Measuring AI Development
Measuring AI Development
Measuring AI Development
Measuring AI Development
A Prototype Methodology to Inform Policy
CSET Data Brief
Jack Clark
Kyle Augustus Miller
Rebecca Gelles
Table of Contents
This report aims to go one step further. The U.S. government today
periodically conducts tests or assessments of AI capabilities, or
develops new tests and datasets at the behest of experts or
agencies to understand AI technologies. We instead propose a
system for continuously monitoring and assessing AI-enabled
capabilities for publication patterns that might highlight
consequential trends to the government, and for continuously
analyzing technical benchmarks that can help the government
detect significant advancements. While many different
organizations regularly try to assess and measure AI capabilities
for a specific policy purpose, we propose a system for measuring
capabilities and patterns within AI as a whole.4
Note: See Appendix A for a more detailed description of bibliometric clustering via the Map of Science, bibliometric analysis, and performance
metrics assessment. Source: CSET.
Topic Overview
Speaker Recognition
Image Synthesis
Sources: Ian J. Goodfellow et al.; Alec Radford, Luke Metz, and Soumith
Chintala; Ming-Yu Liu and Oncel Tuzel; Tero Karras et al.; Tero Karras, Samuli
Laine, and Timo Aila; and Yunjey Choi et al. 19
1. Key Takeaways
Re-Identification Recognition
(Cluster #1419) (Cluster #6855) AI
Source: CSET Map of Science derived from CSET’s research clusters and merged
corpus of scholarly literature, as of March 2021.
600 545
400 370
161 258 256
95 142 212
200 27 62
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
3. India 5% UK 6% India 6%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
China United States United Kingdom
Australia Italy
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
China United States United Kingdom
Australia Italy
Researchers affiliated with Italy, the UK, and the United States
were involved in re-identification publications in our cluster in
2010 (the beginning of our analysis). This was prior to the
development of many key components used in emerging re-
identification systems. By 2013, China leaped ahead of all other
countries,29 maintaining a lead in affiliated publications to 2020.30
Overall, these trends suggest that China is far more active in
published re-identification research than any other nation.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
United States China India Czech Republic Japan
Source: CSET Map of Science, as of March 2021.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
United States Canada France China United Kingdom
C. Organizations
Number Share of
Top 10 Organizations Affiliated with Papers of Papers Topic Papers
Beihang University 70 2%
Peking University 85 3%
Tsinghua University 70 2%
Wuhan University 82 2%
Tsinghua University 69 4%
Czech Republic
United States
IBM 39 2%
SRI International 51 3%
D. Authors
China 9
UK 3
Australia 2
Re-Identification Italy 2
Japan 2
United States 1
United States 5
China 5
Singapore 2
Czech Republic 2
Canada 1
Recognition Australia 1
Sri Lanka 1
India 1
Argentina 1
Italy 1
Dataset Dataset Description Metric Metric Description
80 69.4
62.7 67.3
40 34
Sep-18 Jan-19 May-19 Sep-19 Jan-20 May-20 Sep-20 Jan-21
4% 3.22%
0.56% 0.52%
Source: Papers with Code, 2020; AI Index, 2021 | Chart: 2021 AI Index.
Step two involves correlating the seed papers with clusters in the
Map of Science, identifying the cluster or clusters that sufficiently
encompass the topic, scanning neighboring clusters to corroborate
topic distinction and provide context, omitting extraneous
information, and then analyzing the extracted metadata for
strategic insight. Adjustments can be made to the bibliometric
analysis depending on the ambiguity of the topic, distribution of
seed papers across clusters, quality of the data, or expertise of the
user. For example, instead of collecting seed papers at the outset,
non-experts could use keyword searches in the Map of the Science
to identify relevant clusters, leverage automated data analytics
functions in the Map of Science to identify prominent (e.g., highly
cited) papers in the clusters, and then manually inspect the papers.
This sub-method can be further optimized, such as by recruiting
domain experts to tailor versions of bibliometric analysis for
different machine learning research areas and policy-related
inquiries, or incorporating natural language processing models to
automate and scale the analysis of full-body publication text.
These improvements are a vector for further research, as they are
outside the scope of this report.
