(V2) Towards The First Program

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In this session we focus on the increment instruction.

The flags would be affected. Move instruction affects no flags but the increment instruction affects
every flag apart from the carry flag.

As there is an increment instruction, there is a decrement instruction.

While incrementing or decrementing a register, mup figures out the length through the size of the
register. When we increment or decrement the contents of a memory location, we need to specify
the length.

Here BX is referring to a memory location, in the first case it increments the data in one location. For
the byte example it increments data from 2 locations.

For a word this is changed into 00 and 01 in the memory locations.

For a byte it changes to 00 and 00.

Jump if equal to/Jump if zero

When we say jump if zero it branches to a particular memory if the zero flag is set. In JNZ it branches
to a memory location if the zero flag is reset.

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