Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis
Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis
Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis
F u n d a m e n t a l s of
Reservoir Oil Flow
2.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the basic equations for flow of liquid through
porous media along with solutions of interest for various boundary conditions
and reservoir geometry. These solutions are required in the design and inter-
pretation of flow and pressure tests. The applicable equations for liquid flow
are presented in this section, including pressure transient behavior with dimen-
sionless pressure solutions for the specific conditions. Some important dimen-
sionless functions are presented and references to others are provided. The
dimensionless pressure approach provides a way to calculate pressure response
and to develop techniques for analyzing transient tests in a variety of systems.
14 Oil Well Testing Handbook
presented here. The steady-state flow equations are based on the following
1. Thickness is uniform, and permeability is constant.
2. Fluid is incompressible.
3. Flow across any circumference is a constant.
qo qo _ - 1 127 k d p
v - -~ - 2~r - " -fi d---[
/qodr /
27rr -- -
1.127~ dp
rl Pl
0.00708kh(p2 - pl)
qo--- tz/3 ~ ~, / )"~
The minus sign is usually dispensed with; for where P2 > pl, the flow is
known to be negative, i.e., in the negative r-direction, or toward the well-
bore. Also it is customary to express q in surface units rather than reservoir
units. Then, Eq. 2-1 becomes
Frequently, the two radii of interest are the wellbore radius rw and the
external or drainage radius re. Then, Eq. 2-1 becomes
qo - oil flow rate, stb/day
k = undamaged permeability, mD
Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis 15
h = thickness, ft
Pe = external pressure, psi
re = external radius, ft, and is calculated from well spacing
rw = wellbore radius, ft
#o = viscosity of oil, cP
30 = oil formation volume factor, rb/stb
In terms of the average pressure (i.e., p = ~ at r = re):
O.O070Skh(/5 - p w f )
qo - #o/3o(ln(re/rw)- 0.5)
0.001127kA(pl - P 2 )
qo - #o/3oL (2-5)
O . O 0 7 0 8 k h ( p e - Pw)
qo #o/3o(1/rl - 1~re)
O . O 0 3 5 4 1 k h ( P w i - pwp)
qo #o/3o[ln(d/rw) - 0.619]
O.O0708kimph(pe - Pw - Apskin)
qo -- #o/3o l n ( r e / r w ) (2-9)
Practical Applications
qo#o/3o ln(re/rw)
kimpr = O.O0708h(pe - Pw - (Ap)skin)
Example 2-2 Calculating Flow Rate and Pressure Drop Due to Skin from
Steady-State Flow Equation in a Water-Drive Reservoir
In a water-drive reservoir, the following data are known: b o u n d a r y
pressure - 2200 psia; flowing pressure = 950 psia; oil flow rate -- 100 rb/
day; well radius, rw--0.39ft; effective drainage radius, reff--750ft;
h = 15 ft; #o = 0.95cP; flow rate, qo = 75 rb/day; and /30 = 1.240rb/stb.
Calculate (1) what is (AP)skin, (2) if (AP)skin -- 0, find the oil flow rate, and
(3) find (Ap)skin, if rw -- 5.5 ft.
(1) Using Eq. 2-9, (Ap)skin is
O.O0708kh(pe - Pw - (Ap)skin)
qo I . .