Re-Identification 2,563
Pedestrian Re-Identification 72
Object Re-Identification 5
Human Re-Identification 25
Pedestrian Tracking 4
Pedestrian Retrieval 9
Speaker Identification 97
Voice Identification 0
Speaker Diarization 46
Date mAP Method Organization(s) Affiliation Publication Title
Alibaba Group; Object Re-
3/26/2021 69.4 TransReID Zhejiang University China Identification
Multi-task Learning
Multi-task South China with Coarse Priors for
Part-aware University of Robust Part-aware
Network Technology; China; Person Re-
9/21/2020 62.7 (MPN) University of Sydney Australia identification
Texas A&M
University of Science
and Technology of
China; Walmart
Technology; ABD-Net: Attentive
Wormpex AI United but Diverse Person
8/9/2019 60.8 ABD-Net Research States; China Re-Identification
Date EER Method Organization Affiliation Publication Title
University of Aggregation for Speaker
5/17/2019 3.22% GhostVLAD Oxford UK Recognition In The Wild
VoxCeleb: A Large-Scale
CNN256D- University of Speaker Identification
6/26/2017 7.80% Embedding Oxford UK Dataset
Note: A lower EER score signifies less error and greater accuracy.
Source: Nagrani et al.; Joon Son Chung, Arsha Nagrani, and Andrew Zisserman;
Weidi Xie et al.; Arsha Nagrani et al.; Jenthe Thienpondt, Brecht Desplanques,
and Kris Demuynck; Miao Zhao et al. 56
For more literature on the field of bibliometrics, see the following sources:
Office of Management, “Learn More About Bibliometrics,” National Institutes of
Health (NIH),
about-bibliometrics; Ashok Agarwal et al., “Bibliometrics: Tracking Research
Impact by Selecting the Appropriate Metrics,” Asian Journal of Andrology 18,
no. 2 (January 2016): 296-309,; Anthony van Raan,
“Measuring Science: Basic Principles and Application of Advanced
Bibliometrics,” in Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators
(2019): 237-280,
3_10; Bibliometrics involves the “quantitative evaluation of scientific articles and
other published works, including the authors of articles, the journals where the
works were published, and the number of times they are later cited,” A.W.
Jones, “Forensic Journals: Bibliometrics and Journal Impact Factors,”
Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (Second Edition) (2016),
This is not an attempt to forecast future developments, an in-depth analysis of
a particular aspect of AI, nor a comprehensive review or critique of other
research efforts to measure AI. Rather, it is an outline of a systematic process to
measure AI developments and a demonstration that we hope will inspire
policymakers to implement and improve the methodology. Additionally, though
none of the elements of the methodology are novel, by integrating them
together we can outline a process to improve measurement.
National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), “The EMNIST
Dataset,” U.S. Department of Commerce,
services/emnist-dataset; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA), “The DARPA Grand Challenge: Ten Years Later,” March 13, 2014,; Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA), “DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC),”
The efforts of this report are similar to parts of the Intelligence Advanced
Research Projects Activity’s (IARPA) Foresight and Understanding from
Scientific Exposition (FUSE) program. The FUSE program ran from 2010–2017
and was intended to “enable reliable, early detection of emerging scientific and
technical capabilities across disciplines and languages found within the full-text
content of scientific, technical, and patent literature” and “discover patterns of
emergence and connections between technical concepts at a speed, scale, and
comprehensiveness that exceeds human capacity.” Like this report, FUSE
emphasized the need for a methodology that incorporated continuous
assessment of bibliometrics over ad-hoc assessment. However, the FUSE
The CSET Map of Science is a merged corpus of Digital Science’s Dimensions,
Clarivate’s Web of Science, Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG), China National
Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), arXiv, and Papers with Code. As of September
2021, it included approximately 130 million papers, 1.4 billion citation linkages,
and 123 thousand research clusters. See also the Map of Science user interface,
Jennifer Melot and Ilya Rahkovsky, “CSET Map of Science” (Center for Security
and Emerging Technology, October 2021), We must note
that the public user interface was released in October 2021 but the data in this
report was extracted from the Map of Science in March 2021, therefore the
clusters addressed in this report do not reflect clusters in the current iteration of
the Map of Science; Autumn Toney, "Creating a Map of Science and Measuring
the Role of AI in it" (Center for Security and Emerging Technology, June 2021),
For more information on the methodology behind CSET’s research clusters, see
Ilya Rahkovsky et al., “AI Research Funding Portfolios and Extreme Growth”
(Center for Security and Emerging Technology, April 2021),; For an
explanation of the methodology for classifying papers as AI-relevant, see James
Dunham, Jennifer Melot, and Dewey Murdick, “Identifying the Development and
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Text,” arXiv preprint
arXiv:2002.07143 (2020),; For more
information on clustering methodology and the clustering model, see Kevin W.
