from here?
learners become active participants in
their own learning, thereby producing and
developing their own ideas.

• Clarifies the different Socratic methods
• A common structure in each conversational type
assists students to understand the distinguishing
features of each type
• Localised and original adaptations of the Socratic Print ISBN: 9780796233677
method are provided for South African students Authors:
Meahabo Magano, Pieter Mostert,
Gert van der Westhuizen
Copyright: 2010
Extent: 106 pp.

26 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Making Inclusive Education Work
in Classrooms
First Edition
In this book, the authors contend that • Additional information, web links and other
inclusive education should be a system resources are provided by means of QR codes
that can be accessed through smartphones
where every child finds a place and the
• Lecturer resources available
support needed to learn effectively,
regardless of complicating factors. For Contents
these authors, barriers to learning are Unit 1 – Foundations of inclusive education
quite simply environmental barriers that 1. Inclusive education in South Africa and globally
teachers, parents and community members 2. Understanding barriers to learning
can remove to provide ways for all learners Unit 2 – Learners in our classrooms today
3. Challenges related to individual differences
to learn. In order to achieve a schooling
4. Cognitive and behavioural challenges
system where each child finds a place, 5. Sensory, physical and health challenges
parents, teachers and student teachers in Unit 3 – Effective inclusive practice
training need to be equipped with the skills 6. Assessment for teaching and learning
to implement inclusive education. This 7. Instructional approaches for inclusive classrooms
Print ISBN: 9781775784807
book will show how practising teachers and 8. Strategies for teaching in inclusive classrooms
ePDF ISBN: 9781775956365
Unit 4 – Management of inclusive classrooms
teachers in training can use supportive and Editors:
9. Proactive management in inclusive classrooms
collaborative practices to make classrooms 10. Learners with challenging behaviours Christo F Pienaar, Eileen B Raymond,
accessible to all learners. Unit 5 – Collaboration as support for inclusive education
with Johnnie Hay, Mokgadi Moletsane,
Sithabile Ntombela, Sindiswa Stofile
11. Collaboration skills for inclusive practice
Features 12. Collaborating to ensure effective learner support Copyright: 2013
Unit 6 – Epilogue Extent: 304 pp.
• Case studies and vignettes to give readers a feel
13. What does our future hold?
of what can be achieved in classrooms
• Pedagogic elements, such as chapter overviews, big
picture summaries, and questions to think about

27 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Opening the Doors of Learning:
Changing Schools in South Africa
Why has it been so hard to open the doors Contents
of learning and provide education for all 1. Schooling and social change
as a basic human right? What can be done 2. Framing the challenges
about this situation? This book addresses 3. Goals and purposes of schooling
4. Globalisation, the "knowledge economy" and education
the puzzle of educational change, focusing
5. Development and education
on South Africa. It draws on a tradition
6. Education policy
of research and theory which takes as 7. Schools and classrooms as places of learning
it's starting point the fact that human 8. Facing the challenges: A framework of ethics
beings make their own history, along with
others, though not in circumstances of
their own choosing. Each chapter draws
on an approach to ethics, which calls for
continual engagement with questions of
how we might best live in the world we Print ISBN: 9780796225085
share with others.
Pam Christie
Copyright: 2010
Extent: 240 pp.

28 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

People Leadership in Education
First Edition

People Leadership in Education, the new Contents

edition of Human Resource Management 1. Contextual perspective on people leadership in
in Education, focuses on the value of people education in South Africa
2. Development and contemporary South African issues
in an organisation and emphasises the
3. People in action
importance of acknowledging individuals
4. Resourcing talent
and groups in the South African educational 5. Assessing talent for quality education
context. The book covers issues around 6. Talent developments
the professional development of leaders in
schools and is a must-have for all managers
who will lead South African education into
a successful future.

• Written for a multifaceted educational setting
Print ISBN: 9780796224859
• Equips managers through case studies and
detailed explanations Authors:
Jan Heystek, Rita Niemann, Jean van Rooyen,
• Provides clear guidance on successful
Joe Mosoge, Keshni Bipath
people leadership
Copyright: 2014
Extent: 208 pp.

