160M4395 Rev
160M4395 Rev
160M4395 Rev
Operating Manual
You will find the software version and the serial number of your instrument
in the About section (see page 104) in the General Settings menu (see page 99).
© Baker Hughes Digital Solutions GmbH | Technical content subject to change without notice.
Command bar
Switch to the next panel Select the Gain Step (see page )
Pulser-receiver separation
Angle probe 90°, surface Touchscreen operation
is turned on and set to
wave is locked
through-transmission mode
Internal Second
Battery is empty
2 Note
Keys with the same numbers have the same
1 functions when the instrument is inverted for
5 6
right or left operation.
1.1 Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 1.3 The Krautkrämer USM 100 . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Battery operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 USM 100 Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Battery transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 USM 100 Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 USM 100 Digital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Defects/errors and exceptional stresses. . .22 1.4 How to use this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
FCC compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
1.2 Important information on ultrasonic test- Attention and note symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Prerequisites for testing with ultrasonic test 2 Standard package and accessories
equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Operator training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 2.1 Standard packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
AGC Max Amp / AGC Min Amp . . . . . . . 124 Gate B Start Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Effective Diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Calibrating the probe delay and velocity . 145
Delay Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Choice of the measuring point . . . . . . . . 145
Reference Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Calibration with Multi BW . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Reference Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Calibration with Multi Step. . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Reference Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Calibration using dual-element probes . . 148
Amplitude Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 5.17 Defining the probe angle . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Test Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5.18 dB REF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Transfer Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Recording a reference echo . . . . . . . . . . 150
AWS Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Deleting a reference echo . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
JISDAC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Echo height comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Bold Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
CNDAC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 5.19 DAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
5.21 AWS D1.1 / AWS D1.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 6.3 Data Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
10 Specifications
General features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220
Environmental. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221
Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223
Data acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224
Gates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224
11 Index
FCC compliance
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Op-
eration is subject to the following two conditions:
Prerequisites for testing with ultrasonic ● the behavior of the sound wave at interfaces between
different materials,
test equipment
● the propagation of the sound beam,
This operating manual contains essential information on
how to operate your test equipment. In addition, there ● the influence of sound attenuation in the test object
are a number of factors that affect the test results, but a and the influence of surface quality of the test object.
description of all these factors goes beyond the scope Lack of such knowledge could lead to false test results
of this operating manual. The three most important pre- with unforeseeable consequences.
requisites for a safe and reliable ultrasonic inspection
are: More specific information about operator training, quali-
fication, certification, and test specifications is available
● Operator training from various technical societies, industry groups, and
● Technical test requirements and limits government agencies.
Echo display comparison method The ultrasonic wave is attenuated in any material. This
sound attenuation is very low, e.g. in parts made of fine-
The echo from a small, natural flaw is usually smaller grained steel, likewise in many small parts made of oth-
than the echo from an artificial comparison flaw, e.g. cir- er materials. However, if the sound wave travels larger
cular disc flaw of the same size. This is due, for in- distances through the material, a high cumulative sound
stance, to the roughness of the surface of a natural flaw, attenuation can result, even with small attenuation coef-
or to the fact that the sound beam does not impinge on ficients. There is then a danger that echoes from natural
it at right angles. flaws appear too small. For this reason, an estimate
If this fact is not taken into account when evaluating nat- must always be made of the effects of attenuation on the
ural flaws, there is a risk of false evaluation. evaluation result and taken into account if applicable.
In the case of very jagged or fissured flaws, e.g. shrink If the test object has a rough surface, part of the incident
holes in castings, it may be that the sound scattering oc- sound energy will be scattered at its surface and is not
curring at the boundary surface of the flaw is so strong available for the test. The larger this initial scattering, the
that no echo at all is produced. In such cases, a different smaller the flaw echoes appear, and the more errors oc-
evaluation method should be chosen, e.g. use of the cur in the evaluation result.
backwall echo attenuation in the evaluation. It is therefore important to take the effect of the test ob-
The distance sensitivity of the flaw echo plays an import- ject's surfaces on the height of the echo into account
ant part when testing large components. Pay close at- (transfer correction).
tention to choosing artificial comparison flaws which are
as far as possible governed by the same "distance laws"
as the natural flaws to be evaluated.
General features
● Truly ambidextrous flip function
● 7 inch color LCD display 1,024 x 600 pixels
● Operation with touchscreen and keypad
● Weighs less than 1.2 kg with batteries
● Two Lemo 00 probe connectors
● USB ports type A (1) and type C (1)
● HDMI/VGA/Ethernet/SD card support through USB C
● Hot swappable batteries
● IP67
● 1 x alarm / analog / trigger out
The ATTENTION symbol indicates peculiar-
This operating manual applies to all instrument versions ities and special aspects in the operation
of the USM 100. Any differences in the functions or ad- which could affect the accuracy of the re-
justment values are marked in each case. sults.
Before operating the instrument for the first time, it is ab-
solutely necessary that you read the chapters 1, 3, Note
and 4. They will inform you about the necessary prepa- Note contains e.g. references to other chap-
rations of the instrument, give you a description of all ters or special recommendations for a func-
keys and displays, and explain the operating principle. tion.
In doing this, you will avoid any errors or failures of the
instrument and be able to use the full range of instru-
ment functions.
To find information on a specific function, it is best to
search the Index at the end of these operating instruc-
tions (see page 225).
The specifications of the instrument can be found in the
Specifications chapter (see page 219).
150M5734 USM 100 Standard Instrument USM 100 Standard Instrument Package
150M5734C USM 100 Standard Instrument with CERT Same as 150M5734 with ISO Certificate
150M5735 USM 100 Pro Instrument USM 100 Pro Instrument Package
150M5735C USM 100 Pro Instrument with CERT Same as 150M5735 with ISO Certificate
150M5736 USM 100 Digital Instrument USM 100 Pro Digital Package
150M5736C USM 100 Digital Instrument with CERT Same as 150M5736 with ISO Certificate
2.2 Accessories
148M5839 USM 100 SW OPT, Pro Upgrade USM 100 Standard to USM 100 Pro
148M5840 USM 100 SW OPT, Digital USM 100 InspectionWorks subscription, 1 year
0102985 POWER CABLE 250V 6A 3X1,0 Power cord with EU type mains plug
1,50M lg - (EU)
0102986 NETZKABEL-US IEC/3 125V 6A 3X1 Power cord with US type mains plug
1,50m lg - (NA)
148M5844 WiFi & BT USB Dongle for EU/AU WiFi & Bluetooth adapter for USM 100
152M6576 USB Stick Pulling Tool Mini USB stick easy removal tool
151M4757 Cable extension for USBC Docking Station Cable extension for USB-C docking station
151M4758 USM 100 Adapter Cable for USM 100 adapter cable for
MUT-ODI-SINGLEPROB mini quadrature encoder
159M0219 I/O open end cable I/O cable (14-pin Lemo to open end)
148M5830 Wrist Strap for USM 100 Wrist strap for USM 100
147M3919 Power supply w/LEMO conn for USM 100 AC adapter/charger for USM 100
148M5843 USB Type-C Adapter Docking Hub USB-C dock for connecting to external monitor
through VGA/HDMI, SD card/USB & Ethernet
022-505-604 PTPA--CBL MD-00LEMO RA 6' Right angle Lemo #00 to Microdot cable
022-509-819 CABLE,LEMO-00 RT ANG/LEMO-00 Right angle Lemo #00 to Lemo #00 cable
022-509-821 CABLE,LEMO-00 RT ANG/KBA 533 Right angle Lemo #00 to dual Lemo #00 (KBA 533)
022-509-749 CABLE,00 LEMO-BNC,6"OAL,SINGLE 6 inch right angle Lemo #00 to BNC adapter cable
022-506-187 PART--CBL 6" DU 00LM-FBNC Dual Lemo #00 to BNC (female) adapter
291-556-200 CBL DU 6.25' MLMD-MLRA00LEMO Dual right angle Lemo #00 to Microdot cable
0112745 CABLE LEMO 00 R SINGLE 0540339 Probe cable: Lemo 00-90° / Subvis
021-999-196 UT Levels I &II-Practical Training (E) UT Levels I & II, Practical Training,
a supplement to eLearning
The power adapter is approved for indoor
use only.