Boyack, Caleb Smith, and Richard Klavans, “A detailed open access model of the
PubMed literature,” Scientific Data 7 (November 2020),; For a “Data Snapshot”
that explores the underlying data and analytic utility of the CSET Map of
Science, see Toney, “Creating a Map of Science and Measuring the Role of AI in
There are preliminary systems being built that help automate this, ranging
from expert-led syntheses of the field (e.g., the AI Index) to community-curated
resources aided by automated extraction of performance metrics from papers
(e.g., Papers with Code). Additionally, CSET is currently working to extract more
data from papers and clusters in the Map of Science, including but not limited to
compute use, libraries use, source code, and datasets—all of which could further
automate and improve the methodology presented in this report.
Mang Ye et al., “Deep Learning for Person Re-identification: A Survey and
Outlook,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04193 (2020),
Re-identification systems can track individuals in anonymous and non-
anonymous capacities. There is also a growing field of research into
unsupervised re-identification—that is, systems that automatically identify and
track individuals seen in streaming video data without needing a prior label and
More specifically, speaker recognition is an emerging voice biometry capability
that is enabled by deep machine learning models trained on labeled and
unlabeled audio data, while speaker recognition systems are designed to
recognize the voices of specific speakers in an audio sample or live feed. The
speaker recognition process is first focused on training the model through
ingesting labeled data, such as the voice audio of a speaker that is linked to said
speaker’s name or some other identifier. This process “enrolls” a speaker’s voice
into a unique signature that the model can recognize. Once speaker signatures
are learned to an ascertainable degree, speaker recognition systems can then be
deployed in a variety of capacities to identify audio inputs and correlate them to
known individuals. For more information, see “What is Speaker Recognition
(Preview)?” Microsoft, November 2021,
Note that speaker recognition differs from speech recognition, which focuses
on identifying and converting words from audio to text.
J.J. Godfrey, E.C. Holliman, and J. McDaniel, “Switchboard: Telephone Speech
Corpus for Research and Development,” ICASSP-92: 1992 IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1992,
More specifically, image synthesis is a matured computer vision capability
enabled by deep generative machine learning models and frameworks (e.g.,
GANs and variational autoencoders) that are trained on large imagery datasets.
It is a relatively broad term that encompasses many techniques and systems for
creating computer-generated images. The general purpose of this capability
contrasts with re-identification and speaker recognition, which involves the
discrimination, identification, and recognition of phenomena—not the creation of
synthetic media.
A GAN is an architecture of two “competing” neural networks, a generator
and a discriminator, that can be used for many purposes. In image synthesis, the
model is trained on labeled and unlabeled imagery data, which is fed into a
generator neural network that extracts features and learns to generate synthetic
images based on them. These generated images are iteratively tested against a
second neural network that is designed to discriminate between synthetic and
organic media and acts as a feedback mechanism to optimize the generator.
Sarah Cahlan, “How Misinformation Helped Spark an Attempted Coup in
Gabon,” The Washington Post, February 13, 2020,
Charlotte Jee, “An Indian Politician Is Using Deepfake Technology to Win New
Voters,” MIT Technology Review, February 19, 2020,
is-using-deepfakes-to-try-and-win-voters/; Benjamin Strick, “West Papua: New
Online Influence Operation Attempts to Sway Independence Debate,”
Bellingcat, November 11, 2020,
Ian J. Goodfellow et al., “Generative Adversarial Networks,” arXiv preprint
arXiv:1406.2661 (2014),; Alec Radford, Luke
Metz, and Soumith Chintala, “Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep
Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks,” arXiv preprint
arXiv:1511.06434 (2015),; Ming-Yu Liu and
Oncel Tuzel, “Coupled Generative Adversarial Networks,” arXiv preprint
arXiv:1606.07536 (2016),; Tero Karras et al.,
“Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation,”
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.10196 (2017),; Tero
Karras, Samuli Laine, and Timo Aila, “A Style-Based Generator Architecture for
Generative Adversarial Networks,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.04948 (2018),; Yunjey Choi et al., “StarGAN v2: Diverse
All re-identification and speaker recognition publication metadata displayed in
this report was queried via BigQuery and extracted from the Map of Science
clusters in March 2021. Subsequent updates to the Map of Science after this
date will likely alter the clusters. All papers published before January 2010 and
after December 2020 were omitted from the bibliometric analysis.
