IBM Content Manager OnDemand and FileNet-2
IBM Content Manager OnDemand and FileNet-2
IBM Content Manager OnDemand and FileNet-2
In this window (Figure 3-21), specify the names of the application group, application, and
folder. After you enter the names, Content Manager OnDemand queries the library server to
ensure that the names are valid and unique.
When you are satisfied with the selections that you made for the report, click Finish to
complete the report definition. Content Manager OnDemand adds the application group,
application, and folder to the library server, closes the report wizard, and returns to the
administrator window.
Chapter 3. Administration 65
Figure 3-22 Completion window
The answers to these questions depend on the size of the system, the degree of
centralization to be exercised over system administration, and the nature of the data and the
business needs of the users.
Centralized or decentralized
In a system design that exercises centralized control, one or a few administrators are granted
system administrator authority. A centralized system typically is used when the number of
reports and users to be added to the system is small. Centralized administration is also
appropriate where resources are limited and only one person might have the skills and
knowledge to perform the system administration tasks, or where one user group performs all
of the administration tasks.
In a system design with decentralized control, different users are granted different levels of
administrative authority. For example, you might have users that have the authority to create
users and groups. Other users might have the authority to create application groups and
folders, and others might be given full system administration authority.
When the administrative tasks and levels of authorities are understood, you must decide the
span of control in the system. Is it better to have one user control all access and functions in
the Content Manager OnDemand system, or is it better to spread the administrative tasks
among several users to smooth the workload based on system requirements? The answer to
this question depends on whether your environment uses centralized or decentralized
administrative control.
A centralized administrative plan is best suited for a Content Manager OnDemand system
with a few users and relatively few reports to define. In the next section, we focus on the
decentralized system and describe the different aspects of a decentralized administrative
Chapter 3. Administration 67
3.2.2 System administration
Content Manager OnDemand can centralize or decentralize the administration of the system.
A centralized environment means that one type of user, a system administrator, controls the
creation and access to all of the objects that are defined on the system. A decentralized
environment means that the tasks of the system administrator are divided and assigned to
other users. The responsibilities of the other users might vary from user administration, group
administration, application group administration, folder administration, or any combination of
the administrative tasks.
You need to decide whether to centralize or decentralize the administration of the system
before objects are added to the system. Although the decision is reversible, the amount of
work that is required to change from one type of administration to the other can be significant
if many users, groups, folders, and application groups are already defined to the Content
Manager OnDemand system.
Many ways exist to decentralize the administration of the system because of the various user
types and the additional authority levels that can be specified for users. Two specific models
are described in this section: the object type model and the object owner model.
System Administrator
Applications Folders Cabinets
Users Groups
In this model, the system administrator defines two new users. One user is responsible for
administering applications, application groups, and folders, and this user is defined as an
application group, folder, and cabinet administrator. The second user is responsible for
administering users and groups, and this user is defined as a user administrator with the
Create Groups authority.
Table 3-1 on page 69 shows the administrative users and the tasks that are assigned to the
When they are maintaining application groups and folders, the application group, folder, and
cabinet administrator must give other users access to the application groups, folders, and
cabinets. The recommended and simplest way to perform this task is to give access to a
group, rather than to individual users. No additional work is required by the application group,
folder, and cabinet administrator when another user needs access to the application group,
folder, or cabinet. When a new user is added to the group, the user automatically gets access
to the application group, folder, and cabinet. Adding the user to the group is the responsibility
of the user administrator because the user administrator owns all of the groups in this model.
Another reason for giving groups rather than individual users access to application groups
and folders is that the application group, folder, and cabinet administrator does not have
access to the users and groups in this model. Because the application group, folder, and
cabinet administrator must first be granted access to any users or groups that require access
to application groups, folders, or cabinets, it is simpler and less time-consuming to give
access to a few groups rather than hundreds or even thousands of users. The application
group, folder, and cabinet administrator is given access to a group by adding the application
group, folder, and cabinet administrator to the group. This task is performed by the user
administrator with the Create Groups authority. As a group member, the application group,
folder, and cabinet administrator can see the group in the list and can grant group access to
any application groups and folders on the system.
To give an application group, folder, and cabinet administrator access to a user, the user
administrator with the Create Groups authority must update each user and give the
application group, folder, and cabinet administrator access to the user. After access is
granted, the application group, folder, and cabinet administrator can see the user in the list
and can grant the user access to any application groups, folders, and cabinets on the system.
Again, this approach is not recommended because this task must be repeated each time that
a user is added to the system.
Chapter 3. Administration 69
System Administrator
Department A
Users Groups
Department B
Users Groups
The object owner model can be used to separate the objects on the system into logical parts,
such as a department, company, or another entity. Each part is independent of the other part
and each part must be maintained separately. Each part typically requires two administrative
users. One user is responsible for creating and maintaining users and groups. The other user
is responsible for creating and maintaining applications, application groups, and folders.
However, you can also define one user with the authority to create and maintain users,
groups, applications, application groups, and folders. In effect, the one user is the system
administrator for a logical part of the system.
In the object owner model, the system administrator defines two users for each logical part of
the system. One user is responsible for maintaining the users and groups for a logical part of
the system. The other user is responsible for maintaining the applications, application groups,
folders, and cabinets for a logical part of the system. With the object owner model, you store
data from several sources on one Content Manager OnDemand system and let only one set
of users access each set of data. Table 3-2 on page 71 shows the administrative users and
the tasks that are assigned to the users.
System administrator Creates a report administrator with Create Application Groups and Create
Folders authority.
Creates a user administrator with Create Groups authority.
Creates and maintains storage sets.
Creates and maintains system printers.
To illustrate how the object owner model can be used, assume that a company installs a
Content Manager OnDemand system to provide data archival and retrieval services for other
organizations. The company provides the hardware and software that are required to
administer the system and archive and retrieve the data. An administrator from each
organization defines application groups and folders for their data. Another administrator
defines the users that can access the data. The system must be able to limit access to an
organization’s application groups and folders. Only users that are defined by an organization
must have access to the application groups and folders that are owned by the organization.
The system must also be able to limit access to the data. Only users that are defined by an
organization must have access to the data that is owned by the organization.
Choosing the correct administration model is an important decision in the design of a Content
Manager OnDemand system. Table 3-3 contains general guidelines to consider when you
decide on an administration model.
The number of reports and users to add to the Content Centralized system administration
Manager OnDemand system is small (fewer than 100).
Resources are limited and only one person performs Centralized system administration
system administrative tasks.
All of the system administration tasks are performed by one Centralized system administration
Report processing and loading must be limited to a group of Decentralized system administration
users for security reasons. that uses the object type model
The administrator that adds and maintains users must not Decentralized system administration
have access to the report data. A separate administrator that uses the object type model
performs report administration and loading.
Chapter 3. Administration 71
3.3 Content Manager OnDemand XML Batch Administration
In addition to the Administrator Client that runs under Windows, Content Manager OnDemand
provides an administrative program that uses Extensible Markup Language (XML). The XML
Batch Administration program (XML batch program) is run on the Content Manager
OnDemand server and provides the same functionality as the Administrator Client.
The difference between the two programs is that for the Administrator Client, the user must
provide input through the graphical user interface (GUI) as opposed to the XML batch
program, which receives input through the XML interface.
The Batch Administration program is called arsxml. With this XML batch program, you can
export, add, delete, and update Content Manager OnDemand objects.
The input XML file for the XML batch program is parsed to ensure that it is valid according to
the schema file. Each object within the file is examined to ensure that the attributes are valid
according to the object type. The XML batch program generates XML when Content Manager
OnDemand objects are exported. The XML that is generated can be used as an input for the
subsequent arsxml command.
Example 3-1 shows a sample of the file exportusers.xml from the XML samples directory.
You can change the names of the users to the users that you want to export.
You can export objects by running arsxml export. The following command exports the users
that are listed in the exportuser.xml file, from the server odserver1, to an output file named
arsxml export -u oduser1 -p /my/stash/pwfile -h odserver1 -i exportusers.xml -o
users.xml -v
You can import objects by running arsxml add. The following command imports the users
from the users.xml file (which is generated from the previous command) to server odserver2:
arsxml add -u oduser2 -p /my/stash/pwfile -h odserver2 -i users.xml -v
You can delete objects by running arsxml delete. The following command deletes the users
from odserver2, based on the users that are listed in the users.xml file:
arsxml delete -u oduser2 -p /my/stash/pwfile -h odserver2 -i users.xml -v
For deletion, you are prompted before each object in the XML is deleted, unless the -x
parameter is used.