#o/3o ln(relrw)
0.00708 x 10 x 1 5 ( 2 2 0 0 - 9 5 0 - (Ap)skin)
0.95 X 1.241n(750/0.39)
(2) If the (Ap)skin is reduced to zero, the production rate would be (using
Eq. 2-3)
(3) For rw --- 5.5 ft. Substituting this into Eq. 2-3, we get
0.00708 x 10 x 1 5 ( 2 2 0 0 - 9 5 0 - (Ap)skin)
149.02 -
0.95 x 1.24 ln(750/5.5)
.. (Ap)s~in -- 1327.5 - 862.83 -- 464 psi
Ap) _ 1.7866qo
pseudo-- c~hctr2e (2-11)
(1) Using Eq. 2-11, porosity-thickness is
kh - qoflo#o[ln(re/rw) - 0.5]
0.00708 (pe - P w )
141"2qo#o3O(ln(r ) r2)
P -Pwf - kh Tw - ~ r 2 e (2-12)
,412qo,o9o (2-13)
p - pwf - kh
Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis 19
P-Pwf = 141"2q~176176
kh ~
r) - 0.75
) (2-13a)
in which
! --S
r w - rw e
0.000264kt (2-13b)
tD= dp#Ctir2w
tDA = (2-13d)
k = permeability, mD
t = time, hr
20 Oil Well Testing Handbook
4)--porosity in fraction
# o - oil viscosity, cP
C t i - initial total compressibility, psi -1
A - area, ft 2
rw - wellbore radius, ft
As shown in Table B-I, for a vertical well located at the center of a drainage
circle or a square to reach pseudo-steady-state requires tDA -- 0.1. Substitut-
ing this in Eq. 2-13d, we obtain
tD,4 - 0.1 - (hour) (2-13e)
tps~ = k (days) (2-13f)
where tpss is the time to reach pseudo-steady state. Generally, oil wells are
developed on 40-acres spacing and gas wells are developed on 160-acres
40 a c r e s - 43,560 x 4 0 - 1.7424 x 106 ft 2
160 acres - 43,560 x 160 - 6.9696 x 106 ft 2
Eqs. 2-13e and 2-13f show that transient time depends on the basic
reservoir properties such as k, 4~, and cti. Time to reach pseudo-steady
state does not depend on well stimulation. In the case of oil wells, time
to reach pseudo-steady state normally is on the order of a few days to
months. In contrast, for gas wells in low-permeability reservoirs, time
to reach pseudo-steady state could be very long; in some cases as long
as a few years.
Example 2-5 Calculating the Time to Reach Pseudo-Steady State (20- and
160-Acre Spacing)
Calculate the time required to reach pseudo-steady state for an oil
well drilled at either 20- or 160-acre spacing in a reservoir with an
Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis 21
Figure 2-1. Radial flow of a single-phase fluid in the vicinity of a producing well.
8. The fluid flow is single phase and fluid saturation in the system is
9. The porosity and permeability are constant in space and time; and
10. Viscosity and compressibility of the fluid are constant.
Consider the flow through a volume element of thickness, dr, situated at a
distance r from the center of the radial cell. Then applying the principle of
mass conservation, Mass flow rate - mass flow rate = rate of change of mass
in volume element
Input = Output
where 27rrhcb is the volume of the small element of thickness dr. The left-hand
side of the equation can be expressed as
qPlr + O(qp)
Ot d r - qP[r) = 27rrhc~drop
Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis 23
which simplifies to
27rkhr Op
# Or
Or - --~ Ot
ro r --~ - (90t
r m
and since
Op Op (2-17)
cp Ot = O--i
Eq. 2-18 is nonlinear, since the coefficients on both sides are themselves
functions of a dependent variable, the pressure. This equation has to be
presented in linear form in order to obtain analytical solutions, i.e., Eq. 2-18
is reduced to the radial form. For a radial flow toward a well in a circular
reservoir, if we combine the law of conservation of mass and Darcy's law for
the isothermal flow of fluids of small and constant compressibility, Eq. 2-18
simplifies to
•2p = dp#cOp
k Ot (2-20)
Linear Flow
Flow lines are parallel, and the cross-sectional area of flow is constant and
represented by Eq. 2-21, which is the rectangular coordinate system in the
one-dimensional form of Eq. 2-20:
o2p (/)~e, Op
Ox 0.000264k Ot
Linear flow occurs in some reservoirs with long, highly conductive ver-
tical fractures. Consider a situation with linear flow (in the x-direction) of a
Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis 25
