NOVEMBER 24, 2010 - : Negative Questions
NOVEMBER 24, 2010 - : Negative Questions
NOVEMBER 24, 2010 - : Negative Questions
Didn’t you see Ann yesterday? How is she doing? (= I believe that you saw Ann yesterday.)
You may also express your opinions in a more polite way by changing them into negative questions.
Wouldn’t it be nice to paint that wall green? (More polite than ‘It would be nice to paint that wall
A negative question can also be used to ask for confirmation of a negative belief. In this case the speaker is
surprised that something has not happened or is not happening.
Negative questions
Negative questions are of two kinds: contracted and uncontracted. They have different word order.
Don't you understand?
Aren't they ready?
Do you not understand?
Contracted negative questions beginning with Won't you ...? Wouldn't you...? or Why don't you ...? are very
1. Auxiliary Verbs
2. Negative sentences
3. Yes / No questions
4. Wh questions
5. Wh Subject questions
6. Summary
1. Auxiliary Verbs
The verb forms used as auxiliary verbs in English are:
1. to be
am,is,are was,were be,been,being
2. to do
3. to have
have,has had having
The Negation Rule: In English, in order to claim that something is not true,
you form a negative sentence by adding the word not after the first auxiliary verb in the positive sentence.
If there is no auxiliary verb in the positive sentence, as in the Present Simple and Past Simple tenses,
then you add one (in both these cases, the auxiliary verb do).
Watch out:
• When an auxiliary verb (including modals) is used, the main verb is not inflected (no s or ed ending),
meaning that either the base form or past participle is used.
Review the following table for examples of negation in English. Some examples use the contracted forms
more used in informal writing and speech, and some others use the full forms.
Tense Negative Element Example
+ contracted forms
Present Simple do+not = don’t I do not play.
does+not = doesn’t She doesn’t play.
Past Simple did+not = didn’t I didn’t play.
Present Progressive am + not (*no amn’t) I am not playing.
is+not = isn’t He is not playing.
are+not = aren't We aren’t playing.
Past Progressive was+not = wasn’t I wasn’t playing.
were+not = weren’t They were not playing.
Present Perfect have+not = haven’t You haven’t played.
has+not = hasn’t She has not played.
Present Perfect have+not+been= haven’t been I have not been playing.
Progressive has+not+been = hasn’t been She hasn’t been playing.
Past Perfect had+not = hadn’t You hadn’t played.
Past Perfect had+not+been = hadn’t been She hadn’t been playing.
Tense Negative Element Example
+ contracted forms
Future Simple will+not = won’t I won’t play.
Future Perfect will+not+have = won’t have He will not have played.
Conditional would+not She wouldn’t play.
Conditional perfect would+not+have She wouldn’t have played.
Modals can + not = can’t or cannot (formal) I can’t play.
should+not = shouldn’t I cannot play.
We shouldn’t play.
In informal writing settings, you can contract the auxiliary verb with either the sentence subject or the word not.
In formal writing settings, refrain from contracting any words.
She is not playing. [formal]
She isn’t playing. = She’s not playing. [informal]
A question (interrogative sentence) asks about some missing information the speaker would like to have.
There are 3 types of questions in English, each asking about a different kind of requested information,
and having a different formation rule. Questions usually use a rising intonation towards the end of the sentence,
also in positive sentences used as questions.
You like ice-cream ?
[positive sentence intonated as a question]
The Y/N Question Rule: To form a yes/no question in English, transfer the first auxiliary verb that appears
before the main verb in the positive sentence to the position before the subject.
If there is no auxiliary verb, as in the Present Simple and Past Simple, then you add one (in both these cases,
the auxiliary verb do).
Watch out:
• When an auxiliary verb (including modals) is used, the main verb is not inflected (no s or ed ending),
meaning that either the base form or past participle is used.
The Wh Question Rule: To form a Wh question in English, add a Wh question word before the corresponding
yes/no question.
Watch out:
• When an auxiliary verb (including modals) is used, the main verb is not inflected (no s or ed ending),
meaning that either the base form or past participle is used.
Watch out:
• There is no auxiliary verb in Wh Subject questions in the Present Simple and Past Simple tenses.
The question word simply replaces the subject.
• In the present tenses, the verb is always in the third person singular, using the appropriate verb form.