Chapter 3. Administration 73
You can update objects by running arsxml update. For example, you want to update the
description of the user User1 with a new description and add the authority to create users. In
this case, you construct the XML input file that is shown in Example 3-2.
Certain attributes are not allowed to be updated, such as the data type of an application
group field or folder field. If you specify to ignore and continue, the XML batch program
produces a warning message and the rest of the attributes continue to be updated.
You can validate the input XML file by running arsxml validate. When the validate command
is used, only the lines in the input XML file are checked. No call to the Content Manager
OnDemand server is made. The following command validates the input XML file:
arsxml validate -i sample.xml
Note: When you create an input XML file, not all attributes must be specified for each
Dependent objects, such as all users that belong to a group, can be exported together when
you choose to export the group rather than having to add a user object to the XML file for
every user in the group. You export the group by specifying the arsxml command option -r d
on the command line.
In a case when no network connection exists between two servers, the XML batch program
can be used to export Content Manager OnDemand objects to an XML file from one server
and later import to another server.
If an error occurs during the processing of one of the objects in the input XML file, the
remainder of the XML file is not processed unless option -e c is used on the arsxml
command line.
Note: Objects must be specified in the correct order. For example, when you add
application groups and applications in the same XML file, you must first specify all of the
application groups and then specify the applications.
Adding objects to the Content Manager OnDemand server is straightforward. If you are
performing more advanced operations, such as updating the permission of an existing user
for an application group or folder, and you are not getting the results that you are expecting,
the task attribute might be missing. You must include this attribute when you want to update
an existing object, such as removing a user’s permission from an application group or
updating a user’s permission to an application group. The values for the task attribute are add,
delete, and update.
For example, if you want to remove the permission of the user User1 from an application
group, you must use the following line in the input XML file:
<permission user="User1" task="delete" />
Another example is when you want to update the query restriction of the user User1 for the
application group CreditCardAG. In this case, you must use the following line in the input XML
file, with the task attribute set to update.
<permission user="User1" task="update" queryRes="account='000-000-000'" />
The previous line is incorporated in Example 3-3 for the input file updateag.xml.
The following command updates the query restriction for user User1:
arsxml update -h odserver -i updateag.xml -v -u User1 -p /my/stash/pwfile
Example 3-4 Successful output of updating the query restriction for user User1
ARS6822I Attempting login for userid 'User1' on server 'hodserver'
Updating applicationGroup, CreditCardAG
Update of applicationGroup, CreditCardAG was successful.
Updating applicationGroup-permission, CreditCardAG-User1
Update of applicationGroup-permission, CreditCardAG-User1 was successful.
Finished processing file updateag.xml.
Chapter 3. Administration 75
The operation is successful. If you do not specify task="update" in the input XML file, you
see a message that indicates that the object exists, as shown in bold in Example 3-5. In this
scenario, user User1 is not updated with the new query restriction.
Table 4-1 shows the Content Manager OnDemand system control tables with their
Note: For a Multiplatform or z/OS server, the complete table name consists of the owner
name, which can be the database name or the instance name, and the table name. For
example, the application group table ARSAG that belongs to the ODARCH instance has a
complete table name of ODARCH.ARSAG.
For the IBM i server, the complete table name is in the format of library/table, where the
library name is always the same as the instance name. For example, the application group
table ARSAG that belongs to the default QUSROND instance has a complete table name
ARSAG Application group table One row for each application group
ARSAG2FOL Field mapping table One row for each application group field that is
mapped to a folder field
ARSAGFLD Application group field One row for each field that is defined in an
table application group
ARSAGFLDALIAS Application group field One row for each database (internal) and displayed
alias table (external) value in an application group
ARSAGINDEX Application group One row for each composite index on application
composite index table group fields
ARSAGPERMS Application group One row for every user that is granted specific
permissions table permission to an application group
ARSANN Annotation table One row for each annotation that is added to a
ARSAPP Application table One row for each application that is defined to
Content Manager OnDemand
ARSAPPUSR User logical views table One row for each logical view that is defined for a
specific user
ARSCAB Cabinet table One row for each cabinet that is defined to Content
Manager OnDemand
ARSCAB2FOL Cabinet to Folder table One row for every cabinet that is defined for a folder
ARSCABPERMS Cabinet permissions One row for every user that is granted specific
table permissions to a cabinet
ARSCFSODWORK Catalog of work One row for the catalog of work between Content
between Content Manager OnDemand and Content Federation
Manager OnDemand Services for Content Manager OnDemand
and Content Federation
Services for Content
Manager OnDemand
ARSFOL Folder table One row for every folder that is defined in Content
Manager OnDemand
ARSFOLFLD Folder field table One row for every folder field that is defined for a
ARSFOLFLDUSR Folder user field table One row for every field that is provided for a user
that is granted specific field information for a folder
ARSFOLDPERMS Folder permission table One row for every user that is granted specific
permissions to a folder
ARSFTIWORK Full text search work One row for every application group for full text
table search
ARSGROUP Group table One row for each group that is defined to Content
Manager OnDemand
ARSHOLD Hold table One row for every hold that is defined in Content
Manager OnDemand
ARSHOLDMAP Catalog of documents to One row for every catalog of documents to hold
hold table
ARSHOLDPERMS Hold permissions table One row for every catalog of hold permissions
ARSHOLDWORK Hold work table One row for every catalog of hold work
ARSNAMEQ Named query table One row for each private and public named query
that is defined to Content Manager OnDemand
ARSNODE Node table One row for each storage node that is defined
ARSPRT Printer table One row for each printer that is defined in Content
Manager OnDemand
ARSPRTOPTS Printer options table One row for each printer option
ARSPRTUSR Printer user table One row for each user that has access to a specific
ARSSEG Segment table One row for each segment of application group
ARSSET Storage set table One row for each storage set
ARSUSER User table One row for each user that is defined to Content
Manager OnDemand
ARSUSRGRP Users in group table One row for each user that is assigned to a Content
Manager OnDemand group
ARSUSRGRPID User group ID table Maintains the association of users with user
owners and their authority for groups
Dynamic name Application group data One row for each document that is stored in the
table application group
Important: Do not update the tables by using SQL commands or DB2 system tools, such
as SQL Processor Using File Input (SPUFI) or any other tools. The tables must be updated
only by the Content Manager OnDemand Administrator Client or Content Manager
OnDemand commands.
Two important tables exist that you must examine here: the segment table (ARSSEG) and the
application group data table (ag_internal_id). The segment table contains one row for each
segment of each application group data table. Table 4-2 shows the first four columns of the
ARSSEG table structure.
The ARSSEG table points to the application group data table name (second column of the
table, table_name). The application group data table is created or updated during the arsload
process. The application group data table contains a row for each item that is stored in the
application group.
The name of the application group data table is ag_internal_id, which is the identifier that
Content Manager OnDemand assigns to the application group when the application group is
created with the Administrator Client. The three-digit application group identifier is listed in the
Storage Management window of the Administrator Client, as shown in Figure 4-1 on page 81.
In this case, the application group identifier is WBA, AGID 5185.
Table 4-3 shows the first five columns of the application group data table structure.
field_n Varies Varies N Last user-defined field in the application group. You
can have up to 128 index fields that are defined in
Content Manager OnDemand.
The application group data table is indexed on one or more of the user-defined fields, from
field_1 to field_n.
Four major factors influence the amount of storage that is needed for the Content Manager
OnDemand database:
The number of index and filter fields
The size of the index and filter fields
The number of indexed items per month
The number of months (years) Content Manager OnDemand keeps the indexes in the
Table 4-4 shows the first four columns for the ARSLOAD table structure.
After the application group and the application are defined, the application group gets an
application group identifier, agid, in the ARSAG table and an internal application group
identifier, agid_name. Figure 4-2 on page 83 shows the data that is created in the ARSAG
table; the agid is 5018, and the agid_name is HAA.
This application group creates an application group data table every 10 million rows (based
on the seg_rows value in the ARSAG table, which is not shown in Figure 4-2). During the data
loading process, Content Manager OnDemand uses the agid and the agid_name to add a
row into the segment table (ARSSEG) for every 10 million rows that are created in the
application group data table. When the first data load occurs into the HAA application group,
the index values for the stored documents are inserted into table HAA1. A row exists for each
document that is loaded. When table HAA1 reaches its max_rows value (in this case 10
million rows), table HAA1 is closed and table HAA2 is opened.