q/3o(#t) ~
pi-Pwf-16.26-~-f (2-22)
q~o(#t) ~ (2-23)
pi - Pwf - 4.064-~f
Radial-Cylindrical Flow
For radial flow, the corresponding equation is
Radial-Spherical Flow
For radial-spherical flow, the corresponding equation is
o o o o o o e o e o o o e o o o o o
................ : I
" Engineer 9 " : Computer :
9 environment . I. 9 environment "
". .............. t I 9 1 4 9 1 4 9 1 4 9
. . . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . - . - . J
Modify [~ ]
Objectives of simulation
Original oil Production Economic Fluid movement
schedules parameters in reservoir
in place
Single-well Optimization of
Gas storage '] petroleum systems
9 Reservoir type;
9 Reservoir geometry and dimensionality;
9 Data availability;
9 Type of secondary or tertiary process being modeled;
9 Manpower requirement;
9 Computer availability; and
9 Cost effectiveness of m o d e l
Figures 2-6 through 2-13 illustrate various models and their applica-
Figure 2-6. Block diagram showing one-dimensional horizontal model and its
Figure 2-7. Block diagram showing one-dimensional dipping model and its
30 Oil Well Testing Handbook
Figure 2-8. Block diagram showing two-dimensional horizontal model and its
Figure 2-9. Block diagram showing three-dimensional layered model and its
Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis 31
Figure 2-10. Block diagram showing two-dimensional coning model and its
Figure 2-11. Block diagram showing two-dimensional vertical model and its
32 Oil Well Testing Handbook
Figure 2-12. Block diagram showing three-dimensional continuous model and its
to= O#ctr2 (2-27)
hD - - ~ (2--28)
rD =Tw (2--29)
z k~k
ZD ~ -~w ~ (2-30)
Zw k~z
ZwD ~ ~w (2-31)
hi) (2-34)
ZwD -- O.5hD and hwD -- cos O,w
po(rD, O, ZD, to, O~w,hD) -- O.5 [ln (t~2o) +0.80907 l + So(rD, O, zD, O'w,hD)
SO(rD, O, zD, O'w,hD) = pD(rD, O, ZD, tD, O'w,hD) -- O.5 [ln (t~20) 0.80907
70r 2
- - r o cos 0 - - ~ - t a n 0'w
st - sa + so (2-39)
st = total skin factor, obtained from conventional pressure analysis of
field data, that includes the true skin factor, sd
sd = sum of many factors, such as partial penetration, perforation, non-
Darcy flow, etc.
so = pseudo-skin factor caused by the inclination of the well.
Eq. 2-34 is discussed further in Ref. 1; however, the validity of this
equation may be checked by means of Tables 2-1 through 2-5, which
present evaluations of Eq. 2-37 and 2-38. Computation of the effect of
directional drilling on the performance of a well is illustrated in the following
0w- tan l ]
tan Ow - tan- tan 60 ~ 1
= tan-1[(0.4472 x 0 . 5 7 7 4 ] - t a n - ' (0.7582) - 14.48 ~
Table 2-1
Pwo V e r s u s to W i t h ho (ho - 1 0 0 ) a s a P a r a m e t e r 2
to 15 ~ 30 ~ 45 ~ 60 ~ 75 ~
Table 2-2
PwD V e r s u s to With ho (ho - 200) as a Parameter 2
to 15 ~ 30 ~ 45 ~ 60 ~ 75 ~
Table 2-3
Pwo V e r s u s to W i t h ho (ho - 5 0 0 ) a s a P a r a m e t e r z
to 15 ~ 30 ~ 45 ~ 60 ~ 75 ~
Table 2-4
pwo V e r s u s to W i t h ho (ho - 1 0 0 0 ) as a Parameter z
to 15 ~ 30 ~ 45 ~ 60 ~ 75 ~
Table 2-5
Pwo Versus to With ho (ho -5000) as a Parameter 2
to 15 ~ 30 ~ 45 ~ 60 ~ 75 ~
Table 2-6
Well angle (~ so Sd (AP)~k/.(psi)
0 0 +0.7200 68.82
30 -0.1828 +0.9030 86.32
45 -0.5040 +1.2240 117.00
60 - 1.2355 + 1.9555 186.92
70 -2.2411 +2.9611 283.05
75 -3.0237 +3.7437 357.86
F r o m Eq. 2-37,
- -
x log
(14.48'~2"~ (14.48'~ 1.865 (655.4'~
=- 41 ,] - 56 J xlog\ 100,]
2.5 Summary
This chapter discusses the basic flow theory for oil well testing and
analysis techniques. A general equation is used for transient pressure
behavior with dimensionless pressure solutions desired. Some important
dimensionless pressure functions are presented and references to others are
provided. The dimensionless pressure approach provides a way to calculate
the pressure response and to apply techniques for analyzing transient tests in
a variety of systems. Section 2.4 presents unsteady-state pressure distribu-
tion calculations in directional oil wells.