You should only use the power adapter included in the
standard package.
The power adapter is automatically adjusted to every
AC voltage between 100 V and 240 V (nominal).
In order to power the instrument off correctly,
always use the Shutdown function (see
page 55). If the power supply is interrupted
(pulling out the mains plug while the batteries
are completely discharged), the operation
does not end correctly.
Only lithium-ion batteries recommended and
supplied by Waygate Technologies may be
used for instrument operation.
If the battery charge is low, immediately con-
nect the power adapter or switch off the de-
vice. Otherwise, the instrument will turn off
automatically because of low power. All data
and settings will be saved.
Internal Second
Battery is empty
The internal battery is always charged automatically as All battery charge controls and status updates are inter-
soon as you connect the power adapter to the instru- nal to the USM 100. Updates are given at the upper right
ment and to the mains power. corner of the display as described on the previous page.
You can charge the hot-swappable lithium-ion battery The power adapter is a simple power supply with no
either within the instrument itself or in an external char- charging controls or intelligence.
ger. If the lithium-ion battery is inserted, charging starts
automatically as soon as you connect the power adapt- External charging
er to the instrument and to the mains power.
Internal charging Only chargers recommended and supplied
by Waygate Technologies may be used for
Charging starts automatically as soon as you connect
instrument operation.
the power adapter to the USM 100 and to the mains
power supply. You can carry out ultrasonic tests and Do not use any other chargers for charging
charge the batteries at the same time. the lithium-ion batteries for the USM 100.
The charging time is approx. ten hours with simultane-
ous ultrasonic testing. If the instrument is not used for ul-
trasonic testing, the charging time is approx. eight
hours. This charging time applies to ambient tempera-
tures of 25 … 30 °C.
If a probe is connected incorrectly, the con-
sequence would be a mismatching which
may lead to considerable power losses or 1
even to echo waveform distortions.
The probe is connected to the sockets on the right side
of the instrument.
Connect a single element probe with the T/R socket (2).
Connect a dual element probe (having one transmitter
or pulser element and one receiver element) or two
probes (of which one is transmitting and the other one
receiving) with the T/R socket (2) and the R socket (1). 2
2 3
You can use any USB stick for data transfer to and from – Slide the lid (1) on the top of the instrument to the
the USM 100. right side until it swings open upwards.
– Insert the USB stick into the socket matching the
type: USB-A (2) or USB-C (3).
You can use a USB-C docking hub to connect the – Slide the lid (1) on the top of the instrument to the
USM 100 to the LAN network and connect other periph- right side until it swings open upwards.
erals (monitor, mouse, keyboard) to the instrument. For
– Insert the USB-C plug of the docking hub into the
more information on interfaces see from page 200.
socket (2).
Powering On 1
Powering Off
In order to power the instrument off correctly,
always use the Shutdown function. If the
power supply is interrupted (pulling out the
mains plug while the batteries are completely
discharged), the operation does not end cor-
The settings of all function values and the default set-
tings (language and units) are retained after powering
– Select the Main Menu (1). 1 2
Network connection
The USM 100 does not have a native RJ45 connector
for network connection.
You can connect a USB-C docking hub with network in-
terface to the USM 100 and connect the hub to the net-
work via its RJ45 connector (see page 53).
The computer with installed VNC client must be con-
nected to the same network.
5 InspectionWorks Connect
Launching an application
You can launch any application saved in the instrument.
The Startup Application function allows
You can choose whether the application should be used
you to select an application that will be auto-
with its basic settings or whether the last used settings
matically launched with the last used settings
should be applied.
when the instrument is started (see
A number of circles at the bottom of the screen indicate page 101).
how many additional pages are viewable. An open circle
indicates the position of the current view in relation to all
available pages.
Deleting applications
You can delete applications that are no longer needed.
Before deleting, you can back up the applica-
tions to a USB stick (see page 188). The de-
letion can not be undone.
4 5 6 7
1 10
1 Main menu (see page 60) 6 UT function groups icons (see page 106)
2 Command bar (see page 66) 7 Status indicators (see page 75)
3 Switching Command bar icons (see page 78) 8 Measurement line (see page 76)
4 Panel selector (see page 72) 9 A-scan representation (see page 70)
5 Function groups and functions (see page 73) 10 Information line (see page 77)
You can deleted the calibrated data including the probe This function causes the selected gate to span over the
delay, velocity, probe angle, and x-value. entire displayed range. You can select the gate for this
function (see page 125).
This function can also be used to delete a recorded
evaluation reference value or curve.
Data Recorder
With these functions you can save data to the data grid
and pause, continue and stop the Data Recorder (see
With this function you can reset the envelope curve.
from page 181).
Gain Step
Quick save
You can change the step size for quick gain adjustment
You can save data, settings, and a screen capture to-
using the keys on the back of the instrument. The first
gether. Quick save data are saved in the default direc-
steps are fixed, the last step can be set individually with
the function Custom Gain Step (see page 108).
You can load and use instrument settings saved in a file. You can load UT settings and data together. The A-scan
The instrument settings are immediately active after will be redrawn on the screen.
loading (see page 98).
Save data
Save settings
You can save a single test report. A test report can con- You can lock the touchscreen to prevent unintended op-
tain different information and data, as well as screen eration. When the lock is active, the icon is colored and
captures. Test reports are saved in the default directory. a corresponding status indicator is displayed above the
A-scan (see page 6 at the beginning of the operating
Save multiple page report manual).
When locked, this icon is the only function where touch-
screen actions are recognized.
Panel selector
2 3 4
Applications (see page 61) include one or more panels
containing, among others, a variety of UT data display
capabilities, guides, and references.
An application’s architect determines its specific con-
tents, the inspection parameters displayed, which pa-
rameters are adjustable by the user, and to within what
range of values a particular parameter can be set.
The function groups with their individual functions (3)
are divided into different application-specific panels for
a better overview. Some function groups can be found
on several panels, others only on a single one.
The possible selection of function groups (4) always de-
pends on the currently selected panel (2).