29 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Research-led Teacher Education
First Edition

The key aim of Research-led Teacher Contents

Education is to provide research based 1. Teacher education and quality schooling in South Africa
exemplars of how cutting-edge knowledge 2. Shifting waves of teacher education policy in post-
apartheid South Africa
can be linked to improving the conditions
3. Mapping "teacherly becoming" on a teaching practice
and practices in schools. The exemplars programme: A reflexivity perspective
provided are of research studies driven 4. The intersection between identity, agency and social
by problems of practice. Those seeking justice education: Implications for teacher education
5. The experience of research in pre-service teacher
to take practical action for qualitative
education: A phenomenographic study of students’
improvements in schools and university experienced meaning of research in educational and
teacher education will find the book professional contexts
6. Surfacing opportunities taken and missed in teaching
cartoons in English FAL classrooms
7. Researching primary mathematics teacher content
The book can be used as a guide by teachers in schools
knowledge in classroom practice: Understandings
who look critically at their own practice. It can also be for teacher education
used by university lecturers and students in teacher Print ISBN: 9781775782162
8. Development of L1 and L2 reading literacy among
education programmes as a casebook of examples fifth graders: Implications for research-based ePDF ISBN: 9781775950530
that demonstrate a research-based focus on improving teacher education
teaching and learning within teacher education and in Editors:
9. Managing spaces in Foundation Phase teacher education:
schools. From the Foreword: “A volume of work that Renuka Osman, Hamsa Venkat
From the classroom to the lecture room and back again
undertakes a fresh, contemporary look at the practice Copyright: 2012
of teacher education … The issues that are explored are Extent: 192 pp.
wide-ranging and provide a good sample of what we
need to confront as we collectively work to contribute
to the quality of education in South Africa, through the
contribution that teacher education can make.”

30 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

African Perspectives on Adult Learning series
Designed for use in the training of African adult educators, this series puts the African context
at the centre of adult education topics. It foregrounds the importance of African philosophies,
indigenous knowledge systems, traditions and cultures and accounts for the impact of colonialism
and liberation struggles.

31 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Developing Programmes
for Adult Learners in Africa
This book critically analyses the principles, Contents
theories and models of adult learning 1. Approaches to programme development
programmes in the African context. 2. The programme planning process
It promotes an approach to programme 3. Identifying and assessing learning needs
development that makes African ways 4. Determining programme goals
of thinking and learning, beliefs and 5. Objectives and content
6. Identifying and selecting programme materials
value systems integral aspects of the
7. Advocacy and marketing
planning process.
8. Participation in programme development
9. Programme implementation
10. Programme evaluation

Print ISBN: 9789282011201

Mathew Gboku, Nthogo Lekoko
Copyright: 2007
Extent: 202 pp.

32 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Foundations of Adult Education in Africa

This book presents key concepts, Contents

information and principles that should 1. Foundations of Adult Education in Africa
underlie the practice of Adult Education 2. History of Adult Education in Africa
in African contexts. It assumes that adult 3. Philosophy and Adult Education
4. Socio-cultural, political and economic environments
educators should have an historical
5. Opportunities and access for adult learners
perspective on the current educational
6. Gender and development in Adult Education
context, understand how the colonial 7. Adult Education as a developing profession
experience has impacted on indigenous 8. Information and communication technology
traditions and be aware of the philosophical 9. Globalisation and Adult Education
underpinnings of adult education activities. 10. Policies and structures of lifelong learning

Print ISBN: 9789282011218

Fredrick Nafukho, Maurice Amutabi,
Ruth Otunga
Copyright: 2005
Extent: 182 pp.

33 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Management of Adult Education
Organisations in Africa
Management of Adult Education Organisations Contents
in Africa is premised upon the notion 1. Management and diversity
that Adult Education is now considered a 2. Leaders in adult educational organisations
mainstream academic discipline in several 3. Management approaches in Africa
4. Human resource development
African countries and its importance in
5. Organisational development and change
today’s knowledge and ‘ideas’ economies is
6. Ubuntu embedded leadership and organisational learning
growing steadily. The book relies on African 7. Planning, implementation and evaluation
perspectives of managerial leadership to 8. Time management in an organisation
illustrate the urgent need to recognise the 9. Financial management
important role played by management in 10. The challenges and opportunities of managing adult
education organisations
the provision of adult education.