The model determines which publications are “related” to AI broadly by
predicting the categories that authors assign to their publications. It is “a
strategy for identifying the universe of research publications relevant to the
application and development of artificial intelligence. The approach leverages
the arXiv corpus of scientific preprints, in which authors choose subject tags for
their papers from a set defined by editors. We compose a functional definition of
AI relevance by learning these subjects from paper metadata, and then inferring
the arXiv-subject labels of papers in larger corpora: Clarivate Web of Science,
Digital Science Dimensions, and Microsoft Academic Graph,” Dunham et al.,
“Identifying the Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence in
Scientific Text.”; The merged corpus includes more papers than the Map of
Science. Papers in the merged corpus that lack citations or references are not
assigned to a research cluster and therefore are not included in the papers
represented in the Map of Science.
The amount of times a given set of papers was cited by other papers.
Four clusters (#91424, #57343, #95593, and #14681) were omitted.
Papers can have multiple country affiliations if the authors indicate more than
one affiliation in a paper. Therefore, there are more country paper affiliations
than papers (in the clusters).
Table 2 shows the distributions of AI, re-identification, and speaker
recognition paper author affiliations of the top 5 countries (by paper affiliations).
Table 3 shows the citations of AI, re-identification, and speaker recognition
papers of the top 5 countries (by citations of the country-affiliated papers).
The most cited re-identification paper in our cluster is Liang Zheng et al.,
“Scalable Person Re-identification: A Benchmark,” in 2015 IEEE International
Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), December 2015,; Additionally, the most cited
speaker recognition paper in our cluster was produced by authors in French
academia (School of Engineers in Computer Intelligence), United States
academia (MIT), and Canadian academia (Universities of Quebec) and nonprofits
(Computer Research Institute of Montréal). The paper is Najim Dehak et al.,
“Front-End Factor Analysis for Speaker Verification,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Percentages in Figures 6 and 7 are out of the total re-identification paper
affiliations and paper citations of all countries in cluster #1419.
China-affiliated re-identification paper citations may be moderately
undercounted because papers from the CNKI dataset, which is a Chinese
publication repository that CSET merged into the Map of Science, can lack
citation data. There were at least 88 CNKI-sourced papers in cluster #1419 that
had null citation values, although many of them were recently published. For
the purpose of this report, we assess that the quantity of missing citations does
not skew the data to a problematic degree.
The sudden and sustained rise in China-affiliated re-identification publication
is tied to many variables, but we assess that it largely stems from the
proliferation of deep learning architectures, datasets, and compute resources,
combined with political, security, and commercial incentives associated with
China’s rapid modernization and urbanization.
The disparity in re-identification paper affiliations between China and other
countries widened rapidly after 2016, with the ratio of U.S.-to-China affiliated
papers being over 1:3 in 2017, 1:4 in 2018, and 1:5 in 2019. The affiliated paper
citation disparity was 1:2 in 2017 and 1:3 in 2018, which is less stark but still
significant. However, Chinese-affiliated papers sometimes lack data on citations
because they are sourced from the CNKI dataset (which can lack data on
citations). Therefore, the lower citations disparity is somewhat skewed, but it is
not highly problematic.
Percentages in Figures 8 and 9 are out of the total speaker recognition paper
affiliations and paper citations of all countries in cluster #6855. Note that the
top countries affiliated with papers are not always the same as the top countries
affiliated with papers that are more frequently cited.
The figure on the number of organizations is an approximation based on MAG
affiliation IDs. Although reaching an exact figure is possible, it can require
extensive manual data cleaning in the current version of the Map of Science.
Approximately 20 percent of re-identification publications in cluster #1419
and 25 percent of speaker recognition publications in cluster #6855 are not
linked to “organization type” metadata. A fully developed and operational Map
of Science will likely address this issue, but it must be recognized that there are
currently blind spots within the data. Areas that lack such visibility are readily
identifiable and can often be addressed manually.
A comprehensive organizational analysis is outside the scope of this report, as
we primarily intend to demonstrate a process for obtaining the information that
enables subsequent policy inquiries. However, the metadata opens multiple
vectors for further analysis and insight. This includes identifying key clusters of
research among organizations (along with their geographic distributions),
fostering collaborative research initiatives with universities and research centers
for specific machine learning cross-sector collaboration (e.g., FFRDCs) and
tracking organizational affiliations with foreign regimes.
The public Map of Science will provide data on individual author countries (in
cases where such information is available).
