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MCQ R.M Questions Answers

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In reservoir engineering, only the interconnected or

effective porosity is of interest

A-true B-false
2. classification of the reservoirs depend on composition ,pressure and

A-true B-false
3. The advantage of P-T diagram

B. Describe the
A. Classify the C. Both A and B
phase behavior of
reservoir fluid
4. The Cricondentherm is defined as the maximum temperature above
which gas cannot be formed regardless of pressure

A. true B. false
5.The bubble-point curve defined as the line separating the liquid-phase
region from the two-phase region

A. true B. false
6. If the reservoir temperature T lies between the critical temperature Tc
and cricondentherm Tct of the reservoir fluid

A- Retrograde B- Near-critical
gas-condensate gas-condensate

Retrograde gas-condensate reservoirs are characterized by the presence of both liquid and gas phases, and the
temperature of the reservoir lies between the critical temperature and the cricondentherm of the reservoir
fluid. The liquid and gas are in equilibrium with each other and are in contact, the pressure is less than the
saturation pressure at reservoir temperature, and the liquid-to-gas ratio decreases as pressure drops. These
reservoirs are different from "volatile oil" reservoirs, in which the liquid-to-gas ratio increases as pressure drops.
They are also different from "dry gas" reservoirs, where the temperature is above the cricondentherm, and the
reservoir fluid is in gaseous phase, regardless of pressure.
7. If the reservoir temperature is above the cricondentherm of the
hydrocarbon mixture

A. wet gas B. dry gas

C. both of them
8. Routine laboratory tests are routinely conducted to characterize the
reservoir hydrocarbon fluid

A. true B. false
1- Saturation pressure
2- Compressibility factors of the gas phase
3- Density of the remaining oil

A. Both 1 & 2
B. All of them true
1-The shrinkage in the oil volume
2- the gas compressibility factor
3- Amount of gas in solution

A. All of them
B. Both 1&3 true
11. Constant-Volume Depletion (CVD) Test conducted on :

A. Gas
B. Volatile oils

C. Both A &B
12. The percentage of interconnected pore space with respect to the bulk
volume called

A. Effective B. Absolute
porosity porosity
13. The increase in the permeability will increase the transition zone

A. true B. false
14. The increase in the density difference between oil and water decrease
thickness of transition zone

A-true B. false
15. Leverett J-function used to convert capillary pressure in the lab to

A-true B. false
16. To find the average permeability in parallel beds used

A. Weighted- B. Harmonic-
Average Average
17. The increasing in the wetting phase saturation is

A. Drainage B. imbibition
18. The flow regime is identified as a ………. flow if the pressure at every
location in the reservoir remains constant

A. steady state B. unsteady state

C. Pseudosteady
19. The pressure disturbance will move away from the wellbore at a rate
that is determined by:
1- Permeability
3-Fluid viscosity
4-Rock and fluid compressibilities

A. Point 1&3 true B. Point 2&3 true

C. All points true

A or B or C ?
20. To derive the diffusivity equation we need three four equations

A. True B. False
21. The most common reservoirs are:

A. Sandstone and C. Shale and

Carbonate rocks. Sandstone rocks.

B. Anhydrite and
Dolomite rocks.

A or B or C ?
22. The definition: “the pore spaces – connected or disconnected –
resulting through alteration of a rock, commonly by processes such as
dolimitization, dissolution or fracturing” belongs to:

A. Primary B. Permeability.

C. Secondary D. Effective
porosity. porosity.
23. ……………………..is the earliest period of Mesozoic era.

A. Jurassic. B. Permian.

C. Cambrian. D. Cretaceous.

E. Triassic
24. The Cap rock should have very high permeability?

A. True B. False
25. Which of the following is a type of reservoir simulation?

A. compositional B. thermal

C. black oil D. all of the above

26. The percentage of interconnected space with respect to the bulk
volume is called

A. relative porosity B. total porosity

C. effective D. none of the

porosity above
27. Which of the following is the measure of storage capacity that is
capable of holding fluids?

A. Formation
B. Permeability
volume factor

D. none of the
C. Porosity
28. isochore map related to thickness

A. True B. False
29. The diffusivity equation can be derived from the following equations

A. Continuity Equation, Transport Equation, Compressibility Equation

B. Material balance equation, Darcy’s equation, EOS

C. Both A & B true

30. To solve the diffusivity equation we need

A. one initial B. one initial

condition and one condition and two
boundary boundary
condition conditions

C. one initial
condition and
three boundary
31. The condition of flow rate that used in solving diffusivity equation is

A. True B. False
32. The viscosity of crude oil measured at a pressure above bubble point
and system temperature condition is known as

A. Effective B. kinematic
viscosity viscosity

C. saturated oil D. under saturated

viscosity oil viscosity
33. Which of the following rock favors petroleum formation?