Print ISBN: 9781868918485

Frederick Nafukho, Nelson Wawire,
Penina Munania-Lam
Copyright: 2011
Extent: 250 pp.

34 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

The Social Context of Adult Learning in Africa

This book examines how adult education Contents

is influenced by and has an influence on the 1. Adult education and development
society in which it takes place. It presents 2. Development and social change
a clear analysis of the development 3. Community and adult education
4. Race, ethnicity and religion
challenges and sociological realities of
5. Social class and gender
the adult education context, which is key
6. Empowerment
if educators are to help African countries 7. Democracy
and communities achieve their 8. Health and HIV/AIDS
developmental goals. 9. Poverty and debt
10. Globalisation and the environment

Print ISBN: 9789282011195

Sabo Indabawa, Stanley Mpofu
Copyright: 2006
Extent: 174 pp.

35 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

The Psychology of Adult Learning in Africa

Presenting psychology as an applied Contents

discipline that can help adult educators 1. Characteristics of adult learners
be more effective in their work, this book 2. Patterns of adult learning
analyses the cultural factors that influence 3. Theories of adult learning
4. Life span development
the characteristics, behaviour and thinking
5. Human motivation and participation
of adult learners. It emphasises the collective
6. Learning styles
orientation of African cultures and the 7. Facilitating adult learning: Basic principles and techniques
view of the self in terms of interdependent 8. Facilitating adult learning: Other instructional techniques
relationships within a community. 9. Guidance and counselling of adult learners

Print ISBN: 9789282011171

Thomas Fasokun, Anne Katahoire,
Akpovire Oduaran
Copyright: 2005
Extent: 172 pp.

36 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Research Methods for Adult Educators
in Africa
This book explores and critiques existing Contents
research paradigms, presents African 1. Contexts for adult education research in Africa
counter-arguments and examples, and 2. Philosophical and theoretical foundations of inquiry
proposes methodologies more appropriate 3. Philosophical perspectives and their implications
for research
for African contexts. The emphasis is on
4. Doing a literature review
African realities, values and ways 5. Getting started with a research proposal
of knowing. 6. Quantitative research designs and carrying out surveys
7. Summarising and analysing survey data
8. The nature of qualitative research
9. Carrying out qualitative studies
10. Combining qualitative and quantitative methods
11. Research ethics
12. Action research
13. Feminist research approaches
14. Writing up and disseminating research
Print ISBN: 9789282011188
Bagele Chilisa, Julia Preece
Copyright: 2006
Extent: 271 pp.

37 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Introduction to Psychology
Fresh Perspectives

Fresh Perspectives Introduction to Contents

Psychology provides comprehensive 1. What is psychology?
coverage of content for first-year tertiary 2. Research
courses in Psychology. It aims to explain 3. The nervous system and behaviour
4. The endocrine system
difficult concepts in more understandable
5. Genetics and behaviour
and interesting ways and uses practical
6. Sensation and perception
examples and case studies, as well 7. Physical development
as accessible language to engage the 8. Personality and the self
student. It is practical and up-to-date and 9. Child cognitive, moral and emotional development
offers all the pedagogical features to be 10. Motivation and emotion
11. Learning
found in the Fresh Perspectives series.
12. Memory
13. Language structure and acquisition
14. Cognition and mental abilities
15. States of consciousness
Print ISBN: 9781868912896
16. Social behaviour
17. Psychopathology Author:
18. Stress and coping
Rashid Ahmed, Chiwoza Bandawe, Kate
Cockcroft, Anne Crafford, Kirston Greenop,
19. Psychological assessment
Mark Kahn, Belinda Train, Mark Tomlinson
20. Treatment of psychological problems
and Janine Tommy
21. Community psychology
22. Industrial and organisational psychology Copyright: 2007
Extent: 494 pp.

