When we connect two routers through serial port, then the port on one router needs to be
DCE and the other port on the other router needs to be DTE.
DCE decides the data transfer speed of the router to another router.
To check if a port is a DCE port or a DTE port on a router we need to use command:
Check the port that connects directly to another router. It will tell you whether it is a DCE or
DTE port.
To set the clock speed of DCE port go to Global Configuration mode and enter
1. User Mode
2. Privileged Mode
3. Global Configuration Mode
4. ROMMAN Mode (ROM Monitor)
User Mode: User mode is the first mode a user has access to after logging into the router.
This mode allows the user to execute only basic commands, such as those that show the
system status. The router cannot be configured or restarted from this mode.
To find out the list of commands that can be used in User mode use the command:
Privileged Mode: It allows the user to view the system configuration, save system
configuration, restart the system and enter global configuration mode. It also allows all the
commands that are available in user mode.
The Privileged Mode can be identified by the # sign
We can enter the privileged mode by entering the “enable” command in the user mode.
Global Configuration Mode: It allows the user to modify the running system configuration
like changing hostname, setting up IP address to ports, etc.
It can be identified by the symbol
Router (Config) #
“Configure Terminal”
ROMMAN Mode (ROM Monitor): If the router does not find a valid system image to load or
the image is corrupted, it will enter Read Only Memory (ROM) monitor mode. We can also
use this mode for password recovery.
It can also be accessed by interrupting the boot sequence during startup.
Press Ctrl + c or Ctrl + Pause break key during router boot process to enter this mode.
We can reboot the router by entering the “reload” command in Privileged mode then press
Enter to confirm the load the ROMMAN mode.
1. Running configuration file – Stored in RAM which is temporary and the current
configuration when the router is running. It is erased when the router is rebooted.
To check the running configuration in privileged mode: Show running-config
2. Startup configuration files – Stored in NVRAM which is permanent and loads every
time the router boots up.
To check the startup configuration in privileged mode: Show startup-config
To save the running config file to startup config we can use the following commands
in privileged mode:
#Write Memory
#Copy running-config startup-config
A Router is a process of selecting path along which the data can be transferred from source
to the destination from one router to another.
Static Routing: In static routing we can configure the route or path manually into the
routing table. Static routing is used in small networks and not proper for large networks as it
becomes complicated. The routing table needs to be changed and updated manually by the
network administrator.
Default Routing : This is the method where all routers are configured to send all packets
towards a single router. This is a very useful method for small networks or for networks
with a single entry and exit point. It is usually used in addition to Static and/or Dynamic
The default route is a route that a router uses to forward an incoming packet when no other
route is available for that packet in the routing table.
Routing Table
A routing table is a database that keeps track of paths, like a map, and uses these to
determine which way to forward traffic. A routing table is a data file in RAM that is used to
store route information about directly connected and remote networks.
Split Horizon
Split horizon is a method of preventing a routing loop in a network. The basic principle is
simple: Information about the routing for a particular packet is never sent back in the
direction from which it was received.
Distance vector protocols are susceptible to routing loops. Routing loops occur when a
packet is continually routed through the same routers over and over, in an endless circle.
Because they can render a network unusable, distance vector routing protocols (such
as RIP and EIGRP) employ several different mechanisms to prevent routing loops.
Split horizon is one of the methods used by distance vector routing protocols to avoid
routing loops. The principle is simple – a router will not advertise a route back onto the
interface from which it was learned. Split horizon is enabled on interfaces by default.
Routing Loops
A routing loop is a serious network problem which happens when a data packet is
continually routed through the same routers over and over. The data packets continue to be
routed within the network in an endless circle. Normally Routing Loop is a problem
associated with Distance Vector Protocols.
We need to configure routes on each router and make entries of all the networks that are
not directly connected to it in order to establish communication.
Default Routing
A default route is the route that takes effect when no other route is available for an IP
destination address. When the router has only one exit path, then default routing is applied.
