Cyl Lubrication

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Cylinder Lubrication ①

State properties of cylinder oil

Describe the effects of more or less feed rate.
Sketch and describe cylinder lubrication feed adjustment

With reference to cylinder lubrication state what are

(a) The desirable properties of a cylinder lub Oil (4)
(b) The consequences of both excessive and insufficient lubrication of cylinder oil (8)
(c) The difficulties of achieving correct time injection (4)
(d) State where defects in the assembly may occur in service (4)
(e) The effects of more or less feed rate (4)

Properties of cylinder oils

(01) It must reduce sliding friction between piston rings and cylinder
liner to a minimum.
(02) It must process adequate viscosity at high working temperature and
still be sufficiently fluid to spread rapidly over the entire
working surfaces to form a good adsorbed oil film.
(03) It must form an effective seal in conjunction with the piston rings,
preventing gas blow by, burning away of the oil film and lack of
(04) It must burn cleanly, leaving as little and as soft a deposit as
(05) It must effectively prevent the build up of deposits in the piston
ring zones and exhaust ports.
(06) It must effectively neutralize the corrosive effects on the mineral
acids formed during combustion of the fuel.

Good load carrying capacity and to reduce frictional wear of sliding

surfaces of piston ring and liner
Can sustain good viscosity at high temperature.
Good ability to spread and cover the entire working surface
Good sealing effect conjunction with piston rings
Can burn cleanly without depositing as possible
Effectively neutralize the acidity formed by consequence of fuel
Chemically stable and effectively can prevent the deposit in piston,
rings, liner, exhaust and inlet ports
Resistance to oxidation being working at high temperature
Anti-corrosion properties.

Since the cylinder oil lubricating system is totally lost or once

through system, the whole amount of injected cylinder oil should be burnt
completely in the cylinder.

The cylinder oil feed rate should be considered depend on the followings
B Actual lay out of engine
B Load on engine
B Quality of fuel used
B Condition of liner, piston and rings

The consequences of more or less feed rate may effect to excessive or

insufficient cylinder lubrication. This may effect as follows

More cylinder oil feed rate (Excess Cylinder Lubrication)

s Increase specific cylinder oil consumption and waste
s Can not burn to all injected oil cleanly
s May form hard carbon deposits on piston crown , ring zone and causing
ring sticking and broken consequent to loss of sealing effect and
engine blow pass
s Excess oil accumulate in scavenge space and fire by engine blow pass.

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s Crankcase oil contamination occur mostly in trunk type piston engine

In large 2 stroke engine , high wear rate of stuffing box gland may
occur , resulting contamination.
s Localize fire may occur in exhaust trunk due to accumulation of oil and
s Fouling of exhaust system, increase exhaust temp and engine thermal
s Fouling of Turbocharger, cause surging; reduce Turbocharger
efficiency, effect to complete combustion process and engine

Less cylinder oil feed rate (Insufficient Cylinder Lubrication)

Y Unable to wet liner surface with oil film, therefore increase friction
rate and local heat tend to high wear rate and shorter the life of
Liner and Piston rings.
Y Being insufficient spread of cylinder oil, alkaline additives may not
reach all over cylinder surface. Therefore can not react to acid
formation and carbon depositing, which may cause hot and cold corrosion
wear of liner, piston and rings.
Y Insufficient oil film is easily removed by combustion hot gas, sealing
effect lost and engine blow pass In extreme case, piston seizure may

The cylinder lubricator must...

i Capable to deliver regularly full quantity of oil by every stroke,
against moderate pressure
i Clearly visible to oil delivery
i Have wide range of adjustment
i Can be operated by hand

It is driven by a common driving arrangement. They are synchronized

with the engine to provide timed lubrication. This is arranged in such away
that lube oil be fed to the piston at the time when the top two piston
rings pass the lubricating holes in the cylinder during the pistons
The cam activates the plunger to suck oil from suction valve and then
force through delivery valve to ball type control glass. From there oil
pass through a non-return valve and pipe leading to the lubricator quill,
at which oil to be injected.
For emergency purpose or manual operation, lubricator can be
operated by hand operating priming lever, by pushing in & out, normally
using while turning engine at warming process.
The sight glass is transparent type, tapered bore with quantity
marking. A stainless steel ball will move up a certain position in the
glass, depending on the amount and viscosity of the oil. A glance to the
steel ball movement may acknowledge the watch keeper about lubricator
By fitting a magnetic pick up near the sight glass, to monitor the
movement of steel ball, cylinder oil failure alarms provided for engine
safety system
Quantity marking assist to measure the cylinder oil consumption by
using stop watch Normal amount of oil supply is about 0.7 to 1.0 gm /