38 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Handbook of Youth Counselling
Second Edition

This book is essential reading for all Contents

interested in advancing the mental health 1. A new perspective on counselling youth
agenda amongst Southern African youth. 2. Theoretical frameworks
This book aims to equip professional and 3. A model for systemic intervention
volunteer counsellors to deal effectively 4. Contextualising modern society
with clients in a multicultural context. 5. South African mental health systems
6. Understanding and changing behaviour
Features 7. The psychological counsellor
8. Individual and group counselling
• Survey of traditional theory and Afrocentric
perspectives on psychopathology 9. Contemporary counselling techniques
• Scrutiny of prevailing health care systems 10. Taking cognisance of culture
• Discussion of current counselling theory and 11. Crisis interventions
practical counselling techniques (including group 12. Ethical conduct
counselling and crisis interventions) 13. Mediating well-being in youth
• Consideration of cultural and ethical issues related 14. Individual barriers to learning at school Print ISBN: 9780796224811
to counselling. 15. Contemporary social issues: Counselling interventions
16. Workshopping life skills Eugéne van Niekerk and Johnnie Hay
17. Charting resilience in youth
Copyright: 2009
Extent: 514 pp.

39 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

From Individual to Ecosystem
Fifth Edition
Personology – From individual to ecosystem Contents
5th edition is a Personology textbook for About the authors
second-­and third-­year university and Preface
Honours Psychology students. It explains Part 1
the widest spectrum of personality 1. Personology
theories and approaches in the clearest 2. Historical overview of psychological thinking
way possible. Both traditional approaches Part 2
to personality theories and cutting-­edge Introduction to Part 2: Depth-­psychological approaches
theories are comprehensively covered. 3. The psychoanalytical theory of Sigmund Freud
4. The analytical theory of Carl Jung
Features 5. The individual psychology of Alfred Adler
6. The socially-­oriented psychoanalytical theories
• Research, particularly relevant South
African research 7. The ego-­psychological theory of Erik Erikson

• Historical development of the broad 8. The language-­oriented approach of Jacques Lacan

approaches Part 3
Introduction to Part 3: Behavioural and learning
Print ISBN: 9781928330967
• Depth-­psychological approaches eBook ISBN: 9781776100590
theory approaches
• Behavioural and learning theory approaches
9. The radical behaviourism of Burrhus Frederic Skinner Authors:
• Person-­oriented approaches 10. The social cognitive learning approach Cora Moore, Henning Viljoen
• Eastern and African perspectives Part 4 and Werner Meyer
• Enrichment sections with video URLs, Introduction to Part 4: Person-­oriented approaches Participating authors:
practical activities and examples, as well 11. The self-­actualisation theory of Abraham Maslow Andrea Hurst, Desmond Painter and
as review questions Teria Shantall
12. The self-­concept theory of Carl Rogers
• Digital support material with additional 13. The personal-­construct theory of George Kelly Copyright: 2017
summaries, examples, enrichment sections Extent: 640 pp.
14. The existential theory of Viktor Frankl
and practice questions and answers,
Part 5
including research and application
questions with guidelines. Introduction to Part 5: Socially contextualised approaches
15. The ecosystemic approach
16. Eastern perspectives
17. African perspectives
18. Index

40 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Psychology – An Exploration:
Global and Southern African Perspectives

Psychology – An Exploration: Global • Throughout the book, there are references

to accompanying videos, interactive figures
and Southern African Perspectives is a
and simulation experiments that can be
comprehensive introductory Psychology accessed online.
text for South African first-­year Psychology • Writing prompts, practice quizzes and test-yourself
students in Higher Education, and the first sections provide ample opportunity for practice.
edition of a South African adaptation of
Saundra K. Ciccarelli’s and J. Noland White’s
Psychology in action: Study skills for surviving and thriving
US title Psychology – An Exploration. in higher education
1. The science of psychology
Features 2. The biological perspective
• Clear learning outcomes guide students through 3. Sensation and perception
the material. 4. Consciousness
• South African Psychology students introduce each 5. Learning
chapter topic in a video recording that can be 6. Memory
accessed online. 7. Cognition: Thinking, intelligence and language Print ISBN: 9781928330950
• Comprehensive theoretical concepts are 8. Development across the life span
eBook ISBN: 9781776100576
accompanied by practical examples, many of 9. Motivation, stress and emotion Authors:
which portray typical South African and African 10. Social psychology SK Ciccarelli, JN White, L Booth, E Crause,
contexts and experiences. C Harrison, S Isaacs, M Lipinska, D Morris,
11. Theories of personality
• Concept maps after every section visualise and N Munro, A Ntozini, C Oduaran, C Saccaggi,
12. Psychological disorders
summarise key concepts. L Schrieff-­Elson, S Malcom-­Smith,
13. Psychological therapies EM Schutte, GM Skosana, CJJ van Zyl
• Educationally valuable figures, tables, diagrams and
14. Statistics in psychology
photographs enhance the learning experience. Copyright: 2017
15. Applied psychology and careers in psychology
• ‘Psychology in the news’ and ‘Applying psychology Extent: 786 pp.
to everyday life’ boxes provide practical scenarios,
many of which are put in a specific South African
context, with questions for further discussion.