You can switch between panels
● either by tapping the arrow icons (1)
● or by tapping the name of the current panel (2) and
then tapping another name in the list.
2 3 4
The current gain value (2) and the selected dB step val-
ue (3) are always displayed in the top left corner above
the A-scan.
You can change the step size for quick gain adjustment
with the function Gain step (1) in the Command bar
(see page 67).
Status indicators
Above the A-scan is the area for various status indica-
tors. The status indicators inform about active functions 1
and certain settings (see page 6 at the beginning of the
operating manual).
Measurement line
1 2 3
The measurement line on top of the A-scan shows a
number of measurement readings (1), also one or two
specific functions (3). Size and number of the boxes de-
pend on the currently selected panel (see page 72).
In addition to the measurement reading, the measuring
point (peak or flank) is displayed with a symbol in sound
path measurements:
^ = measuring point Peak
/ = measuring point Flank or first flank crossing the gate
SA^ = sound path in gate A, measuring point Peak
SA/ = sound path in gate A, measuring point Flank
Information line
The information line at the bottom of the screen shows Example: Information on the current application
various information, notes, instructions and warnings
depending on the situation.
You can tap on an instruction or warning to hide it.
Example: Warning
Command bar
The Command bar gives you a quick and direct access
to frequently used functions, regardless of the specific
type of task (see page 66). 3 4
– Tap the left edge of the A-scan and swipe to the right.
The main functions slide into the screen (see
page 74).
– Tap on the functions and swipe to the left to hide the
main functions again.
Gain functions
There is no icon in the A-scan for the function group
Gain with the gain functions. The function group Gain
for setting the gain and the related functions is always
accessible, regardless of the selected panel.
1 2 3
– Above the A-scan, tap the box (3) that displays the
gain. The function group Gain (2) is displayed.
– Tap on a function name (1) to set a parameter (see
page 82) or execute a function.
– To change the Gain Step value, tap on the icon (4) in
the Command bar.
Selection lists
For various functions, you can select the desired setting
from a list, for example the Probe Name.
– Select the panel Setup and display the function
group Material probe (see page 79). The functions
and their current settings are displayed. 2
– Tap on the function Probe Name (1). The list of probe
names is displayed.
– Swipe the list up or down to see all list entries. 3
– Tap on the required name (4). The name is immedi-
ately applied to the function (2).
– Tap the function name (1) to close the list.
– Tap the icon of the function group (3) in the A-scan to 4
close the function group, or select another function
Incompatible settings
When the values for two or more related functions or pa-
rameters create an incompatibility, the functions with in-
compatible settings are highlighted by a red back-
This incompatibility can occur, for instance, between the
gate start and gate width, or if the PRF is too high and
the gate is too far out in time.
If functions in different function groups are affected, the
icons of the involved function groups are also highlight-
ed in red.
Locked functions
Individual functions may be locked. It is then not possi-
ble to change their settings. Locked functions can be
identified by the lock symbol near the function name.
Reasons for locked functions can be:
● The application’s architect intended the value to be
observed but not altered.
● The display is frozen manually (see page 66) or auto-
matically (see page 111). When frozen, all functions
that affect only live data are locked.
● The value of a function is set automatically by the in-
strument, for example if PRF Mode is set to Auto,
then PRF Value cannot be changed.
Keys with the same numbers have the same
functions when the instrument is inverted for
right or left operation. 1
5 6
3 4
– Press the red key repeatedly to mark the Gain area
(see page 88).
– Press the black center key (2) to display the associ-
ated functions. 2 Krautkrämer
– Press the upper (3) or the lower (1) black key to mark
the desired function (4).
– Press the black center key (2) to execute or set the 1
Command bar
You can operate the Command bar with the keys as
– Press the upper (4) or the lower (2) black key to mark
the desired function (1).
– Press the black center key (3) to execute the function. 2
3 4 5
– Press the red key repeatedly to mark the whole A-
scan area (5).
– Press the black center key (2) to display the function
group icons. The first icon is selected (4). 2 Krautkrämer
– Press the upper (3) or the lower (1) black to select an-
other icon.
– Press the black center key to display the function 1
– Press the upper or the lower black to select the re-
quired function.
– Press the black center key to set or execute the func-
You can set the value of a function with the keys as well,
for example the Display Range.
3 4
– Select the function Display Range from the function
group A-scan (see page 91). The value selector is
– Press the upper (3) or the lower (1) black to highlight 2 Krautkrämer
From the General settings (see page 99): From the function group Gates (see page 126):
● System settings (see page 100) ● Gate A TOF Mode selection (see page 128)
The filename must not contain any of the fol-
lowing characters: / \ : * ? „ < > |
The settings must match the currently loaded
application. Otherwise an error message is
Color Scheme
You can switch between LIGHT and DARK to match the
color scheme on the screen to the working environment.
The screen colors are switched immediately.
You can set the color of the A-scan separately (see
page 113) as well as the grid color (see page 113).
Screen Brightness
You can adjust the screen brightness to your working
environment with the slider. The setting is visible imme-
Change to the higher brightness value re-
duces the time in battery operation (see
page 194).
You can extend the operating time with the
BackLight Time function (see page 101).
Time Zone
You must select the appropriate time zone to use the
correct date and time settings.
You can select the language for the screen texts. The
language is changed immediately.
Distance Units
You can switch the distance units between METRIC and
INCHES any time. All values are adjusted accordingly.
You can choose the decimal separator mark. All data
are displayed and saved using the selected decimal
Temperature Units
You can switch the temperature units between C (Cel-
sius) and F (Fahrenheit) any time. All values are adjust-
ed accordingly.
You can import licenses, which will then unlock addition- You can allow the remote access via the network either
al functions for your instrument. For this you need a val- for viewing the screen only (eye icon) or for full remote
id license file (extension .mlp). control (eye/mouse icon) of the USM 100. If the X icon
is marked, the remote access is blocked.
For the complete license upgrade procedure see
page 198.
Remote Command
This function is reserved for service tasks.
Remote Connection
The USM 100 supports Virtual Network Computing Updates
Software updates are available via InspectionWorks.
The VNC client displays the screen contents of a remote
Please check for latest update before using the instru-
device on a local computer (client) and in return sends
keyboard and mouse movements of the local computer
to the remote device. For the update procedure see page 196.
The settings in the Remote Connection section allow
you to configure the instrument for remote control via a About
In the About section you will find information about the
For the complete remote connection setup procedure instrument and the currently installed software.
see page 56.
This information is important, for example, in connection
with updates or when communicating with the customer
In the following chapters, the functions are described no icon Gain 107
according to their order in the respective function group,
or in the context of certain tasks, for example calibration.
A-Scan 109
Some functions are included in several function groups
for reasons of more efficient operation. It does not mat-
ter in which function group you operate these functions. Material Probe 116
The available function groups and functions depend on
the panels (see page 72) set up in the loaded applica-
tion (see page 61).
Pulser Receiver 119
UT Setup 123
A quick way to find information about a par-
ticular function is to use the Index at the end
of this manual (see page 225). Gates 126
Evaluation 138
Gain Step
By pressing the keys on the back of the instrument, you
will always set the gain by a certain dB increment. You
can define this dB increment.