A. metamorphic B. sedimentary
rock rock

D. none of the
C. igneous rock
34. Represents the relative effect of viscous forces and surface tension
acting across the interface between two immiscible liquids.

A. Formation B. Reynolds
volume factor number

C. Capillary D. none of the

number above
35. Give an example of a rock with high porosity and high permeability.

A. Sandstone B. Shale

C. Halite
36. Give an example of a rock with high porosity and low permeability.

A. Sandstone B. Shale

C. Halite
37. Give an example of a rock with low porosity and low permeability

A. Sandstone B. Shale

C. Halite
37. Topographic maps can’t be used for

A. Define formation structure and depth from sea level

B. Estimating reservoir extension and bulk volume

C. Estimating fluid saturation and distribution

39. When the gas has more than 95% of Methane then what type of gas is

A. Wet gas B. Dry gas

C. Sour gas B. Condensate gas

40. Which of the following is correct in the case of sandstone reservoirs?

A. A and B are
sandstone and C is B. C is sandstone

C. A and C are D. A and C are

sandstone and B is shale and B is
shale sandstone
41. What is the formula of the productivity index?

B. q/(Pi . Pwf)
A. V/(Pi-Pwf)

D. (Pi-Pwf)/q
C. q/(Pi-Pwf)
42. Production packers are generally classified as Retrievable and
Permanent Packers

B. true
A. False
43. one of the assumptions to solve diffusivity equation

B. Heterogeneous
A. Homogeneous and isotropic
and anisotropic porous medium
porous medium

C. Homogeneous
and isotropic
porous medium
44. for infinite acting reservoir used the following method

A. Ei function

C. Both A&B
45. When the data is little we used …..to calculate IOIP

A. volumetric
46. Which reservoir drive mechanism has the highest recovery factor?

A. combination
B. solution drive

C. gas cap D. water drive

47. The relative amount of a particular phase present in the pore space is

B. porosity
A. permeability

D. none of the
C. saturation above
48. The viscosity of crude oil measured at a pressure above bubble point
and system temperature condition is known as

B. plastic viscosity
A. apparent

D. under saturated
C. saturated oil oil viscosity
49. What type of reservoir drive maintains a constant reservoir pressure
most of the production life?

B. solution drive
A. water drive

B. gas cap
C. combination
50. Which of the following curve determine the economic limit for a well?

B. saturation curve
A. permeability

D. none of the
C. decline curve above
51. Decreasing the saturation of the wetting phase is called

B. drainage
A. wettability

D. none of the
C. imbibition above
52. The primary reservoir characteristics are

A. reservoir
B. flow regimes

C. type and
number of fluids in D. all of the above
the reservoir
53. The full form of BOP is

B. Bottom oil price

A. Blow out

D. Bottom hole
C. Below optimum pressure
54. In general, why are the packers used?

B. To isolate the
A. It is used inside annulus from
the separator unit production

D. To isolate the
C. Used in group
pipe from
gathering station
55. What is a workover fluid?

A. Fluids coming out B. Produced oil

of the formation during workover
during workover

C. Fluid placed D. Produced gas

against the producing during workover
formation during
56. SP log can be used to identify shale and sandstone reservoir

A. True B. False
57. The relative permeability can be expressed in

B. square cm
A. dimensional

D. millidarcy
C. square in
58. which is the test more accurate

A. build up B. drawdown

•Drawdown test is more accurate for determining well productivity and flow rate
•Build-up test is more accurate for determining permeability, skin factor, and reservoir pressure
•Both test methodologies have their own advantages and disadvantages
•Both test methodologies need to be used together to get the best results.
59. Reasons for skin effect

B. non Darcy effect

A. formation

C. both A&B
60. Which of the following workover fluid is less damaging for clay

B. Formation water
A. Seawater

C. Conventional D. Oil based mud

water based mud
61. In a two region reservoir model ,how is the skin factor “s” calculated

B. [K/Ks-1]ln(rs/rw)
A. [K/Ks+1]ln(rs/rw)

D. [Ks/K-1]ln(rs/rw)
C. [Ks/K+1]ln(rs/rw)
62. If the amplitude of the CBL is less then what does it signify?

B. Very poor
A. Poor cement cement bond

D. Moderate
C. Good cement cement bond
63. What is the formula for calculating the pressure drop as shown in the
diagram below?