41 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

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42 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology


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that your students receive content in an engaging medium and are geared
towards success in a world where digital skills are irreplaceable.

Our digital learning solutions include mastery-based resources like MyLab

and Mastering, eBooks and online courses that assist students in finding
employment once their studies are completed.

Mindful of the possibilities that digital content brings to the learning

environment, we have specifically designed our solutions to be locally
relevant (yet in touch with the global market) and to work across a variety
of devices including smartphones, laptops, desktop computers and tablets.
This is done with the aim to help unlock the potential within students and
lecturers and to ensure that they enjoy the benefits of going digital.

Our dedicated support team is here to help you get the best out of your
chosen solutions so that your students can thrive.

44 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Breakthrough to improving results
with MyLab and Mastering

Pearson MyLabTM and Pearson Benefits of MyLab

MasteringTM are the world’s leading • Personalised homework: MyLab analyses a student’s
test results to provide personalised homework
collection of online homework, assignments, so students can focus on only those
tutorial and assessment products topics and objectives they haven’t yet mastered.
and are trusted by 11 million • Learning outcomes and mastery: The MyLab
gradebook allows you to track student
students around the world. In performance as it corresponds to the
South Africa, almost 100 000 learning outcomes for the course.
students have already used MyLab • Mobile-friendly: Since 2014, MyLab courses
have been designed with mobile devices in mind,
and Mastering to help them better allowing students to study anytime, anywhere.
understand course material and
ultimately flourish. Benefits of Mastering
• Before class: reading quizzes, pre-lecture
MyLab and Mastering reacts to how students are quizzes and formative assessments test students’
knowledge of the material and ensure they come MyLab and Mastering allows you to select content that
actually performing, offering data-driven guidance aligns to your curriculum using the Study Plan Manager.
that identifies stumbling blocks and supports them to class prepared.
in understanding difficult subject matter. By offering • During class: Learning Catalytics and existing Mastering
a rich environment of pre-built or customised media, such as simulations and videos keep your " The online learning and teaching
assessments, personalised learning plans and highly students engaged and bring tough topics to life. method is the standard for the future,
interactive learning activities, the system enables • After class: ‘Traditional’ homework, quizzes and testing and it is beneficial to be partnered
students to master skills at their own pace and automatically assess your students’ comprehension
succeed in their chosen career path. of the material and provide opportunities for with Pearson, a company that is
remediation. very efficient at doing that."
Learn more and explore
– Eshwar Soriakumar
the full range of products at Lecturer at UNISA

45 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

MyLab Foundational Skills
To help students reach the heights they are destined Each MyLab Foundational Skills Learning Path includes
for, it is important that you help them build a solid competency-based learning activities designed to help
foundation that they can use as a platform to launch students build confidence and proficiency in specific
their learning from. skills. Students become actively engaged in their own
learning processes and break traditional barriers to
Across the world, 290 million young people are out of learning at their own pace.
work. At the same time, almost 40% of employers tell
us that they can’t fill their vacancies*. We developed This course now offers new modules on digital literacy,
MyLab Foundational Skills™, previously known as math-reading connections, student and career success
MyFoundationsLab to help lecturers fill the gaps skills, as well as several additional Path Builders,
where employers are experiencing shortcomings. expanded treatment of the writing process and
rhetorical situation, revised research skills material
Our system is a complete online, mastery-based and new reading literature coverage. All content is
resource that allows for assessing university and career- easily customisable to the specific objectives of
readiness skills in reading, writing and arithmetic, and your programme.
aims to make students more employable when they
graduate from university. Ideal for students of various levels and ages,
including continuing education or workforce
MyLab Foundational Skills' engaging tutorial system readiness programmes, MyLab Foundational Skills
offers a rich environment of pre-built or customised provides the skills development students need in
assessments, personalised learning plans and highly order to be successful in university-level courses
interactive learning activities that enable students to and to progress in their careers.
effectively master foundational skills at their own pace.
Watch how MyLab Foundational Skills can help your students.