You can define the dB increment of the high-
est level with the function Custom Gain
Step (see page 108).
For an exact adjustment of the sound veloci-
ty and the probe delay, please start by read-
ing the Calibration chapter (see page 145).
If the value for the probe delay is not known,
please read chapter Calibration to deter-
mine this value (see page 145).
The instrument offers you various options for freezing The A-scan is frozen automatically when the signal
the A-scan on the display automatically. You can touches the gate B. This setting is suitable e.g. for mea-
choose between the following options. Manual freezing surements on hot test objects, for measurements in dif-
of the A-scan by tapping the icon Freeze in the Com- ficult coupling conditions, or for spot weld testing.
mand bar (see page 66) is always possible, regardless
of the selection here. AB Freeze *
The A-scan is frozen automatically when the signal
Standard touches either one of the gates A or B.
You can only manually freeze the A-scan by tapping the
icon Freeze in the Command bar (see page 66). Compare
The manually frozen A-scan is displayed for comparison
A Freeze purposes in the background while the currently active A-
The A-scan is frozen automatically when the signal scan is at the same time visible in the foreground. When
touches the gate A. This setting is suitable e.g. for mea- leaving the Freeze function, the last A-scan is recorded
surements on hot test objects, for measurements in dif- and displayed for comparison purposes.
ficult coupling conditions, or for spot weld testing.
Amplitude Ruler
Independently of the grid, you can switch on a ruler for
the amplitude.
Time Base
Grid Color
The ruler displays the TOF values in [µs].
You can choose the color of the grid (see function Grid),
Material Depth independent of the selected Color Scheme (see
page 100).
When using angle probes, the material depth is different
from the sound path. This ruler shows the material depth
FileName Prefix
You can enter a character string as a prefix for the auto-
matically generated file names, for example when sav-
ing screen captures or test reports. This prefix will be
placed at the beginning of the file name, before the au-
tomatically generated data year-month-day-time. With
the prefix USM_, for example, a file name will then be
This is the same function as in the function group
A-Scan (see page 110).
Use the data sheet for your probe to check
which maximum voltage is allowed to be ap-
The pulser voltage and the pulse width can
be automatically limited, depending on the
pulse repetition frequency mode (see PRF
Mode, page 120) or setting (see PRF Value,
page 120). This function helps to avoid heat
accumulations in the pulser electronics.
Averaging Filter
This function is used to optimize the A-scan representa- You can optimize the signal by setting a frequency filter
tion by averaging several A-scan frames to one frame. until a clear echo is visible. Filter and damping influence
each other. Therefore you need to try all possible com-
binations to achieve an optimal result.
This function is used for matching the probe. By setting
the damping level of the probe oscillating circuit you can
vary the height, width, and resolution of the echo dis-
400 Ohms
This setting gives a low damping, the echoes become
higher and broader.
50 Ohms
This setting reduces the echo height but produces nar-
rower echoes with a higher resolution.
Full Wave The dual mode is for using dual-element probes. The re-
ceiver must be connected to the R socket and the pulser
All half-waves are displayed above the base line on the to the T/R socket (see page 51).
Positive HW
The through-transmission mode is for using two sepa-
Only positive half-waves are displayed above the base rate probes in a through shot configuration.
line on the screen.
The receiver must be connected to the R socket and the
pulser to the T/R socket (see page 51). As the sound
Negative HW
wave passes through the test object only once in
Only negative half-waves are displayed above the base through-transmission mode, all range and wall thick-
line on the screen. ness measurement functions are adjusted accordingly.
TOF values are calculated for a single through path, not
for the pulse echo.
AGC Mode
Even smaller variations of the echo amplitude can lead
to incorrect measurement results in wall thickness mea-
surements. In these cases, the exact monitoring of the
amplitude is therefore highly important. The automatic
gain control (AGC) offers practical help for this purpose.
The automatic gain control of the USM 100 keeps the
echo amplitude fully automatically at a specified screen
height and, in this way, compensates for the amplitude
variations of the signal received. This enables to clearly
improve especially the wall thickness measurement and
to make it easier.
The AGC can also be used during calibration in order to
to keep the reference amplitude of 80 % screen height
constant at ±1 % (setting AGC Max Amp = 81 %, AGC
Min Amp = 79 %).
When the automatic gain control is switched on, further Alarm Output
functions are displayed with which you can configure
the AGC (see below). You can assign an alarm event to the corresponding
alarm output. If the alarm event occurs, a signal is out-
put via the alarm output (see page 203).
AGC Max Amp / AGC Min Amp
You can choose a gate for triggering the alarm output.
To configure the automatic gain control, enter the mini-
mum and the maximum height of amplitude in percent
screen height that the echo signal should reach within LED Alarm
the gate. You can assign an alarm event to the multi-color LED
next to the screen (see page 93). If the alarm event oc-
curs, the LED lights up accordingly.
The smaller the ratio between the values
You can choose a gate for triggering the alarm signal of
AGC Max Amp and AGC Min Amp, the
the LED.
more sensitive the control process.
AGC Noise
This is the same function as in the function group
You can define a threshold for the noise. Signals below
Pulser Receiver (see page 119).
this threshold are not taken into account for the auto-
matic gain control.
Magnify gate
You can choose a gate for the Magnify Gate function in
the Command bar (see page 67). The setting of this
function causes the selected gate to span over the en-
tire displayed range.
Analog Output
You can output measurement results via analog output
(see page 203) for external further processing.
Use this function to specify the reading to be output as
voltage signal.
Gate Selection
With this function you first select the gate for which the
following settings are to apply. You can set the settings
for each gate independently.
Gate A TOF Mode Two measurement arrows are used in order to clearly
identify readings and to avoid any misinterpretations.
This function can also be set for gate B, C and IF. The display shows
The sound path measurement by means of the echo ● the position at which the sound path (distance) is
evaluation depends on the choice of the measuring measured: arrowhead downwards, and
● where the amplitude is measured: arrowhead up-
In any case, the setting of the measuring In addition to the measurement reading, the TOF mode
point for the calibration and for the subse- measuring point (peak or flank) is displayed with a sym-
quent test use must always be identical. Oth- bol in the measurement line in sound path measure-
erwise, measuring errors may occur. ments:
^ = measuring point Peak
/ = measuring point Flank
The highest echo in the gate does not have Examples:
to be identical with the echo for which the SA^ = sound path within gate A, measuring point Peak
sound path is measured. This can lead to
evaluation errors! SA/ = sound path within gate A, measuring point Flank
Zero Before
The sound path is measured at the zero crossing of the
rising edge.
Zero After
The sound path is measured at the zero crossing of the
falling edge.
Gate B Threshold
The alarm is triggered if the gate is exceeded.
This function corresponds to Gate A Threshold (see
Negative page 127).
The start of the gate B is normally positioned starting The gate B is normally positioned starting from the initial
from the initial pulse as in the case of gate A. pulse.
The tracking of the optional gate C is identical with that If you choose the setting Gate A, the gate B is after-
of the gate B. However, the gate C can additionally still wards always shifted automatically when you shift the
be coupled to events in the gate B. starting point of the gate A.