A. B.
∆Ps=141.2qμBs/kh ∆Ps=16.2kh/qμBs

C. D.
∆Ps=141.2kh/qμBs ∆Ps=161.2qμBs/kh
64. Normal pressure gradient for water

A. 0.433 psi/ft B. 0.8 psi/ft

C. 0.5 psi/ft
65. -iso-baric map connected the lines:

B. equal porosity
A. equal thickness

C. equal pressure
66. …..friction of pore volume occupied by movable oil

B. Som
A. Sor

C. none of them
67. ….the permeability of the rock with saturation 100% of the fluid

B. relative
A. total permeability

C. absolute
68. dew point pressure can be found from :

A. DL test

C. separator test
69. the capillary pressure depend on

B. on the type of
A. The shape and rock c-on the
size of the pores wettability of the
and pore throats rock

Both A & B
70. Imbibition:

A. is process in B. is process in
which the wetting which the wetting
phase saturation phase saturation
increases decrease

C. none of the
71. two cells Kx1=100, Ky1=60,Kx2=80,Ky2=15 ,The reservoir can be said:

B. heterogeneous
A. homogenous and anisotropic
and anisotropic

C. none of them
72. What is the type of reservoir in the following figure

A. Black oil
B. Volatile oil

C. Condensate or
retrograde gas D. Wet gas
73. What is the type of reservoir in the following figure

A. Black oil
B. Volatile oil

C. Condensate or
retrograde gas D. Wet gas
74. What is the type of reservoir in the following figure

A. Black oil
B. Volatile oil

C. Condensate or
retrograde gas D. Wet gas
75. Cut off porosity is not used to determine:

B. Bo
A. net pay

D. water saturation
C. shale cut off
76. OIIP calculated from:

A. Production data

D. GR (Gross rock
C. Dynamic mode volume (GRV) )
77. Well test is evaluation of:

B. porosity and
A. Formation
skin factor
damage and

C. irreducible D. NMR
water saturation
78. It is prefer for oil reservoir to be:

B. Oil wet
A. Water wet

D. none of the
C. both A, and B. above
79. Permeability is not refer to in term of:

B. storage
A. Flow capacity

D. mobility
C. mobility ratio
80. Core analysis refer to as:

B. lithology
A. RCA (Reservoir Core analysis

81. The most preferable averaging type for permeability is:

B. Geometric
A. Weighted

D. none of the
C. Harmonic above
82. N can be calculated for one acre foot:

B. 7758 PHI (1-Swi)

A. 7758 Ah PHI (1-

C. 7758 VP PHI (1- D. All above

83. Bo behavior with pressure change is:

B. increase
A. Decrease

D. None
C. Both A, and B.
84. Psi mean:

B. Ibf/in2
A. Ibm/in2

D. all above
C. Ibf/ft2
85. The most preferable average for porosity is:

B. Geometric
A. Arithmetic

D. none of the
C. Harmonic above
86. Bt= Bo at:

B. P less than Pb
A. Pi

C. P more than Pb
87. To determine klinkenberg effect it is preferable to use:

B. CO2
A. N2

D. none of the
C. Air above
88. Shale volume could be determined from neutron log

B. False
A. True
89. The relation between permeability and porosity is usually :

B. exponential
A. Linear

C. no D. Series
90. The factor that not affect relative permeability is:

B. fluid content
A. Grain size

D. wettability
C. Bo
91. Zero contact angle of fluid with rock surface refer to:

B. weak
A. Strong wettability

D. Swc
C. non wetting
92. ideal compressibility is:

B. Change of
pressure with
A. Reciprocal of
reservoir pressure

C. Change in D. All above

pressure with
deviation factor.
93. If the cementation factor is less than 2, it is refer to:

B. fractured
A. dense rock

D. hard rock
C. neither A nor B.
94. Above Pb, Rs behavior with pressure drop is:

B. increase
A. Decrease

D. all
C. constant
95. Bo behavior with pressure change is:

B. increase
A. Decrease

D. none of the
C. Both A, and B. above
96. Radial flow in Darcy equation happen through:

B. surface area
A. gross area

D. none of the
C. Well bore cross above
97. Which of the following is not wellhead equipment?

B. Casing head
A. Packer

D. Tubing head
C. Tubing hanger
98. what is the full form of PCP in the petroleum industry?

B. Progressive
A. Pressure cavity cavity pump

D. Plunger
C. Progressive circulating pump
circulation pump
99. Natural gas with relatively high content of hydrogen sulfide is
known as

B. Wet gas
A. Sour gas

D. Dry gas.
C. Sweet gas
100. The ROP is primarily affected by:

A. Bit type (Roller B. Rotary Speed

Cone or Fixed

D. all of above
C. Pump Pressure
101. Reservoirs whose water pressure gradient when extrapolated to zero
depth give an absolute pressure equivalent to atmospheric pressure are

B. abnormal
A. Normal

C. lithostatic
102. The ………….. is caused by the pressure of rock which is transmitted
through the sub-surface by grain-to grain contacts

B. overburden
A. geostatic pressure

C. normal pressure C. both A&B

104. what is the type of the reservoir fluid if the composition of methane more than

A. Black oil B. Volatile Oil

C. Gas Condensate E. Dry Gas

D. Wet Gas

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