Learn more at myfoundationslab.com

*Ready for work, Employability Summit, 2016

46 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

MyEnglishLab MyLab IT
MyEnglishLab is an online learning solution created to One of the cornerstones of being career ready is being
aid lecturers in teaching English as a second language. digitally literate. We developed MyLab IT to be the most
Our studies have shown that using MyEnglishLab can innovative and personalised way in which to teach and
help improve student results. From motivating students learn digital literacy, as well as the Microsoft Office
to helping manage mixed-ability classes, MyEnglishLab productivity skills that students need for university
makes a positive impact on learning outcomes. and career success.

MyEnglishLab delivers your Pearson course content MyLab IT offers quality content, developed by practising
online, with the added benefits of automated marking IT educators that can effectively integrate into training
and extra support for your students. and assessment exercises to enhance students’
knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and
Exchange your workbook for MyEnglishLab to get online computer concepts. By doing this, we can equip
hints, tips and feedback, and take your course with them with the skills and know-how they will need
you anywhere. to flourish in the workplace.

• Cloud-based, HTML5 Microsoft® Office simulations –
no installations or downloads required. Realistic,
high-fidelity, skill-based training and assessment
scenarios with content that directly matches
Pearson textbooks
• Empower all students to experience MyLab IT – See how MyLab IT creates personalised online
Simulations are the most accessible with ADA 508 learning experiences that help students make
compliance guidelines real progress in their courses and in their lives.

• Project Creation Tool – Create Grader Projects from

Learn more at
scratch and assign and score using MyLab IT Grader
• Learning Design – MyLab IT is designed with the
learner in mind, helping students transfer what
they learn in the classroom to the workplace,
promoting career readiness

47 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

MyVirtualChild is an interactive simulation that offers
students the opportunity to act as a parent and raise
their own virtual child. By making decisions about
specific scenarios, students raise their child from
birth to age 18 and see how their own decisions
and parenting actions affect their child over time.
At each age, students are given feedback about the
various milestones their child has attained. As in
real life, certain ‘unplanned’ events may randomly
be presented to students. Key stages of the child’s
development will include personalised feedback.

Learn more at pearson.com

Watch how MyVirtualChild increases student engagement. Learn how to create your own MyVirtualChild.

48 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Grow engagement with
Learning Catalytics

Learning Catalytics™ is an interactive "Because Learning Catalytics allows for

student response tool that collaboration, digital literacy and more
encourages team-based learning critical thinking, I can ask much more
difficult and applied questions. Plus, when
by using students’ smartphones,
the questions are more relevant to the
tablets or laptops to engage them students’ future, they are more motivated.
in interactive tasks and thinking. Application questions = relevance;
As an instructor, you can pose a variety of open-ended
relevance = motivation."
questions that help your students to develop
critical thinking skills, while monitoring responses – D.J. Hennager
Associate Professor, Science,
with real-time analytics to find out where they are Kirkwood Community College
struggling. With this information, you can adjust your
instructional strategy in real time and try additional Learn more at
ways of engaging your students in class. www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com
You can also manage student interactions by using
Learning Catalytics to automatically group students
for discussions, team-based learning, and peer-to-
peer learning.

The open-ended, multiple-choice, and image upload

questions encourage collaboration among students Click here to see Learning Catalytics in action.
for team-based and group learning. The system also
enables instructors to monitor student responses and
keeps tabs on how well students understand what is
being taught and discussed.

49 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Dive into digital
with our eBooks

To facilitate engaging learning, lecturers across

South Africa are making the switch from
traditional textbooks to eBooks.
At Pearson, we provide a comprehensive range of eBooks to enhance
learning in your lecture room and to help your students reach their
potential. eBooks are also offered at a reduced price compared to
that of the printed textbook.

We are proud to offer you the support of a trusted partner with

widespread experience in implementing eBook solutions at
educational institutions. Pearson eBooks are downloaded to your
computer and are accessible both online and offline through the
VitalSource Bookshelf app. To get the most out of your Pearson
eBook, you will need to download the VitalSource Bookshelf
software to your personal computer, laptop or tablet.

