Action Research On Isaw Copy 2
Action Research On Isaw Copy 2
Action Research On Isaw Copy 2
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Guihulngan City
An Action Research
Conducted By:
are frequently insufficient. Many times, dictionaries and textbooks are lacking in schools.
Due to the lack of a credential to teach English subject, the lack of training, and the
may be exacerbated by the fact that teachers and students may not have any opportunity
to use English outside of the classroom and may speak multiple main and instructional
teacher. Whether a teacher is a fresh graduate or an experienced one, there will always be
a need to adopt, improve and improvise teaching strategies to adapt to the ever-changing
world of the learners. Students who want to write well must have a solid comprehension
of sentences. Perhaps needless to say, the more comfortable students are with their ability
to construct sentences, the less they need to concentrate on the sentence construction
portion. It allows them to experiment with their word choice, sentence structure, and
writing style. Only when a person is grammatically skilled can do the two. Even though
only needs the skills in reading and comprehension but also to be able to write and speak
Learning gaps in the different learning areas encountered during the previous
Division envision learning continuity. In its continuous efforts to uphold the teaching-
learning process amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, an advocacy of the expansion of limited
Face-to-face classes across the City Division is conducted. Allowing the English teachers
to deliver quality and efficient instructions especially in the learning gap of writing skills
Constructing and using sentences as a basic skill is more productive when there
instructional learning materials in the English subject is evident. Funds are not enough to
cater to the needs on instructional materials needed in the two grade 7 sections of
Gerasimo Silva Villegas Sr. National High School. This is evident during the result of the
First Quarter Examination, as 65% or 42 out of 52 grade 7 students got low scores in
sentence construction. During post evaluation conference, the students raised their
With this reality, the researcher would like to find out the effects of Image to
shortage of the learning material and poor basic sentence construction skill of the grade 7
English students. The intervention material will be utilized on the second quarter of
school year 2022-2023 of Gerasimo Silva Villegas Sr. National High School.
Research Question
Image to Sentence Activity Workbook (iSAW) for the identified 42 Grade 7 learners of
Gerasimo Silva Villegas Sr. National High School of the School Year 2022-2023, to help
Proposed Intervention
The intervention that the researcher intends to apply is the Image to Sentence
Activity Workbook (iSAW). This said intervention is to give access to both English
teachers and grade 7 students of Gerasimo Silva Villegas Sr. National High School for
the researcher will create the contextualized intervention material iSAW which intends to
have a multimodal front page. The second page will give the MELCs’ least mastered skill
to be addressed and the intervention’s objective, such as: a. Recognize content images or
pictures to formulate basic sentence; b. Construct basic sentence out of the image or
picture, jumbled pictures and given phrases or clauses and; c. Evaluate one’s formulated
basic sentence. The succeeding pages will be on the different activities for sentence
construction: the first activity is on Picture-to-Text, where the students will recognize
pictures or images as the content word of the sentences they need to construct; the next
page is activity two, where there are jumbled tableaus which the students need to arrange
to form meaningful sentences; the next page is activity three, where in pictures/images
together with phrases and/or clauses are shown to let students formulate semantically and
syntactically sentences. The last page is a self-assessment or reflection tool for the
students to evaluate their selves as to the level of their understanding and performance on
the sentence construction skill they will undergo. There will also be a pre-test on the level
of learners’ skill in sentence construction, thus the result will be recorded confidentially.
The second step will be the actual implementation of the project. Once students’
level of performance are identified, the iSAW will be utilized three times a week.
Furthermore, there will six different iSAW for six weeks of the utilization of the
The last and third step is the post-test of the level of performance of the sentence
construction skill where in the intervention will be assessed in terms of its effectiveness
and during this time there will be a significant improvement or no improvement at all.
This action research will utilize purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a kind
of sampling where respondents are chosen subjectively (Klar & Leeper, 2019).
Participants are learners who are identified through the results of the First Quarter
Examination of Gerasimo Silva Villegas Sr. National High School of the School Year
2022-2023. The samples are the 42 learners out of the 52 or the 80% of the whole Grade
current happenings. Descriptive research examines phenomena that appear after receiving
treatment for a while. The behaviours shown in descriptive are already accessible studies.
A researcher must gather the accessible data using many methods, including tests,
studied (Atmowardoyo, 2018). This action research is descriptive in the sense that it
this will also describe the effect of iSAW on the learners’ performance on sentence
Division where the researcher is assigned. Before the researcher is assigned in the locale
of the study, the said school is not yet separated and considered as an annex school. In the
year 2020, the school was granted with its School ID, was separated and renamed to
While the school has achieved its milestone, there is a decrease of population
during the in-person classes. Despite the fact the school offered Senior High School, in
which the supposed Grade 10 graduates must prefer to enrol in the offered Senior High
courses, the said learners opted to transfer to other schools which offer tangible and
The school needless to say lacks in so many aspects; this includes the learning
facilities, like classrooms, where it only have three makeshift rooms and four concrete
classrooms. Unfortunately, two out of the three makeshifts room were devastated and
fully dilapidated by the typhoon Odette on the year 2021. Moreover, all the classrooms’
things and supplies including the Self Learning Module (SLM) and Textbooks were also
ruined by the catastrophe. Disabling the said school to produce and print another set of
SLM to be used by the learners, instead the school choose more important and more
Pre Administration of Tool. The researcher will craft a test questionnaire which
will focus on the sentence construction competency. The questionnaire will consist of 10
items and will undergo content validation by three experts of the Division of Guihulnagn
City. One of the experts will be the EPS in English of Guihulngan City Division. The
next expert is one of the Master Teacher in English of Guihulngan City Division. The
third expert will be the Cluster English Coordinator of Guihulngan City Division. After
the approval of the said questionnaire, the researcher will orient the participants on how
to the participants wherein the participants will try to construct basic sentences according
to given patterns. The participants will only be given two (2) minutes per item to answer
each question a total of 20 minutes for the whole questionnaire. This will be done in-
After Administration of Tool. After the allotted time given to the participants,
the researcher will collect the answered test questionnaires. The test questionnaires will
be coded with the numbers, starting from 1 up to 42. In this manner, the confidentiality of
with emphasis on the questions that most of the students got a wrong answer. The iSAW
will focus on the top 3 sentence pattern construction that needs immediate intervention.
The data will be analysed using simple mean. Mean is the simple mathematical
average of a set of two or more numbers (Hayes, 2022). The test questionnaire is a self-
crafted made by the researcher. This test questionnaire follows 10 items of the top 5
sentence pattern, wherein each item will be analyzed through item analysis, percenatges
The researcher will use the iSAW to enhance the performance level of Grade V
pupils was determined using the frequency counts, percentages and average weighted
mean. A 40-test items pretest and posttest were administered. The mean ratings of
teachers who assess the validity of the SIM and test items were computed separately and
their average was obtained. Only the averages are presented in this paper. The items were
assigned the following points: Very Highly Useful (VHU)/ Excellent (4.21 – 5.00);
Highly Useful (HU)/ Very Good (3:41 - 4:20); Moderately Useful (MU)/ Good (2:61 -
3:40); Slightly Useful (SU)/ Fair (1:81 - 2:60); Not Useful (NU)/ Needs Improvement
(1:00 - 1:80).
The results were tabulated and determined as the significant improvement noted on the
performance of the Grave V pupils before and after using the proposed.