The important pointer in the ARSSEG table is the name of the application group data table,
table_name, where the index values (in this case, the four defined index values) are stored.
The table_name consists of the agid_name from the ARSAG table, plus a counter.
Figure 4-2 shows the two rows that are created in the ARSSEG table: one row with the
table_name HAA1 and another row with the table_name HAA2. Both HAA1 and HAA2 are the
actual names of the application group data tables that are created.
The application group data table contains the doc_name, which is the actual container
(storage object) for the individual document. The offset and the document length are also kept
in this table. Figure 4-2 shows that the first row has an offset of 0, and the second row has an
offset of the document length of the first row.
The architecture of relating one application group to one or more application group data
tables allows Content Manager OnDemand an unlimited growth of index space. The
maximum table size is a limitation of the database subsystem and must be configured for
optimal performance.
By using the Content Manager OnDemand standard Windows client, you can open a search
criteria window (see Figure 4-3). In our example, four index fields exist: Name, Account,
Statement Date, and Balance. The example shows a search for a specific date and balance
After you enter these values, Content Manager OnDemand uses the date information and
searches the segment table ARSEG to find the application group data table that contains that
date. Content Manager OnDemand then searches the identified table_name (in our example
HAA1) for the index values (1994-03-07 and 104.18) and finds the matching Statement_date
and the Balance and returns these values to the client in a search result list.
Any individual document from within this result list can then be retrieved for display on the
client. Content Manager OnDemand locates the document in the archive by using the object
name, document offset, and length. In the background, the document data is automatically
decompressed before it is displayed.
Figure 4-4 on page 85 shows the details of this search sequence from a folder.
folder to
application Identify application group(s) in folder
5022 5020
segment AGID Table_Name Start_date* Stop_Date* Locate application group data table that
table contains the specified date
5020 HAA1 3.05.1994 12.31.1995
ARSSEG * Dates are not shown in real format
5020 HAA2 1.01.1996 6.30.1997
All system tables are created by the arsdb program. Each table is created in its own table
space. During the installation, the table space is created by member ARSTSPAC in dataset
V9R5M0.SARSINST. The size of each table space is specified in dataset
V9R5M0.SARSINST. Before you run ARSTSPAC to create the Content Manager OnDemand
table spaces, you must create the storage group and the database. The CREATE for the
storage group and database is in member ARSDB2 in dataset V9R5M0.SARSINST. The
owner of the database (the submitter of the job or the user ID that is set by the “Set current
SQLID =‘username’) must match the entry SRVR_INSTANCE_OWNER in the ARS.INI file.
The arsdb program provides an interface between the database manager and Content
Manager OnDemand. Several parameters are used in the creation and dropping of tables.
For more information about arsdb, see the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for z/OS -
Configuration Guide, SC19-3363.
The arsdb program is in the UNIX System Services file system /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/bin.
When you create the Content Manager OnDemand tables or indexes, the arsdb command
can build the tables and indexes in the default table space or in table spaces that you create
by using the ARSTSPAC member.
When you run the arsdb command, Content Manager OnDemand validates the existence of
the table space. If the table space does not exist, the arsdb command creates the Content
Manager OnDemand system tables in the default table space. After you create the Content
Manager OnDemand table spaces, if changes are required, the best way to change the table
space is by running the ALTER TABLESPACE command.
During the creation of an application group, a parameter limits the maximum rows for a data
table. If this limit is reached, Content Manager OnDemand creates another data table during
the arsload process. By using the Administrative Client, you can set the maximum row value
for an application group data table. This value is on the Advanced section of the General tab
in the application group configuration. The field is called Maximum Rows.
For more information about space requirements, see the IBM Content Manager OnDemand
for z/OS - Introduction and Planning Guide, SC19-3651.
The allocation of the database is in kilobytes. The allocation values depend on the maximum
row limit that is set when you create the application group. The DBSIZE depends on the
number of index fields that are defined in the application.
The Default Table Factor is set to “1,2” by the program. The records per page value is a DB2
parameter. For more information about records per page, see Chapter 8, “Estimating Disk
Storage”, in the DB2 Version 10 for z/OS Administration Guide, SC19-2968.
Note: Based on this calculation, when you define the application group, ensure that you
select the appropriate number for Max_Rows:
If you expect the number of documents and indexes that are stored to be low, reduce
the default value of 10 million rows.
If you expect the number of documents and indexes that are stored to be high, increase
the default of 10 million rows.
If you leave the 10-million-row default unchanged, Content Manager OnDemand
allocates 6 million rows as the primary allocation.
Each Content Manager OnDemand object server in the system has a defined set of cache
storage devices on which you can maintain the report data for a period to provide the fastest
access times for system users.
You can configure Content Manager OnDemand so that at load time one of the following
methods of data storage occurs:
Data is stored in cache and later is automatically migrated from the cache subsystem to
an archive system.
Data is stored to both local cache and archive storage.
Data is stored directly to archive storage.
To store application group data to the Tivoli Storage Manager ASM, the application group
must be configured within Content Manager OnDemand to a defined storage set. This
storage set contains a storage node that is defined within Tivoli Storage Manager and points
to a specific storage area or media.
With the application group definition, you can specify whether and when the data is migrated
to archive storage. For example, you can specify that the data will be migrated to archive
storage when the document is originally loaded into the system, or that the data migration
occurs the next time that the migration maintenance process is run, or that the data migration
occurs after a certain number of days pass from the date that the data was loaded; or never.
Starting with Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1, Tivoli Storage Manager uses DB2 for its database
instead of the built-in B-tree database. Typically, the Tivoli Storage Manager Server is
installed on a separate system. However, for smaller implementations, the Tivoli Storage
Manager server can coexist on the same system as your Content Manager OnDemand object
Figure 5-1 represents a typical Tivoli Storage Manager system. A short description of each
component follows.
Archi ve
Co py Gro up Storag e Me dia
Vo lume
De vice
Cla ss
Li brary
Devi ce,
Dr ives
D rive
Storage policy
A storage policy consists of the following items:
Policy domain: Contains the policy set, management class, and archive copy group that is
used by the client node
Policy set: Contains management classes, which contain the archive copy groups
Management class: Determines where data is stored and how it is managed
Archive copy group: Used to copy data to Tivoli Storage Manager for long-term storage
By using this guide, complete the steps that are listed to install the Tivoli Storage Manager
server, Tivoli Storage Manager licenses, Tivoli Storage Manager backup archive client, and
Tivoli Storage Manager Device driver.
When these installations are complete and the Tivoli Storage Manager Server is running, go
to 5.2.2, “Configuring Content Manager OnDemand for Tivoli Storage Manager archive
management” on page 92.
Additional optional components are covered in the guide, such as a Tivoli Storage Manager
Administration Center, that can assist you in supporting your Tivoli Storage Manager Server.
In this section, we describe how you can configure Content Manager OnDemand to use Tivoli
Storage Manager on both Windows and UNIX or Linux systems.
# Storage Manager Parameters (Library/Object Server) #
# Storage Manager for OnDemand to use
# TSM Parameters (Object Server Only) #
Figure 5-3 ARS.CFG file for Tivoli Storage Manager configuration
Note: For the Tivoli Storage Manager client that is used by Content Manager OnDemand,
set COMPRESSION NO in the Tivoli Storage Manager client option file (dsm.opt for Windows or
dsm.sys for UNIX). Content Manager OnDemand objects are compressed before they are
sent to Tivoli Storage Manager for archival; therefore, compression by Tivoli Storage
Manager is not required.
Figure 5-4 illustrates Content Manager OnDemand storage object relationships. When a
report is loaded into Content Manager OnDemand, it is assigned to an application group. The
application group is associated with a storage set. The storage set contains one or more
storage nodes that can be used by several application groups that have the same archive
storage requirements.
Application Group
Storage node
Ca che Storage
A rchive Storage
For example, a storage set can be used to maintain data from different application groups that
must retain documents for the same length of time and require the data to be kept on the
same type of media. Different storage sets can be created to handle different data retention
requirements. One storage set can be set up to maintain data on cache-only magnetic
storage. Another storage set can be set up to point to a Tivoli Storage Manager client node
that stores a copy of the report in archive storage.