50 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

What to consider when purchasing eBooks Features of our eBooks
• How will I use the eBook in my classroom?
• Does my eBook provider offer training to help me
Create personal notes
and my students use eBooks effectively?
in your eBook that you
• Will I receive dedicated support to assist me with
can find easily.
any technical issues I might experience?
• What devices will my students need in order to access
their eBooks? Can my students access the eBook
when they are not connected to the Internet?
Download and view
Our dedicated Implementation and Support team the entire book offline.
makes it easy to set up an eBook platform at your
university. We have a successful track record of eBook
implementation at educational institutions across
South Africa. Highlight important sections
that you can refer to at a later
We provide our eBooks in a variety of formats based
on the needs of institutions. We provide post-
implementation support and will assist you with
training, if needed, to ensure that you get the most
out of your Pearson eBook in order to enhance the Search for keywords
learning experience. Our dedicated Implementation or phrases with ease.
and Support team will advise you on the best way
to implement eBooks based on the needs and
infrastructure of your institution.
Learn more by contacting us
How do I purchase Pearson eBooks? or view our eBook range at
Pearson eBooks can be purchased in two ways: https://shop.pearson.co.za
• If you are a lecturer and you require eBooks for
your institution, contact your Pearson Key Account
Manager or Customer Services, who will assist you in
implementing eBooks based on your needs.
• If you are purchasing eBooks in small quantities, visit
the Pearson eStore at http://shop.pearson.co.za for
more information on downloading the eBooks you
need. On purchasing a Pearson eBook access code,
you will receive instructions on how to redeem your
code and download your Pearson eBook.
• Pearson eBooks are also available from your
nearest Van Schaik bookstore. Enquire in-store.

51 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Interactive eBooks Features of interactive eBooks

Pearson's interactive eBooks are enhanced with digital

assets – also known as learning objects – that can be Highlighting
accessed by clicking on buttons and links embedded An informative and note taking
in the text. Exercises, such
introductory animation
on how to use as matching pairs
Navigating Information Literacy, one of our range of
interactive eBooks, is a toolkit that includes all of the Pearson eBooks and drag-and-drop
skills and topics essential for students who intend activities
to position themselves in academic or workplace
environments that are globally connected
and competitive.

Navigating Information Literacy is prescribed by the

University of Pretoria for its new undergraduate Animations that bring
students. A comprehensive user survey confirmed that the content across in an Glossary pop-ups,
the majority of users found that the enhanced eBook is accessible and fun way some of which
a good way to practise and apply skills learnt during the are multilingual
course, that content is more easily assimilated, and that
the design and functionality is user-friendly.

Our new series of interactive eBooks offer a variety

of links, interactive activities, case studies and media
rich content that bring the text vividly to life, stimulate Videos showing
critical thinking and reinforce study skills. scenarios and Infographics, some of
highlighting big issues which are interactive,
"Students pointed out that videos, providing a summary
glossary definitions and chapter review of information in
one place
activities were the most effective
learning objects that contributed
successfully towards improving the
Interactive e-learning activities, Audio podcasts of
learning experience." practitioners or lecturers
including chapter reviews, case
studies, scenario-based activities putting theory into practice,
– Research on the use of Pearson Interactive
eBooks at the University of Pretoria, 2015. and self-assessment exercises or to provide concept revision

52 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Online courses open
doors and minds

Millions of students around the world Our award-winning CourseConnect courses are
customisable online courses designed for lecturers
take online courses every year. to deliver blended or online learning.

At Pearson, we have developed various online courses Now you can bring your students into a stimulating
to help students along their journey to a successful world of multimedia content and rich imagery, where
career. The different online courses we offer teach high engagement is the norm and retention follows.
students how to behave in an online sphere and equip CourseConnect minimises the time you spend looking
them with the skills they will need in order to become for and compiling the best learning assets, so that you
employable once their studies are completed. can focus on what you do best – teaching.