Gate IF Width
This function corresponds to Gate A Width (see
page 127).
Gate IF Threshold
This function corresponds to Gate A Threshold (see
page 127).
Gate IF Logic
This function corresponds to Gate A Logic (see
page 131).
S Ref 1 / S Ref 2
You must set the thickness according to the calibration
block or blocks used.
S Ref 2 is only visible when Multi Step has been select-
ed in Velocity Cal Type. Here you must set the thick-
ness according to the second calibration block or the
second thickness value of a stepped reference block
5.14 Probe Angle The current probe index angle is influenced, among oth-
er things, by different materials or by the wear of the
In this function group you will find all functions for defin- probe contact face.
ing the current index angle of a probe on a specified
reference block. For the description of the calculation
procedure see from page 149. You have to carry out the calibration before
using the functions here (see page 145).
By selecting the name of the calibration standard used,
you can quickly and correctly set the settings for SDH
Diameter and SDH Depth, that are stored together with
the name.
When you select Custom, you must enter these values
SDH Depth
With this function you must set the depth of the side-
drilled hole of the calibration standard used.
The depth is set automatically when you select a cali-
bration standard by its name (see page 136).
Note that SDH Depth always refers to the center of the
side-drilled hole and not to the real reflecting surface.
This parameter is only visible when dB REF has been ● DAC Table, the DAC table is defined with the soft-
selected in Eval Mode. ware Mentor Create
You can switch this function on or off. ● Custom, you can record the DAC points with the in-
The software Mentor Create is described in a separate
Gate A Start
This is the same function as in the function group
Gates (see page 127).
Define Points
This parameter is only visible when DAC, JISDAC or
Eval Source
CNDAC has been selected in Eval Mode.
This parameter is only visible when DAC, JISDAC or You must set the number of points to be recorded.
CNDAC has been selected in Eval Mode.
You can choose between the A-scan and the envelope
curve as basis for the probe angle calculation.
This parameter is only visible when DAC, JISDAC or Different offset values can be set for the evaluation
CNDAC has been selected in Eval Mode. lines.
The angle calculation of angle probes is de-
scribed from page 149.
With Multi BW (multi backwall), the calibration only – Position the gates A and B on the first and on the sec-
needs one reference value S Ref 1 / S Ref 2. The first ond backwall echo.
and the second backwall are generated on a single cal- – In the Command bar tap on Calibrate (see page 66)
ibration block. to execute the calibration process.
During the calibration process the Display Range is ad-
justed automatically.
Calibration with Multi Step – Couple the probe to the 5 mm calibration block.
With Multi Step, the calibration needs two reference – Position the gate on the first backwall echo.
values S Ref 1 / S Ref 2 and S Ref 1 / S Ref 2. The – In the Command bar tap on Calibrate (see page 66)
backwall echoes are generated on two calibration to start the calibration process.
blocks of different thickness or a stepped reference
block having different wall thicknesses. – Couple the probe to the 10 mm calibration block.
During the calibration process the Display Range is ad- – Position the gate on the first backwall echo.
justed automatically. – In the Command bar tap on Calibrate to complete the
calibration process.
Calibration using dual-element probes With thin wall thicknesses, the effect described above
leads to an echo amplitude drop which has to be espe-
Dual-element probes are especially used for wall thick- cially taken into account with thicknesses <2 mm.
ness measurements. The following special features
should be taken into account when using these probes: A stepped reference block having different wall thick-
nesses is required for calibration. The wall thicknesses
must be selected in such a way that they cover the ex-
V-path error pected measurement readings.
Dual-element probes produce a v-shaped sound path
from the pulser via the reflection from the backwall to the Note
receiver element. This V-path error affects the measur- Always keep in mind that the measurement
ing accuracy. You should therefore choose two wall value is determined at the intersection point
thicknesses that cover the expected thickness mea- of the gate and the echo flank if the function
surement range for the calibration. In this way, the V- Gate A TOF Mode has been set to FLANK.
path error can be corrected to a large extent. The correct setting of the echo height and the
gate threshold is therefore decisive for the
Higher material velocity accuracy of calibration and measurement!
Due to the V-path error, a higher material velocity than Calibrations or measurements in PEAK
that of the material to be tested is given during calibra- mode require some experience when using
tion, especially with small thicknesses. This is typical of dual-element probes in order to choose and
dual-element probes and serves for the compensation set the correct echoes.
of the V-path error.
5.17 Defining the probe angle The calculated angle is briefly displayed in the informa-
tion line at the bottom edge of the display screen.
The function group Probe Angle on the Probe Angle
Cal. panel provides all functions to define the current in-
dex angle of a probe on a reference block. The current
probe index angle is influenced, e.g. by different materi-
als or by the wear of the probe contact face.
You have to carry out calibration (see from
page 145) before defining the probe angle.
The dB-difference is independent of any pos-
sible gain variation.
5.19 DAC
You can evaluate reflector echoes by means of the dis-
tance-amplitude correction (DAC). – In the A-scan tap on the Evaluation icon to display
the function group.
After selecting DAC in the function Eval Mode in (see
page 139) the function group Evaluation provides you
with all the functions needed for the echo height com-
parison between a reflector echo and a reference echo.
Due to the angle of beam spread and the sound attenu-
ation in the material, the echo height of equally sized re-
flectors depends on the distance to the probe.
A distance-amplitude correction curve, recorded using
defined reference reflectors, is a graphical representa-
tion of these influencing factors.
If you use a reference block having artificial flaws to re-
cord a DAC curve, you can use this echo amplitude for
the evaluation of a flaw without any further corrections.
The reference block should be made of the same mate-
rial as the test object.
The time-corrected gain TCG increases the gain in dis- – In the function Eval Mode select DAC.
tance sensitive mode so that all reference echoes reach
80 % screen height. The amplitude evaluation of echo – Set all parameters in this function group (see from
indications is made in relation to the first reference echo. page 138).
Before starting to record a reference curve,
the instrument has to be correctly calibrated
(see page 145).
You can configure the measurement line ac-
cordingly to display the specific readings
(see page 105).
Echo evaluation using DAC/TCG Change in the probe delay with DAC/TCG
To be able to evaluate a flaw echo by means of the Generally, a change in the probe delay automatically
DAC, certain conditions must be met: also affects the shape of the sound field. This means
that a new recording of the reference echo would be the-
● The distance-amplitude correction curve has to be re- oretically required. However, minor changes in the de-
corded beforehand. lay line, typically occurring due to the wear of the delay
● It only applies to the same probe that was used for re- line, have no noticeable effect on the programmed dis-
cording the curve. It is not allowed to use even anoth- tance laws.
er probe of the same type!
● The curve only applies to the material corresponding
A recorded DAC curve no longer applies if
to the material of the reference block.
the probe delay changes to a larger extent,
● All functions affecting the echo amplitude must be set e.g. caused by adding or removing a delay
in the same way as they existed during the recording line after a DAC curve has been recorded.
of the curve. This applies especially to the parame-
The same applies to immersion testing: The
ters voltage, frequency, rectification, material veloci-
DAC curve must be recorded after setting up
ty, and reject.
the final water delay line.