If Tivoli Storage Manager is used as the ASM, the same storage management criteria must
be specified for both Content Manager OnDemand and Tivoli Storage Manager. That is, the
Life of Data and Indexes in Content Manager OnDemand and the retention period in Tivoli
Storage Manager must have the same value.
If Tivoli Storage Manager and Content Manager OnDemand are configured to use
event-based archiving, Content Manager OnDemand sends a delete command to Tivoli
Storage Manager when data is due to be expired. Tivoli Storage Manager then checks to
see whether the data is allowed to be deleted based on its RETMIN parameter. The benefit
of this approach is that Content Manager OnDemand is in total control of when deletions
can take place instead of Tivoli Storage Manager deleting data independently.
Content Manager OnDemand systems can be set up to run as cache-only hard disk drive
systems with no migration of the data or indexes, or with an archive system that uses Tivoli
Storage Manager to maintain and manage the archive of Content Manager OnDemand
documents and indexes over a predetermined period.
When Content Manager OnDemand is installed and the system is initialized, a default
cache-only storage set is created. Additional cache storage sets can be defined. Storage sets
that are associated with Tivoli Storage Manager client nodes that are tied to specific
management policies on the Tivoli Storage Manager servers are used for long-term archive
Next, we examine several parameters on the Add a Primary Node window (Figure 5-6 on
page 98).
Storage node
The Content Manager OnDemand storage node name can be 1 - 60 characters in length and
can include embedded blanks. The case can be mixed.
Content Manager OnDemand no longer supports adding auxiliary storage nodes when you
create a storage set.
Note: The Content Manager OnDemand storage node name does not tie the storage set
to the Tivoli Storage Manager client node. This name is only a label in the Content
Manager OnDemand system. The storage node name can be the same as the associated
client node name, but they are not required to be the same name.
If Tivoli Storage Manager is used to maintain archive data, the Logon field is the name of the
Tivoli Storage Manager client node. This field is ignored if you are defining a cache-only
storage node.
Note: The Logon field must be a valid Tivoli Storage Manager client node name. This client
node name is the client node that is defined on the Tivoli Storage Manager system through
the wizard or command line. The password that follows the logon must be the same as the
password that you created for the client node. Content Manager OnDemand uses the Tivoli
Storage Manager application programming interface (API) to connect and log on to the
Tivoli Storage Manager server when data is being migrated to the Tivoli Storage Manager
client node.
Cache Only
The Cache Only parameter determines whether Content Manager OnDemand uses the
archive manager for long-term storage of data.
After you install and configure Tivoli Storage Manager, create a Content Manager OnDemand
storage set, and assign it to a Tivoli Storage Manager client node, you are ready to consider
how an application group uses the cache storage manager. You must also consider how the
ASM stores, maintains, and expires Content Manager OnDemand report data.
Access Method
When you configure Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Tivoli Storage Manager
support, you can specify access to one or more Tivoli Storage Manager servers from a single
object server. Only one Tivoli Storage Manager server can be set up to load data at a time by
using the Load Data flag. To configure the support for multiple Tivoli Storage Manager
servers, you specify the client configuration file under the Config File Name section.
For each storage set, you can identify only one storage node as the node where the hold data
is reloaded. You can change the Reload Hold Data option when a storage node is updated.
This option grants you control of the type of media that reloaded data is placed on that is
technically eligible for expiration but is on hold. The location where the held data is stored
needs to be managed differently than new data that is being loaded to the system. You do not
want to reload Hold Data to a Storage Set/Pool that is defined for 7-year storage.
Cache Data
The Cache Data setting determines whether the report data is stored in a hard disk drive
cache and, if so, how long it is kept in cache before it is expired. You can also choose whether
to search cache when users retrieve documents for viewing. If you choose not to store reports
in cache, you must select a storage set that supports archive storage.
Note: Data that is retrieved often needs to generally remain in cache until it is no longer
needed by 90% of Content Manager OnDemand users.
If any application group uses either the Enhanced Retention Management feature or
IBM Enterprise Records, this setting is required. You must also use this type if
event-based processing is used within Tivoli Storage Manager.
Segment: With this expiration type, a segment of data at a time is deleted from the
application group. The segment must be closed and the expiration date of every record in
the segment must be reached. Data that is stored in archive storage is deleted by the
storage manager based on the archive expiration date. If a small amount of data is loaded
into the application group, and the Maximum Rows value is high, the segment might be
open for a long period, and the data is not expired for the period.
When the arsmaint expiration process is run, data is deleted only from the application group if
the upper threshold for the size of the cache storage is reached. By default, the cache
threshold is 80%. A lower threshold can be forced by the expiration command parameters.
Unless a reason exists to clear cache, leaving data in cache improves retrieval performance.
Object Size
The Object Size parameter determines the size of a storage object in kilobytes (KB). Content
Manager OnDemand, by default, segments and compresses stored data into 10 MB storage
objects. The default of 10 MB is the most commonly used object size value.
Important: Be careful when you change the value for Object Size. Setting the value too
small or too large can adversely affect load performance. However, increasing this value
might be necessary if you load large files and run out of Object IDs during the loading
Note: The object size that is defined here must be equal to or larger than the size of the
compressed storage objects that are defined in any application that is assigned to the
application group.
WORM disks, such as the NetApp SnapLock or EMC Centera, can be used to store data in
the same manner as WORM tapes or optical platters. IBM System Storage Archive Manager
allows critical data to be retained for a mandated period without the possibility of being
rewritten or erased.
In this section, we describe System Storage Archive Manager and how Content Manager
OnDemand can be configured to use this subsystem to support these WORM disk devices.
Note: Verify support for any particular device on a particular platform through the Tivoli
Storage Manager Device support matrix before you plan your implementation.
For more information about the Tivoli Storage Manager support of WORM disk devices, such
as NetApp SnapLock, or EMC Centera, see the following IBM Knowledge Center documents:
Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX Administrator’s Guide
Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Administrator’s Guide
You can obtain these documents from the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Knowledge Center at
the following web address:
For more information about the IBM System Storage Archive Manager, go to the following
IBM System Storage Archive Manager provides support in the following key areas:
Data retention protection (DRP): Data is not deleted until the retention criteria for the
object is satisfied. This feature affects Content Manager OnDemand on loads, unloads,
application group deletes, and the expiration of data.
Event-based retention policy: Data is retained based on a time interval after the
occurrence of a retention-initiating event. For Content Manager OnDemand, this event is a
call to delete the data. A load, an unload, application group delete, or expiration of data
triggers the retention event.
Deletion hold: Data is not deleted or modified until the deletion hold is released. Content
Manager OnDemand does not take advantage of this feature. Content Manager
OnDemand uses its own built-in deletion hold mechanism that is called Enhanced
Retention Management.
New device support: Support is available for all of the devices that Tivoli Storage Manager
Extended Edition supports.
We compare the behavior of Tivoli Storage Manager when Content Manager OnDemand data
is deleted with the previously listed two options together with the setting of data protection.
Creation The Delete Object command is issued through The Delete Filespace command is
the Tivoli Storage Manager API. issued.
Event Content Manager OnDemand issues an event The Delete Filespace command is
trigger command through the Tivoli Storage issued.
Manager API.
The status of the objects that are affected is Objects are immediately deleted with
changed from PENDING to STARTED and is the file space.
expired by Tivoli Storage Manager based on
their retention parameters. If the retention
parameters are set to NOLIMIT, the objects
never expire.
Table 5-2 shows the action by Tivoli Storage Manager when data protection is turned ON.
The objects are effectively orphaned by The objects are effectively orphaned by
Content Manager OnDemand and are Content Manager OnDemand and are
expired by Tivoli Storage Manager based expired by Tivoli Storage Manager based on
on their retention parameters. If the their retention parameters. If the retention
retention parameters are set to NOLIMIT, parameters are set to NOLIMIT, the objects
the objects never expire. never expire.
Event Content Manager OnDemand issues an The Delete Filespace command cannot be
event trigger command through the Tivoli used with DRP ON, so the operation is
Storage Manager API. treated the same as though a delete were
indicated and the status of all of the affected
The status of the objects that are objects is changed from PENDING to
affected are changed from PENDING to STARTED. They are expired by Tivoli
STARTED and are expired by Tivoli Storage Manager based on their retention
Storage Manager based on their parameters. This action unfortunately leaves
retention parameters. If the retention the file space entries in Tivoli Storage
parameters are set to NOLIMIT, the Manager. These entries can be manually
objects never expire. deleted after the file space is empty even
with DRP ON.