42 Oil Well Testing Handbook
1. Ramey, H. J., Jr., and Cobb, W. M., "A General Buildup Theory for a
Well in Closed Drainage Area," J. Pet. Tech. (Dec. 1971) 1493-1505.
2. Cinco, H., Miller, F. G., and Ramey, H. J., Jr., "Unsteady-state Pressure
Distribution Created by a Directionally Drilled Well," SPE-AIME, 1975.
Additional Reading
1. A1-Hussainy, R., Ramey, H. J., Jr., and Crawford, P. B., "The Flow of
Real Gases Through Porous Media," J. Pet. Tech. (May 1966) 624-636;
Trans. AIME, 237.
2. Lee, J., Well Testing, SPE Textbook Series, Vol. 1, Society of Petroleum
Engineers of AIME, Richardson, TX, 1982.
3. Van Everdingen, A. F., and Hurst, W., "The Application of Laplace
Transformation to Flow Problems in Reservoirs," Trans. A I M E (1949)
186, 305-324.
4. Amyx, J. W., Bass, D. M., Jr., and Whiting, R. L., Petroleum Reservoir
Engineering: Physical Properties, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960,
pp. 78-79.
5. Wattenbarger, R. A., and Ramey, H. J., Jr., "Gas Well Testing With
Turbulence, Damage and Wellbore Storage," J. Pet. Tech. (Aug. 1968)
877-887; Trans. AIME, 243.
6. Ramey, H. J., Jr., "Non-Darcy Flow and Wellbore Storage Effects in
Pressure Buildup and Drawdown of Gas Wells," J. Pet. Tech. (1965)
223-233; 234.
7. Chen, H.-K., and Brigham, W. E., "Pressure Buildup for a Well With
Storage and Skin in a Closed Square," paper SPE 4890 presented at the
SPE-AIME 44th Annual California Regional Meeting, San Francisco,
April 4-5, 1974.
8. Earlougher, R., Jr., and Ramey, J., Jr., "Interference Analysis in
Bounded Systems," J. Pet. Teeh. (Oct.-Dec. 1973) 33-45.
9. Earlougher, R. C., Jr., Ramey, H. J., Jr., Miller F. G., and Mueller T. D.,
"Pressure Distributions in Rectangular Reservoirs," J. Pet. Teeh. (1968)
20, 199-208.
10. Van Poollen, H. K., "Radius of Investigation and Stabilization Time
Equations," Oil Gas J. (1964) 63 (51), 71-75.
11. Hurst, W., "Establishment of the Skin Effect and Its Impediment to
Fluid Flow Into a Wellbore," Pet. Eng. (Oct. 1953) B-16.
12. Miller, C. C., Dyes, A. B., and Hutchinson, C. A., Jr., "The Estimation
of Permeability and Reservoir Pressure From Bottom Hole Pressure
Buildup Characteristic," Trans. A I M E (1950) 189, 91-104. Also Reprint
Fundamentals of Reservoir Oil Flow Analysis 43