Cylinder Lubrication ③

Feed adjustment
The amount of oil pumped to the lubricating point is determined by
stroke length of the pump its length of stroke is directly varied to needful
suction oil.
Common adjustment can be made by positioning of the lever provided on
top sided of lubricator marking with (+) or (-) scale
Individual feed adjustment can be made at each and individual
adjusting screw provided at the priming lever

Lubricants are replenished through wire gauze filter into the
lubricator. The filter must be cleaned regularly. There are flow
indicators and alarming devices provided at each lubricator. They must be
tested and checked at regular interval.
When there is no-flow alarm gives out signal, the engine shall be
slow-down and stopped automatically as a safety measure.
The sight glass must be cleaned when visibility has been disturbed.
The lubricator has to be drained down and cleaned inside when there is a
source of impurities or sludges present.
The individual pump unit shall be stripped down and cleaned when
there is an outcome of flow irregularity.

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Difficult to achieve correct time injection

Correct time injection means, delivering correct amount of cylinder
oil to a specified area in correct instant, at which the piston is moving
very slowly relating to angular motion of the crank.
The oil should be timely injected between piston ring, especially 1st
& 2 ring, while piston moving up. At this time the cylinder is in low
pressure phase and ensures to deliver the lubricant to cold region of
In practically, it is very difficult to achieve and require very
rapid rate of injection with overwhelming pressure to existing pressure in
the area of injection.
The delivery of cylinder oil takes place twice in each revolution
of the crankshaft and discharged through the small bore pipes to various
feed point in cylinder. At this point, oil travel time between the
lubricator and feed point, called time lag, and is become major problem for
timed lubrication.
Time lag is very difficult to calculate with respect to piston
movement. It is depend on the variations of
 Pipe length
 Compressibility of using oil
 Change of oil viscosity due to change of ambient temperature
Oil injection time from lubricator quills are also very difficult to
determine , due to the gas trap and existing pressure in that area Engine
speed and load condition are always vary so oil injection time is also
very difficult to determine , because the injection period is only about 2
of crank angle
Therefore correct injection times is very difficult to achieve
and having little merits.

The following place in the assembly may occur defects while in service

Liner 7Over heat due to friction

7Uneven corrosion wears which is called clover leafing
being depletion of alkaline oil
7Excess wear of liner tend to blow pass
7Fouling of scavenge port of liner

Piston 7Carbon deposit on the crown

7Wear of grooves being depletion of alkaline additives
7May cause seizure

Rings 7Sticking, Broken and loss sealing effect, tend to

blow past
7High rate of wear by friction and corrosion

Scavenge space 7Dirty and fouling

7Accumulation of oil tend to scavenge fire

High/low TBN?
The correct TBN is required for lubricating oil.
If TBN is low r During combustion process, less neutralization effect
leading to acid wears on working parts.
If TBN is high r During combustion process, acid residues are all
neutralized, thus excess base occurs which lead to base
may wear on working parts.

In trunk type engine, needs high TBN because of to get neutralization effect.


Cylinder Lubrication ⑤

Lean & Rich TBN effect on liner lubrication

TBN is an Alkaline figure, which indicates the amount in mgm of KOH
required to neutralise the acid in 1 gm of sample oil. Lube oil must be
provided with additives of a high base number to the corresponding sulphur
contents in fuel oil.
If lean TBN lube oil is used in high sulphur content fuel oil, it
cannot neutralized completely the formation of acid due to high sulphur
content fuel oil and corrosion will occur on piston, rings liners, exhaust
valve, turbine of T/C and boiler tube.
If rich TBN lube oil is used in conjunction with lean sulphur
content fuel, excessive alkalinity occur which required to neutralize any
sulphuric acid and surplus metallic salt such of calcium carbonate exposed
to high temperature and mixed with other thermal decomposition compounds,
tend to form abrasive such as calcium oxide. It result serious vertical
grooving on piston rings and liner leads to blow pass.