The arsmaint command uses the application group expiration type to determine how to delete
index data from an application group. This command can expire a table of application group
data at a time (segment expiration type), an input file of data at a time (load expiration type),
or individual documents (document expiration type).
Note: When cache data is expired, by default the data is not expired until the cache
storage file system exceeds 80% of capacity. Keeping data in cache as long as possible
improves retrieval and viewing performance. You can force the expiration of cache data
before the cache is 80% full by using the minimum and maximum parameters to override
the percentage full default.
For a detailed explanation of the arsmaint command and its associated parameters, with all
of the other Content Manager OnDemand commands, see IBM Content Manager OnDemand
for Multiplatforms, V9.5, Administration Guide, SC19-3352.
For more information about setting up OAM, see the following documentation:
DFSMS Object Access Method Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide
for Object Support, SC35-0426
Chapter 3, “OAM and System Management Subsystem customization”, in Image and
Workflow Library: Content Manager for ImagePlus on OS/390 Implementation and EIP,
OAM is a hierarchical data management system (disk → optical → tape) that is used for
archive storage.
Note: When you use OAM as the storage manager, Content Manager OnDemand can
retrieve the stored object directly from disk, optical drive, or tape.
OAM uses the OSREQ macro interface and uses DB2 both for its internal (indexing) tables
and for online storage objects. OAM is the DFSMSdfp component that manages a class of
data, which is called objects, in a z/OS environment. Objects are bit strings that are handled
as one large byte string rather than processing them as records, as is done with datasets.
The content of this byte string is not known to OAM. No restrictions exist on the data type of
this object; it can be an image, compressed data, or coded data.
How to handle this data is left up to the application. OAM handles an unlimited number of
objects, which can be stored on magnetic disk, magnetic tape, or optical storage. Objects are
different from datasets, which are handled by existing access methods. The following
characteristics distinguish objects from traditional datasets:
Lack of record orientation: No concept of individual records within an object exists.
Broad range of size: An object might contain less than 1 KB or up to 256 MB of data.
Volume: Objects are much smaller than datasets; however, they can use much more
external storage, depending on the type of application that creates them, such as image
Access time requirements: Reference patterns for objects change over time, allowing less
critical objects to be placed on lower-cost, slower devices or media.
OAM components
OAM functions are performed by three components:
Object Storage and Retrieval (OSR) component
This component provides an API for OAM. All OAM API functions are requested through
the OSREQ assembler macro. Applications use this interface to store, retrieve, query, and
delete objects, and to change information about objects. OSR stores the objects in the
storage hierarchy and maintains the information about these objects in DB2 databases.
OSR functions that start through the API require the OAM Thread Isolation Support (OTIS)
application for administrative processing.
Library Control System (LCS) component
This component writes and reads objects on tape and optical disk storage. It also
manipulates the volumes on which the objects are stored. The LCS component controls
the usage of optical hardware resources that are attached to the system.
OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC)
This component determines where to store objects in the OAM storage hierarchy. It
manages object movement within the object storage hierarchy and manages expiration
attributes that are based on the installation storage management policy that is defined
through the storage management subsystem (SMS). OSMC also creates the requested
backup copies of the objects and provides object and volume recovery functions.
SMS terminology
To provide a better understanding of OAM, we explain SMS terms in the following sections.
Usually, three storage classes are set up for OAM where the storage administrator sets the
names of the storage classes based on the naming convention in the enterprise. The three
OAM storage classes to set up are listed:
OAMDASD: Objects are stored in a DB2 table on fast magnetic disk.
OAMTAPE: Objects are stored on magnetic tape, including tape robots.
OAMOPTIC: Objects are stored on a 3995 optical device.
Note: The Content Manager OnDemand cache storage on a hierarchical file system (HFS)
is not part of these SMS constructs.
OAM collection
A collection is a group of objects that typically have similar performance, availability, backup,
retention, and class transition characteristics. A collection is used to catalog many objects,
which, if cataloged separately, can require a large catalog. Every object must be assigned to
a collection. Object names within a collection must be unique; however, the same object
name can be used in multiple collections. Each collection belongs to only one object storage
group. Each storage group can contain from one to many collections.
Important: A collection is the only interface that is used by the administrator to determine
how to store objects in OAM. It is used when you create a storage set.
Consider the following list of recommendations that relate to DB2:
Ensure that enough DB2 connections are available to support the OAM requests.
Run the REORG, RUNSTATS, and REBIND commands, as appropriate.
Partition OAM table spaces larger than 2 GB.
Consider the following recommendations that relate to devices:
Determine and set the Initial Access Response Seconds (IARS) option.
Assign objects to storage classes that have an adequate IARS that is defined and to
management classes that do not cause a transition to a slower storage class until the
frequency of retrieving the objects is reasonably low.
Determine whether to place the object on disk or removable (optical or tape) media.
If the IARS opts for REMOVABLE media, determine whether to place the object on optical
or tape.
Verify that the required Sustained Data Rate is achieved based on the selected object
Consider the following recommendations that relate to tapes:
retrieves because the default=1). Both of these parameters are configured at the global
level and at the storage group level.
The global level MAXTAPERETRIEVETASKS (tasks) is defined by SETOAM. SETOAM specifies the
total number of concurrent tape retrievals that are possible at a time. (It controls the
maximum number of tape drives that can be concurrently allocated to the OAM address
space for reading object data from tape.) This number must be less than or equal to the
number of tape drives on the system. Do not specify a number that is greater than the
number of tape drives that are available to OAM for the MAXTAPESTORETASKS or the
MAXTAPERETRIEVETASKS subparameters because a system can go into allocation recovery
and attempt to allocate tape drives after all of the tape drives are in use, causing system
The storage group level MAXTAPERETRIEVETASKS (tasks) specifies the maximum concurrent
tape retrievals that are possible for a specific storage group. If MAXTAPERETRIEVETASKS is
The Maximum Object Size (MOS) can be viewed by running the following command:
If the MOS is too small, Content Manager OnDemand returns an error similar to “OAM Store
Failed with an OSREQ RC=8 and Reason=24020202”. You must increase the MOS size. For
more information, review the document at this website:
Optical platters
When you work with optical platters, check and adjust the values for the following parameters
MOUNTWAITTIME: Specifies the amount of time (in minutes) that can pass while a volume
waits to be mounted on an operator-accessible drive within an optical library. After this
time expires, message CBR4426D is issued to allow the operator to try again or to cancel
the volume mount request. This value can be any numeric value 1 - 9999. If the operator
retries the mount request, the value that is specified in the MOUNTWAITTIME parameter is
used for the retry. The default value of this parameter is 5 minutes.
OPTICALDISPATCHERDELAY: Specifies the number of seconds that the OAM optical
dispatcher delays the processing of certain requests to minimize the flipping of optical disk
cartridges in an automated optical storage library that expects that another read request
for the currently mounted optical disk volume will arrive within this delay interval.
The OAM optical dispatcher delays processing of a unit of work for a specific period, when
all of the following conditions are true:
– A read request for an object on a currently mounted optical disk volume was
If another read request for the currently mounted optical disk volume arrives within the delay
interval, that unit of work is dispatched immediately upon arrival. If no read request for the
currently mounted optical disk volume arrives within the delay interval, another request for a
different optical disk volume (either the opposite side of the currently mounted optical disk
volume or an unmounted optical disk volume) is dispatched. Valid values for seconds are
decimal numbers 1 - 60. If usage of this parameter is necessary, use of a low value, 1 - 5, is
ARS.CFG setting
If you are configuring a Content Manager OnDemand for z/OS system to use OAM for archive
storage, you must ensure that the ars.cfg file is updated to reflect that OAM is used as the
storage manager. Example 5-1 shows an example of the settings to configure for OAM
archive storage enablement for Content Manager OnDemand.
The administrator must define values for the following fields to add a storage set:
Name: The name of the storage set.
Description: The storage set description, up to 120 characters.
Load Type: Where Content Manager OnDemand stores data. Two choices are available:
– Fixed: Content Manager OnDemand stores data in the primary storage node that has
the load data field selected. When you set load type to Fixed, you must select the Load
Data check box for one primary storage node. A storage set can contain one or more
primary storage nodes. Several different collection names can be used. Content
Manager OnDemand loads data in one primary storage node regardless of the number
of primary nodes in the storage set.
