Dangers of The Hepatitis B Vaccine

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Dangers1 of the

Hepatitis B vaccine ...

The hepatitis B vaccine is given to U.S. infants
at birth. But there is impressive evidence that
for a preventive measure, hepatitis B vaccine
is remarkable for the frequency, variety, and
severity of complications from its use.

Hepatitis B vaccine has been shown in many

peer-reviewed research papers to be
associated with numerous infant deaths in the
U.S. and Europe, multiple sclerosis and
numerous chronic autoimmune disorders.

According to Child Health Safety, the U.S.

government admitted as much when a Court
found in favor of a plaintiff (deceased by the
time the decision was made) who had
developed systemic lupus erythematosus:

"Tambra Harris ... filed a petition for

compensation alleging that she suffered certain injuries as a result of
receiving a vaccination. Among the injuries petitioner alleged that she had
suffered as a result of receiving a hepatitis B vaccination was systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) ... A lump sum of $475,000.00 in the form of a check
payable to petitioner as Administratrix of the Estate of Tambra Harris."

Since parents' concerns about childhood vaccine safety have greatly increased during the
past five years, a new report also suggests that pediatricians and family physicians should
figure out ways to spend LESS time talking with them about it.

According to American Medical News:

"Because of the amount of time needed to address immunization safety for

these parents, there is a larger burden on pediatricians and family physicians
to address these concerns during well-child appointments."

• Child Health Safety April 25, 2011
• American Journal of Preventive Medicine May 2011; 40(5):548-55
• American Medical News May 2, 2011


Three hepatitis B shots are part of the standard government-recommended childhood
vaccination schedule, with the first dose given at 12 hours of age in the newborn nursery
of most hospitals.

Despite what you may hear in the media, reactions can be serious. In fact, hepatitis B
appears to be one of the most problematic vaccines on the current schedule. As Dr. Jane
Orient of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) testified to

"For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100 times
greater than the risk of hepatitis B."

Now the U.S. government has also conceded that the vaccine carries risks, specifically
they have conceded that it may cause systemic lupus erythematosus.

Nearly Half a Million Dollars Awarded

to Hepatitis B Vaccine Victim
On August 29, 2001, Tambra Harris filed a petition for compensation alleging that she
suffered certain injuries, including lupus (SLE), as a result of receiving a hepatitis B
vaccination. Harris sought an award under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program, and on March 22, 2011 -- nearly 10 years later! -- counsel for both parties filed a
stipulation stating that a decision should be entered awarding compensation.

A lump sum of $475,000 was awarded to the

Estate of Tambra Harris as "compensation for all
damages." Unfortunately, Tambra died in
November 2009, so she never got to see the
result of her petition.

This is only one case of many reported serious

reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine. Routine use
of the hepatitis B vaccine for all newborns
began in 1992, and according to the Vaccine
Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS),
operated jointly by the CDC and FDA, there
were 36,788 officially reported adverse
reactions to hepatitis B vaccines between 1992
and 2005. Of these, 14,800 were serious
enough to cause hospitalization, life-
threatening health events or permanent

And 781 people were reported to have DIED

following hepatitis B vaccination -- and this is
likely an underestimate because only a fraction
of the serious health problems, including
deaths, following vaccination are ever acknowledged due to a lack of
public awareness about how to recognize signs and symptoms of vaccine reactions.

Vaccine adverse events are substantially underreported—some estimate by as much as
90 percent—even though the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 mandated that
all doctors and other vaccine providers report serious health problems, including
hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following vaccination.

The 1986 Act did not include sanctions for failing to report potential vaccine reactions to
VAERS and so most vaccine providers do not file a report when the health of a person
recently vaccinated begins to deteriorate. Many vaccine reactions are not even recognized
by medical personnel as vaccine-related.

For instance, when babies die after hep B vaccinations, most of the time their deaths are
automatically attributed to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) without investigation into
whether the vaccine caused the baby's sudden death. When a baby's death is listed as
"SIDS," rarely does anyone ask about the deceased infant's vaccination history to find out
whether there were symptoms of vaccine reactions before death.

You Catch Hepatitis B the Same Way You Catch AIDS

The serious safety risks surrounding the hep B shot become even more unacceptable
when you look into how the disease is actually transmitted. Hepatitis B is a viral infection
that affects your liver, and spreads through direct contact with the body fluids (particularly
blood and semen) of an infected person.

Hepatitis B is a primarily blood-transmitted disease associated with lifestyle choices such

as unprotected sex with multiple partners and intravenous drug use involving sharing
needles—it is NOT primarily a "children's disease" or that of newborn babies!

As the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) reported in the 1990's, after the federal
government licensed and began promoting universal use of hepatitis B vaccine for all
newborn infants and children:

"In increasing numbers, parents across the country are contacting the
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) to report opposition to
regulations being enacted by state health department officials that legally
require children to be injected with three doses of hepatitis B vaccine before
being allowed to attend daycare, kindergarten, elementary school, high
school or college.

Simultaneously, as more schools and employers bow to pressure from

government health officials and require individuals to show proof they have
been injected with hepatitis B vaccine before being allowed to get an
education or a job, reports of serious health problems following hepatitis B
vaccination among children and adults are multiplying."

What Other Side Effects are Associated with Hep B Vaccine?