We must note that two of the papers used to acquire more recent metrics
were published after March 2021 (the month we extracted metadata from the
clusters), therefore they are not included in our version of the clusters but would
be if we repeated the methodology using updated clusters from the most recent
version of the Map of Science.
For more information on the MSMT17 dataset, see Longhui Wei et al., “Person
Transfer GAN to Bridge Domain Gap for Person Re-Identification,” arXiv preprint
arXiv:1711.08565 (2018),
For example, the use of large-scale “pre-training” on much broader vision
recognition datasets.
See Appendix G for details on performance metrics data and sources.
For more information on the VoxCeleb dataset, see Arsha Nagrani, Joon Son
Chung, and Andrew Zisserman, “VoxCeleb: A Large-Scale Speaker Identification
Dataset,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.08612 (2018),
For a more detailed assessment of re-identification and speaker recognition
performance metrics, see Appendix F. For more details on metrics data and
sources, see Appendix G.
Figure 12 is sourced from Daniel Zhang et al., “Artificial Intelligence Index
Report 2021” (Stanford University Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI),
March 2021),
“Leaderboard Version: 2.0,” Gluebenchmark,; “Leaderboard,” Gluebenchmark,; “The GLUE benchmark, introduced a
GLUE and SuperGLUE consist of multiple natural language processing-
related tasks that models are tested against, the results of which are
aggregated into a single score. They were developed because of the emergence
of a new class of highly capable natural language processing models that
leveraged techniques that had previously improved computer vision
(specifically, large-scale pre-training and the use of Transformer architecture
By having multiple types of users, it will become easier to identify and triage
areas for further investment and investigation. For instance, significant demand
for greater country-level granularity regarding research paper affiliation could
spur governmental efforts to develop the capability. Having such demand
signals provides a cheap way to identify areas of shared need.
Papers with Code is an example of such a resource.
For example, one could identify a cluster or clusters related to a topic, extract
all relevant metrics from the cluster publications, ingest them into the
repository, then use both elements (the cluster bibliometrics and the repository
metrics) to analyze the topic more holistically.
“The cluster-level view in the Map of Science is the most granular
aggregation of scientific research publications that provides insight into specific
areas of research without analyzing publications individually,” Autumn Toney
and Melissa Flagg, “Comparing the United States’ and China’s Leading Roles in
the Landscape of Science” (Center for Security and Emerging Technology,
and-chinas-leading-roles-in-the-landscape-of-science/. They are also assigned
broad subject areas and specific research fields using MAG.
“A typical speaker diarization system usually contains multiple steps. First, the
non-speech parts are filtered out by voice activity detection. Second, the speech
Regarding the mediums through which re-identification papers are published
(i.e., document type metadata) and distributed (i.e., database metadata): Most
re-identification papers in our cluster came from conferences between 2010–
2018, but journal publications have increased significantly since 2019. Re-
identification publications’ growth likely began to stagnate in 2020 because
COVID-19 disrupted publishing by forcing changes in the dates of conferences,
through which approximately 41 percent of the re-identification papers in our
cluster have been released. Additionally, this metadata was extracted from the
Map of Science in March 2021, so the datasets may not be fully updated to
reflect all the papers published (and cited) in 2020.
Approximately 19 percent of the papers in cluster #6855 have null citations
metadata. Although some data is missing, many null values are likely because
approximately 12 percent of the papers were published since the year 2019 and
have had limited time to accrue citations that would be reflected in the Map of
For example, systems that do well on MSMT17 tend to do large-scale "pre-
training" on non-re-identification datasets, mirroring the performance trends in
computer vision more broadly.
Dan Hendrycks et al., “Natural Adversarial Examples,” arXiv preprint
arXiv:1907.07174 (2019),
Chuting He et al., “TransReID: Transformer-Based Object Re-Identification,”
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04378 (2021),;
Abdallah Benzine et al., “Deep Miner: A Deep and Multi-Branch Network which
Mines Rich and Diverse Features for Person Re-identification,” arXiv preprint
arXiv:2102.09321 (2021),; Changxing Ding et
al., “Multi-Task Learning with Coarse Priors for Robust Part-Aware Person Re-
Identification,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.08069 (2021),; Tianlong Chen et al., “ABD-Net: Attentive but
Diverse Person Re-Identification,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.01114v3 (2019),; Wei et al., “Person Transfer GAN to Bridge
Domain Gap for Person Re-Identification,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.08565