– Local: Content Manager OnDemand stores data in a primary node on the server on
which the data loading program runs. This load type applies to z/OS.
Then, the administrator clicks Add to add a primary storage node to this storage set. The Add
a Primary Node window opens, as shown in Figure 5-13 on page 115.
The object server is the TCP/IP host name alias, fully qualified host name, or IP address of
the server on which the storage node exists. Select a name from the list or enter the name of
a Content Manager OnDemand object server. Select *Content Manager OnDemand if the
storage node is on the Content Manager OnDemand library server.
The load data check box indicates that the data is loaded to this collection. You must select
the OAM check box. The Logon, Password, and Verify Password fields are used only when
Tivoli Storage Manager is selected for the access method.
A one-to-one relationship exists between a collection and a storage set. You can add more
primary storage nodes to one storage set, but only one primary storage node can be active at
a time.
Figure 5-14 on page 116 shows the relationship between the creation of storage sets and
Storage Group ACS Routine
If &ACSENVIR = Store
Set &Storegroup = ‘GROUP001’
ICF Catalog
The application group name is added, and an object name looks like the following syntax:
The maximum size of an object is specified through the Content Manager OnDemand
Administrator Client when you define an application group. The default value is 10 MB.
Currently, the maximum size for an OAM object is 256 MB. The Content Manager OnDemand
administrator must be careful not to specify a value that exceeds this limit.
Important: In the current implementation, Content Manager OnDemand is not aware that
an object was deleted by OAM based on the management class criteria that are set by the
Storage Management component. A user can search for data that is no longer available.
No synchronization occurs between OAM object expiration and index expiration. Ensure
that you define the index expiration correctly when you define the application group.
Figure 5-15 on page 117 shows the window in which you can set up the index expiration for
Storage Management when you define or update an application group.
Tip: Content Manager OnDemand and OAM can run in different DB2 subsystems
(different DB2 subsystem identifiers (SSIDs)).
To create a storage set that stores objects in VSAM datasets, the Content Manager
OnDemand administrator must provide the first-level qualifier for the defined cluster
statement. In the example that is shown in Figure 5-16 on page 118, VSAMTST is the high
(first) level qualifier.
Based on these parameters, Content Manager OnDemand creates VSAM datasets during
the arsload program. A catalog entry is created, as shown in Example 5-2.
This catalog entry is created automatically by the Content Manager OnDemand system. The
only part that you can create for yourself is the first-level qualifier. The space allocation during
the Define Cluster is performed by the Content Manager OnDemand code, as well. The
default object size that is set when you define the application group influences the number of
bytes for the primary allocation and the secondary allocation. The number of bytes is divided
by 16 for the primary allocation. Every time that an arsload command runs with this storage
set, this amount of data is allocated even if the objects are much smaller.
Every load creates two VSAM datasets: one VSAM dataset for the data, and one VSAM
dataset for the index. Every Define Cluster of a VSAM dataset is a catalog entry. If you have
several million loads with this storage set, your catalog grows large.
You can browse the VSAM dataset, but if the compression is on, you cannot see much. For
test purposes, compression can be switched off and then the content of the VSAM dataset is
viewable. Compression can be switched off on the load information in the application window.
If you store AFP data to VSAM, the resources are stored in a different VSAM dataset.
ASM maintains one or more copies of documents on archive media, such as disk pool, optical
(physical or virtual), or tape. The Content Manager OnDemand administrator decides the type
of archive media that is required, configures the storage devices on the systems, and defines
the storage devices to ASM. To store application group data on archive media, the application
group must be assigned to a storage set that is managed by ASM.
Disk Storage Manager expires data based on the Life of Data and Indexes value. You can
access this setting by clicking Application Group → Storage Management. ASM deletes
data from the archive media when the data reaches its storage expiration date. The Content
Manager OnDemand administrator defines management information to the ASM for the
Content Manager OnDemand data that is managed. This management information includes
storage volumes that can contain Content Manager OnDemand data, the number of copies of
a report to maintain, and the amount of time to keep data in the archive management system.
The Cache Only - Library Server storage set is no longer created automatically with the
installation of Content Manager OnDemand for i. The “Cache Only” storage set is limiting
because you cannot add any storage levels to it. A better alternative is to define a disk pool
and create a migration policy instead. This approach provides the flexibility of adding
additional storage levels to the policy later.
When you create a migration policy, a storage set of the same name is automatically created
by Content Manager OnDemand. If you plan to keep all of your archives on disk, the best
approach is to create a disk pool and to create a migration policy that specifies “No Maximum”
for the duration level. Disk Storage Manager expires data and indexes whenever the number
of days is reached in the Life of Data and Indexes setting in the application group, or
whenever an expiration level in the migration policy is encountered, whichever comes first. If
no expiration level is in the migration policy, data is only expired according to the Life of Data
in the application group.
In the status report that is created by ASM, you might see messages that indicate that the
number of days in the ASP01 disk pool level was exceeded because no level is available after
90 days in this example. You can ignore these messages.
If you choose the default in the application group to migrate data from cache when data is
loaded, a copy of the data is archived to the integrated file system (IFS) CACHE directory and
to the ASMREQUEST directory. When you run Disk Storage Manager, the data is deleted
from cache after the Cache Data for Days duration ends. When you run ASM for the first time
after you load data, the data is moved to the first level of the migration policy, ASP01 in our
example. If aggregation is used, the data is not migrated until the appropriate object size is
aggregated, or until the number of days to aggregate was passed. The data remains in
ASP01 until the number of days in the Life of Data and Indexes is reached or an expiration
level in the migration policy is encountered, whichever comes first.
Most administrative functions for Content Manager OnDemand for i can be carried out with
the Content Manager OnDemand Administrator Client. The objects that are necessary for
Content Manager OnDemand archive storage management on IBM i are created by using the
Content Manager OnDemand component of the web-based IBM Navigator for i (Figure 5-17).
To create a migration policy for use by the archive storage management process, storage
devices must be defined for the types of archive media that are required by the Content
Manager OnDemand system. For our scenario, we created a disk pool storage group and an
optical storage group.
Figure 5-19 Content Manager OnDemand for i optical storage group definition
After you define the optical storage group, use IBM Navigator for i to define the optical
volumes to the Content Manager OnDemand system (Figure 5-20).
After the storage groups are established, use IBM Navigator for i to define the migration policy
that is needed to use the storage groups (Figure 5-21).
Tip: The preferred practice is to put information, such as the length of time and the
location of the data, in the description rather than in the policy name field. You can
change, add, and delete levels, but you cannot change the name. If your requirements
change, you do not want a name that is no longer accurate.
Enable aggregation: If this item is selected, ASM combines individual archived objects into
larger objects to provide a more efficient process. Archived objects are appended to the
same file until the aggregate is closed.
Maximum size: The value of this field determines the maximum size of the aggregate file.
ASM closes the existing aggregate and opens a new aggregate when the maximum value
is reached.
Close aggregate only when maximum size is reached: If this item is selected, the
aggregate stays open until the maximum size is reached.
Close aggregate based on number of days: The value in this field specifies the number of
days before an aggregate closes. ASM closes the aggregate after the specified number of
days or when the specified maximum size is reached, whichever occurs first.
Tape backup requested and media type: The Tape backup requested field indicates
whether a one-time tape backup must be made of the data before it is archived. The Media
type field indicates the type of tape to use for the backup.
Storage levels in this policy: This section determines the path that the archived data
follows through the different archive storage media. The order of the levels determines the
migration sequence. Storage levels are created by placing the cursor on an existing
storage level (if one exists) and clicking Add Before or Add After. The Migration Policy
Storage Level Definition window (Figure 5-22) opens.
In our scenario, we created a policy level that stores data for 100 days on disk by using the
disk pool storage group that is assigned to auxiliary storage pool 1. We also created a policy
level that stores data on optical storage indefinitely and uses the REPORTS optical storage
group. We did not include an expire level, so the data always expires according to the Life of
Data and Indexes in the application group. We can use this migration policy for all application
groups if we choose. Documents that are in application groups with the Life of Data set to 100
days or fewer are never migrated to optical because the disk pool storage level specifies 100
days. This approach is easy to manage.
Figure 5-23 on page 126 shows the final migration policy structure.