Failure to do so may lead to evaluation er-
The instrument checks the measuring point
setting in TOF mode before processing any
reference amplitudes. If Peak is not set as
measuring point, the instrument will automat-
ically switch to Peak. In this case, a note is
displayed at the bottom edge of the display
5.20 DGS ● Distance D between the probe coupling face and the
circular disk-shaped equivalent reflector
You can use the DGS mode (distance - gain - size) to ● Difference in gain G between a circular disk-shaped
compare the reflecting power of a natural flaw in the test equivalent reflector and a reference reflector, e.g. an
object with that of a theoretical flaw (circular disk- infinitely large backwall
shaped equivalent reflector) at the same depth.
● Size S of the circular disk-shaped equivalent reflector
ATTENTION The influencing variable S remains constant for one
curve in each set of curves.
You are comparing the reflecting power of a
natural flaw with that of a theoretical flaw. No The advantage of the DGS method lies in the fact that
definitive conclusions may be drawn about you can carry out reproducible evaluations of small dis-
the natural flaw (roughness, inclined posi- continuities. This reproducibility is especially important,
tion, etc.). e.g. whenever you want to carry out an acceptance test.
The so-called DGS diagram forms the basis for this In addition to the influencing variables already men-
comparison of the reflecting power. This diagram con- tioned, there are other factors affecting the curve shape:
sists of a set of curves showing the connection of three ● sound attenuation,
influencing variables:
● transfer losses,
● amplitude correction value,
● probe.
The following parameters of the probe affect the curve You can adjust these parameters in the USM 100 in
shape: such a way that you can use the DGS method with many
different probes and on various materials.
● element or crystal diameter,
● frequency, Note
● length of delay line, Before setting up the DGS mode, the instru-
ment has to be calibrated at first since none
● delay velocity. of the functions affecting the DGS evaluation
(Velocity, Probe Delay, Voltage, Damping,
Frequency, Rectify), can be changed any
more after recording the reference echo.
For dual-element probes, the sound velocity can only be
set between 5350 and 6500 m/s.
For more information on this subject, please refer to
Calibration, page 145.
Validity of the DGS method ● The evaluation must be carried out using the same
probe that was used for recording the reference echo.
Echo amplitude evaluations using the DGS method are Another probe of the same type can be used after re-
only reliable and reproducible under the following condi- cording a new reference echo.
● Echo amplitudes for reflector distances smaller than
● In test objects showing sound attenuation character- 0.7 of the near-field length of the probe used are sub-
istics that cannot be neglected, the sound attenuation ject to considerable variations, for physical reasons,
coefficient must be determined and entered in the due to the interference phenomena being effective in
DGS table. For this purpose, the sound attenuation this area. Evaluation results may therefore vary by
coefficient is measured in the test object itself or in a more than the usually permissible ±2 dB. It is there-
reference test block made of identical material, with fore recommended to perform a DGS evaluation only
known reference reflectors at various distances ac- in ranges above 0.7 of the near-field length of the
cording to the known methods and, afterwards, en- probe.
tered in the DGS tables. The subsequently displayed
evaluation curve will then take the effective sound at-
tenuation into account, independently of the distance.
● The reference echo must come from the test object if
possible. If this is not possible, it should be ensured
that the reference block is made of the same material
as the test object.
Change in the probe delay with DGS Automatic variation of the measuring point in TOF
Generally, a change in the probe delay automatically
also affects the shape of the sound field. This means An echo amplitude evaluation is normally carried out at
that a new recording of the reference echo for the DGS the echo peak of the signal under examination because
setting would be theoretically required. However, minor this is the only way of ensuring that the displayed echo
changes in the delay line, typically occurring due to the amplitude and the sound path (projection distance,
wear of the delay line, have no noticeable effect on the depth position) always belong to the highest echo in the
programmed distance laws. gate.
An existing DGS setting no longer applies if The USM 100 checks the measuring point
the probe delay changes to a larger extent, setting in TOF mode before processing any
e.g. caused by adding or removing a delay reference amplitudes. If Peak is not set as
line after recording a DGS reference echo measuring point, the instrument will automat-
before changing the delay line. ically switch to Peak. In this case, a note is
displayed at the bottom edge of the display
The same applies to immersion testing: The
DGS setting must be made after setting up
the final water delay line.
Failure to do so may lead to evaluation er-
Settings for the DGS measurement Recording a reference echo and turning the
– In the A-scan tap on the Evaluation icon to display DGS curve on
the function group. To be able to display the required DGS curve, you have
to record the reference echo.
– Peak the echo of the reference reflector, in this case
the backwall echo from the test object.
– After this, position the gate A on the reference echo
(see page 86).
– In the Command bar tap on Calibrate (see page 66)
to record the reference echo.
The status icon A DGS reference echo has been re-
corded is displayed above the A-scan (see page 6).
– If not yet done, then set the function DGS Mode to On
in order to display the curve.
Taking the general DGS diagram as a basis, the Locks, error messages
USM 100 calculates the required test sensitivity for dis-
playing the 3 mm curve with its maximum at 80 % As long as a valid reference echo is stored, no functions
screen height, and makes this setting. can be changed which could cause an incorrect DGS
evaluation, with the exception of Probe Delay (within
The curve is automatically adjusted in the case of sub- tight limits). If an attempt is made to change such a func-
sequent gain variations. tion, the following error message appears:
The gain can be varied at any time. The difference in re- Function locked: DGS reference has been recorded!
lation to the calibration value during the DGS calibration
is directly displayed next to the gain value. If you set the The DGS evaluation must likewise be turned off and the
function DGS MODE to Off and then to On again, the reference echo deleted when selecting a new probe,
original gain setting is displayed with the difference val- e.g. for a new test application.
ue +0.0.
You can also adjust the DGS curve to the expected val-
ue of the ERS (equivalent reflector size) later on.
26 MSEB-4 1.5 10 ±2
27 MSEB-4 0° 1.5 18 ±4
28 MSEB-5 1.2 10 ±2
29 SEB-1 5.9 20 ±4
32 SEB-2 3.0 15 ±3
33 SEB-4 1.5 12 ±2
34 SEB-2 0° 1.5 12 ±2
The DGS curves for the dual-element probes
are not derived from the general DGS
diagram but have been individually mea-
sured for steel (5920 m/s) and stored in the
You can only carry out a DGS evaluation with
one of the dual-element probes available if
the sound velocity is between 5330 and 6500
trueDGS angle-beam probes The following probes using the trueDGS® technology
are currently available:
trueDGS® angle-beam probes generate a rotationally
symmetric sound field in the material to be tested like ● MWB45-2 tD (probe # 35)
vertically beaming circular elements. ● MWB60-2 tD (probe # 36)
Because of this, the DGS evaluation using these angle- ● MWB70-2 tD (probe # 37)
beam probes is considerably more accurate than with
the conventional angle-beam probes which contain rect- ● MWB45-4 tD (probe # 38)
angular elements. In the case of conventional angle- ● MWB60-4 tD (probe # 39)
beam probes, it may happen that the reflectors evaluat-
ed according to the DGS method are over-evaluated. ● MWB70-4 tD (probe # 40)
These new probes can be selected in the instrument.