Sketch a main engine cylinder liner mechanical lubricator for two stroke engine (6)
Explain how it work and adjust
Consumption rate and effect of reduce and excess lubrication.
1/2001, 4/2001, 1/2002, 1/2003, 10/2003, 1/2004, 4/2004

Give a reasoned opinion as to the following assertions

(a) Absence of oil grooves in the liner wall between the oil supply points results in increase
wear of liner and rings (5)
(b) Time lubrication has little merit (6)
(c) The most suitable position of the oil supply points is immediately below bottom
piston rings with the piston at top dead center. (5)

(a) The assertion of “an absence of oil grooves in the liner wall between the
oil supply points results in increase wear of liner and rings” is right.
The providence of oil grooves, adjacent to the supply points, linking
each other and forming one continuous groove around liner, are essentially
important. It is desired for proper distribution of cylinder oil around the liner
Being time lubrication is difficult to achieve, providence of oil grooves
are very helpful to cylinder lubrication which can be charged from
intermittence flow, achieve more continuous flow in the liner
If oil grooves are absence, oil discharge from feed holes will flow only
downward and can not spread entire working surface on the liner. The area
away from oil feed holes will starve lubricating oil. Therefore, following bad
results will become arise.
 Can not achieve the effective cylinder lubrication
 Being oil starvation, as well as alkaline additives, increase abrasive
and corrosive wear to liner and piston rings.
 Being oil is spread only at feed point area, excess alkalinity only in a
narrow vertical bends leading upward and down wards from that area
and resulting serious liner grooving, called Clover Leafing.

(b) Time lubrication has little merit

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Because it is very difficult to achieve

Correct time injection means , delivering correct amount of cylinder oil
to a specified area in correct instant, at which the piston is moving very
slowly relating to angular motion of the crank
The oil should be timely injected between piston ring, especially 1st &
2nd ring, while piston moving up At this time the cylinder is in low pressure
phase and ensure to deliver the lubricant to cold region of cylinder.
In practically, it is very difficult to achieve and require very rapid rate of
injection with overwhelming pressure to existing pressure in the area of
The delivery of cylinder oil take place twice in each revolution of the
crankshaft and discharged through the small bore pipes to various feed
point in cylinder. At this point, oil travel time between the lubricator and feed
point, called time lag is become major problem for timed lubrication
Time lag is very difficult to calculate with respect to piston movement.
It is depend on the variations of
 Pipe length
 Compressibility of using c ii
 Change of oil viscosity due to change of ambient temperature
Oil injection time from lubricator quills are also very difficult to
determine, due to the gas trap and existing pressure in that area. Engine
speed and load condition are always vary, so oil injection time is also very
difficult to determine, because the injection period is only about 2 ' of crank
angle. Therefore, correct injection time is very difficult to achieve and
having little merits
The purposes of cylinder lubrication are;
 To distribute cylinder oil all over liner surface uniformly
 To get correct sealing effect
 To reduce frictional wear between piston rings & liner
 Effectively counter measure to cold & hot corrosion effected by
combustion products by additives contents etc.
Being difficult to achieve correct injection time, cylinder lubrication is
not satisfactory to the above mentioned purpose and having little merits
Therefore Multilevel Lubricating System are developed and aided by
provision of oil grooves adjacent to the feed points.
The advantages of these improvements are
» Can charge the oil into cylinder more continuous flow rate than
» Achieve proper distribution of cylinder oil around the liner
» Greater oil film thickness due to lower roils of quills, guard against
adhesion and scuffing
» High refreshing rate of oil due to upper row of quills for neutralizing the


Cylinder Lubrication ⑦

corrosive products
» Double the numbers of quill gives better circumferential oil distribution
and safeguard uneven wear of liner

(c) The most suitable position of the oil supply points is immediately below
bottom piston rings with the piston at top dead center. It is because of
the following achievements

At this position

» Piston speed is lower lubricant could be injected more completely

even though time lag problem having.
» Very less effect to lubricant by exposure of hot gas and extreme
pressure. This ensures to deliver the lubricant to colder region of liner
and away from extreme pressure. Therefore, the lubricant may not
tend to form hard deposits by hot gas and problems of oil hole
» Pressure in the cylinder is less and not interfere oil injected pressure
» Injected lubricant could not be carried away to the combustion side
» Injected lubricant could be evenly swept down by the piston rings
» All the piston rings will pass the feed points, improve oil distribution
circumferentially. Proper gas sealing effect and boundary lubrication
can be achieved.
» It is far enough from scavenge ports, so lubricant can be scraped over
and blown away

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