CourseConnect integrates with any learning management

More than half of lecturers surveyed system, is compatible with multiple devices, and offers
built-in tools, including:
would like eLearning access for students.
• a library of rich media, including personalised
– Pearson Quantitative Market Segmentation study,
study guides and audio/video elements
Post-School Lecturers, 2015
• flexible discussion questions, syllabi and
assessment content
CourseConnect • a lecturer resource guide and rubrics to support
facilitation in the online environment.
With more than 5.2 million students taking at least CourseConnect is a CODIE Award-winning suite of
one online course each year, it is more vital than ever software (“Best Post-Secondary Instructional Solution”)
to deliver quality online courses. CourseConnect is not brought to you by Pearson.
only built by subject matter experts and credentialed
instructional designers – it also incorporates learning
Learn more at
design principles to promote a top-quality teaching
experience for instructors and an impactful www.pearsonlearningsolutions.com/
educational experience for students. courseconnect/

53 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

The Digital Literacy
Citizenship course

At Pearson, we recognise the We refer to this as the CUBES framework. The course includes:

importance of acquiring the • pre-assessments

• content presentation
digital skills students need to colla-
borate • practical and interactive activities
flourish in South Africa. create evaluate • animations and videos.
Our Digital Literacy Citizenship course is an online, The training module is based on the 'Tell, Show,
modular and nonlinear programme for South African Do' approach which breaks away from the traditional
students who need to build their 21st-century digital intro use
lecture-based learning.
literacy skills.
unicate search
The 21st century digital citizen understands the
consequences of his or her online actions and can
confidently and effectively navigate the online world. behave

Tell Show Do
Digital literacy is your Each CUBE has content that sits in three levels of ability.
Apply the

passport to the future

Individuals who complete this course can easily share
this achievement to popular online destinations, and
In completing our Digital Literacy Citizenship course,
employers can instantly verify their skills.
students will learn what it means to create digital
content, communicate and collaborate online,
use digital technology safely and effectively, behave To learn more about the Digital Literacy
appropriately, competently evaluate online activity Citizenship Online Course, watch the
and search the internet efficiently. Beginner Everyday Savvy animated video on za.pearson.com

54 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

and support

55 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Services and
support that allow
you to prosper
At Pearson, we believe that by empowering
you, the lecturer, your students will flourish.

Giving you comprehensive support is as important to us as

providing you with quality content. That is why we have set up
different platforms aimed at supporting you in any area where
you may feel like you need help.

Contact Pearson Support at


56 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Lecturer support
The people who work for us care passionately about learning
and are driven by the knowledge that education changes lives.
Our dedicated team of Key Account Managers is able to support you and your
students with the solutions you need at every stage of your learning journey.

If you have any queries kindly contact:

Aamina Gangat Cinzia De Sousa

Head of Sales Key Account Manager,
aamina.gangat@pearson.com Gauteng: Pretoria, Mpumalanga
Louise Kruger
Sales Operations Lead Younisha Somaroo
Key Account Manager,
Samantha Alfonso younisha.somaroo@pearson.com
Technical Sales Lead
Gaby Govender
samantha.alfonso@pearson.com Key Account Manager,
Seshni Mala
Technical Sales Lead gabriella.govender@pearson.com

Customer Services

Tel: 021 532 6008


57 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Pearson Support
Our Pearson Support website has been set up
to assist you with registration, signing in, browser
settings, plug-ins, or other system requirements
for any of our digital solutions.

Implementation support
Because support during and after implementation is
important, our team offers short (10–15 minute) student
orientation sessions at the start of each implementation
and help thereafter, whenever it is needed.

Professional development
Digital education is changing the way lecturers instruct
and students learn. It is important for lecturers to
embrace technology and learn how it can be applied
in higher education to challenge, engage and render
students more employable.
Our ICT training offers competency-based professional
development for lecturers, empowering you to become
confident in using technology in the classroom.
Modular courses offer you the opportunity to use
technology to inspire, motivate and engage your
students in order to enhance their learning experience.
Our training is designed to enable you to:
• integrate technology in the classroom to engage with
all types of learners
• match course material to individual student needs
and abilities
• add value to assessments, making them more
effective and varied
• immediately apply practical course material in
your classroom.

58 I Higher Education Catalogue: Education and Psychology

Contact us
Pearson Customer Services
Tel: 021 532 6008
Email: pearsonza.enquiries@pearson.com

Pearson eStore
To browse and purchase ebooks visit https://shop.pearson.co.za

Learn more at za.pearson.com


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