When the migration policy is created, a corresponding storage set is created for the Content
Manager OnDemand instance with which the migration policy is associated. The storage set
is displayed in a listing of storage sets by using the Content Manager OnDemand
Administrator Client but it can only be viewed. No updates can be made to existing storage
sets, and no new storage sets can be added by using the Content Manager OnDemand
Administrator Client. Storage sets in the Content Manager OnDemand for i system can be
created and modified only by using IBM Navigator for i migration policies.
Cache Data
The Cache Data setting determines whether the report data is stored in disk cache, and if so,
how long it is kept in cache before it expires. If the Cache Data for n Days option is selected,
the search cache is always selected.
Search cache determines whether Content Manager OnDemand searches cache storage
when users retrieve documents from the application group. When you set Cache Data to No,
you can configure Content Manager OnDemand to retrieve existing documents from cache
storage while preventing new documents from being copied to cache storage. If you choose
not to store reports in cache, you must select a storage set that supports archive storage.
Disk Storage Manager maintains documents on disk. It is initiated by the Start Disk Storage
Management (STRDSMOND) command. Disk Storage Manager can delete documents after they
exceed the cache data or Life of Data periods. For more information about running the
STRDSMOND command, see the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i - Common Server
Administration Guide, SC19-2792.
Expiration Type Load is not allowed when you use the ARSLOAD ADD API or when you use
the workstation APIs. If you plan to use these APIs with an application group, specify
Document for the Expiration Type.
Figure 5-25 Content Manager OnDemand for i Application Group Advanced Storage Management
Important: Setting the value too small or too large can adversely affect load performance.
Note: The object size, which is defined here, must be equal to or larger than the size of the
compressed storage objects that are defined in any application that is assigned to the
application group.
ASM is started with the STRASMOND command. The command must be run only in batch. For
more information about running the STRASMOND command, see the IBM Content Manager
OnDemand for i - Common Server Administration Guide, SC19-2792.
Chapter 6. Security
This chapter describes the security features that are provided by IBM Content Manager
OnDemand (Content Manager OnDemand). It also provides examples of available
components and their usage to create a secure environment.
For any system, the first layer of security is its environment. Several attributes are included in
a secure environment:
Physical security: Controlling physical access to the system and ensuring that the system
is protected from both natural and man-made disasters.
Data security: Controlling access to online data by using both authentication and
authorization techniques; controlling access to offline data, including all backup copies of
the data, data storage sites, and encryption of the backup copies of data.
Personnel security: Hiring trusted employees, limiting employee access based on
employee role, and redundancy.
Although environmental security is beyond the scope of this book, it is important to be aware
of and prepare for security in these areas.
This section describes what Content Manager OnDemand can provide from a security
Content Manager OnDemand is a flexible and scalable system. This flexibility allows the
deployment of multiple security features by using multiple methodologies. The descriptions
within this chapter are examples of the available components and their usage to create a
secure environment.
Figure 6-1 outlines many of the components that are part of Content Manager OnDemand’s
security features.
Backup system
backu ps
Web U sers
S tach f ile
Com ma nd s Data Center
Every time a new build occurs, which is nightly during peak development, automated
regression and performance tests are run. These automated tests are run on the multiple
operating systems that are supported by Content Manage OnDemand (Windows, Linux, AIX,
IBM i, Linux on System z®, and z/OS). The goal is to detect any defects or performance
impact so that it can be corrected the following day.
Periodically, endurance and stress tests are run to ensure that the code can run for long
periods and under heavy workloads.
A specialized subset of these tests and cloud-specific tests are run against the Cloud release
of Content Management OnDemand.
System access restrictions can be implemented by one or more of the following means:
A web server.
Firewalls, switches, or other network devices.
Only the correct user group is authenticated to use the system.
T CP/IP Server A
C ontai ns part “A” o f
The o rgan ization ’s data
CMOD Client
User Group A
CMOD Client
User Group B
network Library Server
Data T ables Data Tables
Part A data Part B data
CMOD Client
User Group A
Object Server
TSM system A
Co ntains p art “A” of
The orga ni zation’ s d ata
CMOD Client
User Group B
TSM system B
Co ntain s p art “B” of
The org ani zation ’s d ata
Content Navigator
User Group A
C MOD Pr oprie tary
network K
WE C ommun ica tio n
a protoco l
C MOD Client
User Group B
C ustom bui lt
Acce ss me chan ism
System Ad ministrator
OnDemand instance B
OnDemand instance A
Administrator Application Groups Folders Cabinets
The Content Manager OnDemand object-owner model design handles the following
A single system administrator to control one or more Content Manager OnDemand
instances through a single Administrator Client interface.
Flexibility to create user administrators who manage users and groups for a specific
Content Manager OnDemand instance.
Flexibility to create report administrators who manage application groups, folders, and
cabinets for a specific instance.
In summary, with this model, organizations can separate and isolate report (data) ingestion
and access to various users and groups. Additionally, organizations that provide billing,
payroll, accounting, and bill presentment services for a number of other companies (their
clients) also benefit from this model, because users from one company are isolated from the
data and users of another company. Furthermore, large systems can decentralize system
administration so that report and user administrators can be delegated for the management of
components of the overall Content Manager OnDemand system.
If you choose to disable a user, the user must request that the system administrator re-enable
the user ID.
If you choose to lock out the user, the user must wait to attempt another login. You specify
how many minutes to wait in the Number Of Minutes To Lock Out User field.
LDAP authentication
Use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to store authentication values on a
separate organizationally centralized server that is remote from Content Manager
OnDemand. LDAP can be used in place of the user security exit to manage basic login
authentication. Figure 6-8 shows how Content Manager OnDemand works with LDAP.
LDAP Server
CMOD Server
LD ase
CMOD Windows t ab
CMOD browser
You can specify whether you want to use LDAP authentication in your Content Manager
OnDemand server.
When you enable LDAP authentication, the Content Manager OnDemand server makes an
authentication request to the LDAP server every time it receives a login request from the
client. The Content Manager OnDemand server processes the client request only after the
user information is verified by the LDAP server.
A person can type letters in a user ID in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case letters. For
example, if you add the user LaGuarde, a person can enter LAGUARDE, laguarde, or
LaGuarde to log on to the server.
If you select User ID to be case-sensitive, a user must type the user ID exactly as it was
entered when the user was added. For example, if you add the user ID LaGuarde, the user
must enter LaGuarde to log on to the server.
If you set a password as case-sensitive, a user must enter the password exactly as it was
entered when the user was added.
Important: Do not change the case-sensitive settings for user IDs and passwords after you
install the system.
Decide whether to make user IDs and passwords case-sensitive when you install the
system. Change the defaults if necessary, but do not change the settings later. Otherwise,
the following situations occur:
If user IDs are initially case-insensitive and you later choose User ID to be
case-sensitive, user IDs that were added before you changed the parameter must be
entered in uppercase. The same is true for passwords.
If user IDs are initially case-sensitive and you later clear the case-sensitive restriction,
the user IDs that were added before you changed the parameter might contain mixed or
lowercase letters, which are no longer valid. The same is true for passwords.
Note: If users log on to Content Manager OnDemand with the IBM CICS® client program,
you must configure the system to ignore the case of user IDs and passwords.
If you click Permit Blank Password, which means that passwords are not required, the valid
password length is 0 - 128.
To set a specific minimum password length, click At Least __ Characters and enter a
number in the space that is provided. The value can be 1 - 128.
When a user changes a password, the client checks the number of characters that the user
entered. The new password must contain the minimum number of characters. Otherwise, the
user receives an error message.
After a password reaches the expiration value, the next time the user logs on to a server,
Content Manager OnDemand prompts the user to enter a new password. The user must
enter the current password, a new password, and verify the new password by reentering the
new password.
To set a specific inactivity timeout, click Time Out In __ Minutes and enter the number of
minutes in the space provided. The value can be 1 - 1440 (24 hours). The period of inactivity
is measured between requests to a server. For example, when a user enters a query, Content
Manager OnDemand searches the database and builds the document list. This action
completes a request to the server. If the user does not work with the items in the document
list, open another folder, or start another query before the inactivity timeout occurs, Content
Manager OnDemand automatically terminates the session with the client.
System Logging
This setting specifies the messages that Content Manager OnDemand saves in the system
log. Content Manager OnDemand provides the system log to help you track activity and
monitor the system. Content Manager OnDemand saves messages that are generated by the
various programs, such as the ARSLOAD program. Content Manager OnDemand can save a
message in the system log when the following events occur:
A user logs on to the system.
