Lesson 1-Feasib
Lesson 1-Feasib
Lesson 1-Feasib
• An analysis or research into the practicality of a proposed plan or method, based on factors like
marketplace, competition, available, technology, manpower, and financial resources.
(Dictionary.com n.d.)
• An analysis of the ability to complete a project successfully, taking into account the legal,
economic, technological scheduling and other factors. (Investopedia.com n.d.)
• The term systematic implies two things. First, it implies that there is a procedure, or a step-by-
step process involved in the conduct of a feasibility study. An individual conducting a study has to
follow definite procedures in investigating a business opportunity that needs to be addressed.
The procedural steps, however, are not fixed. They can be modified according to the existing
conditions within which the study is conducted.
• Second, systematic means that the whole study is composed of different phases or aspects. Each
phase has unique characteristics that ultimately contribute to the attainment of the objectives of
the whole study. Despite the various aspects of the study having different objectives, they should
be well-coordinated and interdependent. The findings of one aspect should support other areas,
or they may be used in formulating a solution in other areas. This interlocking relationship of the
various parts of the whole system implies that work previously performed may be repeated or
reviewed if new developments or findings arise. The person conducting the study can move
forward to the next phase anytime or move backward by reviewing, modifying, or amending the
findings or results in the previous phases.
• Historical data should come from reliable sources such as the Philippine Statistics Office (PSA),
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Philippine Stock
Exchange (PSE), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Board of Investments
(BOI), and other line agencies of the national government. Historical data, therefore, are not
hypothetical but empirical in character.
• A project feasibility study only applies to a business endeavor. A business is an organization
engaged in lawful commercial activities such as providing products or services for monetary
consideration with the intention of realizing profit. Any study that is not conducted to promote a
business activity and is, instead, done to determine the benefits or needs of a particular community,
similar to a project proposal, cannot be considered a project feasibility study.
• An activity should have the following characteristics to qualify as a business activity:
1. It should be intended for profit.
2. It should be regularly undertaken.
3. It should be financial in character. In some respects, however, a feasibility study is similar to other
studies (e.g., a project
3. It is not rigorously undertaken for new business projects only. A feasibility study may also serve
the requirements of existing businesses, especially on the aspect of plant expansion, additional
product lines, or new business opportunities.
4. It can be credited for a favorable success experienced by a business. Hence, a business without
a good feasibility study is more likely to fail than succeed.
4. It is the most comprehensive medium that can be used to evaluate a project in terms of infusing additional fresh
capital or granting tax exemption incentives. Financial institutions and government agencies could make use of the
results in these areas of the feasibility study.
5. It is an effective tool for evaluating the profitability level and sustainability of a proposed project. Prospective
investors put much weight on this aspect of a project during the analytical process.