The corresponding settings are stored in the instrument
and activated when the probe is selected.
Make sure that all instrument options for the
specific test are calibrated before starting the – In the A-scan tap on the Evaluation icon to display
rating according to AWS D1.1 or AWS D1.5. the function group.
The USM 100 has a DAC function for the echo evalua-
tion by means of the distance-amplitude correction
(DAC) and an additional class rating according to JIS
With the function JISDAC, you can activate a distance-
amplitude curve according to JIS including three evalu-
ation lines marked with the letters L (low), M (medium),
and H (high). They are permanently connected to the
DAC and shifted accordingly if the gain is varied.
In addition, a class rating takes place. Flaw echoes are
evaluated according to their amplitude with reference to
their position within the set of curves:
Class I: Amplitude < Line L
Class II: Line L < Amplitude < Line M
Class III: Line M < Amplitude < Line H
Class IV: Amplitude < Line H
Code Cal Block Ø SDH (mm) Wall thickness (mm) RL (dB) SL (dB) EL (dB)
You can use the USM 100 to save test reports. Test re- You can use standard software (text and image editors)
ports are stored as PDF files. on your computer to view, edit, and print out the test re-
ports and A-scans stored in the USM 100.
To view and print PDF files on computers, you need the
free Acrobat Reader from Adobe. You can download it To do this, export the test reports to a USB stick (see
from the Adobe website and install it on your computer page 189). Then connect the USB stick containing the
(https://www.adobe.com/acrobat.html). test reports to your computer.
6.3 Data Recorder You can store readings in a grid matrix and, in this way,
structure them according to the test tasks. The grid ma-
All functions and settings for documentation with the trix consists of rows and columns.
data recorder can be found on the Data Recorder panel In this way, you can e.g. use the rows for test locations
(see page 72 for panel selection). and the columns for single test points. In a grid matrix
consisting of 9 rows and 4 columns, you will then store
the results of a test location in one row each. If you have
not processed a test point, the corresponding cell in the
grid matrix remains empty.
The maximum number of columns is 999. You can select a specific field to save the next mea-
sured reading there.
Alternatively, you can select a field by tapping in the field
on the screen.
With the Display settings you can Based on the stored TOF reading, the fields of the grid
matrix are shaded in color. You can select the color pal-
ette for these colors.
Amp Palette
Based on the stored amplitude reading, the fields of the
grid matrix are shaded in color. You can select the color
palette for these colors.
Color Ruler
You can switch the color ruler at the right edge of the
grid matrix on or off.
3 Search file
Export Rename
You can export files from the instrument's internal mem- You can rename the files stored in the instrument's in-
ory to a USB stick or to the InspectionWorks server, for ternal memory.
example for backup purposes or for forwarding or fur-
– In the list of files (see page 187) tap the check box of
ther processing.
the file you want to rename.
If you want to export one or more files to a USB stick,
– Tap on the Rename icon. A dialog box opens.
then first insert the USB stick into the socket on the top
of the instrument (see page 52). – Tap in the text field. A keyboard is displayed.
For data exchange with InspectionWorks, the USM 100 – Enter the name for the file.
must be connected to the Internet via LAN (see page
– Tap on the keyboard symbol at the bottom right of the
201) or WLAN (see page 202).
keyboard to hide the keyboard again.
– In the list of files (see page 187) tap the check boxes
– Tap on OK to save the file with its new name.
of the files you want to export.
– Tap on the Export icon. A dialog window opens.
– Select the export location USB Drive or IW (Inspec-
– If necessary, tap on a folder symbol to select a direc-
tory, then select the files.
– Tap on Upload to copy the files to the selected loca-
– Tap on the Back icon to go back to the previous view.
You can delete the files from the instrument's internal
Before deleting, you can export the files for
backup purposes (see page 189). The dele-
tion can not be undone.
– In the list of files (see page 187) tap the check boxes
of the files you want to delete.
– Tap on the Delete icon. A dialog box opens.
– Tap on Delete to delete the selected file.
Do not use any methyl alcohol, and no sol-
vents or dye penetration cleaners! The plas-
tic parts may be damaged or become brittle
due to them.
Disposal of batteries
Lithium batteries are marked with the symbol of the
crossed out symbol.
You can install the latest software updates for the ATTENTION
USM 100 yourself. During the update process, the power supply
must not be interrupted. The battery charge
must be at least 60% or you must connect
It is recommended to check for latest up- the instrument to the power adapter.
dates before using the instrument.
– Copy the update file into the root directory of the USB
Look up the version installed in your instrument in the
About section (see page 104) in the General settings – Insert the USB stick into the socket on the top of the
menu (see page 99). instrument (see page 52).
For software updates you need a valid update file (ex- – Access the General settings menu via the Main
tension .mup). Software updates are available via In- menu (see page 60).
spectionWorks. – Select Updates from the left column.
You can install the update file from a USB stick. If no – Tap on Check. The data of the update files is shown.
USB stick is inserted or if no update file is found on it,
the instrument will automatically try to connect to the – Tap on Install to start the installation.
InspectionsWorks platform and download and install
the update file from there. The prerequisite for this is an
established Internet connection via LAN (see page 201) After successful installation the instrument is shut down
oder WLAN (see page 202). automatically. Then, you can power on the instrument
again and use the new software version.
– Copy the update file into the root directory of the USB 1 2
– Make sure that the instrument is switched off.
– Insert the USB stick into the USB socket on the top of
the instrument (see page 52).
– Simultaneously press the outer Gain key (2) on the
back and the Power key (1) on the top, and hold the
two keys pressed until the display is turned on.
8.1 Interfaces
The interfaces are located on the top and on the right 2 3
side of the instrument.
– To access the interfaces on the top of the instrument,
slide the lid (1) to the right side until it swings open up-
The USB interface type A (see page 200) can be used
to connect a WLAN adapter.
It is recommended to plug in the WLAN
adapter together with an extraction tool to 3
make it easier to pull out the very small
adapter later.
I/O interface
The I/O interface (see page 200) is providing different
input and output signals like gate alarm output (com-
bined for all gates or individual for one selected gate),
analog output, encoder inputs and signals for service
purposes for the Waygate Technologies customer sup-
9 7
10 6
11 13
1 5
2 4
Averaging 121
Block 136
Code 144
Damping 121
Envelope 112
Filter 121
Frequency 118
Gain 107
Grid 112
Offset 140
Offset 1 140
Rectify 122
Thickness 117
Velocity 110
Voltage 119
9.2 Manufacturer Keep the shipping container for any repairs possibly re-
quired which cannot be made on the spot.
The ultrasonic flaw detector USM 100 is manufactured If there is anything special that you would like to know
by: about the use, handling, operation, and specifications of
Baker Hughes Digital Solutions GmbH the instruments, please contact your nearest Waygate
Robert-Bosch-Straße 3 Technologies representative or turn directly to:
50354 Hürth Baker Hughes Digital Solutions GmbH
T +49 (0) 22 33 601 111 Robert-Bosch-Straße 3
F +49 (0) 22 33 601 402 50354 Hürth
The USM 100 is manufactured according to the state- Germany
of-the-art methods using high-quality components. or:
Thorough in-process inspections or intermediate tests
and a quality management system certified to DIN EN Postfach 1363
ISO 9001 ensure an optimum quality of conformance 50330 Hürth
and workmanship of the instrument. Germany
Should you nevertheless detect an error on your instru- T +49 (0) 22 33 601 111
ment, power the instrument off and remove the batter- F +49 (0) 22 33 601 402
ies. Inform your local Waygate Technologies customer
service and support, indicating the error and describing
9.4 Environmental protection The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol invites you to use
those systems.