A user logs off the system.
A user logon fails.
Application group data is queried, retrieved, loaded, updated, deleted, or maintained.
You can enable comments and also specify whether the comments are required. If the
comments are required, the user must enter one or more characters in the Comments field.
Query Restriction
This setting specifies the restriction to access to folders and application groups based on
index values. This setting is specified on the Permissions tab of the Update an Application
Group window, as shown in Figure 6-9 on page 144. You can set a restriction with the internal
Content Manager OnDemand security. The access restriction for an application group is
controlled through internal or external permissions (for example, RACF).
When a user is given access to the application group, access can be further restricted to a
subset of the application group data by using a query restriction setting on the application
group. The query restriction is added to an SQL “where clause” that enforces the restriction.
Figure 6-9 is an example of a query that is restricted to statements with a balance that
exceeds 200. This query restriction is for all users with access to the application group
(*PUBLIC) that do not have a separate query restriction.
The substitution does not include any necessary quotes for the macro, so you must ensure
that you use the correct quotation marks for the macro, if required, for example:
WHERE ag_field in (SELECT value FROM <customer_table> where userid = '$ODUSERID')
If you log on to Content Manager OnDemand as USER1, the SQL changes to the following
WHERE ag_field in (SELECT value FROM <customer_table> where userid = 'USER1')
Multiplatforms: Stash files are the method of choice for securely storing passwords on a
Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms server. Unified login does not work when
you use a Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms server. Therefore, stash files
are the only mechanism that is provided to prevent passwords from being specified in
“clear text” for the various Content Manager OnDemand commands that require
If you are using an IBM i server, you might not need to use stash files because if you are
signed on to the IBM i server with a user profile that is defined to Content Manager
OnDemand and that has enough authority to perform the function you are running, Content
Manager OnDemand uses the IBM i user profile for that function (such as ARSDOC or ARSLOAD).
The -u and -p parameters are not required, therefore relieving you of the need to show or
store a password in clear text.
In our example, we use arsload. The supported values for the -a parameter are available in
the arsstash help output.
The preferred method is to set a user ID and password for each command in the stash file.
Then, the arsload command can be run without specifying the -u userid or the -p password
parameter. This method is always recommended when you run the arsload command as a
daemon. To use this method, first run the arsstash command to store the user ID and
password for the arsload command:
arsstash -a 3 -s ars.stash -u <userid>
Then, enter and verify the password when you are prompted. When you run arsload, omit the
-u and -p parameters. The arsload command obtains the arsload user ID and password from
the stash file.
A second method is to specify the -u parameter for another Content Manager OnDemand
user ID that exists in the stash file. To use this method, first run the arsstash command to
store the user ID and password in the stash file:
arsstash -a 1 -s ars.stash -u <userid>
Then, enter and verify the password when you are prompted. When you run arsload, specify
the -u <userid> and -p <stash file> parameters. The arsload command obtains the
password for the specified user ID from the stash file.
You can continue to run the arsload command with the password in clear text. However,
the arsload command generates a warning that specifying the password in clear text is
being deprecated and to use the stash file instead.
The stash file works with Content Manager OnDemand security, LDAP, and IBM i
After you save the user ID and password in the stash file, remember to change the
password anytime that you change the user’s password in Content Manager
OnDemand; otherwise, the load fails. The ARSLOAD program can accept an expired
password. However, the ARSLOAD program fails if an incorrect password is specified.
In the examples, a started task name of CSF is used. If CSF is not running, when you try to
create a stash file, you get the following message, which does not identify the problem:
Verify OnDemand Password:
ARS1602E The stash file >/u/myuser/prodstash.stash< is invalid.
/usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/bin: >
To verify that CSF is up and running so that Content Manager OnDemand V9.5 can use it,
use the MODIFY command against ARSSOCKD.
SSL is the standard technology for creating secure connections between servers and clients.
The secure connection allows authentication and verification, and data encryption.
During an SSL handshake, a client and server securely exchange digital signatures and
encryption keys by using a public-key algorithm (usually Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm
(RSA)). The client and server establish a secure connection with this identity and key
information. After the client and server establish a secure session, they transmit the data to
each other, encrypting it with a symmetric algorithm, such as AES.
Trusted parties, which are called certificate authorities (CAs), issue digital certificates to verify
the identity of an entity, such as a client or a server. The digital certificate serves the following
Verifies the identity of the owner
Makes the public key of the owner available
The IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) provides libraries for data encryption and SSL
The GSKit package also installs the iKeyman key management utility (gsk7ikm), which you
can use to create key databases, public-private key pairs, and certificate requests. For
information about the iKeyman utility and the GSKCmd command-line interface, see the IBM
Developer Kit and Runtime Environment, iKeyman 8.0 User’s Guide at the following website:
Note: Implementation of SSL is optional. The Content Manager OnDemand server can be
configured to listen on either a non-SSL port or an SSL port, or it can listen on both types
of ports. To implement SSL, click New server. In the Add a Server window that opens,
select Use Secure Sockets Layer. If your server does not support SSL, SSL is not used
even if you select this check box.
After a Content Manager OnDemand client (for example, the Content Manager OnDemand
Windows client, ARSDOC, or OnDemand Web Enablement Kit (ODWEK) Java API) is
configured to log on to a Content Manager OnDemand library server with SSL, all
communication to and from that client is performed by using SSL:
Between the client and the library server
Between the client and the object servers
To use SSL, it must be enabled on both the server and the client components of Content
Manager OnDemand.
Important considerations exist when you use SSL. We describe them in the following
Processor consumption
SSL improves security by encrypting and decrypting data across the network. The encryption
and decryption occur at the application layer, which consumes the additional processing
cycles for both the sending and receiving systems. Therefore, consider using SSL only for
sessions where it is needed. Consider adding additional processor resources on the Content
Manager OnDemand server or clients to manage the increased overhead processing.
Digital certificates
With SSL, the identities of the parties are verified by using digital certificates. Digital
certificates have expiration dates. After a digital certificate expires, Content Manager
OnDemand will not be able to establish connections through SSL. Therefore, always be
aware and plan ahead to avoid expired certificates.
The support of SSL and ODWEK refers specifically to the transfer of data between ODWEK
and the Content Manager OnDemand servers and it does not imply a level of support from
the browser to ODWEK. The use of SSL from the browser to ODWEK was always allowed
and it does not require any support from ODWEK. It is the application and the web
developer’s responsibility to enable such support.
GSKIT is initialized one time for each arsload invocation. When you load multiple documents,
it is more effective to concatenate the documents (such as TIFF images) and generic index
files and load multiple documents at a time. Also, when you load multiple documents, use
arsload as the daemon.
You can use the security user exit to authenticate a user’s password. For example, you might
want to enforce a sort of password uniqueness or allow logons to occur only at specific times
in the day. You can also build a user proxy mechanism to allow users that are not already in
the Content Manager OnDemand user database to access the system.
The permissions exit is called during login if the permissions exit is turned on for folder and
application groups. It is also called during a search when the permissions exit is turned on for
an SQL query string or document.
Use the user security exit and the permissions exit to augment the security-related
processing of the following activities or events:
User authentication (checking user security):
– Log on.
– Change a password.
– Add a user ID.
– Delete a user ID.
Resource authorization (checking user permissions):
– Access to a Content Manager OnDemand folder.
– Access to a Content Manager OnDemand application group.
– Restrict access to specific documents.
– Control the SQL search criteria that are used for searching folders.
The user-written exit routine (or set of exit routines) can interact with another security system
to determine whether the activity is allowed or disallowed.
Important: When you implement your own security user exit program, you bypass the
logon verification processing that is built into the base Content Manager OnDemand
product. We advise caution when you bypass the Content Manager OnDemand user and
password restrictions. The security of the system can easily be subverted by malicious or
defective code. Only use code that you trust.
When you set the user security exit, set the following parameters:
Set the Maximum Password Age parameter to the value that best matches the main logic
of the user exit program (permit/deny). The Maximum Password Age parameter is set on
the System Parameters dialog box, which is accessed by using the Administrator Client.
Set the Maximum Password Age parameter to Never Expires so that users are not
prompted to change their passwords. If you are restricting the change password function
to a limited number of users, this setting is probably the best overall setting because most
users are never automatically prompted to change their password.