Common reactions include fatigue, muscle weakness, fever, headache, irritability, and joint
pain. But there have been reports of disabling neurological and immunological disorders
that have developed following hepatitis B vaccinations as well, including:

Multiple sclerosis (MS) Guillain Barre syndrome Bell's Palsy

Diabetes Rheumatoid arthritis Lupus

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Convulsions and brain disorders such as encephalitis

Immune dysfunction
purpura (brain swelling) and brain demyelination

Visual and hearing impairments,

Pancreatitis Autism spectrum disorders
including optic neuritis

A study published September 2009 in Annals of Epidemiology also found that giving
hepatitis B vaccine to infant boys more than tripled their risk for an autism spectrum
disorder. This was doubly concerning because an earlier study by the same researcher
group, using a different database, found the same results.

For all of these serious risks, what is your baby getting in return? Consider that not only do
infants and children rarely acquire hepatitis B, but vaccines only confer temporary, partial
immunity and the length of time you are protected from hepatitis B after receiving the
vaccine series has gotten shorter and shorter as studies have revealed antibody levels
decline much more rapidly than vaccine developers and policymakers expected.

What this means is that by the time your child may be exposed to hepatitis B, the vaccine
they received at birth will likely no longer offer them protection. So why vaccinate them at
birth, especially considering that babies have been found to respond to the vaccine by
having an intense, persistent and completely abnormal immune response, which could
ultimately result in your child developing permanent brain and immune system

It is not logical. Makes no sense, none, nada, zip. This is a seriously flawed public health
policy recommendation that is not backed up by good science.

Doctors Actually Encouraged to Spend LESS Time Warning

of Vaccine Dangers!
The knowledge that vaccines carry risks is becoming more widespread in the United
States and other developed countries as more children and adults are getting vaccinated
with multiple vaccines and suffering serious health problems that become permanent.

At the same time, parents are asking doctors more questions about why vaccines are not
making their children healthier but are making them sicker and doctors and public health
officials have no answers.

The bottom line is that, as more people become educated about vaccine side effects, they
are demanding to take control of their health. It is a GREAT sign, as it means the more
people are educating themselves, the more they are taking responsibility for making their
own health care decisions.

In fact, according to a new report in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine nearly 80
percent of pediatricians and family care physicians have at least one vaccine refusal a
month, and 89 percent have at least one request a month to spread out the administration
of vaccines over multiple visits.

The conclusion of the report, though, was

that as parents become more aware of
vaccine safety concerns, physicians are
having to take more time discussing this at

And this, the report found, was making their

jobs "less satisfying," especially for

That's right, the study found that 46 percent

of pediatricians reported their job was less
satisfying because of parental vaccine
concerns. After all, the study shows that
about one in two doctors may spend up to
19 minutes on the topic with parents who
have substantial immunization concerns.
The researchers actually concluded:

"The burden of communicating with

parents about vaccines is high,
especially among pediatricians.
Physicians report the greatest success convincing skeptical parents using
messages that rely on their personal choices and experiences."

In other words, since it's apparently simply too much trouble for pediatricians to address
the valid concerns of parents AND because pediatricians do not have good answers for
why so many highly vaccinated children are so sick, perhaps they shouldn't bother
answering questions, or perhaps they should instill their own personal beliefs and vaccine
risk denial onto patients in an effort to shut them up quickly.

I guess when it comes to the safety of a child, 19 minutes is too much to ask of many
pediatricians. If yours is one of them, I suggest you find a new pediatrician, pronto.
Remember you can always FIRE your doctor. It is YOUR right and YOUR choice to take
control of your health and your family's health and you should NEVER allow any doctor to
interfere with that right.

What Every Parent Should Know About

I want to remind you that you have every right to not only ask questions about vaccine
safety, but also to decide which vaccinations you would like to receive or decline for
yourself and your children. I highly recommend all parents consider the following steps
before consenting to vaccinations, including hepatitis B:

Educate yourself about vaccination, including reading the vaccine manufacturer
product inserts for vaccines that your doctor is recommending and reviewing
vaccine information on this website and websites like NVIC.org.
Help educate your family, and your community by circulating this newsletter among
your friends, neighbors, doctors, lawyers, teachers, school principles, nurses, local
newspaper, TV and radio stations. Send a copy of this newsletter with a personal
note to your elected representatives.
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) provides information for
consumers about vaccines and diseases and works to protect vaccine choices.
Register today for the NVIC Advocacy Portal, an online interactive database and
communication system that will help YOU protect vaccine exemptions in YOUR
Report vaccine reactions to the federal government (VAERS) and to the NVIC
Vaccine Reaction Registry by visiting the NVIC website. This reporting is
EXTREMELY important and necessary if we are to accelerate change.
If you are pregnant, get tested for hepatitis B disease. If you are infected, your baby
may be at higher risk for becoming infected with hepatitis B and is a candidate for
vaccination, so you should explore all sides of the issue with your physician.
Stand up for your informed consent rights. If you are opposed to the hepatitis B
vaccine for your baby at birth, you can amend the "consent for medical treatment"
forms you sign upon entering the hospital before giving birth by writing on the form
that you do not give consent for your baby's hepatitis B vaccination in the newborn
However, there are reports that some newborns are being vaccinated in the
newborn nursery against the parent's wishes. So it is a good idea to keep your
newborn with you at all times or have a family member stay with the baby while in
the hospital.
Vaccine exemptions: Although hepatitis B vaccines may be "mandated" for your
child to attend school, each state offers different legal exemptions (medical,
religious, and philosophical). Research your state's specific vaccine requirements
and find out what kind of exemption to vaccination you are allowed to exercise in
your state.

Related Links:
• Refuse This Routine Procedure - Or Expose Your Baby's Brain to Severe Danger...
• Hepatitis B Vaccine Triples the Risk of Autism in Infant Boys
• Hepatitis B Vaccinations: Michael Belkin Testimony to Congress

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