Command to implement default routing is.
Routing updates must be passed between routers so that they can make the proper choice
on how to route a packet and decide the best route for data transfer.
RIP Characteristics:
Router rip
Then it will enter router configuration mode, after that provide the network IDs of directly
connected networks to the router.
It is a Distance Vector Routing Protocol Also a Distance Vector Routing Protocol
Supports Classful Network only Supports both Classful and Classless
It does not support Authentications It supports Authentications
Hop Count Limit is 15 Hop Count Limit is 15
It does not support for VLSM and It supports for VLSM and discontinuous
discontinuous networks. networks.
It is less secure. It is more secure.
RIPv1 use Broadcast traffic for updates. RIPv2 use Multicast traffic for updates.
RIPV1 does not provide trigger updates. RIPv2 provides trigger updates.
RIPV1 not send subnet mask to routing RIPv2 send subnet mask to routing table.
RIPv1 don’t support manual route RIPv2 support manual route summarization.
#version 2
1. Update timer: The default timing for routing information being exchanged by the
routers operating RIP is 30 seconds. Using Update timer, the routers exchange their
routing table periodically.
2. Hold down timer: This is the time for which the router waits for neighbour router to
respond. If the router isn’t able to respond within a given time then it is declared
dead. It is 180 seconds by default. The router sends 6 updates every 30 secs. It will
still hold the routes as valid in the Hold Down timer.
3. Invalid timer: If no update comes until 180 seconds, then the destination router
consider it as invalid. In this scenario, the destination router mark hop count as 16
for that router.
4. Flush time: It is the time after which the entry of the route will be flushed if it
doesn’t respond within the flush time. It is 60 seconds by default. This timer starts
after the route has been declared invalid and after 60 seconds i.e. time will be 180 +
60 = 240 seconds. (It sends two more updates before flushing which takes 60 secs)
Note: An autonomous system (AS) is a very large network or group of networks with a
single routing policy. Each AS is assigned a unique ASN, which is a number that identifies
the AS.
An Autonomous System (AS) is a set of Internet routable IP prefixes belonging to
a network or a collection of networks that are all managed, controlled and supervised by a
single entity or organization. An AS utilizes a common routing policy controlled by the entity.
An autonomous system number (ASN) is a unique number assigned to an autonomous
system (AS) by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
OSPF takes help of the above three update states to update its neighbor router’s routing
table and the changes that occurred in the network.
Whenever we provide route to multiple routers using OSPF, the first router generates and
advertisement which is called LSA and sends this to the neighbor router to check the
connectivity between them. It is used to check the link.
When the second router receives the LSA, it also sends back an LSA to confirm the
connectivity. When both the routers have received the LSA packets then the first router
sends an LSU packet in order to share its routing table information. So the LSU is used to
share the routing table.
When the second router receives the LSU packet, it stores the routing table information
inside the LSDB.
In the same way, router 2 sends its routing table using the LSU packet and router 1 after
receiving the packet stores it in LSDB.
This is how routing table is shared by OSPF or is updated on the neighbor router.
Area in OSPF
Every router has routing information stored in the LSDB of all the other routers in the
For example, if a network has 50 routers then every router has the routing information
stored in LSDB of all other 49 routers.
Due to this the size of the LSDB increases, so in order to decrease this size we use Area.
Area converts a large network into small logical networks so that the LSDB size can be
decreased. For example we divide 100 routers into a group of 25 routers and 4 small areas
instead of one large area.
The routers will only share the LSDB information with its own area and not with other areas.
In order to make off-backbone areas communicate with each other we need a backbone
area. It helps to link off-backbone areas and will help to share and update LSDB of routers in
multiple off-backbone areas.
1. It is the inverse of Subnet Mask, it has 32-bit and is represented in decimal number.
It is used in OSPF and ACL.
2. Wildcard Mask of different classes
Every process has a unique ID on a router. You can use the same or different process IDs on