SCNZ - Design of Welds and Welding Consumables
SCNZ - Design of Welds and Welding Consumables
SCNZ - Design of Welds and Welding Consumables
Welding Consumables, Design of Welds
The Steel Structures Standard, NZS3404, references the ASjNZS 1554 suite of standards for
compliance of welding consumables. New editions of the ASjNZS 1554 suite of welding Standards
have recently been published and these refer to newly published editions of the AS/NZSStandards for
welding consumables. Over the last few years, Australia and New Zealand have adopted the
harmonized ISO welding consumable classification system. These changes in welding consumable
classification system impact on structural engineers designing fillet welds and partial penetration butt
However, the design capacity of fillet welds in Clause9.7.3.10 of NZS3404 is based on the nominal
tensile strength of the weld metal, which is derived from the strength of the welding consumables
specified in the relevant New Zealand Standards. Clause specifies that the design capacity of
incomplete-penetration butt welds shall be that for a fillet weld of the same design throat thickness so
it also is related to the tensile strength of the welding consumable.
Table of NZS3404 specified the nominal tensile strength of the weld metal as either 410
or 480 MPa as shown in the extract below. As can be seen, reference is made in this Table to a
number of Standards for welding consumables,which reflected those in use at the time these editions
of NZS3404 were published.
Table 1 Nominal tensile stren ~th of weld metal (fuw) (Table NZS 3404)
Manual metal arc electrode Submerged arc (AS 1858.1) Nominal tensile strength of
(AS/NZS 1553.1) Flux cored arc (AS 2203) weld metal (fuw)
Gas metal arc (AS/NZS (see Note 2)
2717.1) MPa
E41XX W40X (see Note 1) 410
E48XX W50X 480
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New Zealand and Australia have generally followed System B practice using a tensile strength based
classification system with local variations including a 47 J minimum impact energy requirement at the
temperature of test as the basis for its consumable classification requirements.
The new classification system is dependent on the welding process. There are now a number of
different electrode deslqnations involved for each process. Table 2 shows the nearest equivalent
designations for manual metal arc. The nominal tensile strength of electrodes has also changed. The
previous values of 410 and 480 MPa for the nominal tensile strength have been increased to 430
(extra 4.9%) and 490 MPa (extra 2%) respectively under the ISO system B classification system.
How to Specify
Structural engineers will have to clearly identify on the structural drawings and in the specification
both the weld size, the weld category and the nominal tensile strength of the weld metal. Nominating
the nominal tensile strength, fuw, in lieu of weld metal desiqnation is more workable from a design and
specification perspective as the new designation method is dependent on the welding process which is
in the realm of the fabricator and is determined after the desiqn. .
It should be noted that published weld load capacity data such as the Australian Steel Institute Design
capacity Tables (ASI, 2009) will now give conservative results.
In the case of welding consumables classified to System B it can be difficult to identify impact
properties of the deposited weld metal. It is therefore recommended to specify a Ship's Classification
Society Grade in addition to tensile properties; for example Ship's Classification Society Grade 3
approval is required for some seismic applications as set out in NZS 3404.1:2009 Clause
'Welding consumablesfor earthquake resisting structures
For welds subject to earthquake loads or effects, the following shall apply:
(aJ The welding consumablesshall have a Ships' ClassificationSocieties Grade 3approval as
shown in Table 4.6.1(AJ of AS/NZS 1554.1:2004, as required for Steel Type 25 for Grade
300 stee~ Steel Type 5S for Grade 350 steel and Steel Type 7C for Grade 450 steel:"
Steel Advisor WELlO02
© Steel Construction New Zealand Inc. 2014 2
The long-establishedAS and NZSstandards for welding consumables have now been superceded by
the harmonized ISO welding consumable classification system. The new classification system will
impact structural engineers designing fillet welds and partial penetration butt welds. How welds are
specified on drawings and specifications will require modifications and this will include identifying the
nominal tensile strength of the weld metal.
ASI, Design capacity tables for structural steel, vol. 1: Open sections, Australian Steel Institute, 2009
SA, Carbon steel electrodes, cored (for arc welding), AS 2203-1981, Standards Australia, Sydney,
SA, Electrodes and fluxes for submerged-arc welding - Carbon steels and carbon-manganese steels,
AS 1858.1-2003, Standards Australia, Sydney, 2003
SA/SNZ,Covered electrodes for welding - Low carbon steel electrodes for manual metal-arc welding of
carbon steels and carbon-manganese steels, AS/NZS1553.1:1995, Standards Australia / Standards
New Zealand, Sydney/Wellington, 1995
SA/SNZ,Welding consumables- Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and
fine grain steels - Classification,AS/NZS4855:2007, Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand,
Sydney/Wellington, 2007
SNZ, Steel Structures Standard (Incorporating Amendments 1 and 2), NZS3404: 1997 Part 1 and 2,
Standards New Zealand, Wellington, 2007
SNZ, Steel Structures Standard Part 1: Materials, fabrication, and construction, NZS3404:Part 1:2009,
Standards New Zealand, Wellington, 2009