Polite Questions
Polite Questions
Polite Questions
There are three types of questions in English: direct, indirect, and question tags. Direct and indirect questions
are used to ask for information you do not know, while question tags are generally used to clarify or confirm the
information you think you know.
Each of these three question types can be used politely, but certain indirect forms are more formal and polite
than other types of questions. One form to avoid when asking for things is the imperative form. Saying "Give
me that" (imperative) instead of "Could you give me that" (indirect) puts you at risk of sounding rude. To learn
more about how to ask polite questions, and use each form correctly, check out the overview below.
Direct questions are either yes/no questions such as "Are you married?" or information questions such as
"Where do you live?" Direct questions ask for information immediately without including extra language such
as "I wonder" or "Can you tell me."
Direct questions place the helping verb before the subject of the question:
Direct questions can seem abrupt or even impolite at times, especially when asked by a stranger. For example, if
you come up to someone and ask:
There is nothing wrong with asking questions in this manner, but to sound more polite, it's very common to add
"excuse me" or "pardon me" at the beginning of a question. For example:
In informal situations, one could use the word "can" in a direct sentence. In the United States, "can" is
considered to be incorrect for written English in particular because, in the past, it was not a word used when
asking for something. Saying "May I have" instead of "Can I have" is preferred in the U.S. In the United
Kingdom, the word is not frowned upon. Cambridge University publishes English teaching materials with the
phrase "Can you lend me," "Can I have," etc.
In both countries, questions with "can" are made more polite by using "could:"
Another way of making direct questions more polite is to add "please" at the end of the question. Please should
not appear at the beginning of the question:
"May" is used as a formal means to ask for permission and is very polite. It is usually used with "I," and
sometimes "we."
Using indirect question forms is especially polite. Indirect questions request the same information as direct
questions, but they are considered more formal. Notice that indirect questions begin with a phrase ("I wonder,"
"Do you think," "Would you mind," etc.).
Indirect questions always begin with an introductory phrase and unlike direct questions, they do not invert the
subject. To form an indirect question, use an introductory phrase followed by question words for information
questions, and "if" or "whether" for yes/no questions.
NOTE: If you are asking a "yes-no" question, use "if" to connect the introductory phrase with the actual
question statement.
Otherwise, use a question word "where, when, why, or how" to connect the two phrases.
Question tags turn statements into questions. Depending on the intonation of the voice, they are used to verify
information that we think is correct or to ask for more information. If the voice goes up at the end of the
sentence, the person is asking for more information. If the voice drops, someone is confirming information that
is known.
We can understand question tags as having two parts separated by a comma. The first part uses the subject
followed by a helping verb as used in direct questions ("Has she"). The second part uses the opposite form of
the helping verb followed by the same subject ("Hasn't she").
First, identify which type of question is asked (i.e. direct, indirect, or question tag). Next, provide a missing
word to fill in the gap to complete the question.
1. where
2. will
3. if/whether
4. Excuse/Pardon
5. could/would
6. has
7. May
8. when / what time