This section contain information about the following top-
● WEEE directive
● Disposal of batteries
This product contains batteries that cannot be disposed Batteries and accumulators must be marked (either on
of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. the battery, on the accumulator, or on their packaging,
Please read carefully the data sheets for the battery depending on the size) with the separate collection sym-
type used. Each battery is marked with this symbol bol. In addition, the marking must include the chemical
which indicates that the product may contain cadmium symbols of specific levels or toxic metals as follows:
(Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, ● Cadmium (Cd) over 0.002 %
return the batteries to the manufacturer or to a designat-
ed collection point. ● Lead (Pb) over 0.004 %
● Mercury (Hg) over 0.0005 %
The risks and your role in minimizing them ● Lead is poisonous in all compounds. It accumulates
in the body so that any form of exposure is critical. In-
By participating in the proper waste disposal, you would
gestion and inhalation of lead can cause severe inter-
make a valuable contribution towards reducing the dam-
nal injuries. These may result in brain damage,
ages possibly caused to the environment and human
convulsions, malnutrition, and sterility.
health by the batteries or accumulators. For proper re-
cycling, you should return the instrument and/or the bat- ● Mercury creates hazardous vapors already at room
teries it contains to the manufacturer or to a designated temperature. Exposure to high concentrations of
collection point. mercury vapor can cause a variety of severe symp-
toms. These include e.g. chronic inflammation of
Some batteries or accumulators contain toxic metals
mouth and gums, personality change, nervousness,
that pose serious risks to human health and to the envi-
fever, and rashes.
ronment. When required, the product marking may in-
clude chemical symbols that indicate the presence of
toxic metals in the product: Pb for lead, Hg for mercury,
and Cd for cadmium.
● Cadmium poisoning can result in cancer of the lungs
and prostate gland. Chronic diseases may include
kidney damage, pulmonary emphysema, as well as
bone diseases such as osteomalcia and osteoporo-
sis. Cadmium may also cause anemia, discoloration
of the teeth, and anosmia (loss of smell).
General features
Dimensions (W × H × D) 216 mm × 138 mm × 60 mm
Weight 1.2 kg (including two batteries)
Input supply voltage +15 V DC
Battery operational time 5h
Number and type of batteries 2 × Li-Ion, 1 for hot swap
Storage temperature –20 … +70 °C
Operating temperature –10 … +50 °C
Pulse repetition frequencies 10 … 2000 Hz
Maximum power consumption 45 W
Typical power consumption 9W
Available measurement units mm, inches
Compliance to UT standard EN ISO 22232-1
Protection grade IP 67
Shock IEC 60068-2-27
Vibration IEC 60068-2-6
Humidity EN 60068-2-30:2005
EMC EN 61326-1, EN 55011
Low Voltage Directive IEC 61010
Screen size and resolution 1024 × 600 pixels
Range of sound velocities 250 … 16000 m/s
Available views A-scan; B-,C-scan only available in certain models
Delay –10 … +3500 µs
Depth 3 … 27000 mm (in steel)
Maximum digitization frequency
without processing 100 MHz
Digitization frequency
with processing 400 MHz
Digitizer vertical resolution 23 bit
Power input Lemo 0S
Probe connectors Lemo 00
Input/Output Lemo 1B, 14 pin
USB 2.0 Type A
USB 3.0 Type C
Pulse repetition frequency 10 … 2000 Hz
Shape of transmitter pulse negative unipolar pulse
Transmitter voltage 50 … 350 V (10 V increments)
Fall time <15 ns
Duration 40 … 2500 ns
Damping resistor 50 or 400 Ohm
Output impedance <5 Ohm
Maximum input voltage 40 Vpp
Linearity of vertical display +/-2%
Frequency response 0,2 … 30 MHz (-3 dB)
Digital filters 12 bandpass and high pass filters
Dead time after transmitter pulse < 5 µs
Equivalent input noise <80 nV/SQR (Hz)
Gain range 110 dB
Input resistance <400 Ohm
Input capacitance <70 pF
Time-corrected gain (TCG) 16 points, 100 dB dynamic, 90 dB/40 ns slope
Cross-talk between
transmitter and receiver >80 dB
Signal averaging 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
Data acquisition
Maximum number of
samples per A-scan 1024 points
Data storage, internal 64 GB
Number of gates 3 (one can be used as interface gate)
Measurement modes flank, peak, zero crossing before, zero crossing after, J-flank, first peak
Threshold (all gates) 5 … 95%
Start/Width (all gates) 0 … 27000 mm
Resolution of TOF 2.5 ns
Resolution of amplitude 1 % FSH
Linearity of monitor gate amplitude +/-2%
Linearity of analogue output +/-2%
Evaluation modes TCG, DAC, DGS, AWS, dB REF, JISDAC, CNDAC
B Block 136
Bold Line 143
B Freeze 111
Bottom 184
BackLight Time 101
Basic settings 96
D views 182
Data Source 184
DAC 6, 152
Curve color 141 Date 102
Echo evaluation 157 Date Format 102
multiple DAC curves 156 dB increment 107
DAC / TCG 140 dB REF 6, 150
DAC curve dB step 75, 80, 107
deleting 155 dB-difference measurement 150
recording 153
dbRef Mode 139
turning off 155
Decimal 103
DAC Distance 140
Defect Length 144
DAC Point 140
Defects/errors 22
Damping 121
Define Points 139
loading 68 Delay 118
saving 68 Delay Velocity 118
Data Recorder 181 Deleting 67, 178
Command bar 67 file 190
creating file 183 reference echo 150
display 186 Depth SDH 137
display size 182
DGS 6, 159
Keyboard 201 M
Magnify Gate 67
functions 8, 87
locking 69 Magnify gate 6, 125
operation 88 Main functions 79
Main menu 60
L Maintenance 192
LAN 201 Malfunction 197
Language 103 Manufacturer 214
LED Alarm 124 Material
instrument 216
LED signals 93
test object 26
License 104, 198
Material Probe (function group) 116
License upgrade 198
Measurement line 65, 76
Limits of testing 25
configuration 105
Lock 69 functions 81
Locked functions 69, 85 Measuring point 76, 145
DGS 164
Metric 103
Logic (gate) 131
Monitor 201
Monitor connection 53
Mouse 201
Velocity 110, 116, 118 Zero After 129
calibration 145 Zero Before 129
Velocity Cal Type 135 Zoom
Version 104, 196 A-scan 70
VNC Client 56 gate 71
Voltage 119
Wall thickness 117
Wall thickness measurement 26
WEEE directive 216
Welds rating 171
Width (gate) 127
Wi-Fi 202
Wireless network 202
WLAN interface 202